AT5G37055 AT3G12810 pull down|Reconstituted Complex|coimmunoprecipitation|in vitro AT3G33520 AT3G12810 pull down|Reconstituted Complex|coimmunoprecipitation|in vitro AT5G37055 AT3G33520 in vitro|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|pull down|Reconstituted Complex|coimmunoprecipitation|in vitro AT5G13530 AT2G36270 pull down|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT2G46340 AT2G46340 confocal microscopy|Reconstituted Complex|protein complementation assay|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|affinity technology|split-reporter assay AT4G23810 AT1G54040 coimmunoprecipitation|Affinity Capture-Western|protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT2G01830 AT2G45820 two hybrid AT3G48100 AT5G46430 two hybrid AT3G48100 AT4G34670 two hybrid AT3G48100 AT4G29040 two hybrid AT3G48100 AT2G30410 two hybrid AT3G48100 AT2G30490 two hybrid AT1G59940 AT5G48990 two hybrid AT1G59940 AT1G29990 two hybrid AT1G59940 AT5G53880 two hybrid AT1G10470 AT3G57670 two hybrid AT1G10470 AT3G12620 two hybrid AT3G48100 AT5G39340 pull down|two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G48100 AT3G29350 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G48100 AT3G48040 two hybrid AT2G01830 AT5G10940 two hybrid AT2G01830 AT2G47950 two hybrid AT1G03430 AT1G10470 two hybrid AT1G03430 AT3G16857 two hybrid AT1G03430 AT3G02065 two hybrid AT1G59940 AT5G39340 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G29350 AT1G59940 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G59940 AT3G21510 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G48100 AT5G54490 two hybrid AT3G48100 AT5G26830 two hybrid AT3G48100 AT3G44110 two hybrid AT5G35750 AT5G42650 two hybrid AT5G35750 AT5G63790 two hybrid AT5G35750 AT5G11490 two hybrid AT5G43430 AT1G50940 two hybrid AT5G35750 AT1G26270 interaction detection method|two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G35750 AT5G64070 pull down|two hybrid AT5G35750 AT3G09130 two hybrid AT5G35750 AT1G65430 two hybrid AT5G35750 AT1G77370 two hybrid AT4G25560 AT1G02340 in vitro|affinity technology|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Enhancement|pull down|confocal microscopy AT1G02340 AT1G53720 pull down AT1G53720 AT1G53720 pull down AT4G35800 AT1G53720 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology|in vitro|coimmunoprecipitation AT1G53720 AT3G61860 pull down|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT1G53720 AT4G25500 pull down|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G57090 AT2G34650 interaction detection method AT5G16840 AT2G34690 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G32950 AT1G02340 two hybrid|coimmunoprecipitation|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|biochemical|enzymatic study|pull down|pull down|confocal microscopy|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation|in vitro|affinity technology|in vitro AT4G39670 AT3G60600 AT3G09920 AT1G35580 coimmunoprecipitation|affinity technology|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|confocal microscopy AT4G27780 AT4G38580 pull down|confocal microscopy|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G17790 AT5G53530 AT5G53530 AT1G53720 pull down AT5G53530 AT1G66150 filter binding AT2G47190 AT4G09820 AT4G09820 AT4G09820 AT1G56650 AT4G09820 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT1G63650 AT2G47190 AT3G48100 AT5G46250 two hybrid AT3G48100 AT3G27920 AT2G34650 AT2G34650 interaction detection method AT2G34650 AT1G73590 interaction detection method|protein kinase assay AT3G48100 AT1G68790 two hybrid AT3G48100 AT1G52070 two hybrid AT3G48100 AT5G08720 two hybrid AT3G48100 AT5G62440 two hybrid AT1G02340 AT1G02340 pull down|coimmunoprecipitation AT4G26070 AT4G01370 two hybrid|protein kinase assay|protein complementation assay|split-reporter assay|two hybrid AT4G26070 AT4G08500 two hybrid|two hybrid|coimmunoprecipitation|two hybrid|protein complementation assay|coimmunoprecipitation|split-reporter assay AT1G55250 AT1G55250 AT2G44950 AT2G44950 two hybrid AT1G17580 AT1G17580 AT5G67060 AT4G36930 two hybrid AT5G09750 AT4G36930 two hybrid AT3G47810 AT2G17790 AT3G47810 AT5G53530 AT3G47810 AT4G27690 AT3G47810 AT5G06140 AT4G08500 AT5G06140 far western blotting AT4G08500 AT5G35750 AT5G35750 AT3G52920 two hybrid AT5G35750 AT5G42060 two hybrid AT1G27320 AT5G43560 two hybrid AT1G55250 AT2G44950 AT2G01830 AT3G29350 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G01830 AT2G38280 pull down|two hybrid AT2G01830 AT5G58090 two hybrid AT3G48100 AT5G19650 two hybrid AT3G48100 AT1G13030 two hybrid AT3G48100 AT4G17240 two hybrid AT5G62920 AT5G43170 two hybrid AT5G62920 AT5G63460 two hybrid AT5G62920 AT5G65630 two hybrid AT5G62920 AT5G28490 two hybrid AT1G19050 AT5G39340 pull down|two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G19050 AT3G29350 pull down|two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G19050 AT5G42020 two hybrid AT1G55250 AT1G14400 AT1G14400 AT2G44950 two hybrid AT2G02760 AT2G44950 two hybrid AT2G02760 AT1G55250 AT5G19280 AT1G55250 far western blotting AT5G19280 AT1G75820 biochemical|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|filter binding|protein kinase assay|phosphatase assay|far western blotting|Co-crystal Structure|Affinity Capture-Western|biochemical|Co-crystallization|coimmunoprecipitation AT3G20550 AT1G01040 pull down AT1G19050 AT5G48630 two hybrid AT1G19050 AT1G68790 two hybrid AT2G24790 AT2G32950 two hybrid AT5G35750 AT5G42080 pull down|two hybrid AT2G01830 AT5G20290 two hybrid AT1G74890 AT1G29920 two hybrid AT1G74890 AT5G08720 two hybrid AT3G27830 AT5G35750 AT5G19280 AT1G01040 biochemical AT4G08500 AT4G23810 protein kinase assay|protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT2G01830 AT1G79530 two hybrid AT1G79530 AT1G53720 AT2G01830 AT1G13440 two hybrid AT2G01830 AT1G13980 two hybrid AT2G01830 AT1G08430 two hybrid AT2G01830 AT5G28490 two hybrid AT5G35750 AT3G10020 two hybrid AT5G35750 AT3G29350 pull down|two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G35750 AT5G39340 pull down|two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G35750 AT4G27130 two hybrid AT5G35750 AT5G08790 two hybrid AT5G35750 AT3G11100 two hybrid AT5G35750 AT3G18990 two hybrid AT5G35750 AT5G53950 two hybrid AT5G35750 AT2G20580 AT5G35750 AT1G31810 two hybrid AT2G46020 AT1G21700 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|pull down AT4G25560 AT1G80350 AT5G10470 AT1G80350 AT1G80350 AT1G80350 AT3G18980 AT5G03280 pull down AT5G46210 AT4G05420 two hybrid|in vitro|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|pull down|pull down|pull down|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G75540 AT5G11260 AT2G32950 AT1G75540 confocal microscopy AT1G75410 AT2G23760 two hybrid AT4G38130 AT5G22570 AT4G38130 AT5G01900 interaction detection method AT5G01900 AT4G24440 AT4G34610 AT1G06920 two hybrid AT5G35750 AT5G62740 pull down|two hybrid AT5G35750 AT1G53900 two hybrid AT5G35750 AT5G13120 pull down|two hybrid AT5G35750 AT4G29040 two hybrid AT5G35750 AT1G67090 AT5G35750 AT1G22450 two hybrid AT5G35750 AT4G27160 pull down|two hybrid AT5G35750 AT5G07010 two hybrid AT5G35750 AT5G11740 two hybrid AT2G01830 AT3G51630 pull down|two hybrid AT1G07770 AT2G01830 AT2G01830 AT1G25260 two hybrid AT2G01830 AT2G23760 two hybrid AT2G01830 AT1G51650 two hybrid AT2G01830 AT2G05070 two hybrid AT2G01830 AT2G45960 two hybrid AT2G01830 AT5G60570 two hybrid AT2G01830 AT4G15630 pull down|two hybrid AT2G01830 AT5G59613 two hybrid AT5G39340 AT3G57040 two hybrid AT4G23140 AT3G57040 filter binding AT5G19280 AT3G57040 filter binding AT5G19280 AT4G23140 filter binding|far western blotting|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G19280 AT4G23180 filter binding AT1G21750 AT3G19390 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT1G21750 AT5G43060 two hybrid AT1G21750 AT1G47128 electron microscopy AT5G01900 AT1G21750 AT5G01900 AT5G22570 AT3G48750 AT2G23430 two hybrid|two hybrid|pull down|Reconstituted Complex|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|protein complementation assay|in vitro|in vitro|two hybrid AT1G70210 AT2G23430 AT2G23430 AT2G22490 protein complementation assay AT4G31800 AT1G80840 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT4G34160 AT2G23430 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|protein complementation assay|in vitro|in vitro|two hybrid AT4G17615 AT3G17510 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|pull down|pull down|two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT4G26570 AT3G17510 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G26570 AT5G07070 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G26570 AT2G26980 two hybrid AT5G10930 AT4G17615 two hybrid AT4G26570 AT5G10930 two hybrid AT5G10930 AT5G24270 two hybrid AT5G24270 AT4G30960 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G26570 AT4G30960 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G17615 AT4G30960 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G26980 AT4G17615 two hybrid AT4G17615 AT5G07070 AT3G23000 AT4G17615 AT4G24400 AT4G17615 AT4G17615 AT1G48260 AT4G17615 AT1G29230 AT4G17615 AT5G35410 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT4G17615 AT2G30360 AT4G17615 AT4G18700 AT1G30270 AT4G17615 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47100 AT3G17510 interaction detection method|interaction detection method|protein complementation assay|interaction detection method AT5G47100 AT5G10930 AT4G21100 AT5G46210 Affinity Capture-Western|pull down|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro AT5G46210 AT5G20570 two hybrid|two hybrid|pull down|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology|two hybrid AT5G20570 AT1G26830 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|pull down|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|two hybrid AT4G05420 AT4G10180 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT4G05420 AT5G58760 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G24400 AT5G47100 AT5G47100 AT1G48260 AT5G47100 AT1G29230 AT5G47100 AT5G35410 AT1G30270 AT5G47100 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47100 AT5G57630 AT2G25090 AT5G47100 AT4G18700 AT5G47100 AT2G30360 AT5G47100 AT5G58380 AT5G47100 AT5G35410 AT4G33000 pull down|filter binding|protein kinase assay|Reconstituted Complex|protein complementation assay|in vitro AT4G33000 AT3G54840 confocal microscopy AT4G33000 AT4G19640 confocal microscopy AT3G54650 AT1G10940 AT4G02570 AT1G10940 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|affinity technology AT3G54650 AT3G19150 AT3G54650 AT1G49620 interaction detection method AT3G62980 AT1G10940 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT3G54650 AT2G32710 AT2G01830 AT1G62070 two hybrid AT2G01830 AT3G11070 two hybrid AT1G17760 AT1G71800 AT5G35750 AT1G33140 two hybrid AT5G35750 AT1G69840 pull down|two hybrid AT5G35750 AT3G48600 two hybrid AT5G35750 AT1G64330 two hybrid AT5G35750 AT2G15300 two hybrid AT5G35750 AT5G52410 two hybrid AT5G01820 AT5G55990 two hybrid|pull down|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT5G20850 AT5G01820 AT5G64920 AT2G32950 two hybrid|in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|pull down|pull down|two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G22880 AT5G64920 AT5G20850 AT5G20850 interaction detection method|interaction detection method AT5G20850 AT3G22880 Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT3G22880 AT3G22880 AT5G57360 AT4G08920 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G57360 AT2G18790 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G16070 AT5G42480 confocal microscopy|pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT1G02840 AT2G16070 pull down AT5G64920 AT5G11260 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT5G64920 AT5G41700 pull down|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G23380 AT3G20740 pull down|interaction detection method|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT1G04240 AT3G62980 pull down|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT1G04240 AT2G18790 pull down|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G52180 AT3G29160 two hybrid|pull down|pull down|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G29160 AT3G56860 pull down AT3G56860 AT3G56860 pull down|two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G54080 AT3G56860 AT3G14100 AT3G56860 AT3G45640 AT5G63310 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT2G43790 AT5G63310 two hybrid AT3G21640 AT3G28860 two hybrid AT3G21640 AT2G36910 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Co-purification AT3G21640 AT1G27940 AT5G35550 AT5G35550 two hybrid AT4G27780 AT3G16770 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G13920 AT3G48750 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G17590 AT2G33610 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G33610 AT2G33610 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G33610 AT1G21700 pull down|two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G26300 AT1G48270 affinity technology|two hybrid|two hybrid|protein complementation assay|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G42980 AT1G48270 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT5G35630 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT1G17290 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT1G04410 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT1G65930 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT2G15620 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT3G52960 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT4G25130 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT5G16710 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT1G07890 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT2G47730 enzymatic study AT3G27000 AT1G13180 AT3G27000 AT2G46225 AT1G13180 AT2G46225 AT1G13180 AT3G49290 AT2G22640 AT1G13180 AT1G29170 AT1G13180 AT2G31300 AT4G14147 AT1G30825 AT1G29170 AT4G14147 AT1G29170 AT4G14147 AT2G46225 AT3G49290 AT2G46225 AT2G22640 AT2G46225 AT2G34150 AT2G46225 AT2G46225 AT2G38440 two hybrid AT1G29170 AT2G38440 AT4G01710 AT4G14147 AT5G37500 AT5G37500 two hybrid AT3G02850 AT3G02850 two hybrid AT3G02850 AT5G37500 two hybrid AT1G49950 AT5G06310 AT1G49950 AT3G49850 AT1G49950 AT1G49950 AT1G49950 AT1G16970 AT5G13070 AT3G46090 AT3G46090 AT1G53850 AT4G24210 AT2G01570 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|pull down|3 hybrid method|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT4G24210 AT1G14920 two hybrid|two hybrid|pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G27130 AT5G65330 two hybrid AT5G27130 AT5G58890 two hybrid AT5G27130 AT3G18650 two hybrid AT4G36590 AT1G65330 two hybrid AT4G36590 AT1G65300 two hybrid AT5G62165 AT2G45650 two hybrid AT3G05860 AT4G36590 two hybrid AT5G60440 AT1G65300 two hybrid AT5G27960 AT5G60440 two hybrid AT2G40210 AT1G29962 AT5G38740 AT1G29962 AT2G03710 AT1G29962 AT2G45650 AT1G29962 AT1G18750 AT1G29962 AT5G58890 AT1G29962 AT5G27960 AT1G29962 AT1G29962 AT5G06500 AT5G06500 AT5G38620 AT5G38620 AT5G40220 two hybrid AT5G38620 AT4G11250 two hybrid AT5G38620 AT5G27070 two hybrid AT5G38620 AT5G38740 two hybrid AT1G53720 AT1G09140 confocal microscopy|pull down|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G39940 AT1G75950 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|coimmunoprecipitation AT5G42190 AT2G39940 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT4G34210 AT2G39940 two hybrid AT4G34470 AT2G39940 two hybrid AT2G25490 AT1G75950 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G42190 AT2G25490 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G34210 AT2G25490 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G33610 AT4G16280 two hybrid AT4G37940 AT2G22630 two hybrid AT4G37940 AT4G22950 two hybrid AT4G37940 AT2G45660 two hybrid AT4G37940 AT4G37940 two hybrid AT4G37940 AT2G22540 two hybrid AT4G37940 AT5G62165 two hybrid AT2G22540 AT2G45650 two hybrid AT2G22540 AT1G69120 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G24540 AT4G18960 two hybrid AT5G24520 AT4G09820 two hybrid AT4G11250 AT1G60920 two hybrid AT5G27070 AT2G45650 two hybrid AT5G27070 AT5G27070 AT5G27090 AT5G49490 two hybrid AT1G60880 AT4G11250 two hybrid AT5G60440 AT1G65330 two hybrid AT5G60440 AT3G13170 AT2G46410 AT4G00480 AT4G34470 AT2G25490 two hybrid AT4G39550 AT3G60010 two hybrid AT4G39550 AT2G03170 two hybrid AT1G75950 AT1G68050 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT1G68050 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G25700 AT1G68050 two hybrid AT4G34210 AT1G68050 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G34470 AT1G68050 two hybrid AT3G60010 AT1G68050 two hybrid AT3G61590 AT1G75950 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT3G61590 two hybrid AT3G61590 AT2G25700 two hybrid AT3G61590 AT3G21850 two hybrid AT4G34210 AT3G61590 two hybrid AT4G34470 AT3G61590 two hybrid AT3G61590 AT3G60010 two hybrid AT3G61590 AT2G03170 two hybrid AT3G61590 AT2G03190 two hybrid AT3G61590 AT1G10230 two hybrid AT5G49610 AT1G75950 two hybrid AT5G49610 AT5G42190 two hybrid AT5G49610 AT4G34210 two hybrid AT5G49610 AT4G34470 two hybrid AT5G49610 AT3G60010 two hybrid AT5G49610 AT2G03170 two hybrid AT5G49610 AT1G10230 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT2G02360 two hybrid AT4G34210 AT2G02360 two hybrid AT4G34470 AT2G02360 two hybrid AT2G39940 AT5G08590 AT1G68050 AT1G10940 AT5G08590 AT1G68050 AT5G57360 AT1G10940 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology|in vitro AT5G57360 AT5G42190 two hybrid AT5G57360 AT1G20140 two hybrid AT5G57360 AT4G34210 two hybrid ATCG00670 AT1G66670 biochemical ATCG00670 AT5G45390 biochemical ATCG00670 AT1G02560 biochemical ATCG00670 AT1G11750 biochemical ATCG00670 AT1G49970 biochemical ATCG00670 AT1G12410 biochemical ATCG00670 AT1G09130 biochemical ATCG00670 AT4G17040 biochemical ATCG00670 AT4G12060 biochemical ATCG00670 AT4G25370 biochemical AT3G08850 AT4G25370 AT4G17750 AT3G13445 pull down|affinity technology|two hybrid AT3G11540 AT1G22770 two hybrid|in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|pull down|Synthetic Rescue AT5G42980 AT2G39730 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT3G55800 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT1G32060 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT2G24270 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT1G43670 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT2G47400 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT3G62410 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT2G21170 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT3G60750 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT5G61410 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT4G26530 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT3G52930 enzymatic study AT4G24540 AT3G58780 two hybrid AT4G24540 AT2G45650 two hybrid AT4G24540 AT1G69120 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G24540 AT5G60910 two hybrid AT4G24540 AT4G11880 two hybrid AT4G24540 AT2G45660 two hybrid AT1G16970 AT2G45660 AT5G42980 AT3G62030 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT1G21750 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT2G43560 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT5G66570 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT3G50820 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT1G60950 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT1G10960 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT5G60360 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT3G01500 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT5G14740 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT5G26000 enzymatic study AT1G75040 AT5G42980 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT4G39330 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT5G66530 enzymatic study AT1G48030 AT5G42980 enzymatic study AT2G35370 AT5G42980 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT5G53490 enzymatic study AT5G42980 AT1G09310 enzymatic study AT3G20740 AT3G12280 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT4G09820 AT5G35550 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G35550 AT5G24520 two hybrid AT3G05840 AT1G68050 AT1G10940 AT3G61590 AT5G08590 AT3G61590 AT3G05840 AT3G61590 AT4G24540 AT4G37940 two hybrid AT4G24540 AT4G24540 two hybrid AT5G23260 AT4G24540 AT5G26650 AT1G01530 two hybrid AT5G26650 AT5G60440 two hybrid AT1G65330 AT1G01530 two hybrid AT1G65300 AT1G01530 two hybrid AT5G27130 AT4G18960 two hybrid AT5G27130 AT2G45650 two hybrid AT5G27130 AT1G69120 two hybrid AT5G27130 AT1G77080 two hybrid AT5G27130 AT1G65330 two hybrid AT5G27130 AT1G60040 two hybrid AT5G27130 AT4G11250 two hybrid AT5G27130 AT5G38740 two hybrid AT4G17750 AT1G55520 Reconstituted Complex|pull down|affinity technology AT4G17750 AT4G17750 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT5G41315 AT3G27920 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|confocal microscopy|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT1G56650 AT1G63650 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT1G66390 AT5G41315 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT1G56650 AT5G41315 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT1G66390 AT4G00480 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT1G56650 AT4G00480 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT1G66390 AT4G09820 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G02030 AT4G08150 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|far western blotting|far western blotting|two hybrid AT5G02030 AT1G23380 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G02030 AT1G62360 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|far western blotting|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|far western blotting|coimmunoprecipitation AT4G14110 AT4G14110 two hybrid AT4G14110 AT3G61140 Affinity Capture-Western|molecular sieving|molecular sieving|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|two hybrid AT4G14110 AT5G14250 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G14110 AT5G42970 two hybrid|molecular sieving AT1G02090 AT4G14110 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G61140 AT3G61140 two hybrid AT2G26990 AT3G61140 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G11260 AT2G32950 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|pull down|biochemical|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|in vitro AT2G26990 AT1G26830 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G18790 AT1G04400 Affinity Capture-Western|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|coimmunoprecipitation|affinity technology AT5G11260 AT1G78600 AT3G17609 AT1G78600 AT2G32950 AT1G78600 enzymatic study|confocal microscopy AT5G14250 AT3G61140 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|affinity technology|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G40770 AT4G28510 biochemical AT5G40770 AT2G20530 biochemical AT5G40770 AT1G03860 biochemical AT3G47930 AT5G52840 biochemical AT3G47930 AT3G03100 biochemical AT3G47930 AT5G37510 biochemical AT3G47930 ATMG00510 biochemical AT3G47930 ATMG00070 biochemical AT3G47930 AT1G49140 biochemical AT3G47930 AT5G11770 biochemical AT3G47930 AT1G79010 biochemical AT3G47930 AT4G02580 biochemical AT3G47930 ATMG00516 biochemical AT3G47930 ATMG00060 biochemical AT3G47930 AT2G33220 biochemical AT3G47930 AT2G47690 biochemical AT3G47930 AT3G57785 biochemical AT3G47930 AT5G66510 biochemical AT3G47930 AT1G47260 biochemical AT3G47930 AT5G67590 biochemical AT3G47930 AT5G08530 biochemical AT3G47930 AT3G12260 biochemical AT3G47930 AT2G31490 biochemical AT3G47930 AT2G20360 biochemical AT3G47930 AT2G02050 biochemical AT3G47930 AT2G42310 biochemical AT3G47930 AT2G27730 biochemical AT3G47930 AT5G63510 biochemical AT3G47930 AT3G48680 biochemical AT5G35410 AT5G24270 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|pull down|pull down|filter binding|protein kinase assay|far western blotting|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G24270 AT5G58380 two hybrid AT5G14250 AT2G26990 two hybrid AT5G42970 AT5G14250 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|affinity technology AT5G14250 AT5G14250 two hybrid AT5G14250 AT5G56280 two hybrid AT5G24270 AT5G01810 two hybrid AT5G24270 AT2G30360 AT5G57050 AT5G35410 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G42970 AT3G61140 molecular sieving|two hybrid AT5G42970 AT2G26990 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT5G42970 AT5G42970 two hybrid AT1G22920 AT5G42970 two hybrid AT5G42970 AT5G56280 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|affinity technology AT1G02090 AT5G42970 two hybrid|molecular sieving|molecular sieving AT1G22920 AT3G61140 two hybrid|molecular sieving|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G22920 AT5G56280 two hybrid AT1G02090 AT3G61140 two hybrid|molecular sieving|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|in vitro AT1G02090 AT5G14250 two hybrid AT1G02090 AT5G56280 two hybrid AT2G03170 AT5G57360 AT5G47030 AT1G51650 biochemical AT5G47030 AT3G52300 biochemical AT5G47030 AT2G21870 biochemical AT5G47030 ATMG01080 biochemical AT5G47030 ATMG01190 biochemical AT5G47030 AT5G08670 biochemical AT5G47030 AT5G08690 biochemical AT5G47030 AT5G08680 biochemical AT5G47030 AT5G13450 biochemical AT5G47030 ATMG00640 biochemical AT5G47030 AT2G07707 biochemical AT5G62430 AT1G22770 coimmunoprecipitation|pull down|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT3G52300 ATMG01080 biochemical AT3G52300 ATMG00640 biochemical AT3G52300 AT2G07707 biochemical AT5G57360 AT1G75950 two hybrid|pull down AT5G57360 AT4G02570 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT5G57360 AT5G20570 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT5G66760 AT3G27380 biochemical AT5G66760 AT5G40650 biochemical AT5G66760 AT1G08480 biochemical AT5G66760 AT5G09600 biochemical AT5G66760 AT1G47420 biochemical AT5G14750 AT5G41315 3 hybrid method|two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G41315 AT2G46410 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G63650 AT2G46410 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G14750 AT1G63650 two hybrid|3 hybrid method|two hybrid AT1G24260 AT5G14750 AT1G24260 AT4G18960 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT4G18960 AT4G18960 Reconstituted Complex AT5G01630 AT5G45010 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT5G45010 AT5G20850 AT5G45010 AT3G22880 AT5G01630 AT3G22880 Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT5G01630 AT5G20850 Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT5G20850 AT3G21340 AT5G20850 AT3G49470 AT5G20850 AT3G16130 AT5G20850 AT1G22280 AT5G20850 AT2G44540 AT5G20850 AT1G02990 AT5G20850 AT1G09530 AT5G20850 AT5G63310 AT1G19050 AT5G43170 two hybrid AT1G19050 AT2G19480 two hybrid AT1G19050 AT5G08720 two hybrid AT1G74890 AT5G43170 pull down|two hybrid AT5G35750 AT2G33430 two hybrid AT5G35750 AT5G48470 two hybrid AT5G35750 AT1G17100 two hybrid AT1G19050 AT3G21510 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G19050 AT1G79690 pull down|two hybrid AT5G08720 AT5G06950 AT5G08720 AT5G10030 AT2G02560 AT4G02570 affinity technology|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|pull down|molecular sieving|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|affinity technology AT2G32950 AT2G32950 two hybrid|two hybrid|far western blotting|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT2G32950 AT3G62420 AT5G24800 AT3G62420 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G02640 AT5G24800 two hybrid AT5G24800 AT3G54620 AT5G24800 AT5G28770 two hybrid AT5G49450 AT5G28770 two hybrid AT1G74890 AT1G04850 two hybrid AT2G18160 AT1G78600 AT3G62420 AT1G78600 AT5G49450 AT3G62420 AT2G18160 AT3G62420 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G62420 AT3G62420 interaction detection method|interaction detection method AT4G02640 AT3G62420 two hybrid|two hybrid|interaction detection method|interaction detection method|protein complementation assay|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT3G62420 AT3G54620 two hybrid|interaction detection method|interaction detection method|two hybrid AT5G28770 AT3G62420 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G49450 AT5G24800 two hybrid AT5G24800 AT2G18160 two hybrid AT5G24800 AT5G24800 AT5G49450 AT4G02640 two hybrid AT4G02640 AT2G18160 two hybrid AT4G02640 AT4G02640 AT1G26830 AT3G62420 pull down AT1G26830 AT1G05690 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT1G21780 AT1G21780 two hybrid AT1G26830 AT1G21780 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|pull down|pull down|Reconstituted Complex|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G21780 AT1G02450 AT1G21780 AT2G18160 AT1G13600 AT3G62420 two hybrid AT5G49450 AT5G49450 AT5G49450 AT3G54620 two hybrid AT3G54620 AT2G18160 two hybrid AT5G28770 AT2G18160 two hybrid AT5G28770 AT3G54620 AT3G54620 AT3G54620 AT5G49450 AT2G18160 AT3G54620 AT5G65210 AT1G22070 AT5G65210 AT5G06960 AT5G65210 AT5G06960 AT3G12250 AT5G06960 AT1G77920 AT1G22070 AT1G77920 AT1G22070 AT5G06950 AT5G15850 AT2G46340 confocal microscopy|molecular sieving AT5G15850 AT5G28770 AT3G30530 AT5G49450 two hybrid AT1G13600 AT5G49450 two hybrid AT1G59530 AT5G49450 two hybrid AT1G13600 AT1G59530 AT3G30530 AT1G59530 AT3G30530 AT3G26060 AT3G62030 AT3G26060 enzymatic study AT3G15354 AT2G46340 affinity technology|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|confocal microscopy|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT2G46340 AT1G53090 affinity technology|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|confocal microscopy|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G15850 AT5G15850 AT1G53090 AT1G53090 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|affinity technology AT1G53090 AT1G09415 AT1G02450 AT1G09415 AT1G02450 AT1G02450 AT1G09415 AT1G09415 AT5G06950 AT1G09415 AT5G20570 AT5G20570 AT4G02570 AT1G75950 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|protein tri hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G02570 AT1G64750 AT5G01630 AT1G64750 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT4G02570 AT1G01640 two hybrid AT2G39760 AT1G26830 two hybrid|pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT2G39760 AT2G39760 AT1G21780 AT5G28770 AT2G32950 AT3G54620 enzymatic study AT1G26830 AT1G78600 AT5G20570 AT4G02570 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|pull down|pull down|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology|two hybrid AT4G02570 AT5G42190 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT5G42190 AT5G20570 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G02450 AT5G20570 AT5G06950 AT1G02450 3 hybrid method AT3G15354 AT3G15354 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|affinity technology AT2G46340 AT2G32950 affinity technology|in vitro|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|affinity technology|affinity technology|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|molecular sieving|confocal microscopy|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT5G15850 AT3G15354 molecular sieving AT3G15354 AT2G32950 affinity technology|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G15354 AT1G53090 in vitro|affinity technology|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G15850 AT1G53090 molecular sieving AT2G32950 AT1G53090 affinity technology|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G15850 AT2G32950 molecular sieving AT5G15850 AT5G14250 molecular sieving|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT2G32950 AT3G49470 AT2G32950 AT1G22280 AT2G32950 AT3G16130 AT3G06380 AT1G75950 two hybrid AT5G01630 AT5G01630 AT2G18160 AT2G18160 AT5G49450 AT1G64750 AT5G20850 AT1G64750 AT3G22880 AT1G64750 AT3G30530 AT3G30530 two hybrid AT3G30530 AT1G13600 two hybrid AT1G13600 AT1G13600 two hybrid AT2G04038 AT1G13600 two hybrid AT4G02640 AT5G28770 two hybrid AT5G28770 AT5G28770 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT3G54620 AT4G02640 two hybrid AT5G19000 AT1G26830 two hybrid|pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT1G26830 AT3G06190 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT1G26830 AT1G26830 pull down AT1G26830 AT1G01640 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT1G26830 AT5G48510 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT1G26830 AT3G48360 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT1G26830 AT5G63160 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT4G32980 AT1G62360 coimmunoprecipitation|two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT1G75410 AT1G62360 coimmunoprecipitation|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G42190 AT4G21510 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT2G01620 two hybrid AT2G24540 AT5G42190 AT5G42190 AT3G63220 AT2G18790 AT5G35840 molecular sieving|Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation|affinity technology AT4G16250 AT2G18790 affinity technology|Affinity Capture-Western|molecular sieving|Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT2G18790 AT4G18130 molecular sieving|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology|coimmunoprecipitation AT5G42190 AT2G21950 AT5G42190 AT5G42190 pull down|pull down AT5G42190 AT3G61060 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT1G63090 AT5G42190 AT2G02870 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT1G80110 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT5G52120 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT3G26000 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT4G05460 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT4G08980 two hybrid AT4G02740 AT5G42190 two hybrid AT1G06110 AT5G42190 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G76920 AT5G42190 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT3G59940 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT2G02230 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT1G23780 two hybrid AT1G23780 AT1G16070 AT1G53720 AT1G55310 pull down|confocal microscopy|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G61210 AT1G12360 pull down AT5G61210 AT5G61210 AT1G09570 AT1G09530 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|two hybrid|in vitro|in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|interaction detection method|pull down|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G09570 AT1G09570 molecular sieving AT2G02950 AT1G09570 two hybrid|pull down|Phenotypic Suppression|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G18790 AT2G02950 two hybrid|pull down|Phenotypic Suppression|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G44460 AT1G24260 AT1G24260 AT5G23260 two hybrid|two hybrid|3 hybrid method|3 hybrid method AT4G11880 AT5G60910 two hybrid AT4G18960 AT4G11880 AT3G58780 AT4G11880 AT2G42830 AT4G11880 AT2G45650 AT4G11880 AT1G69120 AT4G11880 AT4G09960 AT4G11880 AT5G42190 AT5G45360 two hybrid AT1G21760 AT5G42190 AT5G42190 AT2G04550 AT5G42190 AT3G59910 AT4G02570 AT2G01620 two hybrid AT4G02570 AT4G05460 two hybrid AT4G02570 AT4G08980 two hybrid AT4G02570 AT3G26000 two hybrid AT1G75950 AT5G52120 two hybrid AT5G57900 AT1G75950 two hybrid AT4G19990 AT4G15090 AT4G15090 AT4G15090 two hybrid AT4G19990 AT4G19990 AT1G09530 AT4G15090 AT5G13790 AT4G11880 AT2G45660 AT4G11880 two hybrid AT2G22540 AT4G11880 AT4G11880 AT1G71692 AT4G11880 AT2G22630 AT4G11880 AT4G37940 AT4G11880 AT1G31140 AT2G45660 AT3G58780 two hybrid AT2G45660 AT2G03710 two hybrid AT2G45660 AT2G42830 two hybrid AT2G45660 AT1G69120 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G45660 AT5G60910 two hybrid AT3G51770 AT5G65800 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G25490 AT3G20770 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT2G25490 AT2G27050 two hybrid AT1G43700 AT1G43700 AT1G46408 AT1G69120 two hybrid AT1G46408 AT1G77080 two hybrid AT1G46408 AT5G23260 two hybrid AT1G46408 AT1G65330 two hybrid AT1G46408 AT5G40220 two hybrid AT1G46408 AT4G11250 two hybrid AT1G46408 AT5G27070 two hybrid AT1G46408 AT5G60440 two hybrid AT1G46408 AT1G18750 two hybrid AT1G46408 AT5G40120 two hybrid AT1G46408 AT5G38740 two hybrid AT1G46408 AT5G65330 two hybrid AT1G46408 AT5G58890 two hybrid AT1G46408 AT1G22590 two hybrid AT1G46408 AT5G27580 two hybrid AT1G69120 AT5G61210 AT4G18960 AT4G09960 AT3G58780 AT4G18960 AT4G09960 AT4G09960 AT3G58780 AT3G58780 AT3G58780 AT4G09960 pull down AT4G02680 AT5G65800 two hybrid AT5G58550 AT5G65800 two hybrid AT4G37940 AT1G71692 two hybrid AT4G37940 AT3G61120 two hybrid AT4G37940 AT5G13790 two hybrid AT5G38620 AT5G65330 two hybrid AT5G38620 AT5G27580 two hybrid AT1G77080 AT5G38620 AT4G18960 AT5G38620 AT3G58780 AT5G38620 AT2G03710 AT5G38620 AT2G42830 AT5G38620 AT2G42830 AT2G45650 two hybrid AT1G69120 AT2G45650 two hybrid AT2G45650 AT1G26310 AT2G45650 AT4G09960 AT2G45650 AT1G71692 AT2G45650 AT3G61120 AT2G45650 AT2G22630 AT2G45650 AT1G77080 AT2G45650 AT3G44460 AT2G45650 AT5G23260 AT2G45650 AT5G40220 AT2G45650 AT1G60040 AT1G04550 AT1G12820 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT1G04550 AT3G62980 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT5G63310 AT1G09570 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|two hybrid|in vitro AT5G25350 AT1G75950 Reconstituted Complex AT1G76920 AT1G20140 two hybrid AT4G02740 AT1G20140 two hybrid AT1G20140 AT3G26000 two hybrid AT1G20140 AT2G01620 two hybrid AT5G57360 AT2G25700 two hybrid AT2G25700 AT3G26000 AT5G57360 AT3G21850 two hybrid AT3G21850 AT5G52120 two hybrid AT3G21850 AT3G62980 two hybrid AT1G76920 AT3G21850 two hybrid AT3G21850 AT1G27340 two hybrid AT4G02740 AT3G21850 two hybrid AT5G57360 AT3G21840 two hybrid AT5G57360 AT3G21830 two hybrid AT5G57360 AT2G03160 two hybrid AT2G03160 AT4G11250 AT2G03160 AT1G60880 AT2G03160 AT1G18750 AT2G03160 AT5G51870 AT2G03160 AT5G51860 AT1G55610 AT4G33430 pull down|pull down|confocal microscopy AT4G33430 AT3G21850 AT4G33430 AT5G57360 AT4G33430 AT3G60010 AT4G33430 AT1G10230 AT4G33430 AT2G03160 AT4G33430 AT3G25650 AT4G33430 AT2G20160 AT4G33430 AT2G03170 AT4G33430 AT2G01620 AT5G57360 AT2G01620 AT1G30950 AT2G01620 AT1G30950 AT3G25650 AT1G30950 AT2G20160 AT1G30950 AT3G21850 AT1G30950 AT5G57360 AT1G30950 AT3G60010 AT1G30950 AT1G10230 AT1G30950 AT2G03160 two hybrid AT2G03170 AT1G30950 two hybrid AT2G03710 AT1G69120 two hybrid AT2G03710 AT5G60910 two hybrid AT5G60910 AT2G45650 two hybrid AT3G58780 AT1G24260 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|3 hybrid method|3 hybrid method|3 hybrid method AT2G42830 AT1G24260 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G24260 AT1G69120 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|inferred by author AT1G24260 AT5G60910 two hybrid AT4G09960 AT1G24260 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|3 hybrid method AT1G24260 AT2G45660 two hybrid AT1G24260 AT2G22540 two hybrid AT1G24260 AT4G24540 two hybrid AT1G27340 AT1G75950 two hybrid AT4G02740 AT1G75950 two hybrid AT1G75950 AT1G75950 interaction detection method AT3G62980 AT5G42190 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G25350 AT5G42190 AT5G25350 AT3G20770 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G25350 AT2G27050 two hybrid AT2G25490 AT1G10940 pull down AT5G25350 AT1G10940 pull down|two hybrid AT5G25350 AT4G02570 pull down|Phenotypic Enhancement|Reconstituted Complex AT2G25490 AT4G02570 Phenotypic Enhancement|pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT2G25490 AT4G29040 biochemical AT2G25490 AT5G58290 biochemical AT2G25490 AT1G53750 biochemical AT2G25490 AT1G53780 biochemical AT2G25490 AT5G19990 biochemical AT2G25490 AT5G20000 biochemical AT2G25490 AT1G45000 biochemical AT2G25490 AT3G05530 biochemical AT2G25490 AT5G42790 biochemical AT2G25490 AT2G27020 biochemical AT2G25490 AT3G22110 biochemical AT2G25490 AT1G53850 biochemical AT2G25490 AT3G14290 biochemical AT2G25490 AT5G35590 biochemical AT2G25490 AT2G05840 biochemical AT2G25490 AT3G60820 biochemical AT2G25490 AT3G22630 biochemical AT2G25490 AT4G14800 biochemical AT2G25490 AT1G56450 biochemical AT2G25490 AT4G31300 biochemical AT2G25490 AT1G20200 biochemical AT2G25490 AT1G75990 biochemical AT2G25490 AT5G23540 biochemical AT2G25490 AT4G28470 biochemical AT2G25490 AT5G45620 biochemical AT2G25490 AT5G09900 biochemical AT2G25490 AT1G29150 biochemical AT2G25490 AT2G20580 biochemical AT1G46408 AT5G27960 two hybrid AT1G46408 AT3G18650 two hybrid AT5G04640 AT1G65330 two hybrid AT5G04640 AT5G40220 two hybrid AT5G04640 AT5G40120 two hybrid AT5G04640 AT5G38740 two hybrid AT5G04640 AT5G65330 two hybrid AT5G04640 AT5G58890 two hybrid AT5G04640 AT3G18650 two hybrid AT3G18650 AT1G60920 two hybrid AT3G18650 AT1G60880 two hybrid AT3G18650 AT1G47760 two hybrid AT3G18650 AT4G18960 AT4G18960 AT5G60910 two hybrid AT4G18960 AT3G61120 two hybrid AT3G58780 AT3G61120 two hybrid AT3G58780 AT2G42830 AT3G58780 AT2G45650 AT3G58780 AT1G69120 AT3G58780 AT5G60910 AT3G58780 AT1G71692 AT4G37940 AT3G58780 two hybrid AT4G24540 AT2G22540 AT5G23260 AT2G22540 AT5G62165 AT2G22540 AT5G51870 AT2G22540 pull down AT2G39940 AT4G02570 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|molecular sieving|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|coimmunoprecipitation AT1G75950 AT4G08980 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT5G57900 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT1G30950 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G03160 AT5G52120 two hybrid AT2G03160 AT4G08980 two hybrid AT1G76920 AT2G03160 two hybrid AT1G27340 AT2G03160 two hybrid AT4G02740 AT2G03160 two hybrid AT2G03170 AT5G52120 two hybrid AT2G03170 AT1G76920 two hybrid AT2G03170 AT1G27340 two hybrid AT2G03170 AT3G21830 AT2G03170 AT3G26000 two hybrid AT2G03170 AT2G01620 two hybrid AT1G30950 AT1G75950 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT1G30950 AT4G34210 two hybrid AT4G34210 AT3G16740 AT3G58780 AT3G16740 AT3G58780 AT5G27070 AT5G27960 AT5G38620 AT1G30950 AT4G34470 two hybrid AT1G76920 AT4G34470 two hybrid AT4G34470 AT1G27340 two hybrid AT4G09960 AT1G69120 AT1G71692 AT1G69120 AT2G22630 AT1G69120 AT1G31140 AT1G69120 AT2G45660 AT2G45650 two hybrid AT2G45660 AT1G26310 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G45660 AT1G71692 two hybrid AT2G45660 AT3G61120 two hybrid AT2G45660 AT2G22630 two hybrid AT2G45660 AT2G22540 two hybrid AT2G45660 AT5G62165 two hybrid AT4G36800 AT5G20570 Reconstituted Complex|pull down|coimmunoprecipitation AT4G02570 AT4G36800 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G36800 AT3G62980 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT1G05180 AT4G36800 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G20570 AT3G62980 pull down AT4G02740 AT4G34470 two hybrid AT4G34470 AT4G34470 AT1G20140 AT4G08980 two hybrid AT2G45660 AT4G22950 two hybrid AT2G45660 AT2G45660 two hybrid AT2G45660 AT5G51870 two hybrid AT4G37940 AT2G42830 two hybrid AT4G37940 AT2G45650 two hybrid AT4G37940 AT1G69120 two hybrid AT4G37940 AT5G60910 two hybrid AT4G37940 AT4G09960 two hybrid AT1G75950 AT3G26000 two hybrid AT1G75950 AT2G01620 two hybrid AT1G75950 AT4G05460 two hybrid AT3G62980 AT1G75950 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|interaction detection method|interaction detection method|two hybrid AT1G75950 AT3G61060 two hybrid AT1G76920 AT1G75950 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G08130 AT1G19350 two hybrid|pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT5G38860 AT1G19350 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT2G45650 AT5G38620 AT1G69120 AT5G38620 AT1G26310 AT5G38620 AT4G09960 AT5G38620 AT1G71692 AT5G38620 AT3G61120 AT5G38620 AT2G22630 AT5G38620 AT3G44460 AT5G38620 AT5G23260 AT5G38620 AT5G62165 AT5G38620 AT1G60040 AT5G38620 AT1G60920 AT5G38620 AT1G60880 AT5G38620 AT1G18750 AT5G38620 AT5G51870 AT5G38620 AT5G51860 AT5G38620 AT5G58890 AT5G38620 AT1G22590 AT5G38620 AT4G11590 AT2G03190 AT3G04460 AT1G75950 AT3G04460 AT5G42190 AT4G34210 AT3G04460 AT3G60010 AT3G04460 AT1G55610 AT1G20140 AT3G62230 AT1G20140 AT3G59000 AT1G20140 AT4G27050 AT1G20140 AT5G49420 AT5G38740 two hybrid AT1G31630 AT1G18750 two hybrid AT1G09530 AT1G09530 interaction detection method|two hybrid AT2G18790 AT1G09530 in vitro|in vitro|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|two hybrid|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|two hybrid|in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|pull down|interaction detection method|pull down|pull down|pull down|pull down|interaction detection method|two hybrid|Phenotypic Suppression|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT4G18960 AT1G09530 AT3G58780 AT2G22540 AT1G06110 AT1G75950 AT1G06110 AT1G20140 AT4G34210 AT1G06110 AT1G06110 AT3G60010 AT5G67250 AT1G75950 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G67250 AT5G42190 AT5G67250 AT4G34210 AT1G75950 AT1G21760 two hybrid AT1G21760 AT1G20140 AT1G21760 AT4G34210 AT5G61380 AT5G57360 two hybrid|affinity technology|two hybrid|affinity technology|affinity technology|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|3 hybrid method|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|affinity technology|two hybrid AT5G61380 AT1G68050 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT5G61380 AT2G18915 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT3G18650 AT5G61380 AT5G65330 AT2G45650 two hybrid AT5G65330 AT1G60920 two hybrid AT5G65330 AT1G60880 two hybrid AT5G65330 AT5G38740 two hybrid AT5G65330 AT1G47760 two hybrid AT5G48670 AT5G60440 two hybrid AT5G58890 AT1G47760 two hybrid AT5G49490 AT5G27070 two hybrid AT5G49420 AT5G27070 two hybrid AT5G49420 AT5G40220 two hybrid AT5G49420 AT4G11250 two hybrid AT5G49420 AT5G40120 two hybrid AT5G49420 AT5G65330 two hybrid AT5G49420 AT1G77080 AT1G31630 AT2G03710 two hybrid AT1G31630 AT2G45650 two hybrid AT1G31630 AT1G69120 two hybrid AT1G31630 AT1G65360 two hybrid AT1G31630 AT1G01530 two hybrid AT1G31630 AT4G36590 two hybrid AT1G31630 AT5G60440 two hybrid AT1G31630 AT5G58890 two hybrid AT1G31630 AT5G27960 two hybrid AT5G27960 AT4G36590 two hybrid AT1G31640 AT2G03710 two hybrid AT1G31640 AT2G45650 two hybrid AT1G31640 AT1G69120 two hybrid AT1G31640 AT1G65360 two hybrid AT1G31640 AT5G23260 two hybrid AT1G31640 AT5G60440 two hybrid AT1G31640 AT5G65330 two hybrid AT1G31640 AT5G27960 two hybrid AT1G31640 AT3G18650 two hybrid AT1G75950 AT1G31640 AT5G42190 AT1G75950 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G75950 AT5G38740 AT1G75950 AT5G65330 AT1G75950 AT5G58890 AT1G75950 AT1G22590 AT1G75950 AT5G27960 AT1G75950 AT5G06500 AT1G75950 AT3G18650 AT3G23050 AT4G02570 Reconstituted Complex|pull down|pull down|pull down|pull down|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G23050 AT1G75950 interaction detection method|pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT1G13890 AT1G12360 AT1G12360 AT5G07880 AT1G12360 AT2G03160 AT1G12360 AT1G10230 AT1G12360 AT3G25650 AT1G12360 AT2G03170 AT1G12360 AT2G01620 AT3G60010 AT2G01620 AT1G78100 AT1G75950 AT1G78100 AT5G42190 AT4G34210 AT1G78100 AT3G60010 AT1G78100 AT1G55000 AT1G75950 AT1G55000 AT5G42190 AT1G55000 AT2G25700 AT4G34210 AT1G55000 AT3G60010 AT1G55000 pull down AT1G46408 AT4G18960 two hybrid AT1G46408 AT2G03710 two hybrid AT1G46408 AT2G45650 two hybrid AT4G02440 AT1G75950 two hybrid|two hybrid|protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT2G20160 AT1G75950 AT1G09530 AT1G02340 in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT1G02340 AT1G09570 AT1G02340 AT2G18790 AT2G25490 AT3G60010 AT1G10230 AT2G25490 AT1G76920 AT4G34210 two hybrid AT1G76920 AT3G60010 AT1G67340 AT1G75950 AT1G67340 AT5G42190 AT1G67340 AT1G20140 AT4G34210 AT1G67340 AT3G60010 AT1G67340 AT4G38940 AT1G75950 AT1G75950 AT1G63090 two hybrid AT1G75950 AT2G02870 two hybrid AT1G75950 AT1G80110 two hybrid AT1G75950 AT3G59940 two hybrid AT1G75950 AT2G02230 two hybrid AT1G75950 AT1G23780 two hybrid AT5G49420 AT5G27580 two hybrid AT4G03190 AT4G02570 AT4G03190 AT1G75950 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G12820 AT4G02570 AT1G12820 AT1G75950 AT3G23050 AT4G03190 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT3G23050 AT1G12820 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT3G23050 AT3G26810 pull down AT4G38940 AT5G42190 AT4G34210 AT4G38940 AT3G60010 AT4G38940 AT1G10230 AT4G38940 AT4G34210 AT3G61060 two hybrid AT3G61060 AT3G60010 AT3G61060 AT3G60020 pull down AT1G55310 AT3G60020 pull down AT3G61860 AT3G60020 pull down AT3G61860 AT4G25500 pull down AT1G75950 AT4G24210 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT4G24210 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G24210 AT2G25700 AT1G20140 AT4G24210 two hybrid AT4G34210 AT4G24210 AT3G60010 AT4G24210 AT1G75950 AT5G48170 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT5G48170 two hybrid AT5G48170 AT2G25700 AT1G20140 AT5G48170 two hybrid AT4G34210 AT5G48170 AT5G48170 AT3G60010 AT5G04640 AT4G11250 two hybrid AT1G75950 AT2G24540 two hybrid AT1G04550 AT4G03190 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT4G37940 AT4G18960 two hybrid AT3G62980 AT4G34210 two hybrid AT4G34210 AT4G08980 two hybrid AT4G34210 AT5G57900 two hybrid AT4G34210 AT4G05460 two hybrid AT1G27340 AT4G34210 two hybrid AT4G02740 AT4G34210 two hybrid AT4G34210 AT3G26000 two hybrid AT4G34210 AT2G01620 two hybrid AT4G34210 AT4G34210 AT5G57360 AT4G34470 two hybrid AT4G13870 AT1G48050 coimmunoprecipitation|pull down AT4G13870 AT1G16970 coimmunoprecipitation|pull down AT4G38130 AT1G48050 pull down AT1G75950 AT1G08710 two hybrid AT1G75950 AT1G31350 two hybrid AT1G75950 AT1G25280 two hybrid AT1G75950 AT4G21510 two hybrid AT4G16250 AT4G18130 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology|coimmunoprecipitation AT2G18790 AT2G18790 molecular sieving|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|coimmunoprecipitation|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G35840 AT5G35840 molecular sieving AT4G16250 AT4G16250 molecular sieving|coimmunoprecipitation AT4G18130 AT4G18130 molecular sieving AT2G18790 AT1G75950 AT2G18790 AT1G43700 AT2G39940 AT1G10940 AT2G39940 AT4G37940 AT4G33950 AT4G26080 two hybrid AT2G18790 AT1G10470 two hybrid|affinity technology|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|coimmunoprecipitation|in vitro AT1G75950 AT3G63220 two hybrid AT1G75950 AT5G45360 two hybrid AT1G75950 AT2G04550 two hybrid AT4G02570 AT4G24210 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G68050 AT1G22770 in vitro|coimmunoprecipitation|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|pull down|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|affinity technology AT1G27340 AT5G42190 two hybrid AT4G34210 AT5G52120 two hybrid AT1G43700 AT5G52120 AT1G69120 AT1G43700 AT1G69120 AT1G77080 two hybrid AT1G69120 AT5G65260 AT1G69120 AT1G26310 AT1G26310 AT1G26310 AT1G26310 AT4G24540 two hybrid AT5G65495 AT1G75950 AT1G75950 AT3G59910 two hybrid AT4G02440 AT5G42190 two hybrid|two hybrid|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT5G42190 AT1G08710 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT1G31350 AT1G25280 AT5G42190 AT1G25280 AT4G24540 AT1G25280 AT5G23260 AT5G23260 AT5G23260 two hybrid AT5G62165 AT5G23260 AT5G62165 AT5G51870 AT1G24260 AT2G45650 two hybrid AT1G75950 AT4G24540 pull down AT5G42190 AT4G24540 pull down AT1G43700 AT5G42190 AT1G43700 AT2G38810 AT3G19290 AT1G18890 two hybrid AT3G19290 AT1G74740 two hybrid AT3G19290 AT3G06380 AT1G69120 AT3G06380 AT1G26310 AT2G22540 two hybrid AT1G24260 AT1G24260 AT1G10470 AT4G01900 AT4G01900 AT4G01900 Co-crystal Structure|Co-crystallization AT3G61140 AT4G01900 AT5G19000 AT5G19000 pull down|two hybrid AT5G19000 AT2G39760 AT1G09700 AT1G01040 far western blotting|pull down|protein complementation assay|far western blotting|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|coimmunoprecipitation|split-reporter assay AT1G09700 AT4G01900 AT5G14250 AT1G71230 affinity technology|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G14250 AT1G22920 AT5G42970 AT1G71230 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT1G71230 AT5G56280 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G71230 AT4G26430 AT1G22920 AT4G26430 AT3G57040 AT5G08720 two hybrid AT4G07670 AT5G08720 AT2G20180 AT4G02570 pull down AT2G20180 AT2G18790 Reconstituted Complex|pull down|coimmunoprecipitation|in vitro AT4G14560 AT3G62980 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT1G09700 AT3G03300 far western blotting AT5G41070 AT1G09700 far western blotting AT1G09700 AT1G09700 far western blotting|protein complementation assay|split-reporter assay AT5G41070 AT1G01040 far western blotting AT3G21510 AT3G16857 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G16857 AT3G16857 AT3G16857 AT4G26000 two hybrid AT2G01760 AT1G20100 two hybrid AT2G01760 AT5G49710 two hybrid AT2G01760 AT5G37740 two hybrid AT2G01760 AT1G09980 two hybrid AT2G01760 AT2G31160 two hybrid AT2G01760 AT2G45450 two hybrid AT2G01760 AT1G71230 AT1G22920 AT1G71230 AT1G22920 AT1G22920 AT1G04240 AT4G14560 AT5G43700 AT4G14560 AT5G65670 AT4G14560 AT3G04730 AT4G14560 AT1G04250 AT4G14560 AT4G14560 AT3G15540 AT3G20740 AT1G02580 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|two hybrid|pull down|pull down|molecular sieving|interaction detection method|Reconstituted Complex|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|protein complementation assay|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G41070 AT3G03300 far western blotting AT5G41070 AT5G41070 far western blotting AT2G41310 AT5G39340 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G01040 AT3G03300 far western blotting AT3G43920 AT3G03300 far western blotting AT5G41070 AT3G43920 far western blotting AT2G41310 AT3G21510 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G57040 AT3G29350 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G57040 AT1G16970 two hybrid AT1G24764 AT3G46090 AT3G46090 AT2G22780 AT3G46090 AT3G16190 AT3G46090 AT1G02580 AT5G58230 AT3G20740 molecular sieving|pull down|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|coimmunoprecipitation AT5G20570 AT5G58230 AT5G20570 AT5G19000 pull down AT5G61380 AT2G46970 two hybrid|two hybrid|pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G61380 AT1G09530 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G20180 AT1G09570 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G32950 AT5G14250 molecular sieving AT2G32950 AT5G56280 molecular sieving AT1G02280 AT5G56280 AT3G59060 AT2G18790 in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|biochemical|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|two hybrid|coimmunoprecipitation AT3G62090 AT2G18790 coimmunoprecipitation AT2G32950 AT2G18790 two hybrid|two hybrid|coimmunoprecipitation AT3G17609 AT5G11260 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT3G17609 AT4G26430 AT4G26430 AT4G26430 AT4G26430 AT4G14110 AT5G58230 AT1G02580 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT5G15800 AT5G23260 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G23260 AT3G02310 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G23260 AT2G03710 two hybrid AT1G69120 AT5G23260 two hybrid AT3G29160 AT5G21170 two hybrid AT3G46090 AT1G24822 AT4G27130 AT3G46090 AT3G29160 AT4G16360 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G29160 AT3G48530 two hybrid AT3G48530 AT5G21170 two hybrid AT3G16640 AT3G46090 AT3G46090 AT5G23660 AT3G48530 AT4G16360 two hybrid AT3G48530 AT3G46090 AT2G32950 AT2G31380 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|biochemical|two hybrid|in vitro AT4G18960 AT2G32950 AT5G49000 AT3G46090 AT5G49000 AT3G61140 AT1G22770 AT4G16360 AT4G35900 AT4G16360 AT5G03840 AT4G16360 AT5G03840 AT4G35900 AT4G35900 AT4G35900 two hybrid AT4G35900 AT1G65480 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|coimmunoprecipitation AT4G35900 AT4G02510 pull down AT2G39940 AT5G38410 AT5G63110 AT3G62980 AT5G38410 AT3G62980 AT5G63110 AT2G39940 AT4G14110 AT1G71230 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT4G14110 AT1G22920 Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G56280 AT5G56280 AT4G31920 AT5G11090 two hybrid AT4G31920 AT5G03230 two hybrid AT2G01760 AT3G29350 pull down|two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G01760 AT2G01760 pull down AT2G01760 AT1G16680 two hybrid AT2G01760 AT1G66480 two hybrid AT2G01760 AT1G34370 two hybrid AT2G01760 AT1G01090 two hybrid AT1G19220 AT1G04240 AT1G19850 AT1G04240 AT1G19850 AT1G19220 AT5G55990 AT1G29230 two hybrid AT1G29230 AT4G26570 two hybrid AT5G55990 AT2G34180 two hybrid|pull down|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT4G26570 AT2G34180 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G46990 AT4G14560 AT5G20730 AT4G14560 inferred by author AT1G19220 AT4G14560 inferred by author AT4G14560 AT1G19850 AT4G14560 AT4G14560 AT3G23030 AT3G23030 two hybrid AT2G01760 AT3G46230 two hybrid AT2G46340 AT5G11260 AT4G14560 AT3G23030 two hybrid AT4G14560 AT3G61140 AT1G09140 AT3G46090 AT3G46090 AT1G02305 AT3G46090 AT3G46090 AT5G54770 AT3G46090 AT5G54770 AT1G53720 pull down AT5G54770 AT2G42590 AT3G02520 AT2G42590 AT2G42590 AT5G16050 AT5G16050 AT1G35160 AT4G09000 AT1G75540 AT1G78300 AT4G09000 AT5G55990 AT4G18700 two hybrid AT5G55990 AT3G23000 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G17790 AT4G19170 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G30100 AT5G17790 AT3G58780 AT5G23260 3 hybrid method|3 hybrid method AT5G23260 AT4G09960 3 hybrid method|3 hybrid method AT4G09960 AT1G47260 AT1G47260 AT5G63510 two hybrid AT1G47260 AT3G48680 two hybrid AT2G40670 AT3G57670 two hybrid AT2G40670 AT5G08720 two hybrid AT5G39340 AT3G16857 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G16857 AT1G53170 two hybrid AT3G29350 AT3G16857 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT2G01760 AT2G02100 two hybrid AT2G01760 AT1G55350 two hybrid AT4G25560 AT2G32950 pull down|confocal microscopy|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|biochemical|in vitro|affinity technology AT2G32950 AT1G53720 pull down AT3G56400 AT3G46090 AT3G46090 AT5G07140 AT3G46090 AT2G25670 AT5G06060 AT3G46090 AT1G47260 AT1G47260 AT3G21640 AT1G30400 affinity technology|Affinity Capture-Western|pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|in vitro AT3G21640 AT2G34660 two hybrid AT4G02510 AT3G46740 AT2G16640 AT3G46740 AT2G16640 AT3G16620 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT3G16620 AT3G46740 AT3G16620 AT5G16620 AT3G54010 AT1G30400 AT1G65480 AT1G30400 AT3G16857 AT4G20890 two hybrid AT3G16857 AT3G28430 two hybrid AT4G16110 AT5G39340 two hybrid AT4G16110 AT3G29350 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT4G16110 AT3G21510 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT4G16110 AT3G25900 two hybrid AT4G16110 AT1G69930 two hybrid AT4G16110 AT5G16050 two hybrid AT4G31920 AT1G01300 two hybrid AT1G26830 AT4G08455 two hybrid AT4G07670 AT1G26830 AT4G01900 AT2G46340 AT5G21170 AT2G46340 AT5G21170 AT4G16360 AT4G08455 AT4G16360 AT5G19000 AT4G16360 AT5G19000 AT4G23180 filter binding AT4G23140 AT4G23180 interaction detection method AT5G19280 AT1G66150 filter binding AT2G45660 AT1G60920 AT4G11250 AT2G45660 AT1G18750 AT4G27780 biochemical AT1G18750 AT5G53470 biochemical AT5G42980 AT2G25490 AT5G42980 AT5G42980 AT5G42980 AT5G39950 pull down AT5G39950 AT5G39950 pull down AT3G56860 AT5G39950 AT1G75950 AT2G21950 two hybrid AT5G06500 AT2G22540 AT5G42950 AT5G49420 AT5G42950 AT3G45630 AT5G42950 AT5G42950 AT5G42950 AT5G65410 AT2G47450 AT5G03940 pull down|pull down|pull down|Reconstituted Complex|Co-crystal Structure|Co-crystallization|in vitro AT1G22840 AT1G15220 two hybrid AT3G63010 AT1G14920 two hybrid|pull down|two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G05120 AT1G14920 two hybrid|pull down|two hybrid AT5G27320 AT1G14920 two hybrid|pull down|two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G20740 AT3G20740 AT2G23380 AT1G02580 AT1G02580 AT1G02580 interaction detection method|two hybrid AT4G02020 AT3G20740 interaction detection method AT4G38580 AT1G69600 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT1G71050 AT1G69600 two hybrid AT5G17450 AT1G69600 two hybrid AT4G39700 AT1G69600 two hybrid AT4G08570 AT1G69600 two hybrid AT5G66110 AT1G69600 two hybrid AT1G69600 AT1G69600 AT1G69600 AT5G15210 two hybrid AT1G69600 AT2G02540 AT1G03130 AT1G69600 AT4G12800 AT2G46820 two hybrid AT3G63010 AT2G01570 two hybrid|pull down|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology|two hybrid AT5G42950 AT2G01570 AT1G63440 AT1G66240 two hybrid AT2G37630 AT4G26080 pull down AT3G29390 AT2G37630 AT5G66870 AT2G37630 AT5G66870 AT1G15220 AT1G15220 ATMG00960 AT5G43900 AT3G11730 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G43900 AT5G03530 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT1G30490 AT1G12980 Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation|two hybrid|affinity technology AT5G08130 AT1G12980 Affinity Capture-Western|protein complementation assay|affinity technology|split-reporter assay AT5G08130 AT1G24590 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT1G75820 AT1G75820 protein kinase assay|biochemical|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT4G02440 AT1G20140 protein tri hybrid|two hybrid|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT4G02440 AT4G34210 protein tri hybrid|two hybrid|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT4G02440 AT3G60010 two hybrid|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT4G02440 AT2G03170 protein tri hybrid|two hybrid|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT4G02570 AT2G25700 two hybrid AT4G02570 AT1G20140 protein tri hybrid|two hybrid AT4G02570 AT3G21860 two hybrid AT4G02570 AT4G34210 protein tri hybrid|two hybrid AT4G02570 AT3G60010 two hybrid AT4G02570 AT3G25650 two hybrid AT4G02570 AT1G10230 two hybrid AT4G02570 AT2G03160 two hybrid AT4G02440 AT3G21850 fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT4G02440 AT3G25650 fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT1G09700 AT1G75950 pull down AT1G09700 AT5G42190 pull down AT5G25760 AT3G21865 two hybrid AT2G20890 AT2G26300 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|coimmunoprecipitation AT3G15730 AT1G31930 AT4G04020 AT5G57050 pull down|in vitro|affinity technology|two hybrid AT5G58040 AT1G30460 pull down|two hybrid AT5G58040 AT5G58040 pull down AT1G30270 AT2G26650 biochemical|two hybrid|protein kinase assay|two hybrid|biochemical|protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT4G34590 AT3G62420 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G30270 AT5G55990 two hybrid AT1G30270 AT4G26570 two hybrid AT1G30270 AT4G01420 two hybrid AT1G30270 AT1G64480 two hybrid AT3G57530 AT1G45249 two hybrid AT1G50640 AT4G38130 AT2G45640 AT1G50640 in vitro|two hybrid|pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT3G05120 AT2G01570 two hybrid|pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G05120 AT1G66350 two hybrid AT3G05120 AT3G03450 two hybrid AT4G24210 AT3G05120 3 hybrid method AT3G63010 AT4G24210 AT3G63010 AT1G66350 two hybrid AT3G63010 AT3G03450 two hybrid AT5G27320 AT2G01570 two hybrid|pull down|two hybrid AT5G27320 AT1G66350 two hybrid AT5G27320 AT3G03450 two hybrid AT3G03450 AT4G09000 pull down AT4G38130 AT2G45640 two hybrid|in vitro|pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT3G15210 AT2G45640 in vitro|two hybrid|pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT5G66030 AT2G24765 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|pull down|pull down|confocal microscopy|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|affinity technology AT4G25490 AT3G07740 Reconstituted Complex AT4G16420 AT4G25490 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT5G25810 AT4G25490 AT4G25490 AT3G54610 Reconstituted Complex AT1G56280 AT1G35670 two hybrid|protein kinase assay|pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|biochemical|immunolocalization|in vitro AT4G02570 AT2G03190 two hybrid AT4G02440 AT4G02570 protein tri hybrid|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|bioassay|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT4G02570 AT2G03170 protein tri hybrid|two hybrid AT4G09570 AT1G56280 two hybrid AT1G56280 AT5G23580 AT3G54610 AT3G07740 Reconstituted Complex AT4G16420 AT3G54610 enzymatic study|Reconstituted Complex|affinity technology AT3G57530 AT3G19290 two hybrid|pull down|protein kinase assay|Reconstituted Complex|biochemical|in vitro AT3G57530 AT1G49720 two hybrid AT4G01370 AT4G29810 protein kinase assay|protein complementation assay|two hybrid|split-reporter assay AT2G43790 AT4G29810 protein kinase assay AT4G29810 AT4G11330 AT3G49290 AT1G29170 AT4G18600 AT3G49290 AT2G22640 AT5G24310 AT5G57360 AT5G24470 in vitro|affinity technology|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Suppression|two hybrid|in vitro AT5G24470 AT2G18915 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT3G50330 AT4G36930 two hybrid AT5G56290 AT5G27600 two hybrid|in vitro|coimmunoprecipitation|Reconstituted Complex AT1G01380 AT5G41315 two hybrid AT5G41315 AT5G24520 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|pull down|two hybrid|affinity technology AT5G41315 AT5G53200 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G27920 AT5G53200 confocal microscopy AT5G27600 AT1G78870 AT1G78870 AT1G78870 AT1G78870 AT1G28480 AT4G00480 AT4G38620 two hybrid AT4G09820 AT4G38620 two hybrid AT4G09820 AT5G37055 AT3G54560 AT5G37055 AT1G52740 AT5G37055 AT2G13360 AT3G46090 AT3G33520 AT2G38810 AT3G33520 AT1G52740 AT3G33520 AT3G54560 AT2G38810 AT3G12810 AT3G58120 AT3G58120 AT5G05190 AT1G48480 AT3G27210 AT1G48480 AT1G28480 AT3G27210 AT1G28480 AT1G64280 AT1G28480 AT5G06950 split-reporter assay AT5G01410 AT3G16050 two hybrid|pull down AT5G01410 AT5G01410 two hybrid AT5G60540 AT5G01410 two hybrid AT5G41315 AT5G41315 two hybrid AT3G46090 AT2G04795 AT3G46090 AT3G14420 AT3G46090 AT2G47400 AT1G29930 AT3G46090 AT5G14750 AT2G46410 3 hybrid method|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G14750 AT5G14750 AT1G29170 AT5G24310 AT1G29170 AT1G16890 AT1G16890 AT1G16890 AT1G78870 AT1G16890 pull down AT3G46090 AT2G44065 AT5G57110 AT2G44065 far western blotting AT5G42080 AT5G13300 two hybrid|pull down|confocal microscopy|Reconstituted Complex AT5G13300 AT1G28480 AT5G01410 AT2G38230 two hybrid AT5G01410 AT5G14750 AT5G19140 AT3G17840 AT5G05190 AT3G17840 AT4G00480 AT1G66380 two hybrid AT4G00480 AT3G13540 two hybrid AT4G00480 AT5G35550 two hybrid AT4G00480 AT3G27920 two hybrid AT4G00480 AT5G40330 two hybrid AT1G66390 AT1G63650 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G58040 AT4G29820 pull down|two hybrid AT5G58040 AT5G51120 pull down|two hybrid AT5G58040 AT4G32850 pull down AT5G58040 AT5G57110 AT5G57110 AT5G57110 AT5G42800 AT3G55120 AT5G42800 AT5G13930 AT4G00480 AT1G66370 two hybrid AT2G02050 AT3G46090 AT3G27210 AT3G17840 AT3G17950 AT3G17840 AT3G46090 AT2G06050 AT3G46090 AT5G51070 AT3G46090 AT4G05320 AT1G60160 AT3G46090 AT3G46090 AT1G19920 AT3G12810 AT1G52740 AT2G46700 AT5G37600 protein kinase assay AT5G42030 AT2G38440 AT5G42030 AT1G29170 AT2G22640 AT2G22640 two hybrid AT2G22640 AT2G34150 AT2G38440 AT2G22640 two hybrid AT1G29170 AT2G22640 two hybrid AT2G34150 AT1G29170 AT5G42030 AT2G22640 AT5G37055 AT5G37055 AT1G63650 AT1G66370 two hybrid AT2G42380 AT2G42380 AT1G63650 AT1G66380 two hybrid AT1G63650 AT3G13540 two hybrid AT1G63650 AT5G35550 two hybrid AT1G63650 AT3G27920 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G10940 AT2G18915 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT2G18915 two hybrid AT1G20140 AT2G18915 two hybrid AT4G08500 AT1G20140 one hybrid AT2G34650 AT5G04510 pull down|coimmunoprecipitation AT4G34000 AT3G57530 two hybrid AT3G46090 AT3G20060 AT5G38430 AT3G46090 AT1G67090 AT3G46090 AT1G63650 AT5G40330 two hybrid AT2G34150 AT4G35950 AT2G34150 AT2G44690 AT2G34150 AT5G62880 AT3G55120 AT5G13930 pull down AT5G13930 AT3G51240 pull down AT3G55120 AT3G51240 pull down AT4G34210 AT2G18915 two hybrid AT2G03170 AT2G18915 two hybrid AT2G25700 AT2G18915 two hybrid AT2G18915 AT3G60010 AT2G45950 AT2G18915 two hybrid AT2G03170 AT1G68050 AT2G18915 AT2G18915 two hybrid AT2G18915 AT5G57360 two hybrid AT2G18915 AT1G68050 two hybrid AT5G61380 AT1G28480 AT1G28480 AT1G28480 AT1G28480 AT3G12250 AT2G35110 AT2G35110 AT5G18410 AT2G35110 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|pull down|two hybrid AT2G46225 AT2G35110 two hybrid AT1G29170 AT2G46225 AT4G18600 AT2G46225 AT2G46225 AT2G46225 AT3G49290 AT2G22640 AT3G49290 AT2G34150 AT3G49290 AT2G38440 AT2G05520 AT3G46090 AT4G29400 AT3G46090 AT4G00570 AT3G46090 AT5G46420 AT3G46090 AT5G62430 AT1G68050 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G39660 AT1G68050 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT2G38230 AT3G16050 pull down AT3G16050 AT3G16050 pull down AT4G09820 AT1G66370 two hybrid AT4G09820 AT1G66380 two hybrid AT4G09820 AT3G13540 two hybrid AT4G25170 AT3G46090 AT1G63650 AT5G41315 two hybrid AT5G62430 AT2G18915 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G39660 AT2G18915 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT3G47500 AT2G18915 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT1G63650 AT1G71030 AT1G63650 AT1G01380 AT4G09820 AT1G71030 AT4G09820 AT2G46410 AT1G01380 AT4G00480 AT1G24590 AT1G30490 two hybrid|coimmunoprecipitation AT5G63310 AT5G63310 AT2G30360 AT2G30360 AT3G12810 AT3G54560 AT4G27090 AT3G46090 AT5G14780 AT3G46090 AT3G46090 AT5G26880 AT3G47500 AT1G68050 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT1G48480 AT3G17950 AT4G17750 AT5G66030 AT4G17750 AT5G02500 two hybrid AT1G79280 AT1G79280 AT4G15880 AT1G79280 two hybrid AT2G41310 AT1G79280 AT2G41310 AT3G57040 AT3G21510 AT3G57040 two hybrid AT3G21510 AT2G40670 AT2G40670 AT3G29350 pull down AT2G40670 AT5G39340 pull down AT1G23420 AT5G39340 pull down AT4G16110 AT4G16110 AT5G39340 AT4G31920 AT2G01760 AT5G35750 pull down AT3G21510 AT2G01760 pull down AT2G01760 AT5G39340 pull down AT5G35750 AT5G35750 pull down AT4G31920 AT2G01760 AT1G27320 AT5G35750 synthetic growth defect|pull down|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G27320 AT2G01830 pull down|synthetic growth defect AT5G35750 AT3G21510 pull down AT1G27320 AT3G21510 pull down AT1G27320 AT3G29350 pull down AT5G39340 AT1G27320 pull down AT1G67710 AT2G01830 pull down AT1G67710 AT3G48100 pull down AT1G67710 AT5G62920 pull down AT1G67710 AT1G19050 pull down AT1G67710 AT4G00180 pull down AT4G04020 AT2G41310 pull down AT5G55910 AT5G04510 pull down AT5G04510 AT4G26610 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT5G04510 AT5G47750 pull down AT5G04510 AT2G44830 pull down AT5G40030 AT5G04510 pull down AT2G45190 AT5G40030 pull down AT2G33610 AT5G04510 pull down AT5G04510 AT1G79250 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT5G04510 AT3G12690 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT1G27320 AT1G27320 AT5G04510 AT2G26700 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT5G04510 AT5G04510 pull down AT5G04510 AT1G53700 pull down AT5G04510 AT3G14370 pull down AT5G04510 AT3G52890 pull down AT2G36350 AT5G04510 pull down AT2G26700 AT3G57040 pull down AT1G74890 AT3G57040 pull down AT1G74890 AT2G40670 pull down AT3G21510 AT3G48100 pull down AT5G39340 AT5G39340 pull down AT4G16110 AT2G01760 pull down AT1G26945 AT1G02340 two hybrid AT2G35670 AT1G02580 two hybrid|coimmunoprecipitation AT2G35670 AT4G02020 two hybrid|coimmunoprecipitation AT2G23380 AT2G35670 AT2G01830 AT5G39340 AT2G01830 AT2G01830 AT5G35750 AT2G01830 synthetic growth defect AT3G48100 AT1G27320 AT5G62920 AT1G27320 AT1G19050 AT1G27320 AT1G19050 AT2G41310 AT1G19050 AT3G57040 AT3G16857 AT2G40670 AT4G16110 AT2G40670 AT4G16110 AT1G67710 AT3G29350 AT5G39340 AT3G29350 AT3G21510 AT2G01830 AT3G21510 AT3G29350 AT2G41310 AT2G45190 AT2G41310 pull down AT2G45190 AT2G45190 pull down AT2G45190 AT1G09570 pull down AT3G03490 AT2G26350 pull down AT1G52890 AT1G15100 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G42940 AT1G52890 two hybrid AT2G01150 AT1G52890 two hybrid AT5G10270 AT1G27630 pull down AT5G10270 AT1G13450 AT5G10270 AT5G55390 AT3G15000 AT5G10270 AT1G30490 AT5G08130 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT5G41410 AT2G35940 two hybrid AT5G41410 AT1G75410 two hybrid AT5G41410 AT2G23760 two hybrid AT5G41410 AT4G08150 two hybrid|pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G41410 AT1G70510 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G41410 AT1G23380 two hybrid AT5G41410 AT1G62360 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G41410 AT5G01840 two hybrid AT5G41410 AT1G06920 two hybrid AT5G41410 AT4G18830 two hybrid AT5G41410 AT1G30590 two hybrid AT5G41410 AT5G04830 two hybrid AT5G41410 AT1G26260 two hybrid AT5G41410 AT1G11910 two hybrid AT2G35940 AT2G35940 two hybrid AT2G35940 AT4G36870 two hybrid AT2G35940 AT1G75410 two hybrid AT2G35940 AT2G23760 two hybrid AT2G35940 AT4G34610 two hybrid AT2G35940 AT1G19700 two hybrid AT2G35940 AT4G32980 two hybrid AT2G35940 AT4G32040 two hybrid AT2G35940 AT1G23380 two hybrid AT2G35940 AT1G62360 two hybrid AT5G01840 AT2G35940 confocal microscopy|two hybrid AT2G35940 AT2G30400 two hybrid AT2G35940 AT5G58360 two hybrid AT2G35940 AT1G06920 two hybrid AT2G35940 AT4G18830 confocal microscopy|two hybrid AT2G35940 AT2G36050 two hybrid AT2G35940 AT1G30590 two hybrid AT2G35940 AT5G04830 two hybrid AT2G35940 AT2G40000 two hybrid AT2G35940 AT1G26260 two hybrid AT4G36870 AT4G08150 two hybrid AT4G36870 AT1G70510 two hybrid AT4G36870 AT4G32040 two hybrid AT4G34610 AT1G70510 two hybrid AT4G34610 AT5G11060 two hybrid AT5G64960 AT3G15000 AT5G64960 AT1G27630 pull down AT5G23260 AT4G18960 3 hybrid method AT4G36870 AT1G23380 two hybrid AT4G36870 AT1G62360 two hybrid AT1G70510 AT1G79960 two hybrid AT1G70510 AT5G11060 AT1G70510 AT5G01840 AT4G08150 AT3G52525 two hybrid AT4G34610 AT4G32040 two hybrid AT4G34610 AT1G23380 two hybrid AT4G34610 AT1G62360 two hybrid AT4G34610 AT2G30400 two hybrid AT4G34610 AT4G18830 two hybrid AT2G16400 AT4G08150 two hybrid AT2G16400 AT4G32040 two hybrid AT2G16400 AT1G23380 two hybrid AT2G16400 AT1G62990 two hybrid AT2G27990 AT4G08150 two hybrid AT2G27990 AT1G70510 two hybrid AT5G02030 AT5G02030 two hybrid AT5G02030 AT1G70510 two hybrid AT5G02030 AT4G32040 two hybrid AT5G42750 AT1G55610 pull down AT4G11110 AT5G15850 AT5G02030 AT1G26260 two hybrid AT1G19700 AT4G32040 two hybrid AT1G19700 AT1G23380 two hybrid AT1G19700 AT5G01840 two hybrid AT1G19700 AT2G30400 two hybrid AT1G19700 AT1G06920 two hybrid AT1G19700 AT4G18830 two hybrid AT1G19700 AT1G30590 two hybrid AT1G19700 AT5G04830 two hybrid AT1G19700 AT2G40000 two hybrid AT1G19700 AT1G26260 two hybrid AT4G32980 AT5G11060 two hybrid AT4G32980 AT1G62990 two hybrid AT4G32980 AT5G01840 two hybrid AT4G32980 AT5G04830 two hybrid AT4G32980 AT1G26260 two hybrid AT4G32980 AT1G11910 two hybrid AT4G08150 AT5G11060 two hybrid AT4G08150 AT1G62990 two hybrid AT4G08150 AT5G01840 confocal microscopy|two hybrid AT4G08150 AT2G30400 two hybrid AT4G08150 AT1G06920 two hybrid AT4G08150 AT1G05420 two hybrid AT4G08150 AT1G11910 two hybrid AT1G70510 AT1G05420 two hybrid AT3G03490 AT2G30400 AT3G03490 AT1G06920 AT3G03490 AT1G05420 AT3G03490 AT1G79960 AT3G03490 AT1G26260 AT3G03490 AT1G11910 AT5G11060 AT1G62990 two hybrid AT5G11060 AT5G01840 two hybrid AT5G11060 AT2G30400 two hybrid AT5G11060 AT1G06920 two hybrid AT5G11060 AT1G05420 two hybrid AT5G11060 AT1G11910 two hybrid AT4G32040 AT4G32040 two hybrid AT4G32040 AT1G23380 two hybrid AT4G32040 AT1G62990 two hybrid AT4G32040 AT5G01840 two hybrid AT4G32040 AT2G30400 two hybrid AT4G32040 AT5G58360 two hybrid AT4G32040 AT1G06920 two hybrid AT4G32040 AT1G26260 two hybrid AT4G32040 AT1G11910 two hybrid AT1G23380 AT1G62990 two hybrid AT1G23380 AT2G30400 two hybrid AT1G23380 AT1G06920 two hybrid AT1G62990 AT1G62990 two hybrid AT1G62990 AT1G62360 two hybrid AT1G62990 AT5G01840 two hybrid AT1G62990 AT2G30400 two hybrid AT1G62990 AT5G58360 two hybrid AT1G62990 AT1G06920 two hybrid AT1G62990 AT3G52525 two hybrid AT1G62990 AT1G11910 two hybrid AT5G01840 AT5G01840 two hybrid AT2G46340 AT4G00180 pull down AT2G45190 AT1G53090 AT2G35940 AT1G11910 two hybrid AT4G36870 AT5G01840 two hybrid AT4G36870 AT2G30400 two hybrid AT4G36870 AT1G06920 two hybrid AT5G11710 AT5G39510 pull down|Reconstituted Complex|coimmunoprecipitation AT5G11710 AT5G11710 pull down AT5G11710 AT3G52850 molecular sieving|pull down|Reconstituted Complex|coimmunoprecipitation AT5G11710 AT1G23900 pull down|Reconstituted Complex|coimmunoprecipitation AT5G11710 AT5G22770 pull down AT5G02200 AT1G09570 two hybrid|two hybrid|pull down|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G37678 AT1G09570 two hybrid|pull down AT4G36870 AT4G18830 two hybrid AT4G36870 AT1G26260 two hybrid AT1G75410 AT1G75410 two hybrid AT1G75410 AT2G16400 two hybrid AT1G75410 AT5G02030 two hybrid AT1G75410 AT1G19700 two hybrid AT1G75410 AT4G32040 two hybrid AT1G75410 AT1G23380 two hybrid AT1G75410 AT5G01840 two hybrid AT1G75410 AT2G30400 two hybrid AT1G75410 AT5G58360 two hybrid AT1G75410 AT1G06920 two hybrid AT1G75410 AT4G18830 two hybrid AT1G75410 AT2G36050 two hybrid AT1G75410 AT1G30590 two hybrid AT1G75410 AT5G04830 two hybrid AT1G75410 AT2G40000 two hybrid AT1G75410 AT1G26260 two hybrid AT1G75410 AT1G11910 two hybrid AT2G23760 AT2G27220 two hybrid AT2G23760 AT1G19700 two hybrid AT2G23760 AT4G32980 two hybrid AT2G23760 AT4G08150 two hybrid AT2G23760 AT1G70510 two hybrid AT2G23760 AT4G32040 two hybrid AT2G23760 AT1G23380 two hybrid AT2G23760 AT1G62360 two hybrid AT2G23760 AT5G01840 two hybrid AT2G23760 AT2G30400 two hybrid AT2G23760 AT4G18830 two hybrid AT2G23760 AT1G30590 two hybrid AT2G23760 AT2G40000 two hybrid AT2G23760 AT1G26260 two hybrid AT2G23760 AT1G11910 two hybrid AT2G27220 AT1G70510 two hybrid AT2G27220 AT4G32040 two hybrid AT2G27220 AT1G23380 two hybrid AT2G27220 AT1G62990 two hybrid AT2G27220 AT5G01840 two hybrid AT4G34610 AT4G08150 two hybrid AT1G66750 AT4G30820 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT1G66750 AT5G27620 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|protein complementation assay|affinity technology AT1G66750 AT4G16143 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT5G25150 AT4G16143 AT1G54140 AT1G04950 two hybrid AT1G54140 AT1G20000 AT3G43810 AT2G26730 protein array AT3G43810 AT1G68400 protein array AT3G43810 AT3G02880 protein array AT3G43810 AT3G28450 protein array AT3G43810 AT1G56145 protein array AT3G43810 AT2G48010 protein array AT3G43810 AT1G27190 protein array AT3G43810 AT3G15010 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G24080 protein array AT3G43810 AT2G30980 protein array AT3G43810 AT4G39540 protein array AT3G43810 AT4G34380 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G66790 protein array AT2G46130 AT3G43810 protein array AT3G43810 AT2G30590 protein array AT3G43810 AT4G23810 protein array AT3G43810 AT4G36250 protein array AT3G43810 AT4G18950 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G20810 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G15830 protein array AT3G43810 AT1G58110 protein array AT3G43810 AT3G19290 protein array AT3G43810 AT4G02640 protein array AT3G43810 ATCG00020 protein array AT3G43810 AT4G36730 protein array AT3G43810 AT1G31812 AT4G37650 AT3G54220 coimmunoprecipitation|two hybrid|coimmunoprecipitation|two hybrid AT4G37650 AT4G37650 AT1G32750 AT4G37650 AT4G31720 AT4G37650 AT1G17440 AT1G32750 two hybrid AT1G32750 AT5G25150 two hybrid AT4G31720 AT5G25150 two hybrid AT5G25150 AT1G17440 two hybrid AT1G32750 AT4G31720 two hybrid AT1G32750 AT3G10070 two hybrid AT1G73960 AT1G32750 two hybrid AT1G27720 AT5G43130 two hybrid AT1G27720 AT1G12680 protein array AT1G27720 AT1G74740 protein array AT1G27720 AT4G23650 protein array AT1G27720 AT3G19100 protein array AT1G27720 AT4G27780 AT1G27720 AT1G31812 AT1G27720 AT4G31720 two hybrid AT1G02680 AT5G25150 AT1G02680 AT4G14340 protein array AT1G02680 AT5G35410 protein array AT1G02680 AT4G30960 protein array AT1G02680 AT1G20930 protein array AT1G02680 AT1G54610 protein array AT1G02680 AT3G59150 protein array AT1G02680 AT3G20110 protein array AT1G02680 AT4G08980 protein array AT1G02680 AT4G24390 protein array AT1G02680 AT5G41920 protein array AT1G02680 AT5G56030 protein array AT1G02680 AT4G02410 protein array AT1G02680 AT1G34300 protein array AT1G02680 AT3G04430 protein array AT1G02680 AT1G60040 protein array AT1G02680 AT5G39810 protein array AT1G02680 AT2G24840 protein array AT1G02680 AT5G13790 protein array AT1G02680 AT5G23260 protein array AT1G02680 AT5G26870 protein array AT1G02680 AT5G27050 protein array AT1G02680 AT5G41200 protein array AT1G02680 AT5G48670 protein array AT1G02680 AT5G60910 protein array AT1G02680 AT1G10210 protein array AT1G02680 AT1G53510 protein array AT1G02680 ATMG00870 protein array AT4G23050 ATMG00870 protein array AT4G23050 AT3G50310 protein array AT4G23050 AT3G63260 protein array AT4G23050 AT4G37240 protein array AT4G23050 AT2G31180 protein array AT4G23050 AT2G23290 protein array AT4G23050 AT4G28706 protein array AT4G23050 AT4G37870 protein array AT4G23050 AT4G13020 protein array AT4G23050 AT1G69270 protein array AT4G23050 AT3G12200 protein array AT4G23050 AT3G23310 protein array AT4G23050 AT5G56890 protein array AT4G23050 AT4G35600 protein array AT5G25150 AT4G35600 AT1G54140 AT4G35600 AT5G43130 AT4G20280 two hybrid AT4G31720 AT4G20280 two hybrid AT5G25150 AT3G10070 two hybrid AT1G54140 AT3G10070 two hybrid AT1G17440 AT1G50300 two hybrid AT1G02680 AT3G10070 two hybrid AT5G43130 AT1G55300 two hybrid AT1G27720 AT4G34340 two hybrid AT4G31720 AT1G17440 two hybrid AT1G17440 AT3G10070 two hybrid AT4G31720 AT3G10070 two hybrid AT1G27720 AT1G17440 two hybrid AT1G27720 AT2G18000 two hybrid AT2G18000 AT5G25150 two hybrid AT5G25150 AT5G45600 two hybrid AT1G02680 AT5G45600 two hybrid AT2G18000 AT2G18000 AT2G18000 AT5G45600 two hybrid AT1G32750 AT5G45600 two hybrid AT1G27720 AT1G50300 two hybrid AT1G27720 AT5G58470 two hybrid AT5G43130 AT1G17440 two hybrid AT5G43130 AT1G02680 two hybrid AT5G43130 AT2G18000 two hybrid AT5G43130 AT5G45600 two hybrid AT5G43130 AT1G50300 two hybrid AT5G43130 AT5G58470 two hybrid AT5G25150 AT5G58470 two hybrid AT4G20280 AT1G02680 two hybrid AT1G17440 AT1G17440 AT1G17440 AT1G02680 two hybrid AT1G17440 AT2G18000 two hybrid AT1G17440 AT5G45600 two hybrid AT1G17440 AT5G58470 two hybrid AT1G02680 AT2G18000 two hybrid AT2G18000 AT5G58470 two hybrid AT2G18000 AT1G32750 AT5G25150 AT1G27720 two hybrid AT5G43130 AT5G43130 AT5G43130 AT5G25150 two hybrid AT1G71800 AT5G25150 biochemical AT5G10450 AT1G75080 pull down|far western blotting|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|protein complementation assay|Affinity Capture-Western|split-reporter assay|affinity technology|in vitro AT3G51920 AT3G50310 protein array AT5G21274 AT4G23810 protein array AT3G51920 AT4G23810 protein array AT3G51920 ATCG00020 protein array AT5G21274 AT4G23650 protein array AT5G10450 AT1G19350 two hybrid AT3G56070 AT3G51920 AT3G51920 AT5G27050 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G41200 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G48670 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G49490 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G55690 protein array AT3G51920 AT1G65300 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G27070 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G40120 protein array AT3G51920 AT1G53510 protein array AT3G51920 ATMG00870 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G11620 protein array AT3G51920 AT4G23050 protein array AT3G51920 AT3G22750 protein array AT3G51920 AT4G37240 protein array AT3G51920 AT2G31180 protein array AT3G51920 AT2G23290 protein array AT3G51920 AT4G37870 protein array AT3G51920 AT4G26270 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G47810 protein array AT4G13020 AT3G51920 protein array AT3G51920 AT3G12200 protein array AT3G51920 AT3G23310 protein array AT5G25150 AT5G25150 AT4G34340 AT5G43130 two hybrid AT1G54140 AT5G43130 two hybrid AT4G31720 AT5G43130 two hybrid AT4G34340 AT5G25150 two hybrid AT1G54140 AT5G25150 two hybrid AT1G32750 AT1G55300 two hybrid AT4G34340 AT4G34340 AT4G31720 AT4G34340 two hybrid AT1G17440 AT4G34340 two hybrid AT1G02680 AT4G34340 two hybrid AT2G18000 AT4G34340 two hybrid AT1G73960 AT4G31720 two hybrid AT3G51920 AT4G31720 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G56890 protein array AT3G51920 AT4G35600 protein array AT3G51920 AT4G04570 protein array AT3G51920 AT1G68380 protein array AT3G51920 AT1G77145 protein array AT3G51920 AT1G80120 protein array AT3G51920 AT3G56270 protein array AT3G51920 AT1G20950 protein array AT3G51920 AT4G23170 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G10520 protein array AT3G51920 AT1G14370 protein array AT3G51920 AT2G02800 protein array AT3G51920 AT1G28390 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G01890 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G49760 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G56040 protein array AT3G51920 AT1G68400 protein array AT3G51920 AT3G02880 protein array AT3G51920 AT3G28450 protein array AT3G51920 AT1G56145 protein array AT3G51920 AT2G48010 protein array AT3G51920 AT1G27190 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G24080 protein array AT5G21274 AT1G28390 protein array AT5G21274 AT5G01890 protein array AT5G21274 AT5G49760 protein array AT5G21274 AT5G56040 protein array AT5G21274 AT1G68400 protein array AT5G21274 AT3G02880 protein array AT5G21274 AT3G28450 protein array AT5G21274 AT1G56145 protein array AT5G21274 AT2G48010 protein array AT5G21274 AT1G27190 protein array AT5G21274 AT5G24080 protein array AT5G21274 AT2G30980 protein array AT5G21274 AT4G39540 protein array AT5G21274 AT4G34380 protein array AT5G66790 AT5G21274 protein array AT5G21274 AT5G21274 protein array AT5G21274 AT2G46130 protein array AT3G43810 AT3G43810 protein array AT3G43810 AT3G30530 protein array AT3G43810 AT1G59530 protein array AT3G43810 AT3G58120 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G38800 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G24800 protein array AT3G43810 AT4G18650 protein array AT3G43810 AT3G62420 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G39670 protein array AT3G43810 AT1G12680 protein array AT3G43810 AT1G74740 protein array AT4G23650 AT3G43810 protein array AT3G43810 AT3G19100 protein array AT3G43810 AT4G14340 protein array AT3G43810 AT3G13320 protein array AT5G35410 AT3G43810 protein array AT3G43810 AT4G30960 protein array AT3G43810 AT3G05050 protein array AT3G43810 AT1G20930 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G23260 protein array AT1G54140 AT4G31720 two hybrid AT4G31720 AT4G31720 AT1G02680 AT4G31720 two hybrid AT1G17440 AT4G20280 two hybrid AT1G27720 AT3G10070 two hybrid AT5G43130 AT3G10070 two hybrid AT4G34340 AT3G10070 two hybrid AT4G20280 AT3G10070 two hybrid AT2G18000 AT3G10070 two hybrid AT2G46340 AT3G56270 protein array AT2G46340 AT1G20950 protein array AT2G46340 AT4G23170 protein array AT2G46340 AT5G10520 protein array AT2G46340 AT1G74490 protein array AT2G46340 AT5G49760 protein array AT2G46340 AT5G56040 protein array AT2G46340 AT3G28450 protein array AT3G28450 AT1G56145 protein array AT3G43810 AT3G59150 protein array AT3G43810 AT4G18630 protein array AT3G56070 AT5G21274 AT3G56070 AT4G30820 protein array AT3G56070 AT5G27070 protein array AT3G56070 AT5G40120 protein array AT3G56070 AT3G43810 AT5G21274 AT3G43810 AT3G43810 AT1G54610 protein array AT3G43810 AT2G20110 protein array AT3G43810 AT3G26170 protein array AT3G43810 AT4G39950 protein array AT3G43810 AT3G20110 protein array AT3G43810 AT3G20080 protein array AT3G43810 AT3G61880 protein array AT3G43810 AT2G28380 protein array AT3G43810 AT4G08980 protein array AT4G24390 AT3G43810 protein array AT3G43810 AT3G12350 protein array AT3G43810 AT2G24540 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G41920 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G66770 protein array AT3G43810 AT2G04890 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G56030 protein array AT3G43810 AT4G02410 protein array AT3G43810 AT3G04430 protein array AT3G43810 AT1G48150 protein array AT3G43810 AT1G60040 protein array AT3G43810 AT3G04100 protein array AT3G43810 AT3G30260 protein array AT3G43810 AT4G37940 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G06500 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G39810 protein array AT3G43810 AT2G24840 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G13790 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G23260 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G26950 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G27050 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G41200 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G48670 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G49490 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G27070 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G40120 protein array AT3G43810 AT1G53510 protein array AT3G43810 ATMG00870 protein array AT3G43810 AT3G50310 protein array AT4G38580 AT4G38580 AT3G23050 AT3G62980 affinity technology|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|pull down|interaction detection method|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|affinity technology AT3G43810 AT3G22750 protein array AT3G43810 AT4G37240 protein array AT3G43810 AT2G31180 protein array AT3G43810 AT2G23290 protein array AT3G43810 AT1G06910 protein array AT3G43810 AT4G28706 protein array AT3G43810 AT4G37870 protein array AT5G47810 AT3G43810 protein array AT3G43810 AT4G13020 protein array AT3G43810 AT3G12200 protein array AT3G43810 AT3G23310 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G56890 protein array AT3G43810 AT4G35600 protein array AT3G43810 AT4G04570 protein array AT3G43810 AT1G68380 protein array AT3G43810 AT1G77145 protein array AT3G43810 AT1G80120 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G06560 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G64400 protein array AT3G43810 AT4G16410 protein array AT3G43810 AT3G56270 protein array AT3G43810 AT4G23170 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G10520 protein array AT3G43810 AT1G14370 protein array AT3G43810 AT1G28390 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G01890 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G49760 protein array AT3G43810 AT5G56040 protein array AT2G41090 AT3G20110 protein array AT2G41090 AT3G61880 protein array AT2G41090 AT2G28380 protein array AT2G41090 AT1G75100 protein array AT2G41090 AT4G08980 protein array AT2G41090 AT4G24390 protein array AT2G41090 AT3G12350 protein array AT2G41090 AT2G24540 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G66770 protein array AT5G56030 AT2G41090 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G37670 protein array AT2G41090 AT4G02410 protein array AT2G41090 AT1G60040 protein array AT2G41090 AT3G30260 protein array AT2G41090 AT4G37940 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G39810 protein array AT2G41090 AT2G24840 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G13790 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G23260 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G27050 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G41200 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G48670 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G49490 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G27070 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G40120 protein array AT2G41090 AT1G53510 protein array AT2G41090 ATMG00870 protein array AT2G41090 AT3G50310 protein array AT2G41090 AT4G37240 protein array AT2G41090 AT2G31180 protein array AT2G41090 AT2G23290 protein array AT2G41090 AT4G37870 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G47810 protein array AT2G41090 AT4G13020 protein array AT2G41090 AT3G12200 protein array AT2G41090 AT3G23310 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G56890 protein array AT2G41090 AT4G35600 protein array AT2G41090 AT4G04570 protein array AT2G41090 AT1G68380 protein array AT2G41090 AT1G77145 protein array AT2G41090 AT1G80120 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G64400 protein array AT2G41090 AT4G16410 protein array AT3G56270 AT2G41090 protein array AT2G41090 AT4G23170 protein array AT4G14640 AT3G23310 protein array AT4G14640 AT5G56890 protein array AT4G14640 AT5G40540 protein array AT4G14640 AT5G38740 protein array AT4G14640 AT4G13020 protein array AT4G14640 AT1G51170 protein array AT4G14640 AT3G12200 protein array AT4G14640 AT5G41920 protein array AT4G14640 AT2G04890 protein array AT4G14640 AT5G02500 protein array AT4G14640 AT5G56030 protein array AT4G14640 AT4G02410 protein array AT4G14640 AT1G34300 protein array AT4G14640 AT1G60040 protein array AT4G14640 AT1G60920 protein array AT4G14640 AT5G39810 protein array AT4G14640 AT2G24840 protein array AT4G14640 AT5G48670 protein array AT4G14640 AT5G49490 protein array AT5G27070 AT4G14640 protein array AT4G14640 AT5G60910 protein array AT4G14640 AT5G56580 protein array AT4G14640 AT5G11620 protein array AT4G14640 AT4G37240 protein array AT4G14640 AT2G31180 protein array AT4G14640 AT2G23290 protein array AT4G14640 AT3G12720 protein array AT4G14640 AT4G35600 protein array AT4G14640 AT4G04570 protein array AT4G14640 AT1G68380 protein array AT1G77145 AT1G68380 protein array AT1G77145 AT1G27690 protein array AT1G77145 AT3G15010 protein array AT1G77145 AT1G09840 protein array AT1G77145 AT2G30980 protein array AT1G77145 AT4G39540 protein array AT1G77145 AT4G34380 protein array AT1G77145 AT5G66790 protein array AT1G77145 AT2G46130 protein array AT1G77145 AT4G23810 protein array AT1G66410 AT4G36250 protein array AT1G66410 AT4G18950 protein array AT5G20810 AT1G66410 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G15830 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G49450 protein array AT1G66410 AT1G58110 protein array AT1G66410 AT1G59530 protein array AT1G66410 AT3G58120 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G38800 protein array AT1G66410 AT3G19290 protein array AT1G66410 AT4G02640 protein array AT5G24800 AT1G66410 protein array ATCG00020 AT1G66410 protein array AT1G66410 AT3G12250 protein array AT1G66410 AT3G62420 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G39670 protein array AT1G66410 AT1G12680 protein array AT1G74740 AT1G66410 protein array AT1G66410 AT4G23650 protein array AT1G66410 AT3G19100 protein array AT1G66410 AT4G14340 protein array AT1G66410 AT3G13320 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G35410 protein array AT1G66410 AT4G30960 protein array AT1G66410 AT1G20930 protein array AT1G54610 AT1G66410 protein array AT1G66410 AT2G20110 protein array AT3G59150 AT1G66410 protein array AT1G66410 AT3G20110 protein array AT1G66410 AT3G61880 protein array AT1G66410 AT2G28380 protein array AT1G66410 AT1G75100 protein array AT1G66410 AT4G08980 protein array AT1G66410 AT4G24390 protein array AT1G66410 AT3G12350 protein array AT1G66410 AT2G24540 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G41920 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G66770 protein array AT1G66410 AT2G04890 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G56030 protein array AT1G66410 AT4G02410 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G46590 protein array AT1G66410 AT3G04430 protein array AT1G66410 AT1G60040 protein array AT1G66410 AT3G04100 protein array AT1G66410 AT3G30260 protein array AT1G66410 AT4G37940 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G39810 protein array AT1G66410 AT2G24840 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G13790 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G10520 protein array AT2G41090 AT1G14370 protein array AT1G28390 AT2G41090 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G01890 protein array AT5G49760 AT2G41090 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G56040 protein array AT2G41090 AT1G68400 protein array AT2G41090 AT3G02880 protein array AT2G41090 AT3G28450 protein array AT2G41090 AT1G56145 protein array AT2G41090 AT2G48010 protein array AT2G41090 AT1G27190 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G24080 protein array AT2G41090 AT2G30980 protein array AT2G41090 AT4G39540 protein array AT2G41090 AT4G34380 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G66790 protein array AT2G41090 AT2G46130 protein array AT2G41090 AT4G23810 protein array AT2G41090 AT4G36250 protein array AT2G41090 AT4G18950 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G20810 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G15830 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G49450 protein array AT1G58110 AT2G41090 protein array AT2G41090 AT1G59530 protein array AT2G41090 AT3G58120 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G38800 protein array AT2G41090 AT3G19290 protein array AT2G41090 AT4G02640 protein array AT2G41090 ATCG00020 protein array AT2G41090 AT3G62420 protein array AT5G39670 AT3G62420 protein array AT5G39670 AT1G21550 protein array AT5G39670 AT1G74740 protein array AT5G39670 AT4G23650 protein array AT5G39670 AT4G14340 protein array AT5G39670 AT3G13320 protein array AT5G39670 AT5G58380 protein array AT5G39670 AT5G35410 protein array AT5G39670 AT1G20930 protein array AT5G39670 AT1G54610 protein array AT5G39670 AT3G59150 protein array AT5G21274 AT1G20930 protein array AT5G21274 AT4G04570 protein array AT5G21274 AT1G77145 protein array AT5G21274 AT3G56270 protein array AT5G21274 AT4G23170 protein array AT5G21274 AT2G39660 protein array AT3G28450 AT3G02880 protein array AT3G28450 AT2G48010 protein array AT3G28450 AT1G27190 protein array AT3G28450 AT1G09840 protein array AT3G28450 AT2G30980 protein array AT3G28450 AT4G34380 protein array AT3G28450 AT3G57730 protein array AT3G28450 AT5G66790 protein array AT3G28450 AT5G26170 protein array AT3G28450 AT4G23810 protein array AT5G21274 AT3G50310 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G23260 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G26870 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G27050 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G41200 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G48670 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G49490 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G55690 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G27070 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G40120 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G60910 protein array AT1G66410 AT1G10210 protein array AT1G66410 AT1G53510 protein array AT1G66410 ATMG00870 protein array AT1G66410 AT4G23050 protein array AT1G66410 AT3G50310 protein array AT1G66410 AT4G37240 protein array AT1G66410 AT2G31180 protein array AT1G66410 AT2G23290 protein array AT1G66410 AT4G28706 protein array AT1G66410 AT4G37870 protein array AT1G66410 AT4G26270 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G47810 protein array AT1G66410 AT4G13020 protein array AT1G66410 AT1G69270 protein array AT1G66410 AT3G12200 protein array AT1G66410 AT3G23310 protein array AT1G66410 AT3G44200 protein array AT1G66410 AT4G35600 protein array AT1G66410 AT4G04570 protein array AT1G66410 AT4G23290 protein array AT1G66410 AT1G68380 protein array AT1G66410 AT1G77145 protein array AT1G66410 AT1G80120 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G63770 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G64400 protein array AT1G66410 AT4G18630 protein array AT1G66410 AT4G16410 protein array AT1G66410 AT3G56270 protein array AT1G66410 AT4G23170 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G10520 protein array AT1G66410 AT1G14370 protein array AT1G66410 AT2G02800 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G23170 protein array AT1G66410 AT1G28390 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G01890 protein array AT5G49760 AT1G66410 protein array AT4G14640 AT4G36250 protein array AT4G14640 AT4G18950 protein array AT4G14640 AT5G20810 protein array AT4G14640 AT5G15830 protein array AT4G14640 AT5G49450 protein array AT4G14640 AT1G58110 protein array AT4G14640 AT1G59530 protein array AT4G14640 AT3G58120 protein array AT4G14640 AT5G38800 protein array AT4G14640 AT3G19290 protein array AT4G14640 AT4G02640 protein array AT4G14640 AT5G39670 protein array AT4G14640 AT1G74740 protein array AT4G14640 AT4G23650 protein array AT4G14640 AT4G14340 protein array AT4G14640 AT5G35410 protein array AT4G14640 AT3G05050 protein array AT4G14640 AT1G20930 protein array AT4G14640 AT1G54610 protein array AT4G14640 AT3G59150 protein array AT4G14640 AT3G20110 protein array AT4G14640 AT3G17240 protein array AT4G14640 AT2G28380 protein array AT4G14640 AT3G20080 protein array AT4G14640 AT4G31950 protein array AT4G14640 AT4G08980 protein array AT4G14640 AT4G24390 protein array AT4G14640 AT1G11270 protein array AT4G14640 AT3G18980 protein array AT4G14640 AT1G29340 protein array AT3G48750 AT3G19150 Affinity Capture-MS|protein complementation assay|two hybrid|affinity technology AT5G65420 AT3G48750 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|protein complementation assay|two hybrid|affinity technology|two hybrid AT3G48750 AT3G49240 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT3G48750 AT1G64520 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT3G48750 AT2G27970 Affinity Capture-MS|protein complementation assay|two hybrid|affinity technology AT3G48750 AT5G40460 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT3G48750 AT2G20580 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT3G48750 AT2G28000 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT3G48750 AT5G10440 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|protein complementation assay|two hybrid|affinity technology AT3G48750 AT3G17020 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT3G48750 AT2G22490 Affinity Capture-MS|protein complementation assay|affinity technology AT3G48750 AT1G10690 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT3G48750 AT5G63610 Affinity Capture-MS|protein complementation assay|affinity technology AT3G48750 AT4G28470 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT3G48750 AT2G27960 two hybrid|pull down|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|protein complementation assay|affinity technology AT3G48750 AT1G78900 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT3G48750 AT2G32710 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|protein complementation assay|two hybrid|two hybrid|affinity technology AT3G48750 AT5G23540 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT3G48750 AT3G55000 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT3G54180 AT2G28000 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT3G54180 AT2G27970 Affinity Capture-MS|protein complementation assay|two hybrid|affinity technology AT3G54180 AT1G64520 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT1G66410 AT5G56040 protein array AT1G66410 AT2G26730 protein array AT1G66410 AT1G68400 protein array AT1G66410 AT3G02880 protein array AT1G66410 AT3G28450 protein array AT1G66410 AT1G56145 protein array AT1G66410 AT2G48010 protein array AT1G66410 AT1G27190 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G24080 protein array AT1G66410 AT1G09840 protein array AT1G66410 AT2G30980 protein array AT1G66410 AT4G39540 protein array AT1G66410 AT4G34380 protein array AT1G66410 AT5G66790 protein array AT2G46130 AT1G66410 protein array AT4G23810 AT1G66410 protein array AT5G21274 AT4G36250 protein array AT5G21274 AT4G18950 protein array AT5G21274 AT5G20810 protein array AT1G67530 AT5G21274 protein array AT5G21274 AT5G15830 protein array AT5G21274 AT5G49450 protein array AT5G21274 AT1G58110 protein array AT5G21274 AT1G59530 protein array AT5G21274 AT3G58120 protein array AT5G21274 AT5G38800 protein array AT5G21274 AT3G19290 protein array AT5G21274 AT4G02640 protein array AT5G21274 AT5G24800 protein array AT5G21274 AT4G18650 protein array AT5G21274 ATCG00020 protein array AT5G21274 AT3G62420 protein array AT5G21274 AT5G39670 protein array AT1G12680 AT5G21274 protein array AT5G21274 AT1G74740 protein array AT5G21274 AT3G19100 protein array AT5G21274 AT4G14340 protein array AT5G35410 AT5G21274 protein array AT5G21274 AT4G30960 protein array AT5G21274 AT1G54610 protein array AT5G21274 AT2G20110 protein array AT5G21274 AT3G59150 protein array AT4G14640 AT2G03710 protein array AT4G14640 AT3G50310 protein array AT4G14640 AT1G77145 protein array AT4G14640 AT3G56270 protein array AT4G14640 AT1G20950 protein array AT4G14640 AT4G23170 protein array AT4G14640 AT5G10520 protein array AT4G14640 AT2G39660 protein array AT4G14640 AT1G28390 protein array AT4G14640 AT5G01890 protein array AT4G14640 AT5G49760 protein array AT4G14640 AT5G56040 protein array AT4G14640 AT3G28450 protein array AT4G14640 AT1G56145 protein array AT4G14640 AT2G48010 protein array AT4G14640 AT4G21470 protein array AT4G14640 AT3G15010 protein array AT4G14640 AT2G30980 protein array AT4G14640 AT4G39540 protein array AT4G14640 AT4G34380 protein array AT4G14640 AT5G66790 protein array AT4G14640 AT2G46130 protein array AT4G14640 AT4G23810 protein array AT3G51920 AT4G36250 protein array AT3G51920 AT4G18950 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G20810 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G15830 protein array AT3G51920 AT1G06570 AT5G21274 AT3G20110 protein array AT5G21274 AT3G61880 protein array AT5G21274 AT2G28380 protein array AT5G21274 AT4G08980 protein array AT5G21274 AT4G24390 protein array AT5G21274 AT5G66770 protein array AT5G21274 AT2G04890 protein array AT5G56030 AT5G21274 protein array AT5G21274 AT4G02410 protein array AT5G21274 AT1G60040 protein array AT5G21274 AT3G30260 protein array AT5G21274 AT4G37940 protein array AT5G21274 AT5G39810 protein array AT5G21274 AT2G24840 protein array AT5G21274 AT5G23260 protein array AT5G21274 AT5G27050 protein array AT5G21274 AT5G41200 protein array AT5G21274 AT5G48670 protein array AT5G21274 AT5G49490 protein array AT5G21274 AT5G27070 protein array AT5G21274 AT5G40120 protein array AT5G21274 AT1G53510 protein array AT5G21274 ATMG00870 protein array AT5G21274 AT3G06030 protein array AT5G21274 AT3G22750 protein array AT5G21274 AT4G37240 protein array AT5G21274 AT2G31180 protein array AT5G21274 AT2G23290 protein array AT4G37870 AT5G21274 protein array AT5G21274 AT4G26270 protein array AT5G21274 AT5G47810 protein array AT5G21274 AT4G13020 protein array AT5G21274 AT3G12200 protein array AT4G28980 AT3G16270 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT4G28980 AT1G66750 Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|protein complementation assay|affinity technology AT4G28980 AT1G67580 Affinity Capture-MS|protein complementation assay|affinity technology AT1G20930 AT2G27960 two hybrid AT2G27960 AT2G22490 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT2G27960 AT1G47230 protein complementation assay AT2G27960 AT3G53880 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT2G27960 AT3G54180 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|protein complementation assay|two hybrid|affinity technology AT2G27960 AT4G14310 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT2G27960 AT1G76540 Affinity Capture-MS|protein complementation assay|two hybrid|affinity technology AT4G34160 AT5G02220 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT4G34160 AT2G27970 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT4G34160 AT3G48750 Affinity Capture-MS|protein complementation assay|affinity technology|coimmunoprecipitation AT4G34160 AT3G19150 Affinity Capture-MS|protein complementation assay|affinity technology AT5G21274 AT3G23310 protein array AT5G21274 AT5G56890 protein array AT5G21274 AT4G35600 protein array AT5G21274 AT1G68380 protein array AT5G21274 AT1G80120 protein array AT5G21274 AT4G18630 protein array AT5G21274 AT5G10520 protein array AT5G21274 AT1G14370 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G49450 protein array AT1G58110 AT3G51920 protein array AT3G51920 AT1G59530 protein array AT3G51920 AT3G58120 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G38800 protein array AT3G51920 AT3G19290 protein array AT3G51920 AT4G02640 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G24800 protein array AT3G51920 AT4G18650 protein array AT3G51920 AT3G62420 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G39670 protein array AT3G51920 AT1G12680 protein array AT3G51920 AT1G74740 protein array AT3G51920 AT4G23650 protein array AT3G51920 AT3G19100 protein array AT3G51920 AT1G18890 protein array AT3G51920 AT4G14340 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G35410 protein array AT3G51920 AT4G30960 protein array AT3G51920 AT3G05050 protein array AT3G51920 AT1G20930 protein array AT3G51920 AT1G54610 protein array AT3G51920 AT2G20110 protein array AT3G51920 AT3G59150 protein array AT3G51920 AT3G20110 protein array AT3G51920 AT3G20080 protein array AT3G51920 AT3G61880 protein array AT3G51920 AT2G28380 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G64780 protein array AT3G51920 AT1G76270 protein array AT3G51920 AT4G08980 protein array AT4G24390 AT3G51920 protein array AT3G51920 AT2G24540 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G41920 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G66770 protein array AT3G51920 AT2G04890 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G56030 protein array AT3G51920 AT4G02410 protein array AT3G51920 AT3G04430 protein array AT3G51920 AT1G60040 protein array AT3G51920 AT3G04100 protein array AT3G51920 AT3G30260 protein array AT3G51920 AT4G37940 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G39810 protein array AT3G51920 AT2G24840 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G13790 protein array AT3G56070 AT1G66410 AT4G34230 AT2G05440 AT3G51920 AT4G39540 protein array AT3G51920 AT4G34380 protein array AT3G51920 AT5G66790 protein array AT3G51920 AT2G46130 protein array AT2G41090 AT3G30530 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G24800 protein array AT5G21274 AT3G51920 AT3G51920 AT2G30980 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G10030 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G39670 protein array AT2G41090 AT1G12680 protein array AT2G41090 AT1G74740 protein array AT2G41090 AT4G23650 protein array AT2G41090 AT3G19100 protein array AT2G41090 AT4G14340 protein array AT2G41090 AT3G13320 protein array AT2G41090 AT5G35410 protein array AT2G41090 AT4G30960 protein array AT2G41090 AT1G20930 protein array AT2G41090 AT1G54610 protein array AT2G41090 AT2G20110 protein array AT2G41090 AT3G59150 protein array AT5G54490 AT2G34650 two hybrid|pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT2G34650 AT2G41100 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G62690 AT4G09550 pull down AT2G16950 AT4G14300 AT2G21660 AT2G16950 AT5G28640 AT2G22840 pull down AT2G46340 AT1G02340 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|coimmunoprecipitation AT3G21350 AT5G03220 AT2G39940 AT1G19180 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification AT2G39940 AT4G04020 AT1G66240 AT5G44790 AT5G44790 AT3G56240 AT5G44790 AT5G63160 far western blotting AT5G63160 AT5G63160 AT5G20240 AT3G54340 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|3 hybrid method|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT1G50030 AT5G20240 pull down AT2G19670 AT5G20240 AT2G19670 AT4G29510 AT4G25630 AT2G19670 AT4G29510 AT4G25630 AT5G16620 AT4G25630 AT4G29510 AT4G29510 pull down AT4G29510 AT5G16620 AT4G29510 AT1G63270 AT1G63270 AT1G63270 AT5G57360 AT1G22770 two hybrid|pull down|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Phenotypic Enhancement|affinity technology|in vitro AT2G18915 AT1G22770 pull down|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|in vitro AT4G02640 AT3G24650 interaction detection method|two hybrid AT3G54620 AT3G24650 two hybrid AT3G54340 AT5G15800 3 hybrid method AT3G54340 AT3G02310 AT3G54340 AT1G24260 AT5G20240 AT1G24260 reverse two hybrid AT5G20240 AT3G02310 AT5G15800 AT5G20240 two hybrid AT3G02310 AT1G69120 AT3G02310 AT4G18960 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT5G15800 AT4G18960 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G15800 AT1G69120 two hybrid AT1G04400 AT1G04400 pull down|biochemical|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G27030 AT2G46240 far western blotting AT5G07220 AT5G02500 far western blotting AT1G12060 AT5G02500 far western blotting AT1G11760 AT5G03220 AT3G21350 AT1G11760 AT3G17590 AT2G47620 two hybrid AT2G47620 AT2G47620 two hybrid AT1G21700 AT2G47620 two hybrid AT1G21700 AT4G16280 AT4G34430 AT2G33610 two hybrid AT3G18165 AT4G34430 AT4G15900 AT4G34430 AT4G08920 AT4G08920 pull down|molecular sieving|protein kinase assay|biochemical|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro AT5G28640 AT1G04400 AT2G36250 AT2G36250 two hybrid|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|protein complementation assay AT4G19660 AT5G06950 two hybrid|two hybrid|one hybrid AT4G19660 AT1G22070 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G19660 AT5G06960 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G19660 AT3G12250 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G19660 AT1G77920 AT1G64280 AT1G77920 AT1G64280 AT3G12250 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G06960 AT1G64280 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|interaction detection method|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|in vitro AT1G64280 AT1G22070 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G06950 AT1G64280 in vitro|interaction detection method|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|pull down|pull down|interaction detection method|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|two hybrid|interaction detection method|inferred by author|in vitro AT1G64280 AT1G09415 two hybrid AT3G18690 AT2G38470 affinity technology|Affinity Capture-Western|pull down|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|affinity technology|two hybrid AT3G18690 AT2G30250 pull down|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT2G30250 AT4G01370 protein kinase assay AT3G56370 AT5G12900 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT5G28640 AT3G13960 two hybrid AT5G28640 AT5G28640 AT2G22840 AT1G01160 AT4G37740 AT5G28640 AT2G26650 AT4G30960 AT3G52430 AT3G48090 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT3G48090 AT3G48090 two hybrid|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT2G26650 AT2G25090 AT4G17615 AT2G25090 AT1G07430 AT2G26650 AT1G30270 AT1G07430 AT3G18690 AT4G01370 pull down|protein kinase assay|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G57150 AT4G01370 AT3G57150 AT3G57150 AT2G43790 AT2G30250 protein kinase assay AT1G65480 AT4G25530 pull down AT4G25530 AT4G25530 AT3G01770 AT5G63160 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G67480 AT3G01770 two hybrid AT1G03360 AT3G61620 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G61620 AT1G60080 AT3G61620 AT2G25355 AT3G61620 AT3G60500 AT3G61620 AT4G27490 AT3G61620 AT3G07750 AT3G61620 AT3G46210 AT4G11260 AT5G02500 interaction detection method|interaction detection method|filter binding|confocal microscopy|pull down AT4G11260 AT3G09440 interaction detection method|pull down AT3G09440 AT1G02840 pull down AT3G09440 AT1G09140 pull down AT1G71830 AT1G71830 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT5G13930 AT5G24310 AT4G14147 AT5G24310 AT3G29350 AT3G22880 AT3G22880 AT4G29170 AT4G03190 AT5G42190 two hybrid AT2G38440 AT5G42190 AT4G35950 AT2G38440 AT2G44690 AT2G38440 AT2G38440 AT5G62880 AT3G51970 AT3G62030 pull down AT3G01610 AT3G01610 AT4G29170 AT1G13330 AT3G48360 AT3G01770 two hybrid AT4G15900 AT3G01090 two hybrid|pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT3G09840 AT1G71830 two hybrid|two hybrid|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|protein kinase assay|protein kinase assay|confocal microscopy|pull down|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|Reconstituted Complex|biochemical|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|in vitro AT3G49290 AT2G35110 AT2G38440 AT1G60430 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|split-reporter assay AT2G44690 AT4G02640 AT3G26650 AT1G32060 Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification AT3G62410 AT3G26650 Co-purification|molecular sieving|light scattering|Co-crystal Structure|Co-purification AT3G21350 AT5G42060 AT3G21350 AT2G03070 AT3G21350 AT3G01435 AT3G21350 AT5G02850 AT3G21350 AT5G41910 AT3G21350 AT1G26665 AT3G21350 AT1G55080 AT3G21350 AT3G04740 AT3G21350 AT2G28230 AT3G21350 AT2G22370 AT3G21350 AT5G20170 AT3G21350 AT1G16430 AT3G21350 AT4G04780 AT3G21350 AT3G52860 AT3G21350 AT1G25540 AT3G21350 AT5G19910 AT3G21350 AT3G57660 AT3G21350 AT5G41010 AT3G21350 AT3G59600 AT3G21350 AT3G25940 AT3G21350 AT5G12230 AT3G21350 AT1G60850 AT3G21350 AT1G54250 AT3G21350 AT2G29540 AT3G21350 AT3G10690 AT3G21350 AT3G09180 AT3G21350 AT3G23590 AT3G21350 AT1G31360 AT3G21350 AT4G25210 AT3G21350 AT5G64680 AT3G21350 AT4G25630 AT3G21350 AT5G67240 AT3G21350 AT5G63480 AT3G21350 AT5G28540 AT3G21350 AT2G38250 AT5G57360 AT3G48360 far western blotting AT1G05690 AT3G48360 far western blotting AT5G67480 AT3G48360 far western blotting AT5G67480 AT4G37610 far western blotting AT5G63160 AT5G14270 AT1G73590 AT1G25490 AT5G57090 AT1G25490 AT5G57090 AT4G08500 AT2G02860 AT2G02860 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT5G46240 AT2G26650 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT2G26650 AT1G66410 AT2G26650 AT4G32650 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G40280 AT3G59380 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|protein complementation assay|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G45780 AT3G61140 AT3G45780 AT2G02950 pull down|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G45780 AT4G25160 AT2G02860 AT1G22710 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT2G33310 AT5G20730 AT3G15540 AT5G37020 AT5G37020 AT4G14560 AT5G37020 AT1G52830 AT5G37020 AT2G33310 AT1G19850 AT1G19850 AT3G15540 AT1G19850 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT1G52830 AT1G19850 AT2G33310 AT1G19850 AT2G33310 AT2G33310 AT1G52830 AT1G52830 AT3G15540 AT3G15540 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT3G15540 AT5G20730 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|inferred by author|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT1G63650 AT5G53200 two hybrid AT1G63650 AT1G63650 two hybrid AT1G63650 AT5G24520 two hybrid AT5G60540 AT2G38230 two hybrid AT4G00480 AT5G14750 two hybrid AT4G32650 AT5G14570 two hybrid AT2G22640 AT3G20740 AT2G34690 AT1G55190 two hybrid AT2G34690 AT3G13720 two hybrid AT2G34690 AT3G60600 AT5G16840 AT1G55190 two hybrid AT5G16840 AT3G13720 two hybrid AT1G22710 AT1G22710 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT1G22710 AT1G09960 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT2G02860 AT1G09960 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT5G46240 AT5G46240 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT2G26650 AT2G26650 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT1G03360 AT2G25355 AT1G03360 AT3G07750 AT1G03360 AT1G60080 AT1G03360 AT3G60500 AT1G03360 AT3G46210 AT1G03360 AT4G27490 AT4G22200 AT5G46240 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT4G22200 AT2G26650 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT4G22200 AT4G22200 two hybrid|protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT4G22200 AT5G03610 AT1G71030 AT4G00480 AT4G14147 AT1G30825 pull down|pull down|two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G18410 AT1G20090 two hybrid AT1G20090 AT1G20090 AT5G41160 AT5G46240 AT5G41160 AT1G23080 AT3G29350 AT5G20850 AT4G29170 AT5G20850 AT3G22880 AT1G67370 AT5G45970 AT2G38440 AT3G51300 AT4G32650 protein complementation assay AT3G51300 AT3G05350 AT2G27030 AT1G51500 AT4G03560 AT1G51500 AT2G13650 AT4G18220 AT1G30950 AT5G42970 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT1G30950 AT3G61140 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT1G30950 AT4G14110 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT1G30950 AT5G56280 AT1G30950 AT1G22920 AT1G30950 AT4G02570 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT1G30950 AT3G45780 AT1G30950 AT2G02950 pull down AT5G20730 AT5G20730 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT5G20730 AT1G52830 AT4G11260 AT3G12580 interaction detection method|pull down AT4G11260 AT5G02490 interaction detection method|pull down AT2G44690 AT1G29170 AT5G01730 AT1G29170 AT4G35950 AT5G01730 AT5G62880 AT5G01730 AT2G44690 AT4G18600 AT2G44690 AT1G20090 AT4G35950 AT1G20090 AT4G35950 AT2G44690 AT5G62880 AT2G44690 AT5G55990 AT4G30960 two hybrid AT4G30960 AT5G47100 AT2G25090 AT4G26570 AT5G55990 AT2G25090 AT5G55120 AT2G25090 AT4G29170 AT1G67370 AT2G34150 AT1G67370 AT5G38800 AT5G38800 AT5G03150 AT5G03150 split-reporter assay AT3G09840 AT3G01610 AT5G03150 AT4G37650 split-reporter assay AT2G42380 AT1G43700 AT3G58120 AT1G43700 AT5G38800 AT3G58120 AT2G42380 AT5G38800 AT2G42380 AT3G54620 AT4G39400 AT4G33430 two hybrid|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|biochemical|interaction detection method|Synthetic Rescue|biochemical|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|in vitro|in vitro|affinity technology AT5G03150 AT1G03840 two hybrid AT1G62360 AT3G54220 pull down|pull down AT5G03150 AT3G54220 split-reporter assay AT3G54220 AT1G03840 two hybrid AT4G37650 AT1G03840 two hybrid AT3G54220 AT3G54220 AT3G29350 AT4G29170 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G29170 AT4G29170 AT5G35410 AT5G63310 pull down AT5G63310 AT5G01820 AT1G66410 AT2G46240 AT5G21274 AT2G46240 AT3G43810 AT2G46240 AT1G09140 AT1G30825 pull down AT5G35410 AT4G35090 AT5G35410 AT1G20620 AT3G05420 AT5G59880 AT3G05420 AT3G16770 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G05210 AT5G43900 AT5G22370 AT4G21800 two hybrid|confocal microscopy AT1G71830 AT3G54840 confocal microscopy AT5G67385 AT2G05210 AT2G05210 AT2G05210 AT5G57630 AT2G05210 AT3G05420 AT2G05210 AT2G27600 AT4G26750 pull down|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G61900 AT3G61190 pull down|two hybrid|two hybrid|pull down AT5G61380 AT5G60100 affinity technology|Affinity Capture-Western|3 hybrid method|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G76540 AT5G65420 interaction detection method|pull down|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|protein complementation assay|in vitro AT1G76540 AT1G70210 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT3G59220 AT2G26300 pull down|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|in vitro AT2G05210 AT3G59220 AT5G61900 AT3G59220 AT3G61190 AT3G59220 AT2G27600 AT3G54840 confocal microscopy|electron microscopy AT5G45130 AT2G27600 confocal microscopy|electron microscopy AT2G27600 AT4G19640 confocal microscopy|electron microscopy AT5G03730 AT1G66340 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|two hybrid|pull down|pull down|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|affinity technology AT5G03730 AT2G40940 pull down|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G47430 AT5G03730 pull down AT5G57630 AT2G27600 atpase assay AT1G76540 AT2G22490 pull down|Reconstituted Complex|protein complementation assay AT1G76540 AT3G61190 AT1G76540 AT4G34160 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT4G15900 AT4G05420 two hybrid AT4G05420 AT2G46280 two hybrid AT5G13480 AT4G05420 two hybrid AT5G46210 AT4G15900 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G05420 AT3G45620 two hybrid AT4G35050 AT4G05420 two hybrid AT4G05420 AT4G05420 AT4G29830 AT4G05420 two hybrid AT4G05420 AT2G19430 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G05420 AT1G55920 AT5G61270 AT2G18790 interaction detection method|Reconstituted Complex|coimmunoprecipitation|in vitro AT5G61270 AT1G09530 Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction detection method AT1G09570 AT3G56150 AT5G67380 AT2G46830 protein kinase assay|protein kinase assay|pull down|Reconstituted Complex|biochemical|in vitro AT2G46830 AT3G60250 in vitro|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|pull down|protein kinase assay|pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT2G46830 AT5G11260 AT3G13110 AT3G13110 AT3G13110 AT3G59760 pull down AT3G59760 AT3G59760 two hybrid AT5G54160 AT5G10450 far western blotting|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT4G31580 AT3G50670 far western blotting|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT1G23860 AT3G50670 far western blotting|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G16050 AT5G15840 AT5G15840 AT2G42590 AT5G15840 AT1G55920 AT4G05420 AT1G80670 two hybrid AT3G09840 AT3G09840 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G55920 AT1G55920 AT3G50630 AT3G48750 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|protein complementation assay|coimmunoprecipitation|two hybrid AT3G48750 AT3G24810 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT3G24810 protein complementation assay AT4G05420 AT2G26300 competition binding AT1G71230 AT3G61140 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|molecular sieving|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT2G39940 AT5G42970 AT2G39940 AT5G14250 AT5G42970 AT4G02570 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT4G14110 AT3G56150 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G61140 AT3G56150 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G56150 AT3G56150 AT1G02090 AT3G56150 pull down AT1G02090 AT1G02090 molecular sieving|pull down AT3G26090 AT2G26300 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|gtpase assay|pull down AT3G56970 AT2G28160 AT3G56980 AT2G28160 AT2G38620 AT2G27960 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT3G48750 AT1G76540 protein complementation assay AT3G48750 AT3G54180 pull down|protein complementation assay AT3G48750 AT3G48750 pull down|protein complementation assay AT2G28160 AT2G28160 AT5G07280 AT4G24972 coimmunoprecipitation|pull down|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT5G07280 AT5G61850 AT5G07280 AT1G30950 AT1G30950 AT5G61850 pull down|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT5G61850 AT5G61850 AT4G29130 AT3G01280 AT3G18780 AT4G29130 AT5G47120 AT4G29130 AT3G43810 AT5G47120 far western blotting AT4G15900 AT5G47120 pull down AT4G02150 AT4G15900 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G50200 AT1G08090 AT5G60780 AT5G50200 AT3G54170 AT5G64350 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|affinity technology AT2G46830 AT5G47080 pull down|protein kinase assay|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G46830 AT4G17640 two hybrid AT1G01060 AT3G60250 pull down|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT1G09570 AT4G08920 interaction detection method|two hybrid AT1G28480 AT5G63310 AT4G34460 AT4G05420 two hybrid AT5G67380 AT3G60250 protein kinase assay AT5G67380 AT1G01060 protein kinase assay|biochemical|in vitro AT5G67380 AT5G47080 protein kinase assay AT2G46830 AT2G46830 two hybrid AT1G02280 AT1G02280 Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex|pull down|Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G20490 AT1G53720 confocal microscopy AT1G53720 AT5G62190 confocal microscopy AT2G39940 AT2G39940 AT2G39940 AT4G14110 AT4G24660 AT3G50890 two hybrid AT4G24660 AT1G69600 two hybrid AT4G24660 AT5G15210 two hybrid AT4G24660 AT1G14440 two hybrid AT4G24660 AT1G75240 two hybrid AT4G24660 AT3G28920 two hybrid AT5G39760 AT2G02540 AT5G39760 AT4G24660 two hybrid AT5G39760 AT5G39760 two hybrid AT2G18350 AT5G39760 two hybrid AT5G39760 AT5G65410 two hybrid AT5G39760 AT3G50890 two hybrid AT5G39760 AT1G69600 two hybrid AT5G10450 AT1G71830 two hybrid|confocal microscopy|pull down|protein kinase assay|Reconstituted Complex|biochemical|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|in vitro AT5G10450 AT2G26300 gtpase assay AT2G26300 AT2G26300 AT5G02820 AT1G48380 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G52640 AT5G51700 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G13740 AT1G69260 AT3G02140 AT3G02140 AT3G02140 AT1G69260 AT3G02140 AT1G13740 AT3G44460 AT3G29575 AT3G02140 AT3G44460 AT3G44460 AT3G44460 AT4G36730 AT3G44460 AT4G36730 AT4G01120 AT4G36730 AT2G35530 AT2G46270 AT4G01120 AT2G46270 AT2G35530 AT1G32150 AT2G46270 AT2G46270 AT4G36730 AT2G46270 AT2G46270 AT1G32150 AT1G32150 AT2G35530 AT1G32150 AT4G04885 AT3G04680 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|affinity technology AT4G04885 AT5G13480 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT3G17860 AT2G39940 pull down|Reconstituted Complex|pull down|pull down|interaction detection method|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT3G17860 AT1G32640 pull down|Reconstituted Complex|pull down|pull down|interaction detection method|two hybrid AT4G18710 AT5G62000 protein kinase assay|two hybrid|biochemical|in vitro AT4G18710 AT4G18710 protein kinase assay|biochemical|in vitro AT5G55990 AT3G17510 pull down|far western blotting|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT3G17510 AT5G24270 two hybrid AT2G20000 AT2G40330 AT5G26900 AT2G20000 AT5G27570 AT2G20000 AT2G20000 AT4G22910 AT4G11920 AT2G20000 AT1G77140 AT5G26980 interaction detection method|interaction detection method|electron microscopy|pull down|coimmunoprecipitation AT2G26300 AT4G34460 AT3G66652 AT5G58040 AT5G58040 AT4G25550 AT3G28860 AT1G73590 confocal microscopy|two hybrid|coimmunoprecipitation AT3G28860 AT5G57090 confocal microscopy|two hybrid AT3G17510 AT3G17510 protein kinase assay AT2G41070 AT1G69260 AT1G13740 AT2G41070 AT3G29575 AT2G41070 AT1G69260 AT4G34000 AT1G13740 AT4G34000 AT4G34000 AT3G29575 AT3G02140 AT4G34000 AT4G26455 AT3G63130 confocal microscopy|split-reporter assay|coimmunoprecipitation|two hybrid AT4G14870 AT2G18710 molecular sieving AT2G18710 AT2G28800 Affinity Capture-Western|molecular sieving|electron microscopy|protein complementation assay|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT2G47450 AT2G47450 molecular sieving|pull down AT5G48670 AT2G24840 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G39760 AT5G15210 two hybrid AT5G39760 AT1G14440 two hybrid AT5G39760 AT1G75240 two hybrid AT3G28920 AT5G39760 AT2G18350 AT4G24660 two hybrid AT2G18350 AT5G65410 two hybrid AT2G18350 AT1G69600 two hybrid AT2G18350 AT1G14440 AT2G02540 AT5G65410 two hybrid AT4G24660 AT5G65410 two hybrid AT5G65410 AT5G65410 AT5G65410 AT3G50890 two hybrid AT1G69600 AT5G65410 AT5G65410 AT5G15210 two hybrid AT5G65410 AT1G14440 two hybrid AT5G65410 AT1G75240 two hybrid AT5G65410 AT3G28920 two hybrid ATCG00020 AT2G28800 AT2G43370 AT1G16610 interaction detection method AT2G43370 AT1G55310 interaction detection method AT4G24740 AT1G55310 protein kinase assay|pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT4G24740 AT1G16610 protein kinase assay|pull down AT1G23860 AT4G24740 interaction detection method AT1G55310 AT1G55310 interaction detection method|pull down|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|in vitro AT1G16610 AT1G55310 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|coimmunoprecipitation AT4G36160 AT1G71930 AT1G32150 AT4G36730 AT1G32150 AT4G01120 AT2G35530 AT2G35530 AT4G01120 AT2G35530 AT5G26980 AT5G39510 AT4G22200 AT3G11410 two hybrid|two hybrid|pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT5G13840 AT2G20000 AT5G13840 AT5G21274 biochemical AT5G13840 AT1G66410 biochemical AT5G13300 AT5G13300 AT2G26300 AT3G15730 pull down|interaction detection method|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G17510 AT4G01420 two hybrid AT5G56210 AT3G63130 split-reporter assay|confocal microscopy AT5G35410 AT1G78900 interaction detection method AT5G35410 AT4G38510 interaction detection method AT5G35410 AT4G11150 interaction detection method AT5G35410 AT1G20260 interaction detection method AT5G35410 AT1G76030 interaction detection method AT5G35410 AT1G12840 interaction detection method AT5G35410 AT3G01390 interaction detection method AT1G56010 AT1G56010 AT2G18060 AT1G71930 AT1G71930 AT5G66300 AT1G62700 AT1G71930 AT1G71930 AT5G62380 AT1G71930 AT1G71930 AT5G62380 AT5G62380 AT4G17615 AT1G01140 two hybrid AT4G17615 AT5G01820 coimmunoprecipitation AT5G17020 AT2G23430 AT3G22942 AT2G26300 AT3G22942 AT3G22942 interaction detection method AT3G22942 AT4G34460 pull down|one hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT4G33270 AT2G20000 AT4G33270 AT3G17510 pull down AT2G18290 AT4G17615 AT2G20000 AT2G20000 AT5G13300 AT5G26980 confocal microscopy AT1G77140 AT4G02195 electron microscopy|pull down|coimmunoprecipitation AT5G39510 AT1G77140 interaction detection method AT3G17510 AT4G16350 two hybrid AT3G51300 AT1G05560 interaction detection method|pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT3G21510 AT3G04280 interaction detection method AT5G24630 AT1G48380 AT1G66410 AT4G11260 filter binding AT2G36270 AT2G36270 AT2G36270 AT3G24650 two hybrid AT1G69260 AT2G36270 AT1G69260 AT2G26300 filter binding AT5G56210 AT5G43070 AT5G43070 AT3G13360 AT1G64280 AT5G65210 two hybrid|interaction detection method|two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G03170 AT2G31470 AT2G31470 AT4G02570 AT5G03540 AT1G47550 AT1G71820 AT3G10380 molecular sieving|confocal microscopy AT5G03540 AT3G10380 molecular sieving|confocal microscopy AT5G10030 AT3G55370 AT1G19350 AT4G18710 pull down|biochemical|two hybrid AT5G15210 AT3G50890 AT4G01420 AT4G01420 AT5G24270 AT3G23000 two hybrid AT5G24270 AT2G26300 interaction detection method AT2G26300 AT1G77140 AT4G34460 AT4G34460 AT1G02280 AT4G34460 biochemical AT1G02280 AT5G35620 AT5G35620 AT3G45140 3 hybrid method AT2G30360 AT4G16350 AT4G16350 AT5G01820 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT1G05560 AT2G34180 AT1G05560 AT1G05560 pull down AT4G33430 AT5G46330 confocal microscopy|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT5G19280 AT1G71830 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|coimmunoprecipitation|two hybrid AT5G24270 AT4G01420 AT5G55990 AT5G35410 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT5G35410 AT4G26560 AT4G26570 AT5G35410 two hybrid AT4G17615 AT5G01810 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G55990 AT2G30360 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT4G26570 AT4G17615 AT4G26570 AT5G24270 AT4G26570 AT3G23000 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G24270 AT4G18700 AT4G39400 AT4G39400 protein kinase assay|protein kinase assay|interaction detection method|coimmunoprecipitation AT4G23570 AT5G02500 AT5G51700 AT4G11260 two hybrid AT5G52640 AT4G11260 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G36270 AT1G13740 AT2G36270 AT3G02140 AT3G13360 AT3G63130 split-reporter assay AT1G66340 AT3G29350 two hybrid AT1G66340 AT5G39340 two hybrid AT1G66340 AT3G21510 two hybrid AT2G47430 AT3G29350 two hybrid AT3G46510 AT3G29350 interaction detection method AT2G45820 AT1G10470 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G61260 AT1G10470 AT1G59940 AT1G10470 protein kinase assay AT3G04680 AT1G30460 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G66500 AT1G30460 AT2G36910 AT1G73590 confocal microscopy|coimmunoprecipitation AT2G36910 AT5G57090 confocal microscopy AT4G17615 AT4G14580 AT2G20000 AT2G18290 AT1G05560 AT1G05570 two hybrid AT5G35410 AT5G35410 AT3G50670 AT5G35410 confocal microscopy|interaction detection method AT1G09140 AT5G35410 pull down AT1G09140 AT1G55310 AT1G19350 AT1G55310 interaction detection method AT1G71830 AT4G33430 Affinity Capture-MS|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT1G71830 AT5G13790 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G39400 AT1G71830 coimmunoprecipitation|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|biochemical|biochemical|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation|affinity technology AT3G02520 AT1G71830 coimmunoprecipitation|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G71830 AT2G33500 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G47030 AT2G07741 AT5G47030 AT2G33040 AT5G47030 AT5G59613 AT5G47030 AT4G30010 AT2G07727 AT1G51980 AT2G07727 AT3G02090 AT2G07727 AT5G25450 AT2G07727 AT5G13430 AT2G07727 AT2G40765 AT2G07727 AT5G40810 AT2G07727 AT3G27240 AT2G07727 AT3G52730 AT2G07727 AT3G10860 AT2G07727 AT5G59613 AT2G07727 AT4G32470 AT3G02140 AT2G41070 AT3G50670 AT2G41070 AT3G50670 AT5G05000 gtpase assay AT4G02510 AT4G09080 AT5G05000 AT4G02510 gtpase assay|pull down|biochemical|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT3G48750 AT3G60550 two hybrid AT5G55990 AT1G73590 AT3G45140 AT3G45140 AT3G45140 AT5G18110 AT5G65430 AT1G75080 interaction detection method|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology|two hybrid AT1G22300 AT1G75080 interaction detection method|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology|two hybrid AT5G11390 AT1G47200 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT1G47200 AT1G68910 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT5G11390 AT3G63130 interaction detection method|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology|two hybrid AT5G11390 AT5G19320 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT5G11390 AT4G26455 AT5G11390 AT5G11390 AT4G02350 AT5G12370 AT1G71820 AT5G03540 AT1G71820 AT1G71820 AT5G44740 AT1G07370 pull down|two hybrid AT5G44740 AT2G29570 pull down|two hybrid AT5G44740 AT5G44740 AT5G55120 AT1G07370 AT5G07070 AT5G55990 AT4G01420 AT5G07070 two hybrid AT4G01420 AT5G01820 AT5G17020 AT5G23405 AT5G17020 AT2G26300 gtpase assay AT5G17020 AT4G34460 confocal microscopy AT2G15400 AT1G10270 split-reporter assay|two hybrid AT1G70310 AT1G23820 two hybrid|pull down|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G23820 AT5G05000 biochemical AT3G50960 AT5G44340 AT1G20010 AT3G50960 AT3G50960 AT5G62690 AT1G23820 AT5G53120 two hybrid|pull down|molecular sieving|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G17880 AT5G35620 AT1G17880 AT5G18410 AT3G54170 AT4G10760 confocal microscopy AT1G75080 AT4G10760 interaction detection method AT2G26300 AT1G52920 two hybrid|coimmunoprecipitation|split-reporter assay|protein complementation assay|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G05620 AT1G60950 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G22890 AT1G60950 confocal microscopy|confocal microscopy|protein complementation assay|two hybrid|split-reporter assay AT1G02840 AT3G50670 confocal microscopy AT1G02840 AT1G55310 confocal microscopy AT3G61860 AT1G55310 confocal microscopy AT3G61860 AT3G61860 confocal microscopy AT1G02840 AT3G61860 pull down AT1G04310 AT1G66340 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT3G23150 AT1G66340 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|affinity technology AT3G46510 AT3G23150 interaction detection method AT1G65800 AT3G46510 interaction detection method|two hybrid AT3G46510 AT2G26300 gtpase assay AT2G36270 AT3G29575 AT1G10470 AT3G07360 interaction detection method AT1G65800 AT3G07360 interaction detection method|two hybrid AT3G07360 AT1G61380 interaction detection method AT3G07360 AT1G11350 interaction detection method AT3G50410 AT5G10030 Reconstituted Complex|coimmunoprecipitation AT5G39340 AT3G50410 AT2G47430 AT5G39340 two hybrid AT3G21510 AT1G10470 two hybrid|biochemical|two hybrid|in vitro AT4G26570 AT4G14580 two hybrid AT5G55990 AT1G02280 competition binding|gtpase assay AT1G02280 AT4G02510 pull down|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT4G02510 AT4G02510 pull down|biochemical AT2G20000 AT5G13300 far western blotting AT1G77140 AT3G52850 electron microscopy|coimmunoprecipitation AT4G02510 AT5G35620 pull down AT5G05000 AT5G35620 pull down AT4G02510 AT1G45170 AT5G05000 AT4G09080 AT5G05000 AT1G45170 AT4G26570 AT4G18700 two hybrid AT4G26570 AT5G01820 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT5G07070 AT5G24270 two hybrid AT5G24270 AT1G01140 two hybrid AT5G24270 AT5G01820 AT4G01420 AT3G23000 AT4G01420 AT2G30360 pull down|pull down|two hybrid AT2G24840 AT1G31630 AT4G17750 AT2G41140 protein kinase assay AT3G19100 AT4G17750 AT1G69600 AT3G50890 two hybrid ATCG00270 AT2G28800 AT2G28800 ATCG00280 AT2G28800 ATCG00350 ATCG00140 AT2G28800 ATMG00830 ATMG00960 ATMG00960 ATMG00180 interaction detection method AT1G22840 ATMG00960 AT5G40810 ATMG00960 ATMG00830 AT1G15220 AT4G39400 AT4G35230 protein kinase assay AT1G66340 AT1G66340 protein kinase assay|in vitro AT1G66340 AT3G54850 interaction detection method AT3G07360 AT4G27300 interaction detection method AT3G07360 AT4G32300 interaction detection method AT3G07360 AT3G07360 interaction detection method AT3G07360 AT5G65200 interaction detection method AT1G65800 AT5G65200 interaction detection method|two hybrid AT5G65200 AT5G65200 interaction detection method AT5G65200 AT1G61380 interaction detection method AT5G02500 AT3G26090 pull down AT5G20850 AT3G19210 two hybrid|one hybrid|two hybrid AT1G70310 AT5G53120 two hybrid|molecular sieving|pull down|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G70310 AT5G20850 AT2G04400 AT3G22440 AT1G27450 AT1G27450 AT3G62980 AT5G05000 biochemical|far western blotting AT4G16350 AT3G23000 AT1G43850 AT1G24260 pull down|two hybrid|pull down AT4G32551 AT1G43850 two hybrid|pull down|pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT4G32551 AT1G69120 pull down AT4G32551 AT1G24260 pull down AT4G32551 AT2G26300 AT4G02195 AT3G55800 AT3G55800 AT3G55800 AT4G34460 AT3G55800 pull down AT4G34460 AT1G19350 one hybrid AT5G58630 AT5G01370 AT5G01370 AT1G22070 confocal microscopy AT5G39760 AT1G22070 AT1G14440 AT3G50890 two hybrid AT1G69600 AT5G60480 two hybrid AT1G69600 AT1G14440 two hybrid AT1G69600 AT1G14687 two hybrid AT1G69600 AT1G75240 two hybrid AT1G69600 AT3G28920 two hybrid AT5G15210 AT5G15210 AT5G15210 AT1G14440 two hybrid AT5G15210 AT1G75240 two hybrid AT2G18710 AT2G18710 AT2G28800 AT2G28800 AT2G28800 AT4G14870 ATCG00020 ATCG00020 AT1G55610 AT1G55610 AT5G58220 AT4G39400 protein kinase assay|two hybrid|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT4G39400 AT1G75080 biochemical AT1G61380 AT3G46510 interaction detection method AT3G46510 AT1G11350 interaction detection method AT4G27300 AT3G46510 interaction detection method AT3G46510 AT4G32300 interaction detection method AT1G73730 AT1G56160 two hybrid AT4G21670 AT3G49250 two hybrid AT4G21670 AT3G26730 two hybrid AT4G21670 AT1G20110 two hybrid AT4G21670 AT4G28760 two hybrid AT4G21670 AT1G52890 two hybrid AT1G20110 AT3G07360 interaction detection method AT3G62980 AT1G02280 filter binding AT5G05000 AT5G05000 interaction detection method|biochemical AT5G55990 AT4G14580 two hybrid AT5G55990 AT1G01140 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G26570 AT1G01140 two hybrid AT2G30360 AT4G26570 AT2G30360 AT4G02510 far western blotting AT1G69120 AT1G69120 Reconstituted Complex AT3G22942 AT1G69120 AT4G02510 AT5G16620 AT4G02510 AT2G43950 AT3G19210 AT4G09080 AT3G19210 AT2G26300 AT1G78300 AT1G75080 AT1G75080 AT1G35160 AT4G18710 AT1G75080 biochemical|two hybrid|two hybrid|protein kinase assay|interaction detection method|two hybrid|biochemical AT1G13740 AT1G13740 AT1G49720 AT1G69260 AT1G49720 AT1G13740 AT1G49720 AT3G29575 AT3G02140 AT1G49720 AT3G19290 AT1G69260 AT3G19290 AT1G13740 AT3G19290 AT3G02140 AT3G29575 AT3G19290 AT1G69260 AT3G56850 AT1G13740 AT3G56850 AT3G56850 AT3G29575 AT3G02140 AT3G56850 AT3G56850 AT3G56850 AT4G26455 AT2G36270 one hybrid AT5G19320 AT4G26455 AT5G56210 AT5G19320 AT4G26455 AT5G56210 AT5G56210 AT5G56210 AT4G26455 AT5G43070 AT1G47200 AT4G26455 AT1G47200 AT5G56210 AT3G13360 AT1G47200 AT4G26455 AT3G13360 AT4G26455 AT4G26455 AT3G63130 AT3G18710 interaction detection method AT3G18710 AT3G18710 interaction detection method AT5G15840 AT5G10030 pull down AT5G23880 AT5G23880 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT5G23880 AT3G06560 interaction detection method AT5G05410 AT2G30580 two hybrid AT5G05410 AT5G05410 pull down AT5G23880 AT1G61010 two hybrid|pull down|pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|two hybrid|affinity technology AT5G02820 AT5G02820 AT5G02820 AT3G20780 two hybrid AT4G13870 AT1G31360 two hybrid AT5G15840 AT2G32950 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|biochemical|in vitro AT3G48750 AT5G48820 pull down|protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT1G69120 AT1G43850 two hybrid|pull down|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT1G69120 AT5G13300 far western blotting AT1G19350 AT5G13300 pull down AT3G48430 AT1G19350 pull down AT3G48430 AT5G24270 filter binding AT1G14440 AT2G02540 AT1G48270 AT1G52920 saturation binding AT4G22890 AT5G66190 protein complementation assay|split-reporter assay AT4G22890 AT1G20020 protein complementation assay|split-reporter assay AT4G22890 AT4G02770 protein complementation assay|split-reporter assay AT4G22890 ATCG00720 split-reporter assay AT2G05620 ATCG00720 split-reporter assay AT5G23880 AT1G30460 two hybrid|pull down|pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G25850 AT5G23880 pull down|interaction detection method|pull down AT2G39940 AT1G70700 two hybrid|pull down|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT1G74950 AT2G39940 AT4G21670 AT3G54290 two hybrid AT4G21670 AT2G28840 two hybrid AT4G21670 AT1G22640 two hybrid AT5G05410 AT4G21670 AT5G05410 AT3G51260 AT1G53280 AT5G05410 AT1G70300 AT5G05410 AT2G35500 AT5G05410 AT5G05410 AT4G28910 AT2G40940 AT1G66340 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT3G04580 AT1G66340 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT1G48380 AT3G23050 AT3G20780 AT1G63990 AT3G48750 AT3G21870 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT3G48750 AT3G63120 two hybrid AT3G48750 AT2G44740 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT3G48750 AT5G61650 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G08640 AT5G42800 AT5G42800 AT5G63600 AT2G36010 AT5G02470 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT5G03415 AT2G36010 two hybrid|protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT5G22220 AT5G02470 pull down|protein complementation assay|two hybrid|coimmunoprecipitation AT1G17760 AT1G30460 Reconstituted Complex AT1G59940 AT5G09540 AT3G57040 AT4G21105 AT1G04250 AT3G62980 pull down|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G04250 AT5G13300 far western blotting AT5G62000 AT2G28800 AT4G33430 AT1G02840 pull down AT4G39400 AT1G32640 AT1G32640 AT1G32640 interaction detection method AT1G70700 AT1G19180 interaction detection method|pull down|interaction detection method AT5G05410 AT1G21560 AT3G29350 AT1G21560 AT3G29350 AT3G29350 AT1G61380 AT1G27910 interaction detection method AT3G54850 AT1G27910 interaction detection method AT3G54850 AT3G54850 interaction detection method AT1G65800 AT3G54850 interaction detection method|two hybrid AT1G61380 AT3G54850 interaction detection method AT1G11350 AT3G54850 interaction detection method AT3G54850 AT4G27300 interaction detection method AT4G32300 AT3G54850 interaction detection method AT4G32300 AT1G27910 interaction detection method AT1G27910 AT1G27910 interaction detection method AT3G18710 AT1G61380 interaction detection method AT3G18710 AT5G65200 interaction detection method AT5G10030 AT5G10030 AT1G32150 AT5G10030 AT3G48750 AT1G49620 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT4G04885 AT1G30460 AT1G66500 AT1G17760 AT1G17760 AT5G43620 AT5G60940 AT5G43620 AT3G48750 AT5G07450 two hybrid AT3G54180 AT3G63120 two hybrid AT3G48750 AT2G45080 Reconstituted Complex AT5G04470 AT3G48750 fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT1G08180 AT2G22490 AT1G15570 AT3G48750 protein complementation assay|two hybrid|coimmunoprecipitation AT5G08640 AT5G13930 AT5G13930 AT5G63590 AT5G13930 AT5G63600 AT3G51240 AT5G08640 AT5G22220 AT5G22220 AT5G03415 AT5G22220 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT3G12280 AT5G02470 pull down AT5G22220 AT3G12280 pull down|protein complementation assay|coimmunoprecipitation AT3G20780 AT3G20780 AT5G57450 AT5G20850 interaction detection method AT2G45280 AT5G57450 interaction detection method|two hybrid AT2G45280 AT2G28560 interaction detection method AT5G19280 AT3G09840 two hybrid AT1G14440 AT1G14440 two hybrid AT1G14440 AT1G75240 two hybrid AT5G65410 AT1G14687 AT2G02540 AT1G75240 AT1G75240 AT3G50890 two hybrid AT1G75240 AT1G75240 AT3G28920 AT2G18350 AT3G50890 AT3G28920 AT3G28920 AT5G15210 AT1G14440 AT3G28920 AT1G75240 AT3G28920 AT2G01830 AT2G35530 AT2G01830 AT4G36730 AT2G01830 AT2G46270 AT3G46780 AT5G05410 AT4G36980 AT5G05410 AT4G36980 AT5G65200 interaction detection method AT1G20780 AT1G61380 interaction detection method AT5G05410 AT3G04480 AT3G25920 AT5G05410 AT5G05410 AT1G20960 AT1G31817 AT5G05410 AT3G49080 AT5G05410 AT1G20100 AT5G05410 AT3G62980 AT3G62980 pull down AT5G06960 AT5G06960 AT5G04470 AT2G22490 fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT5G04470 AT5G67260 fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT5G04470 AT5G65420 fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT1G75240 AT5G01370 one hybrid AT5G66510 AT5G14740 AT5G66510 AT5G52840 AT5G66510 AT3G03100 AT5G66510 AT5G37510 AT5G66510 ATMG00510 AT5G66510 ATMG00070 AT5G66510 AT1G49140 AT5G66510 AT5G11770 AT5G66510 AT1G79010 AT5G66510 AT4G02580 AT5G66510 ATMG00516 AT5G66510 ATMG01320 AT5G66510 ATMG00580 AT5G66510 ATMG00060 AT5G66510 ATMG00270 AT5G66510 AT5G40770 AT5G66510 AT2G33220 AT5G66510 AT4G28510 AT5G66510 AT2G02510 AT5G66510 AT2G47690 AT5G66510 AT1G67350 AT5G66510 AT1G68680 AT5G66510 AT1G76200 AT5G66510 AT4G00585 AT5G66510 AT3G18410 AT5G66510 AT5G44140 AT5G66510 AT5G47570 AT5G66510 AT5G47890 AT5G66510 AT5G67590 AT5G66510 AT5G08530 AT5G66510 AT1G19580 AT5G66510 AT3G12260 AT5G66510 AT2G20530 AT5G66510 AT2G31490 AT5G66510 AT2G20360 AT5G66510 AT2G02050 AT5G66510 AT2G42310 AT5G66510 AT3G06310 AT5G66510 AT1G03860 AT5G66510 AT2G27730 AT5G66510 AT5G63510 AT5G66510 AT3G48680 AT5G55120 AT3G48680 AT5G55120 AT5G21274 filter binding AT3G29575 AT3G29575 AT3G29575 AT1G69260 AT3G29575 AT1G13740 AT1G69260 AT3G44460 AT1G13740 AT3G44460 AT2G24840 AT1G65330 AT1G65300 AT2G24840 AT1G55310 AT3G50670 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|coimmunoprecipitation AT1G16610 AT3G50670 pull down|pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|coimmunoprecipitation AT3G50670 AT5G06960 AT5G06960 AT5G06950 pull down AT5G05410 AT3G04260 AT1G54440 AT5G05410 AT5G05410 AT1G31180 AT5G05410 AT1G68560 AT3G15580 AT5G05410 AT5G05410 AT5G18440 AT5G05410 AT2G30350 AT4G26630 AT5G05410 AT1G12260 AT1G71930 AT5G05410 AT1G71930 AT3G06560 AT1G71930 AT1G30460 AT1G71930 AT1G30460 AT3G06560 AT3G06560 AT2G25850 AT1G30460 AT2G25850 pull down AT4G04885 AT5G55990 AT1G64280 AT5G10030 AT2G32710 AT5G65420 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT3G19150 AT5G65420 protein complementation assay AT1G49620 AT5G65420 protein complementation assay AT3G07880 AT1G75840 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT4G35020 AT3G07880 two hybrid AT3G66652 AT1G75840 AT3G06260 AT4G32850 AT4G32850 AT5G51120 AT5G65260 AT4G32850 AT4G32850 AT5G10350 AT3G66652 AT5G39930 AT3G66652 AT1G66500 AT5G65260 AT5G58040 AT5G10350 AT5G58040 AT1G66500 AT3G04680 AT3G59220 AT1G09030 pull down AT3G59220 AT5G47670 pull down AT5G23880 AT2G01730 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G60940 AT5G23880 AT5G23880 AT5G13480 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|affinity technology AT5G60940 AT1G30460 AT5G06960 AT3G06560 pull down AT4G22890 AT2G05620 two hybrid|two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT1G75240 AT1G74890 AT2G02540 AT4G24660 two hybrid AT4G24660 AT4G24660 two hybrid AT5G65410 AT5G06950 ATMG00830 ATMG00180 AT1G19350 AT1G19350 AT5G13430 AT5G05410 AT1G30460 AT5G05410 AT2G25850 AT1G61010 AT5G23880 AT5G01400 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT5G23880 AT4G35840 AT2G17730 AT4G35840 AT4G35840 AT4G35840 AT2G43370 AT2G35530 AT2G43370 AT1G32150 AT2G43370 AT1G17760 AT5G58040 AT1G17760 two hybrid AT5G10350 AT1G17760 AT1G17980 AT4G32850 AT5G58040 AT2G25850 AT3G06560 AT5G58040 AT3G66652 AT4G32850 AT5G22220 AT5G23880 AT5G22220 AT1G30460 AT1G30460 AT1G30460 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G66652 AT1G30460 AT4G25550 AT1G30460 AT3G24810 AT5G65420 protein complementation assay AT5G43620 AT1G66500 AT5G43620 AT3G04680 AT1G66500 AT4G04885 AT4G04885 AT4G04885 AT4G04885 AT5G43620 AT5G51120 AT5G51120 AT5G65260 AT5G51120 AT5G51120 AT5G10350 AT5G65260 AT5G65260 AT5G65260 AT5G10350 AT5G10350 AT5G10350 AT2G27030 AT5G10350 pull down AT4G31800 AT4G31800 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G31800 AT2G25000 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT5G16690 AT1G26840 pull down|coimmunoprecipitation AT5G16690 AT4G29910 pull down|coimmunoprecipitation AT5G16690 AT5G16690 pull down AT4G29910 AT2G37560 coimmunoprecipitation|pull down AT1G26840 AT1G26840 pull down AT4G29910 AT1G26840 pull down|coimmunoprecipitation AT2G37560 AT1G26840 pull down|two hybrid AT4G12620 AT1G26840 pull down AT1G80840 AT2G25000 two hybrid AT1G80840 AT1G80840 two hybrid AT2G25000 AT2G25000 two hybrid AT4G02570 AT2G25000 molecular sieving AT3G62980 AT4G02570 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|molecular sieving|Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation|affinity technology AT3G59090 AT2G26300 AT2G26300 AT5G18520 AT5G06950 AT1G80840 AT5G11390 AT5G27940 AT5G11390 AT1G19350 one hybrid AT5G11390 AT3G48430 one hybrid AT5G11390 AT1G80840 AT5G11390 AT2G25000 AT1G70660 AT3G01650 interaction detection method AT1G78870 AT1G70660 pull down|interaction detection method|two hybrid AT1G70660 AT2G26300 AT5G14250 AT3G01090 interaction detection method AT3G29160 AT3G01090 interaction detection method AT1G76540 AT5G11300 pull down|Reconstituted Complex|protein complementation assay AT1G76540 AT2G17620 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT1G70210 AT3G48750 pull down|Reconstituted Complex|protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT3G54180 AT1G70210 pull down|Reconstituted Complex|protein complementation assay AT4G15900 AT3G29160 two hybrid|pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT1G30950 AT1G10940 pull down|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT2G26300 AT3G05010 AT4G15900 AT3G05010 AT1G57680 AT2G26300 AT5G09250 AT4G29940 two hybrid AT5G09250 AT4G10920 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G09250 AT5G09250 AT4G10920 AT4G10920 AT1G70660 AT5G14420 interaction detection method AT1G73590 AT5G14420 interaction detection method AT5G66055 AT5G40160 two hybrid AT4G29910 AT4G29910 pull down AT2G37560 AT2G37560 pull down AT4G29910 AT4G12620 coimmunoprecipitation|pull down AT4G12620 AT2G37560 coimmunoprecipitation|pull down AT5G16690 AT2G37560 pull down|two hybrid|coimmunoprecipitation AT2G27030 AT2G37560 far western blotting AT4G29170 AT1G32530 pull down AT1G32530 AT5G48720 pull down AT2G30870 AT4G33430 interaction detection method|interaction detection method AT1G06210 AT1G80070 interaction detection method AT5G47120 AT2G32720 confocal microscopy|protein complementation assay|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|two hybrid|split-reporter assay AT1G35670 AT1G52740 two hybrid AT1G35670 AT3G26510 two hybrid AT1G35670 AT5G52550 two hybrid AT1G35670 AT3G48360 two hybrid AT1G35670 AT4G14830 two hybrid AT1G35670 AT1G74470 two hybrid AT1G35670 AT1G02280 two hybrid AT1G35670 AT5G59880 two hybrid AT1G35670 AT3G22530 two hybrid AT2G14120 AT2G14120 two hybrid AT5G42080 AT5G42080 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G14120 AT4G33650 two hybrid|confocal microscopy AT1G32530 AT1G32530 AT1G06210 AT2G42270 interaction detection method AT1G06220 AT1G20960 AT2G32950 AT2G36890 AT2G45140 AT5G02100 pull down AT2G01950 AT1G14000 phage display AT2G01950 AT1G68220 phage display AT2G01950 AT2G28840 phage display AT2G01950 AT2G42580 phage display AT2G47930 AT2G01950 phage display AT3G14220 AT2G01950 phage display AT3G16370 AT2G01950 phage display AT2G01950 AT3G23050 phage display AT3G62290 AT2G01950 phage display AT2G01950 AT4G30150 phage display AT2G01950 AT5G14240 phage display AT5G17190 AT2G01950 phage display AT5G15230 AT2G01950 phage display AT5G43190 AT2G01950 phage display AT5G10140 AT2G22540 affinity technology|in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G04550 AT2G46070 phosphatase assay|pull down|two hybrid|biochemical|in vitro AT4G15900 AT5G58720 AT1G73500 AT2G46070 protein kinase assay AT2G46070 AT5G56580 protein kinase assay AT2G46070 AT1G18350 protein kinase assay AT1G05260 AT2G01950 phage display AT1G54010 AT2G01950 phage display AT1G19530 AT2G01950 phage display AT2G01950 AT3G43850 phage display AT2G01950 AT4G05320 phage display AT4G12880 AT2G01950 phage display AT2G01950 AT4G30190 phage display AT2G01950 AT4G35090 phage display AT2G01950 AT4G34720 phage display AT4G26090 AT3G25070 coimmunoprecipitation|pull down|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT4G26090 AT3G45780 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT4G26090 AT1G72150 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT4G26090 AT1G69840 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT4G26090 AT5G58140 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT4G26090 AT4G30120 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT4G26090 AT2G45960 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT4G26090 AT4G08850 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT4G26090 AT3G14210 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT4G26090 AT3G01290 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT1G32530 AT1G13330 AT4G33650 AT4G33650 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G46240 AT4G18290 two hybrid AT4G18290 AT4G18290 AT1G12360 AT1G08560 pull down|in vitro AT4G09570 AT3G48360 two hybrid AT4G09570 AT4G14830 two hybrid AT4G09570 AT5G21940 two hybrid AT2G34770 AT2G32720 AT4G20870 AT2G32720 confocal microscopy|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT3G23050 AT5G24020 atpase assay AT5G24020 AT1G69390 two hybrid|two hybrid|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|protein complementation assay AT2G01950 AT1G01120 phage display AT2G01950 AT1G04170 phage display AT5G38410 AT2G01950 phage display AT2G42580 AT2G42580 phage display|interaction detection method AT3G16640 AT2G42580 phage display AT1G80300 AT2G42580 phage display AT2G42580 AT2G27330 phage display AT2G42580 AT2G34480 phage display AT2G42580 AT3G10985 phage display AT1G80070 AT1G06220 AT2G38170 AT3G51860 protein complementation assay|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|protein complementation assay|two hybrid|affinity technology AT3G51960 AT3G51960 AT5G04140 AT4G37930 AT1G12440 AT2G01950 phage display AT1G13750 AT2G01950 phage display AT1G61740 AT2G01950 phage display AT2G01950 AT2G01950 phage display|interaction detection method AT2G01950 AT3G55520 phage display AT3G59920 AT2G01950 phage display AT2G01950 AT4G17170 phage display AT2G01950 AT5G14920 phage display AT2G01950 AT5G63570 phage display AT2G01950 AT5G65440 phage display AT2G01950 AT3G16640 phage display AT5G42980 AT2G01950 phage display AT4G09570 AT1G02280 two hybrid AT4G09570 AT3G23820 two hybrid AT4G09570 AT3G21160 two hybrid AT4G09570 AT2G01250 two hybrid AT4G09570 AT1G23080 two hybrid AT4G09570 AT1G76850 two hybrid AT4G09570 AT5G55660 AT4G09570 AT5G43210 two hybrid AT3G10670 AT1G32500 AT2G17950 AT1G15750 two hybrid|pull down AT3G15880 AT2G17950 two hybrid AT1G15750 AT3G15880 AT4G09570 AT1G02410 two hybrid AT1G03850 AT4G09570 AT4G09570 AT2G20890 two hybrid AT3G52300 AT2G42580 phage display AT2G42580 AT3G62120 phage display AT1G29930 AT2G42580 phage display AT3G02740 AT2G42580 phage display AT2G42580 AT3G12630 phage display AT2G42580 AT5G03230 phage display AT5G38530 AT2G42580 phage display AT5G42440 AT2G42580 phage display AT2G42580 AT5G55090 phage display AT2G46650 AT5G47120 AT4G34210 AT3G54650 AT3G54650 AT3G21860 AT4G09570 AT3G26510 two hybrid AT4G09570 AT3G42800 two hybrid AT1G35670 AT1G65290 two hybrid AT2G01950 AT2G19940 phage display AT2G01950 AT3G56460 phage display AT2G01950 AT4G21960 phage display AT2G01950 AT4G31490 phage display AT2G01950 AT5G46250 phage display AT2G01950 AT5G63190 phage display AT2G01950 AT1G11650 phage display AT1G20450 AT2G01950 phage display AT2G13360 AT2G01950 phage display AT2G28100 AT2G01950 phage display AT2G01950 AT2G31570 phage display AT2G37130 AT2G01950 phage display AT2G01950 AT3G04720 phage display AT1G22070 AT3G02000 AT3G02000 AT5G06960 AT5G06950 AT3G02000 AT3G10530 AT2G01950 phage display AT3G13750 AT2G01950 phage display AT3G21720 AT2G01950 phage display AT2G01950 AT4G26940 phage display AT4G33210 AT2G01950 phage display AT4G09570 AT2G26640 two hybrid AT4G09570 AT4G09570 AT4G09570 AT2G36420 two hybrid AT4G09570 AT3G11960 two hybrid AT4G09570 AT3G20290 two hybrid AT4G09570 AT3G21090 two hybrid AT4G09570 AT3G22530 two hybrid AT4G09570 AT3G54050 two hybrid AT4G09570 AT4G32070 two hybrid AT4G09570 AT5G03040 two hybrid AT4G09570 AT5G50920 two hybrid AT4G09570 AT3G13580 two hybrid ATCG00180 AT4G09570 ATCG00180 AT1G64990 AT1G06040 AT1G64990 AT1G70510 AT2G35940 AT4G32040 AT5G41410 two hybrid|inferred by author AT1G35670 AT1G14687 two hybrid AT1G35670 AT1G23080 two hybrid AT1G35670 AT4G21670 two hybrid AT1G35670 AT5G27760 two hybrid AT1G35670 AT5G41670 two hybrid AT1G35670 AT1G65650 two hybrid AT2G01950 AT1G35670 phage display AT4G36360 AT2G01950 phage display AT2G01950 AT5G01530 phage display AT5G02500 AT2G01950 phage display AT2G01950 AT5G11500 phage display AT2G01950 AT5G54160 phage display AT1G14000 AT1G14000 interaction detection method AT2G42580 AT5G42980 phage display AT2G42580 AT1G12440 phage display AT1G62380 AT2G42580 phage display AT1G76920 AT2G42580 phage display AT2G41410 AT2G42580 phage display AT2G42580 AT3G14400 phage display AT2G42580 AT4G14440 phage display AT2G42580 AT5G63190 phage display AT2G42580 AT1G49600 phage display AT1G74050 AT2G42580 phage display AT2G42580 AT2G30520 phage display AT3G16770 AT2G42580 phage display AT1G77920 AT3G02000 AT3G02000 AT1G68640 AT3G02000 AT4G27630 gtpase assay AT3G02000 AT1G64990 gtpase assay AT4G27630 AT2G26300 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT2G26300 AT1G64990 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology|two hybrid AT3G56710 AT1G64860 pull down|two hybrid AT1G02970 AT3G48750 biochemical|protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT2G42580 AT5G11670 phage display AT1G42970 AT2G42580 phage display AT2G42580 AT1G53400 phage display AT1G69420 AT2G42580 phage display AT2G42580 AT1G75750 phage display AT2G29340 AT2G42580 phage display AT1G35670 AT2G20890 two hybrid AT1G35670 AT1G25550 two hybrid AT1G35670 AT2G32750 two hybrid AT1G35670 AT1G35670 AT1G35670 AT5G27850 two hybrid AT4G27630 AT1G64990 filter binding AT5G15840 AT3G48590 coimmunoprecipitation|confocal microscopy|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|in vitro AT5G15840 AT1G54830 AT5G15840 AT1G56170 two hybrid AT5G15840 AT2G38880 coimmunoprecipitation|confocal microscopy|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|in vitro AT1G30970 AT1G30970 AT4G00650 AT1G30970 coimmunoprecipitation|two hybrid AT4G00650 AT4G00650 AT4G02560 AT1G30970 coimmunoprecipitation|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G02560 AT4G02560 AT5G16320 AT1G30970 coimmunoprecipitation|two hybrid AT3G24830 AT2G42580 phage display AT2G42580 AT3G26450 phage display AT4G14130 AT2G42580 phage display AT2G42580 AT4G23670 phage display AT5G37660 AT2G42580 phage display AT5G35840 AT4G16250 AT1G09530 AT5G35840 AT1G09530 AT4G16250 AT1G09530 AT4G27630 gtpase assay|filter binding|gtpase assay AT1G09530 AT1G64990 gtpase assay AT1G09530 AT2G26300 gtpase assay AT5G47120 AT1G26340 AT5G47120 AT5G48810 AT5G47120 AT5G53560 AT5G20730 AT1G51950 AT1G19220 AT1G51950 AT4G14550 AT5G20730 two hybrid AT4G14550 AT1G19220 two hybrid AT1G19850 AT4G14550 AT1G14750 AT3G48750 AT3G54180 AT1G14750 AT4G37490 AT3G48750 AT3G54180 AT4G37490 AT4G22200 AT4G32650 two hybrid AT5G41920 AT4G37650 AT5G57160 AT3G23100 two hybrid AT2G46070 AT4G26070 protein kinase assay AT2G23380 AT5G51230 interaction detection method|pull down|protein complementation assay|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G21620 AT4G09570 AT4G09570 AT3G30775 AT3G54650 AT2G25700 AT5G24020 AT5G24020 interaction detection method|two hybrid|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|protein complementation assay AT2G32950 AT5G24020 AT2G19080 AT3G20740 AT2G19080 AT2G19080 AT2G19080 AT3G20000 two hybrid AT5G09420 AT2G19080 AT5G09420 AT3G20000 two hybrid AT5G40930 AT3G20000 two hybrid AT1G04550 AT1G04550 two hybrid AT1G04550 AT1G19850 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G10230 AT3G54650 AT4G02020 AT5G51230 AT4G16845 AT4G02020 coimmunoprecipitation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G16845 AT2G23380 coimmunoprecipitation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G32530 AT4G09570 AT3G02000 AT5G10030 AT3G12250 AT3G02000 AT3G02000 AT5G65210 AT5G39510 AT5G46860 interaction detection method|Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT5G39510 AT2G47450 AT5G39510 AT5G03940 AT5G65930 AT2G46600 pull down AT2G46600 AT2G46600 filter binding AT2G46600 AT2G27030 filter binding AT5G65930 AT2G27030 AT5G65930 AT5G65930 AT2G05520 AT1G21250 pull down|molecular sieving|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G21250 AT1G21250 AT2G05520 AT5G19280 molecular sieving|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G32950 AT1G04400 Phenotypic Suppression|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT4G08920 AT2G32950 two hybrid|two hybrid|confocal microscopy|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation|affinity technology|in vitro AT5G38480 AT4G08920 pull down AT5G38480 AT4G09000 pull down AT5G11260 AT1G13980 interaction detection method AT1G13980 AT1G13980 pull down|pull down|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|affinity technology|coimmunoprecipitation AT3G50060 AT5G20730 pull down AT3G50060 AT3G15540 pull down AT1G55520 AT1G35160 pull down AT1G35160 AT2G41630 pull down AT1G27050 AT3G54220 AT3G54220 AT3G18960 AT3G54220 AT5G17690 AT1G72160 AT3G54220 AT3G54220 AT1G75750 AT3G54220 AT3G32980 AT4G11880 AT3G54220 AT4G26080 AT2G33610 AT1G59750 AT3G50060 pull down AT1G59580 AT5G40440 AT1G59580 AT4G27280 filter binding AT1G59580 AT5G54490 filter binding AT1G59580 AT4G37010 filter binding AT5G13480 AT4G37010 AT5G13480 AT5G13480 molecular sieving|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G00650 AT5G44200 AT5G16320 AT4G00650 AT2G06005 AT4G00650 AT4G00650 AT4G16110 one hybrid AT2G32950 AT4G16110 confocal microscopy AT4G30480 AT2G40940 AT1G72770 AT2G46070 AT1G72770 AT1G72770 AT1G32640 AT1G72450 pull down AT1G32640 AT5G13220 interaction detection method|pull down|interaction detection method AT1G32640 AT3G43440 pull down AT1G19180 AT1G32640 pull down|two hybrid AT1G32640 AT1G74950 pull down AT1G70700 AT1G32640 pull down|two hybrid AT1G32640 AT5G20900 pull down AT1G19180 AT1G19180 interaction detection method AT3G24650 AT5G61380 two hybrid AT3G24650 AT3G22320 two hybrid AT3G24650 AT3G24650 pull down AT1G18350 AT1G59580 AT1G51660 AT2G43790 AT3G21220 AT2G43790 AT4G26070 AT1G01560 protein kinase assay AT1G01560 AT4G29810 protein kinase assay AT4G30480 AT4G29810 AT4G30480 AT2G04550 phosphatase assay AT5G20930 AT5G20930 protein kinase assay|two hybrid AT5G56580 AT1G01560 AT4G29810 AT1G07880 protein kinase assay AT1G07880 AT5G56580 AT4G36450 AT5G40440 AT1G18350 AT1G73670 AT2G01450 AT1G73500 AT2G42880 AT1G73500 protein kinase assay AT1G48500 AT1G19180 interaction detection method AT1G19180 AT1G30135 interaction detection method AT1G48500 AT3G17860 interaction detection method|pull down|interaction detection method AT3G17860 AT1G70700 interaction detection method AT3G17860 AT3G17860 pull down|pull down|interaction detection method AT3G25070 AT3G20600 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G48150 AT2G04660 two hybrid AT3G05870 AT2G04660 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT5G03730 AT3G23150 pull down AT5G03730 AT4G18960 AT1G32320 AT2G01450 AT1G26830 AT1G64280 AT4G14110 AT1G64280 AT5G42970 AT1G64280 AT4G26070 AT1G35160 pull down AT4G29810 AT3G59790 protein kinase assay AT2G43790 AT1G73500 protein kinase assay AT1G73500 AT3G59790 protein kinase assay AT5G44200 AT2G13540 two hybrid|confocal microscopy|two hybrid AT5G44200 AT4G18960 AT3G60010 AT3G54650 AT3G60010 AT4G08920 protein kinase assay AT3G50410 AT3G21270 interaction detection method AT3G50410 AT3G50410 interaction detection method AT5G22290 AT3G54010 pull down|confocal microscopy AT5G22290 AT4G18040 pull down AT5G22290 AT5G35620 pull down AT5G22290 AT5G18110 pull down AT5G22290 AT2G13540 pull down AT5G22290 AT5G44200 pull down AT5G22290 AT3G26400 pull down AT5G22290 AT3G06480 pull down AT5G22290 AT1G27090 pull down AT5G22290 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G22290 AT3G60240 pull down AT5G22290 AT2G35340 pull down AT5G22290 AT2G24050 pull down AT5G22290 AT5G57870 pull down AT5G22290 AT1G62410 pull down AT5G22290 AT4G38680 pull down AT5G22290 AT2G42520 pull down AT5G22290 AT3G58510 pull down AT5G22290 AT3G22330 pull down AT5G22290 AT4G01290 pull down AT5G22290 AT5G42950 pull down AT5G22290 AT1G10270 pull down AT5G22290 AT5G58470 pull down AT5G22290 AT4G39260 pull down AT5G22290 AT2G39780 pull down AT5G22290 AT2G41800 pull down AT5G22290 AT3G58570 pull down AT5G22290 AT3G48930 pull down AT5G22290 AT2G33410 pull down AT5G22290 AT1G16030 pull down AT5G22290 AT5G02500 pull down AT2G33610 AT5G57050 AT5G64960 AT1G02840 confocal microscopy AT5G64960 AT3G63400 confocal microscopy AT3G29160 AT1G09020 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT3G01090 AT1G09020 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G21170 AT1G09020 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT4G16360 AT1G09020 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G28060 AT1G09020 AT1G09020 AT1G09020 AT1G09020 AT5G55280 AT1G09020 AT1G75010 AT5G40930 AT4G10920 AT5G40930 AT5G40930 AT2G19080 AT5G40930 AT5G40930 AT5G09420 AT5G09420 AT5G09420 AT3G27080 AT3G20000 two hybrid AT3G27080 AT1G27390 AT5G04290 AT2G27040 pull down AT2G43790 AT5G61600 protein kinase assay AT3G63400 AT5G61600 AT2G43370 AT5G61600 AT3G63400 AT2G43370 confocal microscopy AT1G09140 AT3G63400 pull down|confocal microscopy AT3G63400 AT1G02840 pull down|confocal microscopy|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT1G16610 AT3G63400 pull down AT3G63400 AT5G62190 confocal microscopy AT3G63400 AT3G63400 pull down|confocal microscopy AT1G02840 AT5G35410 protein kinase assay AT1G69390 AT1G69390 two hybrid|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|protein complementation assay AT4G21790 AT1G32400 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT1G32400 AT1G32400 protein complementation assay|two hybrid|split-reporter assay AT5G39510 AT5G16830 interaction detection method|electron microscopy|Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT3G52850 AT5G39510 electron microscopy AT1G72770 AT5G46860 AT1G32640 AT1G17380 pull down AT4G17380 AT3G59760 confocal microscopy AT4G17380 AT5G20850 confocal microscopy AT4G09140 AT5G20850 confocal microscopy AT1G07350 AT5G42820 interaction detection method AT1G07350 AT1G07350 interaction detection method AT5G57050 AT1G01360 AT4G26080 AT1G01360 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G72770 AT1G01360 AT1G72770 AT4G17870 pull down AT4G26080 AT4G17870 pull down|interaction detection method|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G17870 AT5G57050 pull down AT4G26080 AT2G38310 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G32640 AT1G30135 pull down AT3G24650 AT5G15840 two hybrid AT1G70700 AT1G48500 AT1G19180 AT3G17860 pull down|interaction detection method AT2G40030 AT2G27040 coimmunoprecipitation|pull down|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation|in vitro AT5G04290 AT2G40030 AT2G32950 AT2G40030 AT5G16830 AT5G46860 AT5G16830 AT3G52850 AT2G30360 AT4G30190 protein kinase assay|biochemical|in vitro AT2G30360 AT5G02470 AT2G30360 AT5G22220 AT2G30360 AT1G47870 AT2G30360 AT5G03415 AT4G01370 AT5G56580 AT5G40440 AT1G10210 AT2G43790 AT2G47450 competition binding AT2G43790 AT5G03940 competition binding AT2G45770 AT2G28800 AT2G47450 AT2G45770 AT2G45770 AT5G03940 AT4G16110 AT5G03940 AT3G01090 AT4G16360 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G48500 AT1G48500 interaction detection method AT1G70700 AT1G70700 AT1G74950 AT3G17860 interaction detection method|pull down AT1G72450 AT3G17860 pull down AT5G13220 AT3G17860 pull down|interaction detection method AT4G02260 AT3G17860 AT3G14110 AT1G58290 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT1G21240 AT2G05520 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT1G35160 AT2G32950 pull down AT1G35160 AT3G02520 pull down AT1G78300 AT1G35160 pull down AT1G35160 AT5G11260 AT4G18960 AT1G13980 AT3G45640 AT1G51660 AT5G56580 AT2G43790 AT5G40440 AT2G18170 AT1G73500 AT1G09020 AT2G47450 AT2G28800 AT2G47450 AT2G18710 AT2G47450 AT5G35410 AT3G17860 AT1G17380 pull down AT2G04660 AT2G18290 interaction detection method|two hybrid AT2G04660 AT3G16320 interaction detection method|two hybrid AT2G01540 AT3G54220 AT3G54220 AT1G78570 AT5G60390 AT3G54220 AT3G54220 AT2G45660 AT1G72770 AT2G33610 AT3G24650 AT1G08780 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT5G20010 AT2G30060 two hybrid AT5G55190 AT2G30060 two hybrid AT1G07140 AT5G20010 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G20020 AT2G30060 two hybrid AT5G20020 AT1G07140 two hybrid AT5G55190 AT1G07140 two hybrid AT5G23720 AT2G46070 AT1G53510 AT5G23720 phosphatase assay AT1G07350 AT1G16610 interaction detection method AT1G07350 AT1G27390 AT1G27390 AT1G27390 AT1G27390 AT3G20000 two hybrid AT4G27500 AT2G18960 far western blotting|far western blotting|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|one hybrid AT2G18960 AT2G18960 AT5G55990 AT5G55990 filter binding AT1G78300 AT4G30190 far western blotting AT1G78300 AT5G03415 interaction detection method AT1G78300 AT5G22220 interaction detection method AT1G78300 AT5G02470 AT1G78300 AT2G36010 AT3G24650 AT3G62420 interaction detection method AT1G78300 AT5G07090 AT1G78300 AT5G13490 AT1G78300 AT4G39800 AT1G78300 AT5G09810 AT1G78300 AT5G13160 AT1G78300 AT5G02490 AT1G78300 AT5G04870 AT1G78300 AT4G37770 AT1G78300 AT4G39980 AT1G78300 AT5G03940 AT1G78300 AT5G05340 AT1G78300 AT5G04930 AT1G78300 AT4G39400 AT1G78300 AT5G03340 AT1G78300 AT5G04140 AT1G78300 AT5G48400 AT1G78300 AT5G64050 AT1G78300 AT5G49060 AT1G78300 AT5G19280 AT1G78300 AT5G20920 AT1G78300 AT5G49500 AT1G78300 AT5G27100 AT1G78300 AT5G33280 AT1G78300 AT5G66280 AT1G78300 AT5G45050 AT1G78300 AT5G67510 AT1G78300 AT5G37500 AT1G78300 AT5G23860 AT1G78300 AT5G55300 AT1G78300 AT5G56030 AT1G78300 AT5G26860 AT1G78300 AT5G27000 AT1G78300 AT5G23430 AT1G78300 AT5G57380 AT1G78300 AT5G58550 AT1G78300 AT5G52830 AT1G78300 AT3G28200 AT1G78300 AT3G58040 AT1G78300 AT3G16650 AT1G78300 AT3G20330 AT1G78300 AT3G53570 AT1G78300 AT3G25810 AT1G78300 AT3G46710 AT1G78300 AT3G57260 AT1G78300 AT3G28030 AT1G78300 AT3G50000 AT1G78300 AT3G48340 AT1G78300 AT3G14470 AT1G78300 AT3G53760 AT1G78300 AT4G14960 AT1G78300 AT4G02680 AT1G78300 AT4G03080 AT1G78300 AT3G59220 AT1G78300 AT4G04910 AT1G78300 AT4G00360 AT1G78300 AT4G02020 AT1G78300 AT4G14880 AT1G78300 AT3G59760 AT1G78300 AT4G02060 AT1G78300 AT4G00650 AT1G78300 AT4G12020 AT1G78300 AT4G11280 AT1G78300 AT4G34460 AT1G78300 AT4G37520 AT1G78300 AT5G16050 AT1G78300 AT5G38480 AT1G78300 AT1G34760 AT1G78300 AT5G65430 AT1G78300 AT5G10450 AT1G78300 AT1G22300 AT1G78300 AT2G42590 AT1G78300 ATMG00090 AT1G78300 AT1G53310 AT1G78300 AT5G35790 AT1G78300 ATCG00500 AT1G78300 AT1G32900 AT1G78300 AT1G10760 AT1G78300 AT5G50950 AT1G78300 AT1G24280 AT1G78300 ATCG01130 AT1G78300 AT1G35580 AT1G78300 ATCG00190 AT1G78300 AT2G45790 AT1G78300 AT4G11850 AT1G78300 AT4G02560 AT1G78300 AT4G31800 AT1G78300 AT4G33430 AT1G78300 AT4G35090 AT1G78300 AT4G32180 AT1G78300 AT4G26200 AT1G78300 AT4G30935 AT1G78300 AT4G33010 AT1G78300 AT4G37530 AT1G78300 AT4G33510 AT1G78300 ATMG00290 AT1G78300 AT2G47510 AT1G78300 AT1G75820 AT1G78300 AT1G62300 AT1G78300 AT1G62170 AT1G78300 AT1G74310 AT1G78300 AT1G80080 AT1G78300 AT1G59610 AT1G78300 AT2G07560 AT1G78300 AT2G01950 AT1G78300 AT1G77760 AT1G78300 AT2G18020 AT1G78300 AT2G18170 AT1G78300 AT1G80840 AT1G78300 AT3G13920 AT1G78300 AT2G33270 AT1G78300 AT2G41740 AT1G78300 AT2G24120 AT1G78300 AT3G06530 AT1G78300 AT2G40470 AT1G78300 AT2G32400 AT1G78300 AT2G43010 AT1G78300 AT2G31900 AT1G78300 AT2G42010 AT1G78300 AT2G23380 AT1G78300 AT2G42830 AT1G78300 AT2G41620 AT1G78300 AT2G29100 AT1G78300 AT2G30770 AT1G78300 AT2G19110 AT1G78300 AT2G22240 AT3G11410 AT2G33610 AT1G32640 AT1G48500 pull down AT3G20740 AT3G24650 AT1G21230 AT2G05520 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT1G21250 AT5G19280 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G35580 AT1G09020 AT2G43790 AT3G63400 AT1G72770 AT2G26040 AT2G38310 AT1G72770 AT2G40330 AT1G72770 AT3G11410 AT1G73000 AT3G11410 AT2G38310 AT3G04460 AT1G68010 confocal microscopy|interaction detection method AT1G68010 AT3G07560 confocal microscopy AT2G27030 AT4G24240 filter binding|interaction detection method|protein complementation assay|Reconstituted Complex AT2G27030 AT4G31550 filter binding|Reconstituted Complex AT2G27030 AT2G24570 filter binding|Reconstituted Complex AT2G27030 AT2G30590 filter binding|Reconstituted Complex AT2G27030 AT3G04670 filter binding|Reconstituted Complex AT2G27030 AT5G28650 filter binding|Reconstituted Complex AT5G46790 AT1G72770 AT1G72770 AT1G73000 AT5G05440 AT1G72770 AT1G72770 AT4G01026 AT1G72770 AT4G27920 AT1G72770 AT5G45860 AT1G72770 AT5G45870 AT3G11410 AT4G17870 AT3G11410 AT5G46790 AT3G11410 AT2G26040 AT5G45870 AT3G11410 AT4G17870 AT3G50500 AT3G50500 AT4G26080 AT5G51760 AT3G50500 AT4G17870 AT5G59220 AT2G38310 AT5G59220 AT4G17870 AT4G18340 AT2G38310 AT4G18340 AT1G32230 AT2G22760 AT5G54680 AT1G32230 AT1G32230 AT2G37630 pull down AT4G35580 AT5G02030 interaction detection method AT5G20930 AT2G36960 protein kinase assay|two hybrid AT5G22780 AT1G05020 interaction detection method|molecular sieving|electron microscopy|pull down AT5G09420 AT3G54660 two hybrid AT2G27030 AT3G03450 filter binding AT5G46210 AT3G13550 molecular sieving|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT3G13550 AT4G10180 molecular sieving|pull down|molecular sieving|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro AT4G05420 AT3G13550 molecular sieving|pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G46210 AT5G14250 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT5G46210 AT5G42970 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT5G46210 AT1G71230 AT2G02560 AT5G46210 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT3G04460 AT1G29260 interaction detection method AT1G29260 AT1G29260 interaction detection method AT5G62810 AT3G07560 interaction detection method AT3G03490 AT3G07560 interaction detection method AT2G32950 AT3G07560 AT2G27030 AT2G23320 filter binding|Reconstituted Complex AT2G27030 AT4G35580 interaction detection method AT5G38110 AT5G20930 protein kinase assay|two hybrid AT4G05420 AT1G01360 AT3G19180 AT1G75010 AT4G24210 AT5G27320 AT3G25230 AT5G52640 AT3G07560 AT3G07560 AT3G19180 AT3G19180 AT1G32230 AT3G11020 AT1G32230 AT2G40340 AT1G32230 AT3G04060 AT1G32230 AT5G09330 AT5G05410 AT1G32230 pull down AT1G32230 AT5G48250 pull down AT3G59060 AT1G32230 AT1G32230 AT5G61270 AT3G25230 AT2G26150 AT2G26150 AT5G52640 AT4G30480 AT1G75010 AT3G63400 AT2G27030 filter binding AT1G68010 AT1G29260 interaction detection method AT1G68010 AT1G68010 interaction detection method AT3G13550 AT5G20570 molecular sieving AT5G46210 AT4G14110 AT5G46210 AT2G32950 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT3G13550 AT2G32950 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT1G32870 AT1G32230 AT1G32230 AT1G06040 two hybrid|pull down|two hybrid AT4G28640 AT1G32230 AT4G01720 AT1G32230 AT2G33550 AT1G32230 AT1G32230 AT2G02070 AT5G03760 AT1G32230 AT1G32230 AT4G09060 AT1G32230 AT1G74890 AT2G01980 AT1G32230 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G17510 AT3G03950 two hybrid|affinity technology|pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT4G00050 AT1G32230 AT1G32230 AT4G36060 AT5G06950 AT1G32230 AT1G19835 AT1G32230 AT1G19835 AT5G05410 AT3G11020 AT5G05410 AT3G11020 AT3G11020 AT3G11020 AT2G40340 AT4G22200 AT1G68010 interaction detection method AT4G22200 AT1G29260 interaction detection method AT2G35720 AT1G02340 pull down AT5G08720 AT1G02340 AT2G22810 AT2G22810 AT4G11280 AT2G22810 AT4G37770 AT4G37770 AT2G22810 AT4G26200 AT3G61510 AT4G11280 AT4G11280 AT4G11280 AT2G22810 AT4G37770 AT4G26200 AT4G26200 AT1G28050 AT1G56170 two hybrid AT1G01480 AT4G26080 AT4G22200 AT4G18290 AT5G03280 AT3G18910 pull down AT1G17380 AT1G74950 interaction detection method AT1G74950 AT1G72450 interaction detection method AT5G15840 AT2G47810 AT2G47810 AT1G28050 AT5G15840 AT1G21970 AT5G47670 AT5G15840 AT1G28050 AT3G53340 AT1G28050 AT2G38880 two hybrid AT5G50490 AT5G15840 AT1G28050 AT5G50490 AT1G28050 AT5G63470 AT1G74950 AT5G20900 interaction detection method AT1G28050 AT3G48590 two hybrid AT5G15840 AT1G08970 two hybrid AT1G28050 AT1G08970 two hybrid AT5G50470 AT5G15840 AT1G28050 AT5G50470 AT1G28050 AT5G50480 AT5G15840 AT5G50480 AT3G48590 AT5G35620 pull down AT3G48590 AT5G18110 pull down AT3G48590 AT4G18040 pull down AT3G48590 AT3G26400 pull down AT3G61510 AT3G61510 AT5G10450 AT4G37770 pull down AT1G74950 AT1G19180 interaction detection method AT1G72450 AT5G13220 interaction detection method AT1G30135 AT1G74950 interaction detection method AT1G30135 AT1G48500 interaction detection method AT1G17380 AT1G30135 interaction detection method AT1G30135 AT1G72450 interaction detection method AT1G30135 AT5G13220 interaction detection method AT1G30135 AT5G20900 interaction detection method AT1G70700 AT1G74950 interaction detection method AT5G13220 AT1G70700 interaction detection method AT5G13220 AT1G19180 interaction detection method AT1G74950 AT5G13220 interaction detection method AT5G13220 AT1G48500 interaction detection method AT2G39940 AT5G13220 interaction detection method AT1G30135 AT1G30135 interaction detection method AT1G30135 AT1G70700 interaction detection method AT4G24470 AT4G24470 interaction detection method AT1G72450 AT1G17380 interaction detection method AT5G20900 AT1G17380 interaction detection method AT1G72450 AT5G20900 interaction detection method AT1G30135 AT3G17860 interaction detection method AT5G13220 AT5G20900 interaction detection method AT5G20900 AT1G48500 interaction detection method AT5G20900 AT1G70700 interaction detection method AT4G24470 AT1G51600 interaction detection method AT4G24470 AT5G02100 AT1G62020 AT4G01900 pull down AT4G01900 AT4G34450 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G05440 AT5G10450 pull down AT4G35900 AT4G20370 AT2G17770 AT4G20370 AT1G65480 AT2G17770 two hybrid AT5G03415 AT1G47870 coimmunoprecipitation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|protein complementation assay|two hybrid|coimmunoprecipitation AT5G02470 AT1G47870 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT4G01900 AT3G57560 pull down|molecular sieving|pull down|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT4G01900 AT4G31490 pull down AT1G72770 AT5G53160 AT3G13550 AT4G14110 two hybrid AT3G13550 AT5G42970 two hybrid AT5G46210 AT5G58760 AT4G31160 AT4G05420 pull down AT4G31160 AT5G46210 AT5G23080 AT1G55520 two hybrid AT5G55280 AT5G23080 AT5G55280 AT5G55280 two hybrid|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|protein complementation assay AT3G18165 AT5G55280 AT3G18165 AT3G18790 AT3G18165 AT4G15900 coimmunoprecipitation AT3G18165 AT1G20960 AT3G18165 AT5G28740 AT3G18165 AT1G10580 AT3G18165 AT1G04510 AT3G18165 AT1G32490 AT3G18165 AT5G41770 AT3G18165 AT1G77180 AT3G18165 AT1G15200 AT3G18165 AT1G06220 AT3G18165 AT1G07360 AT3G18165 AT2G33340 AT3G18165 AT3G60190 AT3G18165 AT3G20820 AT3G18165 AT4G19410 AT3G18165 AT5G42080 AT3G18165 AT3G15730 AT3G18165 AT1G80070 AT3G18165 AT2G43770 AT3G18165 AT5G64270 AT5G55280 AT1G04510 AT5G57090 AT1G59980 confocal microscopy AT5G11060 AT5G41410 AT1G62990 AT5G41410 two hybrid AT5G25220 AT5G41410 AT3G21640 AT5G52640 AT4G03280 AT4G39710 pull down AT5G03280 AT1G66340 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|Reconstituted Complex AT1G74950 AT1G74950 interaction detection method AT5G13220 AT5G13220 interaction detection method AT3G13550 AT5G14250 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT2G31190 AT3G45890 AT2G31190 AT5G02200 pull down AT5G02200 AT5G02200 pull down|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G55280 AT5G02200 AT1G72450 AT1G72450 interaction detection method AT1G19180 AT1G17380 interaction detection method AT1G72450 AT1G19180 interaction detection method AT1G19180 AT5G20900 interaction detection method|Co-purification AT1G17380 AT1G17380 interaction detection method AT4G11280 AT4G26080 AT2G26070 AT1G66340 confocal microscopy AT1G30270 AT1G12110 two hybrid|protein complementation assay|biochemical AT3G21175 AT4G24470 interaction detection method AT5G05440 AT5G05440 AT5G39510 AT4G20780 AT2G46600 AT4G20780 two hybrid|pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT4G24540 AT2G18040 pull down AT2G45660 AT2G18040 pull down|interaction detection method AT3G25070 AT2G18040 pull down AT4G32620 AT2G18040 AT2G30470 AT2G18040 AT2G30470 AT3G21430 AT4G26080 AT4G38630 interaction detection method AT3G10650 AT4G38630 AT5G45010 AT4G38630 AT5G45010 AT5G16310 AT5G45010 AT5G61290 AT2G38280 AT5G61290 AT3G06290 AT5G61290 AT3G06290 AT3G05380 AT2G36960 AT3G05380 AT5G13820 AT3G05380 AT3G46590 AT3G05380 AT3G46590 AT5G13820 AT3G50360 AT3G05380 AT3G50360 AT3G06290 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT3G06290 AT4G37010 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT3G06290 AT3G06290 AT3G10650 AT4G37010 AT3G10650 AT3G10650 AT5G45010 AT4G37010 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT5G45010 AT5G45010 AT5G45010 AT1G20200 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT5G45010 AT1G75990 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT1G20200 AT1G64750 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT1G75990 AT1G64750 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT4G26080 AT2G18960 interaction detection method AT4G26080 AT5G53160 interaction detection method|two hybrid|protein complementation assay|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G26080 AT4G27920 interaction detection method|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G26080 AT3G19390 interaction detection method|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G26080 AT5G46790 interaction detection method|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G26080 AT2G20580 interaction detection method|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G66880 AT4G26080 interaction detection method AT4G26080 AT4G01026 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G26080 AT2G40330 interaction detection method|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G26080 AT5G05440 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G17870 AT5G56860 AT4G17870 AT5G04390 AT4G26080 AT3G53430 interaction detection method|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G26080 AT5G20280 interaction detection method|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G25230 AT4G26080 AT3G25230 AT3G25230 AT5G66880 AT4G17870 ETG163702 ETG51691 two hybrid DMEL_CG3188 DMEL_CG3702 two hybrid DMEL_CG3702 DMEL_CG9481 two hybrid DMEL_CG3497 DMEL_CG3166 Phenotypic Enhancement DMEL_CG3166 DMEL_CG1707 Phenotypic Enhancement DMEL_CG1707 DMEL_CG3166 Phenotypic Enhancement DMEL_CG3166 DMEL_CG1707 Phenotypic Suppression DMEL_CG1707 DMEL_CG3166 Phenotypic Suppression DMEL_CG3665 DMEL_CG1840 Phenotypic Enhancement DMEL_CG1840 DMEL_CG3665 Phenotypic Enhancement DMEL_CG3665 DMEL_CG1840 Phenotypic Suppression DMEL_CG1840 DMEL_CG3665 Phenotypic Suppression DMEL_CG8967 DMEL_CG1840 Phenotypic Enhancement DMEL_CG1840 DMEL_CG8967 Phenotypic Enhancement DMEL_CG8967 DMEL_CG1840 Phenotypic Suppression DMEL_CG1840 DMEL_CG8967 Phenotypic Suppression DMEL_CG7503 DMEL_CG1840 Phenotypic Suppression DMEL_CG1840 DMEL_CG7503 Phenotypic Suppression DMEL_CG3124 DMEL_CG1224 Phenotypic Suppression DMEL_CG1224 DMEL_CG3124 Phenotypic Suppression YDR016C YGR113W Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Lethality YDR016C YGL061C Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality YNL020C YNL154C Reconstituted Complex YGR113W YGL061C Affinity Capture-Western YDR016C YER016W Synthetic Lethality YDR016C YGR188C Synthetic Lethality YDR016C YOR026W Synthetic Lethality YDR016C YBL034C Synthetic Lethality ETG3702 ETG3937 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT4G00020 AT5G20850 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|coimmunoprecipitation AT4G00020 AT3G22880 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation ETG6352 ETG6382 Affinity Capture-Western ETG6352 ETG6385 Affinity Capture-Western ETG6352 ETG1234 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G61380 AT2G43010 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G61380 AT3G59060 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G61380 AT5G61380 two hybrid AT5G61380 AT2G46790 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT2G46790 AT2G46790 two hybrid AT3G60020 AT2G18915 two hybrid AT5G24470 AT1G68050 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G27360 AT1G22770 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G15840 AT5G47640 two hybrid AT1G28050 AT5G47640 two hybrid AT3G59060 AT1G09530 two hybrid AT5G61380 AT3G62090 two hybrid AT5G61380 AT2G20180 two hybrid AT1G03430 AT1G32640 two hybrid AT5G24470 AT3G04910 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G60100 AT3G04910 two hybrid|in vitro|biochemical|two hybrid|biochemical|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G24470 AT5G58350 two hybrid AT5G67580 AT1G55520 two hybrid AT2G46830 AT1G01060 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G01060 AT5G61380 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression AT2G46830 AT5G61380 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G02810 AT1G09570 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G09570 AT2G18790 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression|synthetic growth defect AT2G46790 AT5G02810 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G41315 AT5G40330 two hybrid|Phenotypic Suppression AT2G25930 AT2G18790 two hybrid|Phenotypic Enhancement|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping|in vitro|two hybrid AT2G46790 AT5G24470 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G02810 AT5G24470 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G01060 AT1G22770 Dosage Growth Defect|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G15840 AT1G22770 Dosage Growth Defect AT1G65480 AT1G22770 Dosage Growth Defect AT1G22770 AT2G47700 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression AT2G47700 AT5G15840 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G61380 AT1G22770 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G15840 AT3G11540 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G65480 AT3G11540 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G16280 AT1G77300 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G19520 AT1G77300 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G15840 AT1G77300 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G25530 AT1G77300 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G22770 AT1G77300 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G25930 AT1G65480 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G25930 AT4G02560 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G25930 AT4G16280 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G25930 AT4G25530 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G61380 AT5G24470 Affinity Capture-Western|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression|Reconstituted Complex AT5G24470 AT1G01060 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G24470 AT2G46830 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G02810 AT1G01060 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G02810 AT2G46830 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G02810 AT2G18790 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G09530 AT5G02810 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G46830 AT3G22380 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G01060 AT3G22380 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G40080 AT3G22380 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G22380 AT2G25930 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression AT3G22380 AT5G61380 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G22770 AT3G22380 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G32950 AT1G22770 Phenotypic Suppression|protein complementation assay|split-reporter assay AT4G02560 AT2G32950 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G11260 AT1G56650 synthetic growth defect AT4G17230 AT2G18790 synthetic growth defect AT5G57360 AT1G56280 two hybrid AT2G18915 AT1G56280 two hybrid AT1G68050 AT1G56280 two hybrid AT5G15850 AT2G18915 two hybrid AT5G15840 AT2G18915 two hybrid AT2G18915 AT3G02380 two hybrid AT2G18915 AT2G24790 two hybrid AT2G18915 AT5G24930 two hybrid AT5G57660 AT2G18915 two hybrid AT2G18915 AT2G47890 two hybrid AT2G18915 AT2G33500 two hybrid AT1G68520 AT2G18915 two hybrid AT1G28050 AT2G18915 two hybrid AT2G36910 AT2G36910 synthetic growth defect AT2G36910 AT1G05180 synthetic growth defect AT4G02510 AT1G06950 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT2G16640 AT1G06950 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT3G16620 AT1G06950 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT1G06950 AT5G16620 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT1G02280 AT1G06950 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT5G16620 AT5G50920 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G23430 AT1G06950 affinity technology|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G23430 AT5G16620 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT4G23430 AT3G23710 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT1G06950 AT3G23710 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT5G05000 AT2G16640 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT5G05000 AT3G16620 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT5G49230 AT2G43010 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G49230 AT1G65480 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G49230 AT2G18790 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G49230 AT1G04400 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G15840 AT5G49230 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G25540 AT5G49230 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G27920 AT5G40330 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G79840 AT5G40330 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G53200 AT5G40330 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G40080 AT5G23150 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G00650 AT5G23150 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G43410 AT5G23150 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G02560 AT5G23150 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G57360 AT2G25930 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G15840 AT2G25930 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G25930 AT1G09570 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G09150 AT2G25930 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G10180 AT5G11260 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G59560 AT2G18790 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G47190 AT1G32640 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G32640 AT5G40330 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G27920 AT2G46410 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G46410 AT5G53200 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G24520 AT3G27920 Phenotypic Enhancement|pull down AT2G43010 AT5G61270 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G09530 AT2G43010 Phenotypic Enhancement|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT2G01570 AT1G09530 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|in vitro AT2G01570 AT2G43010 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|in vitro|affinity technology AT2G18790 AT1G76500 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G20900 AT1G76500 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G59060 AT2G43010 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G09570 AT3G59060 biochemical|in vitro AT2G37680 AT5G02200 Phenotypic Enhancement|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT1G09570 AT1G14920 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G46370 AT1G28200 affinity technology|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G37680 AT1G09570 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|affinity technology AT2G46340 AT5G15840 Reconstituted Complex|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|in vitro AT4G11110 AT5G15840 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G15354 AT5G15840 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|coimmunoprecipitation AT1G53090 AT5G15840 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT4G02440 AT1G10940 two hybrid|two hybrid|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT2G37680 AT2G37680 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G18790 AT5G63310 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro AT2G43010 AT2G18790 in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|coimmunoprecipitation AT2G32950 AT1G09570 Reconstituted Complex|biochemical|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|affinity technology AT2G43010 AT1G09570 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G22170 AT3G22170 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G15090 AT3G22170 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT3G20050 AT2G32950 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G65310 AT5G65310 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G65310 AT2G22430 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|affinity technology AT5G65310 AT2G46680 Reconstituted Complex|affinity technology|in vitro AT5G65310 AT3G61890 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|affinity technology AT5G65310 AT4G40060 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G65930 AT3G52890 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro AT3G52890 AT3G52890 biochemical|in vitro AT1G37130 AT2G42590 two hybrid AT1G37130 AT5G10450 two hybrid AT1G37130 AT1G78220 two hybrid AT1G37130 AT5G65430 two hybrid AT1G37130 AT1G78300 two hybrid AT1G37130 AT5G38480 two hybrid AT1G37130 AT4G09000 two hybrid AT3G44600 ETG333932 Reconstituted Complex AT1G71880 AT3G48750 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT4G17750 AT3G48750 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT1G30950 AT1G71230 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT5G20320 AT3G62800 affinity technology|far western blotting|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT4G18960 AT3G12145 in vitro|Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT4G18960 AT5G24780 Co-purification AT1G63440 AT3G56240 two hybrid AT1G63440 AT2G31650 two hybrid AT4G16280 AT5G13480 in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G10450 AT3G09840 two hybrid AT4G32551 AT4G38130 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT1G02840 AT5G55990 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G47620 AT2G33610 two hybrid AT5G41790 AT2G32950 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|far western blotting AT1G05055 AT1G03190 two hybrid AT1G05055 YER171W two hybrid YLR005W AT1G03190 two hybrid AT1G59940 AT2G45820 two hybrid AT5G42970 AT5G15850 affinity technology|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G15850 AT1G71230 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT5G15850 AT5G56280 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT5G15850 AT4G02570 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT5G15850 AT4G14110 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT1G09020 AT3G23100 two hybrid AT1G01510 AT1G01510 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G53720 AT5G18810 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT1G53720 AT3G55460 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT1G53720 AT3G13570 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT1G53720 AT1G02840 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT1G53720 AT1G23860 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT1G53720 AT2G37340 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT1G53720 AT5G64200 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G40030 ETG27161 Reconstituted Complex ETG27327 AT2G27040 Reconstituted Complex AT2G21660 AT2G21660 Protein-RNA|Protein-RNA AT4G39260 AT2G21660 Protein-RNA|Protein-RNA AT4G08590 AT4G08590 two hybrid AT2G35190 AT1G08560 affinity technology|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT2G35190 AT5G16830 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT2G35190 AT1G26670 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology ARTHMP010 AT1G63270 two hybrid AT2G39730 AT1G55490 Co-purification AT5G58230 AT5G11530 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G58040 AT3G14230 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro ETG280691 AT2G46020 far western blotting ETG326601 AT2G46020 far western blotting AT5G55630 AT5G10450 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G55630 AT4G09000 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT1G15750 AT1G04550 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G19660 AT2G40950 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT1G09530 AT1G14920 two hybrid AT1G09530 AT1G66350 two hybrid AT1G09530 AT3G03450 two hybrid AT1G09530 AT5G17490 two hybrid AT3G24500 AT4G17770 two hybrid ETG3702 ETG3838 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex ETG3702 ETG8651 Reconstituted Complex ETG3702 ETG5478 Co-crystal Structure|biochemical|Affinity Capture-Western RP3-467L1.3 ETG8864 Affinity Capture-Western ETG5187 RP3-467L1.3 Affinity Capture-Western ETG3702 ETG7454 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex ETG3702 ETG27040 Affinity Capture-Western|biochemical AT2G27100 AT2G27100 protein complementation assay|split-reporter assay AT2G27100 AT1G01040 protein complementation assay|split-reporter assay AT2G27100 AT1G09700 protein complementation assay|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|split-reporter assay AT1G48410 AT1G09700 protein complementation assay|split-reporter assay AT1G01040 AT1G01040 protein complementation assay|split-reporter assay AT4G14880 AT1G55920 Reconstituted Complex|Co-crystal Structure|in vitro|affinity technology|Co-crystallization AT1G09700 AT3G51375 Affinity Capture-RNA|affinity technology AT1G09700 AT1G73687 Affinity Capture-RNA|affinity technology AT4G31120 AT1G07660 biochemical|in vitro AT3G61570 AT1G59750 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G51660 AT5G23880 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology|in vitro AT5G51660 AT1G30460 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G39400 AT5G19280 Affinity Capture-Western|far western blotting|Co-crystal Structure|Co-crystallization|affinity technology AT4G33430 AT5G19280 Co-crystal Structure|far western blotting|Co-crystallization AT2G43160 AT3G08530 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G43160 AT5G22770 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G43160 AT1G48760 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G43160 AT1G26670 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT4G27180 AT4G27180 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G54670 AT5G54670 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G54670 AT4G27180 in vitro|Reconstituted Complex AT1G52890 AT1G69600 two hybrid AT3G15500 AT1G69600 two hybrid AT4G27410 AT1G69600 two hybrid AT3G05120 AT4G31500 two hybrid AT3G27310 AT3G09840 Reconstituted Complex|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation|in vitro AT4G15410 AT3G09840 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G24850 AT5G24850 Co-crystal Structure|Co-crystallization AT1G19850 AT5G20730 two hybrid|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|two hybrid|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT1G48410 AT1G01183 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT3G02230 AT5G15650 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT4G33950 AT3G56860 two hybrid ETG7037 AT5G46630 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G16890 AT3G02090 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT3G16890 AT3G16480 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT3G16890 AT2G07727 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT3G16890 AT1G51980 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT3G16890 AT5G40810 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT3G16890 AT5G13430 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT3G16890 AT4G32470 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT3G16890 AT5G25450 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT2G13560 AT2G13560 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT4G00570 AT4G00570 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G47810 AT1G75850 affinity technology|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G78870 AT1G23260 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G36060 AT1G78870 pull down|two hybrid AT3G52560 AT1G78870 pull down|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT1G23260 AT1G16890 two hybrid AT1G70660 AT1G16890 two hybrid AT2G36060 AT1G16890 two hybrid AT3G52560 AT1G16890 two hybrid ETG7334 AT1G23260 two hybrid ETG7334 AT3G52560 two hybrid YDR092W AT1G23260 two hybrid YDR092W AT3G52560 two hybrid AT5G56760 AT4G14880 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT5G56760 AT3G22460 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT5G56760 AT2G43750 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT5G56760 AT3G59760 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|affinity technology AT5G56760 AT3G04940 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT5G56760 AT5G28020 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT3G45640 AT5G54430 biochemical|in vitro AT2G43790 AT5G54430 biochemical|in vitro AT3G25250 AT1G06700 two hybrid|biochemical|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G25250 AT2G30740 two hybrid|biochemical|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G59350 AT3G25250 two hybrid|biochemical|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G04510 AT3G25250 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|in vitro AT4G35450 AT3G52420 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|coimmunoprecipitation|affinity technology|pull down AT4G35450 AT3G17970 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|pull down AT4G35450 AT1G02280 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|pull down AT5G05000 AT4G35450 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|pull down|in vitro AT3G55840 AT1G09020 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|protein complementation assay|split-reporter assay|in vitro AT2G40000 AT1G09020 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|protein complementation assay|split-reporter assay|in vitro AT3G26744 AT3G23250 in vitro|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex RP5-1068B5. AT1G20450 Reconstituted Complex AT3G53030 AT3G61860 biochemical|in vitro AT5G46210 AT4G10180 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|in vitro|affinity technology AT5G20570 AT4G10180 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro ETG3702 ETG5335 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|biochemical RP4-655N15. ETG3702 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G63870 AT5G63310 two hybrid AT3G04280 AT3G29350 two hybrid|protein complementation assay|split-reporter assay AT3G04280 AT5G39340 two hybrid|protein complementation assay|split-reporter assay AT3G04280 AT1G03430 two hybrid|protein complementation assay|split-reporter assay AT3G55340 AT3G51300 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|in vitro AT3G55340 AT5G20020 Protein-RNA|two hybrid AT2G31380 AT5G11260 two hybrid|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|two hybrid AT3G19350 AT2G41430 two hybrid AT3G19350 AT2G26280 two hybrid AT3G19350 AT1G53650 two hybrid AT3G19350 AT4G10610 two hybrid AT4G34110 AT2G41430 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G34110 AT2G26280 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G34110 AT1G53650 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G34110 AT4G10610 two hybrid AT5G11390 AT5G43070 two hybrid AT5G11390 AT5G56210 two hybrid AT5G11390 AT4G26450 affinity technology|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G49940 AT5G49940 Co-crystal Structure|Co-crystallization AT3G45780 AT3G45780 Co-crystal Structure|Co-crystallization AT5G58140 AT5G58140 Co-crystal Structure|Co-crystallization AT3G22170 AT1G09570 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology ETG3702 RP1-66H14.1 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex ETG3702 ETG6714 Reconstituted Complex ETG3702 ETG2885 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex AT5G67110 AT5G01370 two hybrid AT5G58230 AT3G12280 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G61210 AT3G11820 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT1G21750 AT4G11310 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G15700 AT2G17730 two hybrid AT1G23860 AT1G02840 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G37340 AT1G02840 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|in vitro AT5G18810 AT1G23860 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G18810 AT1G02840 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G18810 AT5G18810 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G18810 AT3G55460 in vitro|Reconstituted Complex AT5G18810 AT3G13570 in vitro|Reconstituted Complex AT5G18810 AT1G09140 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G55460 AT1G23860 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G55460 AT1G09140 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G55460 AT1G02840 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G55460 AT3G55460 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G55460 AT3G13570 in vitro|Reconstituted Complex AT3G13570 AT1G23860 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G13570 AT1G09140 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G13570 AT1G02840 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G13570 AT3G13570 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT1G55310 AT5G18810 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT1G55310 AT3G55460 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT1G55310 AT3G13570 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G64200 AT3G55460 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G64200 AT3G13570 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G64200 AT1G55310 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G64200 AT5G64200 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G52450 AT1G64520 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|biochemical|in vitro|affinity technology AT2G35930 AT1G64520 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|biochemical|in vitro AT1G02340 AT5G47080 two hybrid AT1G02340 AT4G17640 two hybrid AT1G65790 AT3G46510 two hybrid AT1G65790 AT3G54850 two hybrid AT1G65790 AT3G07360 two hybrid AT1G65790 AT5G65200 two hybrid AT4G21380 AT5G65200 two hybrid AT4G21380 AT3G07360 two hybrid AT4G21380 AT3G54850 two hybrid AT4G21380 AT3G46510 two hybrid AT4G21380 AT1G27910 two hybrid AT4G21380 AT3G18710 two hybrid AT4G21380 AT1G20780 two hybrid AT5G49020 AT3G06930 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G49020 AT5G49020 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G06930 AT3G06930 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G38470 AT4G01370 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT5G53210 AT3G26744 two hybrid AT5G53210 AT1G12860 two hybrid AT3G06120 AT3G26744 two hybrid AT3G06120 AT1G12860 two hybrid AT3G24140 AT3G26744 two hybrid AT3G24140 AT1G12860 two hybrid YGL163C AT5G20850 two hybrid AT3G19210 YER095W two hybrid AT5G35750 AT4G39820 two hybrid AT2G01830 AT5G16070 two hybrid AT2G01830 AT5G59850 two hybrid AT2G01830 AT1G31780 two hybrid AT1G19050 AT2G31160 two hybrid AT3G16857 AT3G52590 two hybrid AT4G31920 AT3G42433 two hybrid AT2G01760 AT2G47110 two hybrid AT2G01760 AT3G52590 two hybrid AT3G59420 AT3G59420 protein complementation assay|split-reporter assay AT5G16840 AT3G60600 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G16840 AT5G16840 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G44200 AT3G61897 Affinity Capture-RNA|affinity technology AT5G44200 AT1G73687 Affinity Capture-RNA|affinity technology AT5G44200 AT4G19395 Affinity Capture-RNA|affinity technology AT5G44200 AT5G04275 Affinity Capture-RNA|affinity technology AT2G13540 AT1G73687 Affinity Capture-RNA|affinity technology AT2G13540 AT5G08185 Affinity Capture-RNA|affinity technology AT2G13540 AT5G04275 Affinity Capture-RNA|affinity technology AT3G48750 AT1G23190 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT1G66750 AT5G08690 Affinity Capture-MS|affinity technology AT5G63310 AT2G26300 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT1G03130 AT1G52220 two hybrid AT4G11110 AT2G46340 in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|affinity technology|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT4G11110 AT4G11110 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology|in vitro AT4G11110 AT3G15354 in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT4G11110 AT1G53090 in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT2G32950 AT4G11110 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology ETG3702 ETG10657 Reconstituted Complex|biochemical|Reconstituted Complex ETG3702 ETG3702 biochemical ETG3702 ETG3190 Reconstituted Complex ETG3702 ETG867 Reconstituted Complex AT4G08500 AT4G29810 protein complementation assay|split-reporter assay AT2G18196 AT5G15210 two hybrid AT2G18196 AT1G69600 two hybrid AT3G04680 AT5G23880 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT3G04680 AT5G13480 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT3G04680 AT5G51660 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT4G38800 AT4G26570 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|protein complementation assay|split-reporter assay|in vitro AT4G28540 AT4G14960 Reconstituted Complex|biochemical|in vitro AT4G28540 AT5G62700 Reconstituted Complex|biochemical|in vitro AT4G39260 AT4G39260 Protein-RNA AT1G04400 AT4G34530 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT2G23430 AT2G22010 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G50630 AT2G22010 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G19150 AT2G22010 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT1G49620 AT2G22010 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G48820 AT2G22010 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G32710 AT2G22010 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro YDR264C YNL154C Colocalization|biochemical AT5G16000 AT1G14320 biochemical|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|affinity technology AT5G10380 AT2G23380 two hybrid AT5G10380 AT5G10380 two hybrid AT5G17690 AT5G10380 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G50960 AT5G50960 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G63140 AT1G09340 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT2G32950 AT2G25930 affinity technology|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|biochemical|protein complementation assay|split-reporter assay|in vitro AT2G25930 AT1G22770 two hybrid|protein complementation assay|split-reporter assay AT3G13550 AT4G27960 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G13550 AT1G14400 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT3G13550 AT5G41340 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G44030 AT5G44030 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT5G17420 AT5G17420 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT4G18780 AT4G18780 Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT5G17420 AT5G44030 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT5G17420 AT4G18780 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|affinity technology AT4G09570 AT2G22910 two hybrid AT1G35670 AT2G22910 two hybrid AT1G35670 AT5G07240 two hybrid AT3G52590 YDL140C Affinity Capture-Western AT1G22280 AT2G18790 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G05410 AT1G06770 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|protein complementation assay|biochemical|split-reporter assay|in vitro AT1G06770 AT1G06770 biochemical|in vitro AT2G47040 AT5G19660 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G12390 AT5G19660 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G25500 AT3G46520 Reconstituted Complex AT2G39630 AT2G28800 protein complementation assay AT2G39630 AT2G39630 protein complementation assay AT2G39630 AT2G18710 protein complementation assay ARTHCP002 AT2G28800 protein complementation assay ARTHCP018 AT2G28800 protein complementation assay ARTHCP022 AT2G28800 protein complementation assay ARTHCP002 ARTHCP002 protein complementation assay AT4G38430 AT1G75840 two hybrid|biochemical AT1G01700 AT1G75840 two hybrid|biochemical AT4G38430 AT2G17800 biochemical AT4G38430 AT5G45970 biochemical AT4G38430 AT3G48040 biochemical AT4G22910 SPAC19G12.0 Reconstituted Complex AT4G11920 SPAC19G12.0 Reconstituted Complex AT5G13840 SPAC19G12.0 Reconstituted Complex AT1G47230 AT4G22910 two hybrid AT1G47230 AT5G13840 two hybrid AT1G44110 AT4G22910 Reconstituted Complex AT1G44110 AT4G11920 Reconstituted Complex AT1G44110 AT5G13840 Reconstituted Complex AT1G77390 AT4G22910 Reconstituted Complex AT1G77390 AT4G11920 Reconstituted Complex AT1G77390 AT5G13840 Reconstituted Complex AT4G37490 AT4G22910 Reconstituted Complex AT4G37490 AT4G11920 Reconstituted Complex AT4G37490 AT5G13840 Reconstituted Complex AT5G06150 AT4G22910 Reconstituted Complex AT5G06150 AT4G11920 Reconstituted Complex AT5G06150 AT5G13840 Reconstituted Complex AT4G22910 AT3G48750 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G11920 AT3G48750 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G13840 AT3G48750 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G70140 AT3G46520 Reconstituted Complex AT4G20850 AT4G20850 Co-purification AT2G20370 AT3G46520 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G46860 AT1G26670 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G54650 AT3G46520 Reconstituted Complex AT1G68050 AT1G68050 Co-crystal Structure AT2G29890 AT3G46520 Reconstituted Complex AT3G62830 AT3G62830 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G24270 AT5G24270 Co-crystal Structure AT4G17750 AT5G63870 two hybrid AT5G63870 AT3G56800 two hybrid AT1G04550 AT5G20730 two hybrid ETG520277 AT3G09710 Reconstituted Complex AT3G09260 AT3G16420 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G09260 AT3G09260 Reconstituted Complex AT5G60360 AT2G14740 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G58940 AT5G37780 Reconstituted Complex AT5G35330 AT5G66750 Reconstituted Complex AT3G46580 AT5G66750 Reconstituted Complex AT5G66750 AT5G59380 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G46580 AT5G59380 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G38540 AT5G37780 Reconstituted Complex AT3G07040 AT2G04030 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G51700 AT2G04030 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G23570 AT2G04030 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G32420 AT5G18810 two hybrid AT4G32420 AT3G55460 two hybrid AT4G32420 AT1G02840 two hybrid AT4G32420 AT3G50670 two hybrid AT4G09320 AT1G20630 two hybrid AT4G09320 AT4G35090 two hybrid AT4G09320 AT1G20620 two hybrid AT3G63400 AT3G50670 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT3G63400 AT5G18810 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT3G63400 AT3G55460 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G01380 AT5G01380 two hybrid AT3G09650 AT3G09650 Reconstituted Complex AT3G09650 ARTHCP050 Affinity Capture-RNA AT3G09650 ARTHCP002 Affinity Capture-RNA AT1G20630 AT5G56290 two hybrid AT3G56100 AT4G24540 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|biochemical|inferred by author AT3G56100 AT3G14180 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|biochemical AT3G56100 AT2G04630 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT1G65620 AT2G37630 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G03730 AT5G03730 Reconstituted Complex AT1G21250 AT1G06680 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|biochemical AT2G32080 AT3G27010 two hybrid AT5G20010 AT3G05040 two hybrid AT4G32850 AT5G23880 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT1G62960 AT2G36270 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G05760 AT3G09840 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G17750 RP11-82K18. Reconstituted Complex AT4G16760 AT4G16760 Co-crystal Structure AT1G10840 AT3G61140 two hybrid AT4G14110 AT1G10840 two hybrid AT1G10840 AT5G27640 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G02090 AT1G10840 two hybrid AT4G11420 AT1G10840 two hybrid AT3G56150 AT1G10840 two hybrid AT1G10840 AT3G57290 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G10840 AT5G42970 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G10840 AT1G22920 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G53360 AT5G53360 Reconstituted Complex AT5G53360 AT1G56010 Reconstituted Complex|biochemical AT4G23630 AT3G53610 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT4G11220 AT3G53610 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G41600 AT3G53610 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT4G11220 AT4G23630 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT4G23630 AT5G41600 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT5G41600 AT4G11220 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT4G18060 AT1G10290 two hybrid AT1G10290 AT1G23900 two hybrid AT2G37340 AT1G23860 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT2G37340 AT4G31580 two hybrid AT5G18810 AT2G37340 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT3G55460 AT2G37340 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT2G37340 AT1G55310 two hybrid AT3G13570 AT2G37340 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT2G37340 AT5G64200 two hybrid AT2G37340 AT3G61860 Reconstituted Complex AT1G23860 AT3G61860 Reconstituted Complex AT4G23630 AT4G23630 Reconstituted Complex|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT1G10290 AT1G10290 Reconstituted Complex AT2G38170 AT2G38170 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT5G18580 AT1G13320 two hybrid AT1G18040 AT5G27620 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT1G73690 AT5G27620 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT1G18040 AT4G28980 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|protein complementation assay AT1G71230 AT2G26990 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G71230 AT1G02090 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G20380 AT4G20380 protein complementation assay AT1G70210 AT3G19150 two hybrid|two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT4G21670 AT4G35800 biochemical AT5G17990 AT5G17990 Reconstituted Complex AT3G46590 AT3G46590 Reconstituted Complex AT1G07540 AT1G07540 Reconstituted Complex AT3G53790 AT3G53790 Reconstituted Complex AT3G12560 AT3G12560 Reconstituted Complex AT5G17990 AT3G46590 Reconstituted Complex AT5G17990 AT3G12560 Reconstituted Complex AT3G13550 AT1G29150 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G13550 AT1G22920 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G13550 AT5G56280 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G13550 AT3G05530 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G31340 AT4G02570 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G35635 AT4G02570 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G69770 AT5G17690 Reconstituted Complex AT5G51700 AT4G23570 two hybrid AT1G05760 AT1G05760 two hybrid AT5G17690 AT5G17690 two hybrid AT1G31440 AT4G12780 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT2G40220 AT3G24650 two hybrid AT3G11540 AT3G11540 Reconstituted Complex AT4G01420 AT5G58380 two hybrid AT4G17615 AT5G04190 two hybrid AT4G26570 AT5G04190 two hybrid AT5G37190 AT2G32950 Reconstituted Complex AT4G14550 AT3G62980 Reconstituted Complex ETG26999 AT2G35110 two hybrid AT5G18410 ETG5879 two hybrid ETG26999 AT1G20090 two hybrid AT2G21280 AT2G21280 two hybrid AT5G22770 AT1G05020 Reconstituted Complex AT1G05020 AT3G11130 two hybrid AT3G18030 AT3G18030 Co-crystal Structure AT5G56760 AT5G56760 two hybrid YDR477W AT1G09020 two hybrid AT3G24650 AT5G20910 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G53000 AT1G10430 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G29160 YGL115W two hybrid|two hybrid YGL115W AT4G16360 two hybrid YGL115W AT5G21170 two hybrid AT4G16360 YDR477W two hybrid AT5G21170 YDR477W two hybrid AT4G24440 AT1G07480 two hybrid AT3G61140 AT1G29150 two hybrid AT3G05530 AT1G29150 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G29150 AT1G29150 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G05530 AT3G05530 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G27430 AT2G32950 Reconstituted Complex AT4G30190 AT1G35160 two hybrid AT3G16770 AT5G10030 Reconstituted Complex AT3G54340 AT1G69120 Reconstituted Complex AT1G69120 AT5G20240 Reconstituted Complex AT1G69120 AT4G18960 Reconstituted Complex AT3G54340 AT3G54340 Reconstituted Complex AT3G54340 AT4G18960 Reconstituted Complex AT5G20240 AT5G20240 Reconstituted Complex AT5G20240 AT4G18960 Reconstituted Complex AT1G59830 AT5G03730 Reconstituted Complex AT4G15415 AT1G25490 two hybrid AT1G25490 AT3G09880 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex YDR477W AT4G15900 two hybrid AT3G01090 YGL115W two hybrid AT3G45780 AT5G64330 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G24740 AT4G31580 Reconstituted Complex AT2G29960 AT1G13980 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|two hybrid AT3G50630 AT4G34160 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT2G27250 AT1G75820 in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT2G17820 AT3G21510 two hybrid AT4G14340 AT3G29350 two hybrid AT4G14340 AT3G21510 two hybrid AT1G32230 AT3G16770 two hybrid AT3G57290 AT3G56150 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|coimmunoprecipitation AT3G56150 AT5G27640 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT3G57290 AT1G02090 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|coimmunoprecipitation AT5G27640 AT1G02090 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G27640 AT3G57290 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT4G18040 AT3G45140 Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT3G63420 AT4G34460 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT4G31920 AT3G29350 two hybrid AT2G31070 AT3G21510 two hybrid AT3G29350 AT2G31070 two hybrid AT2G31070 AT5G39340 two hybrid AT2G32950 AT1G06040 two hybrid AT5G19280 AT5G46330 two hybrid AT1G75950 AT3G51260 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT3G01090 AT1G75950 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT3G29160 AT3G51260 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification AT3G29160 AT1G75950 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT3G01090 AT3G51260 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|Co-purification AT2G02350 AT1G75950 two hybrid AT3G61350 AT1G75950 two hybrid AT3G54480 AT1G75950 two hybrid AT5G52470 AT1G75950 two hybrid AT1G26310 AT1G24260 two hybrid AT5G65210 AT5G65210 two hybrid AT1G02450 AT1G64280 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G25882 AT1G64280 two hybrid AT5G48990 AT1G75950 Reconstituted Complex|pull down AT5G61210 AT1G08560 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT1G08560 AT5G07880 two hybrid AT1G08560 AT1G13890 two hybrid AT1G16240 AT5G16830 Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT1G28490 AT5G26980 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|coimmunoprecipitation AT5G26980 AT4G02195 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G26670 AT5G26980 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|coimmunoprecipitation AT1G16240 AT5G46860 Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT1G16240 AT5G39510 Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT1G28490 AT4G02195 Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT1G28490 AT1G26670 Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT1G28490 AT1G16240 split-reporter assay|Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT1G79590 AT5G16830 Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT1G79590 AT5G46860 Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT1G79590 AT1G28490 Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT4G17750 AT3G12580 two hybrid AT2G20570 AT4G36730 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G44190 AT4G36730 two hybrid|in vitro AT2G20570 AT2G46270 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT4G35000 AT4G35450 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|two hybrid YJR090C AT1G75950 two hybrid YJR090C AT5G42190 two hybrid AT3G17609 AT2G32950 two hybrid|coimmunoprecipitation AT2G22430 AT4G26080 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT2G39940 AT5G20570 Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT5G01810 AT5G57050 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G01810 AT4G26080 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G20570 AT1G72930 Reconstituted Complex AT1G19350 AT1G75080 two hybrid AT2G39940 AT5G41790 two hybrid AT2G39940 AT5G37190 two hybrid AT3G62980 AT5G41790 two hybrid AT2G39940 AT4G38130 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G10210 AT3G45640 two hybrid AT1G10210 AT4G01370 two hybrid AT2G43790 AT1G10210 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|protein complementation assay AT1G47870 AT3G48750 Reconstituted Complex|pull down AT1G47870 AT5G11300 Reconstituted Complex AT1G47870 AT2G22490 Reconstituted Complex AT1G77000 AT4G02570 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G47870 AT1G77000 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT1G47870 AT4G02570 Reconstituted Complex AT2G38170 AT3G54900 two hybrid AT3G25070 AT3G03600 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G54860 AT2G38020 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT2G05170 AT2G38020 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT2G38020 AT5G46860 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G38020 AT5G16830 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G26990 AT1G22920 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G02570 AT2G26990 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT4G11370 AT1G52890 two hybrid AT4G36800 AT4G03190 Reconstituted Complex AT1G75950 AT4G10930 two hybrid AT1G75950 AT2G17030 two hybrid AT4G02570 AT4G02740 two hybrid AT1G02980 AT4G08980 two hybrid AT1G02980 AT4G02740 two hybrid AT4G02740 AT2G25700 two hybrid AT3G54180 AT5G65420 Reconstituted Complex|protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT3G51160 AT1G73250 Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT5G35410 AT4G26080 Reconstituted Complex AT4G24400 AT5G57050 two hybrid AT5G45820 AT4G26080 two hybrid AT3G21640 AT4G30190 Reconstituted Complex AT2G38170 AT5G35410 two hybrid AT1G61520 AT3G61470 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G61520 AT4G02770 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G61520 AT1G31330 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G61520 AT4G12800 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G61520 ARTHCP075 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G61520 ARTHCP022 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G61520 ARTHCP021 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G61520 AT4G28750 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G61520 AT3G16140 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G61520 AT3G47470 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G42270 AT2G30950 Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|coimmunoprecipitation AT3G51770 AT1G26830 Reconstituted Complex|coimmunoprecipitation AT3G20740 ETG5925 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT4G27330 AT2G45190 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|pull down AT4G27330 AT4G00180 Reconstituted Complex|pull down|in vitro AT4G27330 AT1G23420 Reconstituted Complex|pull down|in vitro AT5G28640 AT4G09000 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G05760 AT3G27310 Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT4G10710 AT3G28730 Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT5G20570 AT1G69670 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G13060 AT1G26830 two hybrid AT2G39760 AT1G69670 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G13060 AT1G69670 two hybrid AT1G69670 AT1G21780 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G60430 ETG8936 two hybrid AT1G69010 AT1G19350 Reconstituted Complex AT5G61960 AT3G08850 two hybrid AT2G20310 AT3G07040 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|coimmunoprecipitation AT1G69670 AT4G08455 two hybrid AT5G19000 AT1G69670 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G26830 AT4G37610 Reconstituted Complex AT1G26830 AT3G43100 Reconstituted Complex AT1G26830 AT4G02570 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT4G01370 AT4G08500 two hybrid AT2G28380 AT1G09700 far western blotting AT1G09700 AT3G62800 far western blotting AT5G41070 AT2G28380 far western blotting AT5G41070 AT3G62800 far western blotting AT4G17750 AT5G13820 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT1G09700 AT3G43920 far western blotting AT2G28380 AT1G01040 far western blotting AT2G28380 AT3G43920 far western blotting AT4G15900 ETG5579 Reconstituted Complex AT1G47260 AT4G35320 two hybrid AT3G51300 AT1G04450 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT5G16490 AT3G51300 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|in vitro AT5G26980 AT5G58060 Reconstituted Complex|coimmunoprecipitation AT5G26980 AT5G58180 Reconstituted Complex|coimmunoprecipitation AT3G18730 AT1G52410 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT2G43370 AT5G18810 Reconstituted Complex AT2G43370 AT3G55460 Reconstituted Complex AT2G43370 AT3G13570 Reconstituted Complex AT2G43370 AT1G02840 Reconstituted Complex AT2G43370 AT3G61860 Reconstituted Complex AT2G43370 AT1G23860 Reconstituted Complex AT2G43370 AT2G37340 Reconstituted Complex AT2G43370 AT5G64200 Reconstituted Complex AT2G43370 AT1G09140 Reconstituted Complex AT2G43370 AT4G25500 Reconstituted Complex AT4G39400 AT2G46280 coimmunoprecipitation|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G48090 AT5G14930 Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT4G18960 AT2G45650 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G43700 AT5G43700 two hybrid AT4G35000 AT5G10450 two hybrid AT4G14880 AT3G13110 two hybrid AT4G16280 AT2G47620 two hybrid AT2G17770 AT4G35900 two hybrid AT2G17770 AT2G17770 two hybrid AT3G13460 AT3G17510 two hybrid AT5G46240 AT1G04690 Reconstituted Complex|coimmunoprecipitation AT1G03970 AT4G01120 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G46270 AT1G03970 in vitro|Reconstituted Complex AT4G11960 AT2G05620 two hybrid AT4G11960 AT5G66190 protein complementation assay|split-reporter assay AT4G11960 AT1G60950 protein complementation assay|split-reporter assay AT4G11960 AT4G02770 protein complementation assay|split-reporter assay AT4G11960 AT1G20020 protein complementation assay|split-reporter assay AT4G22890 ARTHCP053 protein complementation assay ARTHCP053 AT2G05620 protein complementation assay AT4G05420 AT1G65030 two hybrid AT4G28450 AT4G05420 two hybrid AT4G21100 AT4G15900 coimmunoprecipitation|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G13480 AT4G21100 coimmunoprecipitation|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G21100 AT2G46280 coimmunoprecipitation|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G21100 AT3G45620 coimmunoprecipitation|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G35050 AT4G21100 coimmunoprecipitation|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G21100 AT1G65030 coimmunoprecipitation|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G29830 AT4G21100 coimmunoprecipitation|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G21100 AT2G19430 coimmunoprecipitation|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G08120 AT1G62360 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|split-reporter assay AT5G55280 AT2G36250 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|protein complementation assay|two hybrid|protein complementation assay|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT5G42480 AT2G36250 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT5G42480 AT5G42480 protein complementation assay|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT5G64740 AT4G32410 split-reporter assay|protein complementation assay AT5G05170 AT4G32410 split-reporter assay|protein complementation assay AT5G64740 AT5G05170 coimmunoprecipitation|split-reporter assay|Affinity Capture-Western|protein complementation assay ARTHCP018 AT5G51545 two hybrid AT5G51545 AT2G28800 two hybrid AT5G56600 AT1G21980 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64070 AT1G21980 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT5G58670 AT1G21980 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G23000 AT1G21980 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G35950 AT1G21980 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G70490 AT1G21980 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G29350 AT4G01190 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G35020 AT4G01190 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G01190 AT1G23490 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G01190 AT2G17800 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G15390 AT1G15390 Co-crystal Structure AT4G25230 AT3G07040 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G51450 AT3G07040 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT4G25230 AT4G26090 two hybrid AT5G51450 AT4G26090 two hybrid AT4G25230 AT4G25230 two hybrid AT4G25230 AT5G51450 two hybrid AT2G42620 AT4G02570 Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT2G42620 AT1G75950 Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT3G13445 AT1G32750 two hybrid AT1G55520 AT1G32750 two hybrid AT4G31720 AT3G13445 two hybrid AT4G31720 AT1G55520 two hybrid AT5G13160 AT1G12220 coimmunoprecipitation|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G57820 AT1G01370 Affinity Capture-Western|pull down AT5G13570 AT3G13300 coimmunoprecipitation|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT3G13300 AT1G08370 coimmunoprecipitation|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT3G13300 AT3G13300 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G24440 AT5G57380 two hybrid AT3G12400 AT3G52590 Reconstituted Complex AT3G12400 AT2G36680 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G21560 AT3G12400 coimmunoprecipitation|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G30460 AT1G28200 two hybrid|two hybrid|inferred by author AT1G28200 AT1G17760 two hybrid AT1G28200 AT4G29820 two hybrid AT1G28200 AT5G51120 two hybrid AT4G32850 AT1G28200 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT1G71830 AT1G34210 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT1G34210 AT1G34210 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT3G24140 AT5G65640 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT5G56600 AT1G24150 Reconstituted Complex AT4G29350 AT1G24150 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT4G29130 AT1G50420 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G29130 AT3G11280 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G29130 AT1G09100 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT4G29130 AT1G76030 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|coimmunoprecipitation AT4G29130 AT4G29130 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G76030 AT1G50420 two hybrid AT3G11280 AT1G76030 two hybrid AT5G45110 AT5G06950 two hybrid|protein complementation assay|one hybrid AT5G45110 AT1G22070 two hybrid AT5G45110 AT5G06960 two hybrid AT5G45110 AT3G12250 two hybrid AT4G19660 AT5G65210 two hybrid AT2G43350 AT5G57050 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|protein complementation assay|pull down|colocalization by immunostaining AT2G43350 AT4G26080 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT2G43350 AT5G24270 two hybrid AT4G16845 AT3G20740 coimmunoprecipitation|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G57380 AT4G16845 coimmunoprecipitation|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G01900 AT3G15980 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G01900 AT4G31480 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G01900 AT2G21390 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G08850 AT3G08730 coimmunoprecipitation|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G08850 AT1G50030 coimmunoprecipitation|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G54180 AT5G10440 Affinity Capture-Western|protein complementation assay AT1G76540 AT5G10440 Affinity Capture-Western|protein complementation assay AT5G04510 AT5G47760 Reconstituted Complex AT5G04510 AT3G27580 Reconstituted Complex AT5G20850 ETG5888 two hybrid AT5G20850 RP1-199H16. two hybrid AT4G02640 AT4G20380 protein complementation assay|two hybrid|bioassay AT4G21070 AT1G04020 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT4G00020 ETG5888 two hybrid AT4G00020 AT1G64750 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G00020 AT5G45010 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G27820 AT2G26300 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT1G66340 AT1G56340 two hybrid AT5G03415 AT1G21410 pull down|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G12610 AT2G33540 pull down|Reconstituted Complex AT5G58003 AT4G12610 Reconstituted Complex|pull down AT1G27310 AT5G20010 two hybrid AT1G27310 ETG5901 two hybrid AT1G27310 YLR293C two hybrid AT1G27970 YLR293C two hybrid AT1G27970 ETG5901 two hybrid AT1G27970 AT5G20010 two hybrid AT5G42750 AT4G39400 coimmunoprecipitation|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G43850 AT3G54340 Reconstituted Complex AT2G46020 AT2G33610 two hybrid AT1G29260 AT3G07560 two hybrid AT2G04240 AT5G41700 two hybrid AT2G04240 AT3G06380 two hybrid AT2G02950 AT5G64330 Reconstituted Complex AT5G28770 AT4G34590 two hybrid AT1G75390 AT5G28770 two hybrid AT5G24800 AT4G34590 two hybrid AT1G75390 AT5G24800 two hybrid AT4G34590 AT4G02640 two hybrid AT1G75390 AT4G02640 two hybrid AT4G34590 AT3G54620 two hybrid AT1G75390 AT3G54620 two hybrid AT4G34590 AT5G49450 two hybrid AT1G75390 AT5G49450 two hybrid AT3G30530 AT1G75390 two hybrid AT1G13600 AT4G34590 two hybrid AT1G13600 AT1G75390 two hybrid AT1G75390 AT3G62420 two hybrid AT4G34590 AT4G34590 two hybrid AT5G04870 AT5G04870 Co-crystal Structure AT4G08150 AT1G75410 two hybrid AT4G08150 AT4G32980 two hybrid AT1G02910 ARTHCP002 two hybrid AT5G54190 AT2G28900 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G44446 AT5G19620 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G24820 AT5G19620 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G38280 AT2G01470 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT2G38280 AT3G09840 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT2G38280 AT2G38280 Co-crystal Structure AT4G39990 AT5G64070 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT4G17615 AT5G64070 two hybrid AT2G20890 AT5G19620 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G06950 AT5G19620 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G41700 AT3G07370 two hybrid AT4G27960 AT3G07370 two hybrid AT5G53300 AT3G07370 two hybrid AT3G52590 AT3G07370 two hybrid AT3G62250 AT3G07370 two hybrid AT3G07370 AT1G13320 two hybrid|biochemical AT3G07370 AT1G50250 two hybrid AT5G45390 AT3G07370 two hybrid|coimmunoprecipitation AT3G07370 AT1G15820 two hybrid AT3G07370 AT5G38410 two hybrid AT3G07370 AT1G25490 biochemical AT5G10480 AT3G48750 Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex|pull down AT2G39810 AT3G26744 two hybrid|biochemical|two hybrid|pull down|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT3G26744 AT3G52590 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G35940 AT5G25220 two hybrid AT4G36870 AT5G58360 two hybrid AT4G36870 AT5G25220 two hybrid AT1G75410 AT5G25220 two hybrid AT2G23760 AT5G25220 two hybrid AT2G27220 AT5G25220 two hybrid AT4G34610 AT5G25220 two hybrid AT2G16400 AT5G25220 two hybrid AT5G02030 AT5G25220 two hybrid AT5G25220 AT1G11910 two hybrid AT5G25220 AT1G26260 two hybrid AT5G25220 AT1G79960 two hybrid AT5G25220 AT1G05420 two hybrid AT5G25220 AT1G06920 two hybrid AT5G25220 AT5G01840 two hybrid AT5G25220 AT2G30400 two hybrid AT5G25220 AT5G11060 two hybrid AT4G18960 AT3G57230 two hybrid AT5G15800 AT3G58780 two hybrid AT5G15800 AT2G42830 two hybrid AT5G15800 AT2G45650 two hybrid AT5G15800 AT5G60910 two hybrid AT5G15800 AT4G09960 two hybrid AT5G15800 AT1G71692 two hybrid AT5G15800 AT3G57230 two hybrid AT5G15800 AT2G45660 two hybrid AT5G15800 AT4G37940 two hybrid AT5G15800 AT2G22540 two hybrid AT5G15800 AT4G24540 two hybrid AT5G15800 AT5G62165 two hybrid AT5G15800 AT5G51870 two hybrid AT3G02310 AT3G57230 two hybrid AT1G24260 AT3G57230 two hybrid AT4G11880 AT3G57230 two hybrid AT5G13790 AT4G18960 two hybrid AT5G13790 AT3G58780 two hybrid AT5G13790 AT2G42830 two hybrid AT5G13790 AT2G45650 two hybrid AT5G13790 AT1G69120 two hybrid AT5G13790 AT4G09960 two hybrid AT5G13790 AT5G13790 two hybrid AT5G13790 AT3G57230 two hybrid AT5G13790 AT2G45660 two hybrid AT5G13790 AT2G22540 two hybrid AT5G13790 AT4G24540 two hybrid AT3G57230 AT3G58780 two hybrid AT3G57230 AT2G42830 two hybrid AT3G57230 AT2G45650 two hybrid AT3G57230 AT1G69120 two hybrid AT3G57230 AT4G09960 two hybrid AT3G57230 AT1G71692 two hybrid AT3G57230 AT3G57230 two hybrid AT3G57230 AT2G22630 two hybrid AT4G37940 AT3G57230 two hybrid AT3G57230 AT2G14210 two hybrid AT3G57230 AT1G31140 two hybrid AT2G45660 AT3G02310 two hybrid AT2G45660 AT3G57230 two hybrid AT2G45660 AT2G14210 two hybrid AT4G37940 AT3G02310 two hybrid AT4G37940 AT2G14210 two hybrid AT4G24540 AT3G57230 two hybrid AT5G62165 AT3G57230 two hybrid AT5G27070 AT3G57230 two hybrid AT1G29960 AT2G40210 two hybrid AT1G29960 AT5G38740 two hybrid AT1G77980 AT2G03710 two hybrid AT1G77980 AT2G45650 two hybrid AT1G77980 AT1G18750 two hybrid AT1G77980 AT5G58890 two hybrid AT1G77980 AT5G27960 two hybrid AT1G77980 AT5G06500 two hybrid AT5G38620 AT5G26870 two hybrid AT5G38620 AT5G27050 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT4G18960 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT3G58780 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT2G03710 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT2G42830 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT2G45650 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT1G69120 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT1G26310 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT4G09960 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT1G71692 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT3G61120 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT2G22630 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT5G26870 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT1G77080 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT5G23260 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT5G62165 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT5G40220 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT1G60040 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT4G11250 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT1G60920 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT1G60880 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT1G18750 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT5G51870 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT5G51860 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT5G38740 two hybrid AT5G65330 AT1G48150 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT5G58890 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT1G22590 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT5G27960 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT5G06500 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT5G27050 two hybrid AT1G48150 AT3G18650 two hybrid AT5G49420 AT5G26870 two hybrid AT5G49420 AT5G27050 two hybrid AT1G46408 AT5G26870 two hybrid AT1G46408 AT5G27050 two hybrid AT1G46408 AT1G22130 two hybrid AT1G22130 AT1G18750 two hybrid AT1G17140 AT3G51300 two hybrid|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT3G51300 AT1G78430 two hybrid AT3G51300 AT2G37080 two hybrid AT3G51300 AT3G53350 two hybrid AT3G51300 AT5G60210 two hybrid AT2G33460 AT1G17140 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G09790 AT3G09922 two hybrid AT5G09790 AT1G07370 two hybrid AT5G24330 AT3G09922 two hybrid AT5G24330 AT1G07370 two hybrid AT5G58650 AT1G08030 Co-purification AT3G15150 AT3G57870 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT2G26540 AT2G26540 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT2G47220 AT2G47220 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT3G62300 AT3G62300 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT1G08370 AT1G26110 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G13570 AT1G26110 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G33950 AT1G64060 biochemical|protein complementation assay AT5G06410 AT4G22220 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT5G13290 AT1G65380 Affinity Capture-Western|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT5G44790 AT5G44790 Co-crystal Structure AT2G26460 AT1G73720 Reconstituted Complex YDL149W YDL149W two hybrid YGL180W YPR049C two hybrid YGL180W YPR185W two hybrid YGL180W YLR423C two hybrid YPL166W YDR022C two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western YPL166W YLR423C two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G12560 AT1G75950 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT4G12560 AT5G42190 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT4G12560 AT3G21850 two hybrid AT4G12560 AT3G21860 two hybrid AT4G12560 AT4G34210 two hybrid AT4G12560 AT3G60010 two hybrid AT4G12560 AT2G03170 two hybrid AT4G12560 AT2G03190 two hybrid AT4G12560 AT2G20160 two hybrid AT4G12560 AT1G10230 two hybrid AT4G12560 AT2G03160 two hybrid AT1G54030 AT5G25980 Reconstituted Complex AT4G35020 AT2G33460 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G57050 AT5G53160 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT3G11820 AT4G32650 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G19560 AT3G10650 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT2G19560 AT2G39340 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT2G19560 AT5G45010 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT2G19560 AT5G16310 two hybrid AT2G19560 AT5G61290 two hybrid AT2G19560 AT2G38280 two hybrid AT2G19560 AT3G06290 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT2G39340 AT3G06290 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT3G50360 AT2G39340 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT2G39340 AT2G39340 protein complementation assay AT1G22190 AT5G19000 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT2G39760 AT1G22190 two hybrid AT2G39760 AT1G78080 two hybrid AT5G19000 AT1G78080 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT1G78080 AT3G03740 Reconstituted Complex AT1G78080 AT5G21010 Reconstituted Complex AT1G78080 AT3G43700 Reconstituted Complex AT4G09680 AT1G07130 Reconstituted Complex AT1G64480 AT5G01820 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT4G01420 AT5G35410 protein complementation assay AT2G24490 AT2G06510 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G02920 AT2G06510 two hybrid AT1G72440 AT2G18220 two hybrid AT1G02340 AT2G43010 Reconstituted Complex|protein complementation assay AT1G02340 AT3G59060 Reconstituted Complex|protein complementation assay|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G43760 AT4G10100 protein complementation assay AT4G17870 AT4G17870 Co-crystal Structure AT1G77740 AT5G03520 two hybrid AT1G72770 AT4G33950 biochemical|protein complementation assay|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G33560 AT3G19590 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT2G33560 AT3G25980 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT3G25980 AT3G19590 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT5G04990 AT5G04990 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT5G04990 AT3G10730 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT3G10730 AT3G10730 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT1G71860 AT1G71860 protein complementation assay AT2G43790 AT1G71860 protein complementation assay AT1G71860 AT3G45640 protein complementation assay AT3G25230 AT5G48570 two hybrid AT1G61010 AT5G51660 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G61010 AT5G13480 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G01730 AT5G51660 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G13480 AT2G01730 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G01730 AT1G61010 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G13480 AT5G51660 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G61010 AT1G61010 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G61010 AT3G04680 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G01730 AT2G01730 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G04680 AT3G04680 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G63320 AT5G24590 two hybrid AT5G13290 AT5G13290 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT4G34460 AT5G56750 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G16820 AT4G17750 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|protein complementation assay AT5G16820 AT5G16820 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT4G36990 AT4G36990 two hybrid AT4G11660 AT4G11660 two hybrid AT4G36990 AT4G11570 two hybrid AT4G11660 AT1G45474 two hybrid AT4G11660 AT5G43560 two hybrid AT4G11660 AT1G06680 two hybrid AT4G28190 AT2G31650 protein complementation assay AT3G05380 AT3G01320 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT3G01320 AT3G21430 two hybrid AT3G01320 AT5G56860 two hybrid AT5G13820 AT3G01320 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT3G01320 AT3G46590 two hybrid AT3G01320 AT2G36960 two hybrid AT3G01320 AT5G47660 two hybrid AT3G01320 AT5G04390 two hybrid AT3G01320 AT2G30470 two hybrid AT3G01320 AT4G32620 two hybrid AT1G11720 AT1G11720 Reconstituted Complex AT3G09150 AT1G60950 Reconstituted Complex AT5G13060 AT4G14700 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G13060 AT4G12620 Reconstituted Complex AT5G13060 AT2G31270 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G13060 AT3G54710 Reconstituted Complex AT5G13060 AT2G01120 Reconstituted Complex AT5G13060 AT5G16690 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G13060 AT1G30210 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G37210 AT5G20990 protein complementation assay AT2G37210 AT1G37130 protein complementation assay AT5G26710 AT3G50950 two hybrid AT5G26710 AT5G24930 two hybrid AT5G26710 AT5G35630 two hybrid AT3G18890 AT5G66190 Reconstituted Complex AT3G18890 AT1G20020 Reconstituted Complex AT4G33430 AT1G73080 two hybrid AT4G33430 AT1G17750 two hybrid AT3G07370 AT3G12580 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT1G67090 AT3G12580 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G05800 AT1G74500 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G45780 AT1G14280 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G58140 AT1G14280 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G58140 AT2G02950 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G58140 AT5G64330 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G05420 AT2G46340 Reconstituted Complex AT4G05420 AT2G32950 Reconstituted Complex AT4G05420 AT4G11110 Reconstituted Complex AT4G05420 AT3G15354 Reconstituted Complex AT4G05420 AT1G53090 Reconstituted Complex AT4G21100 AT2G46340 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G21100 AT2G32950 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G21100 AT4G11110 Reconstituted Complex AT4G21100 AT3G15354 Reconstituted Complex AT4G21100 AT1G53090 Reconstituted Complex AT4G21100 AT4G10180 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G10180 AT2G32950 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G62500 AT5G62500 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT3G47690 AT5G62500 Reconstituted Complex AT3G47690 AT3G47690 Reconstituted Complex AT5G67270 AT5G67270 Reconstituted Complex AT2G01570 AT2G20180 two hybrid AT2G01570 AT4G36930 two hybrid AT2G01570 AT3G62090 two hybrid AT3G03450 AT2G43010 two hybrid AT3G03450 AT2G20180 two hybrid AT3G03450 AT4G36930 two hybrid AT3G03450 AT3G62090 two hybrid AT3G03380 ARTHCP002 Reconstituted Complex AT3G03380 AT1G06680 Reconstituted Complex AT3G03380 AT2G30790 Reconstituted Complex YDR419W AT1G07370 two hybrid YDR419W AT2G29570 two hybrid AT5G44740 YBR088C two hybrid AT1G19350 AT1G32130 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT1G32130 AT1G65440 two hybrid AT5G58140 AT1G25490 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT3G51060 AT3G51060 two hybrid AT4G02980 AT4G28270 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G19720 AT3G19720 Affinity Capture-Western|protein complementation assay AT3G19720 AT4G33650 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G19720 AT2G14120 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G12390 AT3G19720 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G19720 AT3G47430 Affinity Capture-Western|protein complementation assay AT3G19720 AT1G01820 Affinity Capture-Western|protein complementation assay AT3G19720 AT2G45740 Affinity Capture-Western|protein complementation assay AT3G61070 AT3G19720 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G19720 AT3G57090 protein complementation assay AT3G19720 AT1G47750 protein complementation assay AT1G07510 AT1G07510 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G07510 AT2G29080 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G07510 AT4G28510 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G07510 AT1G03860 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G07510 AT5G40770 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G07510 AT2G20530 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G47710 AT1G47128 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Reconstituted Complex AT4G35970 AT4G35450 two hybrid AT4G35970 AT2G17390 two hybrid AT5G05000 AT2G17390 two hybrid AT4G35450 AT2G32720 two hybrid AT4G35450 AT5G17770 two hybrid AT3G10800 AT3G10800 two hybrid AT3G56660 AT3G10800 two hybrid AT1G42990 AT3G10800 two hybrid AT2G40950 AT3G10800 two hybrid AT3G56660 AT3G56660 two hybrid AT2G40950 AT3G56660 two hybrid AT2G40950 AT2G40950 two hybrid AT1G42990 AT2G40950 two hybrid AT1G56170 AT4G14540 two hybrid AT3G10800 AT1G56170 protein complementation assay AT3G10800 AT2G34720 protein complementation assay AT3G10800 AT4G14540 protein complementation assay|Reconstituted Complex AT1G59610 AT5G42080 two hybrid AT5G62390 AT5G42020 protein complementation assay AT4G31580 AT4G31580 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT4G31580 AT3G55460 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT4G31580 AT3G13570 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair SPBP8B7.28C SPCC1223.05 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G25480 AT5G22650 protein complementation assay|Reconstituted Complex AT4G36220 AT2G32720 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT2G41630 AT5G24630 two hybrid AT3G10690 AT3G10270 two hybrid AT4G28910 AT1G15750 two hybrid AT1G19180 AT4G28910 Co-purification|two hybrid AT4G15802 AT4G17750 two hybrid AT4G15802 AT5G16820 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT4G15802 AT2G26150 two hybrid AT4G15802 AT4G15802 two hybrid AT5G13180 AT1G71930 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G13180 AT2G18060 Reconstituted Complex AT5G13180 AT4G36160 Reconstituted Complex AT5G13180 AT5G66300 Reconstituted Complex AT5G13180 AT5G62380 Reconstituted Complex AT5G13180 AT1G56010 Reconstituted Complex AT5G13180 AT5G53950 Reconstituted Complex AT5G13180 AT2G33480 Reconstituted Complex AT3G16720 YDR069C Synthetic Rescue AT3G16720 YFR010W Synthetic Rescue AT3G16720 YER144C Synthetic Rescue AT3G16720 YIL156W Synthetic Rescue AT3G16720 YER098W Synthetic Rescue AT3G16720 YNL186W Synthetic Rescue AT3G16720 YBR058C Synthetic Rescue AT3G16720 YMR304W Synthetic Rescue AT3G16720 YPL072W Synthetic Rescue AT3G16720 YJR099W Synthetic Rescue AT3G16720 YBR082C Synthetic Rescue AT5G58580 YBR082C Synthetic Rescue AT5G58580 YMR304W Synthetic Rescue AT5G58580 YBR058C Synthetic Rescue AT5G58580 YFR010W Synthetic Rescue AT5G58580 YDR069C Synthetic Rescue YPL069C YJL167W Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G27970 AT2G23430 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|protein complementation assay AT2G23430 AT1G80370 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|protein complementation assay AT3G02280 AT5G18400 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT2G16390 AT3G22680 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G49250 AT2G16390 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT2G16390 AT2G40030 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G16390 AT3G23780 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G16390 AT2G15430 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G16390 AT2G15400 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G16390 AT3G57080 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G16390 AT4G14660 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G16390 AT3G16980 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G49250 AT3G22680 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT3G49250 AT2G40030 Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT3G49250 AT3G23780 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G49250 AT2G15430 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G48750 AT4G37630 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT1G15570 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT4G37630 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT4G11920 AT1G20610 protein complementation assay AT5G13840 AT1G20610 protein complementation assay AT3G48750 AT3G12280 protein complementation assay AT3G48750 AT5G06150 protein complementation assay AT3G48750 AT3G50070 protein complementation assay AT3G48750 AT2G38620 protein complementation assay AT3G48750 AT1G73690 protein complementation assay AT3G48750 AT1G66750 protein complementation assay AT3G48750 AT1G18040 protein complementation assay AT4G28980 AT3G48750 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT3G48750 AT1G44110 protein complementation assay AT3G48750 AT5G25380 protein complementation assay AT5G11300 AT3G48750 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT3G48750 AT1G80370 protein complementation assay AT3G48750 AT5G43080 protein complementation assay AT3G48750 AT1G47210 protein complementation assay AT3G48750 AT1G47230 protein complementation assay AT3G48750 AT1G20610 protein complementation assay AT3G48750 AT1G16330 protein complementation assay AT3G48750 AT5G67260 protein complementation assay AT4G03270 AT3G48750 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT3G48750 AT5G27620 protein complementation assay AT5G03415 AT3G48750 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT3G48750 AT2G36010 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT2G22490 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT3G50070 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT3G54180 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT2G38620 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT1G76540 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT1G20930 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT1G66750 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT1G18040 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT5G63610 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT4G28980 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT1G67580 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT1G44110 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT5G25380 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT5G11300 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT1G80370 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT5G43080 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT1G47230 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT5G06150 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT2G17620 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT1G20610 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT1G16330 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT5G67260 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT4G03270 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT5G27620 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT5G48820 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT2G32710 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT3G19150 protein complementation assay AT3G54180 AT1G49620 protein complementation assay AT2G38620 AT2G38620 protein complementation assay AT2G38620 AT1G76540 protein complementation assay AT2G38620 AT1G66750 protein complementation assay AT2G38620 AT1G18040 protein complementation assay AT2G38620 AT5G63610 protein complementation assay AT2G38620 AT4G28980 protein complementation assay AT2G38620 AT2G27970 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT5G25380 AT2G38620 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT5G11300 AT2G38620 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT2G38620 AT1G15570 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT2G38620 AT1G80370 protein complementation assay AT2G38620 AT5G43080 protein complementation assay AT2G38620 AT1G47230 protein complementation assay AT2G38620 AT4G37490 protein complementation assay AT2G38620 AT5G06150 protein complementation assay AT2G38620 AT1G20610 protein complementation assay AT2G38620 AT1G16330 protein complementation assay AT2G38620 AT5G65420 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT2G38620 AT5G10440 protein complementation assay AT2G38620 AT4G37630 protein complementation assay AT2G38620 AT4G03270 protein complementation assay AT2G38620 AT5G27620 protein complementation assay AT2G38620 AT2G36010 protein complementation assay AT2G38620 AT2G23430 protein complementation assay AT2G38620 AT3G50630 protein complementation assay AT2G38620 AT5G48820 protein complementation assay AT2G38620 AT2G32710 protein complementation assay AT2G38620 AT3G24810 protein complementation assay AT2G38620 AT3G19150 protein complementation assay AT2G38620 AT1G49620 protein complementation assay AT1G76540 AT1G76540 protein complementation assay AT1G76540 AT4G28980 protein complementation assay AT1G76540 AT2G27970 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT1G76540 AT1G44110 protein complementation assay AT1G76540 AT5G25380 protein complementation assay AT1G76540 AT1G15570 protein complementation assay AT1G76540 AT1G80370 protein complementation assay AT1G76540 AT5G43080 protein complementation assay AT1G76540 AT1G47230 protein complementation assay AT1G76540 AT4G37490 protein complementation assay AT1G76540 AT5G06150 protein complementation assay AT1G76540 AT1G16330 protein complementation assay AT4G37630 AT1G76540 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT1G76540 AT4G03270 protein complementation assay AT1G76540 AT5G27620 protein complementation assay AT1G76540 AT5G03415 protein complementation assay AT2G23430 AT1G76540 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT1G76540 AT3G50630 protein complementation assay AT1G76540 AT3G19150 protein complementation assay AT1G76540 AT1G49620 protein complementation assay AT1G20930 AT4G37490 protein complementation assay AT1G20930 AT5G06150 protein complementation assay AT1G16330 AT1G20930 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT1G73690 AT4G28980 protein complementation assay AT1G73690 AT2G27970 protein complementation assay AT5G11300 AT1G73690 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT1G73690 AT1G15570 protein complementation assay AT1G73690 AT1G47210 protein complementation assay AT1G73690 AT1G47230 protein complementation assay AT1G73690 AT1G20610 protein complementation assay AT1G73690 AT1G70210 protein complementation assay AT1G73690 AT5G65420 protein complementation assay AT1G73690 AT5G10440 protein complementation assay AT1G73690 AT4G37630 protein complementation assay AT1G73690 AT4G03270 protein complementation assay AT1G73690 AT2G32710 protein complementation assay AT1G66750 AT5G63610 protein complementation assay AT1G66750 AT2G27960 protein complementation assay AT1G66750 AT2G27970 protein complementation assay AT1G66750 AT5G65420 protein complementation assay AT5G10440 AT1G66750 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT1G66750 AT4G37630 protein complementation assay AT1G66750 AT4G03270 protein complementation assay AT1G66750 AT2G36010 protein complementation assay AT1G66750 AT2G23430 protein complementation assay AT1G66750 AT3G50630 protein complementation assay AT1G66750 AT5G48820 protein complementation assay AT1G66750 AT2G32710 protein complementation assay AT1G66750 AT3G24810 protein complementation assay AT1G66750 AT3G19150 protein complementation assay AT1G66750 AT1G49620 protein complementation assay AT1G18040 AT2G27960 protein complementation assay AT1G18040 AT2G27970 protein complementation assay AT1G18040 AT1G44110 protein complementation assay AT1G18040 AT5G25380 protein complementation assay AT1G18040 AT5G11300 protein complementation assay AT1G18040 AT1G15570 protein complementation assay AT1G18040 AT1G80370 protein complementation assay AT1G18040 AT5G43080 protein complementation assay AT1G18040 AT1G47210 protein complementation assay AT1G18040 AT1G47230 protein complementation assay AT1G18040 AT3G11520 protein complementation assay AT1G18040 AT1G20610 protein complementation assay AT1G18040 AT5G65420 protein complementation assay AT1G18040 AT4G37630 protein complementation assay AT1G18040 AT4G03270 protein complementation assay AT1G18040 AT2G36010 protein complementation assay AT1G18040 AT2G23430 protein complementation assay AT1G18040 AT3G50630 protein complementation assay AT1G18040 AT5G48820 protein complementation assay AT1G18040 AT2G32710 protein complementation assay AT1G18040 AT3G24810 protein complementation assay AT1G18040 AT3G19150 protein complementation assay AT1G18040 AT1G49620 protein complementation assay AT5G63610 AT5G25380 protein complementation assay AT5G63610 AT5G11300 protein complementation assay AT5G63610 AT1G15570 protein complementation assay AT5G63610 AT1G47230 protein complementation assay AT5G63610 AT1G70210 protein complementation assay AT5G63610 AT4G34160 protein complementation assay AT5G63610 AT3G50070 protein complementation assay AT5G63610 AT5G65420 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT5G63610 AT5G10440 protein complementation assay AT5G63610 AT4G37630 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT5G63610 AT5G27620 protein complementation assay AT5G63610 AT3G50630 protein complementation assay AT5G63610 AT5G48820 protein complementation assay AT5G63610 AT3G19150 protein complementation assay AT4G28980 AT2G27960 protein complementation assay AT4G28980 AT2G27970 protein complementation assay AT4G28980 AT1G47230 protein complementation assay AT4G28980 AT5G65420 protein complementation assay AT5G10440 AT4G28980 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT5G27620 AT4G28980 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT4G28980 AT1G49620 protein complementation assay AT4G28980 AT3G12280 protein complementation assay AT1G67580 AT1G47230 protein complementation assay AT1G67580 AT5G65420 protein complementation assay AT1G67580 AT5G10440 protein complementation assay AT1G67580 AT5G27620 protein complementation assay AT1G67580 AT2G32710 protein complementation assay AT2G27960 AT3G50070 protein complementation assay AT2G27960 AT5G65420 protein complementation assay AT2G27960 AT5G10440 protein complementation assay AT2G27960 AT4G37630 protein complementation assay AT2G27960 AT4G03270 protein complementation assay AT2G27960 AT5G27620 protein complementation assay AT2G27960 AT3G48160 protein complementation assay AT2G23430 AT2G27960 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT2G27960 AT3G50630 protein complementation assay AT2G27960 AT5G48820 protein complementation assay AT2G32710 AT2G27960 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT2G27960 AT3G19150 protein complementation assay AT2G27960 AT5G13840 protein complementation assay AT2G27970 AT1G47230 protein complementation assay AT2G27970 AT2G22490 protein complementation assay AT2G27970 AT5G65420 protein complementation assay AT2G27970 AT5G10440 protein complementation assay AT2G27970 AT4G37630 protein complementation assay AT2G27970 AT4G03270 protein complementation assay AT2G27970 AT5G27620 protein complementation assay AT2G27970 AT3G48160 protein complementation assay AT2G27970 AT3G50630 protein complementation assay AT2G27970 AT5G48820 protein complementation assay AT2G27970 AT2G32710 protein complementation assay AT2G27970 AT3G24810 protein complementation assay AT2G27970 AT3G19150 protein complementation assay AT2G27970 AT1G49620 protein complementation assay AT2G27970 AT5G13840 protein complementation assay AT5G11300 AT5G03415 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT2G23430 AT1G15570 protein complementation assay AT2G23430 AT5G43080 protein complementation assay AT2G23430 AT1G47210 protein complementation assay AT2G23430 AT1G47230 protein complementation assay AT2G23430 AT5G67260 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT2G23430 AT3G50070 protein complementation assay AT2G23430 AT5G65420 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT2G23430 AT5G10440 protein complementation assay AT4G37630 AT2G23430 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT4G03270 AT2G23430 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT2G23430 AT5G27620 protein complementation assay AT3G50630 AT1G47230 protein complementation assay AT3G50630 AT5G67260 protein complementation assay AT3G50630 AT3G50070 protein complementation assay AT3G50630 AT5G65420 protein complementation assay AT5G10440 AT3G50630 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT4G37630 AT3G50630 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT4G03270 AT3G50630 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT3G50630 AT5G27620 protein complementation assay AT5G48820 AT1G70210 protein complementation assay AT5G48820 AT2G22490 protein complementation assay AT5G48820 AT4G34160 protein complementation assay AT5G48820 AT1G47230 protein complementation assay AT5G48820 AT5G67260 protein complementation assay AT5G48820 AT3G50070 protein complementation assay AT5G48820 AT5G65420 protein complementation assay AT5G10440 AT5G48820 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT4G37630 AT5G48820 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT4G03270 AT5G48820 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT5G48820 AT5G27620 protein complementation assay AT2G32710 AT1G70210 protein complementation assay AT2G32710 AT2G22490 protein complementation assay AT2G32710 AT4G34160 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT2G32710 AT1G80370 protein complementation assay AT2G32710 AT5G43080 protein complementation assay AT2G32710 AT1G47210 protein complementation assay AT2G32710 AT1G47230 protein complementation assay AT5G67260 AT2G32710 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT5G10440 AT2G32710 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT4G37630 AT2G32710 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT4G03270 AT2G32710 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT2G32710 AT5G27620 protein complementation assay AT3G24810 AT1G70210 protein complementation assay AT3G24810 AT2G22490 protein complementation assay AT3G24810 AT5G10440 protein complementation assay AT3G24810 AT4G37630 protein complementation assay AT3G24810 AT4G03270 protein complementation assay AT3G24810 AT5G27620 protein complementation assay AT3G19150 AT2G22490 protein complementation assay AT3G19150 AT3G50070 protein complementation assay AT5G10440 AT3G19150 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT4G37630 AT3G19150 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT3G19150 AT4G03270 protein complementation assay AT3G19150 AT5G27620 protein complementation assay AT1G70210 AT1G49620 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT1G49620 AT3G50070 protein complementation assay AT5G10440 AT1G49620 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT1G49620 AT4G37630 protein complementation assay AT4G03270 AT1G49620 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT1G49620 AT5G27620 protein complementation assay AT3G12280 AT2G22490 protein complementation assay AT3G12280 AT1G47870 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT3G12280 AT1G70210 protein complementation assay AT3G12280 AT4G34160 protein complementation assay AT3G12280 AT5G67260 protein complementation assay AT3G12280 AT3G50070 protein complementation assay AT3G12280 AT5G65420 protein complementation assay AT3G12280 AT4G37630 protein complementation assay AT3G12280 AT2G36010 protein complementation assay AT3G14990 AT1G08830 protein complementation assay AT3G14990 AT2G31570 protein complementation assay AT3G22680 AT2G27040 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G22680 AT5G14620 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G22680 AT4G35800 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G20930 AT3G48750 two hybrid AT3G48160 AT3G48750 two hybrid AT5G67260 AT1G76540 two hybrid AT2G32710 AT1G76540 two hybrid AT5G11300 AT1G20930 two hybrid AT1G16330 AT1G73690 two hybrid AT5G11300 AT1G66750 two hybrid AT1G15570 AT1G66750 two hybrid AT3G11520 AT1G66750 two hybrid AT1G16330 AT1G66750 two hybrid AT2G22490 AT1G66750 two hybrid AT1G20930 AT4G28980 two hybrid AT4G37630 AT4G28980 two hybrid AT3G48160 AT4G28980 two hybrid AT5G14960 AT4G28980 two hybrid AT3G01330 AT4G28980 two hybrid AT5G02470 AT4G28980 two hybrid AT5G03415 AT4G28980 two hybrid AT2G23430 AT4G28980 two hybrid AT2G32710 AT4G28980 two hybrid AT4G28980 AT4G28980 two hybrid AT2G26760 AT2G27960 two hybrid AT5G67260 AT2G27960 two hybrid AT5G03415 AT2G27960 two hybrid AT1G20930 AT2G27970 two hybrid AT1G70210 AT1G44110 two hybrid AT5G67260 AT5G25380 two hybrid AT4G37630 AT5G25380 two hybrid AT4G37630 AT1G80370 two hybrid AT4G37630 AT5G43080 two hybrid AT4G37630 AT4G35620 two hybrid AT5G67260 AT1G20610 two hybrid AT4G37630 AT1G20610 two hybrid AT5G03415 AT1G20610 two hybrid AT1G20930 AT5G65420 two hybrid AT4G37630 AT4G37630 two hybrid AT4G37630 AT5G27620 two hybrid AT4G37630 AT3G48160 two hybrid AT2G23430 AT3G48160 two hybrid AT5G10440 AT5G14960 two hybrid AT2G23430 AT5G14960 two hybrid AT2G32710 AT5G14960 two hybrid AT5G67260 AT3G01330 two hybrid AT1G70210 AT5G02470 two hybrid AT5G67260 AT5G02470 two hybrid AT1G16330 AT5G03415 two hybrid AT5G11300 AT2G40550 two hybrid AT5G02470 AT2G40550 two hybrid AT5G03415 AT2G40550 two hybrid AT5G11300 AT5G22220 two hybrid AT1G20930 AT1G47870 two hybrid AT4G37630 AT1G47870 two hybrid AT1G20930 AT2G23430 two hybrid AT5G11300 AT5G48820 two hybrid AT1G80370 AT5G48820 two hybrid AT1G44110 AT2G32710 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT2G32710 two hybrid AT1G20930 AT3G19150 two hybrid AT1G20930 AT1G49620 two hybrid AT3G44110 AT2G30360 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G23640 AT2G23640 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT2G23640 AT1G64090 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT2G23640 AT5G41600 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT4G23630 AT1G64090 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT2G39660 AT5G46330 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western YMR243C AT2G46800 interologs mapping YOR316C AT2G46800 interologs mapping AT1G05385 ARTHCP002 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G78870 YGL087C two hybrid AT1G16890 YGL087C two hybrid ETG7336 AT1G78870 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex ETG7336 AT1G16890 two hybrid AT1G75950 AT3G61740 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT2G26150 AT2G26150 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT2G26150 AT4G17750 protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT2G26150 AT5G16820 protein complementation assay|two hybrid ETG8517 ETG3702 Reconstituted Complex AT2G40180 AT3G45640 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT2G40180 AT4G01370 two hybrid|protein complementation assay AT2G40180 AT2G43790 two hybrid|protein complementation assay Locus_name InteractorL AT1G01160 AT4G09000 two hybrid AT1G01700 AT3G51300 two hybrid AT1G11400 AT1G02140 pull down AT1G51510 AT1G02140 pull down AT1G02280 AT5G54190 coimmunoprecipitation AT5G41700 AT1G02860 split-reporter assay|two hybrid ATCG00020 AT1G02910 split-reporter assay AT5G13570 AT1G08370 coimmunoprecipitation AT3G60600 AT1G09070 in vitro AT1G10210 AT4G29810 two hybrid AT1G51510 AT1G11400 pull down AT1G12980 AT2G34710 coimmunoprecipitation AT1G12980 AT5G60690 coimmunoprecipitation AT1G12980 AT1G52150 coimmunoprecipitation AT1G12980 AT4G32880 coimmunoprecipitation AT1G14400 AT1G55255 two hybrid AT3G55560 AT1G15550 two hybrid AT4G35390 AT1G15550 two hybrid AT1G48050 AT1G16970 two hybrid AT1G19700 AT2G02710 two hybrid AT1G20020 AT1G60950 affinity technology AT5G66190 AT1G20020 in vitro AT4G28556 AT1G20090 in vitro AT1G21410 AT4G02570 coimmunoprecipitation AT3G61570 AT1G23490 pull down AT1G24190 AT3G20310 coimmunoprecipitation|two hybrid AT1G24190 AT4G38130 two hybrid AT1G24590 AT5G60690 coimmunoprecipitation AT1G24590 AT1G52150 coimmunoprecipitation AT1G24590 AT4G32880 coimmunoprecipitation AT1G24590 AT2G34710 coimmunoprecipitation AT1G26670 AT4G02195 coimmunoprecipitation AT5G42970 AT1G26830 two hybrid AT1G27390 AT3G54660 two hybrid AT5G16830 AT1G28490 split-reporter assay AT1G29170 AT2G40220 two hybrid AT5G56290 AT1G29260 coimmunoprecipitation AT5G19330 AT1G30210 in vitro|affinity technology AT1G30270 AT4G21270 pull down AT1G31650 AT3G51300 two hybrid|in vitro AT1G31880 AT2G35600 two hybrid AT1G31880 AT5G20540 two hybrid AT1G31880 AT1G76950 two hybrid AT1G31880 AT3G14000 two hybrid AT1G31880 AT1G54180 two hybrid AT3G62410 AT1G32060 Co-purification AT5G04200 AT1G47710 two hybrid AT2G41110 AT1G51710 in vitro AT1G52240 AT3G51300 two hybrid AT1G53650 AT1G71770 two hybrid AT1G55670 ATCG00340 inferred by author AT3G12740 AT1G59820 Co-purification AT1G69600 AT5G42780 two hybrid AT1G73080 AT5G64900 in vitro AT1G73250 AT1G73250 coimmunoprecipitation AT1G75820 AT1G65380 coimmunoprecipitation AT1G77140 AT1G26670 coimmunoprecipitation AT5G14420 AT1G78870 two hybrid AT1G79590 AT5G39510 coimmunoprecipitation AT4G39890 AT1G79830 pull down AT2G44610 AT1G79830 pull down AT2G07040 AT1G79860 split-reporter assay AT1G79860 AT3G51300 two hybrid AT5G16690 AT2G01120 coimmunoprecipitation AT2G37560 AT2G01120 coimmunoprecipitation AT2G01120 AT4G14700 coimmunoprecipitation AT2G01120 AT1G26840 coimmunoprecipitation AT4G29910 AT2G01120 coimmunoprecipitation AT2G01650 AT3G09840 inferred by author AT2G01980 AT5G35410 Sos-recruitment assay AT2G02760 AT1G55255 two hybrid AT2G02950 AT1G14280 in vitro AT3G54860 AT2G05170 coimmunoprecipitation AT2G19080 AT3G54660 two hybrid AT5G24520 AT2G22475 pull down AT2G31270 AT2G22475 two hybrid AT2G22640 AT1G60430 two hybrid AT2G22640 AT2G40220 two hybrid AT2G36490 AT2G24490 two hybrid|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|in vitro AT2G27230 AT5G08130 two hybrid AT2G27230 AT1G68810 two hybrid AT2G27230 AT3G25710 two hybrid AT2G27230 AT1G29950 two hybrid AT2G27230 AT2G27230 two hybrid AT2G27990 AT1G62360 two hybrid AT2G28290 AT2G47620 pull down AT2G28290 AT1G21700 pull down AT2G28290 AT2G33610 pull down AT2G30020 AT4G01370 two hybrid AT2G30020 AT2G43790 two hybrid AT5G42480 AT2G31270 green fluorescence protein complementation assay|two hybrid AT2G33460 AT3G51300 in vitro AT2G34150 AT1G60430 two hybrid AT2G36307 AT5G60690 coimmunoprecipitation AT2G36740 AT3G54560 coimmunoprecipitation AT2G37560 AT4G14700 coimmunoprecipitation AT2G38170 AT2G28910 in vitro AT2G38440 AT2G40220 two hybrid AT2G38440 AT4G26080 two hybrid AT3G48590 AT2G38880 Statements in papers that a curator cant trace to another publication AT3G59380 AT2G39550 inferred by author AT2G40940 AT2G40940 in vitro AT2G41110 AT5G65930 electrophoretic mobility shift assay AT2G41370 AT1G68640 two hybrid AT2G42810 AT2G18790 two hybrid AT2G42810 AT1G09570 two hybrid AT2G44950 AT1G55255 split-reporter assay|two hybrid AT2G45450 AT5G60690 coimmunoprecipitation AT2G45890 AT3G51300 two hybrid AT2G46020 AT3G17590 two hybrid AT3G02680 AT5G54260 two hybrid AT5G27150 AT3G03000 two hybrid AT3G05120 AT5G17490 two hybrid AT3G05330 AT3G17360 two hybrid AT3G05330 AT3G19050 two hybrid AT3G25070 AT3G07040 coimmunoprecipitation AT5G28840 AT3G09440 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT4G04770 AT3G10670 two hybrid AT3G53120 AT3G12400 two hybrid|coimmunoprecipitation AT3G13222 AT2G46270 in vitro AT3G14010 AT4G34110 two hybrid AT3G16130 AT3G51300 two hybrid AT3G17590 AT4G16280 two hybrid AT3G17609 AT3G17609 coimmunoprecipitation AT3G18165 AT1G09770 coimmunoprecipitation AT4G02070 AT3G18524 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT4G25540 AT3G18524 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT3G18524 AT3G24495 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT3G19980 AT1G09570 in vitro AT3G19980 AT2G18790 in vitro AT3G20310 AT5G01810 coimmunoprecipitation AT3G23380 AT3G51300 in vitro AT3G24140 AT5G46690 two hybrid AT3G24620 AT3G51300 two hybrid AT3G25500 AT5G55000 two hybrid AT3G27080 AT3G54660 two hybrid AT3G29350 AT2G17820 two hybrid AT3G44530 AT1G65620 coimmunoprecipitation AT4G37000 AT3G44880 two hybrid AT3G47700 AT1G51740 two hybrid AT3G47700 AT3G24315 two hybrid AT3G52090 AT2G15400 coimmunoprecipitation AT3G52090 AT2G15430 coimmunoprecipitation AT3G52770 AT5G60690 coimmunoprecipitation AT3G53420 AT4G11830 in vitro AT3G53420 AT3G15730 in vitro AT3G53420 AT4G11850 in vitro AT3G53420 AT2G42010 in vitro AT3G55270 AT2G43790 coimmunoprecipitation AT3G55270 AT4G01370 two hybrid AT3G55270 AT3G45640 two hybrid AT3G55660 AT3G51300 two hybrid AT3G57130 AT1G68640 two hybrid AT3G59400 AT5G13630 coimmunoprecipitation AT3G60890 AT5G60690 coimmunoprecipitation AT3G63010 AT5G17490 two hybrid AT3G63130 AT4G26450 coimmunoprecipitation|two hybrid|split-reporter assay AT4G00460 AT3G51300 two hybrid AT4G00850 AT4G09000 two hybrid AT4G04210 AT3G09840 inferred by author AT4G11960 ATCG00720 split-reporter assay AT4G12610 AT5G58000 pull down AT4G13240 AT3G51300 two hybrid|in vitro AT4G14180 AT3G13170 two hybrid AT4G14700 AT1G30210 in vitro AT4G14700 AT3G54710 in vitro AT5G19330 AT4G14700 in vitro|affinity technology AT4G16350 AT4G14580 two hybrid AT5G39830 AT4G18370 pull down AT4G22150 AT3G09840 inferred by author AT4G26500 AT1G18490 two hybrid|in vitro AT4G26500 AT5G65720 two hybrid AT5G22880 AT4G27230 split-reporter assay AT4G28560 AT3G51300 in vitro AT5G59800 AT4G29510 two hybrid|coimmunoprecipitation|pull down AT4G29910 AT4G14700 coimmunoprecipitation AT4G31920 AT3G21510 two hybrid AT4G35520 AT4G17380 coimmunoprecipitation AT4G38430 AT3G51300 in vitro|two hybrid AT5G02010 AT3G51300 two hybrid AT5G02200 AT2G37678 pull down AT5G05620 AT5G62700 Co-purification AT5G05940 AT3G51300 two hybrid AT5G08790 AT1G15100 two hybrid AT5G11260 AT5G11260 two hybrid AT5G11440 AT4G34110 two hybrid AT5G14960 AT2G36010 two hybrid AT5G16490 AT1G20090 fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT5G16690 AT4G14700 coimmunoprecipitation AT5G67100 AT5G17690 pull down AT5G19180 AT1G05180 Statements in papers that a curator cant trace to another publication AT5G19330 AT5G16690 affinity technology|in vitro AT5G19330 AT3G54710 in vitro AT5G19330 AT2G01120 in vitro AT5G19330 AT2G31270 in vitro|affinity technology AT5G19330 AT4G12620 in vitro AT5G19560 AT3G51300 two hybrid AT5G20010 AT5G58590 two hybrid AT5G20020 AT5G58590 two hybrid AT5G22110 AT1G10470 two hybrid AT5G25350 AT5G20850 two hybrid AT5G25350 AT2G45280 two hybrid AT5G25780 AT3G56150 coimmunoprecipitation AT5G27320 AT5G17490 two hybrid AT5G37055 AT2G36740 coimmunoprecipitation AT5G40930 AT3G54660 two hybrid AT5G41990 AT1G12840 two hybrid|far western blotting AT5G42480 AT5G55280 two hybrid AT5G46240 AT1G44750 one hybrid AT5G51545 ATCG00280 two hybrid AT5G55190 AT5G58590 two hybrid AT5G62810 AT5G56290 two hybrid AT5G57050 AT5G57050 two hybrid AT5G59710 AT1G43700 two hybrid AT5G62000 AT1G59750 two hybrid AT5G64630 AT5G58230 coimmunoprecipitation AT5G64630 AT1G65470 coimmunoprecipitation AT5G66190 AT1G60950 affinity technology AT3G54630 AT1G01760 two hybrid AT2G14045 AT1G01910 two hybrid AT2G27970 AT1G01910 two hybrid AT4G02570 AT1G01910 two hybrid AT5G63220 AT1G01910 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT1G02140 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G12280 AT1G03910 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G27530 AT1G05350 two hybrid AT5G02780 AT1G05350 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT1G05910 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G27530 AT1G07830 two hybrid AT3G48150 AT1G08450 two hybrid AT4G17760 AT1G08450 two hybrid AT5G20020 AT1G08450 two hybrid AT5G62540 AT1G08450 two hybrid AT3G61200 AT1G09640 two hybrid AT4G25550 AT1G09640 two hybrid AT5G09390 AT1G09640 two hybrid AT5G50440 AT1G09640 two hybrid AT5G59520 AT1G11320 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT1G11880 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G26830 AT1G12050 two hybrid AT3G27530 AT1G12050 two hybrid AT5G37590 AT1G12230 two hybrid AT4G11330 AT1G12310 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G22400 AT1G12310 two hybrid AT1G78770 AT1G12400 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT1G12650 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G16470 AT1G16470 two hybrid AT3G26340 AT1G16470 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT1G16470 AT5G42790 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT5G43010 AT1G16470 two hybrid AT1G16470 AT5G66140 two hybrid|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT3G12280 AT1G17350 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G29900 AT1G17720 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G13850 AT1G17880 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G39440 AT1G17880 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT1G18070 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G21190 AT1G04200 two hybrid AT5G22010 AT1G21690 two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality|Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT4G37280 AT1G24310 two hybrid AT3G13200 AT1G24510 two hybrid AT5G17690 AT1G24510 two hybrid AT5G42890 AT1G26550 two hybrid AT1G80350 AT1G27400 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT1G27400 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G12280 AT1G28560 Phenotypic Enhancement|in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G12280 AT1G29150 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G80350 AT1G29870 two hybrid AT3G27530 AT1G30580 two hybrid AT1G30970 AT3G19590 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G22840 AT1G30970 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT1G33390 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G22220 AT1G36340 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G08740 AT1G36730 two hybrid AT2G04660 AT1G43170 two hybrid AT4G11330 AT1G48050 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT1G49590 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G24110 AT1G50730 two hybrid AT4G36760 AT1G51510 two hybrid AT4G02690 AT1G51740 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT1G53720 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G56580 AT1G54100 two hybrid AT3G19210 AT1G56070 two hybrid AT3G52560 AT1G56070 two hybrid AT2G04660 AT1G57860 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT1G60430 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G54630 AT1G61000 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT3G12280 AT1G61040 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G12280 AT1G61790 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G11330 AT1G62850 two hybrid AT1G63660 AT1G04200 two hybrid AT2G35320 AT1G63660 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT1G67630 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G67930 AT1G47550 two hybrid AT5G19000 AT1G69220 two hybrid AT1G71220 AT1G26630 two hybrid AT1G71230 AT1G11800 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT1G71230 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G71230 AT3G25980 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT4G11330 AT1G71230 two hybrid AT5G10810 AT1G71230 two hybrid AT5G26040 AT1G71230 two hybrid AT5G26640 AT1G71230 two hybrid AT5G37590 AT1G71230 two hybrid AT1G71750 AT1G71750 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G12280 AT1G71790 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G33340 AT1G72340 two hybrid AT3G07790 AT1G72340 two hybrid AT3G51130 AT1G72340 two hybrid AT3G60820 AT1G72340 two hybrid AT5G42790 AT1G72340 two hybrid AT5G49310 AT1G72340 two hybrid AT5G56580 AT1G72340 two hybrid AT4G34390 AT1G74050 two hybrid AT2G35320 AT1G74150 two hybrid AT1G76150 AT1G76150 two hybrid AT4G11330 AT1G77180 two hybrid AT4G17760 AT1G77440 two hybrid AT5G40580 AT1G77440 two hybrid AT1G77470 AT1G24706 two hybrid AT1G63160 AT1G77470 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interaction prediction|Gene neighbors method|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT2G38050 AT1G77510 two hybrid AT5G56360 AT1G78590 two hybrid AT4G28470 AT1G79410 two hybrid AT2G04660 AT1G79920 two hybrid AT5G06420 AT1G80460 two hybrid AT2G01690 AT1G66510 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT2G02050 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G02390 AT2G02390 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G48690 AT2G02390 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT2G02570 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G03150 AT1G47550 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT2G03870 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G12280 AT2G03890 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G27970 AT2G04660 two hybrid AT5G26640 AT2G04660 two hybrid AT2G35320 AT2G04940 two hybrid AT5G08580 AT2G04940 two hybrid AT5G13300 AT2G04940 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT2G05170 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G12280 AT2G07675 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G14290 AT2G07698 two hybrid AT4G00660 AT2G14045 two hybrid AT4G17760 AT2G14835 two hybrid AT2G35320 AT2G16390 two hybrid AT3G27530 AT2G16390 two hybrid AT4G10070 AT2G16390 two hybrid AT4G15840 AT2G16390 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT2G16860 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G35320 AT2G16950 two hybrid AT5G08740 AT2G16950 two hybrid AT2G17200 AT1G54140 two hybrid AT2G17200 AT1G71800 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G52590 AT2G17200 two hybrid AT4G02570 AT2G17200 two hybrid AT4G15840 AT2G17200 two hybrid AT5G05620 AT2G17370 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT2G20190 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G11330 AT2G20510 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT2G20635 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G19590 AT2G20635 in vivo|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G34840 AT2G21390 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo AT3G12280 AT2G21790 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G22370 AT1G02970 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT2G23820 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G15930 AT2G25910 two hybrid AT2G29900 AT2G26210 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G22220 AT2G26210 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G06420 AT2G26260 two hybrid AT5G20020 AT2G26780 two hybrid AT2G27020 AT2G27020 two hybrid AT2G27020 AT5G35590 two hybrid|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Phylogenetic profile method AT2G27020 AT5G42790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT5G43010 AT2G27020 two hybrid AT5G22220 AT2G27470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G28910 AT1G20110 two hybrid AT2G28910 AT2G28910 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G08730 AT2G29080 two hybrid AT2G29570 AT2G29570 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G22010 AT2G29570 in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G57015 AT2G29570 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT2G29680 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G12280 AT2G30910 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G12280 AT2G30970 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G27530 AT2G30970 two hybrid AT5G08740 AT2G30970 two hybrid AT2G31440 AT2G29900 in vivo|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|in vivo|in vitro|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34430 AT2G31740 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G12280 AT2G32060 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G12280 AT2G32410 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G32600 AT1G14640 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT2G32730 AT1G67730 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT2G33340 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G59490 AT2G33340 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT2G33385 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G27530 AT2G34250 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT2G34520 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G12280 AT2G34780 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G35110 AT2G29900 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G45970 AT2G35110 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|in vivo|in vitro AT2G35410 AT2G35320 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT2G35410 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G53680 AT2G35410 two hybrid AT4G17760 AT2G35520 two hybrid AT5G05620 AT2G35520 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT2G38020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G38050 AT1G20110 two hybrid AT3G25980 AT2G38670 two hybrid AT5G48690 AT2G38960 two hybrid AT3G49650 AT2G39030 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT2G39240 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G12280 AT2G39740 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G52650 AT2G39990 two hybrid AT5G06120 AT2G40730 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT2G40780 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G12280 AT2G42270 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G12280 AT2G42330 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G20020 AT2G43070 two hybrid AT3G49650 AT2G43190 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT2G44660 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G44950 AT1G66510 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT2G44950 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G37280 AT2G44950 two hybrid AT5G62540 AT2G44950 two hybrid AT3G51130 AT2G45030 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT2G47210 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G66140 AT2G47960 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT3G01610 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G27530 AT3G02090 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT3G02660 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G12280 AT3G03070 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G04120 AT2G04660 two hybrid AT5G08740 AT3G04120 two hybrid AT5G28290 AT3G04120 two hybrid AT5G62540 AT3G04120 two hybrid AT4G11330 AT3G04240 two hybrid AT4G09140 AT3G04400 two hybrid AT4G38630 AT3G04400 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT3G04500 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G04770 AT2G32850 two hybrid AT5G20020 AT3G04770 two hybrid ATCG00480 AT3G04770 two hybrid AT5G16270 AT3G04820 two hybrid AT1G16470 AT3G05530 two hybrid|Co-expression AT3G05530 AT5G43010 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT3G05530 AT5G57950 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT3G12280 AT3G05540 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G48150 AT3G05540 two hybrid AT5G57015 AT3G05740 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT3G06470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G45850 AT3G06483 two hybrid AT3G06850 AT2G34260 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT3G07300 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G12280 AT3G07680 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G11330 AT3G07790 two hybrid AT3G48150 AT3G09200 two hybrid AT4G15930 AT3G09200 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT3G10380 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G06420 AT3G10520 two hybrid AT3G11130 AT1G71300 two hybrid AT4G15930 AT3G11130 two hybrid AT4G36690 AT3G11130 two hybrid AT3G52560 AT3G12280 two hybrid AT3G12760 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G48120 AT3G12780 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G38470 AT3G13235 Phenotypic Enhancement|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G17760 AT3G13330 two hybrid AT3G25980 AT3G13445 two hybrid AT4G17760 AT3G13445 two hybrid AT3G13450 AT2G35320 two hybrid AT3G13450 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G13580 AT3G08730 two hybrid AT3G27530 AT3G13580 two hybrid AT4G38630 AT3G13580 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G38920 AT3G13580 two hybrid AT5G03730 AT3G13580 two hybrid AT5G37590 AT3G13580 two hybrid AT3G13700 AT2G35320 two hybrid AT5G53680 AT3G13700 two hybrid AT3G13930 AT2G20330 two hybrid AT3G13930 AT2G39740 two hybrid AT3G25980 AT3G13930 two hybrid AT3G27530 AT3G13930 two hybrid AT3G14080 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G14100 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G56580 AT3G14290 two hybrid AT3G14790 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G15000 AT2G29570 two hybrid AT3G15000 AT3G07790 two hybrid AT3G19810 AT3G15000 two hybrid AT3G22590 AT3G15000 two hybrid AT4G38630 AT3G15000 two hybrid AT5G20020 AT3G15000 two hybrid AT5G22220 AT3G15000 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G47820 AT3G15000 two hybrid AT5G52650 AT3G15000 two hybrid AT3G15380 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G15970 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G16040 AT2G29900 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G16080 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G16090 AT2G04940 two hybrid AT3G16090 AT2G21070 two hybrid AT3G16090 AT2G27970 two hybrid AT5G23540 AT3G16090 two hybrid AT3G16320 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G34430 AT3G17590 Co-purification|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT3G18100 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G18130 AT1G24706 two hybrid AT3G18130 AT3G07790 two hybrid AT3G18165 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G18740 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G27530 AT3G18740 two hybrid AT3G18850 AT1G11800 two hybrid AT3G19040 AT2G35320 two hybrid AT3G19040 AT3G12280 in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|Phenotypic Enhancement|in vitro|in vivo AT3G19280 AT2G19080 two hybrid AT3G19760 AT2G14045 two hybrid AT3G19760 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G19810 AT3G19810 two hybrid AT3G19840 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G37590 AT3G19970 two hybrid AT4G17760 AT3G20050 two hybrid AT3G28670 AT3G21540 two hybrid AT3G22480 AT3G07790 two hybrid AT3G22480 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G23090 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G23890 AT3G05740 two hybrid AT5G06420 AT3G23890 two hybrid AT3G24080 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G24090 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G15840 AT3G24090 two hybrid AT3G25940 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G37590 AT3G27000 two hybrid AT3G27060 AT3G27060 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-crystal Structure|interaction prediction AT5G15610 AT3G27060 two hybrid AT3G27120 AT3G27120 two hybrid AT4G11330 AT3G27120 two hybrid AT4G17760 AT3G27120 two hybrid AT3G27530 AT1G30680 two hybrid AT3G27530 AT2G35320 two hybrid AT3G27530 AT3G07790 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G27530 AT3G27530 two hybrid|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G27530 AT3G50670 two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G13300 AT3G27530 two hybrid AT5G44320 AT3G27530 two hybrid AT3G27640 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G60820 AT3G28715 two hybrid AT3G29130 AT3G15640 two hybrid AT3G43250 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G44490 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G32830 AT3G45190 two hybrid AT3G45770 AT1G11800 two hybrid AT3G46940 AT1G04200 two hybrid AT3G48000 AT1G74050 two hybrid AT3G48150 AT2G29900 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G48150 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G48470 AT1G17720 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G48470 AT1G17880 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G48470 AT1G29870 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G48470 AT1G32340 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G48470 AT1G43170 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G48470 AT1G47640 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G48470 AT2G27285 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G48470 AT2G27600 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G48470 AT2G33340 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G48470 AT3G02090 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G48470 AT3G15640 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G48470 AT3G17590 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G48470 AT3G27060 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G48470 AT3G28730 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G48470 AT3G43250 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G59600 AT3G48470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G02220 AT3G48470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G14147 AT3G48470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G20400 AT3G48470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G21710 AT3G48470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G26300 AT3G48470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G05520 AT3G48470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G08415 AT3G48470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G10450 AT3G48470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G14050 AT3G48470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G17270 AT3G48470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G18400 AT3G48470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G20850 AT3G48470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G22950 AT3G48470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G39930 AT3G48470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G40810 AT3G48470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G48180 AT3G48470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G50860 AT3G48470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G57280 AT3G48470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G58060 AT3G48470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G64270 AT3G48470 Phenotypic Enhancement ATCG00480 AT3G48470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G49080 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G49500 AT2G29900 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G49990 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G35530 AT3G49990 two hybrid AT5G44750 AT3G50670 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G50690 AT3G27530 two hybrid AT3G51520 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G51840 AT2G27970 two hybrid AT4G11330 AT3G51840 two hybrid AT4G30220 AT3G51840 two hybrid AT3G52090 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G52300 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G15930 AT3G52580 two hybrid AT3G53120 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G54470 AT1G54140 two hybrid AT3G54470 AT1G74050 two hybrid AT4G04200 AT3G54470 two hybrid AT4G34700 AT3G54470 two hybrid AT4G36420 AT3G54470 two hybrid AT5G23575 AT3G54470 two hybrid AT5G59850 AT3G54470 two hybrid AT5G67540 AT3G54470 two hybrid AT3G54710 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G54860 AT3G48150 two hybrid AT5G09390 AT3G55170 two hybrid AT3G55200 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G55280 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G38630 AT3G55280 two hybrid AT5G26640 AT3G55280 two hybrid AT3G55290 AT1G71750 two hybrid AT3G55290 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G25550 AT3G55290 two hybrid AT3G55600 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G56510 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G57150 AT2G27970 two hybrid AT5G20020 AT3G57490 two hybrid AT3G57490 AT5G41880 two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G15770 AT3G57550 two hybrid AT3G57910 AT2G35320 two hybrid AT3G58570 AT2G27970 two hybrid AT3G58810 AT3G58810 two hybrid AT3G59380 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G59490 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G59540 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G59600 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G59630 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G59970 AT3G25980 two hybrid AT3G60820 AT3G59970 two hybrid AT5G42790 AT3G59970 two hybrid AT3G60360 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G60750 AT3G22590 two hybrid AT5G39930 AT3G60820 two hybrid AT3G61140 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G61200 AT3G61200 two hybrid AT3G62840 AT1G26630 two hybrid AT4G30220 AT3G62840 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro AT3G62870 AT3G27530 two hybrid AT5G18680 AT3G62870 two hybrid AT3G63000 AT2G04940 two hybrid AT5G40870 AT3G63000 two hybrid AT3G63460 AT2G35320 two hybrid AT4G00100 AT3G19420 two hybrid AT5G05620 AT4G00100 two hybrid AT4G00560 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G00800 AT4G00800 two hybrid AT4G24110 AT4G00830 two hybrid AT4G01610 AT1G71750 two hybrid AT4G01610 AT2G41460 two hybrid AT4G01610 AT3G05530 two hybrid AT4G01610 AT3G25980 two hybrid AT4G24110 AT4G01610 two hybrid AT4G38630 AT4G01610 two hybrid AT5G16270 AT4G01610 two hybrid AT5G37590 AT4G01610 two hybrid AT4G01710 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G01850 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G02030 AT1G71300 two hybrid AT4G02030 AT1G79950 two hybrid AT4G02030 AT3G44050 two hybrid AT3G12280 AT4G02060 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Enhancement|in vivo|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G01600 AT4G02230 two hybrid AT5G23540 AT4G02230 two hybrid AT4G02570 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G02930 AT1G60780 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT4G03020 AT3G25980 two hybrid AT5G57015 AT4G03200 two hybrid AT4G34540 AT4G04200 two hybrid AT4G04910 AT1G16470 two hybrid AT5G57950 AT4G04910 two hybrid AT5G66140 AT4G04910 two hybrid AT4G08320 AT1G61770 two hybrid AT4G08320 AT2G19080 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G08320 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G08320 AT4G02570 two hybrid AT4G08320 AT4G24190 two hybrid|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT4G31240 AT4G08320 two hybrid AT4G39660 AT4G08320 two hybrid AT5G49945 AT4G08320 two hybrid AT4G02460 AT4G09140 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|Co-purification|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement|Reconstituted Complex|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G52650 AT4G09580 two hybrid AT4G10040 AT1G24706 two hybrid AT4G10040 AT2G20330 two hybrid AT4G30860 AT4G10040 two hybrid AT4G11330 AT4G10050 two hybrid AT4G10450 AT3G19590 two hybrid AT4G10450 AT3G54630 two hybrid AT4G38630 AT4G10450 two hybrid AT4G38920 AT4G10450 two hybrid AT4G11330 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G56580 AT4G11330 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|two hybrid|biochemical|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G49310 AT4G11790 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro AT5G08740 AT4G12590 two hybrid AT4G12610 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G21800 AT4G12790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G13570 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G13940 AT2G18510 two hybrid AT4G13940 AT3G52590 two hybrid AT5G03730 AT4G13940 two hybrid AT4G14320 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G14960 AT1G61770 two hybrid AT4G14960 AT3G27530 two hybrid AT5G20020 AT4G14960 two hybrid AT5G06420 AT4G14970 two hybrid AT5G27550 AT4G15802 two hybrid AT4G15840 AT4G15840 two hybrid AT5G42970 AT4G15840 two hybrid AT4G15890 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G34540 AT4G15930 two hybrid AT4G15940 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G17760 AT4G15940 two hybrid AT4G16210 AT3G25980 two hybrid AT5G54750 AT4G16210 two hybrid AT4G16280 AT1G61000 two hybrid AT4G16280 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G53680 AT4G16280 two hybrid AT4G16760 AT4G02110 two hybrid AT4G17760 AT2G29570 two hybrid AT4G17760 AT3G05480 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G18060 AT3G07790 two hybrid AT5G37590 AT4G18330 two hybrid AT4G18440 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G18465 AT1G20110 two hybrid AT4G19190 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G19210 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G20810 AT3G19420 two hybrid AT4G21560 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G22140 AT1G23230 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G23930 AT1G02970 two hybrid AT4G23930 AT1G04200 two hybrid AT4G23930 AT1G11800 two hybrid AT4G23930 AT1G12310 two hybrid AT4G23930 AT1G33270 two hybrid AT4G23930 AT1G80910 two hybrid AT4G23930 AT2G43770 two hybrid AT4G23930 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G23930 AT3G16630 two hybrid AT4G23930 AT3G27530 two hybrid AT4G23930 AT3G48150 two hybrid AT4G23930 AT4G11330 two hybrid AT4G23930 AT4G15930 two hybrid AT4G24110 AT4G23930 two hybrid AT4G38920 AT4G23930 two hybrid AT5G26640 AT4G23930 two hybrid AT5G28290 AT4G23930 two hybrid AT5G39930 AT4G23930 two hybrid AT5G55960 AT4G23930 two hybrid AT5G56580 AT4G23930 two hybrid AT5G05620 AT4G24040 two hybrid AT4G24110 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G24820 AT1G27150 two hybrid AT4G24820 AT1G75990 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G24840 AT3G44050 two hybrid AT4G24880 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G25550 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G25550 AT4G25550 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G51700 AT4G25550 two hybrid AT4G28360 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G29040 AT4G28470 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G29580 AT3G59600 two hybrid AT5G49310 AT4G29580 two hybrid AT4G30210 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G05560 AT4G30210 two hybrid AT4G30510 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G30920 AT4G30920 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G31240 AT4G31240 two hybrid AT4G31985 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G32180 AT4G17760 two hybrid AT4G32450 AT2G35320 two hybrid AT4G32450 AT3G27530 two hybrid AT4G32450 AT4G10070 two hybrid AT4G32520 AT1G11800 two hybrid AT4G32520 AT2G29570 two hybrid AT4G32830 AT3G23590 two hybrid AT4G32830 AT3G25980 two hybrid AT4G34540 AT4G32830 two hybrid AT4G32850 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G32910 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G43530 AT4G32910 two hybrid AT4G33620 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G33670 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G33760 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G34050 AT4G17760 two hybrid AT5G41880 AT4G34110 two hybrid AT4G34390 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G34430 AT1G14640 two hybrid AT4G34430 AT2G35320 two hybrid AT4G34430 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G34430 AT4G10070 two hybrid AT4G34430 AT4G34430 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|far western blotting|Protein-peptide AT4G34540 AT1G24706 two hybrid AT4G34540 AT1G34420 two hybrid AT4G34540 AT1G74560 two hybrid AT4G34540 AT4G11330 two hybrid AT4G34540 AT4G17760 two hybrid AT4G34540 AT4G34540 two hybrid|two hybrid|Phenotypic Suppression|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G20020 AT4G34540 two hybrid AT4G34700 AT1G17880 two hybrid AT5G26680 AT4G34900 two hybrid AT4G35410 AT3G16220 two hybrid AT4G35410 AT3G25980 two hybrid AT4G35410 AT4G11330 two hybrid AT5G08600 AT4G35410 two hybrid AT4G36080 AT1G23230 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G36080 AT2G29900 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G22220 AT4G36080 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G45970 AT4G36080 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G36130 AT4G00660 two hybrid AT4G36195 AT3G19590 two hybrid AT5G49945 AT4G36195 two hybrid AT1G79950 AT4G36420 two hybrid|Co-expression AT4G38630 AT4G36480 two hybrid AT4G36630 AT2G20330 two hybrid AT4G36630 AT3G26340 two hybrid AT5G08580 AT4G36630 two hybrid AT5G23575 AT4G36630 two hybrid AT4G36940 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G37120 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G22220 AT4G38350 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G38630 AT5G38470 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Affinity Capture-Western|Phenotypic Enhancement|in vitro|in vivo|Co-expression AT5G05620 AT4G38780 two hybrid AT4G39090 AT4G11330 two hybrid AT4G39520 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G59850 AT4G39660 two hybrid AT4G39740 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G39870 AT1G04200 two hybrid AT4G39910 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G01390 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G01600 AT2G40780 two hybrid AT5G01600 AT5G01600 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G26640 AT5G01600 two hybrid AT5G49310 AT5G01600 two hybrid AT5G52650 AT5G01670 two hybrid AT5G02470 AT3G27530 two hybrid AT5G02490 AT3G27530 two hybrid AT5G02490 AT4G28470 two hybrid AT5G02560 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G02570 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G02570 AT4G15840 two hybrid AT5G02730 AT4G30860 two hybrid AT5G52650 AT5G02730 two hybrid AT5G02820 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G03030 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G35650 AT5G03290 two hybrid|in vivo|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT5G03300 AT3G54860 two hybrid AT5G03340 AT3G54130 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G03340 AT4G17760 two hybrid AT5G48690 AT5G03340 two hybrid AT5G03690 AT5G03690 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G03730 AT2G27970 two hybrid AT5G03730 AT3G12280 in vitro|in vivo|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro AT5G22400 AT5G03730 two hybrid|in vivo AT5G03830 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G04180 AT1G48050 two hybrid AT5G04180 AT3G27530 two hybrid AT5G04230 AT4G11330 two hybrid AT5G04430 AT2G20330 two hybrid AT5G04430 AT3G54630 two hybrid AT5G04510 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G04800 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G04920 AT4G36760 two hybrid AT5G04990 AT1G48360 two hybrid AT5G05100 AT2G35320 two hybrid AT5G05760 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G05780 AT3G19210 two hybrid AT5G23540 AT5G05780 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G05920 AT1G26630 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G05920 AT4G11330 two hybrid AT5G59520 AT5G06150 two hybrid AT5G06160 AT1G14640 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Lethality|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping AT4G38630 AT5G06360 two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G10980 AT5G06910 two hybrid AT5G07060 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G07120 AT1G77440 two hybrid AT5G50440 AT5G08080 two hybrid AT5G22400 AT5G09310 two hybrid AT5G09550 AT1G04200 two hybrid AT5G09640 AT3G19210 two hybrid AT5G09640 AT3G51130 two hybrid AT5G09640 AT4G32830 two hybrid AT5G16270 AT5G09640 two hybrid ATCG00480 AT5G09640 two hybrid AT5G09740 AT2G29900 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G09740 AT5G03730 two hybrid|Phenotypic Enhancement|two hybrid AT5G22220 AT5G09740 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G45970 AT5G09740 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G09880 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G09900 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G10220 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G10360 AT3G44050 two hybrid AT5G10450 AT2G29900 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G10450 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G10450 AT3G16320 two hybrid AT5G10450 AT3G27530 two hybrid AT5G10450 AT3G48150 two hybrid AT5G10450 AT5G03730 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|in vivo|two hybrid|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|far western blotting|Reconstituted Complex AT5G10450 AT5G05620 two hybrid AT5G10810 AT5G10810 two hybrid AT5G10960 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G10980 AT2G29900 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G10980 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G11670 AT2G14045 two hybrid AT5G11770 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G12320 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G12370 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G12410 AT1G03110 two hybrid AT1G16470 AT5G12410 two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G12410 AT1G27530 two hybrid AT5G12410 AT2G02390 two hybrid AT5G12410 AT2G14045 two hybrid AT5G12410 AT2G27020 two hybrid AT5G12410 AT2G34260 two hybrid AT3G14290 AT5G12410 two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G12410 AT3G15290 two hybrid AT5G12410 AT3G25980 two hybrid AT3G50670 AT5G12410 two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G12410 AT3G52590 two hybrid AT5G12410 AT3G59600 two hybrid AT3G60820 AT5G12410 two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G12410 AT3G61200 two hybrid AT4G00090 AT5G12410 two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G12410 AT4G00560 two hybrid AT5G12410 AT4G11330 two hybrid AT4G24880 AT5G12410 two hybrid|Co-expression AT4G25550 AT5G12410 two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G12410 AT4G31240 two hybrid AT5G12410 AT4G32810 two hybrid AT5G12410 AT4G32830 two hybrid AT5G12410 AT4G36690 two hybrid AT5G14670 AT5G12410 two hybrid AT5G15770 AT5G12410 two hybrid AT5G20020 AT5G12410 two hybrid AT5G40040 AT5G12410 two hybrid AT5G42790 AT5G12410 two hybrid AT5G12410 AT5G54750 two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G56580 AT5G12410 two hybrid AT5G12410 AT5G66140 two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G12840 AT4G11330 two hybrid AT5G12840 AT5G01600 two hybrid AT5G13430 AT1G11800 two hybrid AT5G13490 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G13490 AT3G48150 two hybrid AT5G42890 AT5G13490 two hybrid AT5G13850 AT5G13850 two hybrid AT5G39440 AT5G13850 two hybrid AT5G14040 AT3G06270 two hybrid AT5G14170 AT2G29900 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G14170 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G55630 AT5G14230 two hybrid AT1G63160 AT5G14520 two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G14530 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G14670 AT1G23230 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G14670 AT2G29900 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G14670 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G14670 AT4G38630 two hybrid AT5G14670 AT5G03730 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G22840 AT5G14670 two hybrid AT5G15610 AT1G71696 two hybrid AT5G15610 AT4G01610 two hybrid AT5G42970 AT5G15610 two hybrid AT5G15750 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G15770 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G23540 AT5G16130 two hybrid AT5G56360 AT5G16130 two hybrid AT5G16270 AT2G47980 two hybrid|in vivo AT5G16310 AT1G67730 two hybrid AT5G16570 AT5G16570 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G18570 AT5G16570 two hybrid AT5G56580 AT5G16570 two hybrid AT5G17310 AT3G52560 two hybrid AT5G17310 AT5G17310 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Protein-peptide|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G17550 AT1G17880 two hybrid AT5G17570 AT3G52560 two hybrid AT5G17650 AT1G20110 two hybrid AT5G17650 AT4G30860 two hybrid AT5G56360 AT5G17650 two hybrid AT5G42890 AT5G17690 two hybrid AT5G18170 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G18230 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G19040 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G19310 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G19360 AT4G11330 two hybrid AT5G19485 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G19510 AT3G27530 two hybrid AT5G19690 AT2G32850 two hybrid AT5G20000 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G20000 AT5G08740 two hybrid AT5G20030 AT1G80350 two hybrid AT5G20030 AT4G19210 two hybrid AT5G20270 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G20290 AT1G11800 two hybrid AT5G20290 AT1G63160 two hybrid AT5G20570 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G20620 AT1G24706 two hybrid AT5G20620 AT4G28470 two hybrid AT5G20850 AT4G20920 two hybrid AT5G21160 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G21274 AT4G21820 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G27740 AT5G22010 two hybrid|Synthetic Rescue|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Rescue|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G22110 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G22330 AT5G67630 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex|Co-crystal Structure|biochemical|interaction prediction|Gene neighbors method|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT5G22440 AT5G20020 two hybrid AT5G39930 AT5G22840 two hybrid AT5G23250 AT1G61000 two hybrid AT3G22480 AT5G23290 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Suppression|interologs mapping|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G23420 AT2G29900 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G45970 AT5G23420 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G23540 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G23540 AT5G23540 two hybrid AT5G23540 AT5G45620 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G23740 AT5G20020 two hybrid AT5G24350 AT1G61000 two hybrid AT5G52650 AT5G24420 two hybrid AT5G40040 AT5G24510 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G25150 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G25754 AT4G33250 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G26600 AT4G02570 two hybrid AT5G26640 AT2G27970 two hybrid AT5G52650 AT5G26680 two hybrid AT5G35590 AT5G26980 two hybrid AT5G27550 AT3G27530 two hybrid AT5G27550 AT5G08740 two hybrid AT5G27700 AT3G04770 Phenotypic Enhancement|two hybrid AT1G21690 AT5G27740 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Reconstituted Complex|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|interologs mapping|Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G27740 AT3G20740 two hybrid AT5G27850 AT1G67730 two hybrid AT5G27850 AT1G80350 two hybrid AT5G28030 AT1G26630 two hybrid AT5G28060 AT2G32850 two hybrid AT5G55940 AT5G28220 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G28350 AT1G57860 two hybrid AT5G28350 AT2G27970 two hybrid AT5G28350 AT5G18570 two hybrid AT5G34850 AT4G35750 two hybrid AT5G35530 AT2G14045 two hybrid AT5G35530 AT4G17760 two hybrid AT5G35530 AT4G37280 two hybrid AT5G35590 AT5G42790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Gene neighbors method|Phylogenetic profile method AT5G36160 AT2G27970 two hybrid AT5G36160 AT2G39740 two hybrid AT5G37350 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G37590 AT4G00090 two hybrid AT5G37590 AT4G35750 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G37590 AT5G37590 two hybrid|two hybrid ATCG00480 AT5G37810 two hybrid AT5G38840 AT2G27970 two hybrid AT5G38840 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G39320 AT5G39320 two hybrid AT5G39620 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G39740 AT2G27970 two hybrid AT5G39740 AT5G02450 two hybrid AT5G39930 AT2G35320 two hybrid AT5G39930 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G40260 AT3G49650 two hybrid AT5G40580 AT3G59490 two hybrid AT5G40610 AT4G38630 two hybrid AT5G40780 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G40820 AT3G05740 two hybrid AT5G40820 AT5G16270 two hybrid AT5G57015 AT5G40820 two hybrid AT5G41010 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G41760 AT2G38680 two hybrid AT5G41760 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G41880 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G41910 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G42020 AT2G32730 two hybrid AT5G42020 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G42190 AT1G71840 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G42190 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G42190 AT4G00660 two hybrid AT5G42400 AT2G29900 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G42400 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G42820 AT4G36690 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G64500 AT5G42870 two hybrid AT5G42970 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G43010 AT5G43010 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G66140 AT5G43010 two hybrid AT5G43070 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G43430 AT4G38630 two hybrid AT5G44020 AT5G28290 two hybrid AT5G44020 AT5G39410 two hybrid AT5G44720 AT3G27530 two hybrid AT5G45620 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G45620 AT5G05780 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45775 AT1G47640 two hybrid AT5G45775 AT3G27530 two hybrid AT5G45970 AT2G29900 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G45970 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G45970 AT4G17760 two hybrid AT5G45970 AT5G45970 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G46030 AT4G17760 two hybrid AT5G46540 AT1G24706 two hybrid AT5G47080 AT2G29900 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G47080 AT2G35320 two hybrid AT5G47080 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G47090 AT1G71840 two hybrid AT5G47090 AT4G15930 two hybrid AT5G47200 AT5G20020 two hybrid AT5G47210 AT5G16270 two hybrid AT5G47310 AT3G44050 two hybrid AT5G47480 AT3G27530 two hybrid AT5G47480 AT4G36690 two hybrid AT5G47670 AT3G16630 two hybrid AT5G47720 AT2G27970 two hybrid AT5G47760 AT5G39410 two hybrid AT5G47820 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G47820 AT3G16630 two hybrid AT5G48700 AT1G48360 two hybrid AT5G48700 AT3G22480 two hybrid AT5G48700 AT3G27120 two hybrid AT5G48700 AT4G15930 two hybrid AT5G48700 AT4G31240 two hybrid AT5G48700 AT5G39320 two hybrid AT5G48760 AT5G03730 two hybrid AT5G48810 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G48810 AT4G36760 two hybrid AT5G49310 AT2G39740 two hybrid AT5G49370 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G49460 AT3G60820 two hybrid AT5G49460 AT5G15770 two hybrid AT5G49570 AT5G08740 two hybrid AT5G49570 AT5G20020 two hybrid AT5G49830 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G49970 AT4G34430 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G50240 AT5G04510 two hybrid AT5G50270 AT3G20000 two hybrid AT5G50460 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G50850 AT3G25980 two hybrid AT5G09300 AT5G50850 two hybrid|Enriched domain pair|Gene neighbors method|Co-expression AT5G51150 AT3G48150 two hybrid AT5G51660 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G51795 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G52470 AT4G32830 two hybrid AT5G53000 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G55260 AT5G53000 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G53180 AT2G35320 two hybrid AT5G53360 AT2G39740 two hybrid AT5G53360 AT3G16630 two hybrid AT5G54080 AT2G43640 two hybrid AT5G54080 AT5G54080 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G54100 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G54260 AT2G31970 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Lethality|Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Suppression|Co-purification|Colocalization|Colocalization|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Colocalization|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Suppression|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT5G54280 AT2G39740 two hybrid AT5G54280 AT4G17760 two hybrid AT5G54280 AT5G05620 two hybrid AT5G54280 AT5G23420 two hybrid AT5G54730 AT3G51130 two hybrid AT5G02280 AT5G54750 interaction prediction|two hybrid|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|interologs mapping|Co-expression AT5G54910 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G55000 AT1G20110 two hybrid AT5G55030 AT5G22840 two hybrid AT5G55070 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G55100 AT5G39930 two hybrid AT5G55260 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G55670 AT2G35320 two hybrid AT5G55670 AT3G27530 two hybrid AT5G55670 AT4G10070 two hybrid AT5G55670 AT4G25550 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G55670 AT5G26640 two hybrid AT5G55670 AT5G55670 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G56000 AT1G11800 two hybrid AT5G56000 AT1G48050 two hybrid AT5G56000 AT2G14045 two hybrid AT5G56000 AT4G36690 two hybrid AT5G56000 AT5G22840 two hybrid AT5G56000 AT5G56000 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G59850 AT5G56000 two hybrid AT5G66130 AT5G56000 two hybrid AT5G56150 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G56290 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G56290 AT3G52590 two hybrid AT5G56290 AT4G17760 two hybrid AT5G56290 AT5G42890 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G56290 AT5G48690 two hybrid AT5G56350 AT4G15840 two hybrid AT5G56360 AT3G15290 two hybrid AT5G56580 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G56580 AT4G38630 two hybrid AT5G56670 AT2G32730 two hybrid AT5G56710 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G56740 AT5G58230 interaction prediction|two hybrid|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G56950 AT2G29900 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G56950 AT2G35320 two hybrid AT5G57015 AT2G29900 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G57015 AT5G22220 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G57015 AT5G57015 two hybrid AT5G57200 AT2G35320 two hybrid AT5G57210 AT5G18680 two hybrid AT5G57240 AT5G22840 two hybrid AT5G58060 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G58220 AT5G58220 two hybrid|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G38630 AT5G58290 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT5G58590 AT2G21070 two hybrid AT5G58590 AT2G35320 two hybrid AT5G58590 AT4G11330 two hybrid AT5G58690 AT2G29900 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G59160 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59440 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G59710 AT2G35320 two hybrid AT5G59710 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G59710 AT5G59710 two hybrid AT5G59840 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G59960 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G59960 AT5G49310 two hybrid AT5G59970 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G60170 AT2G35320 two hybrid AT5G60390 AT2G27970 two hybrid AT5G60390 AT2G32730 two hybrid AT5G60390 AT3G27530 two hybrid AT5G60390 AT4G38920 two hybrid AT5G60390 AT5G01600 two hybrid AT5G60390 AT5G43010 two hybrid AT5G60440 AT2G29900 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G60440 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G60570 AT5G14670 two hybrid ATCG00480 AT5G60570 two hybrid AT5G60640 AT4G00560 two hybrid AT5G60640 AT4G17760 two hybrid AT5G60670 AT1G24706 two hybrid AT5G60670 AT3G48150 two hybrid AT5G61150 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G61760 AT4G30860 two hybrid AT5G61790 AT4G30860 two hybrid AT5G61880 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G61970 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G62130 AT1G71300 two hybrid AT5G62300 AT3G48150 two hybrid AT5G62310 AT5G22220 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G62500 AT3G06270 two hybrid AT5G62500 AT4G11330 two hybrid AT5G62500 AT4G24110 two hybrid AT5G62540 AT1G78870 two hybrid AT5G62540 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G62810 AT3G52590 two hybrid AT5G62810 AT4G34390 two hybrid AT5G63310 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G63310 AT3G52560 two hybrid AT5G63400 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G63610 AT2G29900 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G63740 AT1G11800 two hybrid AT5G64050 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G65165 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G65260 AT2G31740 two hybrid AT5G65720 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G21690 AT5G66130 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|in vivo|Co-purification|Co-expression AT3G14290 AT5G66140 two hybrid|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT5G66360 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G66820 AT4G00660 two hybrid AT5G67260 AT5G03730 two hybrid AT5G67510 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G67540 AT4G15930 two hybrid AT1G01040 AT1G48410 Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo|Shared biological function|Co-expression AT4G34670 AT1G01040 two hybrid AT1G49760 AT1G01510 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G55900 AT1G01510 two hybrid AT2G26210 AT1G01510 two hybrid AT1G01510 AT2G33410 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT3G12480 AT1G01510 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G23990 AT1G01510 two hybrid AT4G18465 AT1G01510 two hybrid AT4G20320 AT1G01510 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G34110 AT1G01510 two hybrid AT5G28650 AT1G01510 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G40490 AT1G01510 two hybrid AT1G55150 AT1G01760 two hybrid AT3G47370 AT1G01760 two hybrid AT5G62300 AT1G01760 two hybrid AT4G35750 AT1G01940 two hybrid AT5G61530 AT1G01940 two hybrid AT1G16590 AT1G02090 two hybrid AT1G31780 AT1G02090 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G17720 AT1G02100 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G17020 AT1G02140 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G26940 AT1G02330 two hybrid AT4G20325 AT1G02330 two hybrid AT1G67120 AT1G02740 two hybrid AT2G04845 AT1G02840 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G24740 AT1G02840 two hybrid AT5G40820 AT1G02970 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G38730 AT1G03140 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G53770 AT1G03150 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G65440 AT1G03360 Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT3G61740 AT1G03770 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G02020 AT1G03770 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G47350 AT1G03910 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G27530 AT1G03910 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G55480 AT1G03910 two hybrid AT5G38710 AT1G03910 two hybrid AT1G04130 AT5G52640 two hybrid|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|synthetic growth defect|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G56000 AT1G04130 two hybrid AT5G17690 AT1G04170 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|two hybrid AT2G30710 AT1G04200 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G56340 AT1G04200 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G57490 AT1G04200 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G25420 AT1G04270 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G41770 AT1G04270 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G68100 AT1G04290 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G12210 AT1G04410 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G04730 AT1G63160 Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G04730 AT5G27740 Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G56590 AT1G04950 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G29810 AT1G04950 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G55770 AT1G05055 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G36170 AT1G05630 two hybrid AT2G14120 AT1G05730 two hybrid AT5G16870 AT1G05730 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT1G05730 two hybrid AT5G56140 AT1G06220 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G44120 AT1G06390 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G79000 AT1G06390 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G34430 AT1G06390 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G19090 AT1G06390 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G19310 AT1G06390 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT2G31580 AT1G06960 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G04600 AT1G06960 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G06960 AT4G26870 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-expression AT1G06960 AT5G06160 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression|Co-expression AT4G17390 AT1G07030 two hybrid AT2G30720 AT1G07070 two hybrid AT2G36680 AT1G07070 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G53770 AT1G07070 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G22450 AT1G07270 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G07370 AT1G07370 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G47240 AT1G07370 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G07480 AT1G02680 two hybrid AT3G18740 AT1G07480 two hybrid AT3G52150 AT1G07480 two hybrid AT5G16130 AT1G07480 two hybrid AT3G46220 AT1G07770 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G07940 AT1G03150 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G77550 AT1G07940 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G28910 AT1G07940 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G45540 AT1G07940 two hybrid AT4G11150 AT1G07940 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G09650 AT1G07940 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G14170 AT1G07940 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G25754 AT1G07940 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G46750 AT1G07940 two hybrid AT5G49510 AT1G07940 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G61970 AT1G07940 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G08630 AT1G07980 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G18620 AT1G07980 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo AT4G29390 AT1G08065 two hybrid AT1G79020 AT1G08190 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G17690 AT1G08190 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G22760 AT1G08190 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G02950 AT1G08260 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT1G08290 two hybrid AT5G47240 AT1G08290 two hybrid AT4G00800 AT1G08370 two hybrid AT5G19150 AT1G08370 two hybrid AT1G29320 AT1G08450 two hybrid AT2G33385 AT1G08450 two hybrid AT5G02490 AT1G08450 two hybrid AT5G52650 AT1G08450 two hybrid AT3G10090 AT1G08680 two hybrid AT5G05180 AT1G08680 two hybrid AT1G44120 AT1G08700 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G19090 AT1G08700 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G76490 AT1G09020 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G28360 AT1G09150 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G11160 AT1G09150 two hybrid AT1G18540 AT1G09230 two hybrid AT1G74050 AT1G09230 two hybrid AT3G02820 AT1G09230 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G13680 AT1G09230 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G14170 AT1G09270 two hybrid AT2G38280 AT1G09270 two hybrid AT2G46520 AT1G09270 two hybrid|in vitro AT5G41770 AT1G09270 two hybrid AT5G47700 AT1G09270 two hybrid AT5G47700 AT1G09630 two hybrid AT1G09640 AT1G08370 two hybrid AT3G57610 AT1G09770 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G00900 AT1G09770 two hybrid AT1G09770 AT5G41770 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT5G62810 AT1G09770 two hybrid AT5G12210 AT1G10095 two hybrid AT1G10130 AT1G08065 two hybrid AT1G19310 AT1G10130 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G04180 AT1G10130 two hybrid AT5G12210 AT1G10130 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G01220 AT1G10170 two hybrid AT3G23660 AT1G10170 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G27325 AT1G10170 two hybrid AT4G11790 AT1G10170 two hybrid AT4G20325 AT1G10170 two hybrid AT4G34460 AT1G10170 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G39410 AT1G10170 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G43670 AT1G10170 two hybrid AT5G66760 AT1G10170 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G32640 AT1G10310 two hybrid AT5G14040 AT1G10310 two hybrid AT1G10320 AT1G03910 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G44200 AT1G10320 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G27530 AT1G10320 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G55480 AT1G10320 two hybrid AT4G37120 AT1G10320 two hybrid AT5G38710 AT1G10320 two hybrid AT5G54590 AT1G10320 two hybrid AT1G10430 AT1G02740 two hybrid AT1G10430 AT1G07360 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G34750 AT1G10430 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G56490 AT1G10430 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G16144 AT1G10430 two hybrid AT4G29810 AT1G10430 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G03650 AT1G10430 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G14170 AT1G10430 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G26980 AT1G10430 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G35530 AT1G10430 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G43010 AT1G10430 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G58020 AT1G10430 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G16970 AT1G10930 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|interologs mapping|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT2G14120 AT1G10930 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G10930 AT3G19210 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression|Shared biological function|Enriched domain pair AT1G16590 AT1G11320 two hybrid AT1G16970 AT1G11320 two hybrid AT2G04660 AT1G11320 two hybrid AT2G07690 AT1G11320 two hybrid AT2G26210 AT1G11320 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G04240 AT1G11320 two hybrid AT4G16760 AT1G11320 two hybrid AT5G09230 AT1G11320 two hybrid AT5G47650 AT1G11320 two hybrid AT5G49110 AT1G11320 two hybrid AT3G07100 AT1G11570 two hybrid AT4G32640 AT1G11570 two hybrid AT4G24820 AT1G11860 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G27350 AT1G12310 two hybrid AT5G02570 AT1G12310 two hybrid AT5G06150 AT1G12310 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G16870 AT1G12310 two hybrid AT5G20490 AT1G12310 two hybrid AT5G45970 AT1G12310 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G18090 AT1G12360 two hybrid AT2G07340 AT1G12470 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G54860 AT1G12470 in vivo|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|interaction prediction AT1G13180 AT1G07070 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G73430 AT1G13180 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G55750 AT1G13180 two hybrid AT4G15880 AT1G13180 two hybrid AT4G35490 AT1G13580 two hybrid AT1G47500 AT1G13950 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G31290 AT1G13950 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G38710 AT1G13950 two hybrid AT3G48780 AT1G14360 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G07140 AT1G14820 two hybrid AT1G03910 AT1G15200 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT1G18090 AT1G15200 two hybrid AT1G29630 AT1G15200 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G02560 AT1G15200 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G17920 AT1G15200 two hybrid AT3G27530 AT1G15200 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G15200 AT4G10760 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G16130 AT1G15200 two hybrid AT1G15200 AT5G41770 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G42620 AT1G15200 two hybrid AT5G59410 AT1G15200 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G71790 AT1G15460 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G42190 AT1G15740 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G12480 AT1G15850 two hybrid AT1G07370 AT1G16350 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|interaction prediction|Gene neighbors method|Co-expression AT1G16350 AT1G16350 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G29570 AT1G16350 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT1G16350 two hybrid AT5G02490 AT1G16470 two hybrid AT3G07790 AT1G16570 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G55130 AT1G16570 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G16590 AT1G16590 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT1G53710 AT1G16590 two hybrid AT2G29570 AT1G16590 two hybrid AT3G02920 AT1G16590 two hybrid AT3G54180 AT1G16590 two hybrid AT5G22220 AT1G16590 two hybrid AT5G27620 AT1G16590 two hybrid AT5G47650 AT1G16590 two hybrid AT1G48790 AT1G16700 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G16720 AT1G16720 two hybrid AT3G05740 AT1G16970 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT2G41620 AT1G16980 two hybrid AT5G47430 AT1G16980 two hybrid AT1G44120 AT1G17720 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G19330 AT1G17720 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G42190 AT1G17720 two hybrid AT1G51450 AT1G17790 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G61740 AT1G17790 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G61890 AT1G17790 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G17880 AT1G03910 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G21170 AT1G17980 two hybrid AT3G55770 AT1G18040 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G41370 AT1G18040 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G18080 AT1G04290 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G77670 AT1G18080 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G79210 AT1G18080 two hybrid AT2G36300 AT1G18080 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G62410 AT1G18190 two hybrid AT5G19310 AT1G18450 Co-purification AT1G18600 AT3G10070 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT2G47990 AT1G18660 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G60770 AT1G18660 two hybrid AT4G00100 AT1G18660 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G01160 AT1G18660 two hybrid AT5G44450 AT1G18660 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G49550 AT1G18660 two hybrid AT5G49880 AT1G18660 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G03330 AT1G19120 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Co-purification|interologs mapping|Co-expression AT2G29540 AT1G19120 two hybrid AT1G62200 AT1G19270 two hybrid AT4G34670 AT1G19310 two hybrid AT2G04845 AT1G19910 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G05620 AT1G20570 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT2G36010 AT1G20630 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G23710 AT1G20630 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G21065 AT1G09230 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G29330 AT1G21170 two hybrid AT1G55150 AT1G21170 two hybrid AT3G08720 AT1G21170 two hybrid AT3G46940 AT1G21170 two hybrid AT4G02230 AT1G21170 two hybrid AT5G48760 AT1G21170 two hybrid AT2G01120 AT1G21630 two hybrid AT1G21690 AT1G77470 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vivo|in vitro|Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|interaction prediction|Gene neighbors method|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT3G04400 AT1G22200 two hybrid AT3G13350 AT1G22200 two hybrid AT4G16720 AT1G22200 two hybrid AT1G29150 AT1G22450 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G52640 AT1G22450 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G22840 AT1G04290 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G22450 AT1G22840 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT2G41620 AT1G22840 two hybrid AT3G07100 AT1G22840 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G03730 AT1G23000 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G12020 AT1G23000 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G22770 AT1G23000 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G39740 AT1G24180 two hybrid AT3G23990 AT1G24180 two hybrid AT5G06290 AT1G24180 two hybrid AT1G24180 AT5G50850 two hybrid|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G65260 AT1G24180 two hybrid AT1G24310 AT2G07690 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT2G30330 AT1G24310 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G10810 AT1G24310 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G25754 AT1G24310 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G41210 AT1G24310 two hybrid AT1G24310 AT5G49400 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G56290 AT1G24310 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G24310 AT5G60940 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT1G28060 AT1G25280 two hybrid AT4G36020 AT1G25280 two hybrid AT1G26590 AT1G03910 two hybrid AT3G17590 AT1G26590 two hybrid AT4G38350 AT1G26630 two hybrid AT5G19350 AT1G26630 two hybrid AT5G38710 AT1G26630 two hybrid AT2G20560 AT1G26665 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G20325 AT1G27530 two hybrid AT1G27752 AT1G07360 two hybrid AT3G07790 AT1G27752 two hybrid AT5G07060 AT1G27752 two hybrid AT3G52150 AT1G27760 two hybrid AT3G48780 AT1G27980 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G23670 AT1G27980 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G28060 AT1G28060 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G79650 AT1G28060 two hybrid AT2G24830 AT1G28060 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G26940 AT1G28060 two hybrid AT2G35690 AT1G28060 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G27530 AT1G28060 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G04910 AT1G28060 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G38470 AT1G28060 two hybrid AT1G28060 AT5G40870 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G48655 AT1G28060 two hybrid AT5G61970 AT1G28060 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G20325 AT1G28120 two hybrid AT4G02230 AT1G28350 two hybrid AT4G08580 AT1G28560 two hybrid AT3G25980 AT1G29220 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G23990 AT1G29260 two hybrid AT3G52300 AT1G29260 two hybrid AT5G35430 AT1G29260 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G29310 AT1G08190 two hybrid AT5G06160 AT1G29310 two hybrid AT5G35430 AT1G29310 two hybrid AT2G43160 AT1G29330 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G01160 AT1G29630 two hybrid AT1G29900 AT1G27880 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G53120 AT1G29900 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G10810 AT1G29900 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G47240 AT1G29900 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47650 AT1G29900 two hybrid AT1G29960 AT1G01920 two hybrid AT1G29960 AT1G14030 two hybrid AT1G29990 AT5G23290 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Co-purification|Phenotypic Suppression|interologs mapping|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G38470 AT1G30480 two hybrid AT1G33400 AT1G30540 two hybrid AT1G30630 AT1G62020 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G02040 AT1G30630 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G06290 AT1G31170 two hybrid AT2G47210 AT1G31780 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G12480 AT1G31780 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G02490 AT1G31780 two hybrid AT5G48600 AT1G31780 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G19770 AT1G31810 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G36870 AT1G31810 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G77720 AT1G31870 two hybrid AT3G08730 AT1G31870 two hybrid AT3G25980 AT1G31870 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G48750 AT1G31870 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G54180 AT1G31870 two hybrid AT4G24740 AT1G31870 two hybrid AT4G32660 AT1G31870 two hybrid AT5G47240 AT1G31870 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47650 AT1G31870 two hybrid AT4G24740 AT1G32130 two hybrid AT1G32750 AT1G27720 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G49010 AT1G32750 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G49350 AT1G33270 two hybrid AT1G71790 AT1G34030 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G35690 AT1G34030 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G05070 AT1G34030 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G34370 AT1G03910 two hybrid AT1G34370 AT1G34370 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G12550 AT1G34370 two hybrid AT2G30280 AT1G34370 two hybrid AT2G31510 AT1G34370 two hybrid AT2G47110 AT1G34370 two hybrid AT4G18905 AT1G34370 two hybrid AT4G27650 AT1G34370 two hybrid AT4G30400 AT1G34370 two hybrid AT5G02040 AT1G34370 two hybrid AT5G14580 AT1G34370 two hybrid AT5G23710 AT1G34370 two hybrid AT5G37055 AT1G34370 two hybrid AT5G41880 AT1G34370 two hybrid AT5G49010 AT1G34370 two hybrid AT5G24670 AT1G34420 two hybrid AT1G69220 AT1G35530 two hybrid AT3G17750 AT1G35530 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT1G35530 two hybrid AT2G33370 AT1G36050 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G17390 AT1G36050 two hybrid AT1G36240 AT1G18090 two hybrid AT4G34370 AT1G36340 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro AT5G18420 AT1G36730 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G42440 AT1G23800 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G48000 AT1G42440 two hybrid AT4G18465 AT1G43170 two hybrid AT4G23860 AT1G43170 two hybrid AT5G08740 AT1G43170 two hybrid AT5G22920 AT1G43170 two hybrid AT5G47480 AT1G43170 two hybrid AT1G79000 AT1G43190 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G80370 AT1G43190 two hybrid AT2G27960 AT1G43190 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G43190 AT2G36010 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT2G39770 AT1G43190 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G43190 AT5G27620 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G45190 AT1G43190 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G61530 AT1G43190 two hybrid AT2G26830 AT1G43560 two hybrid AT1G79000 AT1G44120 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G80370 AT1G44120 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G01320 AT1G44120 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G48750 AT1G44120 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G19090 AT1G44120 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G22330 AT1G44120 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G67630 AT1G44120 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G56070 AT1G44790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G74030 AT1G44790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G30110 AT1G44790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G44200 AT1G44910 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G45050 AT1G19310 two hybrid AT5G65740 AT1G45050 two hybrid AT1G47250 AT1G64520 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT1G47290 AT1G43190 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G20325 AT1G47510 two hybrid AT4G24690 AT1G47510 two hybrid AT4G27090 AT1G47510 two hybrid AT5G01160 AT1G47510 two hybrid AT5G44790 AT1G47510 two hybrid AT5G65165 AT1G47510 two hybrid AT3G52150 AT1G47830 two hybrid AT5G42620 AT1G48160 two hybrid AT5G16680 AT1G48790 two hybrid AT5G35360 AT1G48790 two hybrid AT5G48760 AT1G48790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G67540 AT1G48790 two hybrid AT3G07180 AT1G49670 two hybrid AT3G29075 AT1G49760 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G36300 AT1G49900 two hybrid AT1G50010 AT1G47500 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G46220 AT1G50010 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G50010 AT5G12250 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Enriched domain pair AT3G08720 AT1G50030 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT3G08730 AT1G50030 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G19420 AT1G50030 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G39400 AT1G50030 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT4G25950 AT1G50240 two hybrid AT3G09790 AT1G50410 two hybrid AT1G28060 AT1G50920 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT2G44200 AT1G50920 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G55930 AT1G50920 two hybrid AT5G16260 AT1G50940 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G01160 AT1G51310 two hybrid AT3G27530 AT1G51450 two hybrid AT4G02020 AT1G51450 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G57860 AT1G51650 two hybrid AT3G06270 AT1G51650 two hybrid AT1G52920 AT1G17745 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G13580 AT1G52920 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G20980 AT1G52920 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G60670 AT1G53165 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G63880 AT1G53570 two hybrid AT4G35630 AT1G53670 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G28910 AT1G53720 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G25020 AT1G53720 two hybrid AT5G37370 AT1G53720 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G10220 AT1G53750 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G38470 AT1G53750 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G10220 AT1G53780 two hybrid AT3G15180 AT1G53780 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G38470 AT1G53780 two hybrid AT2G27380 AT1G54080 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G16420 AT1G54140 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT1G56590 AT1G54360 two hybrid AT5G03730 AT1G54360 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G56580 AT1G54360 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G54440 AT1G03360 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G65440 AT1G54440 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G14045 AT1G54590 two hybrid AT2G38730 AT1G54590 two hybrid AT1G55150 AT1G55150 two hybrid AT4G02020 AT1G55325 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G41580 AT1G55325 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G49510 AT1G55325 two hybrid AT1G55350 AT1G16590 two hybrid AT5G50230 AT1G55350 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G61170 AT1G55350 two hybrid AT1G55460 AT1G31870 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G55460 AT1G49760 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G55540 AT1G10170 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G42000 AT1G55750 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G55830 AT1G47550 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G58050 AT1G55830 two hybrid AT2G01130 AT1G55830 two hybrid AT2G40660 AT1G55830 two hybrid AT3G12480 AT1G55830 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G04990 AT1G55830 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G49550 AT1G55830 two hybrid AT5G53460 AT1G55830 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G46220 AT1G55900 two hybrid AT1G21720 AT1G56070 two hybrid|two hybrid|Gene neighbors method|Co-expression AT1G77440 AT1G56070 two hybrid AT3G07100 AT1G56070 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G25520 AT1G56070 two hybrid AT5G22840 AT1G56070 two hybrid AT5G39740 AT1G56070 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G20560 AT1G56170 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G52560 AT1G56170 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G04460 AT1G56170 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G74260 AT1G56190 two hybrid AT5G13750 AT1G56190 two hybrid AT1G56290 AT1G10320 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G56340 AT1G29320 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G30825 AT1G56340 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT3G12580 AT1G56340 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G56340 AT5G41520 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT1G56440 AT5G52640 two hybrid|two hybrid|Enriched domain pair AT1G57720 AT1G08370 two hybrid AT4G03560 AT1G58050 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G37500 AT1G58050 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G60070 AT1G04130 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G60070 AT1G26590 two hybrid AT3G07790 AT1G60070 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G60070 AT4G35410 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT1G60430 AT1G06900 two hybrid AT3G46010 AT1G60440 two hybrid ATMG00510 AT1G60490 two hybrid AT2G29540 AT1G60850 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G60900 AT1G27650 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G60900 AT1G28060 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G47330 AT1G60900 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G34670 AT1G60970 two hybrid AT5G19990 AT1G61010 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G20000 AT1G61010 two hybrid AT3G55070 AT1G61150 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G37880 AT1G61150 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G43900 AT1G61150 two hybrid AT1G80350 AT1G61210 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G62430 AT1G61250 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G18650 AT1G61580 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G42620 AT1G61620 two hybrid AT3G16220 AT1G61670 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G62020 AT1G03770 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G62740 AT1G44170 two hybrid AT1G62740 AT5G52640 interaction prediction|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|synthetic growth defect|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|synthetic growth defect|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Lethality|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality|Co-purification|interologs mapping|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G08180 AT1G62850 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G56290 AT1G62940 two hybrid AT1G01510 AT1G63660 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT1G63660 AT1G34370 two hybrid AT3G61790 AT1G63660 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G12020 AT1G63660 two hybrid AT5G53360 AT1G63660 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G26940 AT1G63800 two hybrid AT1G64520 AT1G65700 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT2G16950 AT1G64550 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G14530 AT1G64550 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G11900 AT1G65290 two hybrid AT5G37055 AT1G65290 two hybrid AT4G27490 AT1G65440 Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT5G09880 AT1G65660 two hybrid AT1G03330 AT1G65700 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT1G65700 AT4G30220 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT2G29540 AT1G65930 two hybrid AT5G54750 AT1G65930 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G04920 AT1G66070 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G20450 AT1G66740 two hybrid AT4G34430 AT1G66740 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G19310 AT1G66740 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G41370 AT1G66750 Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-purification AT3G60750 AT1G67070 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G18380 AT1G67420 two hybrid AT5G56350 AT1G67420 two hybrid AT5G22840 AT1G67500 two hybrid AT2G39740 AT1G67630 two hybrid AT3G58680 AT1G67630 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G65740 AT1G67630 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G20410 AT1G68100 two hybrid AT2G36010 AT1G68200 two hybrid AT5G22220 AT1G68200 two hybrid AT2G26060 AT1G68310 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G69740 AT1G69740 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|interaction prediction AT1G70310 AT1G25350 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G23990 AT1G70320 two hybrid AT5G40820 AT1G71230 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT1G71270 AT1G07770 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G18510 AT1G71270 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G20560 AT1G71270 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G13050 AT1G71270 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G01270 AT1G71270 two hybrid AT4G20440 AT1G71270 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G18510 AT1G71300 two hybrid AT3G13050 AT1G71300 two hybrid AT4G01270 AT1G71300 two hybrid AT5G01390 AT1G71300 two hybrid AT5G44500 AT1G71300 two hybrid AT5G45010 AT1G71300 two hybrid AT5G59850 AT1G71300 two hybrid AT2G39840 AT1G71696 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G59160 AT1G71696 two hybrid AT1G71790 AT1G56440 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G05210 AT1G71790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G71790 AT3G05520 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Colocalization|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT3G11710 AT1G71790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G13490 AT1G71790 two hybrid AT3G54980 AT1G71790 two hybrid AT4G32720 AT1G71790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G13490 AT1G71790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G39710 AT1G71790 two hybrid AT5G52640 AT1G71790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G56000 AT1G71790 two hybrid AT5G01400 AT1G71800 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G71820 AT1G31780 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G29130 AT1G71820 two hybrid AT5G01580 AT1G71840 two hybrid AT1G71860 AT1G67140 two hybrid AT4G11330 AT1G71860 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G30920 AT1G71860 two hybrid AT5G03730 AT1G71860 in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT5G10450 AT1G71860 two hybrid AT5G14180 AT1G71860 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G19330 AT1G71860 in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid|in vivo|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G45970 AT1G71860 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G49945 AT1G71860 two hybrid AT5G56580 AT1G71860 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G60440 AT1G71860 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G64350 AT1G71860 two hybrid AT3G07100 AT1G71940 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G64830 AT1G71990 two hybrid AT1G72090 AT5G49010 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT1G72370 AT3G53890 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Co-expression AT1G73930 AT1G47510 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G38710 AT1G73930 two hybrid AT3G10070 AT1G74140 two hybrid AT1G74150 AT1G11570 two hybrid AT1G74150 AT1G27310 two hybrid AT5G11640 AT1G74150 two hybrid|two hybrid ATCG00480 AT1G74150 two hybrid AT2G18510 AT1G74260 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G74910 AT2G39770 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|two hybrid|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT5G45190 AT1G74910 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G19310 AT1G75340 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G61200 AT1G75560 two hybrid AT1G75980 AT1G07940 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G60390 AT1G75980 two hybrid AT4G08320 AT1G76010 two hybrid AT3G25980 AT1G76150 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G76300 AT1G56070 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G76300 AT2G03870 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT1G76850 AT1G55150 two hybrid AT2G11910 AT1G76850 two hybrid AT3G08730 AT1G76850 two hybrid AT3G25040 AT1G76850 two hybrid AT3G46940 AT1G76850 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G02230 AT1G76850 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G48760 AT1G76850 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G76880 AT1G76880 two hybrid AT1G77130 AT1G05590 two hybrid AT3G09820 AT1G77130 two hybrid AT5G19820 AT1G77130 two hybrid AT5G01670 AT1G77140 two hybrid AT1G77180 AT1G55150 two hybrid AT3G06470 AT1G77180 two hybrid AT3G13550 AT1G77180 two hybrid AT4G02930 AT1G77180 two hybrid AT5G41770 AT1G77180 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G32640 AT1G77350 two hybrid AT1G77550 AT3G25980 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT2G17360 AT1G77670 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G47370 AT1G77670 two hybrid AT5G24510 AT1G77670 two hybrid AT5G47700 AT1G77670 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G58420 AT1G77670 two hybrid AT5G62300 AT1G77670 two hybrid AT5G49550 AT1G78010 two hybrid AT1G78690 AT1G49760 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G34110 AT1G78690 two hybrid AT5G04990 AT1G78900 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G61890 AT1G79000 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G37260 AT1G79000 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G16144 AT1G79010 two hybrid AT3G61740 AT1G79020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G02020 AT1G79020 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G15250 AT1G79020 two hybrid AT5G17690 AT1G79020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G42400 AT1G79020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G53170 AT1G79020 two hybrid AT3G12580 AT1G79210 two hybrid AT3G18480 AT1G79350 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G79350 AT5G67320 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-expression AT3G12480 AT1G79530 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G27710 AT1G79570 two hybrid AT1G79650 AT1G56440 two hybrid AT4G20325 AT1G79650 two hybrid AT5G16870 AT1G79650 two hybrid AT3G03490 AT1G79810 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G17550 AT1G79810 two hybrid AT1G79975 AT1G10950 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G49010 AT1G80190 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT3G55770 AT1G80230 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G08690 AT1G80370 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G06150 AT1G80370 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G37290 AT1G80370 two hybrid AT5G62600 AT1G80370 two hybrid AT5G06290 AT1G80420 two hybrid AT1G80460 AT1G71800 two hybrid AT5G27320 AT1G80460 two hybrid AT5G58030 AT1G80500 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-purification AT3G16220 AT2G01070 two hybrid AT4G14150 AT2G01130 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G08690 AT2G01320 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G13940 AT2G01320 two hybrid AT4G29810 AT2G01320 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G20650 AT2G01650 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G30720 AT2G01690 two hybrid AT5G48370 AT2G01690 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G17590 AT2G02080 two hybrid AT5G23670 AT2G02810 two hybrid AT2G03780 AT2G37020 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Co-expression AT2G03780 AT5G24840 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT2G03870 AT2G04845 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT2G26940 AT2G04520 two hybrid AT2G04650 AT4G30570 in vivo|two hybrid|two hybrid|Phylogenetic profile method AT5G45190 AT2G04650 two hybrid AT5G06150 AT2G04660 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G06600 AT2G04660 two hybrid AT5G48655 AT2G05220 two hybrid AT5G56290 AT2G05630 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G46220 AT2G07671 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G44310 AT2G07671 two hybrid AT2G07690 AT2G40550 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT2G07690 AT3G25100 Synthetic Rescue|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Rescue|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT2G41620 AT2G07698 two hybrid AT3G57350 AT2G07698 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G02470 AT2G07698 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G03415 AT2G07698 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G22220 AT2G07698 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G62600 AT2G07698 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G09990 AT1G18660 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G38130 AT2G11000 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT3G17810 AT2G11910 two hybrid AT2G12550 AT1G78900 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G36170 AT2G12550 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G09790 AT2G12550 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G52590 AT2G12550 two hybrid AT5G17310 AT2G12550 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G20620 AT2G12550 two hybrid AT5G41770 AT2G12550 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G53360 AT2G12550 two hybrid AT5G17550 AT2G13540 two hybrid AT2G14045 AT1G17880 two hybrid AT2G30330 AT2G14045 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G03560 AT2G14045 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G50130 AT2G14045 two hybrid AT2G41620 AT2G14120 two hybrid AT2G36300 AT2G14255 two hybrid AT2G15230 AT1G27880 two hybrid AT2G15230 AT1G53710 two hybrid AT4G16520 AT2G15400 two hybrid AT5G02820 AT2G15400 two hybrid AT5G16780 AT2G15400 two hybrid AT5G47930 AT2G15400 two hybrid AT3G25100 AT2G16440 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|synthetic growth defect|Colocalization AT2G16570 AT1G79000 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G61530 AT2G16570 two hybrid AT2G16710 AT1G09960 two hybrid AT2G16710 AT1G15390 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G47370 AT2G16710 two hybrid AT5G25754 AT2G16710 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G16950 AT1G09150 two hybrid AT3G28715 AT2G16950 two hybrid AT4G15000 AT2G16950 two hybrid AT5G02490 AT2G16950 two hybrid AT5G13120 AT2G16950 two hybrid AT5G41760 AT2G16950 two hybrid AT2G16980 AT1G18540 two hybrid AT3G55360 AT2G17190 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G55360 AT2G17200 two hybrid AT5G46540 AT2G17200 two hybrid AT5G24490 AT2G17370 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G17510 AT1G65440 Co-purification AT4G29810 AT2G17700 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT4G34370 AT2G18030 two hybrid AT5G14170 AT2G18030 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G03730 AT2G18040 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G18110 AT1G07030 two hybrid AT2G18110 AT1G57720 two hybrid AT5G38710 AT2G18110 two hybrid AT2G18390 AT1G07070 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G18390 AT1G24180 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G55750 AT2G18390 two hybrid AT4G15930 AT2G18390 two hybrid AT2G18510 AT1G27400 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G62210 AT2G18510 two hybrid AT4G21660 AT2G18510 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vivo|in vivo|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|interaction prediction AT5G09880 AT2G18510 two hybrid AT5G55130 AT2G18510 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G66030 AT2G18510 two hybrid AT2G18600 AT1G36280 two hybrid AT2G18740 AT1G61040 two hybrid AT2G18740 AT2G03870 two hybrid AT2G18740 AT4G30220 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT2G18990 AT1G07950 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G18990 AT1G72370 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G10070 AT2G19080 two hybrid AT4G34370 AT2G19080 two hybrid AT5G47930 AT2G19080 two hybrid AT3G48750 AT2G19540 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G53480 AT2G19560 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G36170 AT2G19640 two hybrid AT2G44680 AT2G19670 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G13180 AT2G19770 two hybrid|two hybrid|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT4G28820 AT2G19770 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G06150 AT2G19770 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G62410 AT2G19950 two hybrid AT4G32720 AT2G20000 two hybrid AT5G06260 AT2G20280 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G20360 AT1G04820 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G14960 AT2G20360 two hybrid AT5G24670 AT2G20360 two hybrid AT2G20420 AT1G16590 two hybrid AT2G20420 AT1G27880 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G02920 AT2G20420 two hybrid AT3G17750 AT2G20420 two hybrid AT3G54180 AT2G20420 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT2G20420 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G20450 AT5G60940 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G45550 AT2G20470 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G20580 AT1G22450 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G20635 AT1G30450 two hybrid AT3G54710 AT2G20635 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G01160 AT2G20635 two hybrid AT5G06150 AT2G20635 two hybrid AT5G20160 AT2G20635 two hybrid AT5G49970 AT2G20635 two hybrid AT4G22340 AT2G20840 two hybrid AT2G21170 AT2G17190 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G47970 AT2G21270 two hybrid AT3G13300 AT2G21270 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G25980 AT2G21270 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47240 AT2G21270 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G32180 AT2G21280 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G35360 AT2G21280 two hybrid AT5G44280 AT2G21390 two hybrid AT5G22020 AT2G21470 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G24180 AT2G21470 two hybrid AT5G62810 AT2G21790 two hybrid AT2G22370 AT1G80350 two hybrid AT5G04510 AT2G22720 two hybrid AT2G23070 AT2G44680 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|interologs mapping|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G17690 AT2G23740 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT2G24500 AT1G09960 two hybrid AT3G28715 AT2G24765 two hybrid AT2G25050 AT1G21720 two hybrid AT4G02020 AT2G25170 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G47610 AT2G25280 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G62870 AT2G25280 two hybrid AT3G02920 AT2G25740 two hybrid AT3G17750 AT2G25740 two hybrid AT3G48750 AT2G25740 two hybrid AT5G47650 AT2G25740 two hybrid AT4G08320 AT2G25810 two hybrid AT5G42210 AT2G25840 two hybrid AT3G50670 AT2G25970 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT2G26000 AT1G07770 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G26000 AT2G26000 two hybrid|Protein-peptide|two hybrid AT5G59850 AT2G26000 two hybrid AT2G29900 AT2G26200 Phenotypic Enhancement|two hybrid AT3G54180 AT2G26210 two hybrid AT5G44320 AT2G26230 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G56290 AT2G26230 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G27320 AT2G26260 two hybrid AT5G53180 AT2G26260 two hybrid AT3G02950 AT2G26460 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G07790 AT2G26460 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G16790 AT2G26460 two hybrid AT2G26590 AT2G32730 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT3G18940 AT2G26830 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G26940 AT1G16350 two hybrid AT2G33410 AT2G26940 two hybrid AT1G02090 AT2G26990 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT2G26990 AT2G26990 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G14605 AT2G26990 two hybrid AT5G55580 AT2G26990 two hybrid AT5G58575 AT2G26990 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G16790 AT2G27120 two hybrid AT3G29130 AT2G27200 two hybrid AT2G27290 AT1G69220 two hybrid AT3G02920 AT2G27290 two hybrid AT3G08730 AT2G27290 two hybrid AT3G12980 AT2G27290 two hybrid AT3G53930 AT2G27290 two hybrid AT3G54180 AT2G27290 two hybrid AT4G02570 AT2G27290 two hybrid AT5G11300 AT2G27290 two hybrid AT5G22220 AT2G27290 two hybrid AT5G27620 AT2G27290 two hybrid AT5G45190 AT2G27290 two hybrid AT5G55760 AT2G27290 two hybrid AT2G27600 AT1G25420 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Colocalization AT4G29440 AT2G27600 two hybrid AT2G27710 AT5G16870 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT3G02920 AT2G27970 two hybrid AT5G50230 AT2G28450 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G28910 AT1G56070 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G28910 AT2G05630 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G28910 AT2G26940 two hybrid AT2G29210 AT2G28910 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G56510 AT2G28910 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G16520 AT2G28910 two hybrid AT4G20325 AT2G28910 two hybrid AT5G05540 AT2G28910 two hybrid AT5G25450 AT2G28910 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G26980 AT2G28910 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G61760 AT2G29080 two hybrid AT5G16310 AT2G29530 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G04240 AT2G29540 two hybrid AT4G02570 AT2G29570 two hybrid AT5G47650 AT2G29570 two hybrid AT3G23990 AT2G29640 two hybrid AT5G57815 AT2G29680 two hybrid AT5G19330 AT2G29900 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|Phenotypic Suppression|Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo|in vitro AT5G61760 AT2G30050 two hybrid AT5G51280 AT2G30110 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G45830 AT2G30160 two hybrid AT4G16720 AT2G30160 two hybrid AT2G31580 AT2G30260 two hybrid AT3G04600 AT2G30260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G31180 AT2G30260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G06160 AT2G30260 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G29130 AT2G30330 two hybrid AT2G30350 AT1G53780 two hybrid AT2G47770 AT2G30350 two hybrid AT5G37590 AT2G30350 two hybrid AT2G30720 AT1G69740 two hybrid AT5G50850 AT2G30720 two hybrid AT2G41620 AT2G30970 two hybrid AT3G57350 AT2G30970 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G45970 AT2G31320 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G06680 AT2G32060 two hybrid AT2G32220 AT1G01920 two hybrid AT5G48655 AT2G32220 two hybrid AT5G04620 AT2G32410 two hybrid AT5G19180 AT2G32410 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G32415 AT1G03360 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G32415 AT1G65440 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G57610 AT2G32780 two hybrid AT5G14040 AT2G33040 two hybrid AT1G03530 AT2G33340 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT2G33340 AT5G06160 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Co-expression AT5G51170 AT2G33340 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G33370 AT1G03910 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G33370 AT1G71790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G41240 AT2G33560 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G54710 AT2G33560 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G22380 AT2G33560 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G06150 AT2G33560 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G33800 AT1G71790 two hybrid AT4G02230 AT2G33840 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G34250 AT1G08190 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G06160 AT2G34250 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G35430 AT2G34250 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G34480 AT1G19310 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G44680 AT2G34480 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G34780 AT1G03910 two hybrid AT2G34780 AT1G14610 two hybrid AT3G14250 AT2G34780 two hybrid AT4G09150 AT2G34780 two hybrid AT3G55480 AT2G35020 two hybrid AT2G35110 AT1G26110 two hybrid AT5G45330 AT2G35110 two hybrid AT4G11330 AT2G35320 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G20870 AT2G35320 two hybrid AT4G31200 AT2G35320 two hybrid AT5G03730 AT2G35320 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G14170 AT2G35320 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G35390 AT2G35390 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G35690 AT1G03910 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G35690 AT1G27880 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G35690 AT1G47550 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G35690 AT1G56450 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G35690 AT2G11000 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G35690 AT2G17250 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G35690 AT2G27710 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G35690 AT2G32220 two hybrid AT3G03110 AT2G35690 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G13940 AT2G35690 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G41770 AT2G35690 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47240 AT2G35690 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G49930 AT2G35690 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G35430 AT2G35720 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G36160 AT1G79975 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G36160 AT2G29540 two hybrid AT5G38470 AT2G36170 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G48655 AT2G36170 two hybrid AT2G36260 AT1G15390 two hybrid AT3G27180 AT2G36260 two hybrid AT5G01160 AT2G36260 two hybrid AT5G06170 AT2G36260 two hybrid AT5G25754 AT2G36260 two hybrid AT5G62300 AT2G36260 two hybrid AT2G36310 AT2G36310 two hybrid AT3G55360 AT2G36310 two hybrid AT2G36620 AT1G77140 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G48970 AT2G36620 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G10850 AT2G36740 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G23575 AT2G36760 two hybrid AT3G61740 AT2G36880 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G09900 AT2G36880 two hybrid AT2G37020 AT2G37020 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G20325 AT2G37020 two hybrid AT5G47240 AT2G37060 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G37270 AT1G09230 two hybrid AT5G54750 AT2G37270 two hybrid AT4G10050 AT2G37600 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G08320 AT2G37790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G31300 AT2G38020 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G38280 AT1G49900 two hybrid AT5G44280 AT2G38560 two hybrid AT2G38670 AT1G12310 two hybrid AT2G38670 AT1G62200 two hybrid AT2G47990 AT2G38670 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G13400 AT2G38670 two hybrid AT5G21274 AT2G38670 two hybrid AT5G26980 AT2G38670 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G38840 AT1G63900 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47790 AT2G39840 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G39990 AT3G02200 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT3G54230 AT2G39990 two hybrid AT5G14600 AT2G39990 two hybrid AT5G15610 AT2G39990 two hybrid AT2G40300 AT2G01490 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G40300 AT2G40300 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G39370 AT2G40550 two hybrid AT4G08580 AT2G40650 two hybrid AT5G17900 AT2G40650 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G43590 AT2G40660 two hybrid AT5G49880 AT2G40660 two hybrid AT2G40700 AT1G34370 two hybrid AT2G40700 AT5G35930 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT2G41020 AT2G37020 two hybrid AT5G62760 AT2G41250 two hybrid AT3G55770 AT2G41630 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G41860 AT1G47500 two hybrid AT3G55360 AT2G42330 two hybrid AT5G15070 AT2G42330 two hybrid AT5G20000 AT2G42330 two hybrid AT5G27380 AT2G42330 two hybrid AT5G63800 AT2G42330 two hybrid AT4G11380 AT2G43160 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G63880 AT2G43190 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G56750 AT2G43410 two hybrid AT2G43460 AT1G51310 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G36870 AT2G43460 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G19090 AT2G43460 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G43460 AT5G49010 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT4G33650 AT2G43720 two hybrid AT5G16870 AT2G43720 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT2G43720 two hybrid AT4G24740 AT2G44200 two hybrid AT4G32660 AT2G44200 two hybrid AT5G09880 AT2G44200 two hybrid AT2G44350 AT1G44910 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G11240 AT2G44350 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G44420 AT1G77720 two hybrid AT2G44420 AT1G79000 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G44420 AT1G80370 two hybrid AT2G44420 AT2G36010 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G08730 AT2G44420 two hybrid AT3G12980 AT2G44420 two hybrid AT3G19420 AT2G44420 two hybrid AT4G35750 AT2G44420 two hybrid AT5G11300 AT2G44420 two hybrid AT5G22220 AT2G44420 two hybrid AT5G27620 AT2G44420 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G45190 AT2G44420 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G55760 AT2G44420 two hybrid AT5G61530 AT2G44420 two hybrid AT1G01510 AT2G44510 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT2G33370 AT2G44510 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT2G44530 AT2G44530 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo AT5G56710 AT2G44530 two hybrid AT2G45240 AT1G02305 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G01610 AT2G45240 two hybrid AT5G01160 AT2G45240 two hybrid AT4G13940 AT2G45270 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G45330 AT1G07360 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G45500 AT1G25420 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G29440 AT2G45500 two hybrid AT4G33250 AT2G45540 two hybrid AT2G45640 AT1G44790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G37020 AT2G45640 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT2G46170 AT2G45640 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G46220 AT2G45640 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G02730 AT2G45640 two hybrid AT5G09880 AT2G45640 two hybrid AT5G26220 AT2G45640 two hybrid AT5G41600 AT2G45640 two hybrid AT2G45730 AT5G14600 two hybrid|two hybrid|interologs mapping|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interologs mapping|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT3G58500 AT2G46280 two hybrid AT5G15020 AT2G46280 two hybrid AT5G22220 AT2G46280 two hybrid AT2G46290 AT1G10430 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G46290 AT2G36010 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G01320 AT2G46290 two hybrid AT5G01160 AT2G46520 two hybrid AT4G07390 AT2G47020 two hybrid AT2G47110 AT1G15390 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G47110 AT1G47500 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G47110 AT2G12550 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G47110 AT2G35690 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G48780 AT2G47110 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G54230 AT2G47110 two hybrid AT5G38470 AT2G47110 two hybrid AT5G38710 AT2G47110 two hybrid AT5G48655 AT2G47110 two hybrid AT4G18465 AT2G47330 two hybrid AT4G36690 AT2G47330 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G42190 AT2G47350 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G47600 AT2G04845 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G18650 AT2G47760 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G22920 AT2G47760 two hybrid AT3G10220 AT2G47770 two hybrid AT3G15180 AT2G47770 two hybrid AT5G38470 AT2G47770 two hybrid AT2G47970 AT1G53710 two hybrid AT2G47970 AT1G79000 two hybrid AT5G27620 AT2G47970 two hybrid AT5G45190 AT2G47970 two hybrid AT3G04240 AT3G01220 two hybrid AT4G24740 AT3G01220 two hybrid AT3G01320 AT1G57660 two hybrid AT3G01320 AT1G76730 two hybrid AT3G01320 AT2G37790 two hybrid AT3G12110 AT3G01320 two hybrid AT3G61790 AT3G01320 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G15930 AT3G01320 two hybrid AT5G03730 AT3G01320 two hybrid AT5G61760 AT3G01340 two hybrid AT3G52150 AT3G02090 two hybrid AT4G31290 AT3G02090 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G09230 AT3G02090 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G22840 AT3G02090 two hybrid AT5G46190 AT3G02200 two hybrid AT3G02220 AT5G25800 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT3G02530 AT1G09230 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G02530 AT5G47700 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT3G46220 AT3G02560 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G02560 AT5G49010 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT3G60750 AT3G02570 two hybrid AT5G20020 AT3G02570 two hybrid AT5G22500 AT3G02570 two hybrid AT4G17260 AT3G02870 two hybrid AT4G18590 AT3G02920 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G55130 AT3G02920 two hybrid AT3G03070 AT2G38670 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G43810 AT3G03300 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo AT5G67540 AT3G03300 two hybrid AT3G03490 AT2G34750 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G44550 AT3G03490 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G13350 AT3G03790 two hybrid AT3G03920 AT3G56340 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT3G04120 AT1G50670 two hybrid AT3G04120 AT1G67420 two hybrid AT3G12480 AT3G04120 two hybrid AT3G23990 AT3G04120 two hybrid AT3G63460 AT3G04120 two hybrid AT3G04400 AT1G03910 two hybrid AT3G04400 AT1G71790 two hybrid AT3G13550 AT3G04820 two hybrid AT5G13300 AT3G04820 two hybrid AT5G44450 AT3G04820 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G61980 AT3G04820 two hybrid AT3G04920 AT1G18660 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G04920 AT1G47500 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G36010 AT3G04920 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT3G05000 AT1G71230 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G05000 AT2G17360 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G51820 AT3G05000 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G58420 AT3G05000 two hybrid AT4G32660 AT3G05040 two hybrid AT3G54350 AT3G05070 two hybrid AT5G16870 AT3G05070 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G41150 AT3G05210 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT5G48655 AT3G05230 two hybrid AT4G11150 AT3G05540 two hybrid AT5G19000 AT3G05540 two hybrid AT5G38050 AT3G05540 two hybrid AT3G05560 AT2G34750 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G05560 AT3G05560 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G46630 AT3G05560 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G59230 AT3G05560 two hybrid AT5G35430 AT3G05590 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G19210 AT3G05740 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G33650 AT3G05740 two hybrid AT3G12980 AT3G06270 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G06470 AT2G44200 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT3G06530 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G19000 AT3G06580 two hybrid AT3G06610 AT1G80410 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G07100 AT1G02305 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G55360 AT3G07100 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G01610 AT3G07100 two hybrid AT5G26980 AT3G07100 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G05060 AT3G07300 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G27140 AT3G07300 two hybrid AT5G38640 AT3G07300 interaction prediction|two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro|interologs mapping AT5G50850 AT3G07300 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G07370 AT1G50010 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G10330 AT3G07370 two hybrid AT4G14710 AT3G07370 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G14960 AT3G07370 two hybrid AT5G02490 AT3G07370 two hybrid AT5G43850 AT3G07370 two hybrid AT3G07550 AT5G42190 two hybrid|two hybrid|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT3G07750 AT1G65440 Co-purification AT4G27490 AT3G07750 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G51800 AT3G07790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G20325 AT3G07790 two hybrid AT5G03790 AT3G07880 two hybrid AT3G08530 AT3G07790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G12480 AT3G08530 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G14170 AT3G08530 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G08690 AT1G19310 two hybrid AT3G08690 AT2G16950 two hybrid AT3G08690 AT2G17190 two hybrid AT3G08690 AT2G38280 two hybrid AT3G60300 AT3G08690 two hybrid AT3G61790 AT3G08690 two hybrid|Phenotypic Suppression AT4G11150 AT3G08690 two hybrid AT5G12210 AT3G08690 two hybrid AT5G48655 AT3G08690 two hybrid AT3G08720 AT3G10540 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|biochemical|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|biochemical|Synthetic Rescue|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G47240 AT3G08720 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G08730 AT1G69220 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT3G08730 AT2G20420 two hybrid AT3G08730 AT3G08730 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G04510 AT3G08730 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G39400 AT3G08730 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G47650 AT3G08730 two hybrid AT5G52820 AT3G08730 two hybrid AT3G09200 AT3G05000 two hybrid AT5G24510 AT3G09200 two hybrid AT3G13445 AT3G09360 in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo|in vitro AT4G32990 AT3G09380 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G09630 AT1G18660 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G09630 AT2G35690 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G09630 AT2G36880 two hybrid AT3G09630 AT3G07100 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G22020 AT3G09630 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G63880 AT3G09630 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G03840 AT3G09660 two hybrid AT4G11150 AT3G09790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G10050 AT3G10050 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|interaction prediction AT3G10070 AT2G25190 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G10070 AT3G09820 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G10070 AT3G20740 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT3G27100 AT3G10070 two hybrid AT3G54940 AT3G10070 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G55160 AT3G10070 two hybrid AT4G16710 AT3G10070 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G34540 AT3G10070 two hybrid AT4G39090 AT3G10070 two hybrid AT5G03300 AT3G10070 two hybrid AT5G47310 AT3G10070 two hybrid AT4G16520 AT3G10140 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G10300 AT3G05760 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G10300 AT3G10300 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G26980 AT3G10300 two hybrid AT3G10330 AT3G13445 interologs mapping|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping|Synthetic Rescue|two hybrid|far western blotting|Co-crystal Structure|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair|Gene neighbors method|Co-expression AT3G10370 AT2G36880 two hybrid AT4G01850 AT3G10370 two hybrid AT5G49550 AT3G10380 two hybrid AT3G10920 AT1G65700 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G11130 AT3G07790 two hybrid AT3G12480 AT3G11130 two hybrid AT3G52150 AT3G11130 two hybrid AT5G14170 AT3G11130 two hybrid AT3G11250 AT3G05000 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G11250 AT5G47700 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G48760 AT3G11470 two hybrid AT3G23990 AT3G11830 two hybrid AT3G11940 AT1G09230 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G12270 AT3G57490 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G03415 AT3G12280 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G55100 AT3G12300 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G12380 AT1G57600 two hybrid AT1G17880 AT3G12390 two hybrid|two hybrid|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT3G12390 AT2G28910 two hybrid AT4G08320 AT3G12390 two hybrid AT4G16420 AT3G12400 two hybrid AT5G62810 AT3G12430 two hybrid AT3G12530 AT5G49010 two hybrid|two hybrid|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-expression AT3G12580 AT1G18040 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G12580 AT3G07180 two hybrid AT3G25980 AT3G12580 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G46220 AT3G12580 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G48780 AT3G12580 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G61740 AT3G12580 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G48655 AT3G12580 two hybrid AT3G12760 AT1G27350 two hybrid AT3G12780 AT1G74260 two hybrid AT5G13750 AT3G12780 two hybrid AT3G12810 AT1G22200 two hybrid AT3G12810 AT1G36050 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G61740 AT3G12810 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G02020 AT3G12810 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G09650 AT3G12810 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G19310 AT3G12810 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G42400 AT3G12810 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G46250 AT3G12810 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G11510 AT3G12980 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-crystal Structure|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G19330 AT3G12980 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G26751 AT3G12980 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G13170 AT1G47500 two hybrid AT5G57450 AT3G13170 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT3G13200 AT3G02710 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G19810 AT3G13200 two hybrid AT3G13290 AT2G20420 two hybrid AT3G13550 AT1G19310 two hybrid AT3G13550 AT2G18940 two hybrid AT3G25530 AT3G13550 two hybrid AT3G59500 AT3G13550 two hybrid AT3G60300 AT3G13550 two hybrid AT5G16640 AT3G13550 two hybrid AT5G48655 AT3G13550 two hybrid AT3G13920 AT2G16950 two hybrid AT3G19420 AT3G13920 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G02470 AT3G13920 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G03415 AT3G13920 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G18070 AT3G13920 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G22220 AT3G13920 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G39400 AT3G13920 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G47480 AT3G13920 two hybrid AT3G14080 AT1G03330 two hybrid AT3G14080 AT2G29540 two hybrid AT3G26340 AT3G14080 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G34540 AT3G14100 two hybrid AT4G39080 AT3G14100 two hybrid AT5G10430 AT3G14100 two hybrid AT3G14120 AT2G30720 two hybrid AT3G14120 AT3G07790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G37880 AT3G14120 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G09630 AT3G14120 two hybrid AT5G48370 AT3G14120 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G42190 AT3G14250 two hybrid AT3G14600 AT2G44530 two hybrid AT4G00900 AT3G14600 two hybrid AT5G47080 AT3G14600 two hybrid AT4G25550 AT3G14910 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G14930 AT1G22450 two hybrid AT5G57815 AT3G14930 two hybrid AT3G15140 AT2G02080 two hybrid AT4G20325 AT3G15140 two hybrid AT4G02030 AT3G15150 two hybrid AT4G11330 AT3G15220 two hybrid AT5G60670 AT3G15220 two hybrid AT3G15870 AT3G04400 two hybrid AT5G14670 AT3G15870 two hybrid AT3G16080 AT1G76850 two hybrid AT3G16080 AT2G20635 two hybrid AT3G16080 AT2G23890 two hybrid AT4G02690 AT3G16080 two hybrid AT5G08600 AT3G16080 two hybrid AT3G16090 AT1G74150 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G32720 AT3G16320 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G16630 AT1G21720 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G16630 AT1G77440 two hybrid AT4G11150 AT3G16640 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G27530 AT3G16810 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G61740 AT3G17590 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G02020 AT3G17590 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G08580 AT3G17590 two hybrid AT5G17900 AT3G17590 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G19310 AT3G17590 Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G42400 AT3G17590 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G55000 AT3G17590 two hybrid AT4G20325 AT3G17810 two hybrid AT3G18130 AT1G16470 two hybrid AT3G18130 AT1G77670 two hybrid AT3G18130 AT2G20040 two hybrid AT3G52760 AT3G18130 two hybrid AT3G61200 AT3G18130 two hybrid AT5G03760 AT3G18130 two hybrid AT5G58575 AT3G18130 two hybrid AT3G18140 AT1G66580 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G34670 AT3G18140 two hybrid AT5G44020 AT3G18140 two hybrid AT5G67540 AT3G18140 two hybrid AT5G19990 AT3G18165 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G20000 AT3G18165 two hybrid AT3G18370 AT3G17810 two hybrid AT3G18430 AT1G27350 two hybrid AT3G18430 AT3G18430 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G58690 AT3G18430 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G59160 AT3G18430 two hybrid ATCG00480 AT3G18430 two hybrid AT3G23060 AT3G18480 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G27100 AT3G18480 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G59540 AT3G18480 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G02020 AT3G18480 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G15540 AT3G18480 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G18610 AT3G12480 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G18740 AT1G29630 two hybrid AT3G18860 AT2G39840 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G54230 AT3G18860 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G22840 AT3G18860 two hybrid AT5G59160 AT3G18860 two hybrid AT5G43130 AT3G19040 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G49010 AT3G19040 two hybrid AT3G23990 AT3G19170 two hybrid AT5G53360 AT3G19210 two hybrid AT5G51610 AT3G19260 two hybrid AT3G19420 AT3G07790 two hybrid AT3G19670 AT2G44200 two hybrid AT4G32640 AT3G20000 two hybrid AT3G20050 AT2G28910 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G20630 AT1G25420 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G29440 AT3G20630 two hybrid AT3G61740 AT3G20740 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G38130 AT3G20740 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification AT5G42400 AT3G20740 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G05180 AT3G20860 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G06150 AT3G20920 two hybrid AT5G04920 AT3G21060 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G21070 AT3G21070 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G21110 AT3G21110 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G56290 AT3G21240 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G21350 AT1G07950 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G11150 AT3G21430 two hybrid AT3G52590 AT3G21820 two hybrid AT4G14970 AT3G21820 two hybrid AT5G64350 AT3G22110 two hybrid AT5G22920 AT3G22860 two hybrid AT5G54940 AT3G22860 two hybrid AT5G18650 AT3G22950 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G22920 AT3G22950 two hybrid AT3G23060 AT3G20740 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G02020 AT3G23060 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G42400 AT3G23060 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G44280 AT3G23060 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G46250 AT3G23060 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G23390 AT2G47350 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G48655 AT3G23390 two hybrid AT3G23990 AT1G69220 two hybrid AT3G23990 AT2G42120 two hybrid AT3G55200 AT3G23990 two hybrid AT4G02570 AT3G23990 two hybrid AT5G34850 AT3G23990 two hybrid ATMG00510 AT3G23990 two hybrid AT5G08380 AT3G24010 two hybrid AT3G25520 AT3G24080 two hybrid AT5G02490 AT3G24080 two hybrid AT3G24080 AT5G39740 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G55130 AT3G24200 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G54350 AT3G24315 two hybrid AT5G45190 AT3G24315 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G04910 AT3G24350 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G11710 AT3G25040 two hybrid AT4G35750 AT3G25100 two hybrid AT5G61530 AT3G25100 two hybrid AT3G25520 AT3G05760 two hybrid AT5G38710 AT3G25520 two hybrid AT5G63840 AT3G25520 two hybrid AT3G25580 AT1G07950 two hybrid AT3G25580 AT3G04770 two hybrid AT3G26340 AT1G11755 two hybrid AT3G26340 AT1G74150 two hybrid AT4G01610 AT3G26340 two hybrid AT5G12220 AT3G26340 two hybrid AT5G35530 AT3G26570 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G26618 AT2G20560 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G44340 AT3G26770 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G04990 AT3G27060 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G27100 AT2G32730 two hybrid AT4G36870 AT3G27100 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G58575 AT3G27100 two hybrid AT4G33090 AT3G27180 two hybrid AT5G55130 AT3G27380 two hybrid AT3G28715 AT2G26210 two hybrid AT3G28715 AT3G25520 two hybrid AT4G34390 AT3G28715 two hybrid AT5G10450 AT3G28715 two hybrid AT5G39740 AT3G28715 two hybrid AT4G34540 AT3G29330 two hybrid AT5G45330 AT3G29330 two hybrid AT5G59970 AT3G29330 two hybrid AT5G08740 AT3G33520 two hybrid AT3G42050 AT4G11150 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|Co-expression AT3G43250 AT2G16950 two hybrid AT4G23860 AT3G43250 two hybrid AT3G44010 AT1G18660 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G44010 AT1G47500 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G23420 AT3G44010 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G08100 AT3G44010 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G40870 AT3G44010 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G50310 AT3G44010 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G55770 AT3G44050 two hybrid AT3G44110 AT1G12840 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G56640 AT3G44110 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G03560 AT3G44110 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G08420 AT3G44110 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G44110 AT5G09590 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G26180 AT3G44110 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G45770 AT2G32730 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G46010 AT2G37020 two hybrid AT3G46210 AT1G65440 Co-purification AT2G47350 AT3G46220 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G01160 AT3G46220 two hybrid AT5G56290 AT3G46560 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G34540 AT3G46940 two hybrid AT3G46970 AT1G71790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G47370 AT1G74150 two hybrid AT3G47370 AT3G07100 two hybrid AT3G47700 AT3G15140 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G35430 AT3G47810 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G48540 AT2G26940 two hybrid AT3G48540 AT3G48540 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT3G48750 AT1G07030 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G48750 AT2G30160 two hybrid AT3G48750 AT3G05210 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G48750 AT3G23990 two hybrid AT4G37260 AT3G48750 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G11510 AT3G48750 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G19330 AT3G48750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G22220 AT3G48750 in vivo|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|in vivo AT3G48750 AT5G45190 two hybrid|two hybrid|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G50230 AT3G48750 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G48780 AT2G09990 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G56710 AT3G48780 two hybrid AT3G54350 AT3G49010 two hybrid AT5G14170 AT3G49010 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G61330 AT3G49010 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G45190 AT3G49080 two hybrid AT3G49100 AT2G38670 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G60240 AT3G49100 two hybrid AT5G57870 AT3G49100 two hybrid AT5G01160 AT3G49180 two hybrid AT3G49910 AT3G46220 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G49990 AT1G18660 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G50670 AT2G34780 two hybrid AT4G10070 AT3G50670 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G56290 AT3G51000 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G51310 AT3G47810 two hybrid|two hybrid|interaction prediction AT5G54110 AT3G51830 two hybrid AT4G39850 AT3G51840 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G04920 AT3G52090 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT4G34670 AT3G52090 two hybrid AT5G28060 AT3G52090 two hybrid AT5G67540 AT3G52090 two hybrid AT4G34540 AT3G52120 two hybrid AT5G55100 AT3G52120 two hybrid AT4G09200 AT3G52150 two hybrid AT5G22220 AT3G52150 two hybrid AT5G47650 AT3G52150 two hybrid AT5G53360 AT3G52390 two hybrid AT3G52580 AT1G79975 two hybrid AT3G52580 AT2G29540 two hybrid AT5G38470 AT3G52590 two hybrid AT5G12020 AT3G52640 two hybrid AT4G16780 AT3G53030 two hybrid AT3G53710 AT1G51310 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G54170 AT3G46010 two hybrid AT3G57490 AT3G54170 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G50850 AT3G54170 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G59890 AT3G54170 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G54230 AT1G19910 two hybrid AT3G54230 AT1G43170 two hybrid AT3G54230 AT2G07671 two hybrid AT3G54230 AT2G23070 two hybrid AT3G54230 AT3G10090 two hybrid AT3G54230 AT3G16260 two hybrid AT3G56340 AT3G54230 two hybrid AT4G16760 AT3G54230 two hybrid AT4G24740 AT3G54230 two hybrid AT4G32660 AT3G54230 two hybrid AT4G32720 AT3G54230 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G38920 AT3G54230 two hybrid AT5G08420 AT3G54230 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G14670 AT3G54230 two hybrid AT5G43850 AT3G54230 two hybrid AT5G46410 AT3G54230 two hybrid AT5G62640 AT3G54230 two hybrid AT5G64140 AT3G54230 two hybrid AT5G67380 AT3G54230 two hybrid AT4G16700 AT3G54250 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G39850 AT3G54250 two hybrid AT3G54280 AT3G09200 Phenotypic Suppression|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G11250 AT3G54280 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Co-expression AT4G08580 AT3G54350 two hybrid AT4G31700 AT3G54350 two hybrid AT5G10360 AT3G54350 two hybrid AT5G17900 AT3G54350 two hybrid AT3G54660 AT3G52150 two hybrid AT5G42850 AT3G54660 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G54710 AT2G32170 two hybrid AT4G34370 AT3G54710 two hybrid AT5G40820 AT3G54710 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G54826 AT2G43400 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G55070 AT2G29540 two hybrid AT3G55170 AT1G65700 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G55200 AT1G16590 two hybrid AT3G55200 AT1G53710 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G55200 AT3G08730 two hybrid AT3G55200 AT3G19420 two hybrid AT5G22220 AT3G55200 two hybrid AT5G27620 AT3G55200 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G45190 AT3G55200 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47650 AT3G55200 two hybrid AT5G55760 AT3G55200 two hybrid AT3G55220 AT1G53710 two hybrid AT3G55220 AT2G36010 two hybrid AT5G27620 AT3G55220 two hybrid AT5G45190 AT3G55220 two hybrid AT5G47240 AT3G55220 two hybrid AT3G55280 AT1G01760 two hybrid AT3G55280 AT2G05830 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G08320 AT3G55280 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G55290 AT3G55290 two hybrid AT3G55440 AT2G17200 two hybrid AT4G19760 AT3G55440 two hybrid AT3G55480 AT2G47350 two hybrid AT5G47930 AT3G55480 two hybrid AT3G55750 AT3G53120 two hybrid AT5G48370 AT3G55750 two hybrid AT5G53770 AT3G55750 two hybrid AT3G55770 AT1G07360 two hybrid AT3G55770 AT1G08680 two hybrid AT3G55770 AT1G18660 two hybrid AT3G55770 AT1G48030 two hybrid AT3G55770 AT1G63800 two hybrid AT3G55770 AT3G55770 two hybrid AT4G15900 AT3G55770 two hybrid AT4G34555 AT3G55770 two hybrid AT5G23710 AT3G55770 two hybrid AT3G55930 AT1G10320 two hybrid AT3G55930 AT2G24830 two hybrid AT3G55930 AT2G42330 two hybrid AT3G55930 AT3G27530 two hybrid AT3G55930 AT3G52150 two hybrid AT3G55930 AT3G55930 two hybrid AT4G04910 AT3G55930 two hybrid AT4G16760 AT3G55930 two hybrid AT4G36690 AT3G55930 two hybrid AT5G13610 AT3G55930 two hybrid AT5G38470 AT3G55930 two hybrid AT5G40870 AT3G55930 two hybrid AT5G61970 AT3G55930 two hybrid AT3G56150 AT1G54290 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Rescue|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT5G18650 AT3G56150 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G08080 AT3G56190 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro AT5G26980 AT3G56190 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G56310 AT1G26830 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G56310 AT1G27880 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G56310 AT1G53710 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G56310 AT1G79000 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G56310 AT1G80370 two hybrid AT3G56310 AT2G27960 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G25550 AT3G56310 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G27620 AT3G56310 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G45190 AT3G56310 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G56510 AT3G25530 two hybrid AT3G56900 AT1G77720 two hybrid AT3G56900 AT1G79000 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G56900 AT3G12980 two hybrid AT4G35750 AT3G56900 two hybrid AT5G61530 AT3G56900 two hybrid AT3G56990 AT5G61330 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT3G57050 AT1G08370 two hybrid AT4G38260 AT3G57050 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G53770 AT3G57290 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G34370 AT3G57350 two hybrid AT5G62810 AT3G57350 two hybrid AT3G57360 AT1G77290 two hybrid AT3G57490 AT1G04290 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G57490 AT1G08680 two hybrid AT2G36010 AT3G57490 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT3G61200 AT3G57490 two hybrid AT4G02220 AT3G57490 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G13350 AT3G57490 two hybrid AT5G22220 AT3G57490 two hybrid AT5G64830 AT3G57490 two hybrid AT3G57550 AT3G07100 two hybrid AT5G19330 AT3G57550 Phenotypic Enhancement|in vitro AT3G57650 AT1G19910 two hybrid AT3G57650 AT1G50010 two hybrid AT3G57650 AT3G04920 two hybrid AT4G14960 AT3G57650 two hybrid AT4G38920 AT3G57650 two hybrid AT5G28060 AT3G57650 two hybrid ATCG00480 AT3G57650 two hybrid AT3G57870 AT1G02970 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G57870 AT1G07370 two hybrid|two hybrid|interologs mapping|two hybrid AT3G57870 AT1G69220 two hybrid AT3G57870 AT2G20420 two hybrid AT3G57870 AT2G29570 two hybrid AT3G57870 AT3G25840 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G57870 AT3G53640 two hybrid AT4G02570 AT3G57870 two hybrid AT4G24740 AT3G57870 two hybrid AT4G27180 AT3G57870 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT4G32660 AT3G57870 two hybrid AT5G54670 AT3G57870 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G58500 AT1G48790 two hybrid AT3G58500 AT2G39240 two hybrid AT3G58500 AT3G56490 two hybrid AT4G37280 AT3G58500 two hybrid AT5G01160 AT3G58500 two hybrid AT5G03650 AT3G58500 two hybrid AT5G03730 AT3G58500 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G07060 AT3G58500 two hybrid AT5G09310 AT3G58500 two hybrid AT5G14170 AT3G58500 two hybrid AT5G22840 AT3G58500 two hybrid AT5G26980 AT3G58500 two hybrid AT5G35530 AT3G58500 two hybrid AT5G43010 AT3G58500 two hybrid AT5G56580 AT3G58500 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G58020 AT3G58500 two hybrid AT5G58575 AT3G58500 two hybrid AT3G58730 AT1G77290 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G58730 AT3G15150 two hybrid AT4G34390 AT3G58730 two hybrid AT5G24360 AT3G58730 two hybrid AT3G59020 AT1G71860 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G59020 AT3G54170 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G11330 AT3G59020 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G59370 AT1G09230 two hybrid AT3G59410 AT2G46520 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G59500 AT2G36300 interaction prediction|two hybrid|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping|interologs mapping AT3G59500 AT3G52760 two hybrid AT3G59540 AT1G51310 two hybrid AT5G28650 AT3G59540 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G49010 AT3G59540 two hybrid AT5G62030 AT3G59630 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT3G59810 AT5G48870 two hybrid|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT3G59950 AT3G10070 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G10330 AT3G59990 two hybrid AT3G60100 AT3G19670 two hybrid AT5G11240 AT3G60100 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT3G60350 two hybrid AT3G60750 AT3G59630 two hybrid AT3G60770 AT2G05830 two hybrid AT5G10790 AT3G60820 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G60820 AT5G40580 Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G04990 AT3G61420 two hybrid AT5G42000 AT3G61420 two hybrid AT3G61620 AT1G65440 Co-purification AT5G56290 AT3G61670 two hybrid AT5G19990 AT3G61710 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G20000 AT3G61710 two hybrid AT5G19310 AT3G61740 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression AT3G61790 AT1G02090 two hybrid AT3G61790 AT1G33120 two hybrid AT3G61790 AT3G25150 two hybrid AT3G61790 AT3G56990 two hybrid AT4G14147 AT3G61790 two hybrid AT4G14150 AT3G61790 two hybrid AT5G03730 AT3G61790 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G10540 AT3G61790 two hybrid AT5G15680 AT3G61790 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G23550 AT3G61790 two hybrid AT5G52640 AT3G61790 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G61890 AT1G26830 two hybrid AT3G61890 AT1G27880 two hybrid AT3G61890 AT1G53710 two hybrid AT3G61890 AT1G79950 two hybrid AT3G61890 AT2G27960 two hybrid AT3G61890 AT2G46290 two hybrid AT3G61890 AT3G19960 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G61890 AT3G25980 two hybrid AT4G34430 AT3G61890 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G47240 AT3G61890 two hybrid AT5G27320 AT3G62210 two hybrid AT5G59470 AT3G62910 two hybrid AT3G63000 AT1G53710 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G63000 AT3G02920 two hybrid AT3G63000 AT3G12980 two hybrid AT3G63000 AT3G19420 two hybrid AT5G27620 AT3G63000 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G45190 AT3G63000 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G56290 AT3G63095 two hybrid AT3G63130 AT5G20020 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Enriched domain pair AT3G63150 AT2G26460 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G01270 AT3G63150 two hybrid AT5G41770 AT3G63150 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G63370 AT3G57870 Reconstituted Complex AT4G26750 AT3G63370 two hybrid AT5G17290 AT3G63370 two hybrid AT3G63460 AT1G77290 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G63460 AT2G30050 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G63460 AT3G01340 interaction prediction|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping AT5G14180 AT3G63460 two hybrid AT4G00100 AT2G05830 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G58575 AT4G00100 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G00660 AT3G33520 two hybrid AT4G00660 AT3G52150 two hybrid AT4G00730 AT3G61890 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G00900 AT1G09640 two hybrid AT4G00900 AT3G57610 two hybrid AT4G01270 AT1G31780 two hybrid AT4G01270 AT1G78870 two hybrid AT4G01270 AT2G36300 two hybrid AT4G01270 AT2G40550 two hybrid AT4G01270 AT3G07790 two hybrid AT4G01270 AT3G17920 two hybrid AT4G01270 AT3G52760 two hybrid AT4G30400 AT4G01270 two hybrid AT5G41770 AT4G01270 two hybrid AT4G01400 AT3G07680 two hybrid AT4G01400 AT3G22845 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G48760 AT4G01710 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G09900 AT4G01850 two hybrid AT5G42400 AT4G01850 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G37500 AT4G01880 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G01985 AT1G55150 two hybrid AT4G01985 AT3G13170 two hybrid AT4G01985 AT3G24090 two hybrid AT5G47930 AT4G01985 two hybrid AT4G02020 AT1G74150 two hybrid AT4G02020 AT3G61740 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G02020 AT4G02020 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G32830 AT4G02020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G36870 AT4G02020 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G38130 AT4G02020 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-fractionation|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G04240 AT4G02020 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G19310 AT4G02020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G42400 AT4G02020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G44280 AT4G02020 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G46250 AT4G02020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G58230 AT4G02020 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G59160 AT4G02020 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G06290 AT4G02030 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G02070 AT5G14170 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G42570 AT4G02220 two hybrid AT4G02230 AT3G05760 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G02430 AT1G77720 two hybrid AT4G02430 AT2G04845 two hybrid AT4G32660 AT4G02430 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT4G13350 AT4G02450 two hybrid AT4G20325 AT4G02580 two hybrid AT4G30480 AT4G02580 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G12210 AT4G02580 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G02690 AT3G52120 two hybrid AT4G02690 AT3G52150 two hybrid AT5G51280 AT4G02720 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G45190 AT4G02930 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G03120 AT3G06930 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G49020 AT4G03120 two hybrid AT4G11380 AT4G03430 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G03520 AT2G26830 two hybrid AT4G04910 AT4G03560 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G19003 AT4G04460 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G04470 AT3G12580 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G04910 AT4G04910 in vitro|Phenotypic Suppression AT4G15780 AT4G04910 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G18465 AT4G04910 two hybrid AT5G05760 AT4G04910 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G08080 AT4G04910 Phenotypic Enhancement|in vivo|Phenotypic Enhancement|in vivo|in vitro AT5G42080 AT4G04910 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G04950 AT3G05000 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G06634 AT3G20060 two hybrid AT4G08320 AT1G61780 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G08320 AT3G54230 two hybrid AT4G08320 AT3G54940 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G10330 AT4G08320 two hybrid AT4G20325 AT4G08320 two hybrid AT4G39090 AT4G08320 two hybrid AT5G13120 AT4G08320 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G16870 AT4G08320 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G20490 AT4G08320 two hybrid AT5G22110 AT4G08320 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G43900 AT4G08320 two hybrid AT5G49350 AT4G08320 two hybrid AT5G53540 AT4G08320 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G56290 AT4G08320 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G08350 AT1G03360 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G67540 AT4G08520 two hybrid AT4G08870 AT1G72050 two hybrid AT4G08870 AT2G47350 two hybrid AT4G08870 AT3G10070 two hybrid AT4G08870 AT3G54350 two hybrid AT5G02490 AT4G08870 two hybrid AT5G14170 AT4G08870 two hybrid AT5G16130 AT4G08870 two hybrid AT5G44720 AT4G08870 two hybrid AT5G67540 AT4G08870 two hybrid AT5G47930 AT4G08960 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G01160 AT4G09200 two hybrid AT4G09300 AT3G55070 two hybrid AT5G09630 AT4G09300 two hybrid AT5G20490 AT4G09300 two hybrid AT4G14385 AT4G09320 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G09580 AT3G07100 two hybrid AT5G18650 AT4G09760 two hybrid AT5G22920 AT4G09760 two hybrid AT4G09800 AT1G71790 two hybrid AT4G09800 AT3G05070 two hybrid AT4G16760 AT4G09800 two hybrid AT5G49310 AT4G09800 two hybrid AT5G53360 AT4G09800 two hybrid AT1G28060 AT4G09980 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT4G09980 AT2G12550 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G09980 AT3G55930 two hybrid AT4G09980 AT3G63150 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G09980 AT4G10760 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G27540 AT4G09980 two hybrid AT4G09980 AT5G40870 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT4G10040 AT3G07100 two hybrid AT4G10040 AT3G57350 two hybrid AT4G10040 AT3G61200 two hybrid AT5G57815 AT4G10040 two hybrid AT4G10070 AT1G26370 two hybrid AT4G10330 AT2G41020 two hybrid AT4G14800 AT4G10330 two hybrid AT4G10620 AT1G08780 two hybrid AT5G13300 AT4G10760 two hybrid AT5G53360 AT4G10760 two hybrid AT4G10790 AT2G44530 two hybrid AT4G11120 AT4G02930 two hybrid|pull down|Synthetic Rescue|interologs mapping AT5G09550 AT4G11120 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G12980 AT4G11260 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G11330 AT1G02970 two hybrid AT4G11330 AT1G18660 two hybrid AT4G11330 AT3G54180 two hybrid AT4G11330 AT4G11330 two hybrid AT4G21820 AT4G11330 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G24440 AT4G11330 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G02470 AT4G11330 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G02490 AT4G11330 two hybrid AT5G03730 AT4G11330 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|in vivo AT5G17690 AT4G11330 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G19330 AT4G11330 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G22220 AT4G11330 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G45970 AT4G11330 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Co-purification AT5G53360 AT4G11330 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G57610 AT4G11330 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|in vivo|in vitro AT5G60440 AT4G11330 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G11420 AT2G02080 two hybrid AT4G35630 AT4G11600 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G11920 AT4G33260 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Gene neighbors method|Phylogenetic profile method AT4G36250 AT4G12400 two hybrid AT5G56000 AT4G12400 two hybrid|in vitro AT4G12770 AT2G32590 two hybrid AT4G13350 AT4G12770 two hybrid AT5G41770 AT4G12770 two hybrid AT5G43710 AT4G12770 two hybrid AT5G47100 AT4G12770 two hybrid AT5G53360 AT4G12770 two hybrid AT5G67540 AT4G12770 two hybrid AT4G13350 AT1G21630 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro AT4G13350 AT3G33520 two hybrid AT5G64140 AT4G13350 two hybrid AT4G13940 AT3G58500 two hybrid AT5G01750 AT4G13940 two hybrid AT5G24510 AT4G13940 two hybrid AT4G14040 AT1G05730 two hybrid AT4G14040 AT2G43720 two hybrid AT4G14150 AT1G09770 two hybrid AT5G02490 AT4G14305 two hybrid AT4G14320 AT2G47350 two hybrid AT5G20430 AT4G14350 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G28220 AT4G14695 two hybrid AT4G14960 AT3G46220 two hybrid AT4G14960 AT4G09150 two hybrid AT5G19350 AT4G14960 two hybrid AT5G49550 AT4G14960 two hybrid AT5G54670 AT4G14960 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G15000 AT1G14030 two hybrid AT4G18465 AT4G15000 two hybrid AT5G04990 AT4G15000 two hybrid AT4G15030 AT1G36240 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G15030 AT2G36160 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G15030 AT3G07790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G15030 AT3G18740 two hybrid AT4G15030 AT3G52580 two hybrid AT5G09880 AT4G15180 two hybrid AT4G15780 AT4G15780 Phenotypic Suppression|in vivo AT4G20325 AT4G15802 two hybrid AT4G15880 AT1G67420 two hybrid AT4G15930 AT2G12550 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G26200 AT4G15930 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT4G15930 AT2G30330 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G15930 AT3G05540 two hybrid AT4G15930 AT3G10180 two hybrid AT4G15930 AT3G14600 two hybrid AT4G15930 AT4G02230 two hybrid AT5G01670 AT4G15930 two hybrid AT5G64830 AT4G15930 two hybrid AT5G66730 AT4G15930 two hybrid AT4G15940 AT3G07100 two hybrid AT5G37290 AT4G15940 two hybrid AT4G34670 AT4G16144 two hybrid AT5G08630 AT4G16144 two hybrid AT5G48760 AT4G16144 two hybrid AT4G16280 AT2G44200 two hybrid AT4G16360 AT4G14710 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G08420 AT4G16360 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G14170 AT4G16360 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G50850 AT4G16360 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G16420 AT1G64550 two hybrid AT2G17930 AT4G16420 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interologs mapping|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT4G16420 AT3G03570 two hybrid AT4G16420 AT3G07300 interaction prediction|two hybrid AT4G16420 AT3G07790 two hybrid AT4G16420 AT3G44010 two hybrid AT4G16420 AT4G04910 two hybrid AT4G16420 AT4G16420 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G33865 AT4G16420 two hybrid AT4G36080 AT4G16420 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G38440 AT4G16420 two hybrid AT4G40050 AT4G16420 two hybrid AT5G06160 AT4G16420 two hybrid AT5G12020 AT4G16420 two hybrid AT5G14170 AT4G16420 two hybrid AT5G60620 AT4G16420 two hybrid AT5G10450 AT4G16520 two hybrid AT5G52590 AT4G16520 two hybrid AT5G56290 AT4G16520 two hybrid AT4G16570 AT1G69220 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT4G16570 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G16640 AT4G16640 Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G25020 AT4G16680 two hybrid AT5G09650 AT4G16700 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G20325 AT4G16710 two hybrid AT4G16720 AT1G18660 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G46720 AT4G16720 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G16760 AT1G03910 two hybrid AT4G16760 AT1G16590 two hybrid AT4G16760 AT1G27880 two hybrid AT4G16760 AT1G47550 two hybrid AT4G16760 AT1G56450 two hybrid AT4G16760 AT2G11000 two hybrid AT4G16760 AT2G17250 two hybrid AT4G16760 AT3G17750 two hybrid AT4G16760 AT4G13940 two hybrid AT4G16760 AT4G15000 two hybrid AT4G18465 AT4G16760 two hybrid AT5G04990 AT4G16760 two hybrid AT5G17020 AT4G16760 two hybrid AT5G40040 AT4G16760 two hybrid AT5G41770 AT4G16760 two hybrid AT5G47650 AT4G16760 two hybrid AT5G49930 AT4G16760 two hybrid AT4G16780 AT1G31780 two hybrid AT4G16780 AT3G60770 two hybrid AT5G23450 AT4G16780 two hybrid AT4G16800 AT3G17810 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G20620 AT4G16970 two hybrid AT5G10450 AT4G17020 two hybrid AT5G37055 AT4G17020 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G38050 AT4G17020 two hybrid AT5G41210 AT4G17020 two hybrid AT4G17170 AT3G07180 two hybrid AT4G17170 AT3G42050 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G17390 AT1G18660 two hybrid AT4G17390 AT3G02910 two hybrid AT4G17486 AT2G26970 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G17486 AT3G59500 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G17530 AT1G47500 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G18040 AT1G35470 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G18040 AT5G55130 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT4G18100 AT2G01070 two hybrid AT4G18465 AT1G56070 two hybrid AT4G18465 AT2G47350 two hybrid AT4G18465 AT3G54350 two hybrid AT5G03840 AT4G18465 two hybrid AT5G24670 AT4G18465 two hybrid AT5G56000 AT4G18465 two hybrid AT4G18590 AT1G74150 two hybrid AT4G32660 AT4G19000 two hybrid AT4G19003 AT5G04920 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-crystal Structure|two hybrid|Co-crystal Structure|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair AT4G19190 AT1G10320 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G19190 AT1G53720 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G19190 AT1G57860 two hybrid AT4G19190 AT2G28910 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G19190 AT2G44200 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G19190 AT3G04240 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G19190 AT3G07100 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G19190 AT3G57660 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G19190 AT4G02720 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G19190 AT4G19190 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G20325 AT4G19190 two hybrid AT4G25020 AT4G19190 two hybrid AT4G34110 AT4G19190 two hybrid AT5G01670 AT4G19190 two hybrid AT5G09650 AT4G19190 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G09880 AT4G19190 two hybrid AT5G44500 AT4G19190 two hybrid AT5G55100 AT4G19190 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G67540 AT4G19190 two hybrid AT4G19540 AT2G39840 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G59160 AT4G19540 two hybrid AT4G19610 AT2G14045 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G19610 AT2G19730 two hybrid AT4G19610 AT4G29410 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT4G34670 AT4G19610 two hybrid AT5G10450 AT4G19610 two hybrid AT5G36230 AT4G19610 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G52640 AT4G19610 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G56000 AT4G19610 two hybrid AT5G60670 AT4G19610 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G67540 AT4G19610 two hybrid AT4G20280 AT3G06270 two hybrid AT4G20320 AT1G55900 two hybrid AT4G20320 AT4G20320 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G20325 AT3G05210 two hybrid AT4G20325 AT3G55770 two hybrid AT4G20330 AT1G03280 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping|in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|synthetic growth defect|interaction prediction AT4G20400 AT3G61740 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G42400 AT4G20400 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G20440 AT1G03910 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G20440 AT2G33210 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G20440 AT2G44680 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G25980 AT4G20440 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT4G20440 AT4G04460 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G38470 AT4G20440 two hybrid AT4G21010 AT4G20810 in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro AT4G21450 AT2G25050 two hybrid AT4G21450 AT4G20325 two hybrid AT4G22540 AT4G21450 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G21520 AT3G07100 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G21540 AT3G07100 two hybrid AT5G02730 AT4G21540 two hybrid AT5G56290 AT4G21660 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G21710 AT3G07100 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G21710 AT4G35800 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-purification|Co-crystal Structure|Co-crystal Structure|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|far western blotting|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Reconstituted Complex|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT4G29810 AT4G21820 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G56580 AT4G21820 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G22380 AT5G49010 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G61760 AT4G22670 two hybrid AT4G23860 AT3G55360 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G39850 AT4G23860 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G01160 AT4G23860 two hybrid AT4G23920 AT4G23920 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G24040 AT1G56590 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G24740 AT1G26830 two hybrid AT4G24740 AT3G25840 two hybrid AT4G24740 AT3G25980 two hybrid AT4G24740 AT4G24740 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G42190 AT4G24740 two hybrid AT5G47240 AT4G24740 two hybrid AT4G24770 AT1G28490 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G24770 AT2G34480 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G24770 AT4G24770 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G35530 AT4G24770 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G50850 AT4G24770 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G24880 AT1G65700 two hybrid AT4G24880 AT1G77440 two hybrid AT4G25310 AT1G61580 two hybrid AT4G25550 AT2G26940 two hybrid AT5G01160 AT4G25550 two hybrid AT5G10810 AT4G25550 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G25630 AT5G11900 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT4G25950 AT3G05000 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G25950 AT4G11150 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G23670 AT4G25950 two hybrid AT5G12020 AT4G26300 two hybrid AT4G26390 AT1G44170 two hybrid AT5G20020 AT4G26390 two hybrid AT5G36160 AT4G26390 two hybrid AT5G46630 AT4G26390 two hybrid AT4G26530 AT3G05070 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G26530 AT3G28715 two hybrid AT4G26530 AT4G26530 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G64630 AT4G26530 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G26600 AT1G71270 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G26750 AT1G19310 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G26750 AT1G28060 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G26750 AT3G47370 two hybrid AT4G26750 AT3G55360 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G26750 AT3G55930 two hybrid AT4G26750 AT4G20320 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G12020 AT4G26750 two hybrid AT5G38600 AT4G26750 two hybrid AT5G62300 AT4G26750 two hybrid AT5G03415 AT4G26870 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G17290 AT4G26870 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G27040 AT1G66070 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G19003 AT4G27040 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-crystal Structure|Co-crystal Structure|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|Enriched domain pair AT5G37475 AT4G27040 two hybrid AT4G27090 AT3G54230 two hybrid AT5G02760 AT4G27090 two hybrid AT5G21274 AT4G27090 two hybrid AT5G60940 AT4G27090 two hybrid AT4G27120 AT3G46220 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G27180 AT5G05620 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Enriched domain pair AT5G38890 AT4G27490 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G27680 AT4G08320 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G37590 AT4G27745 two hybrid AT4G28360 AT3G12480 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G57815 AT4G28470 two hybrid AT4G28480 AT3G25520 two hybrid AT4G28680 AT3G48750 two hybrid AT4G28680 AT4G18060 two hybrid AT5G04990 AT4G28760 two hybrid AT4G28820 AT2G03870 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G28820 AT2G41630 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G28820 AT3G10330 two hybrid AT4G28820 AT3G18060 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G33260 AT4G28820 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G16570 AT4G28820 two hybrid AT5G27080 AT4G28820 two hybrid AT5G35630 AT4G28820 two hybrid AT5G53360 AT4G28830 two hybrid AT4G29010 AT2G26210 two hybrid AT4G29020 AT1G19140 two hybrid AT4G29020 AT3G02920 two hybrid AT4G29020 AT3G25980 two hybrid AT4G29020 AT4G08320 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G35750 AT4G29020 two hybrid AT5G11300 AT4G29020 two hybrid AT5G22220 AT4G29020 two hybrid AT5G27620 AT4G29020 two hybrid AT5G47650 AT4G29020 two hybrid AT4G34540 AT4G29040 two hybrid AT5G54590 AT4G29040 two hybrid AT4G29390 AT1G47500 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G29510 AT4G03120 two hybrid AT5G47080 AT4G29510 two hybrid AT4G29580 AT4G29580 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G19000 AT4G29580 two hybrid AT5G65165 AT4G29580 two hybrid AT4G29720 AT4G01270 two hybrid AT5G41210 AT4G29720 two hybrid AT5G61970 AT4G29720 two hybrid AT5G19090 AT4G29810 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G38480 AT4G29810 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G29950 AT1G14360 two hybrid AT4G29950 AT3G47810 two hybrid AT5G06260 AT4G29950 two hybrid AT2G03870 AT4G30220 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT2G47640 AT4G30220 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT4G30330 AT1G61040 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G03870 AT4G30330 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT4G30220 AT4G30330 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|two hybrid|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT4G30580 AT1G58050 two hybrid AT4G30800 AT1G04290 two hybrid AT4G30800 AT3G01160 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G30800 AT4G19610 two hybrid AT4G30800 AT4G20325 two hybrid AT4G35750 AT4G30870 two hybrid AT5G61530 AT4G30870 two hybrid AT5G24510 AT4G30920 two hybrid AT5G61810 AT4G30920 two hybrid AT4G30990 AT1G56590 two hybrid AT4G30991 AT1G56590 two hybrid AT4G31050 AT4G00900 two hybrid AT5G02470 AT4G31180 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G17290 AT4G31180 two hybrid AT5G22220 AT4G31180 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G31200 AT3G57550 two hybrid AT5G01600 AT4G31200 two hybrid AT5G15540 AT4G31200 two hybrid AT4G31300 AT3G45640 two hybrid AT4G31300 AT4G11330 two hybrid AT4G31400 AT3G27530 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G31400 AT4G01270 two hybrid AT5G04990 AT4G31400 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G09380 AT4G31400 two hybrid AT5G06170 AT4G31420 two hybrid AT5G44500 AT4G31480 two hybrid AT4G31490 AT4G20440 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G31720 AT1G63800 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G31720 AT4G16420 interaction prediction|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|interologs mapping AT5G38050 AT4G31720 two hybrid AT5G41340 AT4G31720 two hybrid AT5G51940 AT4G31720 two hybrid AT4G31770 AT3G27530 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G59890 AT4G32180 two hybrid AT4G32520 AT3G06270 two hybrid AT5G20000 AT4G32560 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G32660 AT1G26830 two hybrid AT4G32660 AT3G17750 two hybrid AT4G32660 AT3G25980 two hybrid AT4G32660 AT3G53640 two hybrid AT4G32660 AT4G02570 two hybrid AT4G32660 AT4G32660 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G42190 AT4G32660 two hybrid AT5G47650 AT4G32660 two hybrid AT5G40820 AT4G32700 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G32760 AT3G12480 two hybrid AT4G32840 AT3G55770 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G32850 AT1G76850 two hybrid AT1G65700 AT4G32910 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT4G33010 AT1G36340 two hybrid AT5G47530 AT4G33410 two hybrid AT4G33650 AT3G57350 two hybrid AT4G33865 AT1G18660 two hybrid AT5G02730 AT4G33865 two hybrid AT5G08100 AT4G33865 two hybrid AT5G19350 AT4G33865 two hybrid AT5G40870 AT4G33865 two hybrid AT5G50130 AT4G33865 two hybrid AT5G50310 AT4G33865 two hybrid AT5G58575 AT4G33865 two hybrid AT5G16870 AT4G33945 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G34110 AT3G27100 two hybrid AT4G34270 AT1G10430 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G34270 AT3G58500 two hybrid|Phenotypic Suppression AT4G34370 AT1G20380 two hybrid AT4G34370 AT1G50970 two hybrid AT4G34370 AT3G04240 two hybrid AT5G01160 AT4G34370 two hybrid AT5G57090 AT4G34370 two hybrid AT5G59470 AT4G34370 two hybrid AT4G34390 AT1G31870 two hybrid AT4G34390 AT1G55900 two hybrid AT4G34390 AT1G56070 two hybrid AT4G34390 AT3G23990 two hybrid AT4G34390 AT4G00100 two hybrid AT4G34390 AT4G01850 two hybrid AT5G10360 AT4G34390 two hybrid AT5G45190 AT4G34390 two hybrid AT5G45970 AT4G34390 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G63770 AT4G34390 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G34430 AT1G44120 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G02470 AT4G34430 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G03415 AT4G34430 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G14170 AT4G34430 far western blotting|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G19310 AT4G34430 Co-purification|far western blotting|Reconstituted Complex AT5G19330 AT4G34430 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G22220 AT4G34430 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G26751 AT4G34430 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G38110 AT4G34430 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G41580 AT4G34430 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G34450 AT3G56340 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G34460 AT3G02570 two hybrid AT5G26600 AT4G34460 two hybrid AT4G34540 AT1G10130 two hybrid AT4G34540 AT1G18660 two hybrid AT4G34540 AT2G26590 two hybrid AT4G34540 AT3G07680 two hybrid AT4G34540 AT3G52150 two hybrid AT4G34540 AT4G32640 two hybrid AT5G35430 AT4G34540 two hybrid AT5G54280 AT4G34540 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G59890 AT4G34540 two hybrid|in vitro|two hybrid|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western ATCG00480 AT4G34540 two hybrid AT4G34670 AT2G36010 two hybrid AT4G34670 AT3G17590 two hybrid AT4G34700 AT3G54350 two hybrid AT5G03650 AT4G34700 two hybrid AT5G05210 AT4G34700 two hybrid AT5G06290 AT4G34700 two hybrid AT5G22220 AT4G35090 two hybrid AT5G23710 AT4G35090 two hybrid AT5G16040 AT4G35630 two hybrid AT4G35740 AT1G71790 two hybrid AT5G57450 AT4G35740 two hybrid AT4G35750 AT1G47550 two hybrid AT4G35750 AT1G67320 two hybrid AT5G47650 AT4G35750 two hybrid AT4G35830 AT1G04200 two hybrid AT4G35830 AT3G05000 two hybrid AT4G35830 AT4G18465 two hybrid AT5G17290 AT4G35830 two hybrid AT5G63770 AT4G35830 two hybrid AT4G36020 AT1G04290 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G37020 AT4G36420 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT4G36630 AT1G09640 two hybrid AT4G36630 AT1G57720 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G36630 AT2G17360 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G36630 AT2G36160 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G36630 AT3G02560 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G36630 AT3G18820 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G36630 AT3G52580 two hybrid AT4G36630 AT3G57610 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G36630 AT4G16720 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G36630 AT4G17390 two hybrid AT4G36630 AT4G31700 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G02490 AT4G36630 two hybrid AT5G10360 AT4G36630 two hybrid AT5G16130 AT4G36630 two hybrid AT5G39620 AT4G36630 two hybrid AT5G58420 AT4G36630 two hybrid AT4G36690 AT3G52120 two hybrid AT4G36720 AT4G36720 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G35430 AT4G36760 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G36800 AT4G18440 two hybrid AT5G15540 AT4G36870 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G19090 AT4G36870 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G37040 AT3G23990 two hybrid AT5G09880 AT4G37120 two hybrid AT4G37130 AT1G08370 two hybrid AT4G37130 AT1G10170 two hybrid AT5G06150 AT4G37260 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT4G37280 AT1G67120 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G05210 AT4G37280 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G37680 AT1G07980 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G37680 AT3G05520 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G37880 AT4G37880 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G38130 AT1G71790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G25170 AT4G38130 Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|in vivo|Co-expression AT4G38130 AT4G16845 Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G58230 AT4G38130 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification AT4G38220 AT2G34570 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G38220 AT3G16630 two hybrid AT4G38260 AT4G11150 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G38630 AT5G49510 two hybrid|two hybrid|Phenotypic Suppression|Co-expression AT4G38680 AT3G10070 two hybrid AT4G38740 AT2G16950 two hybrid AT4G38740 AT2G36010 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G38740 AT4G28820 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G38740 AT4G30330 two hybrid AT5G22220 AT4G38740 two hybrid AT5G48970 AT4G38740 two hybrid AT5G56750 AT4G38740 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G38880 AT1G69220 two hybrid AT4G38880 AT1G77720 two hybrid AT4G38880 AT3G12980 two hybrid AT4G38880 AT4G35750 two hybrid AT4G38920 AT2G04845 two hybrid AT4G38930 AT3G13290 two hybrid AT4G38930 AT3G25980 two hybrid AT4G38930 AT3G63000 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47650 AT4G38930 two hybrid AT4G39080 AT2G41250 two hybrid AT5G52640 AT4G39080 two hybrid AT5G56000 AT4G39080 two hybrid AT4G39160 AT4G19190 two hybrid AT4G39200 AT4G00900 two hybrid AT4G39200 AT4G38350 two hybrid AT5G28650 AT4G39200 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G39370 AT4G06634 two hybrid AT4G39910 AT4G10330 two hybrid AT5G48370 AT4G39920 two hybrid AT5G01230 AT4G10620 two hybrid AT5G39740 AT5G01390 two hybrid AT5G01580 AT1G14820 two hybrid AT5G01580 AT3G09200 two hybrid AT5G01580 AT3G52150 two hybrid AT5G01580 AT4G00660 two hybrid AT5G01580 AT4G34110 two hybrid AT5G12020 AT5G01580 two hybrid AT5G63190 AT5G01580 two hybrid AT5G01600 AT2G01490 two hybrid AT5G58575 AT5G01600 two hybrid AT5G01670 AT1G67420 two hybrid AT5G01670 AT4G08320 two hybrid AT5G01670 AT4G29440 two hybrid AT5G21274 AT5G01670 two hybrid AT5G01960 AT2G47210 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G02310 AT1G14980 two hybrid AT5G02310 AT3G56340 two hybrid AT5G56290 AT5G02380 two hybrid AT5G02450 AT4G10050 two hybrid AT5G28650 AT5G02450 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G11510 AT5G02470 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G67320 AT5G02470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G02490 AT1G66750 two hybrid AT5G02490 AT2G37020 two hybrid AT5G02490 AT2G39240 two hybrid AT5G02490 AT3G07180 two hybrid AT5G02490 AT3G25980 two hybrid AT5G02490 AT3G27180 two hybrid AT5G02490 AT3G46220 two hybrid AT5G09880 AT5G02490 two hybrid AT5G23670 AT5G02490 two hybrid AT5G42080 AT5G02490 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G42400 AT5G02490 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G53360 AT5G02490 two hybrid AT5G54590 AT5G02490 two hybrid AT5G02560 AT1G42480 two hybrid AT5G02620 AT1G80930 two hybrid AT5G02620 AT3G55750 two hybrid AT5G39850 AT5G02620 two hybrid AT5G02730 AT1G77300 two hybrid AT5G02730 AT4G12790 two hybrid AT5G14670 AT5G02730 two hybrid AT5G38470 AT5G02730 two hybrid AT5G02760 AT4G20325 two hybrid AT5G56710 AT5G02760 two hybrid AT5G53770 AT5G02780 two hybrid AT5G19350 AT5G02820 two hybrid AT5G57450 AT5G02820 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G02960 AT4G23860 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G03160 AT5G02490 two hybrid AT5G03415 AT4G37260 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G03415 AT5G19310 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-expression AT5G03415 AT5G67320 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-expression AT5G07060 AT5G03430 two hybrid AT5G03450 AT3G54826 two hybrid AT5G20490 AT5G03530 two hybrid AT5G03690 AT3G05070 two hybrid AT5G03690 AT3G28715 two hybrid AT5G38050 AT5G03690 two hybrid AT5G64630 AT5G03690 two hybrid AT5G03730 AT1G43170 two hybrid AT5G03730 AT1G61580 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G03730 AT2G39550 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G03730 AT3G05230 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G03730 AT3G45880 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G03730 AT3G55360 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G03730 AT3G56340 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G14170 AT5G03730 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G19330 AT5G03730 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G27430 AT5G03730 two hybrid AT5G36940 AT5G03730 two hybrid AT5G43130 AT5G03730 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G45970 AT5G03730 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G53360 AT5G03730 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G56580 AT5G03730 in vivo|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G56600 AT5G03730 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G03760 AT1G71790 two hybrid AT5G03790 AT1G31780 two hybrid AT5G03790 AT3G02920 two hybrid AT5G03790 AT4G00100 two hybrid AT5G03790 AT4G20325 two hybrid AT5G06600 AT5G03790 two hybrid AT5G13400 AT5G03790 two hybrid AT5G14040 AT5G03790 two hybrid AT5G51290 AT5G03790 two hybrid AT5G52650 AT5G03790 two hybrid AT5G53360 AT5G03790 two hybrid AT5G03830 AT1G01510 two hybrid AT5G03830 AT3G04400 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G03840 AT4G20325 two hybrid AT5G03840 AT5G03760 two hybrid AT5G03905 AT2G17440 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G04170 AT3G05760 two hybrid AT5G04170 AT5G04170 two hybrid AT5G04180 AT4G38220 two hybrid AT5G56670 AT5G04180 two hybrid AT5G42400 AT5G04240 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G46250 AT5G04240 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G46190 AT5G04430 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G64390 AT5G04430 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G04460 AT4G32720 two hybrid AT5G56150 AT5G04460 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G06460 AT5G04620 two hybrid AT5G04740 AT3G56640 two hybrid AT5G04740 AT5G03560 two hybrid AT5G08420 AT5G04740 two hybrid AT5G09590 AT5G04740 two hybrid AT5G12010 AT5G04740 two hybrid AT5G26180 AT5G04740 two hybrid AT5G53540 AT5G04740 two hybrid AT5G04800 AT2G44530 two hybrid AT5G28650 AT5G04800 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G04990 AT2G26430 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G04990 AT3G07790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G04990 AT4G11150 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G04990 AT5G04460 two hybrid AT5G07060 AT5G04990 two hybrid AT5G36160 AT5G04990 two hybrid AT5G05210 AT2G44200 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G05460 AT3G33520 two hybrid AT5G05470 AT1G04170 two hybrid AT1G53720 AT5G05470 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G05470 AT2G23740 two hybrid AT5G05620 AT4G09150 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G05620 AT4G12870 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G05620 AT5G01580 two hybrid AT5G06680 AT5G05620 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT5G17410 AT5G05620 Reconstituted Complex AT5G54670 AT5G05620 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G05970 AT1G48790 two hybrid AT5G05970 AT5G05970 two hybrid AT5G63880 AT5G05970 two hybrid AT5G06140 AT2G37020 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G06140 AT3G60840 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G06150 AT1G03150 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G06150 AT1G07360 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G06150 AT1G56170 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G06150 AT2G34660 two hybrid AT5G06150 AT3G52120 two hybrid AT5G06150 AT3G52150 two hybrid AT5G06150 AT4G02580 two hybrid AT5G07060 AT5G06150 two hybrid AT5G11300 AT5G06150 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G11510 AT5G06150 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G45970 AT5G06150 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G49010 AT5G06150 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G51280 AT5G06150 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G53360 AT5G06150 two hybrid AT5G54280 AT5G06150 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G56140 AT5G06150 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G56600 AT5G06150 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G06160 AT1G12370 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G14650 AT5G06160 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G06160 AT1G27752 two hybrid AT5G06160 AT1G66520 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G02560 AT5G06160 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G06160 AT3G25520 two hybrid AT5G06160 AT3G27530 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G06160 AT5G14250 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G16130 AT5G06160 two hybrid AT5G06160 AT5G39740 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G06260 AT1G13950 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G06260 AT1G17745 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G06260 AT1G26630 two hybrid AT5G06260 AT3G13580 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G06260 AT4G20325 two hybrid AT5G06260 AT4G34200 two hybrid AT5G06260 AT5G02560 two hybrid AT5G51280 AT5G06460 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT5G06530 two hybrid AT1G02970 AT5G06550 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G06550 AT2G12550 two hybrid AT5G06550 AT2G14120 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G06550 AT2G44530 two hybrid AT5G06550 AT4G20325 two hybrid AT5G06550 AT4G33650 two hybrid AT5G18170 AT5G06550 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G06550 AT5G63400 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G17410 AT5G06680 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|interologs mapping|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Colocalization|interaction prediction AT5G07060 AT3G26340 two hybrid AT5G07120 AT2G37020 two hybrid AT5G51600 AT5G07120 two hybrid AT5G07450 AT3G17590 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G07780 AT3G27530 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G08080 AT2G26940 two hybrid AT5G10450 AT5G08080 two hybrid AT5G35530 AT5G08100 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G08180 AT1G56070 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G08180 AT4G12610 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G08190 AT3G12480 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro AT5G08190 AT4G20280 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G43250 AT5G08190 two hybrid AT5G08380 AT1G26830 two hybrid AT5G08380 AT1G27880 two hybrid AT5G08380 AT1G53710 two hybrid AT5G08380 AT1G77720 two hybrid AT5G08380 AT1G80460 two hybrid AT5G08380 AT2G01120 two hybrid AT5G08380 AT2G27970 two hybrid AT5G08380 AT3G08730 two hybrid AT5G08380 AT3G12980 two hybrid AT5G08380 AT3G19420 two hybrid AT5G08380 AT3G53930 two hybrid AT5G08380 AT3G54180 two hybrid AT5G08380 AT4G02570 two hybrid AT5G08380 AT4G25550 two hybrid AT5G08380 AT5G01160 two hybrid AT5G11300 AT5G08380 two hybrid AT5G27620 AT5G08380 two hybrid AT5G39410 AT5G08380 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT5G08380 two hybrid AT5G45190 AT5G08380 two hybrid AT5G55760 AT5G08380 two hybrid AT5G60570 AT5G08380 two hybrid AT5G63670 AT5G08380 two hybrid AT5G25060 AT5G08420 two hybrid AT5G08470 AT1G07950 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G08535 AT1G18660 two hybrid AT5G08535 AT2G26460 two hybrid AT5G08535 AT3G55930 two hybrid AT5G08535 AT4G09980 two hybrid AT5G08535 AT4G15930 two hybrid AT5G30495 AT5G08535 two hybrid AT5G47820 AT5G08535 two hybrid AT5G53360 AT5G08550 two hybrid AT5G08560 AT1G61150 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G08560 AT4G09300 two hybrid AT5G19000 AT5G08560 two hybrid AT5G08630 AT5G18620 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Enhancement|in vitro|in vivo|Co-expression AT5G09230 AT3G17810 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G09230 AT4G39080 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G16150 AT5G09230 two hybrid AT5G59410 AT5G09230 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G09250 AT2G16950 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G03490 AT5G09250 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G17550 AT5G09250 two hybrid AT5G09300 AT3G44340 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G09300 AT4G32640 two hybrid AT5G49530 AT5G09380 two hybrid|in vivo AT5G09590 AT1G31440 two hybrid AT5G09590 AT3G54826 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex AT5G09590 AT4G18060 two hybrid AT5G09630 AT1G10320 two hybrid AT5G09630 AT5G09630 two hybrid AT5G09650 AT3G10300 two hybrid AT5G09650 AT4G20325 two hybrid AT5G14170 AT5G09650 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G22760 AT5G09650 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Reconstituted Complex AT5G09740 AT2G28910 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G61970 AT5G09740 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G09880 AT1G53710 two hybrid AT5G09880 AT3G02920 two hybrid AT5G09880 AT4G24740 two hybrid AT5G09880 AT4G25020 two hybrid AT5G09880 AT4G32660 two hybrid AT5G09880 AT5G09880 two hybrid AT5G47240 AT5G09880 two hybrid AT5G47650 AT5G09880 two hybrid AT5G09900 AT5G45620 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G10220 AT1G55150 two hybrid AT5G10220 AT2G26940 two hybrid AT5G55000 AT5G10220 two hybrid AT5G61970 AT5G10220 two hybrid AT5G10260 AT1G79830 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10260 AT4G39080 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G18110 AT5G10260 two hybrid AT5G10430 AT4G32640 two hybrid AT5G10450 AT4G36130 two hybrid AT5G10450 AT5G01800 two hybrid AT5G10450 AT5G10450 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45330 AT5G10450 two hybrid AT5G47210 AT5G10450 two hybrid AT5G53360 AT5G10450 two hybrid AT5G61070 AT5G10450 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT1G80350 AT5G10540 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G10810 AT1G53710 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G10810 AT2G05830 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G10810 AT3G06270 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT5G10810 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47240 AT5G10810 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47650 AT5G10810 two hybrid AT5G11010 AT1G34370 two hybrid AT5G11010 AT2G01320 two hybrid AT2G34480 AT5G11010 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G11010 AT3G14600 two hybrid AT3G19760 AT5G11010 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G11010 AT3G55280 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G11010 AT4G10050 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G31700 AT5G11010 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G11010 AT5G10360 two hybrid AT5G20290 AT5G11010 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47480 AT5G11010 two hybrid AT5G11010 AT5G48760 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G56710 AT5G11010 two hybrid AT5G11200 AT1G29030 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G11200 AT2G19640 two hybrid AT5G11200 AT2G26940 two hybrid AT5G11200 AT2G34040 two hybrid AT5G11200 AT3G21820 two hybrid AT5G22020 AT5G11200 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G24180 AT5G11200 two hybrid AT5G19330 AT5G11300 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G37290 AT5G11300 two hybrid AT5G56150 AT5G11300 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G11690 AT1G16720 two hybrid AT5G11710 AT4G11380 two hybrid AT5G53540 AT5G11880 two hybrid AT1G09150 AT5G11900 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G11900 AT2G47110 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G11900 AT3G01320 two hybrid AT5G11900 AT4G14710 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G11900 AT4G31720 two hybrid AT5G11900 AT5G11900 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G15020 AT5G11900 two hybrid AT5G39850 AT5G11900 two hybrid AT5G43850 AT5G11900 two hybrid AT5G11980 AT3G17750 two hybrid AT3G25980 AT5G11980 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G16300 AT5G11980 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT5G11980 two hybrid AT5G47240 AT5G11980 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47650 AT5G11980 two hybrid AT5G12020 AT1G71790 two hybrid AT5G12020 AT2G04845 two hybrid AT5G12020 AT2G26830 two hybrid AT5G12020 AT3G46220 two hybrid AT5G22220 AT5G12020 two hybrid AT5G41600 AT5G12020 two hybrid AT5G12210 AT3G52150 two hybrid AT5G18070 AT5G12210 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G41820 AT5G12210 two hybrid AT5G54590 AT5G12220 two hybrid AT5G41370 AT5G12250 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G12390 AT5G01160 two hybrid AT5G22840 AT5G12390 two hybrid AT5G12840 AT5G04990 two hybrid AT5G12840 AT5G12210 two hybrid AT5G12840 AT5G12840 two hybrid AT5G12980 AT1G26840 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G12980 AT2G25740 two hybrid AT2G27100 AT5G12980 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G12980 AT2G29570 two hybrid AT5G12980 AT2G33040 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G39740 AT5G12980 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47650 AT5G12980 two hybrid AT5G13120 AT1G56070 two hybrid AT5G13120 AT3G04240 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G13120 AT3G55360 two hybrid AT5G45190 AT5G13120 two hybrid AT5G13300 AT1G53710 two hybrid AT5G13300 AT1G77720 two hybrid AT5G13300 AT2G01120 two hybrid AT5G13300 AT2G27970 two hybrid AT5G13300 AT3G02920 two hybrid AT5G13300 AT3G08730 two hybrid AT5G13300 AT3G12980 two hybrid AT5G13300 AT3G17750 two hybrid AT5G13300 AT3G25980 two hybrid AT5G13300 AT3G53930 two hybrid AT5G13300 AT4G35750 two hybrid AT5G13300 AT5G11300 two hybrid AT5G19350 AT5G13300 two hybrid AT5G22220 AT5G13300 two hybrid AT5G27620 AT5G13300 two hybrid AT5G45190 AT5G13300 two hybrid AT5G47650 AT5G13300 two hybrid AT5G49110 AT5G13300 two hybrid AT5G55760 AT5G13300 two hybrid AT5G13400 AT1G55300 two hybrid AT5G13430 AT1G30460 two hybrid AT5G13430 AT5G09230 two hybrid AT5G13490 AT2G04845 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G13550 AT1G57860 two hybrid AT5G53480 AT5G13750 two hybrid AT5G27080 AT5G13840 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G13850 AT2G28910 two hybrid AT5G13850 AT4G08320 two hybrid AT5G13860 AT3G53120 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G13860 AT4G16420 two hybrid AT5G14040 AT1G79975 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G14040 AT3G02680 two hybrid AT5G14040 AT4G32272 two hybrid AT5G14040 AT5G12840 two hybrid AT5G14050 AT3G07370 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G14080 AT1G35470 two hybrid AT5G14170 AT1G10390 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G14170 AT1G11475 two hybrid AT5G14170 AT1G25420 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G14170 AT1G31780 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G14170 AT1G36340 two hybrid AT1G44910 AT5G14170 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G14170 AT1G61700 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G14170 AT2G36680 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G14170 AT2G39840 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G14170 AT2G45240 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G14170 AT3G02090 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G02710 AT5G14170 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G14170 AT3G07790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G14170 AT3G17590 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G14170 AT3G19670 two hybrid AT5G14170 AT3G19810 two hybrid AT5G14170 AT3G28715 two hybrid AT5G14170 AT3G53120 two hybrid AT5G14170 AT4G24800 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G14170 AT4G29440 two hybrid AT5G14170 AT4G39080 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G19310 AT5G14170 Co-purification AT5G26980 AT5G14170 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G27990 AT5G14170 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G38470 AT5G14170 two hybrid AT5G41340 AT5G14170 two hybrid AT5G49550 AT5G14170 two hybrid AT5G59160 AT5G14170 two hybrid AT5G63190 AT5G14170 two hybrid AT5G14180 AT1G27880 two hybrid AT5G14180 AT1G53710 two hybrid AT5G14180 AT2G20420 two hybrid AT5G14180 AT3G02920 two hybrid AT5G14180 AT4G02570 two hybrid AT5G14180 AT4G35750 two hybrid AT5G27470 AT5G14180 two hybrid AT5G14250 AT1G16590 two hybrid AT5G14250 AT3G27530 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G37590 AT5G14250 two hybrid AT5G47240 AT5G14250 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47650 AT5G14250 two hybrid AT5G14590 AT2G29540 two hybrid AT5G14590 AT5G10450 two hybrid AT5G25800 AT5G14670 two hybrid AT5G14800 AT4G06634 two hybrid AT5G14800 AT5G14800 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|interaction prediction AT5G45190 AT5G14800 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G48370 AT5G14800 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G15020 AT1G57860 two hybrid AT5G15020 AT1G76730 two hybrid AT5G15020 AT3G01610 two hybrid AT5G15020 AT4G15930 two hybrid AT5G15020 AT4G34540 two hybrid AT5G15020 AT5G01670 two hybrid AT5G15020 AT5G03730 two hybrid AT5G15020 AT5G10430 two hybrid AT5G53360 AT5G15020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G15090 AT1G71790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G25754 AT5G15090 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G42970 AT5G15170 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G15400 AT1G77130 two hybrid AT5G19090 AT5G15540 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G15550 AT2G44680 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47080 AT5G15550 two hybrid AT5G15570 AT4G31720 two hybrid AT5G56350 AT5G15610 two hybrid AT5G15680 AT1G16970 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G15680 AT2G07690 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G15680 AT2G36010 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G15680 AT3G08730 two hybrid AT5G15680 AT3G19420 two hybrid AT5G15680 AT3G54180 two hybrid AT5G15680 AT4G35750 two hybrid AT5G22220 AT5G15680 two hybrid AT5G27620 AT5G15680 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G15680 AT5G45190 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G47240 AT5G15680 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47650 AT5G15680 two hybrid AT5G53360 AT5G15680 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G61530 AT5G15680 two hybrid AT5G57090 AT5G15750 two hybrid AT5G15750 AT5G66540 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT5G15770 AT5G15770 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G16040 AT5G01160 two hybrid AT5G19320 AT5G16040 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Suppression|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G16070 AT1G09230 two hybrid AT5G24510 AT5G16070 two hybrid AT5G16130 AT3G46220 two hybrid AT5G49010 AT5G16130 two hybrid AT5G16260 AT2G32220 two hybrid AT5G16260 AT4G15000 two hybrid AT5G16260 AT5G35430 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G16270 AT4G11150 two hybrid AT5G16280 AT1G30460 two hybrid AT5G16280 AT2G41560 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G25754 AT5G16280 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G53010 AT5G16280 two hybrid AT5G16300 AT3G07180 two hybrid AT5G16310 AT2G26590 two hybrid AT5G16440 AT2G38130 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G50570 AT5G16560 Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G19310 AT5G16680 Reconstituted Complex|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G16830 AT1G15850 two hybrid AT5G16830 AT5G07120 two hybrid AT5G16830 AT5G12210 two hybrid AT5G16870 AT3G12480 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G17290 AT4G29020 two hybrid AT5G17550 AT1G27350 two hybrid AT5G17550 AT2G39240 two hybrid AT5G17550 AT3G07560 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro AT5G22500 AT5G17550 two hybrid AT5G40890 AT5G17550 two hybrid AT5G17650 AT3G12480 two hybrid AT5G17690 AT1G03910 two hybrid AT5G17690 AT1G17880 two hybrid AT5G17690 AT1G26840 two hybrid AT5G17690 AT1G30460 two hybrid AT5G17690 AT2G12550 two hybrid AT5G17690 AT3G04820 two hybrid AT5G17690 AT3G52150 two hybrid AT5G17690 AT3G53780 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G17690 AT3G58680 two hybrid AT5G17690 AT5G01390 two hybrid AT5G17690 AT5G13300 two hybrid AT5G22840 AT5G17690 two hybrid AT5G17790 AT1G77140 two hybrid AT5G48970 AT5G17790 two hybrid AT3G05560 AT5G17930 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G27770 AT5G17930 two hybrid AT5G18180 AT3G56340 two hybrid AT5G18200 AT3G07100 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G18200 AT3G52120 two hybrid AT5G18230 AT1G07360 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G18230 AT1G10170 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G18230 AT4G20325 two hybrid AT5G18230 AT5G03840 two hybrid AT5G18230 AT5G07060 two hybrid AT5G51280 AT5G18230 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G18380 AT1G18660 two hybrid AT5G18380 AT4G00900 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT5G18380 two hybrid AT5G18420 AT3G52150 two hybrid AT5G18620 AT5G09650 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G22760 AT5G18620 Reconstituted Complex|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Reconstituted Complex AT5G58230 AT5G18620 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT5G18650 AT5G03290 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G18680 AT1G75560 two hybrid AT5G18680 AT3G55930 two hybrid AT5G19000 AT2G38770 two hybrid AT5G19000 AT3G15970 two hybrid AT5G41770 AT5G19000 two hybrid AT5G19080 AT3G08505 two hybrid AT5G19310 AT1G44120 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G19310 AT3G13445 Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping AT5G19310 AT5G09650 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G19310 AT5G19310 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G46250 AT5G19310 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G58230 AT5G19310 Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT5G20020 AT5G19320 in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G22330 AT5G19330 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G26751 AT5G19330 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G56580 AT5G19330 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G57610 AT5G19330 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G67630 AT5G19330 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G19360 AT5G19350 two hybrid AT5G21274 AT5G19360 in vitro|in vitro|two hybrid|in vitro AT5G19400 AT1G26830 two hybrid AT5G19400 AT1G69220 two hybrid AT5G19400 AT1G77720 two hybrid AT5G19400 AT3G17750 two hybrid AT5G19400 AT4G02570 two hybrid AT5G19400 AT4G32660 two hybrid AT5G19485 AT2G34970 two hybrid AT5G19485 AT4G18300 two hybrid AT5G19510 AT1G09640 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G19510 AT2G30160 two hybrid AT5G19510 AT4G18465 two hybrid AT5G38710 AT5G19510 two hybrid AT5G20000 AT3G33520 two hybrid AT5G20020 AT2G16950 two hybrid|in vitro AT5G20020 AT3G07370 two hybrid AT5G41940 AT5G20020 two hybrid AT5G20030 AT1G18660 two hybrid AT5G20030 AT3G07100 two hybrid AT5G20030 AT4G01850 two hybrid AT5G20030 AT4G16760 two hybrid AT5G24180 AT5G20030 two hybrid AT5G63880 AT5G20030 two hybrid AT5G49010 AT5G20160 two hybrid AT5G20270 AT3G05520 two hybrid AT5G20270 AT5G12020 two hybrid AT5G43250 AT5G20270 two hybrid AT5G20290 AT1G07480 two hybrid AT5G20290 AT1G08680 two hybrid AT5G20290 AT1G79975 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G20290 AT2G39840 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G20290 AT2G44680 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G20290 AT3G03570 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G20290 AT3G27100 two hybrid AT5G20290 AT3G46220 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G20290 AT4G06634 two hybrid AT5G20290 AT4G13350 two hybrid AT5G20290 AT4G40050 two hybrid AT5G20290 AT5G10260 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47080 AT5G20290 two hybrid AT5G59160 AT5G20290 two hybrid AT5G59230 AT5G20290 two hybrid AT5G20350 AT3G52760 two hybrid AT5G20490 AT3G57350 two hybrid AT5G21274 AT5G20490 two hybrid AT5G20620 AT4G11150 two hybrid AT5G20850 AT1G26830 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G20850 AT1G27880 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G20850 AT1G53710 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G20850 AT1G67320 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G20850 AT1G77720 two hybrid AT5G20850 AT1G79000 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G20850 AT2G01120 two hybrid AT5G20850 AT2G27960 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G20850 AT2G27970 two hybrid|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G20850 AT3G02920 two hybrid AT5G20850 AT3G08730 two hybrid AT5G20850 AT3G12980 two hybrid AT5G20850 AT3G17750 two hybrid AT5G20850 AT3G54180 two hybrid AT5G20850 AT4G24740 two hybrid AT5G20850 AT4G32660 two hybrid AT5G20850 AT4G39850 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G27620 AT5G20850 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G42190 AT5G20850 two hybrid AT5G47240 AT5G20850 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47650 AT5G20850 two hybrid AT5G49110 AT5G20850 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G21170 AT5G08420 two hybrid AT5G21170 AT5G14170 two hybrid AT5G43850 AT5G21170 two hybrid AT5G50850 AT5G21170 two hybrid AT5G21274 AT1G24180 two hybrid AT5G21274 AT1G25420 two hybrid AT5G21274 AT1G26665 two hybrid AT5G21274 AT1G71860 two hybrid AT5G21274 AT3G53090 two hybrid AT5G21274 AT4G15770 two hybrid AT5G21274 AT4G20325 two hybrid AT5G21274 AT4G29440 two hybrid AT5G41910 AT5G21274 two hybrid AT5G43250 AT5G21274 two hybrid AT5G56290 AT5G21274 two hybrid AT5G22220 AT5G11510 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G22220 AT5G16040 two hybrid AT5G55130 AT5G22220 two hybrid AT5G67320 AT5G22220 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G22400 AT4G20325 two hybrid AT5G38050 AT5G22400 two hybrid AT5G43710 AT5G22400 two hybrid AT5G22440 AT4G16760 two hybrid AT5G22440 AT5G19510 two hybrid AT5G22480 AT1G53780 two hybrid AT5G22480 AT2G47770 two hybrid AT5G22480 AT4G10040 two hybrid AT5G22480 AT5G01160 two hybrid AT5G22480 AT5G20570 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G55300 AT5G22480 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G60390 AT5G22480 two hybrid AT5G22500 AT5G01670 two hybrid AT5G58230 AT5G22760 Reconstituted Complex|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G22840 AT3G54350 two hybrid AT5G22840 AT4G34540 two hybrid AT5G22840 AT5G03790 two hybrid AT5G22920 AT5G01160 two hybrid AT5G22920 AT5G03290 two hybrid AT5G22950 AT1G48790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G06530 AT5G22950 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT5G22950 AT4G16144 two hybrid AT5G22950 AT5G05970 two hybrid AT5G23080 AT4G19190 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G23140 AT5G17290 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G23290 AT3G55400 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G23290 AT4G15940 two hybrid AT5G23300 AT4G11330 two hybrid AT5G66150 AT5G23300 two hybrid AT5G42400 AT5G23420 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G23430 AT1G80350 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro AT5G23450 AT3G45190 two hybrid AT5G23535 AT1G03910 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G23535 AT5G03730 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G23570 AT5G01390 two hybrid AT5G23600 AT5G07060 two hybrid AT5G23670 AT5G18380 two hybrid AT5G56710 AT5G23670 two hybrid AT5G23710 AT5G01160 two hybrid AT5G23710 AT5G19000 two hybrid AT5G23740 AT2G29080 two hybrid AT5G23740 AT3G01160 two hybrid AT5G23740 AT3G61200 two hybrid AT5G23740 AT4G19610 two hybrid AT5G23740 AT4G20325 two hybrid AT5G46540 AT5G23740 two hybrid AT5G47480 AT5G23740 two hybrid AT5G23880 AT1G16590 two hybrid AT5G23900 AT1G27350 two hybrid AT5G23900 AT3G54350 two hybrid AT5G23900 AT5G14170 two hybrid AT5G61330 AT5G23900 two hybrid AT5G24180 AT1G27350 two hybrid AT5G24270 AT3G08690 two hybrid AT5G24270 AT3G11250 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G24270 AT4G04870 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G50850 AT5G24270 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G24340 AT3G23990 two hybrid AT5G24510 AT1G71790 two hybrid AT5G24510 AT3G15150 two hybrid AT5G24510 AT3G46220 two hybrid AT5G24510 AT5G10450 two hybrid AT5G24510 AT5G22110 two hybrid AT5G47480 AT5G24510 two hybrid AT5G62760 AT5G24510 two hybrid AT5G24870 AT2G47210 two hybrid AT5G25060 AT3G25980 two hybrid AT5G25060 AT5G13780 two hybrid AT5G25060 AT5G19000 two hybrid AT5G25060 AT5G24670 two hybrid AT5G47650 AT5G25060 two hybrid AT5G25150 AT4G16420 interaction prediction|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|interologs mapping AT5G25420 AT3G54180 two hybrid AT5G25420 AT5G02730 two hybrid AT5G25520 AT1G18040 two hybrid AT5G25754 AT1G14850 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G25754 AT1G36280 two hybrid AT5G25754 AT2G23890 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G25754 AT2G30870 two hybrid AT5G25754 AT2G40360 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G25754 AT3G02090 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G25754 AT3G05040 two hybrid AT5G25754 AT3G55200 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G25754 AT3G55220 two hybrid AT5G25754 AT4G18440 two hybrid AT5G25780 AT1G26830 two hybrid AT5G25780 AT5G20160 two hybrid AT5G47650 AT5G25780 two hybrid AT5G25800 AT1G07940 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G25800 AT1G67420 two hybrid AT5G25800 AT3G02560 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G25800 AT3G13235 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G25800 AT3G22890 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G25800 AT3G49010 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G25800 AT3G54230 two hybrid AT5G25800 AT4G10330 two hybrid AT5G25800 AT4G38440 two hybrid AT5G25800 AT5G06150 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G13680 AT5G25800 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G25800 AT5G14170 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G25800 AT5G16130 two hybrid AT5G25800 AT5G17380 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G25800 AT5G23900 two hybrid AT5G25800 AT5G35530 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G41990 AT5G25800 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G43780 AT5G25800 two hybrid AT5G55560 AT5G25800 two hybrid AT5G56290 AT5G25800 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G60390 AT5G25800 two hybrid AT5G26180 AT2G26170 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G26220 AT1G56070 two hybrid AT5G26220 AT2G36530 two hybrid AT5G26220 AT4G29020 two hybrid AT5G26220 AT5G06460 two hybrid AT5G26240 AT1G79000 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G26360 AT1G09230 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G26360 AT2G24765 two hybrid AT5G26360 AT2G36880 two hybrid AT5G26360 AT4G01850 two hybrid AT5G26360 AT5G24510 two hybrid AT5G42970 AT5G26360 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G26360 AT5G47700 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G26600 AT4G19003 two hybrid AT5G26600 AT5G06110 two hybrid AT5G42620 AT5G26600 two hybrid AT5G47770 AT5G26600 two hybrid AT5G26850 AT1G53710 two hybrid AT5G26980 AT2G20560 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G26980 AT3G54350 two hybrid AT5G26980 AT4G20325 two hybrid AT5G26980 AT5G01390 two hybrid AT5G27030 AT3G57350 two hybrid AT5G27380 AT1G30460 two hybrid AT5G27395 AT5G20060 two hybrid AT5G27400 AT1G02410 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G27540 AT2G26460 two hybrid AT5G27540 AT3G57550 two hybrid AT5G27540 AT4G01270 two hybrid AT5G27540 AT4G39370 two hybrid AT5G41770 AT5G27540 two hybrid AT5G47240 AT5G27620 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47650 AT5G27620 two hybrid AT5G27640 AT1G26830 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G27640 AT4G22380 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47240 AT5G27640 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G27700 AT2G20635 two hybrid AT5G27770 AT1G07480 two hybrid AT5G27770 AT2G39240 two hybrid AT5G27770 AT5G19000 two hybrid AT5G27770 AT5G27770 two hybrid AT5G46630 AT5G27770 two hybrid AT5G64350 AT5G27770 two hybrid AT5G35430 AT5G27850 two hybrid AT5G53360 AT5G27850 two hybrid AT3G56340 AT5G27990 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT5G28060 AT1G18660 two hybrid AT5G28060 AT5G19350 two hybrid AT5G28060 AT5G22220 two hybrid AT5G28290 AT1G21630 two hybrid AT5G28740 AT3G04480 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G28740 AT3G55160 two hybrid AT5G28740 AT4G24690 two hybrid AT5G28740 AT4G38495 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G40810 AT5G28740 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G35080 AT5G27320 two hybrid AT5G35430 AT2G32060 two hybrid AT5G35430 AT5G18420 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G35530 AT1G19310 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G35530 AT1G22450 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G35530 AT1G71840 two hybrid AT5G35530 AT2G20040 two hybrid AT5G35530 AT2G26830 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G35530 AT2G32780 two hybrid AT2G36010 AT5G35530 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G35530 AT3G13170 two hybrid AT5G35530 AT3G54230 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G35530 AT4G00900 two hybrid AT5G35530 AT4G34370 two hybrid AT5G35530 AT4G34390 two hybrid AT5G35530 AT5G02820 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G35530 AT5G04990 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G35530 AT5G17290 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G35530 AT5G19000 two hybrid AT5G35530 AT5G22220 two hybrid AT5G35530 AT5G25754 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G57815 AT5G35530 two hybrid AT5G36160 AT3G17590 two hybrid AT5G37055 AT1G11570 two hybrid AT5G37055 AT3G27530 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G37340 AT1G07940 two hybrid AT5G37340 AT1G22840 two hybrid AT5G37340 AT1G53750 two hybrid AT5G37340 AT2G47770 two hybrid AT5G37340 AT5G20570 two hybrid AT5G55310 AT5G37340 two hybrid AT5G37370 AT5G37370 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G37475 AT5G04920 two hybrid AT5G37510 AT1G25420 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G37510 AT4G29440 two hybrid AT5G37590 AT4G10330 two hybrid AT5G38110 AT4G27090 two hybrid AT5G38470 AT1G71980 two hybrid AT5G38470 AT2G47350 two hybrid AT5G38470 AT3G04470 two hybrid AT5G38470 AT3G17750 two hybrid AT5G38470 AT4G20325 two hybrid AT5G38470 AT5G16870 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT5G47240 AT5G38470 two hybrid AT5G47650 AT5G38470 two hybrid AT5G52545 AT5G38470 two hybrid AT5G38600 AT5G24360 two hybrid AT5G38630 AT1G67320 two hybrid AT5G38630 AT5G24360 two hybrid AT5G45190 AT5G38630 two hybrid AT5G49310 AT5G38650 two hybrid AT5G38710 AT4G17550 two hybrid AT5G38710 AT4G25220 two hybrid AT1G03360 AT5G38890 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT5G38890 AT1G65440 Co-purification AT5G39400 AT3G29330 two hybrid AT5G40490 AT5G39410 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G39500 AT1G18190 two hybrid AT5G39500 AT2G19950 two hybrid AT5G39500 AT3G56340 two hybrid AT5G39740 AT3G05760 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G39740 AT3G55480 two hybrid AT5G39740 AT5G38710 two hybrid AT5G63840 AT5G39740 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G40040 AT5G16870 two hybrid AT5G44320 AT5G40040 two hybrid AT5G58575 AT5G40040 two hybrid AT5G40290 AT1G72040 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G40480 AT5G02730 two hybrid AT5G40580 AT1G75220 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G40580 AT3G07180 two hybrid AT5G40580 AT5G18840 two hybrid AT5G35530 AT5G40660 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G40820 AT1G80370 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G40820 AT5G06150 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G40820 AT5G11300 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G57450 AT5G40820 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G45010 AT5G40870 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G40890 AT3G07100 two hybrid AT5G40890 AT3G12980 two hybrid AT3G13230 AT5G41190 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G41210 AT3G52150 two hybrid AT5G41580 AT4G39370 two hybrid AT5G41580 AT5G40490 two hybrid AT5G41600 AT4G19760 two hybrid AT5G66730 AT5G41600 two hybrid AT1G03910 AT5G41770 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G41770 AT1G09640 two hybrid AT5G41770 AT1G16590 two hybrid AT5G41770 AT1G26830 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G31870 AT5G41770 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G41770 AT1G53710 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G41770 AT1G57720 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G41770 AT2G29570 two hybrid AT5G41770 AT3G05070 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G41770 AT3G20860 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G06160 AT5G41770 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G41770 AT5G28290 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT5G41770 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47240 AT5G41770 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47650 AT5G41770 two hybrid AT5G56290 AT5G41770 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G41910 AT5G01390 two hybrid AT5G41910 AT5G14180 two hybrid AT5G41940 AT4G17170 two hybrid AT5G42040 AT1G65700 two hybrid AT5G42040 AT3G27100 two hybrid AT5G63310 AT5G42080 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G42190 AT2G29570 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT3G56340 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT5G27320 two hybrid AT5G42190 AT5G38640 two hybrid AT5G53770 AT5G42190 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G42210 AT1G74050 two hybrid AT5G42220 AT4G34100 two hybrid AT5G42220 AT5G02470 two hybrid AT5G44020 AT5G42220 two hybrid AT5G42560 AT3G23660 two hybrid AT5G43670 AT5G42560 two hybrid AT5G42620 AT1G33680 two hybrid AT5G42620 AT2G18250 two hybrid AT5G42620 AT3G27640 two hybrid AT5G42620 AT3G53120 two hybrid AT5G42620 AT3G63410 two hybrid AT5G42620 AT5G01420 two hybrid AT5G42620 AT5G13810 two hybrid AT5G42620 AT5G39850 two hybrid AT5G42740 AT1G22450 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G42740 AT5G03730 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G57815 AT5G42740 two hybrid AT5G42790 AT1G55900 two hybrid AT5G42790 AT5G42040 two hybrid AT5G42970 AT1G17880 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G42970 AT1G29150 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G42970 AT3G04240 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G42970 AT3G12380 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G42970 AT3G27240 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G42970 AT3G27530 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G42970 AT4G19490 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G42970 AT5G40810 two hybrid AT5G56580 AT5G42970 two hybrid AT5G65740 AT5G42990 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G43010 AT1G56590 two hybrid AT5G47670 AT5G43250 two hybrid AT5G43280 AT3G01800 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G43280 AT3G63190 two hybrid AT5G43280 AT5G43280 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G56290 AT5G43280 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G58030 AT5G43280 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G43500 AT5G14170 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G43530 AT5G20620 two hybrid AT5G43640 AT2G20635 two hybrid AT5G43640 AT4G29440 two hybrid AT5G43640 AT5G41770 two hybrid AT5G43900 AT2G41620 two hybrid AT5G44280 AT5G42400 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G44320 AT3G59540 two hybrid AT5G44450 AT3G07100 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G44500 AT1G03910 two hybrid AT5G44500 AT1G16590 two hybrid AT5G44500 AT2G20635 two hybrid AT5G44500 AT3G23990 two hybrid AT5G44500 AT3G25980 two hybrid AT5G44500 AT5G26600 two hybrid AT5G44500 AT5G38470 two hybrid AT5G47080 AT5G44500 two hybrid AT5G59040 AT5G44500 two hybrid AT5G60570 AT5G44500 two hybrid AT5G44740 AT2G20360 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G44790 AT5G19000 two hybrid AT5G45130 AT4G34390 two hybrid AT5G45130 AT5G09230 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G45140 AT1G03770 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G45140 AT5G44280 two hybrid AT5G45190 AT1G05890 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G45190 AT1G53710 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G45190 AT1G76880 two hybrid AT5G45190 AT1G77720 two hybrid AT5G45190 AT1G79000 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G45190 AT2G01120 two hybrid AT5G45190 AT2G27960 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G45190 AT2G27970 two hybrid AT5G45190 AT2G36010 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G45190 AT3G02920 two hybrid AT5G45190 AT3G08730 two hybrid AT5G45190 AT3G12980 two hybrid AT5G45190 AT3G17750 two hybrid AT5G45190 AT3G19420 two hybrid AT5G45190 AT3G54180 two hybrid|in vitro AT5G45190 AT4G34370 two hybrid AT5G45190 AT5G22220 two hybrid AT5G55760 AT5G45190 two hybrid AT5G45330 AT3G13445 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45600 AT2G47210 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G45970 AT1G54380 two hybrid AT5G54280 AT5G45970 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G56580 AT5G45970 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G56600 AT5G45970 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G57610 AT5G45970 in vitro|Phenotypic Suppression|in vitro AT5G60980 AT5G45970 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G46025 AT5G24510 two hybrid AT5G46190 AT2G30330 two hybrid AT5G46190 AT3G46220 two hybrid AT5G46190 AT4G02230 two hybrid AT5G46190 AT4G11380 two hybrid AT5G46190 AT5G09230 two hybrid AT5G46250 AT3G61740 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G46250 AT5G42400 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G60570 AT5G46280 two hybrid AT5G46400 AT1G47500 two hybrid AT5G46410 AT2G41250 two hybrid AT5G46430 AT1G61670 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G46630 AT1G08190 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G46630 AT2G36010 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G46630 AT4G21660 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G46630 AT5G22220 two hybrid AT5G46720 AT2G44530 two hybrid AT5G46750 AT2G05630 two hybrid AT5G46750 AT2G26940 two hybrid AT5G46750 AT4G16520 two hybrid AT5G46750 AT5G14170 two hybrid AT5G46860 AT4G32760 two hybrid AT5G46860 AT5G06140 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G46860 AT5G12210 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47030 AT1G31440 two hybrid AT5G47030 AT4G18060 two hybrid AT5G47080 AT1G21065 two hybrid AT5G47650 AT5G47080 two hybrid AT5G47090 AT2G30720 two hybrid AT5G48370 AT5G47090 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47100 AT2G30330 two hybrid AT5G47100 AT2G32590 two hybrid AT5G47100 AT3G09200 two hybrid AT5G47100 AT3G57940 two hybrid AT5G47100 AT4G04870 two hybrid AT5G47100 AT4G29020 two hybrid AT5G47100 AT5G09770 two hybrid AT5G50850 AT5G47100 two hybrid AT5G56150 AT5G47100 two hybrid AT5G65165 AT5G47100 two hybrid AT5G47120 AT3G55360 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47120 AT4G32930 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47120 AT5G37290 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G49350 AT5G47120 two hybrid AT5G47130 AT3G55360 two hybrid AT5G47130 AT4G32930 two hybrid AT5G47130 AT5G37290 two hybrid AT5G47190 AT5G12020 two hybrid AT5G47200 AT5G19350 two hybrid AT5G47310 AT2G26970 two hybrid AT5G47310 AT3G59500 two hybrid AT5G47430 AT5G09880 two hybrid AT5G47480 AT1G76730 two hybrid AT5G47480 AT3G20000 two hybrid AT5G47480 AT5G17020 two hybrid AT5G47480 AT5G44020 two hybrid AT5G47630 AT2G01120 two hybrid AT5G47630 AT5G11900 two hybrid AT5G47630 AT5G37055 two hybrid AT5G47670 AT5G47650 two hybrid AT5G47700 AT1G71790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47700 AT3G46220 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47700 AT5G22110 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G62760 AT5G47700 two hybrid AT5G47790 AT4G20320 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G52200 AT5G47790 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G59160 AT5G47790 two hybrid|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT5G47820 AT3G62210 two hybrid AT5G48370 AT1G16720 two hybrid AT5G48370 AT3G53120 two hybrid AT5G48370 AT5G48370 two hybrid AT5G50850 AT5G48370 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G58575 AT5G48370 two hybrid AT5G48630 AT1G18070 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G48630 AT1G69220 two hybrid AT5G48630 AT1G80350 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G48630 AT2G14045 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G48630 AT2G27960 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G48630 AT2G27970 two hybrid AT5G48630 AT3G02920 two hybrid AT5G48630 AT3G08730 two hybrid AT5G48630 AT3G17750 two hybrid AT3G48750 AT5G48630 two hybrid|two hybrid|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G48630 AT3G54180 two hybrid AT5G48630 AT5G27620 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G48630 AT5G63610 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G48655 AT2G47350 two hybrid AT5G48655 AT3G56340 two hybrid AT4G32720 AT5G48760 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G53770 AT5G48760 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G03870 AT5G48870 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Colocalization|interologs mapping|in vitro|Co-expression AT2G47640 AT5G48870 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT5G48870 AT3G62840 two hybrid AT4G30220 AT5G48870 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT5G48970 AT1G67400 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G48970 AT3G60260 two hybrid AT5G48970 AT4G20980 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G48970 AT5G02490 two hybrid AT5G48970 AT5G09750 two hybrid AT5G48970 AT5G11640 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G48970 AT5G38710 two hybrid AT5G48970 AT5G44320 two hybrid AT5G49010 AT2G47350 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G49010 AT3G55360 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G49310 AT2G14170 two hybrid AT5G49310 AT2G38280 two hybrid AT5G49310 AT2G46520 two hybrid|in vitro AT5G49310 AT3G05760 two hybrid AT5G49310 AT3G07790 two hybrid AT5G49310 AT3G52980 two hybrid AT5G49310 AT3G54170 two hybrid AT5G49310 AT4G18465 two hybrid AT5G49310 AT4G21540 two hybrid AT5G49310 AT4G34370 two hybrid AT5G49310 AT5G06600 two hybrid AT5G49310 AT5G09740 two hybrid AT5G49310 AT5G23420 two hybrid AT5G49310 AT5G24510 two hybrid AT5G49310 AT5G41770 two hybrid AT5G49310 AT5G49310 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G55130 AT5G49310 two hybrid AT5G60570 AT5G49310 two hybrid AT5G66030 AT5G49310 two hybrid AT5G49400 AT5G48655 two hybrid AT5G49880 AT5G49400 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G49460 AT1G10490 two hybrid AT5G49460 AT3G57940 two hybrid AT5G49510 AT5G37290 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G49550 AT1G75990 two hybrid AT5G49550 AT3G47120 two hybrid AT5G49550 AT5G27140 two hybrid AT5G49550 AT5G49550 two hybrid AT5G49570 AT5G38470 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Co-crystal Structure|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G49840 AT1G18660 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G49840 AT2G04845 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G49880 AT3G07790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G50130 AT4G35750 two hybrid AT5G50170 AT5G21274 two hybrid AT5G50230 AT5G17290 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G50830 AT5G08190 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G50850 AT5G50850 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT1G19310 AT5G50870 two hybrid|two hybrid|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G50870 AT4G39850 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G50870 AT5G46190 two hybrid AT5G50960 AT4G32660 two hybrid AT5G51100 AT1G65700 two hybrid AT5G51120 AT3G27700 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G51130 AT1G74150 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G51130 AT4G39830 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G51170 AT4G20325 two hybrid AT5G51230 AT3G20740 Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G51290 AT3G45190 two hybrid AT5G51290 AT5G38050 two hybrid AT5G51340 AT5G15540 two hybrid AT3G05070 AT5G51410 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G51410 AT5G51410 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G51430 AT2G26210 two hybrid AT5G51795 AT1G31870 two hybrid AT5G51795 AT3G23990 two hybrid AT5G51795 AT4G34110 two hybrid AT5G51810 AT1G43170 two hybrid AT5G51830 AT5G01670 two hybrid AT5G51950 AT2G07340 two hybrid AT5G52040 AT1G54080 two hybrid AT5G52040 AT2G26940 two hybrid AT5G52040 AT3G53780 two hybrid AT5G59160 AT5G52200 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT5G52470 AT5G11900 two hybrid ATMG00070 AT5G52840 two hybrid AT5G52910 AT5G12020 two hybrid AT5G53100 AT4G34540 two hybrid AT5G53120 AT1G25350 two hybrid AT5G53180 AT1G77720 two hybrid AT5G53180 AT2G27970 two hybrid AT5G53180 AT3G08730 two hybrid AT5G53180 AT3G12980 two hybrid AT5G53180 AT3G19420 two hybrid AT5G53180 AT4G30570 two hybrid AT5G53180 AT4G35750 two hybrid AT5G53180 AT5G11300 two hybrid AT5G53180 AT5G22220 two hybrid AT5G53180 AT5G27620 two hybrid AT5G53180 AT5G45190 two hybrid AT5G55760 AT5G53180 two hybrid AT5G53360 AT1G02090 two hybrid AT5G53360 AT1G07840 two hybrid AT5G53360 AT1G79950 two hybrid AT5G53360 AT3G52150 two hybrid AT5G53360 AT3G56990 two hybrid AT5G53360 AT4G06634 two hybrid AT5G53360 AT4G10450 two hybrid AT5G53360 AT4G14147 two hybrid AT5G53360 AT5G10540 two hybrid AT5G53360 AT5G23550 two hybrid AT5G56000 AT5G53360 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G56150 AT5G53360 two hybrid|Phenotypic Suppression|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G60980 AT5G53360 two hybrid AT5G61790 AT5G53360 two hybrid AT5G67490 AT5G53360 two hybrid AT5G53460 AT4G18040 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G64740 AT5G53460 two hybrid AT5G53890 AT5G24670 two hybrid AT5G54110 AT4G12460 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro AT5G54110 AT4G20325 two hybrid AT5G54110 AT5G12840 two hybrid AT5G57240 AT5G54110 two hybrid AT5G54170 AT5G42620 two hybrid AT5G54590 AT3G54350 two hybrid AT5G54590 AT5G38470 two hybrid AT5G54750 AT3G20390 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G54750 AT3G25520 two hybrid AT5G62410 AT5G54750 two hybrid AT5G55000 AT5G55000 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G55100 AT4G25020 two hybrid AT5G55130 AT2G18290 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G55130 AT2G43760 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo AT5G55260 AT4G02570 two hybrid AT5G55260 AT4G24740 two hybrid AT5G55260 AT4G32660 two hybrid AT5G55260 AT4G35750 two hybrid AT5G55260 AT5G47240 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G55260 AT5G47650 two hybrid AT5G61530 AT5G55260 two hybrid AT5G55580 AT3G55290 two hybrid AT5G55670 AT1G66750 two hybrid AT5G55670 AT2G07340 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G13230 AT5G55670 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G44200 AT5G55670 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G55760 AT1G71790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G55760 AT3G05760 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G55920 AT1G71300 two hybrid AT5G56150 AT2G16950 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G56150 AT2G17200 two hybrid AT5G56150 AT2G38280 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G56150 AT4G11150 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G56150 AT5G12210 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G56150 AT5G48655 two hybrid AT5G56280 AT3G23990 two hybrid AT5G66030 AT5G56290 two hybrid AT5G56350 AT2G26200 two hybrid AT5G56350 AT4G36250 two hybrid AT5G56350 AT5G20020 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G56350 AT5G28060 two hybrid AT5G56350 AT5G36160 two hybrid AT5G56350 AT5G46630 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G56360 AT3G48780 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G56360 AT5G23670 two hybrid AT5G56580 AT5G10450 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G56580 AT5G22220 two hybrid AT5G56600 AT5G56580 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G57610 AT5G56580 in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Affinity Capture-Western|biochemical|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G56600 AT1G13180 two hybrid AT5G56600 AT4G28820 two hybrid AT5G56600 AT5G47480 two hybrid AT5G56640 AT3G23990 two hybrid AT5G56670 AT5G19350 two hybrid AT5G56710 AT5G38050 two hybrid AT5G56720 AT5G12210 two hybrid AT5G56740 AT5G04990 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G56750 AT1G76730 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G56750 AT2G20560 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G56750 AT4G20325 two hybrid AT5G56750 AT5G01390 two hybrid AT5G57015 AT1G27350 two hybrid AT5G57015 AT2G05830 two hybrid AT5G57020 AT4G34370 two hybrid AT5G57090 AT1G63780 two hybrid AT5G57210 AT1G69220 two hybrid AT5G57210 AT2G02810 two hybrid AT5G57210 AT3G47810 two hybrid AT5G57210 AT5G06260 two hybrid AT5G57450 AT3G27300 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G57450 AT5G19990 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G57450 AT5G20000 two hybrid AT5G57450 AT5G40760 two hybrid AT5G57490 AT1G71790 two hybrid AT5G57490 AT4G12770 two hybrid AT5G57490 AT5G25754 two hybrid AT5G57815 AT1G29150 two hybrid AT5G57815 AT5G56000 two hybrid AT5G57950 AT2G20140 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G57950 AT3G57870 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G57950 AT4G29040 two hybrid AT5G57950 AT5G43010 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G58020 AT1G43170 two hybrid AT5G58020 AT1G61580 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G58020 AT3G04920 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G58020 AT3G44340 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G58020 AT4G32640 two hybrid AT5G58020 AT5G20090 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G58020 AT5G28060 two hybrid AT5G58230 AT3G13445 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G58230 AT5G09650 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G58575 AT4G09140 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G58690 AT4G34390 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G63770 AT5G58690 Phenotypic Suppression|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G59140 AT1G44790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G59140 AT4G15930 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G59140 AT5G26220 two hybrid AT5G63770 AT5G59140 two hybrid AT5G59160 AT1G03760 two hybrid AT5G59160 AT1G07480 two hybrid AT5G59160 AT1G79000 two hybrid AT5G59160 AT3G12980 two hybrid AT5G59160 AT3G54180 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G59160 AT4G24740 two hybrid AT5G59160 AT4G32660 two hybrid AT5G59160 AT5G08740 two hybrid AT5G59160 AT5G13400 two hybrid AT5G59160 AT5G55760 two hybrid AT5G59230 AT5G59160 two hybrid AT5G60040 AT5G59160 two hybrid AT5G62760 AT5G59160 two hybrid AT5G59230 AT1G02680 two hybrid AT5G59230 AT1G36240 two hybrid AT5G59230 AT3G02560 two hybrid AT5G59230 AT4G24440 in vitro|in vitro|two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo AT5G59840 AT1G67500 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G59850 AT3G46220 two hybrid AT5G59850 AT5G42190 two hybrid AT5G59890 AT2G37020 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G59890 AT4G38930 two hybrid AT5G59960 AT5G12210 two hybrid AT5G59970 AT2G39740 two hybrid AT5G60170 AT5G17290 two hybrid AT5G60190 AT1G11980 two hybrid AT5G60340 AT1G04130 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G60340 AT2G36160 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G60340 AT3G52580 two hybrid AT5G60340 AT5G01400 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G60390 AT1G03150 two hybrid AT5G60390 AT2G28910 two hybrid AT5G60390 AT4G11150 two hybrid AT5G60390 AT4G18590 two hybrid AT5G60390 AT5G03790 two hybrid AT5G60390 AT5G09650 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G60390 AT5G14170 two hybrid AT5G60390 AT5G25754 two hybrid AT5G60390 AT5G46750 two hybrid AT5G60390 AT5G49510 two hybrid AT5G61970 AT5G60390 two hybrid AT5G60410 AT5G03840 two hybrid AT5G60570 AT2G06210 two hybrid AT5G60620 AT2G36880 two hybrid AT5G60620 AT4G01850 two hybrid AT5G60640 AT5G12840 two hybrid AT5G60660 AT4G08320 two hybrid AT5G60670 AT1G71790 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G60670 AT2G17440 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G65750 AT5G60670 two hybrid AT5G60940 AT2G27380 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G60940 AT5G01160 two hybrid AT5G60940 AT5G23420 two hybrid AT5G60990 AT1G14910 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G11010 AT5G60990 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G60990 AT5G57200 two hybrid AT5G61170 AT1G69340 two hybrid AT5G61170 AT4G32272 two hybrid AT5G61530 AT1G47550 two hybrid AT5G61530 AT1G67320 two hybrid AT5G61530 AT5G47240 two hybrid AT5G61650 AT3G17590 two hybrid AT5G61760 AT3G05060 two hybrid AT5G61760 AT5G27140 two hybrid AT5G61780 AT1G03150 two hybrid AT5G61970 AT1G03910 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G61970 AT1G10320 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G61970 AT2G05630 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G61970 AT2G26940 two hybrid AT5G61970 AT4G16520 two hybrid AT5G61970 AT5G17410 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G61980 AT1G47500 two hybrid AT5G61980 AT1G53710 two hybrid AT5G61980 AT1G79000 two hybrid AT5G61980 AT1G80370 two hybrid AT5G61980 AT2G27960 two hybrid AT5G61980 AT2G36010 two hybrid AT5G61980 AT3G25980 two hybrid AT5G61980 AT5G27620 two hybrid AT5G61980 AT5G45190 two hybrid AT5G61980 AT5G47240 two hybrid AT5G61980 AT5G49110 two hybrid AT5G61980 AT5G61530 two hybrid AT5G62300 AT1G74150 two hybrid AT5G62300 AT2G20635 two hybrid AT5G62300 AT3G07100 two hybrid AT5G62490 AT5G62490 two hybrid AT5G62500 AT5G53360 two hybrid AT5G62600 AT1G02840 far western blotting AT5G62600 AT1G54290 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G62600 AT5G14170 two hybrid AT5G62620 AT4G34540 two hybrid AT5G63010 AT3G25980 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G63080 AT3G23990 two hybrid AT5G63110 AT3G29330 two hybrid AT5G63220 AT1G47500 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G63220 AT5G19350 two hybrid AT5G63220 AT5G42220 two hybrid AT5G63310 AT4G14385 two hybrid AT5G63310 AT5G58575 two hybrid AT5G63400 AT1G07950 two hybrid AT5G63400 AT4G14960 two hybrid AT5G63400 AT5G02820 two hybrid AT5G63440 AT1G03910 two hybrid AT5G63550 AT1G79650 two hybrid AT5G63550 AT5G38470 two hybrid AT5G63770 AT3G07100 two hybrid AT5G63770 AT5G22840 two hybrid AT5G63880 AT3G60580 two hybrid AT5G63880 AT4G19003 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|interaction prediction AT5G63880 AT4G20325 two hybrid AT5G64150 AT2G47020 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G64150 AT3G62910 two hybrid AT5G64200 AT1G77720 two hybrid AT5G64200 AT4G32660 two hybrid AT5G64200 AT5G53360 two hybrid AT5G64270 AT5G22840 two hybrid AT5G64350 AT5G47930 two hybrid AT5G64370 AT3G17590 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G64370 AT5G45190 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G64370 AT5G64370 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G64740 AT2G39740 two hybrid AT5G64740 AT2G45640 two hybrid AT5G64740 AT4G09200 two hybrid AT5G64740 AT5G14170 two hybrid AT5G64740 AT5G39740 two hybrid AT5G64740 AT5G55130 two hybrid AT5G64830 AT4G32840 two hybrid AT5G65165 AT5G49010 two hybrid AT5G65165 AT5G55130 two hybrid AT5G65260 AT3G27700 two hybrid AT5G65280 AT3G13580 two hybrid AT5G65280 AT4G34200 two hybrid AT5G65280 AT5G44320 two hybrid AT5G65740 AT5G56140 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G65750 AT5G07960 two hybrid AT5G65750 AT5G51220 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G65990 AT5G58575 two hybrid AT5G66010 AT1G55150 two hybrid AT5G66010 AT3G51310 two hybrid AT5G66010 AT5G09880 two hybrid AT5G66020 AT1G08820 two hybrid|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G66140 AT5G19330 two hybrid AT5G66150 AT2G39240 two hybrid AT5G66150 AT3G27530 two hybrid AT5G66150 AT4G08870 two hybrid AT5G66150 AT5G06150 two hybrid AT5G66150 AT5G19000 two hybrid AT5G66150 AT5G27770 two hybrid AT1G63780 AT5G66540 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|Co-expression AT5G66680 AT2G20635 two hybrid AT5G66730 AT5G40080 two hybrid AT1G67630 AT5G67100 two hybrid|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT5G67220 AT3G33520 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G67330 AT3G51730 two hybrid AT5G67330 AT5G01800 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G67510 AT3G46220 two hybrid AT5G67510 AT4G34390 two hybrid AT5G67540 AT3G17590 two hybrid AT5G67540 AT3G33520 two hybrid AT5G67540 AT5G22220 two hybrid AT5G67590 AT5G09880 two hybrid ATCG00480 AT2G34050 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro ATCG00900 AT1G15130 two hybrid ATCG00900 AT3G53090 two hybrid ATCG01240 AT1G15130 two hybrid ATCG01240 AT3G53090 two hybrid ATMG00070 AT5G53770 two hybrid AT2G29630 AT1G01290 pull down AT3G24560 AT1G01290 pull down AT4G33760 AT1G01290 pull down AT5G30510 AT1G01290 pull down AT5G55280 AT1G01290 pull down AT5G61380 AT1G01290 pull down AT5G23140 AT1G01790 pull down AT2G21790 AT1G02640 pull down AT3G08840 AT1G02640 pull down AT3G24560 AT1G02640 pull down AT3G55630 AT1G02640 pull down AT2G38040 AT1G03475 pull down AT5G52640 AT1G03475 pull down AT5G55220 AT1G03687 pull down AT1G05190 AT1G02640 pull down AT1G15140 AT1G05190 pull down AT1G17220 AT1G05190 pull down AT1G50510 AT1G05190 pull down AT1G75230 AT1G05190 pull down AT1G79500 AT1G05190 pull down AT2G16930 AT1G05190 pull down AT2G17510 AT1G05190 pull down AT2G19870 AT1G05190 pull down AT2G20060 AT1G05190 pull down AT2G22230 AT1G05190 pull down AT2G41460 AT1G05190 pull down AT3G03710 AT1G05190 pull down AT3G22310 AT1G05190 pull down AT4G29540 AT1G05190 pull down AT4G37910 AT1G05190 pull down AT5G08030 AT1G05190 pull down AT5G08670 AT1G05190 pull down AT5G23230 AT1G05190 pull down AT5G51140 AT1G05190 pull down AT5G55220 AT1G05190 pull down AT5G58080 AT1G05190 pull down AT5G63290 AT1G05190 pull down ATCG00740 AT1G05190 pull down AT2G25870 AT1G06730 pull down AT5G64300 AT1G09195 pull down AT1G63680 AT1G09300 pull down AT1G67940 AT1G09800 pull down AT2G40490 AT1G09830 pull down AT4G31210 AT1G10930 pull down AT5G50320 AT1G11780 pull down AT1G78380 AT1G11870 pull down AT3G13490 AT1G11870 pull down AT5G44680 AT1G11870 pull down AT1G12230 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT4G30110 AT1G12230 pull down AT5G43600 AT1G12230 pull down AT5G26860 AT1G14460 pull down AT4G02930 AT1G14610 pull down AT5G14660 AT1G14810 pull down AT4G36020 AT1G15700 pull down ATCG00120 AT1G15700 blue native page AT2G17510 AT1G16740 pull down AT4G04880 AT1G16740 pull down AT4G21220 AT1G16740 pull down AT4G29540 AT1G16740 pull down AT4G30690 AT1G16740 pull down AT5G26860 AT1G16740 pull down AT5G51140 AT1G16740 pull down AT1G32380 AT1G17160 blue native page AT2G22360 AT1G17220 pull down AT2G25830 AT1G17220 pull down AT2G36990 AT1G17220 pull down AT2G38040 AT1G17220 pull down AT5G15450 AT1G17220 blue native page AT5G23230 AT1G17220 pull down AT5G50110 AT1G17220 pull down AT5G63680 AT1G17220 pull down AT1G17330 AT1G06730 pull down AT1G17330 AT1G17220 pull down AT5G20980 AT1G17745 pull down AT5G15140 AT1G22170 pull down AT1G22210 AT1G04420 pull down AT2G37690 AT1G22210 pull down AT2G41250 AT1G22210 pull down AT4G38680 AT1G22540 pull down AT3G29430 AT1G22850 pull down AT1G76050 AT1G22940 pull down AT2G25100 AT1G22940 pull down AT1G70310 AT1G23010 pull down AT2G17510 AT1G23190 pull down AT5G40760 AT1G23190 blue native page ATCG00500 AT1G23190 pull down AT1G23465 AT1G23465 blue native page AT1G24240 AT1G01290 pull down AT1G26550 AT1G24240 pull down AT1G32990 AT1G24240 pull down AT1G73740 AT1G24240 pull down AT1G78630 AT1G24240 pull down AT1G79500 AT1G24240 pull down AT2G04560 AT1G24240 pull down AT2G04842 AT1G24240 pull down AT2G18230 AT1G24240 pull down AT2G19870 AT1G24240 pull down AT2G21280 AT1G24240 pull down AT2G22230 AT1G24240 pull down AT2G22360 AT1G24240 pull down AT2G30920 AT1G24240 pull down AT2G36990 AT1G24240 pull down AT2G41790 AT1G24240 pull down AT2G45240 AT1G24240 pull down AT3G18680 AT1G24240 pull down AT3G22310 AT1G24240 pull down AT4G02260 AT1G24240 pull down AT4G11060 AT1G24240 pull down AT4G18460 AT1G24240 pull down AT4G20960 AT1G24240 pull down AT4G21220 AT1G24240 pull down AT4G26780 AT1G24240 pull down AT4G30690 AT1G24240 pull down AT4G31150 AT1G24240 pull down AT4G31210 AT1G24240 pull down AT4G36020 AT1G24240 pull down AT4G37910 AT1G24240 pull down AT4G38680 AT1G24240 pull down AT5G23140 AT1G24240 pull down AT5G49970 AT1G24240 pull down AT5G51140 AT1G24240 pull down AT5G64650 AT1G24240 pull down ATCG00180 AT1G24240 pull down ATCG00740 AT1G24240 pull down AT1G24360 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT1G65290 AT1G24360 pull down AT3G18680 AT1G24793 pull down AT2G22230 AT1G25350 pull down AT3G59760 AT1G25350 pull down AT4G21220 AT1G25350 pull down AT1G29900 AT1G09300 pull down AT3G27740 AT1G29900 x-ray crystallography AT5G48840 AT1G29900 pull down AT1G52500 AT1G30560 pull down AT3G53900 AT1G31220 pull down AT1G32380 AT1G12244 pull down AT1G32380 AT1G18270 pull down AT1G32380 AT1G18440 pull down AT1G67710 AT1G32380 pull down AT1G74260 AT1G32380 pull down AT1G76050 AT1G32380 pull down AT2G04560 AT1G32380 pull down AT2G20420 AT1G32380 pull down AT2G21170 AT1G32380 pull down AT2G25600 AT1G32380 pull down AT2G28880 AT1G32380 pull down AT2G36880 AT1G32380 pull down AT2G38040 AT1G32380 pull down AT2G47510 AT1G32380 pull down AT3G02570 AT1G32380 pull down AT3G05630 AT1G32380 pull down AT3G18630 AT1G32380 pull down AT3G23490 AT1G32380 pull down AT3G54670 AT1G32380 pull down AT4G00560 AT1G32380 pull down AT4G21210 AT1G32380 pull down AT5G10910 AT1G32380 pull down AT5G20520 AT1G32380 pull down AT5G23140 AT1G32380 pull down AT5G41790 AT1G32380 pull down AT5G63680 AT1G32380 pull down AT1G50840 AT1G32490 pull down AT3G22310 AT1G32490 pull down AT4G02260 AT1G32490 pull down AT4G38680 AT1G32490 pull down AT5G51140 AT1G32490 pull down AT4G04770 AT1G32500 pull down AT1G32990 AT1G18440 pull down AT1G32990 AT1G26550 pull down AT1G53000 AT1G32990 pull down AT1G73740 AT1G32990 pull down AT2G04270 AT1G32990 pull down AT2G41530 AT1G32990 pull down AT3G18680 AT1G32990 pull down AT3G22310 AT1G32990 pull down AT3G29430 AT1G32990 pull down AT4G01800 AT1G32990 pull down AT4G04350 AT1G32990 pull down AT4G21220 AT1G32990 pull down AT4G30690 AT1G32990 pull down AT5G06410 AT1G32990 pull down AT5G23140 AT1G32990 pull down AT5G53920 AT1G32990 pull down ATCG00190 AT1G32990 pull down AT5G67520 AT1G44790 pull down AT4G29540 AT1G48320 pull down AT2G19870 AT1G48350 pull down AT2G38040 AT1G48350 pull down AT3G18680 AT1G48350 pull down AT3G22310 AT1G48350 pull down AT4G02260 AT1G48350 pull down AT4G21220 AT1G48350 pull down AT4G30930 AT1G48350 pull down AT4G36020 AT1G48350 pull down AT4G38680 AT1G48350 pull down AT5G41790 AT1G48350 pull down AT5G51140 AT1G48350 pull down AT1G49400 AT1G31860 pull down AT3G55010 AT1G50510 pull down AT5G08650 AT1G50510 pull down AT1G56350 AT1G50840 pull down AT1G79500 AT1G53000 pull down AT3G10050 AT1G53310 pull down AT1G54870 AT1G48850 pull down AT4G04950 AT1G55805 pull down AT1G56190 AT1G14810 blue native page AT3G13490 AT1G56190 pull down AT5G06290 AT1G56190 comigration in non denaturing gel electrophoresis AT2G36530 AT1G56500 pull down AT2G36990 AT1G56500 pull down AT3G27890 AT1G56500 pull down AT3G25220 AT1G58030 pull down AT3G45300 AT1G58290 pull down AT2G43030 AT1G60550 pull down AT1G65290 AT1G62640 pull down AT1G62750 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT1G62750 AT1G09830 pull down AT2G20060 AT1G62750 pull down AT2G44050 AT1G62750 pull down AT3G13490 AT1G62750 pull down AT3G18680 AT1G62750 pull down AT4G12740 AT1G62750 pull down AT4G29840 AT1G62750 pull down AT5G20720 AT1G62750 pull down AT5G55280 AT1G62750 pull down AT5G66470 AT1G62850 pull down AT1G63660 AT1G06730 pull down AT1G69830 AT1G63660 pull down AT5G66360 AT1G63660 pull down AT1G73740 AT1G63680 pull down AT1G79500 AT1G63680 pull down AT3G27740 AT1G63680 pull down AT4G31920 AT1G63680 pull down AT4G29010 AT1G63770 pull down AT5G63680 AT1G64550 pull down AT1G71810 AT1G65260 pull down AT2G04540 AT1G65290 pull down AT3G22310 AT1G65290 pull down AT4G02260 AT1G65290 pull down AT5G41790 AT1G65290 pull down AT3G02770 AT1G65410 pull down AT1G65440 AT1G14610 pull down AT1G67710 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT1G67710 AT1G17160 pull down AT1G67940 AT1G17220 pull down AT1G69740 AT1G05620 pull down AT2G45770 AT1G69740 pull down AT4G37910 AT1G71920 pull down AT5G36890 AT1G74710 pull down AT4G21210 AT1G76050 pull down AT5G63400 AT1G77670 pull down AT1G78630 AT1G17220 pull down AT1G78630 AT1G18440 pull down AT1G78630 AT1G26550 pull down AT1G78630 AT1G50840 pull down AT1G78630 AT1G73740 pull down AT1G79500 AT1G78630 pull down AT2G04270 AT1G78630 pull down AT2G04560 AT1G78630 pull down AT2G04842 AT1G78630 pull down AT2G17510 AT1G78630 pull down AT2G18230 AT1G78630 pull down AT2G19870 AT1G78630 pull down AT2G20060 AT1G78630 pull down AT2G22230 AT1G78630 pull down AT2G25840 AT1G78630 pull down AT2G45240 AT1G78630 pull down AT3G03710 AT1G78630 pull down AT3G18680 AT1G78630 pull down AT3G22310 AT1G78630 pull down AT3G29430 AT1G78630 pull down AT4G02260 AT1G78630 pull down AT4G14140 AT1G78630 pull down AT4G21220 AT1G78630 pull down AT4G29540 AT1G78630 pull down AT4G30690 AT1G78630 pull down AT4G31210 AT1G78630 pull down AT4G38680 AT1G78630 pull down AT5G08650 AT1G78630 pull down AT5G15450 AT1G78630 pull down AT5G23140 AT1G78630 pull down AT5G26860 AT1G78630 pull down AT5G41790 AT1G78630 pull down AT5G50110 AT1G78630 pull down AT5G51140 AT1G78630 pull down ATCG00180 AT1G78630 pull down ATCG00740 AT1G78630 pull down AT1G79050 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT2G22360 AT1G79050 pull down AT2G36880 AT1G79050 pull down AT3G03710 AT1G79050 pull down AT3G10690 AT1G79050 pull down AT3G18680 AT1G79050 pull down AT4G15560 AT1G79050 pull down AT5G08670 AT1G79050 pull down AT5G23140 AT1G79050 pull down AT5G55280 AT1G79050 pull down AT4G21210 AT1G79500 pull down AT1G79530 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT2G41250 AT1G79530 pull down AT3G13490 AT1G79530 pull down AT5G55220 AT1G79530 pull down AT2G36530 AT1G80460 comigration in non denaturing gel electrophoresis AT4G05450 AT1G80460 pull down AT4G26860 AT1G80460 pull down AT4G38680 AT1G80460 pull down AT1G80480 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT1G80620 AT1G07440 pull down AT2G17510 AT1G80620 pull down AT3G03710 AT1G80620 pull down AT3G22310 AT1G80620 pull down AT4G30690 AT1G80620 pull down AT4G31150 AT1G80620 pull down ATCG00740 AT1G80620 pull down AT4G26780 AT1G80830 pull down AT3G61080 AT2G01350 pull down AT5G50110 AT2G01350 pull down AT4G11060 AT2G01440 pull down|pull down AT5G67520 AT2G02500 pull down AT2G04270 AT1G56190 pull down AT2G35040 AT2G04270 pull down AT2G36530 AT2G04270 footprinting AT3G10050 AT2G04270 pull down AT4G25340 AT2G04560 pull down AT5G65720 AT2G04560 pull down AT2G04842 AT1G22170 pull down AT2G04842 AT1G31690 pull down AT2G25870 AT2G04842 pull down AT4G28020 AT2G04842 pull down AT4G29540 AT2G05710 pull down AT2G05990 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT3G18680 AT2G16930 pull down AT3G22310 AT2G16930 pull down ATCG00740 AT2G16930 pull down AT2G17510 AT2G04270 pull down AT3G22310 AT2G17510 pull down AT4G38680 AT2G17510 pull down AT5G51140 AT2G17510 pull down AT4G04955 AT2G17630 pull down AT2G20060 AT1G18440 pull down AT2G20060 AT1G26550 pull down AT2G20060 AT1G32990 pull down AT2G20060 AT1G48420 pull down AT2G20060 AT1G50840 pull down AT2G20060 AT1G53000 pull down AT2G20060 AT1G62850 pull down AT2G20060 AT1G66520 pull down AT2G20060 AT1G75230 pull down AT2G20060 AT1G79500 pull down AT2G20060 AT2G01440 pull down AT2G20060 AT2G04270 pull down AT2G20060 AT2G17510 pull down AT2G20060 AT2G18230 pull down AT2G22230 AT2G20060 pull down AT2G36990 AT2G20060 pull down AT2G41530 AT2G20060 pull down AT2G45240 AT2G20060 pull down AT2G47020 AT2G20060 pull down AT3G02870 AT2G20060 pull down AT3G03710 AT2G20060 pull down AT3G09210 AT2G20060 pull down AT3G13180 AT2G20060 pull down AT3G18680 AT2G20060 pull down AT3G22310 AT2G20060 pull down AT3G59760 AT2G20060 pull down AT4G01800 AT2G20060 pull down AT4G02260 AT2G20060 pull down AT4G02580 AT2G20060 pull down AT4G04350 AT2G20060 pull down AT4G11060 AT2G20060 pull down AT4G20960 AT2G20060 pull down AT4G21220 AT2G20060 pull down AT4G25730 AT2G20060 pull down AT4G26780 AT2G20060 pull down AT4G30690 AT2G20060 pull down AT4G31150 AT2G20060 pull down AT4G34350 AT2G20060 pull down AT4G34620 AT2G20060 pull down AT4G36020 AT2G20060 pull down AT4G37910 AT2G20060 pull down AT4G38680 AT2G20060 pull down AT5G03940 AT2G20060 pull down AT5G08650 AT2G20060 pull down AT5G14660 AT2G20060 pull down AT5G23140 AT2G20060 pull down AT5G37530 AT2G20060 pull down AT5G41790 AT2G20060 pull down AT5G42270 AT2G20060 pull down AT5G51140 AT2G20060 pull down AT5G55000 AT2G20060 pull down AT5G55220 AT2G20060 pull down AT5G63120 AT2G20060 pull down AT5G64050 AT2G20060 pull down ATCG00190 AT2G20060 pull down ATCG00740 AT2G20060 pull down AT2G20420 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT2G21170 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT4G26270 AT2G21170 pull down AT4G10960 AT2G21280 pull down AT2G21790 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT2G25830 AT2G21790 pull down AT3G23580 AT2G21790 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo AT2G22230 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT2G22230 AT1G65290 pull down AT2G22230 AT2G04270 pull down AT2G25830 AT2G22230 pull down AT2G36530 AT2G22230 pull down AT2G22360 AT1G53000 pull down AT2G22360 AT1G74260 pull down AT2G22360 AT2G04560 pull down AT2G25830 AT2G22360 pull down AT2G36880 AT2G22360 pull down AT3G09210 AT2G22360 pull down AT3G10370 AT2G22360 pull down AT3G10690 AT2G22360 pull down AT3G18680 AT2G22360 pull down AT3G22310 AT2G22360 pull down AT3G24090 AT2G22360 pull down AT4G02930 AT2G22360 pull down AT4G15530 AT2G22360 pull down AT4G21220 AT2G22360 pull down AT4G31870 AT2G22360 pull down AT4G38680 AT2G22360 pull down AT5G49030 AT2G22360 pull down AT4G22930 AT2G24580 pull down AT2G25830 AT1G19690 blue native page AT2G27860 AT1G05620 pull down AT3G09210 AT2G27860 pull down AT4G11060 AT2G27860 pull down AT5G35930 AT2G29990 pull down AT2G43760 AT2G31955 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G04420 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G04690 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G07440 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G08490 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G11780 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G11870 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G17850 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G17890 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G18440 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G19690 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G21440 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G22940 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G24793 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G29900 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G32380 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G50380 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G50510 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G50940 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G51680 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G63770 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G65410 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G67280 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G68720 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G70310 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G71810 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G71920 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G73990 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G74710 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G76050 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G77670 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G78380 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G79440 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G79500 pull down AT2G33210 AT1G80600 pull down AT2G33210 AT2G04400 pull down AT2G33210 AT2G04560 pull down AT2G33210 AT2G17265 pull down AT2G33210 AT2G17630 pull down AT2G33210 AT2G18230 pull down AT2G33210 AT2G21280 pull down AT2G33210 AT2G25870 pull down AT2G33210 AT2G26470 pull down AT2G33210 AT2G27860 pull down AT2G33210 AT2G30920 pull down AT2G33210 AT2G31955 pull down AT2G36390 AT2G33210 pull down AT2G36880 AT2G33210 pull down AT2G38040 AT2G33210 pull down AT2G39930 AT2G33210 pull down AT2G41460 AT2G33210 pull down AT2G42790 AT2G33210 pull down AT2G43400 AT2G33210 pull down AT2G47020 AT2G33210 pull down AT3G03500 AT2G33210 pull down AT3G05630 AT2G33210 pull down AT3G06260 AT2G33210 pull down AT3G10370 AT2G33210 pull down AT3G10670 AT2G33210 pull down AT3G10840 AT2G33210 pull down AT3G12290 AT2G33210 pull down AT3G13490 AT2G33210 pull down AT3G17760 AT2G33210 pull down AT3G18630 AT2G33210 pull down AT3G18680 AT2G33210 pull down AT3G24030 AT2G33210 pull down AT3G27820 AT2G33210 pull down AT3G47760 AT2G33210 pull down AT3G50760 AT2G33210 pull down AT3G50790 AT2G33210 pull down AT3G56840 AT2G33210 pull down AT3G59970 AT2G33210 pull down AT3G61080 AT2G33210 pull down AT4G00560 AT2G33210 pull down AT4G04350 AT2G33210 pull down AT4G04610 AT2G33210 pull down AT4G09670 AT2G33210 pull down AT4G10030 AT2G33210 pull down AT4G11280 AT2G33210 pull down AT4G12740 AT2G33210 pull down AT4G14140 AT2G33210 pull down AT4G15093 AT2G33210 pull down AT4G17050 AT2G33210 pull down AT4G18360 AT2G33210 pull down AT4G19880 AT2G33210 pull down AT4G20960 AT2G33210 pull down AT4G21210 AT2G33210 pull down AT4G25730 AT2G33210 pull down AT4G26900 AT2G33210 pull down AT4G28020 AT2G33210 pull down AT4G30490 AT2G33210 pull down AT4G31150 AT2G33210 pull down AT4G31870 AT2G33210 pull down AT4G34350 AT2G33210 pull down AT4G35090 AT2G33210 pull down AT4G37670 AT2G33210 pull down AT4G38220 AT2G33210 pull down AT4G38890 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G01300 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G04620 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G08415 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G08530 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G10050 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G10620 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G11650 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G13030 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G13050 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G14100 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G16080 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G20040 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G20520 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G20720 AT2G33210 electron microscopy AT5G23140 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G23230 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G24300 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G35910 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G35930 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G36700 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G36890 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G39940 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G40650 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G44790 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G47435 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G50320 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G50340 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G51930 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G51970 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G52520 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G57890 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G61510 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G62790 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G63290 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G63840 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G65750 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G66120 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G66280 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G66360 AT2G33210 pull down AT2G33450 AT1G01290 pull down AT2G33450 AT1G10930 pull down AT2G33450 AT1G18440 pull down AT2G33450 AT1G22170 pull down AT2G33450 AT1G50840 pull down AT2G33450 AT1G65290 pull down AT2G33450 AT1G79500 pull down AT2G33450 AT2G04270 affinity chromatography technology AT2G33450 AT2G18230 pull down AT2G33450 AT2G19870 pull down AT2G33450 AT2G21170 pull down AT2G36990 AT2G33450 pull down AT2G43760 AT2G33450 pull down AT2G45240 AT2G33450 pull down AT3G09210 AT2G33450 pull down AT3G22310 AT2G33450 pull down AT4G02260 AT2G33450 pull down AT4G11060 AT2G33450 pull down AT4G12780 AT2G33450 pull down AT4G18360 AT2G33450 pull down AT4G29540 AT2G33450 pull down AT4G31150 AT2G33450 pull down AT4G31210 AT2G33450 pull down AT5G23140 AT2G33450 pull down AT5G41790 AT2G33450 pull down AT5G51140 AT2G33450 pull down AT5G55220 AT2G33450 pull down AT5G63120 AT2G33450 pull down ATCG00470 AT2G33450 pull down ATCG00740 AT2G33450 pull down AT2G33800 AT1G17220 pull down AT2G33800 AT1G31860 pull down AT2G33800 AT1G32490 pull down AT2G33800 AT1G48350 pull down AT2G33800 AT1G48420 pull down AT2G33800 AT1G56350 pull down AT2G33800 AT1G78630 pull down AT2G33800 AT1G79500 pull down AT2G33800 AT2G04270 pull down AT2G33800 AT2G04842 pull down AT2G33800 AT2G17510 pull down AT2G33800 AT2G18230 pull down AT2G33800 AT2G19870 pull down AT2G33800 AT2G20060 pull down AT2G33800 AT2G22230 pull down AT2G33800 AT2G22360 pull down AT2G33800 AT2G25830 pull down AT2G33800 AT2G25840 pull down AT2G36530 AT2G33800 pull down AT2G36990 AT2G33800 pull down AT2G45240 AT2G33800 pull down AT3G03710 AT2G33800 pull down AT3G09210 AT2G33800 pull down AT3G10370 AT2G33800 pull down AT3G18680 AT2G33800 pull down AT3G22310 AT2G33800 pull down AT4G02260 AT2G33800 pull down AT4G02580 AT2G33800 pull down AT4G02930 AT2G33800 pull down AT4G11120 AT2G33800 pull down AT4G14140 AT2G33800 pull down AT4G21220 AT2G33800 pull down AT4G25730 AT2G33800 pull down AT4G26780 AT2G33800 pull down AT4G31150 AT2G33800 pull down AT4G31210 AT2G33800 pull down AT4G31870 AT2G33800 pull down AT4G36020 AT2G33800 pull down AT4G38680 AT2G33800 pull down AT5G03940 AT2G33800 pull down AT5G08650 AT2G33800 pull down AT5G37530 AT2G33800 pull down AT5G41790 AT2G33800 pull down AT5G44680 AT2G33800 pull down AT5G51140 AT2G33800 pull down AT5G55220 AT2G33800 pull down AT5G55280 AT2G33800 pull down AT5G66470 AT2G33800 pull down AT5G67520 AT2G33800 pull down ATCG00180 AT2G33800 pull down ATCG00190 AT2G33800 pull down ATCG00330 AT2G33800 pull down ATCG00740 AT2G33800 pull down AT3G63190 AT2G35650 pull down AT2G36530 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT2G36530 AT1G56190 pull down AT2G36530 AT2G04842 pull down AT3G13490 AT2G36530 pull down AT5G61410 AT2G36530 pull down AT2G36880 AT1G50840 pull down AT2G36880 AT1G79500 pull down AT3G03710 AT2G36880 pull down AT3G10690 AT2G36880 pull down AT4G01800 AT2G36880 pull down AT4G26780 AT2G36880 pull down AT5G03940 AT2G36880 pull down AT5G04130 AT2G36880 pull down AT5G23140 AT2G36880 pull down AT5G53350 AT2G36880 pull down AT2G36990 AT1G79530 pull down AT2G38040 AT1G26550 pull down AT2G38040 AT1G65290 pull down AT2G38040 AT2G36990 pull down AT3G22310 AT2G38040 pull down AT4G36020 AT2G38040 pull down AT4G38680 AT2G38040 pull down AT5G35360 AT2G38040 pull down AT5G51140 AT2G38040 pull down ATCG00500 AT2G38040 pull down AT2G39140 AT1G24340 pull down AT2G39140 AT1G63770 pull down AT2G39140 AT2G20420 pull down AT2G39140 AT2G26470 pull down AT4G10960 AT2G39140 pull down AT4G17050 AT2G39140 pull down AT5G23250 AT2G39140 pull down AT2G39800 AT2G21790 pull down AT3G08840 AT2G39800 pull down AT3G06350 AT2G40490 pull down AT2G41460 AT1G75230 pull down AT2G41680 AT1G03680 x-ray crystallography AT4G36020 AT2G41700 pull down ATCG00190 AT2G41700 pull down AT2G41790 AT2G39800 pull down AT2G43030 AT1G17220 pull down AT2G43030 AT1G48420 pull down AT2G43030 AT1G62850 pull down AT2G43030 AT1G79500 pull down AT2G43030 AT2G04270 pull down AT2G43030 AT2G04842 pull down AT2G43030 AT2G17510 pull down AT2G43030 AT2G18230 pull down AT2G43030 AT2G19870 pull down AT2G43030 AT2G20060 pull down AT2G43030 AT2G22230 pull down AT2G43030 AT2G25840 pull down AT2G43030 AT2G33800 pull down AT2G43030 AT2G38040 pull down AT3G13180 AT2G43030 pull down AT3G18680 AT2G43030 pull down AT3G22310 AT2G43030 pull down AT3G29430 AT2G43030 pull down AT4G02260 AT2G43030 pull down AT4G04350 AT2G43030 pull down AT4G11060 AT2G43030 pull down AT4G14140 AT2G43030 pull down AT4G18460 AT2G43030 pull down AT4G20960 AT2G43030 pull down AT4G21220 AT2G43030 pull down AT4G25730 AT2G43030 pull down AT4G29540 AT2G43030 pull down AT4G30690 AT2G43030 pull down AT4G31150 AT2G43030 pull down AT4G31210 AT2G43030 pull down AT4G36020 AT2G43030 pull down AT4G38680 AT2G43030 pull down AT5G09660 AT2G43030 pull down AT5G10910 AT2G43030 pull down AT5G15450 AT2G43030 pull down AT5G23140 AT2G43030 pull down AT5G26860 AT2G43030 pull down AT5G35360 AT2G43030 pull down AT5G41790 AT2G43030 pull down AT5G51140 AT2G43030 pull down AT5G55220 AT2G43030 pull down AT5G63120 AT2G43030 pull down AT5G64650 AT2G43030 pull down AT5G65750 AT2G43030 pull down ATCG00180 AT2G43030 pull down ATCG00740 AT2G43030 pull down AT4G01800 AT2G43360 pull down AT3G46940 AT2G43760 pull down AT2G45240 AT2G25840 pull down AT4G04350 AT2G45240 pull down AT2G45290 AT2G04270 affinity chromatography technology AT4G15530 AT2G45770 pull down AT5G48840 AT2G46110 pull down AT3G02060 AT1G03210 pull down AT3G02060 AT2G36990 pull down AT5G57655 AT3G02060 pull down ATCG00190 AT3G02060 two hybrid AT5G63680 AT3G02660 pull down AT5G20520 AT3G02870 pull down AT3G03710 AT1G56190 pull down AT3G03710 AT1G63680 pull down AT3G03710 AT2G04270 mass spectrometry studies of complexes AT3G03710 AT2G36530 pull down AT4G38680 AT3G03710 pull down AT3G25220 AT3G06100 pull down AT3G50760 AT3G06260 pull down AT4G38680 AT3G06260 pull down AT3G07630 AT1G31690 pull down AT3G07630 AT1G71920 pull down AT3G07630 AT2G47020 pull down AT3G08740 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT3G09210 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT3G09210 AT1G14460 pull down AT3G09210 AT1G14810 pull down AT4G26780 AT3G09210 pull down ATCG00180 AT3G09210 pull down ATCG00190 AT3G09210 pull down ATCG00380 AT3G09210 pull down AT5G56730 AT3G10050 pull down AT3G10370 AT1G24340 pull down AT3G10370 AT1G24360 pull down AT3G10370 AT1G29900 pull down AT3G10370 AT1G50510 pull down AT3G10370 AT1G73740 pull down AT3G10370 AT1G76050 pull down AT3G10370 AT2G04560 pull down AT3G10370 AT2G17265 pull down AT3G10370 AT2G21280 pull down AT3G10370 AT2G29630 pull down AT3G10370 AT2G30390 pull down AT3G10370 AT2G30920 pull down AT3G10370 AT3G05630 pull down AT3G17760 AT3G10370 comigration in non denaturing gel electrophoresis AT3G44600 AT3G10370 pull down AT3G47760 AT3G10370 pull down AT4G19710 AT3G10370 pull down AT5G08670 AT3G10370 pull down AT5G10050 AT3G10370 pull down AT5G23230 AT3G10370 pull down AT5G44790 AT3G10370 pull down AT5G49030 AT3G10370 pull down AT3G10670 AT1G11780 pull down AT3G22310 AT3G10670 pull down AT4G30690 AT3G10670 pull down AT3G10690 AT1G79500 pull down AT3G10690 AT2G33800 pull down AT4G11060 AT3G10690 pull down AT5G04130 AT3G10690 comigration in non denaturing gel electrophoresis AT5G23140 AT3G10690 pull down AT3G13070 AT1G11870 pull down AT3G13120 AT1G18440 pull down AT3G13120 AT1G56350 pull down AT3G13120 AT1G63970 pull down AT3G13120 AT1G76050 pull down AT3G13120 AT1G79500 pull down AT3G13120 AT2G04270 pull down AT3G13120 AT2G04842 pull down AT3G13120 AT2G05990 pull down AT3G13120 AT2G18230 pull down AT3G13120 AT2G19870 pull down AT3G13120 AT2G20060 pull down AT3G13120 AT2G22360 pull down AT3G13120 AT2G33800 pull down AT3G13120 AT2G39140 pull down AT3G13120 AT2G45240 pull down AT3G13120 AT3G09210 pull down AT3G13490 AT3G13120 pull down AT3G18680 AT3G13120 pull down AT3G22310 AT3G13120 pull down AT3G29430 AT3G13120 pull down AT4G02260 AT3G13120 pull down AT4G04350 AT3G13120 pull down AT4G11060 AT3G13120 pull down AT4G21220 AT3G13120 pull down AT4G26860 AT3G13120 pull down AT4G29540 AT3G13120 pull down AT4G30690 AT3G13120 pull down AT4G31210 AT3G13120 pull down AT4G36020 AT3G13120 pull down AT4G38680 AT3G13120 pull down AT5G08650 AT3G13120 pull down AT5G10910 AT3G13120 pull down AT5G15450 AT3G13120 pull down AT5G23140 AT3G13120 pull down AT5G41790 AT3G13120 pull down AT5G55280 AT3G13120 pull down AT5G63120 AT3G13120 pull down ATCG00180 AT3G13120 pull down ATCG00190 AT3G13120 pull down ATCG00740 AT3G13120 pull down AT4G38680 AT3G13180 pull down AT3G13490 AT1G78380 pull down AT3G13490 AT2G21170 pull down AT3G13490 AT2G35040 comigration in non denaturing gel electrophoresis AT3G13490 AT2G38040 pull down AT3G17170 AT1G14460 pull down AT3G17170 AT1G56190 pull down AT3G17170 AT1G65290 pull down AT3G17170 AT2G04270 pull down AT3G17170 AT2G04842 pull down AT3G17170 AT2G17510 pull down AT3G17170 AT2G22360 pull down AT3G17170 AT2G33800 pull down AT3G17170 AT2G36990 pull down AT3G17170 AT3G09210 pull down AT3G22310 AT3G17170 pull down AT4G02260 AT3G17170 pull down AT4G30690 AT3G17170 pull down AT4G31150 AT3G17170 pull down AT4G38680 AT3G17170 pull down AT5G08650 AT3G17170 pull down AT5G23140 AT3G17170 pull down AT5G51140 AT3G17170 pull down AT5G52640 AT3G17170 pull down AT5G66470 AT3G17170 pull down ATCG00190 AT3G17170 pull down ATCG00740 AT3G17170 pull down AT3G17760 AT3G13490 pull down AT4G26780 AT3G17760 pull down AT3G18680 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT4G30920 AT3G20330 pull down AT3G22310 AT2G04270 pull down AT3G22310 AT2G45240 pull down AT3G22310 AT3G09210 pull down AT4G02260 AT3G22310 pull down AT4G36020 AT3G22310 pull down AT4G38680 AT3G22310 pull down AT5G04130 AT3G22310 pull down AT5G51140 AT3G22310 pull down AT5G08030 AT3G23580 pull down AT3G23940 AT1G67940 pull down AT3G24090 AT2G26930 pull down AT3G25220 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT5G42270 AT3G27280 pull down AT3G27440 AT1G75230 pull down AT4G26860 AT3G27440 pull down AT3G27740 AT1G21440 pull down AT3G27740 AT2G46110 pull down AT4G25340 AT3G27740 pull down AT4G28020 AT3G27740 pull down AT5G35930 AT3G27740 pull down AT3G27850 AT1G12244 pull down AT3G27850 AT1G14460 pull down AT3G27850 AT1G14810 pull down AT3G27850 AT1G17850 pull down AT3G27850 AT1G18440 pull down AT3G27850 AT1G26550 pull down AT3G27850 AT1G50840 pull down AT3G27850 AT1G53000 pull down AT3G27850 AT1G56350 pull down AT3G27850 AT1G65410 pull down AT3G27850 AT1G73740 pull down AT3G27850 AT1G79500 pull down AT3G27850 AT2G04270 pull down AT3G27850 AT2G36990 pull down AT3G27850 AT2G45240 pull down AT3G27850 AT3G04880 pull down AT3G27850 AT3G09210 pull down AT3G27850 AT3G18680 pull down AT3G29430 AT3G27850 pull down AT4G01800 AT3G27850 pull down AT4G02260 AT3G27850 pull down AT4G04350 AT3G27850 pull down AT4G11060 AT3G27850 pull down AT4G21220 AT3G27850 pull down AT4G26780 AT3G27850 pull down AT4G29540 AT3G27850 pull down AT4G30690 AT3G27850 pull down AT4G31150 AT3G27850 pull down AT4G34350 AT3G27850 pull down AT4G36020 AT3G27850 pull down AT5G06410 AT3G27850 pull down AT5G10910 AT3G27850 pull down AT5G23140 AT3G27850 pull down AT5G41790 AT3G27850 pull down AT5G42270 AT3G27850 pull down AT5G51140 AT3G27850 pull down AT5G53350 AT3G27850 pull down AT5G59440 AT3G27850 pull down ATCG00190 AT3G27850 pull down ATCG00740 AT3G27850 pull down AT3G27925 AT2G37690 pull down AT3G27925 AT3G18680 pull down AT5G23140 AT3G27925 pull down AT4G17050 AT3G44600 pull down AT3G44890 AT1G32490 pull down AT3G44890 AT1G56190 pull down AT3G44890 AT1G66520 pull down AT3G44890 AT1G78380 pull down AT3G44890 AT1G78630 pull down AT3G44890 AT1G79500 pull down AT3G44890 AT2G04270 pull down AT3G44890 AT2G04842 pull down AT3G44890 AT2G17510 pull down AT3G44890 AT2G18230 pull down AT3G44890 AT2G19870 pull down AT3G44890 AT2G22230 pull down AT3G44890 AT2G36530 pull down AT3G44890 AT2G45240 pull down AT3G44890 AT3G03710 pull down AT3G44890 AT3G13490 pull down AT3G44890 AT3G18680 pull down AT3G44890 AT3G22310 pull down AT4G02260 AT3G44890 pull down AT4G21220 AT3G44890 pull down AT4G30690 AT3G44890 pull down AT4G37910 AT3G44890 pull down AT4G38680 AT3G44890 pull down AT5G08650 AT3G44890 pull down AT5G26860 AT3G44890 pull down AT5G39940 AT3G44890 pull down AT5G41790 AT3G44890 pull down AT5G51140 AT3G44890 pull down ATCG00120 AT3G44890 comigration in non denaturing gel electrophoresis ATCG00180 AT3G44890 pull down ATCG00830 AT3G44890 pull down AT3G46100 AT3G21720 pull down AT3G48110 AT1G09830 pull down AT3G48110 AT3G10690 pull down AT5G04130 AT3G48110 pull down AT3G49080 AT1G11780 pull down AT3G49080 AT1G66520 pull down AT3G49080 AT1G73740 pull down AT3G49080 AT1G75230 pull down AT3G49080 AT1G78630 pull down AT3G49080 AT1G79500 pull down AT3G49080 AT2G01440 pull down AT3G49080 AT2G17510 pull down AT3G49080 AT2G25830 pull down AT3G49080 AT2G29990 pull down AT3G49080 AT2G33800 pull down AT3G49080 AT2G39140 pull down AT3G49080 AT2G41460 pull down AT3G49080 AT2G41880 pull down AT3G49080 AT3G13180 pull down AT3G49080 AT3G22310 pull down AT3G49080 AT3G24560 pull down AT4G02260 AT3G49080 pull down AT4G02580 AT3G49080 pull down AT4G11175 AT3G49080 pull down AT4G12740 AT3G49080 pull down AT4G21220 AT3G49080 pull down AT4G26780 AT3G49080 pull down AT4G26860 AT3G49080 pull down AT4G29540 AT3G49080 pull down AT4G30690 AT3G49080 pull down AT4G34620 AT3G49080 pull down AT4G36020 AT3G49080 pull down AT4G38680 AT3G49080 pull down AT5G15390 AT3G49080 pull down AT5G30510 AT3G49080 pull down AT5G41790 AT3G49080 pull down AT5G55220 AT3G49080 pull down AT5G63120 AT3G49080 pull down AT5G64670 AT3G49080 pull down AT5G65720 AT3G49080 pull down AT5G66470 AT3G49080 pull down ATCG01230 AT3G49080 pull down ATCG01240 AT3G49080 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS ATCG00500 AT3G50760 pull down AT5G37850 AT3G53180 pull down AT3G54440 AT1G01710 pull down AT3G54440 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT3G54440 AT1G21440 pull down AT3G54440 AT2G29450 pull down AT3G54440 AT3G44600 pull down AT3G54440 AT3G46940 pull down AT4G11175 AT3G54440 pull down AT4G15560 AT3G54440 pull down AT4G27070 AT3G54440 pull down AT4G30920 AT3G54440 pull down AT5G06290 AT3G54440 pull down AT5G14100 AT3G54440 pull down AT5G15450 AT3G54440 pull down AT5G16440 AT3G54440 pull down AT5G23230 AT3G54440 pull down AT5G48840 AT3G54440 pull down AT5G55130 AT3G54440 pull down AT5G55220 AT3G54440 pull down AT5G63890 AT3G54440 pull down AT5G65720 AT3G54440 pull down AT5G11880 AT3G55030 pull down AT3G56840 AT1G26550 pull down AT3G56840 AT3G02570 pull down AT3G57560 AT3G57560 two hybrid AT3G58610 AT2G41880 pull down AT3G59760 AT3G10670 pull down AT3G59760 AT3G13490 pull down AT4G35640 AT3G59760 comigration in non denaturing gel electrophoresis AT3G63490 AT1G01290 pull down AT3G63490 AT1G14460 pull down AT3G63490 AT1G32990 pull down AT3G63490 AT1G48420 pull down AT3G63490 AT1G62850 pull down AT3G63490 AT1G66520 pull down AT3G63490 AT1G75230 pull down AT3G63490 AT1G79500 pull down AT3G63490 AT1G80620 pull down AT3G63490 AT2G01440 pull down AT3G63490 AT2G04270 pull down AT3G63490 AT2G04842 pull down AT3G63490 AT2G17510 pull down AT3G63490 AT2G20060 pull down AT3G63490 AT2G22230 pull down AT3G63490 AT2G22360 pull down AT3G63490 AT2G30390 pull down AT3G63490 AT2G33800 pull down AT3G63490 AT2G36990 pull down AT3G63490 AT3G03710 pull down AT3G63490 AT3G10670 pull down AT3G63490 AT3G18680 pull down AT3G63490 AT3G22310 pull down AT3G63490 AT3G24560 pull down AT4G01900 AT3G63490 pull down AT4G14140 AT3G63490 pull down AT4G21220 AT3G63490 pull down AT4G25730 AT3G63490 pull down AT4G34620 AT3G63490 pull down AT4G36020 AT3G63490 pull down AT4G38680 AT3G63490 pull down AT5G03940 AT3G63490 pull down AT5G06410 AT3G63490 pull down AT5G14100 AT3G63490 pull down AT5G23140 AT3G63490 pull down AT5G26880 AT3G63490 pull down AT5G30510 AT3G63490 pull down AT5G51140 AT3G63490 pull down AT5G63120 AT3G63490 pull down AT5G64650 AT3G63490 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS ATCG00120 AT3G63490 comigration in non denaturing gel electrophoresis ATCG00330 AT3G63490 pull down ATCG00380 AT3G63490 pull down ATCG00740 AT3G63490 pull down ATCG00790 AT3G63490 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS ATCG00820 AT3G63490 pull down ATCG01230 AT3G63490 pull down ATCG01240 AT3G63490 pull down AT4G01310 AT1G50510 pull down AT4G01310 AT1G75230 pull down AT4G01310 AT1G79500 pull down AT4G01310 AT2G16930 pull down AT4G01310 AT2G20060 pull down AT4G01310 AT2G22230 pull down AT4G01310 AT2G36990 pull down AT4G01310 AT3G03710 pull down AT4G01310 AT3G09210 pull down AT4G01310 AT3G17170 pull down AT4G01310 AT3G18680 pull down AT4G04950 AT4G01310 pull down AT4G20960 AT4G01310 pull down AT4G30690 AT4G01310 pull down AT4G31870 AT4G01310 pull down AT4G38680 AT4G01310 pull down AT5G08670 AT4G01310 pull down AT5G23140 AT4G01310 pull down AT5G51140 AT4G01310 pull down AT5G55280 AT4G01310 pull down ATCG00740 AT4G01310 pull down AT4G01800 AT1G65290 pull down AT4G01800 AT2G18710 far western blotting AT4G01800 AT2G26080 pull down AT4G01800 AT3G02660 pull down AT4G01800 AT3G09210 pull down AT4G01800 AT3G18680 pull down AT4G01800 AT3G54440 pull down AT4G01800 AT4G01800 blue native page AT4G02930 AT4G01800 pull down AT4G11060 AT4G01800 pull down AT5G23140 AT4G01800 pull down AT5G51140 AT4G01800 pull down AT5G55280 AT4G01800 pull down ATCG00190 AT4G01800 pull down AT5G51140 AT4G02260 pull down AT4G02580 AT2G41460 pull down AT4G04950 AT4G02580 pull down AT5G08530 AT4G02580 pull down AT4G02930 AT1G05900 pull down AT4G02930 AT1G14810 pull down AT4G02930 AT1G18440 pull down AT4G02930 AT1G32490 pull down AT4G02930 AT1G50840 pull down AT4G02930 AT1G53000 pull down AT4G02930 AT1G62750 comigration in non denaturing gel electrophoresis AT4G02930 AT1G64550 pull down AT4G02930 AT1G65410 pull down AT4G02930 AT1G67940 pull down AT4G02930 AT1G79500 pull down AT4G02930 AT2G04270 pull down AT4G02930 AT2G04560 pull down AT4G02930 AT2G18230 pull down AT4G02930 AT2G20060 pull down AT4G02930 AT2G21790 pull down AT4G02930 AT2G22230 pull down AT4G02930 AT2G25870 pull down AT4G02930 AT2G31955 pull down AT4G02930 AT2G33740 pull down AT4G02930 AT2G36880 pull down AT4G02930 AT2G36990 pull down AT4G02930 AT3G03500 pull down AT4G02930 AT3G10690 pull down AT4G02930 AT3G13490 pull down AT4G02930 AT3G18680 pull down AT4G02930 AT3G23580 pull down AT4G02930 AT4G02260 pull down AT4G09140 AT4G02930 pull down AT4G11060 AT4G02930 pull down AT4G15560 AT4G02930 pull down AT4G21210 AT4G02930 pull down AT4G25540 AT4G02930 pull down AT4G25730 AT4G02930 pull down AT4G26780 AT4G02930 pull down AT5G03940 AT4G02930 pull down AT5G04130 AT4G02930 pull down AT5G06410 AT4G02930 pull down AT5G15450 AT4G02930 pull down AT5G22800 AT4G02930 pull down AT5G23140 AT4G02930 pull down AT5G26860 AT4G02930 pull down AT5G41790 AT4G02930 pull down AT5G49030 AT4G02930 pull down AT5G53350 AT4G02930 pull down AT5G55280 AT4G02930 pull down AT5G57300 AT4G02930 pull down AT5G59440 AT4G02930 pull down AT5G66470 AT4G02930 pull down ATCG00190 AT4G02930 pull down AT4G04350 AT2G24580 pull down AT5G09660 AT4G04350 comigration in non denaturing gel electrophoresis AT4G04610 AT2G25100 pull down AT4G04880 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT4G04880 AT2G22360 pull down AT4G04880 AT3G10690 pull down AT5G55280 AT4G04880 pull down AT5G10050 AT4G04955 pull down AT5G20980 AT4G04955 pull down AT4G05450 AT2G16710 enzymatic study AT4G08900 AT2G36880 pull down AT4G09140 AT4G09140 Reconstituted Complex|adenylate cyclase complementation|Reconstituted Complex AT5G23140 AT4G09140 pull down ATCG00190 AT4G09140 pull down AT4G09320 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT5G13050 AT4G09320 pull down AT4G10030 AT1G30820 pull down AT4G11060 AT1G10930 pull down AT4G11060 AT1G71810 pull down AT4G11060 AT3G17760 pull down AT4G11060 AT3G18630 pull down AT4G31210 AT4G11060 pull down AT5G26860 AT4G11060 pull down AT4G11120 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT4G11120 AT1G62750 comigration in non denaturing gel electrophoresis AT4G11120 AT3G18680 pull down AT4G11280 AT2G28880 pull down AT4G37910 AT4G11280 pull down AT4G12440 AT1G62750 pull down AT4G12440 AT3G08840 pull down AT4G14930 AT2G25830 pull down AT4G17300 AT4G33760 pull down|Enriched domain pair|Gene neighbors method|Co-expression AT4G17370 AT1G67940 pull down AT4G17740 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT4G18440 AT1G65290 blue native page AT4G19880 AT3G02570 pull down AT4G19880 AT4G11640 pull down AT4G20960 AT1G17220 pull down ATCG00190 AT4G20960 pull down AT5G14800 AT4G21210 pull down AT4G21220 AT1G65290 pull down AT4G21220 AT2G39800 pull down AT4G24830 AT2G21170 pull down AT4G26270 AT4G24830 pull down AT5G20990 AT4G24830 pull down AT4G25340 AT2G01440 pull down AT4G25540 AT1G05620 pull down AT4G25540 AT4G25540 adenylate cyclase complementation AT4G26270 AT4G03140 pull down AT5G20990 AT4G26270 pull down AT4G26300 AT1G70310 pull down AT4G26300 AT3G10690 pull down AT4G26780 AT1G17220 pull down AT4G26780 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G53350 AT4G26780 pull down AT4G27070 AT3G55630 pull down AT4G27270 AT3G13490 pull down AT4G27600 AT3G22310 pull down AT5G14660 AT4G28020 pull down AT4G29120 AT4G04955 pull down AT4G29540 AT2G25100 pull down AT4G29540 AT4G21220 pull down AT4G30210 AT1G30910 pull down AT5G64300 AT4G30210 pull down AT4G30690 AT2G17510 pull down AT4G30690 AT2G33800 pull down AT4G30690 AT4G01800 pull down AT4G30920 AT1G75330 pull down AT4G30930 AT1G37150 pull down AT4G30930 AT1G79500 pull down AT4G30930 AT2G04270 pull down AT4G30930 AT2G17510 pull down AT4G30930 AT2G31955 pull down AT4G30930 AT2G33800 pull down AT4G30930 AT2G36990 pull down AT4G30930 AT3G03710 pull down AT4G30930 AT3G18680 pull down AT4G30930 AT3G22310 pull down AT4G30930 AT3G49080 pull down AT4G30930 AT4G02260 pull down AT4G30930 AT4G14140 pull down AT4G30930 AT4G20960 pull down AT4G30930 AT4G21220 pull down AT4G30930 AT4G27600 pull down AT4G30930 AT4G29540 pull down AT4G30930 AT4G30690 pull down AT4G38680 AT4G30930 pull down AT5G15450 AT4G30930 pull down AT5G23140 AT4G30930 pull down AT5G26860 AT4G30930 pull down AT5G42270 AT4G30930 pull down AT5G51140 AT4G30930 pull down AT5G64650 AT4G30930 pull down AT5G66470 AT4G30930 pull down ATCG00500 AT4G30930 pull down ATCG00740 AT4G30930 pull down AT5G42270 AT4G31150 pull down AT4G31210 AT3G13180 pull down AT4G31210 AT4G27070 pull down AT4G38090 AT4G31210 pull down AT4G38680 AT4G31210 pull down AT4G31870 AT2G25100 pull down AT4G31920 AT1G79530 pull down AT4G38680 AT4G31920 pull down AT5G11880 AT4G31920 pull down AT4G33760 AT2G47510 pull down AT4G33760 AT3G55630 pull down AT4G33760 AT4G26270 pull down AT4G37910 AT4G33760 comigration in non denaturing gel electrophoresis ATCG00740 AT4G33760 pull down AT4G34350 AT1G18440 pull down AT4G34620 AT2G04270 pull down AT4G34620 AT2G17510 pull down AT4G34620 AT2G33800 pull down AT4G34620 AT2G39140 pull down AT4G34620 AT2G45240 pull down AT4G34620 AT3G09210 pull down AT4G34620 AT3G18680 pull down AT4G34620 AT3G22310 pull down AT4G34620 AT4G02260 pull down AT4G34620 AT4G04350 pull down AT4G34620 AT4G21220 pull down AT4G34620 AT4G30690 pull down AT5G23140 AT4G34620 pull down AT5G41790 AT4G34620 pull down AT5G51140 AT4G34620 pull down ATCG00180 AT4G34620 pull down ATCG00740 AT4G34620 pull down AT4G35090 AT3G13490 pull down AT4G35970 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT4G35970 AT1G63680 pull down AT4G35970 AT2G18230 pull down AT4G36020 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT4G36020 AT4G15560 pull down AT5G08650 AT4G37670 pull down AT4G37910 AT1G01710 pull down AT4G37910 AT1G05900 pull down AT4G37910 AT1G17220 pull down AT4G37910 AT1G17850 pull down AT4G37910 AT1G23010 pull down AT4G37910 AT1G32990 pull down AT4G37910 AT1G50940 pull down AT4G37910 AT1G53000 pull down AT4G37910 AT1G54870 pull down AT4G37910 AT1G56190 pull down AT4G37910 AT1G63680 pull down AT4G37910 AT1G65410 pull down AT4G37910 AT1G67280 pull down AT4G37910 AT1G67940 pull down AT4G37910 AT1G71810 pull down AT4G37910 AT1G74040 pull down AT4G37910 AT1G74710 pull down AT4G37910 AT1G78380 pull down AT4G37910 AT1G79530 pull down AT4G37910 AT2G01350 pull down AT4G37910 AT2G04270 pull down AT4G37910 AT2G04540 pull down AT4G37910 AT2G04842 pull down AT4G37910 AT2G17630 pull down AT4G37910 AT2G18230 pull down AT4G37910 AT2G21170 pull down AT4G37910 AT2G22360 pull down AT4G37910 AT2G25870 pull down AT4G37910 AT2G30920 pull down AT4G37910 AT2G33210 pull down AT4G37910 AT2G36530 Affinity Capture-MS|pull down|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G37910 AT2G36880 pull down AT4G37910 AT2G38040 pull down AT4G37910 AT2G43030 pull down AT4G37910 AT2G43360 pull down AT4G37910 AT2G47020 pull down AT4G37910 AT2G47510 pull down AT4G37910 AT3G02660 pull down AT4G37910 AT3G08840 pull down AT4G37910 AT3G10690 pull down AT4G37910 AT3G12290 pull down AT4G37910 AT3G17170 pull down AT4G37910 AT3G17760 pull down AT4G37910 AT3G18680 pull down AT4G37910 AT3G21230 pull down AT4G37910 AT3G22740 pull down AT4G37910 AT3G23490 pull down AT4G37910 AT3G23580 pull down AT4G37910 AT3G27925 pull down AT4G37910 AT3G29430 pull down AT4G37910 AT3G44600 pull down AT4G37910 AT3G55630 pull down AT4G37910 AT4G01800 pull down AT4G37910 AT4G02580 pull down AT4G37910 AT4G02930 pull down AT4G37910 AT4G09140 pull down AT4G37910 AT4G09320 pull down AT4G37910 AT4G11060 pull down AT4G37910 AT4G12740 pull down AT4G37910 AT4G13430 pull down AT4G37910 AT4G26780 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|pull down|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|interologs mapping|Reconstituted Complex AT4G37910 AT4G34350 pull down AT4G37910 AT4G34620 pull down AT5G01300 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G08415 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G10240 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G14100 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G15140 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G15450 AT4G37910 blue native page AT5G16080 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G16390 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G20720 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G23140 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G35360 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G40760 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G43430 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G44790 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G48840 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G51930 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G51970 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G53350 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G55000 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G55130 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G55280 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G56730 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G61410 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G61510 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G63680 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G65720 AT4G37910 pull down ATCG00180 AT4G37910 pull down ATCG00500 AT4G37910 pull down ATCG00830 AT4G37910 pull down AT4G38680 AT3G13490 pull down ATCG00740 AT4G38680 pull down AT4G38890 AT1G11780 pull down AT4G38890 AT4G19880 pull down AT5G03860 AT2G39930 pull down AT5G03940 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT5G03940 AT2G22230 pull down AT5G03940 AT3G10690 pull down AT5G03940 AT4G25730 pull down AT5G04130 AT1G67940 pull down AT5G04130 AT2G31955 pull down AT5G04130 AT2G33800 pull down AT5G04140 AT1G03210 pull down AT5G04140 AT4G14910 pull down AT5G04140 AT4G15560 pull down AT5G04140 AT4G30110 pull down AT5G23230 AT5G04140 pull down AT5G04590 AT1G30910 pull down AT5G04590 AT1G51680 pull down AT5G04590 AT4G31920 pull down AT5G06290 AT1G15140 pull down AT5G06290 AT2G40690 pull down AT5G53350 AT5G06290 pull down AT5G63890 AT5G06290 pull down AT5G53350 AT5G06410 pull down AT5G07470 AT2G16710 pull down AT5G07470 AT2G18230 pull down ATCG00180 AT5G08280 pull down AT5G55070 AT5G08415 pull down AT5G65750 AT5G08415 pull down AT5G08670 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT5G08670 AT1G15140 pull down AT5G08670 AT1G15700 pull down AT5G08670 AT2G22360 pull down AT5G08670 AT2G25830 pull down AT5G64300 AT5G08670 pull down ATCG00120 AT5G08670 blue native page ATCG00190 AT5G08670 pull down AT5G09290 AT2G16930 pull down AT5G09290 AT4G04950 pull down ATCG00180 AT5G09290 pull down AT5G09660 AT2G33210 molecular sieving AT5G36700 AT5G10240 pull down AT5G10620 AT3G49080 pull down ATCG00380 AT5G10620 pull down ATCG00770 AT5G10620 pull down AT5G11650 AT2G27860 pull down AT5G11650 AT3G54670 pull down AT5G11650 AT4G30690 pull down ATCG01110 AT5G11770 blue native page AT5G11880 AT3G13490 pull down AT5G55220 AT5G11880 pull down AT5G13650 AT4G38090 pull down AT5G14100 AT2G04270 affinity chromatography technology AT5G14320 AT1G32490 pull down AT5G14320 AT1G32990 pull down AT5G14320 AT1G65290 pull down AT5G14320 AT1G66520 pull down AT5G14320 AT1G78630 pull down AT5G14320 AT1G79500 pull down AT5G14320 AT2G01440 pull down AT5G14320 AT2G04842 pull down AT5G14320 AT2G17510 pull down AT5G14320 AT2G20060 pull down AT5G14320 AT2G21280 pull down AT5G14320 AT2G22360 pull down AT5G14320 AT2G30920 pull down AT5G14320 AT2G33800 pull down AT5G14320 AT2G39140 pull down AT5G14320 AT3G02060 pull down AT5G14320 AT3G03710 pull down AT5G14320 AT3G22310 pull down AT5G14320 AT4G04880 pull down AT5G14320 AT4G12740 pull down AT5G14320 AT4G21220 pull down AT5G14320 AT4G30690 pull down AT5G14320 AT4G31150 pull down AT5G14320 AT4G31210 pull down AT5G14320 AT4G38680 pull down AT5G49970 AT5G14320 pull down AT5G51140 AT5G14320 pull down AT5G64650 AT5G14320 pull down AT5G66470 AT5G14320 pull down ATCG00180 AT5G14320 pull down ATCG00380 AT5G14320 pull down ATCG00740 AT5G14320 pull down AT5G14660 AT2G31170 pull down AT5G15140 AT5G13050 pull down AT5G15390 AT4G02260 pull down AT5G15450 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G15450 AT3G13490 pull down AT5G15450 AT3G46940 pull down AT5G15450 AT4G26780 pull down AT5G15450 AT4G30110 pull down AT5G15450 AT5G06410 pull down AT5G53350 AT5G15450 pull down ATCG00180 AT5G15450 pull down AT5G16390 AT4G20960 pull down AT5G35360 AT5G16390 pull down AT5G19150 AT2G19870 pull down AT5G19500 AT1G78380 pull down AT5G19550 AT3G10690 pull down AT5G20720 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT5G22800 AT3G24090 pull down AT5G22800 AT4G31210 pull down AT5G22800 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G22800 AT5G15450 pull down AT5G23070 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT5G23140 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT5G23230 AT2G21170 pull down AT5G23230 AT3G25220 pull down AT5G23230 AT4G26780 pull down AT5G23230 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G23230 AT4G38680 pull down AT5G23250 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT5G23250 AT2G20420 Affinity Capture-MS|comigration in non denaturing gel electrophoresis|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G23250 AT3G22310 pull down AT5G23300 AT2G33210 pull down ATCG00120 AT5G23300 comigration in non denaturing gel electrophoresis AT5G23535 AT1G73740 pull down AT5G23535 AT1G79500 pull down AT5G23535 AT2G04270 pull down AT5G23535 AT2G17510 pull down AT5G23535 AT2G20060 pull down AT5G23535 AT2G22360 pull down AT5G23535 AT3G03710 pull down AT5G23535 AT3G13490 pull down AT5G23535 AT3G22310 pull down AT5G23535 AT4G02260 pull down AT5G23535 AT4G11060 pull down AT5G23535 AT4G21220 pull down AT5G23535 AT4G29540 pull down AT5G23535 AT4G30690 pull down AT5G23535 AT4G38680 pull down AT5G23535 AT5G08650 pull down AT5G51140 AT5G23535 pull down ATCG00180 AT5G23535 pull down ATCG00740 AT5G23535 pull down AT5G24020 AT4G01800 pull down AT5G24020 AT4G25340 pull down AT5G24020 AT5G20720 pull down AT5G26860 AT1G08490 pull down AT5G26860 AT1G74260 pull down AT5G26860 AT2G22230 pull down AT5G26860 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G26860 AT4G15560 pull down AT5G26860 AT4G25730 pull down AT5G26860 AT4G26780 pull down AT5G26860 AT4G30110 pull down AT5G26860 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G26860 AT5G01300 pull down AT5G26860 AT5G03940 pull down AT5G26860 AT5G23140 pull down AT5G26860 AT5G23230 pull down AT5G66470 AT5G26860 pull down ATCG00180 AT5G26860 pull down AT5G30510 AT1G32490 pull down AT5G30510 AT1G53000 pull down AT5G30510 AT2G04842 pull down AT5G30510 AT2G05990 pull down AT5G30510 AT2G17510 pull down AT5G30510 AT2G22230 pull down AT5G30510 AT2G30920 pull down AT5G30510 AT2G33210 comigration in non denaturing gel electrophoresis AT5G30510 AT2G33800 pull down AT5G30510 AT2G36990 pull down AT5G30510 AT3G18680 pull down AT5G30510 AT3G22310 pull down AT5G30510 AT3G24560 pull down AT5G30510 AT4G02260 pull down AT5G30510 AT4G09140 pull down AT5G30510 AT4G30690 pull down AT5G30510 AT4G37910 blue native page AT5G30510 AT4G38680 pull down AT5G30510 AT5G15450 blue native page AT5G30510 AT5G23070 pull down AT5G51140 AT5G30510 pull down AT5G55220 AT5G30510 pull down AT5G63120 AT5G30510 pull down AT5G63680 AT5G30510 pull down ATCG00180 AT5G30510 pull down ATCG00740 AT5G30510 pull down AT5G34930 AT4G21220 pull down AT5G35360 AT3G44600 pull down AT5G35360 AT4G20960 pull down AT5G37510 AT1G22940 pull down AT5G37510 AT2G33210 pull down AT5G37510 AT2G40600 pull down AT5G37510 AT4G02580 pull down AT5G37510 AT4G26300 pull down AT5G37510 AT5G08530 pull down ATCG01110 AT5G37510 blue native page AT5G37530 AT4G25340 pull down AT5G37530 AT4G34570 pull down AT5G53920 AT5G39040 pull down AT5G55220 AT5G40650 pull down AT5G40760 AT1G29900 pull down AT5G40760 AT1G76050 pull down AT5G40760 AT1G77670 pull down AT5G40760 AT2G20420 pull down AT5G40760 AT2G37690 pull down AT5G40760 AT3G02570 pull down AT5G40760 AT3G05630 pull down AT5G40760 AT4G19710 pull down AT5G40760 AT5G20040 pull down AT5G41790 AT1G21440 pull down AT5G41790 AT1G48850 pull down AT5G41790 AT2G22360 pull down AT5G41790 AT3G09210 pull down AT5G41790 AT3G44600 pull down AT5G41790 AT4G02260 pull down AT5G41790 AT4G14140 pull down AT5G41790 AT4G37990 pull down AT5G41790 AT5G03860 pull down AT5G41790 AT5G23230 pull down AT5G51970 AT5G41790 pull down AT5G42270 AT2G47510 pull down AT5G42270 AT3G44600 pull down AT5G42270 AT4G29540 pull down AT5G44790 AT5G42270 pull down AT5G55220 AT5G42270 pull down AT5G58080 AT5G42270 pull down AT5G42740 AT3G24030 pull down AT5G45380 AT3G02570 pull down AT5G47435 AT2G26080 pull down AT5G48300 AT5G36890 pull down AT5G48440 AT1G22210 pull down AT5G48440 AT1G73740 pull down AT5G48440 AT2G04560 pull down AT5G48440 AT2G18230 pull down AT5G48440 AT2G25830 pull down AT5G48440 AT2G30390 pull down AT5G48440 AT3G44600 pull down AT5G48440 AT5G10050 pull down ATCG00120 AT5G48440 comigration in non denaturing gel electrophoresis AT5G49030 AT2G46110 pull down AT5G49030 AT3G13490 pull down AT5G63120 AT5G49970 pull down AT5G50630 AT3G13490 pull down AT5G51100 AT3G59760 comigration in non denaturing gel electrophoresis AT5G51140 AT4G36020 pull down AT5G51140 AT4G38680 pull down AT5G51740 AT3G06350 pull down AT5G51930 AT4G14930 pull down AT5G52520 AT2G39800 pull down AT5G52520 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G52520 AT5G04590 pull down AT5G52640 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT5G52640 AT1G74040 pull down AT5G52640 AT1G77670 pull down|synthetic growth defect AT5G52640 AT2G30390 pull down AT5G52640 AT4G37910 pull down AT5G52640 AT5G06410 pull down AT5G52640 AT5G20720 pull down AT5G55220 AT5G52640 pull down AT5G63400 AT5G52640 pull down ATCG00160 AT5G52640 pull down AT5G53350 AT3G44600 pull down AT5G53350 AT4G18440 pull down AT5G53350 AT5G23140 pull down AT5G57890 AT5G53350 pull down AT5G55000 AT1G56350 pull down AT5G55070 AT1G24793 pull down AT5G55070 AT1G48420 pull down AT5G55070 AT2G20420 pull down AT5G55070 AT2G22360 pull down AT5G55070 AT3G02660 pull down AT5G55070 AT3G09210 pull down AT5G55070 AT4G30920 pull down AT5G55070 AT5G01300 pull down AT5G65750 AT5G55070 pull down|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G55220 AT2G18230 pull down AT5G55220 AT2G33210 comigration in non denaturing gel electrophoresis AT5G55220 AT4G01900 pull down AT5G55220 AT5G20720 pull down AT5G55220 AT5G23140 pull down AT5G55280 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT5G55280 AT3G10690 pull down AT5G55280 AT5G08670 pull down AT5G55280 AT5G55070 pull down AT5G60600 AT5G55280 pull down AT5G57300 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT5G57655 AT4G02930 pull down AT5G58070 AT2G26470 pull down AT5G58070 AT2G36990 pull down AT5G63290 AT5G58070 pull down AT5G58080 AT4G27270 pull down AT5G60600 AT2G37690 pull down AT5G61380 AT1G48350 pull down AT5G61380 AT1G69830 pull down AT5G61380 AT4G36020 pull down AT5G61380 AT5G15450 pull down AT5G61380 AT5G23535 pull down AT5G61410 AT2G04842 pull down AT5G62410 AT4G38680 pull down AT5G62790 AT3G63190 pull down AT5G62790 AT4G12440 pull down AT5G63030 AT1G50510 pull down AT5G63120 AT1G17220 pull down AT5G63120 AT2G18230 pull down AT5G63120 AT4G05450 pull down AT5G63120 AT4G11060 pull down AT5G63120 AT4G38680 pull down AT5G63120 AT5G23140 pull down AT5G63120 AT5G51140 pull down AT5G63290 AT5G14460 pull down AT5G63400 AT4G01900 pull down AT5G63400 AT5G23140 pull down AT5G63400 AT5G23230 pull down AT5G63400 AT5G55220 pull down AT5G63680 AT1G09300 pull down AT5G63680 AT2G42790 comigration in non denaturing gel electrophoresis AT5G63680 AT2G47510 pull down AT5G63890 AT1G71920 pull down AT5G64050 AT1G65440 pull down AT5G64050 AT2G36530 pull down AT5G64050 AT3G02570 pull down AT5G64050 AT3G59760 comigration in non denaturing gel electrophoresis AT5G64050 AT5G01300 pull down AT5G64050 AT5G16390 pull down AT5G64300 AT1G76690 pull down AT5G64300 AT2G31955 pull down AT5G64300 AT3G10370 pull down AT5G64300 AT4G29540 pull down AT5G64650 AT1G01290 pull down AT5G64650 AT1G11780 pull down AT5G64650 AT1G66520 pull down AT5G64650 AT1G73740 pull down AT5G64650 AT1G75230 pull down AT5G64650 AT1G78630 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64650 AT2G01440 pull down AT5G64650 AT2G16930 pull down AT5G64650 AT2G20060 pull down AT5G64650 AT2G21170 pull down AT5G64650 AT2G25830 pull down AT5G64650 AT2G33800 pull down AT5G64650 AT3G02770 pull down AT5G64650 AT3G03710 pull down AT5G64650 AT3G13180 pull down AT5G64650 AT3G22310 pull down AT5G64650 AT3G24560 pull down AT5G64650 AT3G53180 pull down AT5G64650 AT3G53900 pull down AT5G64650 AT4G02260 pull down AT5G64650 AT4G11175 pull down AT5G64650 AT4G12740 pull down AT5G64650 AT4G26780 pull down AT5G64650 AT4G29540 pull down AT5G64650 AT4G34620 pull down AT5G64650 AT4G34710 pull down AT5G64650 AT4G36020 pull down AT5G64650 AT4G37990 pull down AT5G64650 AT5G14460 pull down AT5G64650 AT5G30510 pull down AT5G64650 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pull down AT5G64840 AT4G31210 pull down ATCG00160 AT5G64860 pull down AT5G65720 AT1G65290 tandem affinity purification AT5G65720 AT2G39800 pull down AT5G65720 AT2G46110 pull down AT5G65720 AT3G02770 pull down AT5G65720 AT3G09210 pull down AT5G65720 AT3G54470 pull down AT5G65720 AT4G05450 pull down AT5G65720 AT5G20040 pull down AT5G65750 AT1G53580 pull down AT5G65750 AT1G64550 pull down AT5G66120 AT1G62750 pull down AT5G66760 AT1G03680 tandem affinity purification AT5G66760 AT1G51680 pull down AT5G66760 AT1G53000 pull down AT5G66760 AT1G79500 pull down AT5G66760 AT2G04560 pull down AT5G66760 AT2G20420 pull down AT5G66760 AT2G25100 pull down AT5G66760 AT2G27860 pull down AT5G66760 AT2G30390 pull down AT5G66760 AT2G43400 pull down AT5G66760 AT2G47510 pull down AT5G66760 AT3G02660 pull down AT5G66760 AT3G45300 pull down AT5G66760 AT4G16210 pull down AT5G66760 AT4G21220 pull down AT5G66760 AT4G26300 pull down AT5G66760 AT4G29120 pull down AT5G66760 AT5G04590 pull down AT5G66760 AT5G15450 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AT2G16930 pull down ATCG00380 AT2G17510 pull down ATCG00380 AT2G20060 pull down ATCG00380 AT2G22230 pull down ATCG00380 AT2G25840 pull down ATCG00380 AT2G26470 pull down ATCG00380 AT2G33800 pull down ATCG00380 AT2G36990 pull down ATCG00380 AT2G39140 pull down ATCG00380 AT2G46110 pull down ATCG00380 AT3G02870 pull down ATCG00380 AT3G03500 pull down ATCG00380 AT3G03710 pull down ATCG00380 AT3G10370 pull down ATCG00380 AT3G13180 pull down ATCG00380 AT3G22310 pull down ATCG00380 AT3G49080 pull down ATCG00380 AT4G02260 pull down ATCG00380 AT4G04950 pull down ATCG00380 AT4G11060 pull down ATCG00380 AT4G15940 pull down ATCG00380 AT4G18360 pull down ATCG00380 AT4G20960 pull down ATCG00380 AT4G21220 pull down ATCG00380 AT4G25340 pull down ATCG00380 AT4G25730 pull down ATCG00380 AT4G29540 pull down ATCG00380 AT4G30690 pull down ATCG00380 AT4G34620 pull down ATCG00380 AT4G34710 pull down ATCG00380 AT4G36020 pull down ATCG00380 AT4G38680 pull down ATCG00380 AT5G03940 pull down ATCG00380 AT5G09660 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AT5G51140 pull down ATCG00830 AT5G52640 pull down ATCG00830 AT5G59440 pull down ATCG00830 AT5G63120 pull down ATCG00830 AT5G64650 pull down ATCG00830 AT5G64670 pull down ATCG00830 AT5G66470 pull down ATCG00830 ATCG00180 pull down ATCG00830 ATCG00190 pull down ATCG00830 ATCG00330 pull down ATCG00830 ATCG00380 pull down ATCG00830 ATCG00740 pull down ATCG00830 ATCG00800 pull down ATCG00830 ATCG00820 pull down ATCG01230 ATCG00830 pull down ATCG01070 AT2G40300 pull down ATCG01090 AT2G29630 pull down ATCG01090 AT2G30920 pull down ATCG01230 AT1G70310 pull down ATCG01230 AT2G33800 pull down ATCG01230 AT4G02260 pull down ATCG01240 AT1G26550 pull down ATCG01240 AT1G32490 pull down ATCG01240 AT1G62850 pull down ATCG01240 AT1G65290 pull down ATCG01240 AT1G66520 pull down ATCG01240 AT1G79500 pull down ATCG01240 AT1G80620 pull down ATCG01240 AT2G01440 pull down ATCG01240 AT2G04270 pull down ATCG01240 AT2G04842 pull down ATCG01240 AT2G17510 pull down ATCG01240 AT2G18230 pull down ATCG01240 AT2G19870 pull down ATCG01240 AT2G20060 pull down ATCG01240 AT2G22230 pull down ATCG01240 AT2G31955 pull down ATCG01240 AT2G33800 pull down ATCG01240 AT2G36990 pull down ATCG01240 AT3G03710 pull down ATCG01240 AT3G09210 pull down ATCG01240 AT3G13180 pull down ATCG01240 AT3G13490 pull down ATCG01240 AT3G18680 pull down ATCG01240 AT3G22310 pull down ATCG01240 AT3G24560 pull down ATCG01240 AT4G02260 pull down ATCG01240 AT4G14140 pull down ATCG01240 AT4G20960 pull down ATCG01240 AT4G21220 pull down ATCG01240 AT4G25730 pull down ATCG01240 AT4G26780 pull down ATCG01240 AT4G30690 pull down ATCG01240 AT4G31150 pull down ATCG01240 AT4G31210 pull down ATCG01240 AT4G34620 pull down ATCG01240 AT4G34710 pull down ATCG01240 AT4G36020 pull down ATCG01240 AT4G38680 pull down ATCG01240 AT5G06410 pull down ATCG01240 AT5G08650 pull down ATCG01240 AT5G14320 pull down ATCG01240 AT5G15390 pull down ATCG01240 AT5G15450 pull down ATCG01240 AT5G23140 pull down ATCG01240 AT5G26860 pull down ATCG01240 AT5G37530 pull down ATCG01240 AT5G41790 pull down ATCG01240 AT5G42270 pull down ATCG01240 AT5G51140 pull down ATCG01240 AT5G52640 pull down ATCG01240 AT5G53920 pull down ATCG01240 AT5G55220 pull down ATCG01240 AT5G63120 pull down ATCG01240 AT5G64650 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS ATCG01240 ATCG00180 pull down ATCG01240 ATCG00380 pull down ATCG01240 ATCG00740 pull down ATCG01240 ATCG00820 pull down|Affinity Capture-MS ATCG01240 ATCG00830 pull down AT3G17590 AT1G01160 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G18450 AT1G01510 in vivo|two hybrid AT5G17690 AT1G01510 Reconstituted Complex|biochemical|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G61070 AT1G01510 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid AT5G63110 AT1G01510 Reconstituted Complex AT5G17020 AT1G01760 in vitro|in vivo AT5G15700 AT1G01860 in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G65660 AT1G01940 two hybrid AT4G37120 AT1G01940 two hybrid AT5G48580 AT1G01960 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G07705 AT1G02080 two hybrid|two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Suppression|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|two hybrid|Phenotypic Suppression|Synthetic Lethality|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Co-purification AT3G45630 AT1G02080 two hybrid|two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Co-purification|interaction prediction AT1G02680 AT5G51660 in vitro|Co-expression AT1G16610 AT1G02840 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G02840 AT3G19840 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|Co-expression AT2G18040 AT1G02970 in vitro|in vitro AT5G10450 AT1G02970 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G03110 AT5G24840 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Co-crystal Structure|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G03190 AT1G03190 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT3G48750 AT1G03190 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo AT5G41360 AT1G03190 in vivo|Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex|Synthetic Lethality AT5G41370 AT1G03190 Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|in vivo|Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex|Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT4G24710 AT1G03210 two hybrid AT1G33980 AT1G03360 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G39260 AT1G03360 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G10070 AT1G03360 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G47010 AT1G03360 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G03550 AT1G03550 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G03760 AT1G03760 in vivo|in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid AT5G57980 AT1G03760 Reconstituted Complex AT4G32830 AT1G03780 in vivo|in vitro AT1G60070 AT1G03900 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G11380 AT1G03900 two hybrid AT1G16610 AT1G03910 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G04020 AT1G04020 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT1G80210 AT1G04020 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G18524 AT1G04020 in vitro|Reconstituted Complex AT5G42470 AT1G04020 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G60940 AT1G04020 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Reconstituted Complex AT1G04170 AT3G59990 in vivo|in vitro|Co-expression AT1G04410 AT1G04410 in vitro AT4G15900 AT1G04510 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G03540 AT1G04510 two hybrid AT2G43190 AT1G04635 Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G59520 AT1G04690 in vitro AT1G04730 AT1G21690 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT2G29570 AT1G04730 in vitro|in vivo AT2G44580 AT1G04730 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT5G52220 AT1G04730 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G19006 AT1G04810 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G24820 AT1G04810 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G58290 AT1G04810 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G66740 AT1G04850 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G04950 AT1G04950 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro|Colocalization AT1G32750 AT1G04950 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|Colocalization AT1G55520 AT1G04950 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G25150 AT1G04950 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|Colocalization|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT5G41360 AT1G05055 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|in vivo|in vitro AT5G41370 AT1G05055 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|in vivo|in vitro AT2G17260 AT1G05200 in vivo AT5G42020 AT1G05200 in vivo AT4G14570 AT1G05350 two hybrid AT4G16520 AT1G05350 two hybrid AT1G71220 AT1G05720 in vitro AT1G16610 AT1G06220 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G43770 AT1G06220 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G03430 AT1G06220 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G20440 AT1G06220 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G06590 AT2G04660 in vivo|Reconstituted Complex|Co-expression AT2G20000 AT1G06590 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo AT3G16320 AT1G06590 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G21530 AT1G06590 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo AT4G33270 AT1G06590 Reconstituted Complex AT1G06590 AT5G05560 in vivo|Reconstituted Complex|Co-expression AT5G27080 AT1G06590 Reconstituted Complex AT1G70060 AT1G06850 Reconstituted Complex AT1G77180 AT1G06850 two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT3G46580 AT1G06850 in vivo|in vitro AT2G43770 AT1G06960 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36020 AT1G07070 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G29130 AT1G07110 two hybrid AT5G10450 AT1G07110 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT3G53760 AT1G07130 two hybrid AT3G12040 AT1G07140 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G07270 AT2G37560 two hybrid|synthetic growth defect|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G07270 AT4G02060 Reconstituted Complex|in vivo|in vivo|Colocalization|Colocalization|Colocalization|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-expression AT4G12620 AT1G07270 in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Phenotypic Suppression|Reconstituted Complex AT1G07270 AT5G46280 in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|Co-expression AT1G07470 AT4G24440 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-crystal Structure|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|interologs mapping|Enriched domain pair AT3G13445 AT1G07480 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo AT2G28560 AT1G07745 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro AT5G20850 AT1G07745 Colocalization AT5G64520 AT1G07745 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|far western blotting AT5G41910 AT1G07950 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G27470 AT1G07980 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|in vivo AT1G08110 AT1G08110 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G08130 AT2G29570 in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|Co-expression AT5G54260 AT1G08130 two hybrid AT1G48760 AT1G08190 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|interaction prediction AT2G29570 AT1G08260 in vitro AT5G66130 AT1G08260 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT1G08260 AT5G67100 Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Enhancement|in vitro|in vivo|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT1G65700 AT1G08370 two hybrid AT2G39260 AT1G08370 in vivo AT5G43530 AT1G08370 two hybrid AT1G55520 AT1G08620 Reconstituted Complex AT1G20760 AT1G08680 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro AT5G17020 AT1G08680 in vitro|two hybrid AT1G09630 AT1G08730 two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G18430 AT1G08730 in vitro|two hybrid AT1G08750 AT3G07140 two hybrid|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G08750 AT5G19130 two hybrid|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT3G03740 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G53480 AT1G09270 in vitro AT2G19385 AT1G09590 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G09640 AT1G09620 in vivo|in vitro AT1G09620 AT4G13780 in vitro|in vitro|Co-expression AT1G09630 AT5G09550 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT1G09640 AT1G09640 Co-purification AT1G30230 AT1G09640 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G31170 AT1G09640 in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G02760 AT1G09640 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G38830 AT1G09640 in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G06960 AT1G09760 in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT1G09830 AT1G09830 in vitro AT4G16520 AT1G09900 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G07590 AT1G09900 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G07590 AT1G10130 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G02430 AT1G10320 in vitro|two hybrid AT4G36690 AT1G10320 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G64200 AT1G10320 in vitro|two hybrid AT1G79280 AT1G10390 Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo AT1G10390 AT1G80670 Synthetic Lethality|in vivo|in vitro|Synthetic Lethality|Co-expression AT2G16950 AT1G10390 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G45000 AT1G10390 in vitro AT5G53480 AT1G10390 in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT2G19385 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G13010 AT1G10580 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping|in vitro|interaction prediction AT1G10810 AT1G10810 two hybrid AT1G72730 AT1G10840 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G13920 AT1G10840 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G10840 AT5G06000 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G54940 AT1G10840 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G10930 AT1G07745 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|far western blotting AT2G31970 AT1G10930 Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect|Co-purification|interaction prediction AT3G18524 AT1G10930 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-purification|Phenotypic Suppression AT4G02070 AT1G10930 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|interaction prediction AT4G09140 AT1G10930 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|far western blotting|Affinity Capture-Western|far western blotting|two hybrid|Co-purification|far western blotting|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT4G14970 AT1G10930 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G20850 AT1G10930 Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Rescue|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Synthetic Rescue|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|far western blotting|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G45400 AT1G10930 in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|biochemical AT5G54260 AT1G10930 synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G10930 AT5G63920 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect|Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Enhancement|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|interologs mapping|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|Affinity Capture-Western|far western blotting|Affinity Capture-Western|Colocalization|far western blotting|in vivo|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|far western blotting|Colocalization|Reconstituted Complex|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Rescue|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|interologs mapping|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair AT5G64520 AT1G10930 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT1G21630 AT1G11320 in vivo AT5G50810 AT1G11320 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G59160 AT1G11320 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G41910 AT1G11475 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G11570 AT1G11570 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G24310 AT1G11570 in vivo AT5G20020 AT1G11570 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT3G57870 AT1G11800 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT5G48700 AT1G11800 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT3G52150 AT1G11870 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G11910 AT1G11910 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G01800 AT1G11910 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G21470 AT1G11980 in vitro AT3G54180 AT1G11980 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G17510 AT1G11980 in vitro|two hybrid AT4G36800 AT1G11980 in vitro|in vivo AT5G50870 AT1G11980 in vitro AT1G12230 AT1G12230 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G65700 AT1G12230 two hybrid AT4G34540 AT1G12310 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G54940 AT1G12310 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G12400 AT1G05055 in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G17020 AT1G12400 in vitro|in vitro AT5G41360 AT1G12400 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro AT5G41370 AT1G12400 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G12470 AT1G12470 two hybrid|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G05170 AT1G12470 two hybrid|in vivo|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT5G11300 AT1G12470 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G43080 AT1G12470 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G13030 AT1G13030 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G20440 AT1G13030 in vitro AT1G14850 AT1G13120 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT1G60430 AT1G13180 interaction prediction|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G54940 AT1G13180 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G19910 AT1G13580 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid AT5G22360 AT1G13890 Reconstituted Complex AT5G05920 AT1G13950 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT1G14170 AT1G14170 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G43190 AT1G14170 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G24710 AT1G14310 two hybrid AT3G13970 AT1G14640 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G19840 AT1G14640 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G52250 AT1G14640 Co-purification AT3G13970 AT1G14650 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G14650 AT3G19840 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|Co-expression AT4G24750 AT1G14850 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT4G24710 AT1G14870 two hybrid AT1G50410 AT1G15130 two hybrid AT4G18060 AT1G15130 two hybrid|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G43530 AT1G15130 two hybrid AT1G15200 AT1G01510 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G16610 AT1G15200 Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT2G15790 AT1G15200 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT4G32420 AT1G15200 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT1G15470 AT1G03210 two hybrid AT1G15470 AT1G15470 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G16610 AT1G15470 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G08710 AT1G15830 in vitro|two hybrid AT5G60640 AT1G15830 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G08730 AT1G16350 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G17290 AT1G16350 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G24820 AT1G16470 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G63310 AT1G16470 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G16870 AT1G16870 in vitro AT2G17870 AT1G16870 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36020 AT1G16870 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G52640 AT1G16870 in vitro|in vivo AT5G56000 AT1G16870 in vitro|in vivo AT2G25880 AT1G16890 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G27230 AT1G16900 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G02560 AT1G16900 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G67970 AT1G16970 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G29570 AT1G16970 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G41460 AT1G16970 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G03420 AT1G16970 in vivo AT3G12980 AT1G16970 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT3G23590 AT1G16970 in vivo|in vitro AT3G54180 AT1G16970 biochemical AT3G54610 AT1G16970 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G11330 AT1G16970 in vitro|in vivo AT5G11300 AT1G16970 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G16820 AT1G16970 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G16850 AT1G16970 Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|in vivo|in vitro|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G17690 AT1G16970 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G27680 AT1G16970 in vivo|in vitro AT5G43080 AT1G16970 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G54260 AT1G16970 Synthetic Rescue|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Suppression|Synthetic Rescue|in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G17100 AT1G09900 two hybrid AT1G34770 AT1G17350 two hybrid AT2G35040 AT1G17350 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G35040 AT1G17640 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G19485 AT1G17680 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G17680 AT1G55520 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|in vivo|Co-expression AT3G13445 AT1G17680 Reconstituted Complex AT3G49000 AT1G17680 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G34770 AT1G17690 two hybrid AT1G18040 AT1G12400 in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G02060 AT1G18040 in vivo AT5G41360 AT1G18040 Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-purification AT1G18070 AT1G49760 in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|interologs mapping|Co-expression AT4G34110 AT1G18070 in vitro|two hybrid AT5G23570 AT1G18070 two hybrid|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G29570 AT1G18090 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G18524 AT1G18090 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G09140 AT1G18090 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G25540 AT1G18090 in vivo|in vitro|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G18190 AT1G18190 in vivo AT5G41360 AT1G18340 in vivo|in vitro|Co-purification|two hybrid AT5G41370 AT1G18340 Co-purification|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|interaction prediction AT1G18450 AT3G06010 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo|Co-expression AT3G12810 AT1G18450 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G17590 AT1G18450 Co-purification AT1G18450 AT5G22330 Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|in vivo|Co-expression AT1G18640 AT1G18640 in vitro AT1G66740 AT1G18640 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G55520 AT1G19485 Reconstituted Complex AT3G13445 AT1G19485 Reconstituted Complex AT3G49000 AT1G19485 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G32830 AT1G19880 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G02680 AT1G20000 in vitro|in vitro|Enriched domain pair AT4G12610 AT1G20000 Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex AT4G20340 AT1G20000 Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification AT4G35800 AT1G20000 Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex AT5G25150 AT1G20000 in vivo|in vitro AT5G51660 AT1G20000 in vitro AT1G20050 AT1G20050 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G44530 AT1G20110 two hybrid AT3G06270 AT1G20110 two hybrid AT5G07110 AT1G20110 two hybrid AT5G10450 AT1G20110 two hybrid AT5G16570 AT1G20110 two hybrid AT5G41600 AT1G20110 two hybrid AT1G74340 AT1G20575 in vivo AT1G20630 AT1G20630 in vitro AT1G20960 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G02570 AT1G20960 in vitro AT2G43770 AT1G20960 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G16360 AT1G20960 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G20440 AT1G20960 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G14080 AT1G21190 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G59810 AT1G21190 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT4G30330 AT1G21190 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT5G16630 AT1G21190 two hybrid AT5G27720 AT1G21190 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G21190 AT5G48870 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|two hybrid|Co-expression AT1G21630 AT1G21630 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|in vivo|in vivo|two hybrid AT2G20840 AT1G21630 in vitro|two hybrid AT5G13860 AT1G21630 two hybrid AT5G22770 AT1G21630 in vivo|in vitro AT5G42080 AT1G21630 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro AT5G61210 AT1G21630 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT4G04950 AT1G21640 two hybrid AT1G21690 AT2G29570 in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT1G21690 AT4G38130 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|Co-expression AT1G21720 AT1G79210 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Gene neighbors method|Co-expression AT2G45000 AT1G24310 two hybrid AT4G11380 AT1G24310 two hybrid AT4G34540 AT1G24510 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-crystal Structure AT5G63110 AT1G24510 Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT1G25350 AT4G13780 in vitro|Co-expression AT4G26300 AT1G25350 in vitro AT5G10920 AT1G25350 two hybrid AT5G52640 AT1G25350 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G56000 AT1G25350 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10450 AT1G26520 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G42020 AT1G26560 in vivo AT1G26830 AT1G11980 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|biochemical AT2G02560 AT1G26830 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G07690 AT1G26840 two hybrid AT2G16440 AT1G26840 two hybrid AT3G25100 AT1G26840 two hybrid AT4G16970 AT1G26840 two hybrid AT5G45400 AT1G26840 two hybrid AT5G61000 AT1G26840 two hybrid AT1G26960 AT1G26960 in vitro AT2G14045 AT1G27350 two hybrid AT5G36230 AT1G27520 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G61790 AT1G27520 Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo AT5G06830 AT1G27530 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G27970 AT1G24310 in vivo AT1G27970 AT1G27970 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G55190 AT1G27970 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT1G28060 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G24270 AT1G28060 in vivo|in vitro|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT1G34770 AT1G28120 two hybrid AT4G15780 AT1G28490 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G30920 AT1G28490 in vivo AT1G28490 AT5G61210 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT4G19006 AT1G29150 Co-purification|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G29150 AT4G24820 Co-purification|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT5G45620 AT1G29150 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G58290 AT1G29150 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT3G52150 AT1G29220 two hybrid AT3G53710 AT1G29330 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G62290 AT1G29330 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G31480 AT1G29330 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G72730 AT1G29590 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G29570 AT1G29630 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G18524 AT1G29630 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Phenotypic Enhancement|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping|interologs mapping AT4G09140 AT1G29630 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Enhancement|two hybrid|interaction prediction AT4G25540 AT1G29630 in vivo|in vitro|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G29810 AT1G29810 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G20990 AT1G29870 in vivo|in vitro AT5G20990 AT1G29880 in vivo|in vitro AT1G29940 AT2G34750 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT2G39240 AT1G29940 in vivo|in vitro AT2G19385 AT1G29965 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34910 AT1G29965 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G07590 AT1G29990 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G58040 AT1G30070 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G42190 AT1G30070 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G53360 AT1G30070 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G30230 AT1G30230 Co-purification AT3G11130 AT1G30280 Reconstituted Complex AT5G61790 AT1G30400 in vivo AT1G30460 AT1G30450 in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G02430 AT1G30460 in vitro|two hybrid|in vivo AT5G03730 AT1G30460 biochemical AT5G64200 AT1G30460 in vitro|two hybrid AT1G30540 AT1G30540 two hybrid AT5G08160 AT1G30540 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro AT3G20740 AT1G30550 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT3G52150 AT1G30580 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G30825 AT1G13180 interaction prediction|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G30825 AT1G30825 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G60430 AT1G30825 two hybrid|in vivo|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT2G31300 AT1G30825 in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT3G27000 AT1G30825 two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G31360 AT1G31360 in vitro AT4G35020 AT1G31810 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G47770 AT1G31812 in vivo|in vitro AT1G32340 AT1G32340 biochemical AT3G13550 AT1G32340 two hybrid AT1G32750 AT1G07470 in vitro|in vivo|interologs mapping AT1G32750 AT1G32750 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G05920 AT1G33120 two hybrid AT5G59410 AT1G33360 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34910 AT1G33390 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G01340 AT1G33410 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G14120 AT1G33410 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G30840 AT1G33410 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G33980 AT1G33980 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G33980 AT2G29210 in vivo|Co-expression AT1G33980 AT2G39260 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo|in vitro|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G47010 AT1G33980 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo AT4G14570 AT1G34220 two hybrid AT2G43770 AT1G34770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G12320 AT1G34770 two hybrid AT1G72730 AT1G35420 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G35040 AT1G35420 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G13920 AT1G35420 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G02570 AT1G35420 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09390 AT1G35420 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G44950 AT1G36340 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G14250 AT1G36340 in vivo|two hybrid AT4G32830 AT1G36340 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G18110 AT1G36340 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G06000 AT1G36730 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G20920 AT1G36730 Reconstituted Complex|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|far western blotting|Reconstituted Complex AT4G10040 AT1G37130 in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G24710 AT1G37130 two hybrid AT5G48810 AT1G37130 in vitro|in vitro AT2G02570 AT1G42440 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G19385 AT1G42440 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G54940 AT1G42440 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G02570 AT1G43170 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G17870 AT1G43170 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G19385 AT1G43170 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G43190 AT1G43190 two hybrid AT1G43670 AT1G43670 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G44900 AT1G44900 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT1G55520 AT1G44900 in vitro AT1G55750 AT1G44900 in vitro AT1G44900 AT2G01120 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT1G44900 AT2G07690 two hybrid|Colocalization|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Colocalization|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G44900 AT2G16440 Co-purification|Colocalization|Colocalization|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Colocalization|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|Colocalization|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-expression AT2G20980 AT1G44900 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality AT2G24490 AT1G44900 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G44900 AT2G37560 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|in vivo|Co-expression AT3G02920 AT1G44900 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G13445 AT1G44900 in vitro AT3G48190 AT1G44900 biochemical AT3G61420 AT1G44900 in vitro AT1G44900 AT4G02060 in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|Co-purification|Colocalization|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Co-purification|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vivo|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Colocalization|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-expression AT4G12620 AT1G44900 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G16970 AT1G44900 biochemical|biochemical|biochemical|synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect|two hybrid|biochemical|biochemical|biochemical|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|in vitro|biochemical|synthetic growth defect|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G44900 AT4G29910 two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G40820 AT1G44900 biochemical AT5G44635 AT1G44900 two hybrid|two hybrid|Co-purification|Colocalization|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Colocalization|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|in vivo AT1G44900 AT5G45400 two hybrid|Co-expression AT1G44900 AT5G46280 two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping|Colocalization|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping|Colocalization|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Colocalization|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G44900 AT5G51660 in vitro|Co-expression AT5G61000 AT1G44900 two hybrid AT1G44910 AT1G14170 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G44910 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G44910 AT1G31810 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G44910 AT1G44910 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G60900 AT1G44910 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G17190 AT1G44910 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G13225 AT1G44910 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G46580 AT1G44910 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT3G57870 AT1G44910 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10270 AT1G44910 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G42220 AT1G44910 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G12980 AT1G45231 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT3G20740 AT1G45231 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT1G47250 AT1G79210 in vivo|in vitro|Gene neighbors method|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT1G47250 AT2G27020 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT4G19006 AT1G47250 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G27620 AT1G47250 two hybrid AT5G44635 AT1G47250 two hybrid AT1G47570 AT1G47570 in vitro AT4G11380 AT1G47830 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT1G47830 AT5G22770 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair AT5G46025 AT1G47830 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G67970 AT1G48050 in vitro AT2G29570 AT1G48050 in vivo|in vitro AT2G37560 AT1G48050 in vivo AT3G23590 AT1G48050 in vivo|in vitro|in vivo|in vitro AT3G54610 AT1G48050 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G16820 AT1G48050 in vitro AT5G16850 AT1G48050 in vivo|in vitro AT5G27680 AT1G48050 in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro AT5G63960 AT1G48050 in vivo AT5G67100 AT1G48050 in vivo AT1G48130 AT1G48130 in vitro AT1G48160 AT1G48900 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|interologs mapping|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT2G16950 AT1G48160 in vitro AT2G31660 AT1G48160 in vitro AT3G59020 AT1G48160 in vitro AT5G49310 AT1G48160 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G66970 AT1G48160 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G62290 AT1G48760 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G11150 AT1G48760 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G14670 AT1G48760 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G22360 AT1G48760 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G48790 AT1G11320 in vivo|in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G16950 AT1G48830 in vitro AT2G31660 AT1G48830 in vitro AT1G48900 AT1G48900 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10450 AT1G49040 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G06590 AT1G49760 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|Co-expression AT1G72730 AT1G49760 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G80780 AT1G49760 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT2G24050 AT1G49760 in vivo|in vitro AT3G18130 AT1G49760 in vivo|in vitro AT3G26618 AT1G49760 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G47010 AT1G49760 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G33560 AT1G49910 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G02390 AT1G49910 in vivo AT2G17190 AT1G50030 in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid AT2G17200 AT1G50030 in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid AT5G01770 AT1G50030 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G20990 AT1G50030 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT1G50480 AT1G50480 in vitro AT5G07590 AT1G50480 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G19385 AT1G50920 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G51510 AT1G33980 in vivo AT1G51510 AT2G29210 in vivo|Co-expression AT1G51510 AT4G02060 two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G62030 AT1G51510 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT1G51730 AT1G17470 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G72660 AT1G51730 two hybrid AT1G51730 AT4G39520 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT2G32900 AT1G51740 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34910 AT1G52300 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G80420 AT1G52500 Reconstituted Complex AT2G19385 AT1G52930 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36020 AT1G52930 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G19385 AT1G52980 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34910 AT1G52980 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G53240 AT1G53240 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G30970 AT1G53240 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G44350 AT1G53240 in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT2G47510 AT1G53240 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G53490 AT1G53490 two hybrid AT1G55520 AT1G53750 in vivo AT1G53750 AT2G20140 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Phylogenetic profile method AT4G12610 AT1G53750 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G19006 AT1G53750 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT4G24820 AT1G53750 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G53750 AT5G58290 in vivo|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interaction prediction|Phylogenetic profile method AT3G13445 AT1G53780 in vivo AT4G12610 AT1G53780 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G24820 AT1G53780 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G53780 AT4G29040 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Phylogenetic profile method AT5G45620 AT1G53780 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G53780 AT5G58290 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Phylogenetic profile method AT3G07300 AT1G53880 two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|in vitro AT3G07880 AT1G53880 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G52580 AT1G54140 two hybrid AT3G54610 AT1G54140 Synthetic Lethality|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G16820 AT1G54140 in vitro AT2G39260 AT1G54290 Synthetic Lethality|two hybrid|in vitro AT1G54360 AT1G54360 in vivo|in vitro AT3G13445 AT1G54360 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G19040 AT1G54360 in vitro|in vivo AT5G25150 AT1G54360 in vivo|in vitro|Reconstituted Complex AT1G54370 AT1G54370 two hybrid|in vitro AT1G54380 AT1G01510 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G02840 AT1G54380 two hybrid|Co-expression AT1G54380 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G02430 AT1G54380 two hybrid AT1G54380 AT5G64200 two hybrid|in vitro|Co-expression AT3G13445 AT1G55300 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Colocalization|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G19040 AT1G55300 in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid AT5G16820 AT1G55300 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G51660 AT1G55300 in vitro AT5G41910 AT1G55325 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G29900 AT1G55350 in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G17650 AT1G55350 in vitro|in vitro AT1G55520 AT1G02680 two hybrid|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G54280 AT1G55520 Synthetic Lethality|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|in vivo|in vitro|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Colocalization|Co-purification|interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Rescue AT4G12610 AT1G55520 Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex AT4G17020 AT1G55520 Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G20340 AT1G55520 Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|in vitro AT1G55520 AT4G24440 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|Co-crystal Structure|Co-crystal Structure|Co-crystal Structure|interologs mapping|Reconstituted Complex|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT4G35800 AT1G55520 Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex|Co-crystal Structure|Colocalization AT5G22330 AT1G55520 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G23710 AT1G55520 in vitro AT5G25150 AT1G55520 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT1G55750 AT1G03190 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G55750 AT1G53750 in vivo|in vitro AT2G25970 AT1G55750 in vivo|in vitro AT4G20340 AT1G55750 in vitro AT5G41360 AT1G55750 in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|Co-purification AT2G39260 AT1G55870 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G47010 AT1G55870 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G16470 AT1G56450 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT1G56450 AT1G79210 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT5G11150 AT1G56590 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G57860 AT1G34770 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G19385 AT1G57860 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10450 AT1G57860 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G17870 AT1G58050 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G19385 AT1G58050 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G29570 AT1G58050 in vitro AT3G07880 AT1G58050 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G12980 AT1G58050 Reconstituted Complex AT4G29510 AT1G58050 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT3G49000 AT1G58766 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G49000 AT1G59453 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G10450 AT1G59520 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G59760 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G59970 AT1G15830 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G59970 AT1G59970 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G60070 AT1G60070 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G08530 AT1G60070 in vitro AT3G11130 AT1G60070 in vitro AT3G62290 AT1G60070 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G11380 AT1G60070 two hybrid AT4G23460 AT1G60070 two hybrid AT5G14670 AT1G60070 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45130 AT1G60070 two hybrid AT3G08505 AT1G60080 two hybrid AT3G14080 AT1G60080 two hybrid AT4G27490 AT1G60080 two hybrid AT1G60200 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G63880 AT1G60420 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G60530 AT1G60530 in vivo|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G10650 AT1G60530 in vitro AT4G23900 AT1G60620 two hybrid AT5G27680 AT1G60620 in vivo AT1G60780 AT1G60070 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G60780 AT1G60780 in vivo|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G32850 AT1G60780 in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G06634 AT1G60780 two hybrid AT1G60780 AT4G11380 interaction prediction|in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|interologs mapping|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT4G15780 AT1G60780 two hybrid|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G35410 AT1G60780 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G23590 AT1G60850 in vivo AT1G60900 AT1G02840 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G60900 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G60900 AT1G54380 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro AT3G19840 AT1G60900 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT3G44850 AT1G60900 two hybrid AT5G42820 AT1G60900 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G60970 AT4G34450 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT1G61150 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G02570 AT1G61570 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G20850 AT1G61570 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G61570 AT5G50810 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT2G02570 AT1G61580 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G19385 AT1G61580 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36020 AT1G61580 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G41910 AT1G61700 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34460 AT1G61770 in vitro AT3G57550 AT1G61780 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro AT5G62690 AT1G61780 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo AT5G59160 AT1G61790 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G53710 AT1G62020 in vitro|in vivo AT1G62020 AT5G05010 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G79530 AT1G62740 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G07590 AT1G62740 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G63160 AT2G29570 in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|Co-expression AT2G44580 AT1G63160 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G52220 AT1G63160 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G66130 AT1G63160 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|in vivo|Co-purification AT3G10910 AT1G64230 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G19006 AT1G64520 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G64520 AT4G24820 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G64790 AT1G34770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59410 AT1G64790 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G62310 AT1G64790 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G29570 AT1G65470 in vitro|two hybrid AT3G05740 AT1G65470 far western blotting|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT3G19840 AT1G65470 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G17690 AT1G65470 two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo|in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G38110 AT1G65470 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G65590 AT1G65590 in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-crystal Structure AT1G65700 AT1G21190 in vitro AT1G65700 AT1G21630 two hybrid AT1G65700 AT1G30540 two hybrid AT1G65700 AT1G76860 in vitro|Gene neighbors method|Co-expression AT2G44160 AT1G65700 two hybrid AT3G59810 AT1G65700 in vitro AT3G59970 AT1G65700 two hybrid AT4G02220 AT1G65700 two hybrid AT4G11860 AT1G65700 two hybrid AT4G22960 AT1G65700 two hybrid AT1G65700 AT5G27720 in vitro|Co-expression AT5G47010 AT1G65700 two hybrid AT1G65700 AT5G48870 in vitro|Co-expression AT3G58040 AT1G66070 in vivo AT1G66070 AT4G11420 in vivo|in vitro|Co-purification|Co-expression AT4G33250 AT1G66070 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G45000 AT1G66620 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT1G66620 AT3G11910 in vitro|Co-expression AT1G66750 AT1G12400 in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G02060 AT1G66750 in vivo AT1G67500 AT1G16590 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro AT3G25980 AT1G67500 two hybrid|in vitro AT1G67580 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G67630 AT5G41880 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT5G61970 AT1G67680 in vitro AT4G01400 AT1G67930 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro AT5G51430 AT1G67930 Reconstituted Complex AT1G67970 AT1G32750 in vitro AT1G67970 AT1G55520 in vitro|in vivo AT3G06010 AT1G67970 in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G17590 AT1G67970 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT4G15802 AT1G67970 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT4G24440 AT1G67970 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G25530 AT1G67970 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G52640 AT1G67970 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G10450 AT1G68200 in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G69220 AT1G12310 in vivo|in vitro AT1G69220 AT1G65030 in vivo|in vitro AT1G69220 AT1G69220 in vivo|in vitro|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT2G30910 AT1G69220 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G45970 AT1G69220 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G57610 AT1G69220 in vitro|in vitro|in vivo AT5G58690 AT1G69220 in vivo|in vitro AT5G59840 AT1G69220 in vivo AT4G34910 AT1G69620 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36020 AT1G69620 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G69680 AT1G07140 in vitro AT5G20020 AT1G69680 in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G55190 AT1G69680 interaction prediction|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping AT5G58590 AT1G69680 in vitro AT2G18390 AT1G69960 Co-purification AT1G77180 AT1G70060 Reconstituted Complex AT2G45640 AT1G70060 Reconstituted Complex AT3G04240 AT1G70060 in vivo|in vitro AT3G06010 AT1G70060 Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex AT3G17590 AT1G70060 Co-purification AT3G27280 AT1G70060 in vivo|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G46580 AT1G70060 in vivo AT4G02220 AT1G70060 in vivo AT4G32820 AT1G70060 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT4G38130 AT1G70060 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G49880 AT1G70060 in vitro AT5G58230 AT1G70060 in vivo|in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G70620 AT1G15200 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G20000 AT1G70920 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G71230 AT1G49880 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT4G17510 AT1G71230 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G01650 AT1G71230 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G57170 AT1G71230 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G71350 AT1G65590 in vitro AT3G55260 AT1G71350 in vitro AT5G20850 AT1G71350 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G71696 AT1G71696 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G54940 AT1G71750 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G29100 AT1G71820 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G49830 AT1G71820 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro AT2G29900 AT1G71840 in vivo AT3G13920 AT1G71860 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G57550 AT1G71860 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT4G00830 AT1G71860 two hybrid AT5G11210 AT1G71860 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G22400 AT1G71860 Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo|in vivo AT1G72040 AT1G72040 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G72310 AT1G04130 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G07590 AT1G72310 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G07300 AT1G72340 in vitro|in vitro|interaction prediction AT3G07880 AT1G72340 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G19040 AT1G73960 in vitro|in vivo AT4G33240 AT1G74150 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|biochemical AT2G34980 AT1G74340 in vivo AT1G74560 AT2G41460 in vivo|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|Co-expression AT3G50690 AT1G74560 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro AT4G23900 AT1G74560 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G23420 AT1G74560 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|in vivo AT1G75510 AT1G55520 in vitro AT1G75510 AT1G75510 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G17609 AT1G75510 in vitro AT3G22320 AT1G75510 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro AT1G75510 AT4G12610 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|synthetic growth defect|Enriched domain pair AT4G20330 AT1G75510 in vitro|in vitro AT4G20340 AT1G75510 in vitro AT5G25150 AT1G75510 in vitro AT4G19006 AT1G75990 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G07590 AT1G75990 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45620 AT1G75990 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59410 AT1G75990 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G76010 AT1G04635 in vitro|Reconstituted Complex AT4G04930 AT1G76260 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G76300 AT1G21190 two hybrid AT1G76860 AT1G76300 two hybrid AT4G20440 AT1G76300 in vitro AT5G44500 AT1G76300 in vitro AT5G62290 AT1G76300 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT1G76490 AT1G76490 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G14080 AT1G76860 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G59810 AT1G76860 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G30330 AT1G76860 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT5G16630 AT1G76860 two hybrid AT1G76860 AT5G27720 interaction prediction|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping|Co-expression AT1G76860 AT5G48870 interaction prediction|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|interologs mapping|Co-expression AT4G19190 AT1G77180 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G05480 AT1G77320 in vivo AT1G16470 AT1G77440 in vivo|in vitro|Gene neighbors method|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT1G04730 AT1G77470 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G77470 AT2G29570 in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G66130 AT1G77470 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|in vivo|Co-purification AT1G77510 AT1G08450 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G77510 AT1G53880 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G16150 AT1G77510 in vivo AT5G61790 AT1G77510 in vitro AT1G77670 AT1G77670 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-crystal Structure AT5G06830 AT1G77710 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G10040 AT1G77760 in vitro AT5G06000 AT1G77840 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G20920 AT1G77840 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|far western blotting|interologs mapping|Phenotypic Suppression|interaction prediction AT1G78010 AT1G28060 two hybrid AT1G78010 AT1G78010 two hybrid AT3G55930 AT1G78010 two hybrid AT4G35140 AT1G78010 two hybrid AT3G43810 AT1G78300 two hybrid|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G01370 AT1G78300 two hybrid AT5G39710 AT1G78450 two hybrid AT1G78650 AT5G63960 in vivo|Co-expression AT1G78660 AT1G78660 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G06590 AT1G78770 in vivo|Co-expression AT2G20635 AT1G78770 in vivo AT2G42810 AT1G78770 two hybrid|in vitro AT3G16320 AT1G78770 two hybrid|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G78770 AT3G25980 Synthetic Rescue|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-expression AT4G21530 AT1G78770 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G27080 AT1G78770 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Reconstituted Complex AT4G32830 AT1G78870 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G24820 AT1G79210 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G79530 AT1G79530 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G79590 AT1G62020 in vivo AT2G21390 AT1G79590 in vivo AT3G56190 AT1G79590 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G79590 AT4G20410 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G08080 AT1G79590 in vitro AT2G26350 AT1G79810 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|two hybrid AT3G14080 AT1G79870 two hybrid AT1G79920 AT1G04730 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G20510 AT1G79920 Reconstituted Complex AT2G36360 AT1G79920 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G19840 AT1G79920 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G52250 AT1G79920 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G02450 AT1G79920 in vivo AT4G14960 AT1G79920 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G02490 AT1G79920 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G14720 AT1G79920 two hybrid AT5G16820 AT1G79920 in vitro|Reconstituted Complex AT5G59890 AT1G79920 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G63110 AT1G79920 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G79930 AT1G04730 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G79930 AT1G67970 in vitro|Reconstituted Complex AT2G36070 AT1G79930 Reconstituted Complex AT3G19840 AT1G79930 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G02450 AT1G79930 in vivo AT4G38130 AT1G79930 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G79990 AT1G62020 Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT2G34840 AT1G79990 in vivo|two hybrid AT5G05010 AT1G79990 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|interaction prediction AT1G80070 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G80070 AT2G43770 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT4G03430 AT1G80070 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT4G20440 AT1G80070 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G42470 AT1G80210 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT3G15352 AT1G80350 two hybrid AT1G80420 AT1G21710 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT2G29570 AT1G80420 Affinity Capture-Western|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|Reconstituted Complex|Colocalization|in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid AT3G14890 AT1G80420 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G01310 AT1G80420 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT2G16440 AT2G01120 two hybrid AT2G24490 AT2G01120 two hybrid AT3G02920 AT2G01120 two hybrid AT2G01120 AT4G02060 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT4G12620 AT2G01120 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT5G44635 AT2G01120 two hybrid AT2G01120 AT5G46280 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT2G01290 AT2G01290 two hybrid|Co-crystal Structure AT2G01690 AT1G72730 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G13920 AT2G01690 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G38470 AT2G01720 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro AT4G24710 AT2G01730 two hybrid AT2G02560 AT2G02560 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G17205 AT2G02560 biochemical AT5G18230 AT2G02560 in vitro|two hybrid AT5G10450 AT2G03150 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G03270 AT1G65700 two hybrid AT2G03600 AT2G03600 in vitro AT5G38110 AT2G03600 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G11330 AT2G04550 in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vitro|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT3G20060 AT2G04660 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G05560 AT2G04660 Reconstituted Complex AT3G13445 AT2G04690 in vitro AT3G14080 AT2G05170 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G02430 AT2G05720 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G24270 AT2G05720 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT4G32660 AT2G05720 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT2G05830 AT2G05830 Co-crystal Structure|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G34540 AT2G07340 Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT5G07590 AT2G07340 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G07340 AT5G45600 two hybrid|Co-expression AT2G24490 AT2G07690 two hybrid AT2G26060 AT2G07690 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G07690 AT2G37560 synthetic growth defect|two hybrid|Co-expression AT3G02920 AT2G07690 two hybrid AT2G07690 AT4G02060 interaction prediction|two hybrid|in vivo|in vivo|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping|interaction prediction|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT4G16970 AT2G07690 Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|two hybrid|biochemical|Synthetic Rescue AT4G32990 AT2G07690 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G07690 AT5G46280 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|Colocalization|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT5G40660 AT2G07698 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|interaction prediction AT4G34910 AT2G09990 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36020 AT2G09990 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G24050 AT2G13540 in vivo AT3G24315 AT2G13540 two hybrid AT5G57870 AT2G13540 in vivo AT2G13540 AT5G66010 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT2G14045 AT2G14045 in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G12390 AT2G14120 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT2G15270 AT1G34770 two hybrid AT2G15400 AT5G41010 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-crystal Structure|Enriched domain pair AT5G41910 AT2G15400 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G51940 AT2G15400 in vitro AT2G15430 AT5G41010 in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-crystal Structure|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair AT5G41910 AT2G15430 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G51940 AT2G15430 in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex AT2G15790 AT1G67970 Reconstituted Complex AT4G32660 AT2G15790 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G35800 AT2G15790 two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo AT2G16440 AT2G16440 two hybrid AT2G24490 AT2G16440 two hybrid AT2G16440 AT2G37560 Synthetic Lethality|two hybrid|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT3G02920 AT2G16440 two hybrid AT2G16440 AT4G02060 in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|Co-purification|Colocalization|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Lethality|Co-purification|Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-expression AT4G12620 AT2G16440 two hybrid AT4G16970 AT2G16440 biochemical|two hybrid|biochemical|Reconstituted Complex|synthetic growth defect AT4G29910 AT2G16440 two hybrid AT5G16690 AT2G16440 two hybrid AT5G44635 AT2G16440 Co-purification|Colocalization|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Synthetic Lethality|in vitro|in vivo AT5G45400 AT2G16440 two hybrid AT5G61000 AT2G16440 two hybrid AT5G58590 AT2G16950 in vitro|two hybrid|in vitro|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT2G17190 AT1G71800 two hybrid AT2G17190 AT2G17190 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G16360 AT2G17190 two hybrid AT5G60640 AT2G17190 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G17200 AT2G01720 in vivo|in vitro AT2G17200 AT2G17200 two hybrid AT2G26210 AT2G17200 two hybrid AT2G29900 AT2G17200 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G19670 AT2G17200 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G29130 AT2G17200 two hybrid AT5G60640 AT2G17200 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid AT2G17370 AT2G17370 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G35800 AT2G17900 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G26751 AT2G17900 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G52640 AT2G17900 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G56000 AT2G17900 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G17930 AT1G18450 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G46810 AT2G17930 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G54610 AT2G17930 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT5G22330 AT2G17930 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G17980 AT1G51740 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|interaction prediction AT2G20000 AT2G18040 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT3G16320 AT2G18040 in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G48750 AT2G18040 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo AT4G35800 AT2G18040 two hybrid|two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|in vitro|far western blotting|biochemical|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT5G06150 AT2G18040 in vitro AT5G19330 AT2G18040 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|in vivo AT5G67380 AT2G18040 Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G18290 AT1G06590 in vivo AT3G16320 AT2G18290 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G21530 AT2G18290 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G07170 AT2G18510 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT2G18510 AT2G02570 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G30000 AT2G18510 in vivo AT3G19840 AT2G18510 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT4G11330 AT2G18510 two hybrid AT3G05280 AT2G18840 two hybrid AT4G02690 AT2G19080 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G15470 AT2G19080 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G19950 AT2G19950 in vivo AT5G47200 AT2G19950 Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro AT2G33560 AT2G20000 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G42810 AT2G20000 in vitro|two hybrid AT2G20000 AT3G25980 Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT4G21530 AT2G20000 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G19006 AT2G20140 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G24820 AT2G20140 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G20140 AT5G58290 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Co-purification|interaction prediction|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT2G20190 AT2G17900 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10450 AT2G20190 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G20510 AT2G20510 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G11690 AT2G20510 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G20580 AT1G53750 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|Co-purification|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT2G20140 AT2G20580 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|Reconstituted Complex|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Co-purification|Gene neighbors method|Co-expression AT4G19006 AT2G20580 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G20580 AT4G24820 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G07590 AT2G20580 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G58290 AT2G20580 Co-purification|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT4G11380 AT2G20635 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|in vitro AT2G20840 AT2G20840 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G61210 AT2G20840 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G54750 AT2G20930 two hybrid AT2G20980 AT2G01120 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G20980 AT2G16440 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G37560 AT2G20980 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|synthetic growth defect AT3G25100 AT2G20980 Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS|Colocalization|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping AT4G02060 AT2G20980 Synthetic Rescue|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality AT5G44635 AT2G20980 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G46280 AT2G20980 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G21170 AT2G21170 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G46010 AT2G21170 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G53710 AT2G21390 in vitro|in vivo AT5G05010 AT2G21390 in vivo AT3G57870 AT2G21470 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G48700 AT2G21470 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT5G50680 AT2G21470 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|two hybrid AT2G21790 AT2G21790 two hybrid|in vitro|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-fractionation|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interaction prediction AT2G21790 AT3G27060 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-crystal Structure|Co-expression AT5G41910 AT2G22370 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G12280 AT2G23740 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT5G61070 AT2G23740 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT4G30330 AT2G23930 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|two hybrid AT2G24050 AT1G29590 in vivo AT2G24050 AT1G72730 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G16520 AT2G24050 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G24490 AT1G55460 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT2G37560 AT2G24490 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT3G18630 AT2G24490 in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45400 AT2G24490 in vivo|in vitro AT5G06830 AT2G24765 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G26080 AT2G26080 in vivo AT2G26210 AT1G21630 in vivo|in vitro AT2G26210 AT1G69220 in vivo AT3G11130 AT2G26210 two hybrid AT3G57550 AT2G26210 in vivo|two hybrid AT3G57870 AT2G26210 two hybrid AT4G16420 AT2G26210 two hybrid AT5G07120 AT2G26210 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G13860 AT2G26210 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G57610 AT2G26210 in vivo|in vitro AT5G61210 AT2G26210 in vivo AT3G04460 AT2G26350 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|interaction prediction AT5G64200 AT2G26430 two hybrid|in vitro AT5G07590 AT2G26990 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G19006 AT2G27020 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45620 AT2G27020 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G27100 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G29570 AT2G27120 in vitro AT5G66130 AT2G27120 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect AT2G27120 AT5G67100 in vivo|in vitro|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G18620 AT2G27170 Co-purification AT3G12480 AT2G27470 two hybrid AT5G08190 AT2G27470 two hybrid AT5G18620 AT2G27470 Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT5G19310 AT2G27470 Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT5G66130 AT2G27470 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G45970 AT2G27600 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT2G27970 AT2G27970 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-crystal Structure AT1G12520 AT2G28190 in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Co-crystal Structure|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Suppression|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT2G28190 AT2G28190 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G23090 AT2G28560 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G20850 AT2G28560 Colocalization AT2G41860 AT2G29100 in vitro AT5G03540 AT2G29100 Reconstituted Complex AT2G29210 AT1G16610 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G29210 AT3G48710 in vitro|Co-expression AT2G29530 AT3G46560 interaction prediction|Synthetic Rescue|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-expression AT5G02380 AT2G29530 in vitro AT2G29540 AT1G34770 two hybrid AT1G60620 AT2G29540 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|interologs mapping|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT1G07270 AT2G29570 two hybrid|Co-expression AT1G78650 AT2G29570 in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|Co-expression AT2G29680 AT2G29570 two hybrid AT2G29570 AT2G41460 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT3G05480 AT2G29570 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|synthetic growth defect AT2G29570 AT3G18524 in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT3G23590 AT2G29570 Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo|in vitro AT2G29570 AT4G02070 in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT4G12740 AT2G29570 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT2G29570 AT4G25540 in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|Co-expression AT2G29570 AT4G38130 Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|in vivo|Co-expression AT5G06150 AT2G29570 in vivo AT5G10220 AT2G29570 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G11300 AT2G29570 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G29570 AT5G26680 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|synthetic growth defect|Co-expression AT5G27680 AT2G29570 in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G29570 AT5G27740 in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-expression AT2G29570 AT5G45400 in vitro|Co-expression AT5G55000 AT2G29570 in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G61000 AT2G29570 in vitro AT2G29570 AT5G63960 in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT2G29570 AT5G64420 in vitro|Co-expression AT2G37560 AT2G29680 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G02060 AT2G29680 two hybrid|in vivo|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G12620 AT2G29680 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo|in vitro AT5G11300 AT2G29680 in vivo|in vivo AT5G46280 AT2G29680 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|interologs mapping|Co-purification AT2G29900 AT2G29900 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G52640 AT2G29900 Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo|Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo AT5G09310 AT2G29900 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G24360 AT2G29900 in vivo|in vitro AT5G47100 AT2G29900 two hybrid|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G30260 AT2G30260 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G35040 AT2G30260 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G43770 AT2G30260 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G53180 AT2G30260 two hybrid AT5G49550 AT2G30330 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT2G30390 AT2G30390 in vivo AT2G30910 AT1G13180 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification AT2G30910 AT1G60430 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality AT3G27000 AT2G30910 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G12040 AT2G30970 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G31300 AT1G13180 Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interaction prediction AT2G31300 AT1G60430 interaction prediction|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality AT3G27000 AT2G31300 in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|interaction prediction AT2G39840 AT2G31305 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT3G52640 AT2G31440 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo|in vitro AT5G09310 AT2G31440 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G53480 AT2G31660 in vitro|in vitro AT3G14080 AT2G31725 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G02680 AT2G31970 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G47700 AT2G31970 in vitro|two hybrid AT4G27230 AT2G31970 Colocalization AT5G02560 AT2G31970 Colocalization AT4G35740 AT2G32000 in vivo AT2G32080 AT2G17870 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36020 AT2G32080 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G38680 AT2G32080 in vitro AT5G45190 AT2G32080 in vitro AT2G32410 AT2G18600 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36800 AT2G32410 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G32415 AT1G33980 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G32780 AT2G32415 two hybrid AT2G39260 AT2G32415 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G42150 AT2G32415 two hybrid AT5G47010 AT2G32415 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G61410 AT2G32415 two hybrid AT4G24820 AT2G32730 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45620 AT2G32730 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G58290 AT2G32730 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G48750 AT2G32780 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro AT5G46630 AT2G32850 in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G47700 AT2G32900 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT5G63310 AT2G32920 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G14980 AT2G33210 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT3G48000 AT2G33210 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G38130 AT2G33210 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G33340 AT4G15900 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT5G52350 AT2G33340 two hybrid AT2G33385 AT1G13180 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G33385 AT1G60430 in vivo|two hybrid AT2G33385 AT2G30910 in vitro|in vitro AT2G33385 AT2G33385 two hybrid AT3G27000 AT2G33385 two hybrid AT2G33610 AT1G70060 Reconstituted Complex AT2G33610 AT3G06010 Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Co-expression AT4G24190 AT2G33610 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G33730 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09390 AT2G33730 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34910 AT2G33800 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G45640 AT2G33840 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G54940 AT2G33840 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G35410 AT2G34250 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34910 AT2G34520 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G34840 AT1G62020 two hybrid|in vivo AT3G62290 AT2G34840 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G31480 AT2G34840 two hybrid AT4G34450 AT2G34840 two hybrid AT5G14670 AT2G34840 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G34970 AT1G53880 Synthetic Lethality|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Co-fractionation|Synthetic Lethality AT3G45100 AT2G34980 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G35020 AT2G35020 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G63310 AT2G35040 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10450 AT2G35110 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G13700 AT2G35410 two hybrid AT5G60550 AT2G35890 in vitro AT3G13970 AT2G35920 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G16360 AT2G35920 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G35940 AT1G26960 in vivo AT2G36070 AT2G36070 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G36170 AT2G36170 in vitro AT2G36360 AT2G36360 Co-purification AT5G15020 AT2G36360 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G24350 AT2G36900 two hybrid|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G27530 AT2G36900 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G56190 AT2G36900 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G37340 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G02920 AT2G37560 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G37560 AT3G25100 two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT3G54180 AT2G37560 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G37560 AT4G02060 two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G44635 AT2G37560 two hybrid AT2G37560 AT5G45400 two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G61000 AT2G37560 two hybrid AT4G36020 AT2G37600 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G20810 AT2G38560 in vitro AT2G38560 AT4G35800 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-crystal Structure|Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G58003 AT2G38560 in vitro|Synthetic Lethality AT2G38730 AT2G05720 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G38730 AT2G41500 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT2G39090 AT1G06590 Reconstituted Complex AT2G39090 AT2G20000 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G16320 AT2G39090 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G21530 AT2G39090 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G33270 AT2G39090 Reconstituted Complex AT5G05560 AT2G39090 Reconstituted Complex AT5G27080 AT2G39090 Reconstituted Complex AT2G29210 AT2G39260 in vivo|Co-expression AT2G39260 AT2G39260 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G14080 AT2G39260 two hybrid AT5G09510 AT2G39260 two hybrid AT5G43640 AT2G39260 two hybrid AT5G47010 AT2G39260 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Phenotypic Suppression|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G54940 AT2G39260 two hybrid|in vitro AT3G17590 AT2G39840 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G17550 AT2G39970 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G11420 AT2G39990 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification AT5G54940 AT2G39990 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G40290 AT3G07300 synthetic growth defect|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT2G40490 AT2G40490 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G40660 AT2G40660 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G13780 AT2G40660 in vitro AT2G41350 AT2G20980 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G37560 AT2G41350 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT4G12620 AT2G41350 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G41350 AT5G46280 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT2G41460 AT1G80420 two hybrid|in vivo AT3G08710 AT2G41460 in vitro|in vitro AT4G12740 AT2G41460 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G23420 AT2G41460 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G41460 AT5G26680 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT1G02840 AT2G41500 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT4G24270 AT2G41500 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT2G41620 AT1G79280 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G28510 AT2G41620 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G47200 AT2G41670 in vitro AT2G41760 AT1G29810 two hybrid AT2G41760 AT1G71750 two hybrid AT2G41760 AT2G01290 two hybrid AT3G04790 AT2G41760 two hybrid AT3G26770 AT2G41760 two hybrid AT3G52115 AT2G41760 two hybrid AT4G23900 AT2G41760 two hybrid AT4G24710 AT2G41760 two hybrid AT5G06060 AT2G41760 two hybrid AT5G07110 AT2G41760 two hybrid AT5G10450 AT2G41760 two hybrid AT5G19330 AT2G41760 two hybrid AT1G78650 AT2G42120 in vivo|Co-expression AT2G29570 AT2G42120 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Co-expression AT2G42120 AT3G59810 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G55000 AT2G42120 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G42270 AT2G02570 in vitro AT2G43770 AT2G42270 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09390 AT2G42270 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10450 AT2G42270 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G21170 AT2G42270 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G44500 AT2G42270 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G42500 AT2G18390 Co-purification AT2G42500 AT5G55260 Affinity Capture-MS|Phylogenetic profile method AT2G42520 AT1G72730 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G45640 AT2G42520 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59410 AT2G42520 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34390 AT2G42810 in vitro|in vivo AT4G08320 AT2G43070 two hybrid AT2G43160 AT1G20760 in vitro AT2G43190 AT1G76010 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT2G43190 AT2G43190 Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT2G47300 AT2G43190 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G43190 AT4G01790 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Co-expression AT2G43640 AT2G19385 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G43640 AT3G49100 in vitro|in vitro|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT4G34910 AT2G43640 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G14080 AT2G43720 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G03430 AT2G43770 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09390 AT2G43770 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G44530 AT2G03600 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G02690 AT2G44530 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09390 AT2G44530 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G44580 AT2G29570 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G52220 AT2G44580 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G06540 AT2G44610 in vitro AT5G07110 AT2G44610 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G44680 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G44680 AT2G44680 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT3G23890 AT2G44680 in vitro|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT3G25520 AT2G44680 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid AT3G54350 AT2G44680 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G32520 AT2G44680 in vitro AT4G37930 AT2G44680 in vitro AT2G44950 AT2G13540 two hybrid AT2G45000 AT1G27970 in vitro|in vitro AT2G45000 AT2G45000 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT2G45200 AT3G24350 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|interologs mapping|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT3G27530 AT2G45200 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G56190 AT2G45200 Reconstituted Complex|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G05760 AT2G45200 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G45280 AT1G07745 in vivo|in vitro AT2G45280 AT5G20850 Colocalization|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT5G22110 AT2G45640 two hybrid AT5G17550 AT2G45690 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G46280 AT2G19385 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G11420 AT2G46280 Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|in vivo|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interaction prediction AT5G54940 AT2G46280 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G46290 AT2G19385 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G11420 AT2G46290 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|in vivo AT4G11270 AT2G46560 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G55060 AT2G46560 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G46810 AT2G46810 in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G18524 AT2G46810 in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G10910 AT2G47110 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT2G47210 AT1G03760 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G08990 AT2G47210 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G47300 AT1G76010 Reconstituted Complex AT2G47300 AT2G47300 Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT4G01790 AT2G47300 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT2G47330 AT1G07170 in vivo AT2G47330 AT2G30000 in vivo AT2G47580 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G47580 AT1G43190 two hybrid AT2G47580 AT2G35040 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G47580 AT2G47580 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G47640 AT3G07590 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT3G59810 AT2G47640 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G43530 AT3G01610 two hybrid AT3G01850 AT3G01850 two hybrid AT4G10040 AT3G02090 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G54350 AT3G02260 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G10040 AT3G02280 in vitro AT3G02360 AT1G65700 two hybrid AT3G02530 AT5G26360 interologs mapping|in vitro|Co-purification|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT3G12040 AT3G02540 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G16630 AT3G02540 two hybrid|in vivo AT4G33270 AT3G02660 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G27080 AT3G02660 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G48190 AT3G02680 Protein-peptide|Co-purification AT4G14970 AT3G02680 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G02560 AT3G02680 in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G40820 AT3G02680 Protein-peptide AT3G02760 AT1G30230 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G19510 AT3G02760 in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G52910 AT3G02820 Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT3G02870 AT3G02870 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G18630 AT3G02920 in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G51795 AT3G02920 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G61000 AT3G02920 in vivo|in vitro AT5G10450 AT3G03000 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G03190 AT3G03190 in vitro AT3G04120 AT2G31450 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G04120 AT3G04120 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G05630 AT3G04120 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G11210 AT3G04120 in vitro AT5G16150 AT3G04120 in vitro AT3G04240 AT2G36360 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G54180 AT3G04240 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G07590 AT3G04240 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G45590 AT3G04680 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G41910 AT3G04740 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G04790 AT3G04790 two hybrid AT5G08160 AT3G04790 two hybrid AT5G54750 AT3G05000 interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping|Co-purification|Co-crystal Structure|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interaction prediction AT5G22330 AT3G05060 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G39850 AT3G05220 in vivo AT4G38130 AT3G05480 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|in vivo AT5G03160 AT3G05480 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10090 AT3G05480 in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G54660 AT3G05530 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT4G19006 AT3G05530 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G24820 AT3G05530 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45620 AT3G05530 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G05530 AT5G58290 interaction prediction|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interaction prediction|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT5G03690 AT3G05630 in vivo|in vitro AT5G03730 AT3G05630 biochemical|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G14670 AT3G05630 in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Reconstituted Complex AT5G37810 AT3G05630 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G58690 AT3G05630 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G05740 AT1G07745 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|far western blotting AT3G05740 AT1G60530 two hybrid AT3G05740 AT2G31970 Co-purification AT3G05740 AT3G02680 Co-purification AT3G18524 AT3G05740 Co-purification AT3G48190 AT3G05740 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT4G02070 AT3G05740 Co-purification AT4G09140 AT3G05740 far western blotting|Affinity Capture-Western|far western blotting|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Co-purification|far western blotting|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT4G14970 AT3G05740 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G20850 AT3G05740 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|far western blotting AT5G54260 AT3G05740 Co-purification AT5G61000 AT3G05740 in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|biochemical AT5G63920 AT3G05740 far western blotting|Affinity Capture-Western|Colocalization|far western blotting|in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|far western blotting|Affinity Capture-Western|Colocalization|in vivo|in vitro|Reconstituted Complex AT5G64520 AT3G05740 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT3G05870 AT1G06590 in vivo AT3G05870 AT2G20000 interaction prediction|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Dosage Growth Defect|interologs mapping AT5G05560 AT3G05870 Reconstituted Complex AT3G17590 AT3G06010 Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G06010 AT3G27280 Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo|Co-expression AT4G24190 AT3G06010 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G06010 AT4G35800 in vitro|Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo|Co-expression AT5G59890 AT3G06110 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G06270 AT3G06270 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G54350 AT3G06270 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36800 AT3G06270 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G38200 AT3G06270 in vitro|two hybrid|in vivo AT5G26751 AT3G06270 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G06483 AT3G06483 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G13930 AT3G06483 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|Reconstituted Complex AT5G10450 AT3G06483 in vivo|in vitro AT4G27650 AT3G06530 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G55260 AT3G06670 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G06700 AT1G74050 in vitro AT4G34910 AT3G06700 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G42470 AT3G06820 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT3G06850 AT2G26400 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G06850 AT3G06483 in vivo AT5G43850 AT3G06850 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G24710 AT3G07100 two hybrid|two hybrid AT2G34970 AT3G07300 in vitro|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT4G18300 AT3G07300 in vitro AT3G13970 AT3G07525 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G65700 AT3G07590 two hybrid|Co-expression AT3G07750 AT5G38890 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G61760 AT3G07750 two hybrid AT3G07880 AT3G07880 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45970 AT3G07880 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|two hybrid|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Co-purification AT4G09140 AT3G07930 in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G47080 AT3G07930 two hybrid AT4G26480 AT3G08510 in vivo|in vitro AT3G08530 AT3G08530 two hybrid|in vitro AT4G23460 AT3G08530 in vitro|synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G08580 AT2G15790 in vitro|in vitro|in vitro AT3G08580 AT2G18390 in vivo|in vitro AT3G08710 AT1G79530 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10450 AT3G08730 in vivo|in vitro AT5G16150 AT3G08730 in vitro AT5G26751 AT3G08730 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid AT5G56580 AT3G08730 in vivo|in vitro AT5G57610 AT3G08730 in vivo|in vitro AT5G59290 AT3G08730 in vitro|two hybrid AT5G20020 AT3G08960 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G55190 AT3G08960 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59410 AT3G08960 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G60670 AT3G08960 in vivo AT3G19840 AT3G08970 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT4G11330 AT3G09080 two hybrid AT3G09350 AT1G79930 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G02500 AT3G09350 in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G09360 AT1G17680 in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo AT1G55520 AT3G09360 in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT3G12280 AT3G09360 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G67380 AT3G09360 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G09660 AT2G16440 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G09660 AT4G02060 Affinity Capture-Western|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT5G44635 AT3G09660 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G10910 AT3G09790 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT3G09880 AT2G18390 Co-purification AT3G09920 AT3G03740 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G51660 AT3G10070 in vitro AT3G10180 AT2G20635 two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT3G10360 AT3G10360 two hybrid|Co-crystal Structure AT4G19640 AT3G10730 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G10910 AT1G15130 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G10910 AT1G25350 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G20630 AT3G10910 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G05050 AT3G10910 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G10920 AT2G25880 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G10920 AT3G10920 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G11130 AT3G11130 in vitro|two hybrid AT4G11380 AT3G11130 in vitro AT5G57610 AT3G11130 in vitro AT5G50320 AT3G11220 in vitro AT4G30330 AT3G11500 two hybrid|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G09390 AT3G11500 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G13780 AT3G11710 in vitro AT3G11830 AT5G26360 in vitro|Co-purification|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT3G11870 AT3G11870 Reconstituted Complex AT5G42020 AT3G11870 Reconstituted Complex AT3G11910 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G11910 AT3G11910 in vitro AT5G67630 AT3G11910 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G52640 AT3G12050 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT5G56000 AT3G12050 in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid AT3G12110 AT3G12110 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|interaction prediction AT5G57320 AT3G12110 in vitro|in vitro AT3G12280 AT1G01510 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G12280 AT1G19485 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G12280 AT1G77180 in vitro AT3G12280 AT2G04690 in vitro AT3G12280 AT3G12280 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G18130 AT3G12280 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G21060 AT3G12280 in vitro AT3G21430 AT3G12280 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT3G51800 AT3G12280 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro AT3G52115 AT3G12280 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G54180 AT3G12280 in vitro|biochemical|in vivo|in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|biochemical AT4G11080 AT3G12280 in vivo|in vitro AT4G20400 AT3G12280 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT4G30820 AT3G12280 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|in vivo AT4G37280 AT3G12280 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G38740 AT3G12280 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G11300 AT3G12280 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G11510 AT3G12280 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G14300 AT3G12280 in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT5G17690 AT3G12280 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT5G22030 AT3G12280 in vitro|in vivo AT5G22400 AT3G12280 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G23420 AT3G12280 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT5G28850 AT3G12280 in vivo|in vitro AT5G45190 AT3G12280 in vitro|in vivo AT5G61330 AT3G12280 two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G63110 AT3G12280 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G67100 AT3G12280 in vivo|in vitro AT3G12390 AT1G55520 in vivo|in vitro AT3G12400 AT2G47210 two hybrid AT3G12400 AT3G12400 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT4G05000 AT3G12400 two hybrid|in vitro|in vitro|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT3G12480 AT1G54140 two hybrid AT3G13445 AT3G12480 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality AT5G43530 AT3G12480 two hybrid AT5G47670 AT3G12480 two hybrid AT3G52250 AT3G12810 Co-purification AT4G36080 AT3G12810 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G22330 AT3G12810 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT3G12980 AT1G55150 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G17750 AT3G12980 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G20550 AT3G12980 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G47610 AT3G12980 Reconstituted Complex AT3G54610 AT3G12980 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT4G10070 AT3G12980 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G58720 AT3G12980 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G60440 AT3G12980 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G61700 AT3G12980 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G63610 AT3G12980 Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT3G52940 AT3G13225 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G13445 AT1G01510 Reconstituted Complex AT3G13445 AT1G02680 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Colocalization AT3G19040 AT3G13445 in vitro|two hybrid AT3G54280 AT3G13445 Affinity Capture-MS|Colocalization|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Rescue|Colocalization|Co-purification|interaction prediction AT4G12610 AT3G13445 Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex AT4G20810 AT3G13445 Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|in vitro AT3G13445 AT4G24440 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Co-crystal Structure|Co-crystal Structure|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-crystal Structure|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT4G35800 AT3G13445 Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex|Colocalization AT5G22330 AT3G13445 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G23710 AT3G13445 in vitro AT5G25150 AT3G13445 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo|in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|interaction prediction AT3G13450 AT3G06483 in vivo AT4G13780 AT3G13490 in vitro AT5G59300 AT3G13550 Reconstituted Complex AT3G13700 AT2G18040 two hybrid AT3G13700 AT3G06610 two hybrid AT3G13700 AT3G13700 two hybrid AT3G48150 AT3G13700 two hybrid AT4G24710 AT3G13700 two hybrid AT5G45190 AT3G13700 two hybrid AT3G13920 AT2G39260 two hybrid AT3G59810 AT3G14080 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT3G60150 AT3G14080 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT5G27720 AT3G14080 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT5G48870 AT3G14080 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT5G52640 AT3G14080 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G56000 AT3G14080 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G56680 AT3G14080 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT3G14120 AT3G01340 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G30840 AT3G14120 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G14600 AT2G19385 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34910 AT3G14600 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G14890 AT1G34770 two hybrid AT5G10450 AT3G14890 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G14930 AT3G14930 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G03540 AT3G15090 two hybrid AT5G62640 AT3G15090 two hybrid AT4G28470 AT3G15180 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT4G29040 AT3G15180 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G03730 AT3G15220 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT3G15352 AT3G15352 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G15460 AT2G17870 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G15460 AT2G19385 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G29130 AT3G15580 two hybrid AT3G15610 AT3G15610 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G02860 AT3G15610 two hybrid AT5G26751 AT3G15610 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G15620 AT2G42810 in vitro AT5G52910 AT3G15620 in vivo|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G16040 AT3G15970 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid AT5G17020 AT3G15970 in vitro|in vivo|in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid AT5G20020 AT3G15970 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|in vivo AT5G53480 AT3G15970 in vitro|in vivo AT4G34910 AT3G16080 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G16260 AT1G01510 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G52150 AT3G16260 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G16320 AT2G20635 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G16320 AT2G42810 two hybrid|in vitro AT3G25980 AT3G16320 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G21530 AT3G16320 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G13840 AT3G16320 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G27080 AT3G16320 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G16760 AT1G25280 in vitro AT3G16760 AT1G78300 in vivo|in vivo AT4G23800 AT3G16760 in vivo AT5G41910 AT3G16980 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G17205 AT2G20580 Reconstituted Complex AT4G24820 AT3G17205 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G28470 AT3G17205 Reconstituted Complex AT5G20000 AT3G17205 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G17590 AT3G12980 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G17590 AT3G17590 Co-purification AT3G52250 AT3G17590 Co-purification AT3G17590 AT3G54610 synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect|Affinity Capture-Western|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT4G10070 AT3G17590 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G35800 AT3G17590 Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Co-purification AT5G45600 AT3G17590 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G59160 AT3G17590 Phenotypic Enhancement|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G63610 AT3G17590 Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Phenotypic Suppression AT3G58680 AT3G17609 in vitro AT5G67630 AT3G17609 two hybrid|in vivo|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G07590 AT3G17660 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G17740 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G17750 AT1G29810 in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G19670 AT3G17750 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G20550 AT3G17750 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G57870 AT3G17750 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro AT4G09200 AT3G17750 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT4G11330 AT3G17750 in vitro AT5G10450 AT3G17750 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G24520 AT3G17750 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G48700 AT3G17750 two hybrid AT3G17820 AT3G17820 two hybrid AT3G18130 AT2G29100 in vitro|in vivo AT4G34460 AT3G18130 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT5G03730 AT3G18130 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G11300 AT3G18130 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G42080 AT3G18130 in vitro|two hybrid AT5G43080 AT3G18130 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G58690 AT3G18130 in vivo|in vitro AT5G62690 AT3G18130 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro AT5G17550 AT3G18160 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34540 AT3G18190 in vitro AT3G18190 AT5G26360 in vitro|Co-purification|interaction prediction|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT3G18370 AT3G18130 in vitro AT3G18370 AT3G18370 in vitro|in vivo AT4G00830 AT3G18370 in vitro|in vivo AT3G18480 AT3G12280 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G18480 AT3G12980 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G54610 AT3G18480 biochemical AT3G18524 AT2G31970 Co-purification AT3G18524 AT3G02680 Co-purification AT5G40820 AT3G18524 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|in vivo AT5G54260 AT3G18524 Co-purification AT4G32720 AT3G18610 in vivo AT5G11510 AT3G18610 in vitro|in vivo AT5G16850 AT3G18610 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G67380 AT3G18610 Affinity Capture-Western|biochemical|far western blotting AT2G29570 AT3G18630 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G18480 AT3G18660 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|in vivo AT5G38110 AT3G18730 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G07110 AT3G18820 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G19040 AT1G07480 in vitro|in vivo AT3G19040 AT3G19040 in vivo AT5G25150 AT3G19040 in vivo|in vitro AT3G19260 AT1G79410 in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid AT4G38920 AT3G19260 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid AT5G13840 AT3G19420 in vitro AT3G19460 AT3G03740 two hybrid AT3G19460 AT3G19460 two hybrid AT3G19670 AT3G06270 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G19670 AT3G13225 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G19670 AT3G19670 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT3G57870 AT3G19670 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34490 AT3G19670 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36690 AT3G19670 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G08230 AT3G19670 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT5G42220 AT3G19670 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G50860 AT3G19670 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G60410 AT3G19670 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G61580 AT3G19670 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G19840 AT4G35800 in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|Co-expression AT1G24510 AT3G20050 in vitro|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT3G11830 AT3G20050 in vitro|Gene neighbors method|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT4G14960 AT3G20050 in vivo|synthetic growth defect|interaction prediction AT3G20050 AT5G26360 Synthetic Lethality|in vitro|Co-purification|interaction prediction|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT5G63110 AT3G20050 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT3G20060 AT3G20060 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G20390 AT3G20390 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G22860 AT3G20550 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G57870 AT3G20550 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G04940 AT3G20550 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G60410 AT3G20550 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10220 AT3G20740 two hybrid AT5G47790 AT3G20740 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G59160 AT3G20740 Reconstituted Complex AT3G20810 AT2G38670 two hybrid AT4G21180 AT3G20920 in vitro AT3G21060 AT2G36360 Co-purification AT5G42400 AT3G21060 Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT4G04950 AT3G21070 two hybrid AT5G10450 AT3G21070 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G21215 AT2G18040 two hybrid AT3G21215 AT3G21215 two hybrid AT4G24710 AT3G21215 two hybrid AT5G14670 AT3G21260 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G48630 AT3G21350 in vitro AT5G63610 AT3G21350 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G67380 AT3G22110 biochemical AT5G41910 AT3G22320 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G22320 AT5G51940 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|far western blotting|Co-expression AT3G22480 AT2G43770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G07590 AT3G22480 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G22630 AT1G79210 in vivo|in vitro AT3G22660 AT2G17870 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G22660 AT2G19385 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36020 AT3G22660 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G57290 AT3G22860 two hybrid AT4G11420 AT3G22860 Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT4G33250 AT3G22860 Reconstituted Complex AT5G06000 AT3G22860 in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G37475 AT3G22860 in vivo AT5G17690 AT3G22950 two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo AT3G59020 AT3G23090 in vitro AT4G37210 AT3G23090 in vivo|in vitro AT5G49310 AT3G23090 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G53480 AT3G23090 in vitro AT3G23100 AT3G14890 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G23100 AT3G23100 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT3G23590 AT1G24290 in vitro AT3G23590 AT3G05740 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT3G48190 AT3G23590 Protein-peptide AT5G26680 AT3G23590 in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|Reconstituted Complex AT5G40820 AT3G23590 Protein-peptide AT3G46010 AT3G23610 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G26751 AT3G23620 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G23660 AT3G44340 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT3G23890 AT1G77320 two hybrid|in vitro AT4G02110 AT3G23890 in vitro|two hybrid AT4G38130 AT3G23890 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT5G48700 AT3G23890 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT1G14980 AT3G23990 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT3G48000 AT3G23990 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G04180 AT3G23990 in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G29130 AT3G24010 two hybrid AT5G44635 AT3G24010 two hybrid AT5G44635 AT3G24630 two hybrid AT4G03430 AT3G24730 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT3G53710 AT3G25040 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G31480 AT3G25040 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G14670 AT3G25040 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G36230 AT3G25040 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G25100 AT4G02060 two hybrid|in vitro|in vitro|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping|Synthetic Rescue|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT4G12620 AT3G25100 two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality AT5G44635 AT3G25100 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT3G25100 AT5G46280 interaction prediction|two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Suppression|Co-expression AT3G25100 AT5G67100 in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-expression AT3G25230 AT1G67970 Reconstituted Complex AT3G25400 AT2G41760 two hybrid AT3G25400 AT3G25400 two hybrid AT3G25520 AT1G13950 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G25520 AT2G16950 in vitro AT3G25520 AT2G31660 in vitro AT3G25520 AT3G02760 in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G25520 AT3G25520 two hybrid|Protein-RNA AT3G25570 AT3G25570 in vitro AT5G55260 AT3G25800 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G25980 AT3G25980 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|two hybrid AT3G25980 AT3G54630 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT4G33270 AT3G25980 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Co-crystal Structure|Reconstituted Complex AT5G27080 AT3G25980 Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Co-crystal Structure|Reconstituted Complex AT3G25980 AT5G49880 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT3G26340 AT1G79210 in vivo|in vitro AT4G24820 AT3G26340 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G26618 AT1G18070 in vivo|two hybrid AT3G26618 AT1G69960 in vivo|two hybrid AT3G26770 AT3G26770 two hybrid AT3G27000 AT1G60430 Synthetic Lethality|in vivo|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT4G34540 AT3G27000 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G27240 AT4G10040 in vitro|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT3G27280 AT4G38130 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Co-expression AT3G27530 AT2G32850 two hybrid AT3G27530 AT3G24350 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G14455 AT3G27530 in vivo AT4G31480 AT3G27530 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G05760 AT3G27530 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G12320 AT3G27530 two hybrid AT5G47200 AT3G27530 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|in vivo AT5G58690 AT3G27530 in vivo|in vitro AT5G20020 AT3G28730 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G55190 AT3G28730 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G28900 AT1G34770 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G28900 AT2G17870 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34910 AT3G28900 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G54350 AT3G29130 two hybrid AT4G28200 AT3G29130 two hybrid AT5G03540 AT3G29130 two hybrid AT5G20430 AT3G29130 two hybrid AT5G52350 AT3G29130 two hybrid AT4G36690 AT3G29390 two hybrid AT3G43810 AT2G35890 in vitro|in vitro AT3G58680 AT3G43810 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G52640 AT3G43810 in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G44010 AT1G72730 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34910 AT3G44010 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G44530 AT3G20970 in vitro|two hybrid AT5G02570 AT3G44530 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT5G47010 AT3G44530 two hybrid AT5G49940 AT3G44530 in vitro|two hybrid AT3G44590 AT3G44590 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G47700 AT3G44590 two hybrid AT5G19330 AT3G44620 Colocalization AT1G02840 AT3G44850 in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT3G44850 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G32660 AT3G45180 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT3G45300 AT3G45300 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G57360 AT3G45590 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo AT3G52250 AT3G45850 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G46010 AT3G12110 two hybrid AT2G25355 AT3G46210 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT4G32175 AT3G46210 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36390 AT3G46210 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G46210 AT5G38890 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT3G46210 AT5G40480 two hybrid|Co-expression AT3G46210 AT5G48870 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G56350 AT3G46210 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G63680 AT3G46210 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G06830 AT3G46220 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G46550 AT1G15830 in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G46940 AT3G46940 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G04930 AT3G46970 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G03730 AT3G47610 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G48000 AT1G14980 two hybrid AT3G48000 AT3G48000 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|two hybrid AT1G06590 AT3G48150 in vivo|Co-expression AT3G48150 AT3G16320 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G21530 AT3G48150 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT3G48160 AT3G48160 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G22330 AT3G48160 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G48190 AT2G31970 Co-purification AT3G48190 AT3G18524 Co-purification AT3G48190 AT3G48190 Protein-peptide AT3G56490 AT3G48190 in vivo|in vitro AT4G02070 AT3G48190 Co-purification AT4G09140 AT3G48190 Co-purification AT4G14970 AT3G48190 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G20850 AT3G48190 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G40820 AT3G48190 Protein-peptide AT5G54260 AT3G48190 Co-purification|Protein-peptide AT3G54630 AT3G48210 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|in vivo AT3G60540 AT3G48210 in vivo AT4G24820 AT3G48470 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G48750 AT2G29570 in vitro AT5G03730 AT3G48750 in vivo|in vivo AT5G10450 AT3G48750 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10960 AT3G48750 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G19510 AT3G48750 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G42080 AT3G48750 in vivo|in vitro AT5G64630 AT3G48750 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G48860 AT3G48860 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G23710 AT3G49000 in vivo AT4G34910 AT3G49080 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G17020 AT3G49650 in vivo|two hybrid AT3G49660 AT3G05420 Co-purification AT3G49700 AT3G49700 two hybrid AT4G34910 AT3G49910 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G50670 AT1G50300 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G54380 AT3G50670 two hybrid|in vitro|Co-expression AT4G02430 AT3G50670 in vitro AT5G26751 AT3G50670 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G50670 AT5G64200 in vitro|Co-expression AT3G50690 AT2G41460 in vitro AT3G57660 AT3G50690 in vitro AT3G50845 AT2G26060 two hybrid AT3G50860 AT3G50860 in vivo|two hybrid AT3G50860 AT3G55480 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT4G20400 AT3G51290 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G07120 AT3G51310 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G40820 AT3G51800 Protein-peptide AT3G51880 AT1G32750 in vitro AT3G51880 AT1G55520 in vitro AT5G41910 AT3G52090 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G61330 AT3G52090 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT3G52115 AT1G01510 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G52115 AT2G18040 two hybrid AT3G52115 AT3G48190 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Protein-peptide AT3G52115 AT3G52115 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G53360 AT3G52115 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT3G52150 AT3G52150 two hybrid AT4G36690 AT3G52150 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09390 AT3G52150 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G52200 AT3G06483 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT3G13930 AT3G52200 Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Gene neighbors method|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT5G50850 AT3G52200 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G52250 AT1G77180 two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G52250 AT3G52250 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT4G32660 AT3G52250 two hybrid AT5G61070 AT3G52250 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT5G63110 AT3G52250 Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G67320 AT3G52250 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-fractionation|Co-purification AT3G52270 AT3G13445 in vitro AT3G52270 AT3G52270 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G12610 AT3G52270 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G20810 AT3G52270 in vitro AT4G21010 AT3G52270 in vitro|in vitro AT5G25150 AT3G52270 in vitro AT5G57980 AT3G52270 in vivo|in vitro AT3G52380 AT3G19840 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G52580 AT1G34770 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G52590 AT3G52590 in vitro AT3G52640 AT3G18490 in vivo|in vitro AT5G09310 AT3G52640 Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro AT5G10450 AT3G52940 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G17690 AT3G52940 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G21560 AT3G53120 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G53230 AT2G20140 in vivo|in vitro AT3G53230 AT3G24350 in vitro AT3G53230 AT3G53230 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT4G25230 AT3G53230 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G07590 AT3G53230 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G53420 AT3G53420 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT3G62290 AT3G53710 in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G14670 AT3G53710 in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G57015 AT3G53710 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT4G11380 AT3G53760 two hybrid AT5G49880 AT3G53760 two hybrid AT5G38470 AT3G54130 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G54170 AT1G34770 two hybrid AT3G54180 AT2G29570 in vitro AT4G11080 AT3G54180 in vivo|in vitro AT5G03730 AT3G54180 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro AT5G03830 AT3G54180 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G07590 AT3G54180 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10960 AT3G54180 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64630 AT3G54180 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G54250 AT3G54250 in vitro AT3G54250 AT3G54280 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo|Co-expression AT3G54350 AT1G33980 two hybrid AT3G54350 AT1G34770 two hybrid AT3G59810 AT3G54350 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G26600 AT3G54350 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G55920 AT3G54350 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G46280 AT3G54380 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro AT3G54610 AT1G01510 biochemical AT3G54610 AT1G18450 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT4G35800 AT3G54610 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G41020 AT3G54610 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|in vivo AT5G63610 AT3G54610 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G54630 AT3G12280 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G28290 AT3G54630 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT3G54630 AT5G49880 two hybrid|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT3G54660 AT3G54660 in vitro|Protein-peptide|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT3G55200 AT2G02570 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G55200 AT2G30000 in vivo AT3G55200 AT3G52250 Co-purification AT4G21660 AT3G55200 in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT3G55220 AT1G07170 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G55220 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G55220 AT2G02570 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G21660 AT3G55220 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G55260 AT3G55260 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-crystal Structure AT3G55280 AT1G34770 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G55280 AT2G16950 in vitro AT3G55280 AT2G17870 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G55280 AT2G19385 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G59020 AT3G55280 in vitro AT4G34910 AT3G55280 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G55070 AT3G55410 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G55440 AT3G55440 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59890 AT3G55440 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo AT3G55480 AT2G20635 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G55480 AT3G08530 in vitro AT3G55480 AT3G11130 in vitro AT3G58810 AT3G55480 Reconstituted Complex AT3G55750 AT2G17870 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G24270 AT3G55930 in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT3G55940 AT3G08960 two hybrid AT3G56190 AT3G24350 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Co-purification|interaction prediction AT5G05760 AT3G56190 two hybrid AT5G61210 AT3G56190 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G56340 AT1G34770 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G56490 AT3G56490 in vitro AT3G56580 AT1G64230 two hybrid AT5G42220 AT3G56580 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G49830 AT3G56640 in vivo|in vivo AT5G19000 AT3G56960 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G57050 AT3G57050 two hybrid AT3G57170 AT2G34980 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G57170 AT3G45100 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G57290 AT2G45640 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G11420 AT3G57290 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification AT5G54940 AT3G57290 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G57350 AT3G14890 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G57360 AT3G04680 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G39930 AT3G57360 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G60230 AT3G57360 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G57550 AT3G44050 in vivo|in vitro AT3G57550 AT3G57550 in vivo|in vivo AT4G15930 AT3G57550 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro AT5G11210 AT3G57550 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vivo|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G19360 AT3G57550 Affinity Capture-Western|biochemical AT5G57610 AT3G57550 in vitro AT2G34750 AT3G57660 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-expression AT3G57660 AT2G39240 in vivo|in vitro AT3G57870 AT1G12930 in vivo|in vitro AT3G57870 AT1G49900 in vitro|two hybrid AT3G57870 AT2G41460 in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G57870 AT3G17609 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT3G58040 AT3G57870 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G63350 AT3G57870 two hybrid AT5G11510 AT3G57870 in vitro|two hybrid AT5G16150 AT3G57870 in vivo|two hybrid AT5G19320 AT3G57870 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT5G20850 AT3G57870 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|Synthetic Lethality AT5G48700 AT3G57870 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT5G53360 AT3G57870 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G55160 AT3G57870 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G58240 AT3G57870 two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G58590 AT3G57870 in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G62600 AT3G57870 in vivo|in vitro AT3G57940 AT2G19385 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G58040 AT3G58040 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G67320 AT3G58040 in vivo AT3G58110 AT3G58110 in vitro AT3G58500 AT5G55260 Affinity Capture-MS|Phylogenetic profile method AT3G58660 AT2G17870 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36020 AT3G58660 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G58680 AT1G32750 in vitro AT3G58680 AT1G55520 in vivo AT3G58680 AT3G13445 in vivo|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT3G58680 AT3G19040 in vitro AT5G21274 AT3G58680 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro AT5G53480 AT3G59020 in vitro|in vitro AT3G59430 AT1G34770 two hybrid AT5G63310 AT3G59540 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G41910 AT3G59600 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G63310 AT3G59600 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G62840 AT3G59810 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT5G27720 AT3G59810 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G61790 AT3G60160 in vivo AT3G60260 AT2G31580 two hybrid AT3G60260 AT2G32320 two hybrid AT5G45970 AT3G60260 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G21180 AT3G60540 in vitro AT3G60740 AT1G69960 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G60740 AT1G71440 Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|interologs mapping AT3G60740 AT2G18390 in vivo|in vitro|Co-purification|interologs mapping AT3G60740 AT3G58500 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G62690 AT3G60740 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G60750 AT3G60750 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G16470 AT3G60820 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT3G60820 AT1G79210 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G27490 AT3G60820 two hybrid AT5G13570 AT3G60820 two hybrid AT5G07590 AT3G61140 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G61240 AT1G60900 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro AT3G61420 AT1G03190 two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT3G61420 AT1G53780 in vivo|in vitro AT4G10070 AT3G61420 in vivo|in vitro AT4G20810 AT3G61420 in vitro AT5G41370 AT3G61420 in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Co-purification AT3G61620 AT1G33980 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G61620 AT2G37790 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G61620 AT2G39260 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G61620 AT3G61620 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G32175 AT3G61620 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G01670 AT3G61620 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G61620 AT5G38890 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT5G47010 AT3G61620 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G17020 AT3G61710 in vitro|in vivo AT4G13780 AT3G62120 in vitro|in vitro AT3G62290 AT3G62290 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G44330 AT3G62360 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|Co-expression AT4G02840 AT3G62840 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G62290 AT3G62840 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G63350 AT1G67970 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT3G63350 AT2G45000 in vitro|two hybrid AT4G00560 AT3G17390 Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo AT4G01850 AT4G00560 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G45620 AT4G00600 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G00650 AT2G30260 in vitro AT4G36690 AT4G00660 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G10450 AT4G00660 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G00830 AT2G17870 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G00830 AT3G52150 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G00830 AT4G00830 two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT4G29510 AT4G00830 biochemical AT4G36020 AT4G00830 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G24840 AT4G01400 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro AT4G01400 AT5G16300 in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|Co-expression AT5G51430 AT4G01400 in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT5G10220 AT4G01610 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G07110 AT4G01660 two hybrid AT4G01690 AT4G01690 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59980 AT4G01790 in vivo AT4G02060 AT4G02060 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|interaction prediction AT4G12620 AT4G02060 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G16970 AT4G02060 synthetic growth defect|two hybrid|biochemical|synthetic growth defect AT4G27650 AT4G02060 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G02060 AT4G29910 two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G10960 AT4G02060 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G02060 AT5G16690 two hybrid|Co-expression AT4G02060 AT5G27620 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G44635 AT4G02060 in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|Co-purification|Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro AT4G02060 AT5G45400 two hybrid|Co-expression AT4G02060 AT5G46280 two hybrid|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|interologs mapping|Colocalization|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|in vivo|Affinity Capture-Western|Colocalization|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interologs mapping|Co-purification|interologs mapping|interaction prediction|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT5G61000 AT4G02060 two hybrid AT4G02070 AT1G04020 Reconstituted Complex AT4G02070 AT2G31970 Co-purification AT4G02070 AT3G02680 Co-purification AT5G54260 AT4G02070 Co-purification AT4G02110 AT3G05480 in vivo AT4G02220 AT2G36360 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT4G02220 AT3G52250 in vivo AT4G02390 AT1G80420 in vivo|in vitro AT4G02430 AT3G17750 biochemical AT4G02430 AT3G19840 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G38680 AT4G02430 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G01290 AT4G02430 two hybrid AT5G10450 AT4G02430 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G22840 AT4G02430 in vitro|in vivo|biochemical|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT4G02450 AT1G62740 in vitro AT4G02450 AT1G67970 Reconstituted Complex AT4G12400 AT4G02450 in vitro AT4G34450 AT4G02450 in vivo|in vitro AT5G01390 AT4G02450 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G16820 AT4G02450 Reconstituted Complex AT5G16850 AT4G02450 in vivo|in vitro AT5G25530 AT4G02450 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45970 AT4G02450 in vivo AT5G52640 AT4G02450 in vivo|in vivo AT5G56000 AT4G02450 in vivo|in vivo AT5G59410 AT4G02450 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G02570 AT3G54710 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G02570 AT4G02570 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45970 AT4G02570 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G02730 AT2G36360 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G02730 AT3G21060 Co-purification AT4G02840 AT1G65700 two hybrid AT5G62290 AT4G02840 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G24710 AT4G02860 two hybrid AT4G03120 AT3G50670 in vivo|in vitro AT4G03240 AT3G02090 in vitro|two hybrid AT4G03430 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09390 AT4G03430 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G03560 AT1G29810 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT4G03560 AT3G18370 in vitro AT4G34390 AT4G03560 in vitro AT5G08080 AT4G03560 in vivo AT5G60550 AT4G04740 in vitro AT5G55670 AT4G04885 in vivo|in vitro AT4G04910 AT1G79590 in vivo AT2G45200 AT4G04910 in vivo|in vivo|Co-expression AT4G04910 AT2G45640 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G04910 AT3G27530 in vivo AT4G04910 AT3G56190 Synthetic Lethality|Reconstituted Complex|in vivo|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT4G16520 AT4G04910 in vivo|in vitro AT4G05520 AT1G60780 Reconstituted Complex AT4G05520 AT4G05520 in vivo|two hybrid AT5G46630 AT4G05520 Reconstituted Complex AT4G06599 AT2G20580 two hybrid AT4G28470 AT4G06599 two hybrid AT4G08320 AT1G79920 in vitro AT4G08320 AT4G08320 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G11600 AT4G08320 two hybrid AT5G56000 AT4G08320 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G63310 AT4G08320 two hybrid AT4G34450 AT4G08520 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT4G08870 AT3G14080 two hybrid AT4G08990 AT2G29570 in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G09140 AT2G31970 Co-purification AT4G09140 AT3G02680 Co-purification AT3G18524 AT4G09140 Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|Co-purification|interologs mapping|Reconstituted Complex|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT4G02070 AT4G09140 Co-purification|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|Reconstituted Complex|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT4G11380 AT4G09140 two hybrid AT4G09140 AT4G35520 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G54260 AT4G09140 Co-purification AT5G16040 AT4G09760 in vivo|in vitro AT5G02490 AT4G10040 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro AT5G02500 AT4G10040 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro AT5G48810 AT4G10040 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT4G10070 AT2G18510 two hybrid AT4G10070 AT3G52150 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G10070 AT4G00830 in vitro AT4G10070 AT4G10070 in vivo AT5G53180 AT4G10070 in vivo|in vitro AT4G11110 AT4G10180 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G27080 AT4G10330 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G05920 AT4G10450 two hybrid AT5G10260 AT4G10650 in vitro AT5G47200 AT4G10650 in vitro AT4G10960 AT4G10960 two hybrid AT4G11080 AT3G13445 in vivo AT4G11080 AT3G19040 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G67380 AT4G11080 biochemical|Reconstituted Complex AT5G03690 AT4G11150 in vitro|two hybrid AT5G55060 AT4G11270 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G58510 AT4G11270 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G11330 AT2G26990 in vivo AT4G11330 AT3G07880 Co-purification AT5G11260 AT4G11330 in vivo|in vitro AT5G16820 AT4G11330 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo AT5G23720 AT4G11330 in vitro|in vivo AT5G63110 AT4G11330 far western blotting|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G11380 AT3G48190 Protein-peptide AT5G14670 AT4G11380 in vivo|in vitro AT5G22770 AT4G11380 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G40820 AT4G11380 Protein-peptide AT4G11420 AT1G72730 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G11420 AT3G13920 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G38710 AT4G11420 in vitro|in vivo AT4G11420 AT5G06000 in vivo|in vitro|Co-purification|Co-expression AT5G25780 AT4G11420 interaction prediction|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|in vivo|in vitro|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Phenotypic Enhancement|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT5G27640 AT4G11420 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Co-purification AT5G37475 AT4G11420 in vitro|in vivo|Co-purification AT5G54940 AT4G11420 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G11640 AT4G11640 in vitro|in vitro|in vitro AT5G17020 AT4G11790 in vitro|in vivo AT5G53480 AT4G11790 in vivo|in vitro AT4G11970 AT1G02840 in vitro|two hybrid AT5G64200 AT4G11970 in vitro|two hybrid AT5G07110 AT4G12230 two hybrid AT5G42080 AT4G12290 in vivo|in vitro AT4G12400 AT3G04120 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G07590 AT4G12400 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G63310 AT4G12400 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10450 AT4G12460 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G12610 AT1G07470 in vitro AT4G12610 AT1G07480 in vitro AT4G12610 AT1G32750 in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro AT4G12610 AT3G19040 in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro AT4G20330 AT4G12610 in vitro|in vitro|Co-purification AT4G21010 AT4G12610 in vitro|in vitro AT4G35800 AT4G12610 Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Suppression|Synthetic Rescue AT4G12620 AT2G07690 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G12620 AT2G24490 two hybrid AT4G12620 AT3G02920 two hybrid AT4G16970 AT4G12620 two hybrid AT5G17020 AT4G12620 in vitro|in vivo AT5G44635 AT4G12620 two hybrid AT5G52350 AT4G13010 two hybrid AT5G17020 AT4G13350 in vitro|two hybrid AT4G16360 AT4G13780 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G21170 AT4G13780 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G13940 AT4G13940 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G14147 AT1G13180 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G14147 AT1G60430 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification AT4G14147 AT3G27000 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G14320 AT1G34770 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G55520 AT4G14540 in vivo|in vitro|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT4G14540 AT1G72440 in vitro|two hybrid AT4G14570 AT4G14570 two hybrid AT4G14800 AT1G16470 in vivo|in vitro AT4G14960 AT1G71440 Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|interaction prediction AT4G14960 AT2G07340 Reconstituted Complex AT4G14960 AT3G07140 in vivo AT4G14960 AT3G10220 Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Phenotypic Suppression|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT4G14960 AT3G21060 Co-purification AT5G05620 AT4G14960 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT5G11210 AT4G14960 in vitro|in vivo AT5G45970 AT4G14960 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo AT5G52470 AT4G14960 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G53360 AT4G14960 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro AT5G56000 AT4G14960 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G59840 AT4G14960 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G14970 AT1G04020 Colocalization|Reconstituted Complex AT4G34540 AT4G15130 in vitro|Co-crystal Structure AT5G10450 AT4G15180 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G15475 AT5G42190 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G27700 AT4G15640 in vitro|two hybrid AT4G15780 AT3G56190 in vitro AT5G07110 AT4G15780 in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G08080 AT4G15780 two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G61210 AT4G15780 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|two hybrid|in vivo|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G67380 AT4G15780 biochemical AT4G15802 AT1G79920 in vitro|in vivo AT4G15802 AT1G79930 in vitro|in vivo AT5G38110 AT4G15930 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G42850 AT4G15930 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G16144 AT3G10910 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G24710 AT4G16144 two hybrid AT5G41910 AT4G16265 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G16280 AT4G00830 in vivo|in vitro AT4G16280 AT4G16280 in vitro AT4G16360 AT4G16360 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G16520 AT3G53930 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G16520 AT4G16520 in vitro|in vitro AT5G57210 AT4G16520 two hybrid AT4G16630 AT2G19385 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G04500 AT4G16660 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G42890 AT4G16760 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G16800 AT4G16800 in vitro AT5G46280 AT4G16970 biochemical|in vitro|biochemical|synthetic growth defect AT4G17020 AT3G54280 Co-purification AT4G17020 AT4G12610 Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex AT4G20340 AT4G17020 Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|in vitro AT4G35800 AT4G17020 Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex AT5G41360 AT4G17020 in vivo|in vitro|Co-purification|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT4G17170 AT5G09550 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT4G17260 AT4G17260 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G17270 AT1G61570 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G20850 AT4G17270 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G17510 AT3G57870 two hybrid AT4G17510 AT4G09200 two hybrid AT5G03160 AT4G17760 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10090 AT4G17760 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G66130 AT4G17760 in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G18060 AT1G69220 in vitro AT4G18060 AT4G18060 two hybrid AT5G42080 AT4G18060 two hybrid|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid AT4G18300 AT1G72340 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G18330 AT3G59990 in vitro|in vivo AT5G54940 AT4G18330 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G07110 AT4G18593 two hybrid AT5G53850 AT4G19003 two hybrid AT4G24820 AT4G19006 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G58290 AT4G19006 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT4G19190 AT3G52250 in vivo AT4G22720 AT4G19640 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G07110 AT4G19640 in vitro|two hybrid AT4G19760 AT4G19760 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G20280 AT4G12610 Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex AT4G20810 AT4G20280 Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification AT4G35800 AT4G20280 Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex AT5G25150 AT4G20280 in vivo|in vitro AT5G51660 AT4G20280 in vitro AT4G20320 AT4G12230 two hybrid AT4G20330 AT1G07470 in vitro|in vitro AT1G55520 AT4G20330 in vitro|in vitro|Co-expression AT4G20330 AT2G18760 in vitro AT4G20330 AT2G45000 in vitro AT4G20340 AT4G20330 in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G41360 AT4G20330 in vitro AT4G20340 AT1G04950 in vitro AT4G20340 AT1G07470 in vitro AT4G20340 AT4G12610 Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex AT4G24440 AT4G20340 in vitro AT4G35800 AT4G20340 Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex AT5G41360 AT4G20340 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro AT4G20400 AT3G13445 Reconstituted Complex AT4G20440 AT2G32000 two hybrid AT5G58003 AT4G20440 in vivo AT4G20760 AT1G33980 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G20760 AT2G39260 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G20760 AT4G10070 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G47010 AT4G20760 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G20810 AT1G07480 in vitro AT4G20810 AT1G54360 in vitro AT4G20810 AT4G12610 Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex AT4G24440 AT4G20810 in vitro AT4G35800 AT4G20810 Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex AT5G41370 AT4G20810 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro AT4G20930 AT4G20930 in vitro AT1G66070 AT4G20980 in vivo|Co-expression AT4G20980 AT1G72730 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G20980 AT4G11420 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification AT4G20980 AT5G06000 in vivo|in vitro|Co-expression AT5G25754 AT4G20980 in vitro AT4G21010 AT1G07480 in vitro|in vitro AT4G21010 AT2G18760 in vitro AT4G21010 AT3G13445 in vitro|in vitro AT4G30820 AT4G21010 in vitro AT5G41370 AT4G21010 in vitro AT5G14670 AT4G21160 in vivo|in vivo AT4G21530 AT2G04660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G05560 AT4G21530 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G13860 AT4G21560 in vitro|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT4G21660 AT1G07170 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G21660 AT2G02570 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G21660 AT2G30000 in vivo AT4G21660 AT3G19840 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT5G64270 AT4G21660 in vivo|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G41910 AT4G21710 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10450 AT4G22220 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09390 AT4G22350 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G47180 AT4G22540 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G52640 AT4G22670 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT5G56000 AT4G22670 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT4G22910 AT1G06590 Reconstituted Complex AT4G22910 AT2G39090 Reconstituted Complex AT4G22910 AT4G21530 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G05560 AT4G22910 Reconstituted Complex AT4G23460 AT2G33560 two hybrid AT4G23460 AT3G62290 in vivo|in vitro AT4G23800 AT1G32750 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT1G55520 AT4G23800 in vivo|Co-expression AT4G23900 AT2G25880 in vivo|two hybrid AT4G23900 AT2G41460 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G23900 AT4G23900 two hybrid|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|biochemical|interaction prediction AT4G37910 AT4G24190 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09590 AT4G24190 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G67380 AT4G24190 Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT4G24270 AT1G16610 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT4G24270 AT4G20440 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G44500 AT4G24270 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G24330 AT4G15470 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G24550 AT3G62290 in vitro|two hybrid AT5G14670 AT4G24550 in vitro|two hybrid AT4G24710 AT1G69960 two hybrid AT4G24710 AT3G23800 two hybrid AT4G24710 AT3G58500 two hybrid AT4G24710 AT4G14040 two hybrid AT4G24710 AT4G24710 two hybrid AT5G18200 AT4G24710 two hybrid AT5G63310 AT4G24710 two hybrid AT5G45620 AT4G24820 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G24830 AT4G24830 two hybrid AT4G24840 AT1G73430 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro AT4G25540 AT1G04020 Reconstituted Complex AT4G25550 AT1G12310 two hybrid AT4G25550 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G25550 AT3G50670 Reconstituted Complex AT5G09390 AT4G25550 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G25630 AT3G54350 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT4G25630 AT4G26600 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT4G31300 AT4G25630 in vitro AT4G34910 AT4G25630 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G25730 AT1G34770 two hybrid AT4G34910 AT4G25730 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G25950 AT4G11380 two hybrid AT4G26230 AT1G66740 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G26230 AT2G19385 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34910 AT4G26230 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36020 AT4G26230 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G26300 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G26300 AT2G40660 in vitro AT4G26300 AT3G62120 two hybrid AT4G13780 AT4G26300 in vitro|in vitro|Co-expression AT4G26480 AT3G13225 in vitro AT4G26480 AT4G11970 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT4G26480 AT4G26480 in vivo|in vitro AT4G26530 AT3G10370 in vitro|in vitro AT4G26750 AT1G34770 two hybrid AT4G26750 AT2G01290 two hybrid AT4G26750 AT3G04790 two hybrid AT4G26750 AT3G59760 two hybrid AT4G26750 AT4G24690 two hybrid AT5G07110 AT4G26750 two hybrid AT4G13780 AT4G26870 in vitro|in vitro|Gene neighbors method|Co-expression AT5G06830 AT4G27120 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G27230 AT1G04020 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex AT4G27230 AT1G10930 Affinity Capture-Western|Colocalization AT4G27490 AT1G65700 two hybrid AT4G27490 AT2G46280 two hybrid AT4G27490 AT2G46290 two hybrid AT4G27490 AT3G14080 two hybrid AT4G27490 AT4G25550 two hybrid AT5G55130 AT4G27490 two hybrid AT4G27640 AT1G66740 Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT5G38110 AT4G27640 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G28300 AT3G21350 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G41910 AT4G28300 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G28470 AT1G53780 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G28470 AT4G24820 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G07590 AT4G28470 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45620 AT4G28470 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G58290 AT4G28470 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G28706 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G28706 AT1G47830 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G28706 AT4G20440 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G42890 AT4G29010 in vitro AT4G29040 AT4G24820 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45620 AT4G29040 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G29040 AT5G58290 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT4G29130 AT3G62760 in vitro|two hybrid AT4G29160 AT1G15130 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G29160 AT3G57870 two hybrid AT1G60490 AT4G29380 in vivo|in vitro|interologs mapping|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT4G29410 AT1G34770 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G29440 AT4G14570 two hybrid AT4G29490 AT4G29490 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G52470 AT4G29510 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G29810 AT1G18100 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT4G29810 AT1G66620 in vitro|in vivo AT4G29910 AT2G24490 two hybrid AT4G29910 AT3G02920 two hybrid AT4G29910 AT5G46280 two hybrid|Co-expression AT4G30220 AT1G21710 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G30220 AT3G02090 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09390 AT4G30220 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G27490 AT4G30260 two hybrid AT4G30330 AT4G30330 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G27720 AT4G30330 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G48870 AT4G30330 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G62290 AT4G30330 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G30480 AT1G79920 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G30480 AT1G79930 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G34390 AT4G30480 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT4G38220 AT4G30480 two hybrid AT5G14030 AT4G30600 in vivo|in vitro AT4G34910 AT4G30800 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G67630 AT4G30800 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G30820 AT4G02060 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G27620 AT4G30820 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G41370 AT4G30820 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|in vivo|in vitro AT4G30920 AT4G15780 in vivo AT5G39630 AT4G30920 in vivo AT4G31120 AT1G76300 Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT4G31120 AT3G07590 Reconstituted Complex AT4G31120 AT4G02840 Reconstituted Complex AT4G31120 AT4G25630 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G31120 AT4G31120 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|interaction prediction AT5G52470 AT4G31120 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G62290 AT4G31120 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT4G31180 AT4G13780 in vitro|in vitro AT5G63880 AT4G31240 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G16470 AT4G31300 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT1G79210 AT4G31300 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT5G11510 AT4G31420 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT4G31480 AT3G62290 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G31480 AT5G05010 interaction prediction|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Enriched domain pair AT5G14670 AT4G31480 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G32420 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G32420 AT2G29210 in vivo AT4G32420 AT3G48710 in vivo|in vitro AT4G32420 AT4G35800 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Co-expression AT5G16820 AT4G32420 Reconstituted Complex AT5G54940 AT4G32520 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G51410 AT4G32660 in vitro AT4G32700 AT1G47830 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G32720 AT3G52150 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G32820 AT4G11380 in vivo AT4G32820 AT4G23460 in vivo AT4G38130 AT4G32820 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G15020 AT4G32820 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G42080 AT4G32820 in vivo AT4G32830 AT4G32830 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G32850 AT2G30260 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G32910 AT2G30050 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G32910 AT3G01340 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G32910 AT3G14120 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G32910 AT4G30840 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G05620 AT4G32910 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G33010 AT4G33010 in vivo AT4G33250 AT1G72730 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G33250 AT3G13920 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G11420 AT4G33250 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|in vitro|Co-expression AT5G54940 AT4G33250 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G33270 AT1G16590 Reconstituted Complex AT4G33270 AT2G25880 in vitro AT4G33270 AT2G33560 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G33330 AT4G33330 in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G26751 AT4G33650 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT4G33945 AT1G50240 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G35410 AT4G33945 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G07590 AT4G33945 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34110 AT1G06590 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G34110 AT3G13920 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34110 AT3G18130 in vivo|in vitro AT4G34110 AT3G52150 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34110 AT4G15930 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10450 AT4G34110 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10960 AT4G34110 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G23570 AT4G34110 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G25060 AT4G34110 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G47010 AT4G34110 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G57870 AT4G34110 in vivo|in vitro AT4G34370 AT2G20635 two hybrid AT4G34370 AT3G05630 two hybrid AT5G17310 AT4G34370 two hybrid AT5G18110 AT4G34370 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT4G34430 AT3G06010 Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G34430 AT3G52250 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34430 AT4G24190 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G15020 AT4G34430 Reconstituted Complex AT5G63610 AT4G34430 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT4G34450 AT3G62290 in vivo|in vitro|interaction prediction AT4G34450 AT4G28510 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34450 AT4G31480 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping AT4G34450 AT5G05010 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G14670 AT4G34450 in vivo|in vitro AT4G34460 AT4G34390 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34490 AT4G34490 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G59890 AT4G34490 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo AT4G34540 AT4G34430 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G57320 AT4G34540 in vitro|in vivo|in vitro AT5G59160 AT4G34540 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G59840 AT4G34540 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G60570 AT4G34540 Reconstituted Complex AT4G34555 AT2G39260 two hybrid AT4G34650 AT2G02570 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34650 AT4G34650 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G22330 AT4G34650 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34700 AT1G34770 two hybrid AT4G34870 AT4G34870 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G35020 AT2G35110 in vivo|in vitro AT5G08335 AT4G35020 in vivo AT4G35090 AT3G48190 two hybrid AT4G35090 AT4G35090 in vitro AT5G59840 AT4G35410 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G35750 AT4G35750 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45970 AT4G35750 in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT4G35800 AT1G75510 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT4G35800 AT2G18760 in vitro AT4G35800 AT3G12980 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G35800 AT3G52270 in vitro AT4G35800 AT4G20330 Affinity Capture-Western|far western blotting|Reconstituted Complex|interaction prediction AT4G35800 AT4G21010 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G41910 AT4G35800 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G46410 AT4G35800 biochemical AT5G48630 AT4G35800 in vivo|in vitro|Synthetic Rescue AT4G35800 AT5G51940 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|far western blotting|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping|Co-crystal Structure|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-crystal Structure|interologs mapping|Co-purification|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G63610 AT4G35800 Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|biochemical|biochemical|biochemical|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|in vivo|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|in vitro|biochemical|Synthetic Rescue AT4G36080 AT1G18450 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G36080 AT3G54610 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G22330 AT4G36080 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G36250 AT4G36250 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36390 AT2G25355 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36390 AT4G32175 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G23670 AT4G36480 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|interaction prediction AT5G59410 AT4G36480 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36630 AT4G36630 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36690 AT1G54380 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT4G36690 AT3G19840 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36690 AT4G02430 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G22840 AT4G36690 biochemical|two hybrid|biochemical|Phenotypic Suppression AT4G36800 AT3G54180 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36980 AT3G17750 biochemical AT4G36980 AT4G32660 in vitro|two hybrid AT5G16630 AT4G37010 in vivo|in vitro AT4G37910 AT3G54250 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo AT4G37950 AT4G04930 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G38020 AT2G02570 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G38020 AT2G31450 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G38020 AT3G52150 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G38020 AT4G02570 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G38130 AT1G49900 in vivo AT4G38130 AT1G49910 Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT4G38130 AT2G33560 Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT4G38130 AT3G17590 Co-purification AT4G38130 AT4G08990 Reconstituted Complex|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G38130 AT4G33270 Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT4G38130 AT4G38130 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G22010 AT4G38130 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|in vivo AT5G49880 AT4G38130 Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT5G58760 AT4G38130 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G62810 AT4G38130 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G38200 AT4G38200 in vivo AT4G38220 AT4G38220 two hybrid AT5G08080 AT4G38510 Reconstituted Complex AT4G38680 AT2G29570 in vitro|in vivo AT4G38680 AT4G35830 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G47670 AT4G38680 in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G38710 AT1G29590 in vitro AT4G38710 AT1G49760 in vitro AT4G38740 AT4G38740 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G38780 AT2G43770 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G38780 AT4G03430 in vivo AT5G09390 AT4G38780 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G25230 AT4G38780 in vivo AT5G44500 AT4G38780 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G39200 AT2G39260 two hybrid AT4G39660 AT4G39660 two hybrid AT4G39850 AT2G24940 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G39850 AT4G27650 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G39850 AT4G39850 in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G17550 AT4G39850 two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G38520 AT4G39850 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G52240 AT4G39850 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59410 AT4G39850 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G01310 AT3G23100 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G01390 AT1G79920 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G02490 AT5G01390 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G16820 AT5G01390 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT5G17650 AT5G01600 in vitro AT5G01650 AT5G01650 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G01670 AT1G34770 two hybrid AT5G01670 AT5G01670 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G01800 AT5G01800 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G26600 AT5G01800 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo AT5G02150 AT1G79920 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G02490 AT5G02150 in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G62540 AT5G02310 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G58040 AT5G02370 two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G53360 AT5G02370 two hybrid AT5G37500 AT5G02410 in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G02450 AT1G34770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G02450 AT2G17870 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G02490 AT2G30970 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G02490 AT2G32850 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G02490 AT2G36360 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G02490 AT3G19840 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G02490 AT4G32420 in vitro|Reconstituted Complex AT5G04740 AT5G02490 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G16820 AT5G02490 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G26360 AT5G02490 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G48030 AT5G02490 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G56000 AT5G02490 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G63110 AT5G02490 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G02500 AT1G67970 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G02500 AT2G15790 in vitro|Reconstituted Complex AT5G02500 AT2G30970 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G02500 AT3G19840 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G26360 AT5G02500 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G52640 AT5G02500 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G02530 AT5G09860 Synthetic Lethality|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Lethality|two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G02530 AT5G56130 in vitro|Co-expression AT5G02560 AT3G05740 Affinity Capture-Western|Colocalization AT5G16040 AT5G02560 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G30495 AT5G02560 Reconstituted Complex AT5G41340 AT5G02560 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT5G67320 AT5G02560 Reconstituted Complex AT5G02570 AT2G16950 in vitro AT5G02570 AT3G23990 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G30495 AT5G02570 Reconstituted Complex AT5G49310 AT5G02570 in vitro AT5G67320 AT5G02570 Reconstituted Complex AT5G10450 AT5G02620 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G02760 AT3G18630 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G03160 AT1G79920 in vitro|two hybrid AT5G03160 AT5G01390 in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G03220 AT2G26210 two hybrid AT5G41910 AT5G03220 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G03340 AT4G29040 in vivo|in vitro AT5G03340 AT5G03340 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|two hybrid AT5G05760 AT5G03340 in vitro AT5G07590 AT5G03340 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G25060 AT5G03340 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G03430 AT1G71750 two hybrid AT5G03430 AT5G03430 two hybrid AT5G41910 AT5G03500 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G03520 AT5G09550 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G03690 AT3G10370 in vitro|in vitro AT5G03730 AT1G69220 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro AT5G03730 AT2G06210 in vitro AT5G03730 AT3G08730 in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G03730 AT3G18165 in vitro|two hybrid AT5G03730 AT3G57550 in vivo|in vitro|in vivo AT5G03730 AT4G21160 in vivo|in vitro AT5G03730 AT4G34390 in vivo AT5G03730 AT4G35750 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G03730 AT4G38740 in vivo AT5G03840 AT5G03730 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G10220 AT5G03730 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G14300 AT5G03730 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G18680 AT5G03730 in vivo|in vitro AT5G19010 AT5G03730 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G47080 AT5G03730 two hybrid AT5G56000 AT5G03730 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G57020 AT5G03730 in vivo AT5G58690 AT5G03730 in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro AT5G03760 AT5G03760 in vitro|in vitro|in vivo AT5G04180 AT5G03760 in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|in vivo AT5G10450 AT5G03760 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G03840 AT4G11330 in vivo|in vitro AT5G03840 AT5G03840 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G57610 AT5G03840 in vivo AT5G04180 AT5G04180 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G04240 AT3G54610 biochemical AT5G22220 AT5G04240 in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G63110 AT5G04240 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G04280 AT4G29510 biochemical AT5G04500 AT5G04500 in vivo|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G11610 AT5G04500 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G52640 AT5G04510 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro|synthetic growth defect AT5G56000 AT5G04510 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro AT5G04540 AT5G04540 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping AT5G04740 AT3G02090 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G04740 AT4G22720 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G04850 AT2G41860 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G19360 AT5G04850 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G04940 AT1G70060 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G04940 AT4G38130 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45130 AT5G04990 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G05470 AT3G07300 in vivo AT5G54940 AT5G05470 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G05560 AT2G20000 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G05560 AT3G16320 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G59840 AT5G05620 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G05670 AT3G02090 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G20140 AT5G05780 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G05780 AT4G19006 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G05780 AT4G24820 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G05780 AT4G29040 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G58290 AT5G05780 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G05970 AT1G15130 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G05970 AT3G57870 two hybrid AT4G33250 AT5G06000 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|Co-expression AT5G54940 AT5G06000 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G06060 AT5G06060 two hybrid AT5G59410 AT5G06120 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G06140 AT5G06140 in vivo|in vitro AT5G07120 AT5G06140 in vivo|in vitro AT5G06160 AT2G02570 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G32600 AT5G06160 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|interologs mapping|Co-expression AT5G06160 AT3G19840 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G06160 AT3G52150 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G06260 AT4G24710 two hybrid AT5G06290 AT1G34770 two hybrid AT5G06290 AT5G06290 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G43530 AT5G06290 two hybrid AT5G06370 AT5G06370 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G06580 AT3G55770 in vitro AT5G06600 AT1G34770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G06600 AT5G06600 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G67630 AT5G06600 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G06830 AT2G02570 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G06830 AT4G28706 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G43910 AT5G06830 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G07110 AT5G07110 two hybrid AT5G10260 AT5G07110 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT5G45130 AT5G07110 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|in vitro AT5G45970 AT5G07110 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|two hybrid AT5G47200 AT5G07110 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT5G07120 AT5G07120 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G07300 AT1G55830 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G07300 AT4G34540 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G19090 AT5G07570 in vivo|in vivo|in vivo AT5G07830 AT5G07830 Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo AT5G19310 AT5G07950 Co-purification AT5G08080 AT2G44950 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G08080 AT3G18370 in vitro|in vitro AT5G11150 AT5G08080 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G45130 AT5G08080 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro AT5G50170 AT5G08080 in vivo|two hybrid AT5G50840 AT5G08080 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G61210 AT5G08080 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo|in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G08160 AT5G04500 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G08160 AT5G08160 in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G08190 AT1G50410 two hybrid AT1G55520 AT5G08190 in vitro|interologs mapping|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G08190 AT3G13445 in vitro|interologs mapping AT5G43530 AT5G08190 two hybrid AT5G08290 AT2G41020 in vivo|two hybrid AT5G08320 AT1G66510 two hybrid AT5G08630 AT2G27470 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G08670 AT2G34050 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|two hybrid|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interaction prediction AT5G09250 AT1G32750 in vitro AT5G09250 AT1G55520 in vitro AT5G09250 AT1G67970 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09250 AT2G29570 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09250 AT3G13445 in vitro AT5G09250 AT3G19040 in vitro AT5G16820 AT5G09250 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09390 AT3G13920 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09590 AT3G54250 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G09660 AT2G30970 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09660 AT3G60100 in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09660 AT5G09660 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT5G09740 AT1G18450 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G09740 AT3G12810 Affinity Capture-Western|synthetic growth defect AT5G09740 AT4G37280 Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|interaction prediction AT5G09740 AT5G09740 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G61070 AT5G09740 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT5G09860 AT3G12280 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09860 AT5G56130 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT4G24820 AT5G09900 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT5G41910 AT5G09920 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10060 AT3G53760 two hybrid AT5G10220 AT4G34540 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G14300 AT5G10220 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G19090 AT5G10220 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G25060 AT5G10220 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10260 AT2G45790 two hybrid AT5G10260 AT3G06540 in vitro AT5G15930 AT5G10260 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G10400 AT4G37210 two hybrid AT5G67320 AT5G10400 Reconstituted Complex AT5G10450 AT5G04510 in vivo|in vitro AT5G14240 AT5G10450 in vitro AT5G19010 AT5G10450 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G21274 AT5G10450 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G37590 AT5G10450 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G58970 AT5G10450 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|in vivo AT5G10810 AT2G17870 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10810 AT4G36020 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G54940 AT5G10810 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10920 AT5G10920 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10960 AT3G58580 two hybrid AT5G18230 AT5G10960 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Lethality AT5G60170 AT5G10960 two hybrid AT5G10980 AT3G21060 Reconstituted Complex AT5G10980 AT4G37210 two hybrid AT5G42400 AT5G10980 Reconstituted Complex AT5G67320 AT5G10980 Reconstituted Complex AT5G61210 AT5G11150 in vitro|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G37720 AT5G11200 Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G11210 AT5G11210 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro AT5G42020 AT5G11210 in vivo AT5G11260 AT1G55520 in vitro AT5G11300 AT3G19040 in vitro|in vivo AT5G11300 AT4G11080 in vitro|in vivo AT5G11510 AT5G11300 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro AT5G21274 AT5G11300 Reconstituted Complex AT5G27080 AT5G11300 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|in vivo AT5G44635 AT5G11300 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G31730 AT5G11490 two hybrid|Co-expression AT5G11490 AT2G20635 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G11490 AT2G33560 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G11510 AT3G52250 in vivo|in vitro AT5G11510 AT5G11510 in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G20620 AT5G11510 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G43530 AT5G11510 two hybrid AT5G61780 AT5G11510 in vitro|two hybrid|in vitro|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64420 AT5G11510 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro AT5G11610 AT5G11610 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS ATMG00516 AT5G11770 in vitro AT5G11850 AT5G11850 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G11880 AT5G11880 in vitro AT5G12190 AT1G07170 in vivo AT5G12190 AT2G18510 in vitro AT5G12190 AT2G30000 in vivo AT5G64270 AT5G12190 in vitro AT5G12200 AT5G12200 in vivo|in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G12220 AT3G14890 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G12370 AT1G71820 Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping AT5G49830 AT5G12370 in vivo|in vitro AT5G12390 AT5G12390 Co-crystal Structure AT5G13010 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G13120 AT4G02690 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G13120 AT4G15470 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G40810 AT5G13430 in vitro AT3G27240 AT5G13440 in vitro|Enriched domain pair AT5G13480 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G13570 AT1G33980 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G13570 AT2G39260 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G47010 AT5G13570 interaction prediction|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro AT5G13840 AT1G06590 Reconstituted Complex AT5G13840 AT2G39090 Reconstituted Complex AT5G13840 AT4G21530 Reconstituted Complex AT5G13840 AT5G05560 Reconstituted Complex AT5G13850 AT3G13445 in vivo|in vitro AT5G13860 AT2G47210 two hybrid AT5G13860 AT5G13860 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G14220 AT5G14220 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G14250 AT5G07590 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G14300 AT3G52250 in vivo|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G15020 AT5G14300 Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo AT5G57610 AT5G14300 in vitro AT5G14670 AT5G14670 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G14960 AT5G14960 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G22330 AT5G14960 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G15020 AT1G01510 in vivo AT5G15020 AT1G77180 Reconstituted Complex AT5G15020 AT2G45640 Reconstituted Complex AT5G15020 AT3G04240 in vivo|in vitro AT5G15020 AT3G17590 Co-purification AT5G15020 AT3G52250 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G15020 AT4G02220 in vivo AT5G15020 AT5G15020 in vivo AT5G49880 AT5G15020 two hybrid|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid AT5G61070 AT5G15020 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G15170 AT5G15170 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G15410 AT5G15410 two hybrid|in vitro|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G15610 AT1G72730 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G15610 AT3G13920 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G15610 AT4G11420 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G54940 AT5G15610 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G15680 AT5G10450 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G15810 AT1G34770 two hybrid AT5G16040 AT5G16040 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G17020 AT5G16040 in vitro AT5G16070 AT5G26360 in vitro|Gene neighbors method|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT5G16130 AT2G16950 in vitro AT5G16130 AT3G59020 in vitro AT5G16150 AT1G08450 in vivo AT5G16150 AT4G05520 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G16270 AT1G04730 Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Lethality AT5G18620 AT5G16270 Co-purification AT5G19310 AT5G16270 Co-purification AT5G16300 AT1G73430 in vivo|in vivo|in vivo AT5G16560 AT2G41020 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G16680 AT2G27470 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G16710 AT1G80500 two hybrid AT5G16750 AT5G10450 two hybrid AT5G16820 AT3G13445 in vitro|in vivo AT5G16820 AT3G17590 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G16820 AT3G19040 in vitro AT5G16820 AT4G24440 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G56000 AT5G16820 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G16830 AT3G56190 in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G16850 AT3G54350 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G17020 AT5G16850 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G16930 AT3G14890 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59410 AT5G16930 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G17020 AT1G13950 in vitro AT5G17020 AT1G26630 in vitro AT5G17020 AT2G03820 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G17020 AT2G45000 in vivo|in vitro AT5G17020 AT3G17590 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G17020 AT3G50690 in vitro|in vivo AT5G17020 AT4G24880 in vivo|in vitro AT5G17020 AT5G12470 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G20020 AT5G17020 Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro AT5G22220 AT5G17020 in vitro|in vivo AT5G55190 AT5G17020 Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro AT5G63110 AT5G17020 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G17290 AT3G13970 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G17310 AT3G52150 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G17380 AT5G17380 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G17440 AT5G10450 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G17550 AT2G26350 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT5G17550 AT3G04460 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G62810 AT5G17550 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G17690 AT3G04770 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G17690 AT3G57870 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G61070 AT5G17690 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G64630 AT5G17690 two hybrid AT5G17930 AT3G14890 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G18100 AT1G12520 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro AT5G18100 AT5G18100 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G18170 AT5G18170 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G18230 AT1G07705 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT5G18230 AT5G59710 two hybrid|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT5G18380 AT1G34770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G18380 AT2G17870 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G18380 AT4G34910 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G18400 AT4G04950 two hybrid AT5G45970 AT5G18410 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro AT5G58690 AT5G18680 in vivo|in vitro AT5G18930 AT5G18930 in vitro AT5G18940 AT1G61570 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G18940 AT3G06483 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G18940 AT4G02570 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G20850 AT5G18940 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G40440 AT5G19010 in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G19090 AT1G69220 in vitro AT5G19090 AT5G19090 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G60640 AT5G19090 in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G19130 AT3G07140 two hybrid|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|interaction prediction AT5G19180 AT1G11980 in vitro AT5G19180 AT2G18600 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G19180 AT4G36800 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G19320 AT3G59020 in vitro AT5G19320 AT5G19320 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G48700 AT5G19320 in vivo|in vivo|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G55160 AT5G19320 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G55190 AT5G19320 in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT5G19330 AT4G34390 in vitro AT5G19330 AT5G04180 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G19330 AT5G11210 in vivo|in vitro AT5G19330 AT5G19330 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G59840 AT5G19330 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G67320 AT5G19330 in vitro|two hybrid AT5G19360 AT2G29680 in vitro|in vivo AT5G19360 AT5G19360 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G60550 AT5G19360 in vitro|in vivo|in vitro|in vivo AT5G45970 AT5G19390 Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|Reconstituted Complex AT5G19400 AT5G16850 Reconstituted Complex AT5G19510 AT1G29870 in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid AT5G19510 AT5G19510 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification AT5G60390 AT5G19510 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G67380 AT5G19510 biochemical AT5G61790 AT5G19660 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G63310 AT5G19680 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G19760 AT5G19760 in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G63110 AT5G19840 Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT5G41910 AT5G19910 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G05530 AT5G20000 in vivo|in vitro|Phylogenetic profile method AT5G20000 AT4G24820 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G41370 AT5G20000 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45620 AT5G20000 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G20000 AT5G58290 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Gene neighbors method|Phylogenetic profile method AT5G20020 AT1G72560 in vitro|in vitro AT2G46520 AT5G20020 in vitro|Enriched domain pair AT5G20020 AT3G17590 Reconstituted Complex AT5G20020 AT3G59020 in vitro AT5G20020 AT4G09200 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro AT4G11790 AT5G20020 in vivo|in vitro|Enriched domain pair AT5G20020 AT4G21160 in vivo AT5G20020 AT5G16040 in vivo|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G20020 AT5G53480 in vitro|in vitro|Enriched domain pair AT5G20060 AT5G10220 in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G20060 AT5G20060 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G20430 AT4G37950 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G20490 AT4G15930 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G46025 AT5G20490 two hybrid|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G50320 AT5G20680 in vitro AT5G20850 AT1G04020 synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G20850 AT1G80210 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT5G20850 AT3G06820 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT5G20850 AT4G14970 in vivo AT5G20850 AT4G27230 Colocalization AT5G20850 AT5G02560 Colocalization AT5G42470 AT5G20850 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT5G48030 AT5G20850 in vivo|in vitro AT5G20890 AT4G34540 Co-crystal Structure AT5G20890 AT5G26360 Synthetic Lethality|in vitro|Co-purification|interaction prediction|Gene neighbors method|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT5G20920 AT1G53880 Synthetic Rescue|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT5G20920 AT1G72340 in vitro|interaction prediction AT2G34970 AT5G20920 in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT5G20920 AT4G18300 in vitro AT5G38640 AT5G20920 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT5G20930 AT1G66740 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G20990 AT4G15930 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G20990 AT4G16520 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G21160 AT5G10450 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G21170 AT5G21170 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G21274 AT5G11210 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro AT5G56000 AT5G21274 in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G22000 AT1G02840 two hybrid AT5G22000 AT1G60900 in vivo|two hybrid AT5G22000 AT3G50670 in vitro|two hybrid AT5G64200 AT5G22000 in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid AT5G22010 AT1G10930 Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-purification AT5G22010 AT2G31970 Co-purification AT5G22010 AT3G02680 Co-purification AT5G22010 AT3G05740 Co-purification AT5G22010 AT3G18524 Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-purification AT5G22010 AT3G48190 Co-purification AT5G22010 AT4G02070 Co-purification AT5G22010 AT4G09140 Co-purification AT5G54260 AT5G22010 Co-purification|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G63960 AT5G22010 Synthetic Lethality|in vivo|in vitro AT5G57120 AT5G22030 in vivo AT5G59140 AT5G22030 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G66130 AT5G22110 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G22220 AT3G54180 in vivo|in vivo AT5G22330 AT2G02570 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G22330 AT4G27650 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G22400 AT1G69220 in vivo AT5G22400 AT5G10450 in vitro AT5G22400 AT5G22400 in vitro AT5G41370 AT5G22400 in vivo|in vitro|far western blotting|two hybrid AT5G59410 AT5G22500 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G22770 AT3G18370 in vitro AT5G22770 AT3G48190 Protein-peptide AT5G22770 AT5G12200 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G40820 AT5G22770 Protein-peptide AT5G57200 AT5G22770 in vivo|in vitro AT5G22840 AT3G50670 in vivo|in vitro AT5G22880 AT2G16950 in vitro AT5G22880 AT2G33210 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G67320 AT5G22880 Reconstituted Complex AT5G23140 AT1G33360 in vitro AT5G49840 AT5G23140 in vitro AT5G23420 AT3G13445 in vitro AT5G23420 AT3G19040 in vitro AT5G23420 AT5G16560 in vitro|in vivo AT5G57015 AT5G23420 in vitro AT5G23540 AT4G19006 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT4G24820 AT5G23540 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G23570 AT3G58500 in vivo|two hybrid AT5G23710 AT3G09360 in vivo AT5G23740 AT1G34770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G23740 AT4G34910 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G54940 AT5G23740 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G67630 AT5G23740 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G23880 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G23880 AT4G04885 in vivo|in vitro AT5G24260 AT5G24260 in vivo|in vivo AT5G64070 AT5G24270 in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G24360 AT5G24360 Reconstituted Complex|in vitro AT5G42020 AT5G24360 Reconstituted Complex AT5G24490 AT5G21170 two hybrid AT5G24490 AT5G24490 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G24520 AT5G10450 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G42020 AT5G24550 in vivo AT5G25060 AT5G11210 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G25080 AT2G03780 in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G51660 AT5G25150 in vitro AT5G25230 AT2G43770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G25230 AT4G03430 in vivo AT5G25230 AT5G09390 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G44500 AT5G25230 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G25450 AT1G34770 two hybrid AT5G25530 AT1G79930 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G25530 AT5G02500 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G25754 AT1G72730 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G25754 AT3G13920 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G25754 AT3G57290 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G25754 AT4G11420 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G54940 AT5G25754 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G26030 AT5G26030 in vivo AT5G58270 AT5G26030 in vivo|in vitro AT5G61070 AT5G26040 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G24510 AT5G26360 in vitro|Co-purification|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT5G26360 AT5G03730 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT5G26600 AT5G26600 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G26680 AT1G10930 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G26680 AT3G05740 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G26680 AT3G48750 Reconstituted Complex AT5G26680 AT3G54180 Affinity Capture-MS|biochemical|Reconstituted Complex AT5G26680 AT5G11300 biochemical|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G27680 AT5G26680 in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|Reconstituted Complex AT5G26680 AT5G40490 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|in vivo|Synthetic Lethality|Co-expression AT5G26751 AT1G33980 two hybrid AT5G26751 AT3G04240 in vitro|in vivo AT5G26751 AT5G26751 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59160 AT5G26751 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G02760 AT5G26830 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G27080 AT1G16590 Reconstituted Complex AT5G27080 AT2G20635 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G27080 AT4G32830 in vitro AT5G27140 AT5G22330 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G27320 AT1G80350 in vitro|in vivo AT5G27400 AT1G71750 two hybrid AT5G27450 AT5G27450 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G55760 AT5G27470 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G27620 AT1G12400 in vitro|in vitro AT5G27620 AT1G55750 in vitro|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G27620 AT2G25970 in vitro AT5G27620 AT3G61420 in vitro AT5G27620 AT4G10070 in vitro AT5G27620 AT4G20330 in vitro AT5G27620 AT4G21010 in vitro AT5G27620 AT5G22770 in vivo AT5G41360 AT5G27620 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification AT5G41370 AT5G27620 in vivo|in vitro|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G10930 AT5G27680 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Enriched domain pair AT5G27680 AT1G24290 in vitro AT5G27720 AT5G05710 two hybrid AT5G27720 AT5G48870 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|Co-expression AT5G66130 AT5G27740 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interologs mapping AT5G42190 AT5G27920 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G28290 AT4G11330 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G28290 AT5G28290 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G52200 AT5G28290 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G28650 AT2G23740 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G28850 AT2G42810 in vivo AT5G28850 AT5G28850 in vivo AT5G35360 AT5G09660 in vitro AT5G35430 AT5G10960 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G35525 AT4G24710 two hybrid AT1G16470 AT5G35590 in vivo|in vitro|Phylogenetic profile method AT1G79210 AT5G35590 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro|interaction prediction|Phylogenetic profile method AT5G35590 AT4G19006 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45620 AT5G35590 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G36230 AT5G36230 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G55670 AT5G37290 two hybrid AT5G37475 AT4G33250 Reconstituted Complex AT5G53360 AT5G37475 in vivo AT5G37500 AT5G10450 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G61700 AT5G37500 in vivo AT5G37510 AT1G53240 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G37510 AT5G09660 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G37720 AT1G02140 in vitro AT5G37720 AT1G33980 in vivo AT5G37720 AT5G09860 in vitro AT5G56130 AT5G37720 in vitro AT5G38470 AT3G12040 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G38470 AT4G37010 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G38470 AT5G16630 two hybrid|in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G38520 AT2G17900 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G38640 AT2G34970 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|interaction prediction AT5G38640 AT2G40290 in vivo|interaction prediction AT5G38640 AT4G18300 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro AT5G38640 AT5G05470 in vivo AT5G38640 AT5G38640 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G38840 AT5G03760 two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G38990 AT3G18810 in vivo|in vitro AT5G39500 AT5G10450 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G39710 AT1G34770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G39710 AT4G16520 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G39710 AT5G07590 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G39740 AT1G26630 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G39740 AT2G16950 in vitro AT5G39740 AT3G02760 in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G39740 AT3G59020 in vitro AT5G39740 AT5G39740 two hybrid|Protein-RNA AT5G47080 AT5G39740 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vivo|two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo AT5G67380 AT5G39740 biochemical AT5G60230 AT5G39930 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G40040 AT5G40040 two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality AT5G40340 AT1G02840 in vivo|in vitro AT5G40490 AT2G16950 in vitro AT1G16470 AT5G40580 in vivo|in vitro|Co-expression AT5G40580 AT1G79210 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|interaction prediction AT5G40660 AT5G08670 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS ATCG00480 AT5G40660 two hybrid AT5G40760 AT5G40760 in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G40810 AT4G10040 in vitro AT5G40820 AT4G02060 Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Lethality AT5G40820 AT5G40820 Protein-peptide|Affinity Capture-Western|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G40890 AT5G40890 in vivo AT5G41010 AT5G41010 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G41910 AT5G41010 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G41360 AT5G16630 in vivo|in vitro AT5G41370 AT5G16630 in vivo|in vitro AT5G41580 AT2G18040 two hybrid AT5G41600 AT1G71860 two hybrid AT5G41600 AT5G19000 two hybrid AT5G41600 AT5G41600 two hybrid AT5G41670 AT1G65700 two hybrid AT5G41790 AT5G16270 in vivo AT5G45600 AT5G41790 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G41910 AT5G41910 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G42020 AT3G19840 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G42020 AT3G51980 in vitro|two hybrid AT5G45420 AT5G42020 in vitro AT5G42040 AT4G24820 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45620 AT5G42040 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G42190 AT3G58040 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G42190 AT4G11260 Reconstituted Complex AT5G42190 AT4G23570 interaction prediction|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|interologs mapping AT5G42190 AT5G11300 in vivo AT5G53360 AT5G42190 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G67320 AT5G42190 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro AT5G42220 AT4G08320 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G42220 AT5G07590 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G55260 AT5G42220 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G42400 AT2G36360 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G42400 AT5G26667 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G42570 AT3G12110 in vivo AT5G42570 AT4G15780 in vivo|in vitro AT5G42570 AT4G34540 in vivo AT5G42570 AT5G42570 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G54280 AT5G42570 in vivo AT5G61790 AT5G42570 in vivo AT5G42790 AT5G27620 two hybrid AT5G44635 AT5G42790 two hybrid AT5G45620 AT5G42790 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G02840 AT5G42820 in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G42820 AT1G10320 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G42820 AT1G50300 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G42820 AT4G02430 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G42820 AT5G64200 in vivo|Co-expression AT5G42970 AT5G07590 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G43010 AT4G19006 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G43010 AT4G24820 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45620 AT5G43010 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G44635 AT5G43080 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G66130 AT5G43250 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G43670 AT3G07100 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G43670 AT4G32640 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G43910 AT1G47830 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G43910 AT3G15970 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G43910 AT5G09390 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G44500 AT5G43910 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G43940 AT5G43940 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT2G42810 AT5G44090 in vivo|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G44090 AT5G44090 in vivo AT5G44200 AT5G66010 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G44320 AT3G13920 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G44320 AT4G11420 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification AT5G44320 AT5G06000 in vitro|in vivo AT5G44320 AT5G25754 in vitro AT5G44320 AT5G37475 in vivo AT5G54940 AT5G44320 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G44500 AT2G32000 two hybrid AT5G58003 AT5G44500 in vivo AT5G62290 AT5G44500 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G44635 AT3G54710 in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid AT5G44635 AT5G44635 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|in vitro|in vivo AT5G45400 AT5G44635 two hybrid AT5G46280 AT5G44635 Colocalization|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G61000 AT5G44635 two hybrid AT5G44730 AT4G24710 two hybrid AT5G45130 AT3G06540 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45130 AT4G22720 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09550 AT5G45130 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G45190 AT4G35800 in vitro|in vitro AT5G45190 AT5G45190 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45400 AT1G55460 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G45400 AT3G02820 Affinity Capture-Western|Colocalization AT5G45400 AT4G12740 in vivo AT5G45400 AT5G20850 in vitro|in vivo AT5G45400 AT5G45400 in vitro AT5G58290 AT5G45620 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45970 AT3G05630 in vivo|in vitro|in vivo|in vitro|biochemical|Reconstituted Complex AT5G45970 AT4G31480 in vivo AT5G45970 AT4G34450 in vivo AT5G45970 AT4G34540 Affinity Capture-MS|far western blotting AT5G45970 AT5G10450 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45970 AT5G22400 biochemical AT5G45970 AT5G23320 in vitro|in vivo AT5G52350 AT5G45970 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT5G58690 AT5G45970 in vivo|in vitro AT5G63770 AT5G45970 in vivo|in vitro AT5G46025 AT2G29900 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G46025 AT5G08080 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G46025 AT5G09550 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G46070 AT5G46070 two hybrid AT5G46180 AT5G46180 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G46190 AT2G17870 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G46190 AT2G17900 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G46190 AT3G07880 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G46190 AT3G52150 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G46190 AT5G26751 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G46210 AT4G11110 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G46280 AT1G69220 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G46280 AT2G24490 two hybrid AT5G46280 AT3G02920 two hybrid AT5G46280 AT3G14890 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G46280 AT3G54180 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G46280 AT5G07590 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G46410 AT4G12610 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G46630 AT4G11380 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G47010 AT4G35800 in vitro AT5G47080 AT1G17880 in vitro|two hybrid AT5G47080 AT1G34770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G47080 AT3G23890 in vitro AT5G47080 AT3G54350 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G47080 AT4G10790 in vitro|in vitro|in vitro AT5G47080 AT4G32520 in vitro AT5G47080 AT5G47080 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G57120 AT5G47080 in vivo|in vitro AT5G47100 AT4G14960 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G47100 AT4G34540 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G47100 AT5G47100 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64070 AT5G47100 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G47180 AT3G24350 Reconstituted Complex AT5G47180 AT5G08080 Reconstituted Complex AT5G47180 AT5G47180 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G06540 AT5G47200 in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G47480 AT3G01340 two hybrid AT5G47670 AT1G72440 in vitro|two hybrid AT5G47670 AT3G13445 in vivo|in vitro AT5G47670 AT5G12840 in vitro AT5G63470 AT5G47670 in vitro AT5G54940 AT5G47720 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G47790 AT5G03730 in vitro AT5G63310 AT5G47790 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G47790 AT5G64270 two hybrid|in vivo|in vitro|Co-expression AT5G60160 AT5G47820 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G47930 AT5G47930 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G48570 AT5G16820 Reconstituted Complex AT5G48570 AT5G48570 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G57060 AT5G48600 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|Co-expression AT5G48630 AT3G12980 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G48630 AT5G41910 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G48690 AT5G38110 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G48700 AT4G15880 in vivo|in vitro AT5G48700 AT5G16150 in vivo AT5G48700 AT5G20850 two hybrid|in vivo|in vivo|two hybrid AT5G48700 AT5G48700 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT5G50680 AT5G48700 Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT5G48810 AT3G15870 in vitro AT5G49020 AT4G29510 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G49110 AT4G27650 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59410 AT5G49110 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G49310 AT1G31360 in vitro|two hybrid AT5G49310 AT2G19385 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G49310 AT3G22950 in vitro AT5G49310 AT5G03730 in vivo|in vitro AT5G49310 AT5G16150 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G49310 AT5G19000 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G53480 AT5G49310 in vitro|in vitro AT5G55260 AT5G49370 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G49460 AT4G16360 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G49460 AT5G21170 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G49460 AT5G26751 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G63310 AT5G49460 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G49830 AT2G26210 two hybrid AT5G49830 AT4G16420 two hybrid AT5G59410 AT5G49840 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G49880 AT5G49880 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G49945 AT4G02690 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G54940 AT5G50240 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G50260 AT5G50260 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G50440 AT3G27530 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G50440 AT3G56190 in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G50440 AT5G05760 two hybrid|in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G50680 AT3G25230 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G50680 AT3G57870 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G50680 AT5G48570 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G50850 AT3G13930 Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT5G50860 AT4G02430 in vitro AT5G64200 AT5G50860 in vivo|in vitro AT5G50890 AT3G19760 two hybrid AT5G50920 AT5G43530 two hybrid AT5G51100 AT4G32830 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G51100 AT5G51100 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G51230 AT5G04940 Co-purification AT5G51280 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G51410 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G51940 AT5G41910 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G51970 AT5G51970 two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G52200 AT2G39840 Phenotypic Suppression|Synthetic Rescue|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Rescue|interaction prediction AT5G52350 AT2G26210 two hybrid AT5G52350 AT5G49830 in vivo AT5G52470 AT1G55150 in vivo|two hybrid AT5G52470 AT3G54180 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G52470 AT3G54350 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G52470 AT4G31300 in vitro AT5G52470 AT4G34910 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G52470 AT5G44500 in vitro AT5G55920 AT5G52470 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G52640 AT1G04730 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G42810 AT5G52640 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G52640 AT3G11870 in vivo AT5G52640 AT3G62120 in vitro|in vivo AT5G52640 AT4G26870 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G52640 AT5G16850 in vivo|Colocalization AT5G52790 AT3G13700 two hybrid AT5G53010 AT3G57550 in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid AT5G53045 AT4G22720 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G53180 AT5G53180 two hybrid AT5G53360 AT1G36340 in vivo AT5G67320 AT5G53360 in vivo AT5G53480 AT2G45000 in vitro AT5G53480 AT4G24880 in vivo|in vitro AT5G53850 AT5G53850 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G54110 AT4G15780 in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G54110 AT5G05760 Reconstituted Complex AT5G54110 AT5G08080 Reconstituted Complex AT5G54110 AT5G54110 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G54260 AT5G40820 Phenotypic Suppression|Protein-peptide|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect AT5G54280 AT1G69220 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G54280 AT2G31450 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G54280 AT2G38280 in vivo AT5G54280 AT5G21170 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G54310 AT5G07590 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G55000 AT4G26750 two hybrid AT5G55000 AT5G37290 two hybrid AT5G55100 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G55160 AT5G55160 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G55190 AT1G35470 in vivo|in vitro AT5G55190 AT1G72560 in vitro|in vitro|two hybrid AT2G16950 AT5G55190 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G55190 AT2G31660 in vitro AT5G55190 AT2G46520 in vitro AT5G55190 AT3G15970 in vitro|in vivo AT5G55190 AT3G17590 Reconstituted Complex AT5G53480 AT5G55190 in vitro|in vitro|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G55560 AT5G14720 two hybrid AT5G55670 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G55760 AT5G19000 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G55760 AT5G55760 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G56290 AT5G55760 two hybrid AT5G61070 AT5G55760 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G55810 AT5G55810 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G55940 AT3G04830 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT5G56000 AT1G04730 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G56000 AT2G36360 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G56000 AT2G42810 in vivo AT5G56000 AT3G08730 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G56000 AT3G62120 in vitro|in vivo AT5G56000 AT4G11330 in vivo AT5G56000 AT4G31180 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G56000 AT4G32420 in vitro|Reconstituted Complex AT5G56000 AT4G34390 in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G56000 AT5G16850 in vivo AT5G56000 AT5G24360 in vivo AT5G56000 AT5G48570 in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro AT5G67380 AT5G56000 Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT5G56150 AT1G34770 two hybrid AT5G56150 AT3G06820 Reconstituted Complex AT5G56150 AT4G14970 Reconstituted Complex AT5G56150 AT5G42470 Reconstituted Complex AT5G66070 AT5G56150 in vivo|in vitro AT5G56290 AT1G79810 in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G26350 AT5G56290 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-expression AT5G56290 AT3G04460 two hybrid|two hybrid|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G56290 AT3G07560 two hybrid|in vitro|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G56290 AT3G48190 in vivo|two hybrid AT5G56290 AT5G56290 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G56350 AT5G56350 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G56360 AT5G61790 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G63840 AT5G56360 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G56580 AT5G03840 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G56580 AT5G56580 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G58690 AT5G56580 in vitro|in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G56710 AT1G34770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G56710 AT2G17870 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G56710 AT2G19385 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G56710 AT4G34910 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G56710 AT5G10450 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G56710 AT5G38110 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G56720 AT5G40610 in vitro AT5G56720 AT5G56720 in vitro AT5G57015 AT3G55480 in vivo|in vitro AT5G57015 AT5G16040 in vivo|in vitro AT5G57015 AT5G49310 in vitro AT5G57015 AT5G53480 in vitro AT5G57120 AT3G57660 in vivo|in vitro AT5G57120 AT5G10450 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G57160 AT3G14890 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G57160 AT3G48190 Protein-peptide AT5G57160 AT5G40820 Protein-peptide AT5G57170 AT5G57170 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G57200 AT3G11130 in vitro|in vivo AT5G58690 AT5G57200 in vitro AT5G57210 AT5G46630 two hybrid AT5G57320 AT4G01270 in vitro|two hybrid AT5G57320 AT5G25060 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G57450 AT1G07745 in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G57610 AT4G33650 in vivo AT5G57610 AT5G06290 in vivo|two hybrid AT5G57610 AT5G10450 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G57610 AT5G25060 in vivo|in vitro AT5G57610 AT5G57610 in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G57870 AT1G34770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G57870 AT3G13920 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G57870 AT4G11420 in vivo|in vitro AT5G57870 AT4G16520 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64740 AT5G57870 in vivo|in vitro AT5G57980 AT5G41910 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G57980 AT5G51940 in vitro AT5G58000 AT3G19460 two hybrid AT5G58000 AT3G56190 two hybrid AT5G58000 AT4G12230 two hybrid AT5G58003 AT3G50670 in vivo AT5G58003 AT4G35800 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Protein-peptide|Synthetic Lethality|biochemical|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G58130 AT4G15770 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT5G58230 AT1G66740 Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G58230 AT3G06010 Co-purification AT5G58230 AT3G17590 Co-purification AT5G58240 AT5G58240 two hybrid AT4G24820 AT5G58290 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT5G58450 AT3G54180 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G58590 AT1G72560 in vitro AT5G58590 AT3G12040 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G58590 AT5G16040 in vitro AT5G58590 AT5G17020 in vitro AT5G58590 AT5G19320 in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro AT5G58590 AT5G53480 in vitro|in vitro|in vivo AT5G58640 AT5G58640 in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G58690 AT3G08960 two hybrid AT5G58690 AT5G58690 in vivo AT5G59160 AT5G58690 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G58760 AT4G21100 in vivo|in vitro AT5G59030 AT5G59030 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59040 AT5G59040 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59140 AT5G04500 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59140 AT5G54940 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59160 AT2G31305 in vitro|two hybrid AT5G59160 AT2G36360 in vitro AT5G59160 AT3G58500 in vivo|in vitro AT5G59180 AT5G41910 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G51940 AT5G59180 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|far western blotting|Co-purification|Co-expression AT5G59520 AT5G59520 in vitro AT5G59840 AT4G32830 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59840 AT5G09550 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59840 AT5G59840 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59890 AT3G12110 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G59890 AT5G42850 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59980 AT2G43190 two hybrid AT5G59980 AT2G47300 two hybrid AT5G60040 AT5G49530 in vivo|in vitro AT5G60340 AT1G67970 in vitro AT5G60340 AT3G54610 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G60340 AT5G25150 in vivo|in vitro AT5G60410 AT1G14900 in vivo|two hybrid AT5G60410 AT3G12980 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G60410 AT3G57870 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G60410 AT5G48700 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT5G63110 AT5G60410 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G60440 AT3G28730 in vivo AT5G60440 AT3G52250 in vitro AT5G60440 AT4G12610 two hybrid|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G60440 AT5G03730 in vitro AT5G60440 AT5G12840 in vitro AT5G60440 AT5G60440 in vitro AT5G60460 AT4G21180 in vitro AT5G60570 AT3G54630 two hybrid AT5G60570 AT4G26750 two hybrid AT5G60570 AT5G23570 two hybrid AT5G60570 AT5G42220 two hybrid AT5G60570 AT5G55670 two hybrid AT5G60570 AT5G60570 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT5G60640 AT1G72730 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G60640 AT2G38960 in vivo|in vivo AT5G60640 AT3G13920 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G60640 AT3G52150 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G60640 AT4G02570 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G60640 AT5G09390 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G60640 AT5G18900 in vivo AT5G60660 AT5G46630 in vitro AT5G60660 AT5G60660 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G60940 AT1G17760 in vitro AT5G60940 AT5G60940 in vitro AT5G60980 AT3G52150 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G60980 AT4G30890 in vivo|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G61000 AT3G02820 Affinity Capture-Western|Colocalization AT5G61000 AT4G12740 in vivo AT5G61000 AT5G20850 in vitro|in vivo AT5G61000 AT5G40820 Protein-peptide AT5G61000 AT5G51795 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G61000 AT5G61000 in vitro AT5G61070 AT3G18860 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G61070 AT4G11330 in vitro AT5G61070 AT5G03340 in vivo|in vitro AT5G61070 AT5G48700 in vivo|in vitro AT5G61070 AT5G61070 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex AT5G63110 AT5G61070 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G61140 AT3G16220 in vivo|two hybrid AT5G61140 AT3G47610 two hybrid|in vivo AT5G61170 AT1G34770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G61170 AT2G17870 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G61170 AT4G36020 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G61210 AT1G51740 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G61210 AT3G18370 in vitro AT5G61210 AT5G05760 Reconstituted Complex AT5G61210 AT5G16830 in vivo|in vitro AT5G61250 AT5G61250 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G61330 AT3G52115 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G61410 AT5G61410 two hybrid AT5G61500 AT4G16520 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G61530 AT1G34770 two hybrid AT5G61530 AT3G08730 two hybrid AT5G61530 AT5G45970 two hybrid AT5G61540 AT5G61540 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G61770 AT2G02570 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G61780 AT1G77180 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G61780 AT4G20330 in vivo|in vitro AT5G61780 AT4G20340 in vivo|in vitro AT5G61780 AT4G20810 in vivo|in vitro AT5G61780 AT4G21010 in vivo|in vitro AT5G61780 AT4G35800 in vitro|in vivo AT5G61790 AT1G05200 in vivo AT5G61790 AT1G26560 in vivo AT5G61790 AT5G03760 in vivo|in vitro AT5G61790 AT5G11210 in vivo AT5G61790 AT5G16150 in vivo AT5G61790 AT5G24550 in vivo AT5G62030 AT5G42020 two hybrid AT5G62190 AT2G02570 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G62190 AT2G19385 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G62410 AT3G57060 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G62410 AT5G48600 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro|in vivo|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G62480 AT1G80500 two hybrid AT5G62480 AT4G34540 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G62500 AT5G09470 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G62600 AT5G59410 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G62640 AT2G41020 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G62640 AT3G54350 two hybrid AT5G62690 AT3G07140 in vivo AT5G62810 AT5G62810 two hybrid|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G63110 AT2G23740 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G63110 AT5G63110 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G67320 AT5G63110 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G63220 AT5G07590 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G63550 AT5G22770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G63610 AT5G41910 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G63680 AT5G63680 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G63860 AT5G59470 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G35740 AT5G63920 in vivo|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G63960 AT5G40820 Protein-peptide|Synthetic Lethality AT5G63960 AT5G67100 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|in vivo|in vitro|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G64070 AT5G10450 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64200 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G07170 AT5G64270 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G64270 AT1G16610 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64270 AT2G02570 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64270 AT2G30000 in vivo AT5G64270 AT2G43770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64270 AT3G13970 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64270 AT3G19840 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT5G64270 AT3G52150 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64270 AT3G55200 in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G64270 AT3G55220 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|in vivo|in vivo|in vivo|Synthetic Lethality AT5G64270 AT5G10450 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64270 AT5G26751 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64270 AT5G63110 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64380 AT5G64380 in vitro|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64390 AT3G19840 Affinity Capture-MS|in vitro AT5G64420 AT2G19385 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64420 AT4G34910 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64520 AT5G20850 Colocalization AT5G64630 AT1G66740 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|in vivo|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64630 AT5G38110 in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64740 AT3G13920 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64760 AT4G19006 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64760 AT4G24820 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G65260 AT1G77180 in vivo|in vitro|two hybrid AT5G65260 AT2G16950 in vitro AT5G65260 AT5G49020 biochemical AT5G65780 AT5G65780 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G65800 AT5G65800 two hybrid AT5G66010 AT3G19840 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G66010 AT4G10070 in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|in vivo AT5G66010 AT4G35800 in vivo AT5G66010 AT5G66010 in vitro AT5G66130 AT3G05480 in vitro|in vitro|in vivo|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G66130 AT3G48190 in vivo|Protein-peptide AT5G66130 AT4G22380 in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G66130 AT5G20160 in vivo|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G66130 AT5G40820 Protein-peptide|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G66180 AT1G34770 two hybrid AT5G66250 AT1G24310 in vivo AT5G66680 AT1G34770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G66680 AT2G24940 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G66680 AT2G45640 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G66680 AT4G02690 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G66680 AT4G15470 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G66680 AT5G52240 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G78300 AT5G66850 in vivo|Co-expression AT5G66970 AT5G66970 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G67100 AT3G54180 biochemical AT5G67170 AT3G13970 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G67230 AT5G67230 in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G67320 AT1G30070 in vivo AT5G67320 AT5G61070 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G67380 AT3G12980 Reconstituted Complex|far western blotting AT5G67380 AT5G10450 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G67540 AT1G34770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G67540 AT2G17870 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G67540 AT2G19385 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G67540 AT4G34910 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G67540 AT5G38110 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G67540 AT5G54940 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G67540 AT5G59470 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G29570 AT5G67630 in vitro|Co-expression AT5G67630 AT3G02090 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G67630 AT3G12810 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G67630 AT5G63310 Affinity Capture-MS ATCG00900 AT5G38110 Affinity Capture-MS ATCG01100 AT1G16460 in vitro ATCG01100 AT5G58782 two hybrid ATCG01240 AT1G66740 Affinity Capture-MS ATMG00516 AT2G17570 two hybrid ATMG00750 AT5G55670 two hybrid AT1G51160 AT5G02280 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interaction prediction|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT5G54750 AT1G51160 interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT3G09980 AT2G40730 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|in vivo AT5G60410 AT2G45640 two hybrid AT5G44750 AT2G29570 Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT5G54750 AT1G80500 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|interologs mapping AT5G58030 AT5G54750 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G01910 AT1G01020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G11680 AT1G01020 Synthetic Lethality|two hybrid AT1G26450 AT1G01020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G31780 AT1G01020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G33140 AT1G01020 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex AT1G75170 AT1G01020 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G01070 AT1G01020 Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT2G17520 AT1G01020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G19450 AT1G01020 Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality AT2G22530 AT1G01020 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression AT2G30710 AT1G01020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G34450 AT1G01020 Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT2G37270 AT1G01020 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT2G39480 AT1G01020 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification AT3G01090 AT1G01020 biochemical AT3G12180 AT1G01020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G13445 AT1G01020 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Rescue AT3G21540 AT1G01020 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Synthetic Rescue AT3G25585 AT1G01020 interologs mapping AT3G44190 AT1G01020 interologs mapping|Reconstituted Complex AT3G45630 AT1G01020 Reconstituted Complex AT3G58490 AT1G01020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G02120 AT1G01020 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Synthetic Lethality AT4G16420 AT1G01020 Synthetic Lethality AT4G17910 AT1G01020 Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect AT4G26510 AT1G01020 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT5G03540 AT1G01020 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-crystal Structure|interologs mapping AT5G04420 AT1G01020 Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping AT5G09590 AT1G01020 Synthetic Lethality AT5G11570 AT1G01020 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT5G13710 AT1G01020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G18280 AT1G01020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G19130 AT1G01020 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G43340 AT1G01020 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping AT5G43710 AT1G01020 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G44790 AT1G01020 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G46280 AT1G01020 interologs mapping AT5G52640 AT1G01020 Synthetic Lethality AT1G23260 AT1G01040 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G67500 AT1G01040 Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Rescue AT1G75230 AT1G01040 Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G02760 AT1G01040 Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Rescue AT2G06510 AT1G01040 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G02070 AT1G01040 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G25120 AT1G01040 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|two hybrid|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G10260 AT1G01040 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G27970 AT1G01040 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G44750 AT1G01040 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G03040 AT1G01100 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G38290 AT1G01100 interologs mapping AT2G48100 AT1G01100 Synthetic Lethality AT1G01100 AT3G09200 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|interologs mapping|Co-expression AT3G10330 AT1G01100 interaction prediction|two hybrid AT3G13920 AT1G01100 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G62870 AT1G01100 two hybrid|synthetic growth defect AT4G04700 AT1G01100 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G19210 AT1G01100 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G19150 AT1G01100 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G27670 AT1G01100 interologs mapping AT2G34180 AT1G01140 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G39290 AT1G01140 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G41380 AT1G01140 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality AT3G16050 AT1G01140 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G18660 AT1G01140 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G59410 AT1G01140 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G12350 AT1G01140 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G01210 AT1G01210 Co-purification AT1G53165 AT1G01210 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G55920 AT1G01210 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G66950 AT1G01210 two hybrid AT1G76920 AT1G01210 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G24960 AT1G01210 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G34450 AT1G01210 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G39480 AT1G01210 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G24040 AT1G01210 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G39100 AT1G01210 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G52200 AT1G01210 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G18720 AT1G01230 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G67490 AT1G01230 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G06483 AT1G01230 biochemical AT1G01230 AT5G42000 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT1G03330 AT1G01300 two hybrid AT1G07420 AT1G01300 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G52640 AT1G01300 synthetic growth defect AT1G01310 AT1G01310 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G54560 AT1G01310 biochemical AT1G79450 AT1G01310 synthetic growth defect AT3G06470 AT1G01310 biochemical AT3G53870 AT1G01310 biochemical AT3G62870 AT1G01310 synthetic growth defect AT4G33730 AT1G01310 biochemical AT2G33340 AT1G01350 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G37840 AT1G01350 biochemical AT2G47510 AT1G01560 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G16820 AT1G01560 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G63740 AT1G01560 two hybrid AT5G66610 AT1G01560 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G07420 AT1G01620 two hybrid AT1G08750 AT1G01620 two hybrid AT1G16030 AT1G01620 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G06460 AT1G01620 two hybrid|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G07260 AT1G01620 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT3G19930 AT1G01620 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G47520 AT1G01620 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G62870 AT1G01620 Affinity Capture-MS|synthetic growth defect AT5G09590 AT1G01620 Synthetic Lethality AT5G26340 AT1G01620 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G75200 AT1G01630 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G37550 AT1G01630 interologs mapping AT3G13920 AT1G01630 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G02400 AT1G01630 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34580 AT1G01630 interologs mapping|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality AT5G52640 AT1G01630 synthetic growth defect AT2G37840 AT1G01710 biochemical AT3G01090 AT1G01710 biochemical AT1G01910 AT1G01910 two hybrid AT1G05785 AT1G01910 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G07420 AT1G01910 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G08820 AT1G01910 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Suppression AT1G11890 AT1G01910 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G20575 AT1G01910 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G31780 AT1G01910 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G48760 AT1G01910 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Suppression AT1G67680 AT1G01910 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G79990 AT1G01910 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G26300 AT1G01910 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|biochemical|two hybrid|interaction prediction AT3G05710 AT1G01910 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G12180 AT1G01910 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G22480 AT1G01910 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G23730 AT1G01910 two hybrid AT3G62290 AT1G01910 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G39800 AT1G01910 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT5G10260 AT1G01910 Synthetic Lethality AT5G26240 AT1G01910 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT5G52640 AT1G01910 Synthetic Lethality ATCG00160 AT1G01910 two hybrid AT2G27700 AT1G01930 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT3G59540 AT1G01930 Synthetic Lethality AT3G62870 AT1G01930 synthetic growth defect AT4G16420 AT1G01930 Synthetic Lethality AT4G22310 AT1G01930 Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT5G03340 AT1G01930 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G15400 AT1G01930 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G52640 AT1G01930 synthetic growth defect AT5G60790 AT1G01930 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G06550 AT1G01960 two hybrid AT1G55690 AT1G01960 two hybrid AT2G36160 AT1G01960 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G66620 AT1G01960 synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality AT1G02080 AT1G02080 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G32750 AT1G02080 Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|two hybrid AT1G73230 AT1G02080 two hybrid AT2G31260 AT1G02080 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G32730 AT1G02080 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G10070 AT1G02080 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G12740 AT1G02080 interologs mapping AT3G13445 AT1G02080 Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Rescue AT3G20800 AT1G02080 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|interaction prediction AT3G58560 AT1G02080 two hybrid|Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT4G00660 AT1G02080 interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Rescue AT4G08350 AT1G02080 interologs mapping AT4G32360 AT1G02080 interaction prediction|two hybrid AT4G34460 AT1G02080 Synthetic Rescue AT5G10960 AT1G02080 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Lethality|Co-purification|Synthetic Rescue AT5G18230 AT1G02080 two hybrid|two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|interaction prediction AT5G20570 AT1G02080 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G35980 AT1G02080 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G48640 AT1G02080 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G57020 AT1G02080 interologs mapping AT5G63610 AT1G02080 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT5G67630 AT1G02080 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G02100 AT1G01930 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G07660 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G11260 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT1G13580 AT1G02100 Synthetic Lethality AT1G16240 AT1G02100 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G17810 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G25510 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G26320 AT1G02100 Synthetic Lethality AT1G27450 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G29970 AT1G02100 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G44820 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G53900 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G66950 AT1G02100 two hybrid AT1G70580 AT1G02100 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT1G72730 AT1G02100 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G07687 AT1G02100 interologs mapping AT2G14880 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G17620 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G28740 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G31020 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G33560 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G34750 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Suppression AT2G34890 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G44065 AT1G02100 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G44820 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G45300 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G47090 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G47620 AT1G02100 interologs mapping|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|two hybrid|Co-crystal Structure|Co-crystal Structure|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Co-purification|Co-crystal Structure|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Rescue AT3G05960 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G09640 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G13060 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G13210 AT1G02100 Synthetic Lethality AT3G18480 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Phenotypic Suppression AT3G26590 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G45190 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G48170 AT1G02100 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G54300 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G54820 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G54840 AT1G02100 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G55810 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G59540 AT1G02100 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G60180 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Synthetic Lethality AT3G62870 AT1G02100 synthetic growth defect|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G04340 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G04700 AT1G02100 Reconstituted Complex AT4G10480 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G14000 AT1G02100 Synthetic Lethality AT4G16420 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G21490 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G25340 AT1G02100 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G25740 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36640 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT5G07090 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10350 AT1G02100 Co-crystal Structure|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-crystal Structure|Co-purification AT5G13400 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G14180 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G26030 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G49970 AT1G02100 interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT5G60540 AT1G02100 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G67510 AT1G02100 interologs mapping AT1G75660 AT1G02120 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G18760 AT1G02120 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G08500 AT1G02120 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G52640 AT1G02120 synthetic growth defect AT1G12360 AT1G02130 Synthetic Lethality AT1G21170 AT1G02130 Synthetic Lethality AT1G55190 AT1G02130 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT1G71820 AT1G02130 Synthetic Lethality AT1G73430 AT1G02130 Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT2G30710 AT1G02130 Synthetic Rescue|Phenotypic Suppression|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|biochemical AT2G36170 AT1G02130 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G36300 AT1G02130 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G05710 AT1G02130 Co-purification AT1G02130 AT3G06540 two hybrid|Phenotypic Suppression|biochemical|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT1G02130 AT3G09900 Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT3G24350 AT1G02130 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT3G25980 AT1G02130 biochemical AT3G56640 AT1G02130 Synthetic Lethality AT3G59500 AT1G02130 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|interaction prediction AT3G60860 AT1G02130 interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality AT3G63150 AT1G02130 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G01400 AT1G02130 interologs mapping AT5G04540 AT1G02130 interologs mapping AT1G02130 AT5G09350 Synthetic Lethality|Enriched domain pair AT1G02130 AT5G09550 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G10260 AT1G02130 interologs mapping AT5G12210 AT1G02130 biochemical|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|Synthetic Lethality AT5G12370 AT1G02130 Synthetic Lethality AT5G41790 AT1G02130 Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality AT5G50430 AT1G02130 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G54750 AT1G02130 Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|interaction prediction AT1G07670 AT1G02145 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G16900 AT1G02145 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G20575 AT1G02145 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G17520 AT1G02145 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G34770 AT1G02145 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G52640 AT1G02145 synthetic growth defect AT5G66680 AT1G02145 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G44350 AT1G02170 Synthetic Rescue AT4G35560 AT1G02170 two hybrid AT5G27720 AT1G02170 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G52640 AT1G02170 synthetic growth defect AT2G44150 AT1G02410 Synthetic Lethality AT2G45700 AT1G02410 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G02500 AT1G02500 two hybrid AT1G04750 AT1G02500 Synthetic Lethality AT1G26160 AT1G02500 interologs mapping|Synthetic Rescue|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G29960 AT1G02500 Colocalization|Reconstituted Complex AT2G18230 AT1G02500 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Lethality AT2G31260 AT1G02500 Synthetic Rescue AT2G34180 AT1G02500 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping AT2G43190 AT1G02500 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT2G48100 AT1G02500 Synthetic Lethality AT3G44300 AT1G02500 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G62870 AT1G02500 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect AT4G18800 AT1G02500 interologs mapping AT5G48010 AT1G02500 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|far western blotting|Reconstituted Complex AT1G02630 AT1G01020 Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT3G17520 AT1G02630 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT3G47520 AT1G02630 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G24040 AT1G02630 Phenotypic Enhancement|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT4G33730 AT1G02630 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G36750 AT1G02630 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G02490 AT1G02630 Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT3G62760 AT1G02670 two hybrid AT4G26230 AT1G02670 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid AT4G26910 AT1G02670 two hybrid AT1G02680 AT1G02680 Reconstituted Complex AT1G04480 AT1G02680 Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G04950 AT1G02680 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G13320 AT1G02680 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G15780 AT1G02680 two hybrid AT1G16970 AT1G02680 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G32750 AT1G02680 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G50490 AT1G02680 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G54140 AT1G02680 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G55300 AT1G02680 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G55730 AT1G02680 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G59580 AT1G02680 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G59890 AT1G02680 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G63370 AT1G02680 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G66740 AT1G02680 interologs mapping AT1G69850 AT1G02680 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G73960 AT1G02680 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G18180 AT1G02680 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G31020 AT1G02680 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G06670 AT1G02680 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G12490 AT1G02680 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G13560 AT1G02680 Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT3G18524 AT1G02680 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G20010 AT1G02680 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G23570 AT1G02680 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G24030 AT1G02680 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G54820 AT1G02680 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G62760 AT1G02680 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G00520 AT1G02680 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G10920 AT1G02680 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT4G25780 AT1G02680 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G29430 AT1G02680 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping AT4G39160 AT1G02680 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G02500 AT1G02680 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G18380 AT1G02680 Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G27970 AT1G02680 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G35910 AT1G02680 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G44750 AT1G02680 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G50320 AT1G02680 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G62880 AT1G02680 Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Co-purification|interologs mapping|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT3G62870 AT1G02690 synthetic growth defect AT1G02730 AT1G02730 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G06790 AT1G02730 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G10350 AT1G02730 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G10940 AT1G02730 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G30810 AT1G02730 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G31190 AT1G02730 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G70580 AT1G02730 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G20410 AT1G02730 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT3G05760 AT1G02730 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G09820 AT1G02730 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT3G28730 AT1G02730 two hybrid AT3G53880 AT1G02730 Co-purification AT3G54630 AT1G02730 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G04720 AT1G02730 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45380 AT1G02730 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G49030 AT1G02730 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G02740 AT1G02740 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G08780 AT1G02740 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G29990 AT1G02740 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G54390 AT1G02740 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G59890 AT1G02740 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Suppression AT2G47210 AT1G02740 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G06720 AT1G02740 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G22480 AT1G02740 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G17910 AT1G02740 interologs mapping AT4G36080 AT1G02740 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09740 AT1G02740 Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|synthetic growth defect AT5G23290 AT1G02740 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G26680 AT1G02740 synthetic growth defect AT5G45600 AT1G02740 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G49510 AT1G02740 Synthetic Lethality AT5G63110 AT1G02740 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G67270 AT1G02740 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G62800 AT1G02780 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G80190 AT1G02780 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G03690 AT1G02780 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G34250 AT1G02780 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G39290 AT1G02780 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT3G07680 AT1G02780 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT3G13320 AT1G02780 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G20000 AT1G02780 Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT3G62770 AT1G02780 Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|far western blotting|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect AT4G04950 AT1G02780 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G30540 AT1G02780 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34555 AT1G02780 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT5G06600 AT1G02780 interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G24670 AT1G02780 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G26250 AT1G02780 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G27630 AT1G02780 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45620 AT1G02780 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G66640 AT1G02780 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|biochemical|Reconstituted Complex AT1G02920 AT1G02920 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT3G03110 AT1G02920 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT1G21190 AT1G02970 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G29330 AT1G02970 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G09800 AT1G02970 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G16840 AT1G02970 Affinity Capture-Western|Dosage Growth Defect AT5G44740 AT1G02970 biochemical AT5G53940 AT1G02970 Dosage Growth Defect AT5G65430 AT1G02970 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G80410 AT1G03000 synthetic growth defect AT5G08470 AT1G03000 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|in vitro|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|two hybrid|co-fractionation|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|in vitro|interaction prediction AT5G08670 AT1G03000 interologs mapping AT5G13780 AT1G03000 synthetic growth defect AT5G24090 AT1G03000 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT5G11920 AT1G03020 synthetic growth defect|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G24318 AT1G03020 synthetic growth defect AT5G52640 AT1G03030 synthetic growth defect AT2G19540 AT1G03070 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G40290 AT1G03070 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G62870 AT1G03070 Synthetic Lethality AT4G21800 AT1G03070 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G25150 AT1G03070 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G60620 AT1G03090 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT3G15220 AT1G03090 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G52640 AT1G03090 synthetic growth defect AT2G22400 AT1G03110 synthetic growth defect AT3G04820 AT1G03110 synthetic growth defect AT3G49640 AT1G03110 synthetic growth defect AT4G38890 AT1G03110 synthetic growth defect AT5G67220 AT1G03110 synthetic growth defect AT1G10580 AT1G03140 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT1G18640 AT1G03140 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G20960 AT1G03140 Co-purification AT1G65660 AT1G03140 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Rescue|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT1G80070 AT1G03140 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Rescue AT3G05210 AT1G03140 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G03150 AT1G03150 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G18220 AT1G03150 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G40700 AT1G03150 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G25980 AT1G03150 Synthetic Lethality AT5G26680 AT1G03150 Synthetic Lethality AT1G03190 AT1G02740 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G04020 AT1G03190 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G11890 AT1G03190 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G12520 AT1G03190 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G15780 AT1G03190 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G17760 AT1G03190 Synthetic Rescue AT1G03190 AT1G18040 Synthetic Lethality|Co-purification|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G18340 AT1G03190 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G21700 AT1G03190 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G51710 AT1G03190 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G52740 AT1G03190 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G64790 AT1G03190 Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction AT1G67500 AT1G03190 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G18760 AT1G03190 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interaction prediction AT2G38560 AT1G03190 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G44150 AT1G03190 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G44680 AT1G03190 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G11910 AT1G03190 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G12110 AT1G03190 Synthetic Lethality AT1G03190 AT3G18524 two hybrid|Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT3G28030 AT1G03190 Co-purification AT3G42660 AT1G03190 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G53110 AT1G03190 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G15770 AT1G03190 Synthetic Lethality AT4G25630 AT1G03190 Synthetic Lethality AT5G02310 AT1G03190 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G10260 AT1G03190 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G10790 AT1G03190 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G11200 AT1G03190 Synthetic Rescue AT5G13710 AT1G03190 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G27970 AT1G03190 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G35910 AT1G03190 Synthetic Rescue AT5G37720 AT1G03190 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G42000 AT1G03190 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G46030 AT1G03190 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G03190 AT5G48120 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT5G61150 AT1G03190 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G66130 AT1G03190 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G09150 AT1G03280 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G15780 AT1G03280 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality|two hybrid AT1G26520 AT1G03280 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G52740 AT1G03280 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G55750 AT1G03280 interaction prediction|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|in vitro AT2G15430 AT1G03280 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G20000 AT1G03280 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G42500 AT1G03280 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G16980 AT1G03280 two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality AT4G10710 AT1G03280 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping AT4G21010 AT1G03280 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|synthetic growth defect|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G20960 AT1G03330 Co-purification|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G28060 AT1G03330 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G60170 AT1G03330 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G03330 AT1G76860 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G80070 AT1G03330 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G03330 AT2G03870 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT2G33340 AT1G03330 Co-purification AT2G36930 AT1G03330 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G03330 AT2G43810 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|Co-expression AT2G47640 AT1G03330 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT3G12780 AT1G03330 Protein-RNA AT4G02840 AT1G03330 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G30330 AT1G03330 two hybrid AT5G27720 AT1G03330 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT5G37720 AT1G03330 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G41770 AT1G03330 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G03330 AT5G48870 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|Co-expression AT3G06483 AT1G03350 biochemical AT1G03360 AT1G59760 Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT2G17510 AT1G03360 interaction prediction|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|interologs mapping AT3G02090 AT1G03360 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT3G06720 AT1G03360 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT4G32175 AT1G03360 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G35910 AT1G03360 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT1G04950 AT1G03475 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G13780 AT1G03475 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G03530 AT3G03920 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G03530 AT3G57150 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G03530 AT5G08180 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G03740 AT1G03740 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G07670 AT1G03860 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G03860 AT1G80410 synthetic growth defect|Co-expression AT2G29080 AT1G03860 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G03420 AT1G03860 Synthetic Lethality AT3G22845 AT1G03860 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G63150 AT1G03860 synthetic growth defect AT4G16700 AT1G03860 Synthetic Lethality AT5G13780 AT1G03860 synthetic growth defect AT1G07180 AT1G03930 interologs mapping AT1G20260 AT1G03930 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G21700 AT1G03930 synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect AT2G19980 AT1G03930 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G58180 AT1G03930 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Rescue AT3G59845 AT1G03930 interologs mapping AT3G62870 AT1G03930 synthetic growth defect AT4G17190 AT1G03930 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G15070 AT1G03930 Synthetic Lethality AT5G64960 AT1G03930 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G04020 AT1G03330 two hybrid AT1G04730 AT1G04020 synthetic growth defect AT1G07370 AT1G04020 Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Rescue|interologs mapping AT1G12520 AT1G04020 synthetic growth defect AT1G13060 AT1G04020 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G21700 AT1G04020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G21710 AT1G04020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G24290 AT1G04020 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect AT1G51710 AT1G04020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G55915 AT1G04020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G66740 AT1G04020 synthetic growth defect AT1G67190 AT1G04020 synthetic growth defect AT1G75230 AT1G04020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G76860 AT1G04020 two hybrid AT1G78870 AT1G04020 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G80410 AT1G04020 synthetic growth defect AT2G02760 AT1G04020 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|far western blotting|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G31970 AT1G04020 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G37690 AT1G04020 two hybrid AT2G42120 AT1G04020 Synthetic Rescue|synthetic growth defect AT2G44580 AT1G04020 synthetic growth defect AT2G44950 AT1G04020 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G02820 AT1G04020 synthetic growth defect AT3G05210 AT1G04020 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G11630 AT1G04020 synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality AT3G18860 AT1G04020 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G19210 AT1G04020 synthetic growth defect AT3G28030 AT1G04020 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G42660 AT1G04020 synthetic growth defect AT3G57870 AT1G04020 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Rescue AT3G58560 AT1G04020 synthetic growth defect AT4G25120 AT1G04020 Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|two hybrid|two hybrid|Synthetic Rescue AT4G38630 AT1G04020 synthetic growth defect AT5G09740 AT1G04020 synthetic growth defect AT5G10260 AT1G04020 Synthetic Lethality AT5G10960 AT1G04020 synthetic growth defect AT5G13780 AT1G04020 synthetic growth defect AT5G16630 AT1G04020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G26680 AT1G04020 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G27970 AT1G04020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G41150 AT1G04020 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G43530 AT1G04020 Phenotypic Enhancement|two hybrid|two hybrid|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G54260 AT1G04020 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G57450 AT1G04020 synthetic growth defect AT5G59140 AT1G04020 synthetic growth defect AT5G63960 AT1G04020 Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue AT1G27320 AT1G04040 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G17745 AT1G04130 interaction prediction|two hybrid AT2G37840 AT1G04130 biochemical AT2G45490 AT1G04130 biochemical AT3G01090 AT1G04130 biochemical AT3G12580 AT1G04130 Reconstituted Complex AT5G22840 AT1G04130 biochemical AT5G56030 AT1G04130 interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G04160 AT1G04160 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-crystal Structure AT1G10170 AT1G04160 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G12360 AT1G04160 Synthetic Lethality AT1G17140 AT1G04160 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality AT1G21170 AT1G04160 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality AT1G26830 AT1G04160 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G29260 AT1G04160 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G50030 AT1G04160 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G70320 AT1G04160 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G73570 AT1G04160 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality AT2G07690 AT1G04160 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G33240 AT1G04160 Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G03110 AT1G04160 two hybrid AT3G09900 AT1G04160 Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality AT3G11910 AT1G04160 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G12110 AT1G04160 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping AT3G22142 AT1G04160 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G43810 AT1G04160 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|far western blotting AT3G56640 AT1G04160 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality AT3G60860 AT1G04160 Synthetic Lethality AT4G00720 AT1G04160 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G18905 AT1G04160 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G02050 AT1G04160 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09350 AT1G04160 Synthetic Lethality AT5G12370 AT1G04160 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality AT5G20570 AT1G04160 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G27740 AT1G04160 Synthetic Lethality AT5G49030 AT1G04160 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G04170 AT1G03330 interaction prediction|two hybrid AT1G04170 AT1G04170 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G17130 AT1G04170 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G48970 AT1G04170 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G53880 AT1G04170 Phenotypic Suppression|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G60620 AT1G04170 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G72560 AT1G04170 two hybrid AT1G77840 AT1G04170 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G24490 AT1G04170 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT2G34970 AT1G04170 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|interaction prediction AT1G04170 AT2G40290 interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT2G40570 AT1G04170 synthetic growth defect AT2G46280 AT1G04170 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G07300 AT1G04170 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G04170 AT3G11400 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT3G13970 AT1G04170 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT3G56150 AT1G04170 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G56510 AT1G04170 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G59410 AT1G04170 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G04170 AT4G11420 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT4G26840 AT1G04170 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34460 AT1G04170 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G04170 AT5G20920 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G25780 AT1G04170 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G48870 AT1G04170 interaction prediction|two hybrid AT5G54840 AT1G04170 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction ATCG00160 AT1G04170 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G78770 AT1G04220 Synthetic Lethality AT3G62870 AT1G04220 synthetic growth defect AT1G13320 AT1G04480 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G26320 AT1G04480 Synthetic Lethality AT1G54560 AT1G04480 biochemical AT1G55730 AT1G04480 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G63370 AT1G04480 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping|Reconstituted Complex|synthetic growth defect AT2G33370 AT1G04480 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G04480 AT2G44510 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT3G06470 AT1G04480 biochemical AT3G13445 AT1G04480 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G13560 AT1G04480 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G26590 AT1G04480 biochemical AT3G48990 AT1G04480 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G53870 AT1G04480 biochemical AT3G62870 AT1G04480 Synthetic Lethality AT4G10920 AT1G04480 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G14240 AT1G04480 biochemical AT4G25780 AT1G04480 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT4G29430 AT1G04480 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G04480 AT5G14520 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G62880 AT1G04480 Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping|synthetic growth defect|Reconstituted Complex AT1G04690 AT1G04690 two hybrid AT3G06720 AT1G04690 two hybrid AT1G04710 AT1G04710 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G29260 AT1G04710 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT5G52640 AT1G04710 synthetic growth defect AT1G07270 AT1G04730 Synthetic Lethality AT1G04730 AT1G08780 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-expression AT1G10930 AT1G04730 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect AT1G12520 AT1G04730 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction AT1G29990 AT1G04730 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction AT1G52740 AT1G04730 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G04730 AT1G65470 synthetic growth defect|Co-expression AT1G66740 AT1G04730 synthetic growth defect AT1G67190 AT1G04730 synthetic growth defect AT1G04730 AT1G71440 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-expression AT1G79890 AT1G04730 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G80410 AT1G04730 synthetic growth defect AT2G02760 AT1G04730 synthetic growth defect AT1G04730 AT2G07690 interologs mapping|Co-expression AT1G04730 AT2G31970 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Co-expression AT2G33560 AT1G04730 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction AT1G04730 AT2G37560 Synthetic Lethality|Co-expression AT1G04730 AT3G02820 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-expression AT3G06670 AT1G04730 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G11630 AT1G04730 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G19210 AT1G04730 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|interaction prediction AT1G04730 AT3G22480 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-expression AT1G04730 AT3G25100 Synthetic Lethality|Co-expression AT1G04730 AT3G25980 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT3G26020 AT1G04730 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G28730 AT1G04730 synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Rescue AT1G04730 AT3G42660 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-expression AT3G49650 AT1G04730 Synthetic Lethality AT3G58560 AT1G04730 synthetic growth defect AT3G60840 AT1G04730 Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect AT4G10710 AT1G04730 synthetic growth defect AT4G16970 AT1G04730 Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping AT4G25120 AT1G04730 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G26720 AT1G04730 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G27180 AT1G04730 Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect AT4G35620 AT1G04730 Synthetic Lethality AT5G09740 AT1G04730 synthetic growth defect AT5G10790 AT1G04730 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G10960 AT1G04730 synthetic growth defect AT5G13780 AT1G04730 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G20850 AT1G04730 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|interaction prediction AT1G04730 AT5G23290 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-expression AT5G26680 AT1G04730 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G43500 AT1G04730 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G43530 AT1G04730 synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT5G45600 AT1G04730 Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect AT1G04730 AT5G49510 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-expression AT5G53770 AT1G04730 synthetic growth defect AT5G54260 AT1G04730 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction AT5G57450 AT1G04730 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|interaction prediction AT1G04730 AT5G63960 interologs mapping|Co-expression AT5G64630 AT1G04730 synthetic growth defect AT5G66130 AT1G04730 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G04730 AT5G67100 interologs mapping|Co-expression AT1G04730 AT5G67270 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-expression AT1G04750 AT1G04750 Synthetic Lethality AT1G05180 AT1G04750 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect AT1G07180 AT1G04750 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G07820 AT1G04750 Synthetic Lethality AT1G09270 AT1G04750 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G10090 AT1G04750 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|interologs mapping AT1G11510 AT1G04750 synthetic growth defect AT1G20693 AT1G04750 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G21700 AT1G04750 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect AT1G25155 AT1G04750 synthetic growth defect AT1G26320 AT1G04750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G26690 AT1G04750 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G27450 AT1G04750 Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect AT1G29970 AT1G04750 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G35350 AT1G04750 synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality AT1G44180 AT1G04750 synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G47830 AT1G04750 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G51040 AT1G04750 interologs mapping AT1G54560 AT1G04750 biochemical AT1G59580 AT1G04750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G64880 AT1G04750 Synthetic Lethality AT1G66590 AT1G04750 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect AT1G74710 AT1G04750 synthetic growth defect AT1G78770 AT1G04750 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect AT2G17360 AT1G04750 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect AT2G21540 AT1G04750 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G32160 AT1G04750 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect AT2G34180 AT1G04750 synthetic growth defect AT2G36170 AT1G04750 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality AT2G38960 AT1G04750 biochemical AT2G43030 AT1G04750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G47990 AT1G04750 Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT3G01100 AT1G04750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G02560 AT1G04750 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping AT3G05960 AT1G04750 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G18660 AT1G04750 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G22290 AT1G04750 Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality AT3G22890 AT1G04750 synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect AT3G24010 AT1G04750 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G25900 AT1G04750 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G26590 AT1G04750 biochemical AT3G45240 AT1G04750 synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G47290 AT1G04750 synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Suppression AT3G47610 AT1G04750 interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect AT3G48170 AT1G04750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G48930 AT1G04750 biochemical AT3G49370 AT1G04750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G53030 AT1G04750 synthetic growth defect AT3G54840 AT1G04750 Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect AT4G04340 AT1G04750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G04695 AT1G04750 synthetic growth defect AT4G13980 AT1G04750 biochemical AT4G14240 AT1G04750 biochemical AT4G15000 AT1G04750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G21490 AT1G04750 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G25950 AT1G04750 Phenotypic Suppression|synthetic growth defect AT4G27070 AT1G04750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G27130 AT1G04750 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G29580 AT1G04750 synthetic growth defect AT5G04800 AT1G04750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G05070 AT1G04750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G06290 AT1G04750 biochemical AT5G08160 AT1G04750 Synthetic Lethality AT5G09660 AT1G04750 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G14320 AT1G04750 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G16170 AT1G04750 synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G16980 AT1G04750 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G17860 AT1G04750 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G20020 AT1G04750 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G20340 AT1G04750 synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality AT5G20560 AT1G04750 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G24840 AT1G04750 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G38890 AT1G04750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G41700 AT1G04750 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G42720 AT1G04750 synthetic growth defect AT5G45620 AT1G04750 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G54770 AT1G04750 Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping|synthetic growth defect AT5G54940 AT1G04750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G61010 AT1G04750 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G66640 AT1G04750 biochemical AT1G04820 AT1G03070 Reconstituted Complex AT2G31020 AT1G04820 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G24400 AT1G04820 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G12350 AT1G04820 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G16820 AT1G04820 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G61520 AT1G04820 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G04950 AT1G02740 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G17760 AT1G04950 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G17790 AT1G04950 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G19120 AT1G04950 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G21700 AT1G04950 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G52740 AT1G04950 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G55300 AT1G04950 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Colocalization AT1G73960 AT1G04950 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT2G13370 AT1G04950 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G44150 AT1G04950 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G10070 AT1G04950 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Colocalization|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|interologs mapping AT3G13445 AT1G04950 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Colocalization|interaction prediction AT3G18860 AT1G04950 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G54280 AT1G04950 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G54610 AT1G04950 interaction prediction|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping AT3G62310 AT1G04950 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G08350 AT1G04950 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G16420 AT1G04950 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT4G31720 AT1G04950 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Colocalization|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT4G34340 AT1G04950 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Colocalization AT5G03220 AT1G04950 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G10790 AT1G04950 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G13710 AT1G04950 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G18230 AT1G04950 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G26680 AT1G04950 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G44750 AT1G04950 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G11890 AT1G04980 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G57600 AT1G04980 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G62740 AT1G04980 interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality AT1G77510 AT1G04980 interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT5G03340 AT1G04980 synthetic growth defect AT5G52640 AT1G04980 synthetic growth defect AT5G56030 AT1G04980 interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality AT1G05000 AT1G05000 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G19120 AT1G05000 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT1G58520 AT1G05000 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G70580 AT1G05000 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G79720 AT1G05000 synthetic growth defect AT2G19970 AT1G05000 synthetic growth defect AT2G32850 AT1G05000 interologs mapping|Dosage Growth Defect AT3G62870 AT1G05000 synthetic growth defect AT4G30950 AT1G05000 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45970 AT1G05000 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G52640 AT1G05000 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect AT5G63400 AT1G05000 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G05055 AT1G05055 Reconstituted Complex|interaction prediction AT1G15780 AT1G05055 two hybrid AT1G05055 AT1G18040 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT1G18340 AT1G05055 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G21710 AT1G05055 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G55750 AT1G05055 Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G75510 AT1G05055 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G05055 AT2G20000 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT3G20010 AT1G05055 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G25230 AT1G05055 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT3G28030 AT1G05055 Co-purification AT3G53110 AT1G05055 Synthetic Rescue AT3G62310 AT1G05055 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G35800 AT1G05055 biochemical AT5G08190 AT1G05055 Synthetic Rescue AT5G10790 AT1G05055 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G27620 AT1G05055 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G35910 AT1G05055 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G42000 AT1G05055 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G43500 AT1G05055 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G55310 AT1G05055 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G05120 AT1G02680 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G08780 AT1G05120 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G20580 AT1G05120 two hybrid|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT1G24706 AT1G05120 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G29990 AT1G05120 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction AT1G55300 AT1G05120 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G06040 AT1G05120 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT2G18760 AT1G05120 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G30260 AT1G05120 two hybrid AT4G02070 AT1G05120 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G43530 AT1G05120 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G45140 AT1G05120 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G49510 AT1G05120 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT5G59140 AT1G05120 Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT5G63920 AT1G05120 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G05180 AT1G01960 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G27450 AT1G05180 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interologs mapping AT1G47830 AT1G05180 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G75380 AT1G05180 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G77180 AT1G05180 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect AT1G77990 AT1G05180 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G05170 AT1G05180 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G17360 AT1G05180 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G31020 AT1G05180 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G36170 AT1G05180 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G13900 AT1G05180 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Rescue AT3G14270 AT1G05180 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G21620 AT1G05180 Synthetic Rescue AT3G45240 AT1G05180 synthetic growth defect AT3G46900 AT1G05180 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G47290 AT1G05180 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G56160 AT1G05180 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G58610 AT1G05180 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G62030 AT1G05180 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G04340 AT1G05180 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|two hybrid|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G14350 AT1G05180 Phenotypic Suppression|Synthetic Rescue|Phenotypic Suppression|Synthetic Rescue AT4G15000 AT1G05180 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G15410 AT1G05180 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect AT4G33650 AT1G05180 synthetic growth defect AT5G02500 AT1G05180 Synthetic Lethality AT5G16980 AT1G05180 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G17330 AT1G05180 Synthetic Lethality AT5G18380 AT1G05180 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G38820 AT1G05180 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G42720 AT1G05180 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G54140 AT1G05190 Synthetic Lethality AT3G17465 AT1G05190 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G63490 AT1G05190 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G01310 AT1G05190 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64670 AT1G05190 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction ATCG00160 AT1G05190 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G25070 AT1G05500 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G13970 AT1G05500 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G11100 AT1G05500 two hybrid|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G52640 AT1G05500 synthetic growth defect AT3G62870 AT1G05580 synthetic growth defect AT1G07930 AT1G05650 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G20696 AT1G05650 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G76720 AT1G05650 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G24040 AT1G05650 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G31020 AT1G05650 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G12690 AT1G05650 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G52390 AT1G05650 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G52580 AT1G05650 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09390 AT1G05650 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G19660 AT1G05650 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G47880 AT1G05650 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G60390 AT1G05650 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G25260 AT1G05660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G27320 AT1G05660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Co-purification AT1G73230 AT1G05660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G76040 AT1G05660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G30390 AT1G05660 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G31020 AT1G05660 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G34980 AT1G05660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G40290 AT1G05660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT2G44350 AT1G05660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G46070 AT1G05660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Synthetic Lethality AT3G18660 AT1G05660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality AT3G23940 AT1G05660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality AT3G52250 AT1G05660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G62870 AT1G05660 synthetic growth defect AT4G17510 AT1G05660 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G19880 AT1G05660 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34430 AT1G05660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|synthetic growth defect|Affinity Capture-MS|Dosage Growth Defect AT5G01640 AT1G05660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT5G13010 AT1G05660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality AT5G25030 AT1G05660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G26250 AT1G05660 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G37830 AT1G05660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification AT5G44830 AT1G05660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59850 AT1G05660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G05785 AT1G05660 two hybrid AT1G11890 AT1G05785 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G14310 AT1G05785 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G31780 AT1G05785 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G75170 AT1G05785 Co-purification AT1G79210 AT1G05785 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G46070 AT1G05785 Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT3G08720 AT1G05785 interologs mapping AT3G12180 AT1G05785 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G26590 AT1G05785 biochemical AT4G14240 AT1G05785 biochemical AT4G26550 AT1G05785 Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality AT4G28950 AT1G05785 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G52640 AT1G05785 synthetic growth defect AT5G65430 AT1G05785 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G67380 AT1G05785 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G05830 AT1G02100 two hybrid AT1G06790 AT1G05830 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G10350 AT1G05830 two hybrid AT1G21370 AT1G05830 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT1G63110 AT1G05830 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G04940 AT1G05830 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT2G20410 AT1G05830 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G29680 AT1G05830 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G29940 AT1G05830 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT2G31060 AT1G05830 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G47640 AT1G05830 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G09820 AT1G05830 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification AT3G50670 AT1G05830 Protein-RNA AT3G53880 AT1G05830 Co-purification AT4G00810 AT1G05830 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G17190 AT1G05830 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT4G31770 AT1G05830 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G15450 AT1G05830 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT5G49970 AT1G05830 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT1G05910 AT1G02680 Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G05910 AT1G02740 synthetic growth defect AT1G07930 AT1G05910 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G08780 AT1G05910 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction AT1G11890 AT1G05910 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G14310 AT1G05910 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G19120 AT1G05910 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G20920 AT1G05910 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G20960 AT1G05910 two hybrid AT1G29990 AT1G05910 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT1G52740 AT1G05910 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G54140 AT1G05910 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G55730 AT1G05910 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G63160 AT1G05910 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G63370 AT1G05910 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G21250 AT1G05910 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G24490 AT1G05910 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G27470 AT1G05910 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G31170 AT1G05910 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G44680 AT1G05910 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT2G47760 AT1G05910 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G08710 AT1G05910 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G11630 AT1G05910 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G12200 AT1G05910 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G12530 AT1G05910 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G18660 AT1G05910 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G21460 AT1G05910 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G22480 AT1G05910 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction AT3G22590 AT1G05910 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction AT3G28730 AT1G05910 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G47370 AT1G05910 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G48750 AT1G05910 biochemical|interaction prediction AT3G52390 AT1G05910 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G10920 AT1G05910 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G24400 AT1G05910 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G30990 AT1G05910 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G39330 AT1G05910 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09740 AT1G05910 synthetic growth defect AT5G23290 AT1G05910 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT5G26680 AT1G05910 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G45600 AT1G05910 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G46150 AT1G05910 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G48640 AT1G05910 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G54200 AT1G05910 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G63610 AT1G05910 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G67270 AT1G05910 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT1G06080 AT1G01020 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G06080 AT1G06080 two hybrid AT2G44660 AT1G06080 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Suppression AT3G02580 AT1G06080 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G22845 AT1G06080 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G51520 AT1G06080 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G01370 AT1G06080 biochemical AT4G12460 AT1G06080 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G12480 AT1G06080 biochemical AT5G13710 AT1G06080 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G52640 AT1G06080 two hybrid ATCG00830 AT1G06080 Synthetic Lethality AT1G74560 AT1G06090 interologs mapping AT2G31260 AT1G06090 interologs mapping AT2G39290 AT1G06090 interologs mapping AT3G14090 AT1G06090 interologs mapping AT3G14420 AT1G06090 interologs mapping AT3G44320 AT1G06090 interologs mapping AT3G62030 AT1G06090 interologs mapping AT4G19690 AT1G06090 interologs mapping|interologs mapping AT4G33070 AT1G06090 interologs mapping AT5G02490 AT1G06090 two hybrid|interologs mapping AT5G42130 AT1G06090 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G52250 AT1G06360 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G55400 AT1G06360 Phenotypic Enhancement|two hybrid AT3G62870 AT1G06360 Synthetic Lethality AT1G57600 AT1G06470 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Suppression AT1G80500 AT1G06470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G30710 AT1G06470 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G22480 AT1G06470 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G17770 AT1G06470 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G18280 AT1G06470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G42000 AT1G06470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G10070 AT1G06550 biochemical AT1G10210 AT1G06550 biochemical AT1G74560 AT1G06550 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G22290 AT1G06550 Synthetic Lethality AT3G22890 AT1G06550 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G57990 AT1G06550 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G02050 AT1G06550 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G27130 AT1G06550 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect AT4G32930 AT1G06550 Synthetic Lethality AT1G10490 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G06720 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G06720 AT1G31660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT1G63810 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G67190 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G68650 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G06720 AT1G69070 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT1G72320 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G06720 AT2G17250 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT2G17360 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G34357 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G47990 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G02520 AT1G06720 synthetic growth defect AT3G06530 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G06720 AT3G10530 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT3G12860 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G21540 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G56510 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G56990 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G57000 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G62310 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G00100 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G04940 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G06720 AT4G05410 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT4G07410 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G08500 AT1G06720 biochemical AT4G25630 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G28200 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G28450 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G30991 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G08420 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G15750 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G16750 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G22100 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT5G43430 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G06720 AT5G55920 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT5G61330 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G66540 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G10940 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G15780 AT1G06790 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G18870 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G19660 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G30810 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G31190 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G60620 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G65470 AT1G06790 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G72560 AT1G06790 interaction prediction|two hybrid AT2G20410 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G22690 AT1G06790 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT2G29680 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G31060 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G38960 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G01280 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G05760 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G09820 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification AT3G20800 AT1G06790 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G22320 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT3G46900 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G52590 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G53880 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification AT3G54630 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G54660 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G00810 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G04720 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G07950 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G13240 AT1G06790 Synthetic Rescue AT5G13710 AT1G06790 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G16960 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G18620 AT1G06790 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G26030 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G27970 AT1G06790 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G35910 AT1G06790 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G42000 AT1G06790 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G45140 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G45380 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G60040 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G12900 AT1G06830 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G34580 AT1G06830 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G44820 AT1G06830 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G54940 AT1G06830 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G59740 AT1G06830 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G70290 AT1G06830 biochemical AT1G72730 AT1G06830 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G74320 AT1G06830 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G14880 AT1G06830 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G20410 AT1G06830 two hybrid AT2G31020 AT1G06830 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G34180 AT1G06830 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G18660 AT1G06830 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G29060 AT1G06830 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G48930 AT1G06830 biochemical AT3G53880 AT1G06830 Co-purification AT4G27090 AT1G06830 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G33730 AT1G06830 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G33950 AT1G06830 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G26110 AT1G06830 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G27720 AT1G06830 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G35750 AT1G06830 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G37830 AT1G06830 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G55160 AT1G06830 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G57190 AT1G06830 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G06960 AT1G02100 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G06960 AT1G04750 Reconstituted Complex AT1G06960 AT1G05830 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT1G21370 AT1G06960 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G26160 AT1G06960 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G55300 AT1G06960 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G55920 AT1G06960 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G64190 AT1G06960 Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G72480 AT1G06960 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G80500 AT1G06960 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G14580 AT1G06960 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G17420 AT1G06960 Synthetic Rescue|synthetic growth defect AT2G24490 AT1G06960 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G31900 AT1G06960 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G32670 AT1G06960 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G11830 AT1G06960 Synthetic Rescue AT3G13060 AT1G06960 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G24010 AT1G06960 interologs mapping|interologs mapping AT3G25900 AT1G06960 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G46900 AT1G06960 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G47290 AT1G06960 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G53030 AT1G06960 Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping|two hybrid|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Lethality AT3G53880 AT1G06960 Co-purification AT4G00810 AT1G06960 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G14000 AT1G06960 two hybrid AT4G14350 AT1G06960 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G17190 AT1G06960 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G21490 AT1G06960 Synthetic Lethality AT4G27070 AT1G06960 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G29580 AT1G06960 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G36490 AT1G06960 synthetic growth defect AT5G01770 AT1G06960 Co-crystal Structure|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G06150 AT1G06960 interologs mapping AT5G13450 AT1G06960 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G15450 AT1G06960 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G38890 AT1G06960 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G47630 AT1G06960 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G49970 AT1G06960 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G64760 AT1G06960 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G01770 AT1G07030 interologs mapping AT5G52640 AT1G07030 synthetic growth defect AT5G27720 AT1G07110 interaction prediction|two hybrid AT5G52640 AT1G07110 synthetic growth defect AT1G19120 AT1G07140 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT2G16950 AT1G07140 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT3G03110 AT1G07140 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|interaction prediction AT3G63130 AT1G07140 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G63860 AT1G07140 two hybrid|Synthetic Rescue|interaction prediction AT3G47120 AT1G07170 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G41770 AT1G07170 synthetic growth defect AT1G07180 AT1G07180 two hybrid AT1G10090 AT1G07180 Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping|two hybrid AT1G23740 AT1G07180 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G27040 AT1G07180 Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex AT1G34460 AT1G07180 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G34580 AT1G07180 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G50060 AT1G07180 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G51040 AT1G07180 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G66240 AT1G07180 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality|Co-crystal Structure AT1G68310 AT1G07180 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G70580 AT1G07180 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G75380 AT1G07180 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G79450 AT1G07180 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G06850 AT1G07180 interologs mapping AT2G15230 AT1G07180 interologs mapping AT2G20290 AT1G07180 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G29140 AT1G07180 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G31760 AT1G07180 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G31900 AT1G07180 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G39290 AT1G07180 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G45170 AT1G07180 Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interologs mapping AT2G46710 AT1G07180 interologs mapping|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G47990 AT1G07180 Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G13900 AT1G07180 Synthetic Lethality AT3G22290 AT1G07180 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G49010 AT1G07180 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G53960 AT1G07180 synthetic growth defect AT3G60860 AT1G07180 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G62760 AT1G07180 two hybrid AT3G66656 AT1G07180 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G04340 AT1G07180 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G22756 AT1G07180 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G23700 AT1G07180 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G33090 AT1G07180 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G33720 AT1G07180 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G44635 AT1G07180 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G47080 AT1G07180 Synthetic Lethality AT5G49060 AT1G07180 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality AT5G65980 AT1G07180 Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Synthetic Lethality|two hybrid|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interologs mapping AT5G66610 AT1G07180 Synthetic Lethality AT1G53750 AT1G07270 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G79890 AT1G07270 synthetic growth defect AT2G07690 AT1G07270 Colocalization|Colocalization AT2G27490 AT1G07270 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G38290 AT1G07270 interologs mapping AT3G02520 AT1G07270 synthetic growth defect AT3G22830 AT1G07270 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G48750 AT1G07270 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|biochemical|biochemical|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|biochemical|biochemical|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT4G11920 AT1G07270 Phenotypic Enhancement|interologs mapping AT1G07340 AT1G01020 Co-purification AT1G07340 AT1G02630 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G07340 AT1G02730 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G07340 AT1G05660 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G16880 AT1G07340 two hybrid AT1G27320 AT1G07340 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G34580 AT1G07340 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G55920 AT1G07340 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G59730 AT1G07340 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G76300 AT1G07340 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G01070 AT1G07340 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G15430 AT1G07340 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G19160 AT1G07340 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|synthetic growth defect|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G44350 AT1G07340 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G45960 AT1G07340 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G06470 AT1G07340 biochemical AT3G13445 AT1G07340 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G17430 AT1G07340 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G19170 AT1G07340 biochemical AT3G26590 AT1G07340 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G57990 AT1G07340 Synthetic Lethality AT3G62870 AT1G07340 two hybrid AT4G21680 AT1G07340 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G27960 AT1G07340 interologs mapping AT4G33650 AT1G07340 Synthetic Lethality AT4G36050 AT1G07340 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G37660 AT1G07340 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G28060 AT1G07340 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G39400 AT1G07340 interologs mapping|interologs mapping AT5G54800 AT1G07340 interologs mapping AT5G61000 AT1G07340 two hybrid AT5G63400 AT1G07340 biochemical AT5G67500 AT1G07340 biochemical AT1G04730 AT1G07370 Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-expression AT1G07370 AT1G08130 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-crystal Structure|Reconstituted Complex|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G08260 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G08780 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G10930 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G11680 AT1G07370 Synthetic Lethality AT1G11890 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G12520 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G18090 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement|interologs mapping AT1G19120 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G21710 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G23260 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement|interologs mapping AT1G24290 AT1G07370 interologs mapping|Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Lethality AT1G29990 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G49980 AT1G07370 two hybrid|two hybrid|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G51710 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G52740 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G07370 AT1G63160 Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G07370 AT1G65470 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-expression AT1G66740 AT1G07370 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G79890 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G80190 AT1G07370 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G02760 AT1G07370 Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G03270 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G04390 AT1G07370 Synthetic Lethality AT2G13370 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G17265 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G23070 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G28190 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G30620 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G07370 AT2G31970 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-expression AT2G36740 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G42120 AT1G07370 interologs mapping|interologs mapping AT2G43810 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G44150 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G44580 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G44950 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G45300 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G02820 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G06670 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G11630 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G12810 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G07370 AT3G13940 Synthetic Lethality|Co-expression AT1G07370 AT3G18524 two hybrid|Synthetic Rescue|Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Enhancement|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|Phenotypic Enhancement|Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Enhancement|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Synthetic Rescue|Co-expression AT3G18860 AT1G07370 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G19210 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G22110 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G22590 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G42660 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G46320 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G54380 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G56640 AT1G07370 Synthetic Lethality AT3G60860 AT1G07370 Synthetic Lethality AT1G07370 AT4G02070 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Enhancement|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G07370 AT4G02460 Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-expression AT1G07370 AT4G15770 Synthetic Lethality|Co-expression AT4G16970 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G17380 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G25120 AT1G07370 two hybrid|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G07370 AT4G26840 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT4G27180 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G30870 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G33240 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G38630 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G10390 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G19910 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G20850 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G22010 AT1G07370 Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|interaction prediction AT5G26680 AT1G07370 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction AT1G07370 AT5G27740 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|Co-expression AT5G35910 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G38470 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G41150 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G43500 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G43530 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement|two hybrid|two hybrid|interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Rescue AT5G48120 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G49510 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G54260 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G55310 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G57160 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G57450 AT1G07370 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G61150 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G63920 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G07370 AT5G63960 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression|Co-expression AT5G64630 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-Western|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G65180 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G66100 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G66130 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G67270 AT1G07370 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G07420 AT1G07420 two hybrid AT1G59820 AT1G07420 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G30710 AT1G07420 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G05710 AT1G07420 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G55380 AT1G07420 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G66658 AT1G07420 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G25630 AT1G07420 Synthetic Lethality AT4G34100 AT1G07420 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G18280 AT1G07420 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G66020 AT1G07420 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G07430 AT1G04160 Synthetic Lethality AT1G07430 AT1G04730 synthetic growth defect AT1G12470 AT1G07430 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G12520 AT1G07430 Synthetic Lethality AT1G26450 AT1G07430 Synthetic Lethality AT1G67490 AT1G07430 Synthetic Lethality AT1G79250 AT1G07430 biochemical AT1G80410 AT1G07430 synthetic growth defect AT2G13680 AT1G07430 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality AT2G17520 AT1G07430 biochemical AT2G17820 AT1G07430 interologs mapping|interologs mapping AT2G30710 AT1G07430 Synthetic Lethality AT3G08530 AT1G07430 synthetic growth defect AT3G18430 AT1G07430 synthetic growth defect AT3G63150 AT1G07430 synthetic growth defect AT4G29810 AT1G07430 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G31720 AT1G07430 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10260 AT1G07430 Synthetic Lethality AT5G12480 AT1G07430 biochemical AT5G13780 AT1G07430 synthetic growth defect AT5G26680 AT1G07430 synthetic growth defect AT5G63140 AT1G07430 Synthetic Lethality AT5G66020 AT1G07430 Synthetic Lethality AT1G20693 AT1G07470 synthetic growth defect AT1G07470 AT3G13445 Reconstituted Complex|Co-crystal Structure|Co-crystal Structure|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Co-crystal Structure|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Co-crystal Structure|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair AT3G62870 AT1G07470 synthetic growth defect AT4G10710 AT1G07470 interologs mapping AT4G25120 AT1G07470 two hybrid AT4G26840 AT1G07470 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G19310 AT1G07470 interologs mapping AT1G64520 AT1G07510 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G73570 AT1G07510 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality AT2G17280 AT1G07510 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G43790 AT1G07510 Synthetic Lethality AT3G10050 AT1G07510 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G12900 AT1G07660 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G16240 AT1G07660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G72680 AT1G07660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT1G78960 AT1G07660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G28740 AT1G07660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G33560 AT1G07660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G34750 AT1G07660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G34890 AT1G07660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G40400 AT1G07660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G44860 AT1G07660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G45300 AT1G07660 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G47620 AT1G07660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G09640 AT1G07660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification AT3G22320 AT1G07660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G28610 AT1G07660 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G07660 AT3G46320 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Gene fusion method AT3G60180 AT1G07660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G01100 AT1G07660 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G16420 AT1G07660 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G25740 AT1G07660 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10350 AT1G07660 Co-crystal Structure|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-crystal Structure|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT5G14320 AT1G07660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G20560 AT1G07660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G38890 AT1G07660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G07670 AT1G01910 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G07670 AT1G02130 Phenotypic Suppression|interologs mapping AT1G07670 AT1G04020 synthetic growth defect AT1G07670 AT1G04730 synthetic growth defect AT1G07670 AT1G07670 Reconstituted Complex AT1G11890 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G12360 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Suppression|interologs mapping AT1G13640 AT1G07670 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|interologs mapping AT1G16560 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G16900 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G20575 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G26450 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G31780 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G53710 AT1G07670 interologs mapping AT1G57600 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G59820 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G66740 AT1G07670 Synthetic Lethality AT1G67190 AT1G07670 synthetic growth defect AT1G67490 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G69640 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G71270 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G71820 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Suppression|interologs mapping AT2G22530 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G28190 AT1G07670 Synthetic Rescue|Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Rescue|Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Rescue AT2G28390 AT1G07670 interologs mapping AT2G30710 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G31970 AT1G07670 synthetic growth defect AT2G34500 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G37550 AT1G07670 Synthetic Lethality AT2G39630 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G44580 AT1G07670 synthetic growth defect AT2G44660 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G45200 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G45790 AT1G07670 interologs mapping AT2G47760 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G01340 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Suppression|interologs mapping AT3G07180 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G10920 AT1G07670 Synthetic Rescue|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G11630 AT1G07670 synthetic growth defect AT3G12180 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G16100 AT1G07670 interologs mapping AT3G18140 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G18480 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G24350 AT1G07670 Co-purification AT3G42660 AT1G07670 synthetic growth defect AT3G56640 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Suppression|interologs mapping AT3G58490 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G62290 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G62870 AT1G07670 synthetic growth defect AT4G14160 AT1G07670 interologs mapping AT4G17910 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G26550 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G26590 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G27180 AT1G07670 Synthetic Lethality AT4G34450 AT1G07670 interologs mapping AT4G35020 AT1G07670 Synthetic Lethality AT4G39220 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G09550 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Suppression|interologs mapping AT5G11560 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G12370 AT1G07670 interologs mapping AT5G13710 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G20850 AT1G07670 synthetic growth defect AT5G23630 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G26240 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G26680 AT1G07670 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect AT5G27970 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G38460 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G42000 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G54260 AT1G07670 synthetic growth defect AT5G63840 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G07705 AT1G02680 two hybrid AT1G07705 AT1G07705 two hybrid AT1G30470 AT1G07705 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G32750 AT1G07705 Synthetic Lethality AT1G73230 AT1G07705 two hybrid AT2G06040 AT1G07705 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G06530 AT1G07705 two hybrid AT2G18760 AT1G07705 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G13445 AT1G07705 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G18524 AT1G07705 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G20800 AT1G07705 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G07705 AT3G58560 Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT4G16420 AT1G07705 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G19610 AT1G07705 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G26720 AT1G07705 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G34460 AT1G07705 Synthetic Rescue AT5G10960 AT1G07705 Synthetic Lethality|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Lethality AT5G27970 AT1G07705 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G48640 AT1G07705 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G63610 AT1G07705 two hybrid AT1G07770 AT1G03530 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G07770 AT1G04170 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G08780 AT1G07770 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT1G10490 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G15440 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G16280 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G29990 AT1G07770 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT1G31660 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G33140 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G42440 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G63810 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G70600 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G72440 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G76810 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G09990 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G17360 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G18020 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G19540 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G27710 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G37190 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G39840 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G42740 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G47610 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G04920 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G05060 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G06530 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G09630 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G11400 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G11510 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G13580 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G16840 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G18740 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G22480 AT1G07770 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT3G23390 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G24830 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G49010 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G49910 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G51270 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G56150 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G58660 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G60240 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G62310 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G00100 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G11820 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G15000 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G18040 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G18905 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G19210 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G23900 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G25630 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G30800 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G30991 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G08420 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G15200 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G20290 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G22440 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G23290 AT1G07770 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT5G25780 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G41190 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G49510 AT1G07770 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT5G56710 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G57015 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G58420 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59240 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G62300 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G66100 AT1G07770 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G10070 AT1G07780 Synthetic Lethality AT1G72730 AT1G07780 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G79250 AT1G07780 biochemical AT1G80510 AT1G07780 Synthetic Rescue AT3G06470 AT1G07780 biochemical|two hybrid AT5G19510 AT1G07780 Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G39400 AT1G07780 synthetic growth defect AT5G64270 AT1G07780 synthetic growth defect AT1G72730 AT1G07790 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G80030 AT1G07790 Synthetic Lethality AT2G16740 AT1G07790 Synthetic Lethality AT2G20410 AT1G07790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G38960 AT1G07790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G09820 AT1G07790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G25800 AT1G07790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G54300 AT1G07790 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G23430 AT1G07790 Synthetic Lethality AT4G31985 AT1G07790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G15090 AT1G07790 Synthetic Lethality AT1G29970 AT1G07810 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G43080 AT1G07810 two hybrid AT2G05840 AT1G07810 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G37670 AT1G07810 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G47760 AT1G07810 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G18520 AT1G07810 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G62870 AT1G07810 synthetic growth defect AT4G17190 AT1G07810 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G41370 AT1G07810 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G07820 AT1G06960 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G21700 AT1G07820 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G23300 AT1G07820 two hybrid AT1G64190 AT1G07820 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Rescue AT2G19220 AT1G07820 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G20290 AT1G07820 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G31020 AT1G07820 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G01100 AT1G07820 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G12200 AT1G07820 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G62870 AT1G07820 two hybrid AT4G20440 AT1G07820 Synthetic Lethality AT4G26910 AT1G07820 Synthetic Lethality AT4G39200 AT1G07820 synthetic growth defect AT5G01770 AT1G07820 Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Reconstituted Complex|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Rescue AT5G17860 AT1G07820 Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping AT5G45620 AT1G07820 Affinity Capture-Western|synthetic growth defect AT5G47080 AT1G07820 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|Co-purification|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G56350 AT1G07820 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G60550 AT1G07820 Synthetic Lethality AT5G65980 AT1G07820 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G07830 AT1G05190 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G60170 AT1G07830 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G64190 AT1G07830 Synthetic Lethality AT1G65540 AT1G07830 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G01090 AT1G07830 biochemical AT1G07830 AT3G17465 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT3G50670 AT1G07830 interaction prediction|two hybrid|interologs mapping AT3G63490 AT1G07830 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G01310 AT1G07830 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G35490 AT1G07830 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G64650 AT1G07830 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G07830 AT5G64670 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT5G66630 AT1G07830 synthetic growth defect ATCG00790 AT1G07830 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G07880 AT1G07880 Protein-peptide|Reconstituted Complex AT1G16360 AT1G07880 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G21190 AT1G07880 two hybrid AT1G50310 AT1G07880 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G54560 AT1G07880 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G68390 AT1G07880 two hybrid AT1G70190 AT1G07880 two hybrid AT1G71530 AT1G07880 two hybrid AT1G73690 AT1G07880 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G76300 AT1G07880 two hybrid AT2G14580 AT1G07880 Synthetic Lethality AT2G19160 AT1G07880 two hybrid AT2G46650 AT1G07880 two hybrid AT3G04710 AT1G07880 interologs mapping AT3G06530 AT1G07880 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping AT3G07100 AT1G07880 two hybrid AT3G20550 AT1G07880 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G61210 AT1G07880 two hybrid AT4G10040 AT1G07880 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G15900 AT1G07880 two hybrid AT4G30820 AT1G07880 two hybrid AT4G33730 AT1G07880 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G36750 AT1G07880 two hybrid AT5G16040 AT1G07880 two hybrid AT5G19090 AT1G07880 two hybrid AT5G21170 AT1G07880 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G24840 AT1G07880 Synthetic Lethality AT5G26030 AT1G07880 two hybrid AT5G38110 AT1G07880 two hybrid AT1G15440 AT1G07890 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality AT1G52500 AT1G07890 Synthetic Lethality AT1G71530 AT1G07890 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G76920 AT1G07890 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G80050 AT1G07890 Synthetic Lethality AT2G34250 AT1G07890 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G37790 AT1G07890 Synthetic Lethality AT2G46070 AT1G07890 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G48100 AT1G07890 Synthetic Lethality AT3G11290 AT1G07890 Synthetic Lethality AT3G14090 AT1G07890 Synthetic Lethality AT3G18370 AT1G07890 synthetic growth defect AT3G59540 AT1G07890 Synthetic Lethality AT3G62870 AT1G07890 synthetic growth defect AT4G14800 AT1G07890 Synthetic Lethality AT4G32930 AT1G07890 Synthetic Lethality AT4G33650 AT1G07890 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G06290 AT1G07890 biochemical AT5G24670 AT1G07890 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G24770 AT1G07890 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G46110 AT1G07890 two hybrid AT5G53480 AT1G07890 Synthetic Lethality AT5G53940 AT1G07890 Synthetic Rescue|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G54840 AT1G07890 Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue AT5G56290 AT1G07890 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G57270 AT1G07890 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G63400 AT1G07890 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G66590 AT1G07890 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality AT1G20696 AT1G07930 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G72330 AT1G07930 two hybrid AT1G76720 AT1G07930 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G16740 AT1G07930 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G37470 AT1G07930 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G02000 AT1G07930 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G08950 AT1G07930 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G16050 AT1G07930 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G18660 AT1G07930 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G23570 AT1G07930 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G52390 AT1G07930 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G53880 AT1G07930 Co-purification AT3G56190 AT1G07930 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G62870 AT1G07930 Synthetic Lethality AT4G25780 AT1G07930 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G30990 AT1G07930 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09390 AT1G07930 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G07930 AT5G60390 Affinity Capture-MS|Enriched domain pair|Phylogenetic profile method AT1G07940 AT1G30230 Co-crystal Structure|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair AT1G54940 AT1G07940 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G63780 AT1G07940 interologs mapping AT1G72560 AT1G07940 synthetic growth defect|interologs mapping AT1G77670 AT1G07940 synthetic growth defect AT2G40570 AT1G07940 interologs mapping AT2G40730 AT1G07940 synthetic growth defect|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G45490 AT1G07940 biochemical AT3G01090 AT1G07940 biochemical AT3G01350 AT1G07940 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G12110 AT1G07940 Dosage Growth Defect|interaction prediction AT3G55620 AT1G07940 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G56760 AT1G07940 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G62870 AT1G07940 synthetic growth defect AT4G14800 AT1G07940 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G26840 AT1G07940 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10270 AT1G07940 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G12370 AT1G07940 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G53770 AT1G07940 Synthetic Lethality AT1G07940 AT5G60390 Synthetic Lethality|Enriched domain pair|Phylogenetic profile method AT2G39290 AT1G08120 two hybrid|two hybrid AT3G62870 AT1G08120 synthetic growth defect AT1G12520 AT1G08130 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G54390 AT1G08130 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G59890 AT1G08130 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G31970 AT1G08130 Synthetic Lethality AT4G10710 AT1G08130 synthetic growth defect|interaction prediction AT5G23630 AT1G08130 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G08130 AT5G26680 Reconstituted Complex|Co-expression AT1G08130 AT5G27740 Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-expression AT5G43530 AT1G08130 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G61150 AT1G08130 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G64630 AT1G08130 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G08190 AT1G08190 Reconstituted Complex AT1G12470 AT1G08190 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G79590 AT1G08190 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G05170 AT1G08190 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT2G38020 AT1G08190 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT3G54860 AT1G08190 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G09350 AT1G08190 Synthetic Lethality AT5G10260 AT1G08190 Synthetic Lethality AT5G26680 AT1G08190 synthetic growth defect AT5G39510 AT1G08190 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G45130 AT1G08190 Synthetic Lethality AT5G58060 AT1G08190 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G08260 AT1G01020 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G04730 AT1G08260 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT1G08260 AT1G08260 two hybrid AT1G08260 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT1G08260 AT1G21690 Synthetic Lethality|Co-expression AT1G44180 AT1G08260 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G59580 AT1G08260 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality AT1G65240 AT1G08260 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interologs mapping AT1G66590 AT1G08260 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G01070 AT1G08260 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interologs mapping AT2G06510 AT1G08260 Synthetic Lethality AT2G14580 AT1G08260 Co-purification AT2G20980 AT1G08260 synthetic growth defect AT2G28720 AT1G08260 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G34180 AT1G08260 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G37270 AT1G08260 Synthetic Lethality AT2G39840 AT1G08260 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G43460 AT1G08260 Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT2G46280 AT1G08260 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G08260 AT3G03920 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT3G13445 AT1G08260 Affinity Capture-Western|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|Phenotypic Suppression AT3G14100 AT1G08260 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G17520 AT1G08260 Reconstituted Complex AT1G08260 AT3G18524 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-expression AT3G29800 AT1G08260 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G47370 AT1G08260 Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping AT1G08260 AT3G57150 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT3G60240 AT1G08260 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G62870 AT1G08260 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G08260 AT4G02460 Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-expression AT4G08350 AT1G08260 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G16710 AT1G08260 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G18040 AT1G08260 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G32720 AT1G08260 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G33730 AT1G08260 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement|interologs mapping AT4G34430 AT1G08260 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36750 AT1G08260 Reconstituted Complex AT5G09590 AT1G08260 Synthetic Lethality AT5G11570 AT1G08260 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interologs mapping AT5G22110 AT1G08260 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping|Co-purification|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|co-fractionation|interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality|Co-crystal Structure AT1G08260 AT5G26680 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-expression AT1G08260 AT5G41880 Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|Co-expression AT5G53770 AT1G08260 two hybrid|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G64760 AT1G08260 biochemical|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT1G55730 AT1G08620 two hybrid AT2G29390 AT1G08620 two hybrid AT4G29430 AT1G08620 two hybrid AT4G33090 AT1G08620 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G35020 AT1G08620 two hybrid AT1G10070 AT1G08630 biochemical AT1G10210 AT1G08630 biochemical AT1G49520 AT1G08630 Co-purification AT1G55810 AT1G08630 two hybrid AT1G71530 AT1G08630 two hybrid AT3G57990 AT1G08630 Synthetic Lethality AT4G32930 AT1G08630 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G08750 AT1G02145 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G31780 AT1G08750 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G63110 AT1G08750 interologs mapping AT1G67490 AT1G08750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G17520 AT1G08750 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G22530 AT1G08750 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G39630 AT1G08750 two hybrid|interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction AT2G45200 AT1G08750 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G01320 AT1G08750 two hybrid|interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction AT5G23630 AT1G08750 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G27490 AT1G08750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G27970 AT1G08750 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G38460 AT1G08750 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G52210 AT1G08750 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G29330 AT1G08780 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G29990 AT1G08780 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Suppression|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT1G49340 AT1G08780 Synthetic Lethality AT1G52740 AT1G08780 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality AT1G08780 AT1G71440 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-expression AT1G79890 AT1G08780 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G80410 AT1G08780 synthetic growth defect AT2G06210 AT1G08780 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G30410 AT1G08780 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping AT2G31300 AT1G08780 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT2G35670 AT1G08780 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G44150 AT1G08780 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction AT2G44580 AT1G08780 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G44680 AT1G08780 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G44950 AT1G08780 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT1G08780 AT3G02820 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT3G09920 AT1G08780 Synthetic Lethality AT3G13940 AT1G08780 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G20800 AT1G08780 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G08780 AT3G22480 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G08780 AT3G25980 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-expression AT3G26020 AT1G08780 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G27000 AT1G08780 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT1G08780 AT3G42660 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-expression AT3G60840 AT1G08780 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G61650 AT1G08780 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping AT4G15930 AT1G08780 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G27180 AT1G08780 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G39050 AT1G08780 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G09230 AT1G08780 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G13780 AT1G08780 synthetic growth defect AT1G08780 AT5G23290 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Suppression|interologs mapping|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT5G23630 AT1G08780 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G27970 AT1G08780 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G35910 AT1G08780 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G08780 AT5G49510 interaction prediction|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Suppression|interologs mapping|Co-expression AT5G50320 AT1G08780 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G52640 AT1G08780 Synthetic Lethality AT5G61150 AT1G08780 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G08780 AT5G67270 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-expression AT1G08820 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G49340 AT1G08820 Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT1G59820 AT1G08820 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G40360 AT1G08820 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT2G45200 AT1G08820 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G46520 AT1G08820 interologs mapping AT3G55380 AT1G08820 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G26840 AT1G08820 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G04540 AT1G08820 interologs mapping AT5G05010 AT1G08820 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G10260 AT1G08820 Synthetic Lethality AT5G40820 AT1G08820 interologs mapping AT5G52640 AT1G08820 synthetic growth defect AT1G08840 AT1G08130 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping|two hybrid AT1G80070 AT1G08840 two hybrid AT2G06510 AT1G08840 two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT3G06460 AT1G08840 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G28730 AT1G08840 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G48750 AT1G08840 biochemical|interaction prediction AT4G10710 AT1G08840 synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect|interaction prediction AT5G26680 AT1G08840 interologs mapping|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality|two hybrid|interaction prediction AT5G63960 AT1G08840 interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Suppression AT1G08880 AT1G03475 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G08880 AT1G07370 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G08880 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G15780 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G16970 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G26170 AT1G08880 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G08880 AT1G31660 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT1G43860 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G52740 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G54390 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G59890 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G03870 AT1G08880 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G06040 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G16950 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT2G37470 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G08880 AT2G37560 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT2G42500 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT2G45300 AT1G08880 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G06670 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G10050 AT1G08880 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G12380 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G13445 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G13920 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G22845 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G08880 AT3G23890 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT3G46320 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G49470 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G08880 AT3G54610 biochemical|Co-expression AT3G56570 AT1G08880 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G57300 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G22140 AT1G08880 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G22540 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G26110 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G26720 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G08880 AT5G08180 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G09740 AT1G08880 biochemical|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10270 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G10390 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G10790 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G17770 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G22010 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G22330 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-Western|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G41340 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G08880 AT5G54910 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT1G08880 AT5G56740 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G63670 AT1G08880 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G63860 AT1G08880 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G08910 AT1G01620 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G52500 AT1G08910 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G72730 AT1G08910 Synthetic Lethality AT2G29190 AT1G08910 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G46650 AT1G08910 two hybrid AT3G62870 AT1G08910 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G15900 AT1G08910 two hybrid AT4G16360 AT1G08910 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G21480 AT1G08910 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G39100 AT1G08910 Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect AT1G08940 AT1G08940 Reconstituted Complex AT1G52500 AT1G08940 Synthetic Lethality AT1G60730 AT1G08940 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Rescue|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G75290 AT1G08940 Synthetic Rescue AT1G80050 AT1G08940 Synthetic Lethality AT2G37670 AT1G08940 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G48100 AT1G08940 Synthetic Lethality AT3G06470 AT1G08940 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G21460 AT1G08940 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G48150 AT1G08940 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G59540 AT1G08940 Synthetic Lethality AT3G62870 AT1G08940 synthetic growth defect AT4G10480 AT1G08940 Synthetic Rescue|Phenotypic Suppression AT4G34270 AT1G08940 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G51820 AT1G08940 Synthetic Lethality AT1G09020 AT1G06790 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G09020 AT1G08780 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G49540 AT1G09020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G49980 AT1G09020 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G52740 AT1G09020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G60620 AT1G09020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G67490 AT1G09020 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT1G72050 AT1G09020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G73820 AT1G09020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G78580 AT1G09020 Synthetic Rescue AT3G13445 AT1G09020 Synthetic Rescue AT3G18520 AT1G09020 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G26020 AT1G09020 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G49650 AT1G09020 two hybrid AT3G57660 AT1G09020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G18040 AT1G09020 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT4G21010 AT1G09020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G10260 AT1G09020 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G19680 AT1G09020 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G23250 AT1G09020 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G41880 AT1G09020 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G42000 AT1G09020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G51940 AT1G09020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G52640 AT1G09020 Synthetic Lethality AT5G55310 AT1G09020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G59140 AT1G09020 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G60550 AT1G09020 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G14120 AT1G09060 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G20280 AT1G09060 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G29690 AT1G09060 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT2G38600 AT1G09060 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G39290 AT1G09060 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G45280 AT1G09060 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G59790 AT1G09060 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G23900 AT1G09060 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G54840 AT1G09060 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT5G66360 AT1G09060 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT1G09150 AT1G02120 two hybrid AT1G29990 AT1G09150 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G52640 AT1G09150 synthetic growth defect AT1G15440 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G15960 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G26140 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G72560 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G80500 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G05630 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G13620 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G21540 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G23070 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G30160 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G37420 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G38880 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G05960 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G20970 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G44590 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G47520 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G59020 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G63490 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G02450 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G04700 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Synthetic Lethality AT4G21800 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G26600 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G26970 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G39200 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G01390 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G01430 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G02730 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09660 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G14060 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G14850 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G24840 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G41700 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G60340 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G60540 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G61010 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Co-crystal Structure|biochemical AT2G06510 AT1G09300 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G06483 AT1G09300 biochemical AT4G30870 AT1G09300 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G05710 AT1G09330 Co-purification AT5G19910 AT1G09330 two hybrid AT5G27490 AT1G09330 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G52640 AT1G09330 two hybrid AT5G66680 AT1G09330 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Suppression AT1G77210 AT1G09580 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G14580 AT1G09580 Synthetic Lethality AT4G39180 AT1G09580 interologs mapping AT5G10350 AT1G09580 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G24840 AT1G09580 Synthetic Lethality AT3G22590 AT1G09600 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G54290 AT1G09620 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G60620 AT1G09620 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G65040 AT1G09620 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G07410 AT1G09620 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G09640 AT1G07930 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G11530 AT1G09640 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G15210 AT1G09640 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G20696 AT1G09640 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G72480 AT1G09640 Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G20450 AT1G09640 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G24040 AT1G09640 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G29990 AT1G09640 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G37470 AT1G09640 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G08730 AT1G09640 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G08950 AT1G09640 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G12530 AT1G09640 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G12690 AT1G09640 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G16050 AT1G09640 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G20650 AT1G09640 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G23570 AT1G09640 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G30842 AT1G09640 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G52390 AT1G09640 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G52580 AT1G09640 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G30990 AT1G09640 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36860 AT1G09640 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G19660 AT1G09640 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G47880 AT1G09640 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G60390 AT1G09640 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G62870 AT1G09690 synthetic growth defect AT1G09760 AT1G09760 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G09770 AT1G09760 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G14640 AT1G09760 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G17070 AT1G09760 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G17130 AT1G09760 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G09760 AT1G20580 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT1G09760 AT1G20960 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT1G60170 AT1G09760 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G67490 AT1G09760 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT1G80070 AT1G09760 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G80410 AT1G09760 synthetic growth defect AT2G22530 AT1G09760 Synthetic Lethality AT1G09760 AT2G23930 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT2G30260 AT1G09760 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT2G32600 AT1G09760 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G33340 AT1G09760 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification AT2G44950 AT1G09760 synthetic growth defect AT1G09760 AT2G47640 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT3G05760 AT1G09760 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G09760 AT3G18790 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT3G55220 AT1G09760 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G62310 AT1G09760 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G09760 AT4G02840 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT4G03430 AT1G09760 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G15900 AT1G09760 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G21660 AT1G09760 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G09760 AT4G30220 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G09760 AT4G30330 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G09760 AT5G06160 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G13780 AT1G09760 synthetic growth defect AT1G09760 AT5G28740 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G41770 AT1G09760 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G46400 AT1G09760 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64270 AT1G09760 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G65750 AT1G09760 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G09770 AT1G09770 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G17070 AT1G09770 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G17130 AT1G09770 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G20580 AT1G09770 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G09770 AT1G20960 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT1G09770 AT1G80070 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G80930 AT1G09770 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT2G33340 AT1G09770 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|far western blotting|interaction prediction AT3G18790 AT1G09770 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|interaction prediction AT3G24090 AT1G09770 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G55220 AT1G09770 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification AT1G09770 AT4G15900 in vivo|in vivo|in vitro|in vitro|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|synthetic growth defect|Affinity Capture-Western|in vitro|in vivo|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT4G21110 AT1G09770 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G09770 AT5G28740 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT5G52640 AT1G09795 synthetic growth defect AT1G09810 AT1G07810 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G10980 AT1G09810 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G66590 AT1G09810 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|two hybrid|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G77750 AT1G09810 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G78770 AT1G09810 Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Rescue AT1G80500 AT1G09810 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G24960 AT1G09810 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G13900 AT1G09810 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G10130 AT1G09810 Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G14350 AT1G09810 Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Rescue AT5G09590 AT1G09810 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G09830 AT1G03330 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G21690 AT1G09830 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G63160 AT1G09830 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT2G37690 AT1G09830 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G13970 AT1G09830 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G52640 AT1G09830 synthetic growth defect AT3G62870 AT1G10040 synthetic growth defect AT4G00720 AT1G10040 Synthetic Rescue AT5G14050 AT1G10040 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G52640 AT1G10040 synthetic growth defect AT1G12110 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT1G21190 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT1G28490 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT1G29230 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT1G49400 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT1G55810 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT1G59580 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT1G66950 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT1G68390 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT1G70190 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT1G71530 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT1G72830 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT1G76300 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT2G19160 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT2G32765 AT1G10060 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G38290 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT2G46650 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT2G47870 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT3G01090 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT3G05040 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT3G05560 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT3G07100 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT3G18860 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT3G19670 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT3G23310 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT3G44190 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT3G51110 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT3G54840 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT3G61210 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT4G15900 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT4G23920 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT4G24710 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT4G30820 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT4G36130 AT1G10060 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G36640 AT1G10060 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G36750 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT4G39180 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT5G05070 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT5G06360 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT5G14050 AT1G10060 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G19090 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT5G23310 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT5G26340 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT5G38110 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT5G38290 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT5G40040 AT1G10060 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G43840 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT5G61220 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT5G61520 AT1G10060 two hybrid AT1G10070 AT1G05660 Synthetic Lethality AT1G10070 AT1G06960 Synthetic Lethality AT1G10070 AT1G09270 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G10210 AT1G10070 Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping AT1G16360 AT1G10070 Affinity Capture-Western|Phenotypic Enhancement|biochemical AT1G21370 AT1G10070 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G26140 AT1G10070 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G28460 AT1G10070 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G31170 AT1G10070 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Suppression|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Phenotypic Suppression AT1G47830 AT1G10070 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G55060 AT1G10070 biochemical|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|biochemical AT1G60680 AT1G10070 biochemical|biochemical|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|biochemical|Synthetic Lethality AT1G72340 AT1G10070 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|biochemical|Phenotypic Suppression AT1G80510 AT1G10070 Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement|two hybrid AT2G01630 AT1G10070 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G14580 AT1G10070 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G29540 AT1G10070 Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality AT2G33560 AT1G10070 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G36060 AT1G10070 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G40290 AT1G10070 Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT2G41340 AT1G10070 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement|two hybrid AT2G47090 AT1G10070 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|biochemical AT3G02510 AT1G10070 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G12200 AT1G10070 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G18480 AT1G10070 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G18660 AT1G10070 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G19510 AT1G10070 Synthetic Lethality AT3G20050 AT1G10070 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G25597 AT1G10070 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G44320 AT1G10070 Synthetic Rescue AT3G47290 AT1G10070 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G59280 AT1G10070 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping AT3G62870 AT1G10070 synthetic growth defect AT4G01860 AT1G10070 biochemical AT4G04695 AT1G10070 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G14000 AT1G10070 interologs mapping|biochemical|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping AT4G14670 AT1G10070 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G25950 AT1G10070 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G26510 AT1G10070 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G27960 AT1G10070 Synthetic Lethality AT5G03240 AT1G10070 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G06290 AT1G10070 Synthetic Rescue|biochemical|biochemical|Affinity Capture-Western|biochemical|Synthetic Rescue AT5G07090 AT1G10070 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|Co-purification|interologs mapping AT5G10350 AT1G10070 Synthetic Lethality|Colocalization AT5G13150 AT1G10070 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G16040 AT1G10070 Synthetic Lethality AT5G16980 AT1G10070 synthetic growth defect AT5G25400 AT1G10070 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G41060 AT1G10070 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G44740 AT1G10070 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G63980 AT1G10070 Synthetic Rescue AT5G66610 AT1G10070 Synthetic Rescue|two hybrid AT1G11510 AT1G10090 synthetic growth defect AT1G30580 AT1G10090 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G79720 AT1G10090 Synthetic Rescue AT2G05170 AT1G10090 Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality AT2G20280 AT1G10090 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G05960 AT1G10090 Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality AT3G22110 AT1G10090 Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality AT3G61740 AT1G10090 Synthetic Rescue AT4G30950 AT1G10090 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G49060 AT1G10090 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality|two hybrid|interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G59950 AT1G10090 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT1G10170 AT1G10170 Protein-peptide|interaction prediction AT1G57720 AT1G10170 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT2G32600 AT1G10170 interaction prediction|two hybrid|interologs mapping AT3G25230 AT1G10170 two hybrid|interologs mapping|Colocalization|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G52640 AT1G10170 synthetic growth defect AT1G12390 AT1G10210 interologs mapping|biochemical AT1G20090 AT1G10210 interologs mapping AT1G35350 AT1G10210 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G44170 AT1G10210 Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality AT1G52300 AT1G10210 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G55060 AT1G10210 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping AT1G60680 AT1G10210 biochemical|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|biochemical AT1G72340 AT1G10210 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT1G75170 AT1G10210 Synthetic Rescue AT1G80530 AT1G10210 interologs mapping AT2G17360 AT1G10210 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G32160 AT1G10210 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G40290 AT1G10210 interologs mapping AT3G12200 AT1G10210 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G20870 AT1G10210 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G22290 AT1G10210 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G24010 AT1G10210 interologs mapping AT3G24495 AT1G10210 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G44320 AT1G10210 interologs mapping AT3G53030 AT1G10210 interologs mapping AT3G62870 AT1G10210 synthetic growth defect AT4G14000 AT1G10210 Synthetic Lethality AT4G19880 AT1G10210 Synthetic Lethality|biochemical|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G21490 AT1G10210 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G25950 AT1G10210 interologs mapping AT4G26910 AT1G10210 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G27130 AT1G10210 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect AT4G30800 AT1G10210 biochemical AT4G30950 AT1G10210 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G33650 AT1G10210 Synthetic Lethality AT4G39200 AT1G10210 synthetic growth defect AT5G06130 AT1G10210 interologs mapping AT5G06290 AT1G10210 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|biochemical|Reconstituted Complex AT5G07090 AT1G10210 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT5G16980 AT1G10210 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G26030 AT1G10210 interologs mapping AT5G43900 AT1G10210 interologs mapping|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|synthetic growth defect AT5G47630 AT1G10210 interologs mapping AT5G63400 AT1G10210 Synthetic Rescue AT5G66610 AT1G10210 interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality AT1G10280 AT1G02730 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G34580 AT1G10280 Affinity Capture-MS|biochemical AT1G44180 AT1G10280 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G66250 AT1G10280 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|biochemical AT1G77990 AT1G10280 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G78290 AT1G10280 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G31020 AT1G10280 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G37760 AT1G10280 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G39290 AT1G10280 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G43360 AT1G10280 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G16050 AT1G10280 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G47370 AT1G10280 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G53870 AT1G10280 biochemical AT3G62870 AT1G10280 Affinity Capture-MS|synthetic growth defect AT4G17190 AT1G10280 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G17380 AT1G10280 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G18880 AT1G10280 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G01430 AT1G10280 biochemical AT5G06600 AT1G10280 biochemical AT5G14320 AT1G10280 Co-purification AT5G15200 AT1G10280 biochemical AT5G47720 AT1G10280 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G54800 AT1G10280 interologs mapping|interologs mapping AT3G57990 AT1G10310 Synthetic Lethality AT1G10350 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G10350 AT1G07880 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G10940 AT1G10350 Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G14010 AT1G10350 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G18550 AT1G10350 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G19660 AT1G10350 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G30810 AT1G10350 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT2G20410 AT1G10350 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G29680 AT1G10350 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G29940 AT1G10350 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G31060 AT1G10350 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G38960 AT1G10350 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G05760 AT1G10350 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G08980 AT1G10350 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G09820 AT1G10350 Co-purification|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G46900 AT1G10350 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G53880 AT1G10350 Co-purification AT4G04720 AT1G10350 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G31770 AT1G10350 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45380 AT1G10350 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59960 AT1G10350 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G10490 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G10490 AT1G31660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G60780 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G10490 AT1G63810 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G66580 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G67190 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G67430 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G10490 AT1G69070 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT1G10490 AT1G73180 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT1G74060 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G10490 AT2G17250 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT2G17360 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G18020 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G10490 AT2G21440 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT2G37270 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G37600 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G42740 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G45330 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT2G47990 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G10490 AT3G05060 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT3G06530 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G09200 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G10490 AT3G09630 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT1G10490 AT3G10530 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT3G11510 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G11964 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G12860 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G13580 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G18740 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G21540 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G24080 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G24830 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G56510 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G10490 AT3G56990 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT3G57000 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G10490 AT3G58660 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT3G62310 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G00100 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G04940 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G10490 AT4G05410 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT4G07410 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G08350 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G17390 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G25630 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G10490 AT4G28200 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT1G10490 AT4G28450 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT4G30800 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G30870 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G30991 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G04600 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G08420 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G10270 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G14050 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G10490 AT5G15200 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G15750 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G16750 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G20290 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G22440 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G23010 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G10490 AT5G26110 two hybrid|Co-expression AT1G10490 AT5G54910 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G58420 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59240 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59690 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G10490 AT5G61330 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT5G65900 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G66540 AT1G10490 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G51710 AT1G10520 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G66800 AT1G10520 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G10580 AT1G09770 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G10580 AT1G10580 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G17070 AT1G10580 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G17130 AT1G10580 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G65660 AT1G10580 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Synthetic Lethality|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Synthetic Lethality AT1G80070 AT1G10580 Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Suppression AT2G31970 AT1G10580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G33340 AT1G10580 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34100 AT1G10580 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G22840 AT1G10580 Synthetic Lethality AT5G41770 AT1G10580 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G43080 AT1G10600 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-crystal Structure|Co-crystal Structure|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G75170 AT1G10600 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-crystal Structure|two hybrid|Co-purification AT1G77210 AT1G10600 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G30390 AT1G10600 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G34480 AT1G10600 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G40290 AT1G10600 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|synthetic growth defect AT2G44350 AT1G10600 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G30842 AT1G10600 Affinity Capture-MS|synthetic growth defect|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-crystal Structure|two hybrid|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G01320 AT1G10600 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G33090 AT1G10600 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G35020 AT1G10600 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G12140 AT1G10600 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G44830 AT1G10600 Synthetic Rescue AT5G47630 AT1G10600 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59440 AT1G10600 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-crystal Structure AT1G71530 AT1G10810 two hybrid AT1G73690 AT1G10810 two hybrid AT3G47300 AT1G10810 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G57990 AT1G10900 Synthetic Lethality AT1G10930 AT1G01040 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G05120 AT1G10930 two hybrid|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-Western|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair AT1G10930 AT1G08840 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality AT1G12520 AT1G10930 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect AT1G18090 AT1G10930 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect AT1G24290 AT1G10930 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction AT1G32130 AT1G10930 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G55915 AT1G10930 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction AT1G66740 AT1G10930 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction AT1G67190 AT1G10930 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect AT2G35630 AT1G10930 two hybrid AT2G37560 AT1G10930 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G42120 AT1G10930 Synthetic Lethality AT2G44580 AT1G10930 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|interaction prediction AT3G02820 AT1G10930 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G11630 AT1G10930 synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G13940 AT1G10930 Synthetic Rescue AT3G20475 AT1G10930 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G27730 AT1G10930 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G42660 AT1G10930 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect|interaction prediction AT3G58560 AT1G10930 synthetic growth defect AT4G16970 AT1G10930 Synthetic Lethality AT4G25120 AT1G10930 interaction prediction|two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality AT4G30870 AT1G10930 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G35520 AT1G10930 Affinity Capture-Western|Phenotypic Suppression|interaction prediction AT5G09740 AT1G10930 synthetic growth defect AT5G10960 AT1G10930 synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect AT5G13780 AT1G10930 synthetic growth defect AT5G16850 AT1G10930 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G40820 AT1G10930 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G41150 AT1G10930 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G43530 AT1G10930 synthetic growth defect AT5G55310 AT1G10930 synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G59440 AT1G10930 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT5G61460 AT1G10930 synthetic growth defect AT5G66130 AT1G10930 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G10940 AT1G10940 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G30810 AT1G10940 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G31190 AT1G10940 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G20410 AT1G10940 two hybrid AT2G31060 AT1G10940 Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT3G05760 AT1G10940 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G13080 AT1G10940 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G53880 AT1G10940 Co-purification AT3G54630 AT1G10940 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G04720 AT1G10940 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G08690 AT1G10940 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G22120 AT1G10940 two hybrid AT5G10350 AT1G10940 Reconstituted Complex AT5G45380 AT1G10940 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G10980 AT1G05180 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G19730 AT1G10980 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G29630 AT1G10980 Synthetic Rescue|synthetic growth defect AT1G52500 AT1G10980 Synthetic Lethality AT1G55060 AT1G10980 Synthetic Lethality AT1G68530 AT1G10980 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G80050 AT1G10980 Synthetic Lethality AT2G48100 AT1G10980 Synthetic Lethality AT3G48170 AT1G10980 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G54840 AT1G10980 synthetic growth defect AT3G55400 AT1G10980 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G59540 AT1G10980 Synthetic Lethality AT4G10130 AT1G10980 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G14350 AT1G10980 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Rescue|synthetic growth defect AT4G27130 AT1G10980 Synthetic Lethality AT4G29580 AT1G10980 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G34370 AT1G10980 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G36640 AT1G10980 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G01770 AT1G10980 Phenotypic Enhancement|interologs mapping AT5G09590 AT1G10980 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G16170 AT1G10980 Phenotypic Enhancement ATCG00905 AT1G10980 Co-crystal Structure|Co-purification|Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-crystal Structure|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G16050 AT1G11250 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G62960 AT1G11250 two hybrid AT5G06420 AT1G11250 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G18870 AT1G11260 two hybrid AT1G22300 AT1G11260 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G31190 AT1G11260 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G34460 AT1G11260 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping AT1G51040 AT1G11260 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G54560 AT1G11260 biochemical AT1G59740 AT1G11260 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|synthetic growth defect AT1G66240 AT1G11260 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G70580 AT1G11260 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality AT1G78050 AT1G11260 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G80050 AT1G11260 Synthetic Lethality AT2G44820 AT1G11260 interologs mapping|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping AT2G47570 AT1G11260 interologs mapping AT2G47760 AT1G11260 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G48100 AT1G11260 Synthetic Lethality AT3G02000 AT1G11260 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G13560 AT1G11260 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT1G11260 AT3G19930 Affinity Capture-MS|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT3G45240 AT1G11260 synthetic growth defect AT3G54820 AT1G11260 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G59540 AT1G11260 Synthetic Lethality AT3G62870 AT1G11260 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect AT3G66656 AT1G11260 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G04720 AT1G11260 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G10130 AT1G11260 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G13590 AT1G11260 two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality AT4G16265 AT1G11260 two hybrid AT4G17190 AT1G11260 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G21560 AT1G11260 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT4G22120 AT1G11260 interologs mapping AT4G33710 AT1G11260 interologs mapping AT4G33720 AT1G11260 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G35620 AT1G11260 interologs mapping AT5G06150 AT1G11260 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09590 AT1G11260 Synthetic Lethality AT5G18380 AT1G11260 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT5G49030 AT1G11260 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G49520 AT1G11320 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G66950 AT1G11320 two hybrid AT1G71530 AT1G11320 two hybrid AT2G46650 AT1G11320 two hybrid AT3G05040 AT1G11320 two hybrid AT3G05560 AT1G11320 two hybrid AT3G07100 AT1G11320 two hybrid AT3G18860 AT1G11320 two hybrid AT3G61210 AT1G11320 two hybrid AT3G62870 AT1G11320 synthetic growth defect AT4G36750 AT1G11320 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09660 AT1G11320 two hybrid AT5G19090 AT1G11320 two hybrid AT5G26340 AT1G11320 two hybrid AT5G38110 AT1G11320 two hybrid AT5G43840 AT1G11320 two hybrid AT5G61220 AT1G11320 two hybrid AT3G26590 AT1G11475 biochemical AT3G62870 AT1G11475 synthetic growth defect AT4G13980 AT1G11475 biochemical AT5G63400 AT1G11475 biochemical AT1G11755 AT1G11510 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT1G80530 AT1G11510 synthetic growth defect AT1G80710 AT1G11510 Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect AT2G19980 AT1G11510 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|synthetic growth defect|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT2G43190 AT1G11510 Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Lethality AT4G02450 AT1G11510 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT4G36490 AT1G11510 synthetic growth defect AT5G08335 AT1G11510 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G13450 AT1G11510 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification AT5G24840 AT1G11510 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT5G42720 AT1G11510 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|synthetic growth defect AT5G60540 AT1G11510 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Lethality AT1G11530 AT1G07930 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G13320 AT1G11530 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G20696 AT1G11530 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G21640 AT1G11530 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G33090 AT1G11530 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G13650 AT1G11530 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G37470 AT1G11530 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G38960 AT1G11530 biochemical AT2G44510 AT1G11530 two hybrid AT3G08950 AT1G11530 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G12530 AT1G11530 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G16050 AT1G11530 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G20550 AT1G11530 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G20650 AT1G11530 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G22890 AT1G11530 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G23570 AT1G11530 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G26590 AT1G11530 biochemical AT3G29060 AT1G11530 two hybrid AT3G52390 AT1G11530 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G56190 AT1G11530 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G13980 AT1G11530 biochemical AT4G14240 AT1G11530 biochemical AT4G30990 AT1G11530 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G06290 AT1G11530 biochemical AT5G19660 AT1G11530 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G23900 AT1G11530 synthetic growth defect AT5G26030 AT1G11530 two hybrid AT5G44740 AT1G11530 biochemical AT5G60390 AT1G11530 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G61220 AT1G11530 two hybrid AT5G25490 AT1G11650 two hybrid AT5G52640 AT1G11650 synthetic growth defect AT2G37925 AT1G11660 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G62870 AT1G11660 synthetic growth defect AT5G23570 AT1G11660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G11680 AT1G07420 Synthetic Rescue AT1G11680 AT1G08750 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT2G24940 AT1G11680 interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality AT2G30710 AT1G11680 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality AT2G34980 AT1G11680 two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT4G14880 AT1G11680 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G37760 AT1G11680 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G02450 AT1G11755 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G39200 AT1G11755 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G08335 AT1G11755 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G13450 AT1G11755 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G42720 AT1G11755 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G60540 AT1G11755 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G12480 AT1G11790 biochemical AT5G52640 AT1G11790 synthetic growth defect AT1G19730 AT1G11860 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G25155 AT1G11860 synthetic growth defect AT1G74710 AT1G11860 synthetic growth defect AT2G07695 AT1G11860 Synthetic Rescue AT3G60240 AT1G11860 biochemical AT5G12480 AT1G11860 biochemical AT5G49970 AT1G11860 two hybrid AT5G66640 AT1G11860 biochemical ATMG01360 AT1G11860 Synthetic Rescue AT1G13950 AT1G11870 Synthetic Lethality AT1G60730 AT1G11870 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G65240 AT1G11870 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G77780 AT1G11870 Synthetic Lethality AT2G02760 AT1G11870 synthetic growth defect AT2G29540 AT1G11870 Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping AT2G29990 AT1G11870 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G45000 AT1G11870 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G05960 AT1G11870 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G15970 AT1G11870 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT3G18660 AT1G11870 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G24010 AT1G11870 Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping AT3G56190 AT1G11870 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G59280 AT1G11870 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G04700 AT1G11870 interologs mapping|interologs mapping AT4G26720 AT1G11870 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT4G36490 AT1G11870 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Affinity Capture-Western|synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping AT5G14050 AT1G11870 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G14180 AT1G11870 Synthetic Lethality AT5G20850 AT1G11870 Synthetic Lethality AT5G26110 AT1G11870 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G38890 AT1G11870 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G60980 AT1G11870 Reconstituted Complex|Synthetic Lethality AT1G11890 AT1G01020 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G11890 AT1G02130 Synthetic Lethality|Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Suppression|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|Synthetic Rescue|interaction prediction AT1G11890 AT1G02740 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G11890 AT1G11890 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Suppression|Synthetic Rescue AT1G13560 AT1G11890 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G18830 AT1G11890 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G31780 AT1G11890 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G32130 AT1G11890 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G54140 AT1G11890 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G56330 AT1G11890 interaction prediction|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|interologs mapping AT1G59890 AT1G11890 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G73430 AT1G11890 interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|interaction prediction AT1G73570 AT1G11890 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality AT1G79990 AT1G11890 interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|interaction prediction AT2G03870 AT1G11890 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G06210 AT1G11890 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G17520 AT1G11890 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G17980 AT1G11890 Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Lethality|Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Suppression|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT2G22530 AT1G11890 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G23070 AT1G11890 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G27470 AT1G11890 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G30710 AT1G11890 Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction AT2G31300 AT1G11890 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT1G11890 AT2G34770 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-expression AT2G38560 AT1G11890 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G44150 AT1G11890 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction AT1G11890 AT2G45200 Reconstituted Complex|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT3G02820 AT1G11890 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G07180 AT1G11890 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G12180 AT1G11890 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G18520 AT1G11890 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G20800 AT1G11890 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G22142 AT1G11890 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G22480 AT1G11890 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G22590 AT1G11890 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction AT1G11890 AT3G24350 interaction prediction|Synthetic Lethality|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Rescue|interologs mapping|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT3G25100 AT1G11890 Synthetic Lethality AT3G42660 AT1G11890 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT3G56190 AT1G11890 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|interaction prediction AT4G04910 AT1G11890 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G14160 AT1G11890 Phenotypic Suppression|Affinity Capture-Western|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT4G17890 AT1G11890 interologs mapping AT4G34450 AT1G11890 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Rescue|interaction prediction AT5G13490 AT1G11890 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT5G13680 AT1G11890 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G22840 AT1G11890 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G27970 AT1G11890 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G41790 AT1G11890 interologs mapping|interologs mapping AT5G42000 AT1G11890 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G45600 AT1G11890 Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality AT5G50320 AT1G11890 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G52210 AT1G11890 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G52640 AT1G11890 Synthetic Lethality AT5G54750 AT1G11890 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT5G55310 AT1G11890 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G58060 AT1G11890 Synthetic Lethality|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Synthetic Rescue|interologs mapping AT5G59440 AT1G11890 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT5G61150 AT1G11890 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G63110 AT1G11890 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G63610 AT1G11890 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G67270 AT1G11890 synthetic growth defect AT5G67630 AT1G11890 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G66740 AT1G11930 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G78870 AT1G11930 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G33840 AT1G11930 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G42660 AT1G11930 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G49650 AT1G11930 two hybrid AT5G10260 AT1G11930 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G19180 AT1G11930 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G27970 AT1G11930 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G52640 AT1G11930 synthetic growth defect AT1G11960 AT1G11960 Reconstituted Complex AT3G14980 AT1G11960 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G32140 AT1G11960 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping|Reconstituted Complex AT5G02500 AT1G11960 Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping|Co-purification|Synthetic Lethality AT1G55255 AT1G12070 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G55810 AT1G12070 interologs mapping AT3G26590 AT1G12070 Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Rescue AT3G62870 AT1G12070 synthetic growth defect AT4G13980 AT1G12070 Synthetic Rescue AT5G64760 AT1G12070 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G43810 AT1G12110 Synthetic Lethality AT3G17520 AT1G12110 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G29800 AT1G12110 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G56920 AT1G12110 Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping AT4G33730 AT1G12110 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G46110 AT1G12110 two hybrid AT1G12130 AT1G01020 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G25510 AT1G12130 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G76920 AT1G12130 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G14610 AT1G12130 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G28720 AT1G12130 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G44350 AT1G12130 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G13445 AT1G12130 Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G18600 AT1G12130 Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping AT3G21540 AT1G12130 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G52250 AT1G12130 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G57050 AT1G12130 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G15900 AT1G12130 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G20440 AT1G12130 Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT4G24040 AT1G12130 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G26510 AT1G12130 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Synthetic Lethality AT5G03540 AT1G12130 Synthetic Lethality AT5G09590 AT1G12130 Synthetic Lethality AT5G13840 AT1G12130 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G59850 AT1G12130 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G41530 AT1G12230 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G19720 AT1G12340 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G41380 AT1G12340 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality AT2G47510 AT1G12340 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G62870 AT1G12340 Synthetic Lethality AT4G04210 AT1G12340 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G10360 AT1G12340 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G21170 AT1G12360 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping|interologs mapping AT1G71820 AT1G12360 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Suppression AT3G01340 AT1G12360 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G03800 AT1G12360 interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|interologs mapping AT3G09900 AT1G12360 Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping AT3G56640 AT1G12360 Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G12370 AT1G12360 Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping|interologs mapping AT5G13150 AT1G12360 interologs mapping|interologs mapping|interologs mapping AT5G60790 AT1G12360 Affinity Capture-MS ATCG00790 AT1G12360 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G12390 AT1G10070 biochemical|Reconstituted Complex|biochemical AT1G78770 AT1G12390 synthetic growth defect AT3G06100 AT1G12390 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex AT4G25950 AT1G12390 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G54140 AT1G12470 Synthetic Lethality AT1G66740 AT1G12470 synthetic growth defect AT1G67190 AT1G12470 Synthetic Lethality AT1G79590 AT1G12470 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex AT1G80410 AT1G12470 synthetic growth defect AT2G02760 AT1G12470 synthetic growth defect AT2G28390 AT1G12470 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT2G38020 AT1G12470 in vivo|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT2G39800 AT1G12470 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G44950 AT1G12470 synthetic growth defect AT3G05710 AT1G12470 Co-purification AT3G11630 AT1G12470 synthetic growth defect AT3G16100 AT1G12470 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G38630 AT1G12470 synthetic growth defect AT5G13780 AT1G12470 synthetic growth defect AT5G26680 AT1G12470 synthetic growth defect AT5G39510 AT1G12470 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G53770 AT1G12470 synthetic growth defect AT1G12520 AT1G08840 Synthetic Lethality AT1G12520 AT1G12520 Co-purification|interaction prediction AT1G66740 AT1G12520 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G67190 AT1G12520 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect AT1G72050 AT1G12520 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G02760 AT1G12520 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G03870 AT1G12520 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G13680 AT1G12520 Synthetic Lethality AT2G31970 AT1G12520 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|interaction prediction AT2G35670 AT1G12520 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G38560 AT1G12520 Synthetic Lethality AT2G44580 AT1G12520 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|interaction prediction AT3G18520 AT1G12520 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G19210 AT1G12520 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G22590 AT1G12520 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction AT3G26020 AT1G12520 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G42660 AT1G12520 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|interaction prediction AT4G08960 AT1G12520 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G25120 AT1G12520 synthetic growth defect AT4G30870 AT1G12520 synthetic growth defect AT4G39050 AT1G12520 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G20850 AT1G12520 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G26680 AT1G12520 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction AT5G27970 AT1G12520 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G43530 AT1G12520 synthetic growth defect AT5G48640 AT1G12520 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G50320 AT1G12520 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G54260 AT1G12520 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G57450 AT1G12520 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G63610 AT1G12520 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G12640 AT1G07670 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G30580 AT1G12640 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality AT5G52640 AT1G12640 synthetic growth defect AT1G12650 AT2G41500 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT4G25630 AT1G12650 Synthetic Lethality AT5G37830 AT1G12650 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G12730 AT1G05180 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G25510 AT1G12730 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G27040 AT1G12730 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G53900 AT1G12730 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G28720 AT1G12730 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G45960 AT1G12730 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G26590 AT1G12730 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G47370 AT1G12730 Affinity Capture-MS|biochemical AT3G62030 AT1G12730 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G62870 AT1G12730 two hybrid AT4G36800 AT1G12730 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G18380 AT1G12730 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G37350 AT1G12730 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G12840 AT1G07670 synthetic growth defect AT1G76030 AT1G12840 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G78900 AT1G12840 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G02760 AT1G12840 synthetic growth defect AT2G21410 AT1G12840 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interaction prediction AT2G36170 AT1G12840 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G37550 AT1G12840 Synthetic Lethality AT3G08560 AT1G12840 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G18430 AT1G12840 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT1G12840 AT3G58730 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT5G54840 AT1G12840 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G12880 AT1G12130 Synthetic Lethality AT2G14580 AT1G12880 Synthetic Lethality AT2G47090 AT1G12880 Synthetic Lethality AT1G12900 AT1G04750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G16240 AT1G12900 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G17810 AT1G12900 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G19660 AT1G12900 Synthetic Lethality AT1G25155 AT1G12900 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G34580 AT1G12900 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G52500 AT1G12900 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G72680 AT1G12900 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G34180 AT1G12900 two hybrid AT2G34890 AT1G12900 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G22320 AT1G12900 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G28610 AT1G12900 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G46320 AT1G12900 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT3G50860 AT1G12900 Synthetic Rescue AT3G54670 AT1G12900 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G28860 AT1G12900 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G19320 AT1G12900 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G49560 AT1G12900 Phenotypic Enhancement ATCG00905 AT1G12900 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G18070 AT1G12920 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Enhancement|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|biochemical AT1G32340 AT1G12920 Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G13440 AT1G12920 biochemical AT3G53110 AT1G12920 Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping AT4G11420 AT1G12920 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT4G12460 AT1G12920 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G13060 AT1G13060 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G21720 AT1G13060 two hybrid|Co-purification|Co-crystal Structure|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G53850 AT1G13060 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G56450 AT1G13060 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT1G79210 AT1G13060 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification AT2G17190 AT1G13060 Synthetic Rescue AT2G27020 AT1G13060 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G42500 AT1G13060 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT3G13330 AT1G13060 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G22110 AT1G13060 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G51260 AT1G13060 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G60820 AT1G13060 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G14800 AT1G13060 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Rescue|synthetic growth defect|Co-purification|interaction prediction AT4G31300 AT1G13060 two hybrid|Co-purification|Co-crystal Structure|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT4G38630 AT1G13060 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G09900 AT1G13060 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G35590 AT1G13060 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G13060 AT5G40580 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-crystal Structure|Co-purification|Synthetic Lethality|Gene fusion method AT5G42790 AT1G13060 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification AT1G13120 AT1G11680 Synthetic Lethality AT1G13120 AT3G06910 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-expression AT3G53110 AT1G13120 two hybrid|two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|biochemical|interaction prediction AT3G54380 AT1G13120 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G56640 AT1G13120 Synthetic Lethality AT5G13430 AT1G13120 two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality AT5G38890 AT1G13120 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G13160 AT1G50920 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G13160 AT1G52980 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G60780 AT1G13160 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G36930 AT1G13160 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G13160 AT2G44860 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT1G13160 AT3G23620 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT3G55620 AT1G13160 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT3G58660 AT1G13160 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G13160 AT4G26110 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G13160 AT5G04600 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT5G06360 AT1G13160 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G13160 AT5G14520 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G13160 AT5G52820 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT1G18070 AT1G13180 two hybrid AT1G49490 AT1G13180 Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping AT1G67730 AT1G13180 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G43810 AT1G13180 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G38470 AT1G13180 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G41150 AT1G13180 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G22300 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G26140 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G51040 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G53900 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G59740 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G60730 AT1G13320 synthetic growth defect AT2G14560 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G27550 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G31020 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G32670 AT1G13320 two hybrid AT2G38490 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G41530 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G47510 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G13560 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G18660 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G44590 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G51880 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G59020 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G59410 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G00520 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G02050 AT1G13320 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex AT4G04210 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G04695 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G10130 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G10920 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G21680 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G22790 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G29430 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G31470 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36860 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G01390 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G12010 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G12350 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G20560 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G27720 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G62880 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64760 AT1G13320 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G13440 AT1G05120 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G13440 AT1G10580 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G03820 AT1G13440 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G13440 AT3G04120 Synthetic Lethality|Shared biological function|Enriched domain pair|Gene fusion method|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT3G06720 AT1G13440 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT3G07180 AT1G13440 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G12780 AT1G13440 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G17660 AT1G13440 two hybrid AT3G26020 AT1G13440 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT4G12460 AT1G13440 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G26720 AT1G13440 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT4G26840 AT1G13440 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G38630 AT1G13440 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G51120 AT1G13440 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G52640 AT1G13440 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G28360 AT1G13560 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G60550 AT1G13560 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34580 AT1G13560 Synthetic Rescue AT5G52640 AT1G13560 synthetic growth defect AT1G13580 AT1G04750 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G13580 AT1G07420 two hybrid AT1G13580 AT1G08750 two hybrid AT1G13580 AT1G11680 two hybrid AT1G13580 AT1G13580 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G17810 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G19730 AT1G13580 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G20693 AT1G13580 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G21370 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G28460 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G32090 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G55300 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G63780 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G68020 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G69640 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G76300 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G78770 AT1G13580 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality AT1G80050 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect AT2G32670 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G33560 AT1G13580 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G34750 AT1G13580 Co-purification|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G34890 AT1G13580 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|synthetic growth defect AT2G34980 AT1G13580 two hybrid AT2G37790 AT1G13580 Synthetic Lethality AT2G40400 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G45960 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G48100 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G01090 AT1G13580 biochemical AT3G04460 AT1G13580 Synthetic Lethality AT3G06483 AT1G13580 Synthetic Lethality|biochemical|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G09640 AT1G13580 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G11230 AT1G13580 Synthetic Lethality AT3G11240 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G13210 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality AT3G13445 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality AT3G21460 AT1G13580 Synthetic Lethality AT3G22110 AT1G13580 Synthetic Rescue AT3G22480 AT1G13580 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Suppression AT3G24010 AT1G13580 Synthetic Lethality AT3G45240 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G48930 AT1G13580 biochemical AT3G55360 AT1G13580 two hybrid AT3G57300 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G59540 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G60180 AT1G13580 Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G60360 AT1G13580 Synthetic Lethality AT3G62870 AT1G13580 synthetic growth defect AT4G09800 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G14710 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G16660 AT1G13580 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality AT4G18800 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G21490 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G25340 AT1G13580 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G25740 AT1G13580 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G27130 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G28860 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G38250 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Suppression|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G39200 AT1G13580 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality AT4G39830 AT1G13580 two hybrid AT5G09660 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G10350 AT1G13580 Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G14180 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect AT5G15450 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G16980 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G45620 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality AT5G51820 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G54840 AT1G13580 two hybrid AT5G54940 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect AT5G58180 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G60540 AT1G13580 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G64760 AT1G13580 synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G65990 AT1G13580 two hybrid AT5G66680 AT1G13580 two hybrid AT1G13640 AT1G10810 interologs mapping AT3G09630 AT1G13640 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G62870 AT1G13640 synthetic growth defect AT4G39100 AT1G13640 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G62870 AT1G13700 synthetic growth defect AT5G25490 AT1G13700 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G49540 AT1G13870 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT3G19980 AT1G13870 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT3G54610 AT1G13870 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression AT4G35800 AT1G13870 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G09740 AT1G13870 synthetic growth defect AT5G50320 AT1G13870 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interaction prediction AT5G67270 AT1G13870 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT1G13950 AT1G06960 Synthetic Lethality AT1G26320 AT1G13950 Synthetic Lethality AT1G72560 AT1G13950 Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping AT1G77780 AT1G13950 Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality AT2G17420 AT1G13950 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality AT3G11290 AT1G13950 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G14290 AT1G13950 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G15710 AT1G13950 interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping AT3G24010 AT1G13950 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Lethality AT3G53030 AT1G13950 Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Lethality AT4G35520 AT1G13950 synthetic growth defect AT4G36050 AT1G13950 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT4G38250 AT1G13950 synthetic growth defect AT5G04800 AT1G13950 synthetic growth defect AT5G19310 AT1G13950 two hybrid AT5G47630 AT1G13950 synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality AT5G62880 AT1G13950 Synthetic Rescue AT1G14010 AT1G02730 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G14010 AT1G06790 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G14010 AT1G07790 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G14010 AT1G10940 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G16880 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G18870 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G27040 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G27080 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G30810 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G04660 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G20410 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G29680 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G29940 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G31060 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G38960 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G01280 AT1G14010 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G05760 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G08980 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G09820 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G25800 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G46900 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G52590 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G53880 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification AT3G54630 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G55605 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G00810 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G04720 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G08690 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G17190 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G28470 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G31770 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G31985 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G16960 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45380 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G49030 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59890 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59960 AT1G14010 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G14300 AT1G04130 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G14300 AT1G14300 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G13480 AT1G14300 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G52640 AT1G14300 synthetic growth defect AT1G33770 AT1G14310 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G63110 AT1G14310 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G12530 AT1G14310 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G26590 AT1G14310 biochemical AT3G47370 AT1G14310 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT3G52390 AT1G14310 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G28950 AT1G14310 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT5G65430 AT1G14310 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G67380 AT1G14310 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G14320 AT1G10070 biochemical|Synthetic Lethality AT1G14320 AT1G14320 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G44180 AT1G14320 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G60680 AT1G14320 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G72340 AT1G14320 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT2G01250 AT1G14320 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G14880 AT1G14320 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G17360 AT1G14320 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G32050 AT1G14320 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G46070 AT1G14320 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G08700 AT1G14320 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G14320 AT1G14320 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT4G23430 AT1G14320 Synthetic Lethality AT5G06130 AT1G14320 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G07090 AT1G14320 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G08160 AT1G14320 interologs mapping AT5G19450 AT1G14320 Synthetic Lethality AT5G41610 AT1G14320 interologs mapping AT5G52640 AT1G14360 synthetic growth defect AT2G37840 AT1G14570 biochemical AT3G18860 AT1G14570 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G03340 AT1G14570 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G14610 AT1G04950 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT2G39770 AT1G14610 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G43810 AT1G14610 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT4G08500 AT1G14610 biochemical AT1G14620 AT1G05190 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G14620 AT1G07830 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G65540 AT1G14620 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G14620 AT3G17465 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT3G63490 AT1G14620 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G01310 AT1G14620 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G21110 AT1G14620 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G31460 AT1G14620 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G40950 AT1G14620 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64650 AT1G14620 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G14620 AT5G64670 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression ATCG00160 AT1G14620 Affinity Capture-MS ATCG00790 AT1G14620 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G14640 AT1G09770 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G20960 AT1G14640 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G28060 AT1G14640 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G60170 AT1G14640 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G80070 AT1G14640 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G23930 AT1G14640 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G33340 AT1G14640 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification AT3G05760 AT1G14640 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G17660 AT1G14640 Synthetic Lethality AT4G02840 AT1G14640 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT4G03430 AT1G14640 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G21660 AT1G14640 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G27720 AT1G14640 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G14810 AT1G31230 Synthetic Rescue|Gene neighbors method|Co-expression AT3G25230 AT1G14810 Synthetic Rescue AT4G03430 AT1G14810 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT4G26840 AT1G14810 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G14850 AT1G10930 synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect AT1G27310 AT1G14850 interologs mapping AT1G31812 AT1G14850 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G59660 AT1G14850 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G63110 AT1G14850 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G54380 AT1G14850 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G62870 AT1G14850 synthetic growth defect AT3G63130 AT1G14850 interologs mapping AT5G37720 AT1G14850 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G42190 AT1G14850 two hybrid AT5G52640 AT1G14850 synthetic growth defect AT5G53480 AT1G14850 Synthetic Lethality AT2G33340 AT1G14910 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G62870 AT1G14910 synthetic growth defect AT1G14980 AT1G14980 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT3G06720 AT1G14980 interaction prediction|two hybrid AT5G19820 AT1G14980 interaction prediction|two hybrid AT5G52640 AT1G14980 two hybrid AT5G54840 AT1G14980 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G55130 AT1G15080 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT1G72480 AT1G15080 two hybrid AT2G02370 AT1G15080 two hybrid AT4G39850 AT1G15080 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT5G52640 AT1G15080 synthetic growth defect AT1G15130 AT1G02740 synthetic growth defect AT1G15130 AT1G11680 Synthetic Lethality AT2G13680 AT1G15130 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality AT2G19830 AT1G15130 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT2G27600 AT1G15130 two hybrid|two hybrid|interaction prediction AT3G50670 AT1G15130 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT5G52640 AT1G15130 synthetic growth defect AT1G15170 AT1G10070 biochemical AT1G15170 AT1G10210 Affinity Capture-MS|biochemical AT1G15170 AT1G15170 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G39290 AT1G15170 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G03920 AT1G15170 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G50960 AT1G15170 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G08800 AT1G15170 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G06290 AT1G15170 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G15210 AT1G05650 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G15210 AT1G07930 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G15210 AT1G11530 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G20696 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G26140 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G34580 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G50310 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G51770 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G55730 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G63660 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G76720 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G78970 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G04940 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-RNA AT2G20450 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G24040 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G31020 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G37470 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G41530 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G47640 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G08950 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G12530 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G12690 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G16050 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G20390 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G20650 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G23570 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G30842 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G52390 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G52580 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G56190 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G59410 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36860 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09390 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G12350 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G15450 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-RNA AT5G19660 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G24400 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G47880 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G57625 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G60390 AT1G15210 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G20260 AT1G15240 interologs mapping AT1G20693 AT1G15240 Synthetic Lethality AT1G25155 AT1G15240 synthetic growth defect AT1G74710 AT1G15240 synthetic growth defect AT1G78770 AT1G15240 Synthetic Lethality AT3G06470 AT1G15240 biochemical AT3G25900 AT1G15240 Synthetic Lethality AT3G26590 AT1G15240 biochemical AT3G48930 AT1G15240 biochemical AT4G13980 AT1G15240 biochemical AT4G14240 AT1G15240 biochemical AT4G25950 AT1G15240 biochemical AT4G30800 AT1G15240 biochemical AT4G33730 AT1G15240 biochemical AT4G34555 AT1G15240 biochemical AT4G35090 AT1G15240 biochemical|interologs mapping AT5G06290 AT1G15240 biochemical AT5G16170 AT1G15240 Synthetic Lethality AT5G44740 AT1G15240 biochemical AT5G63400 AT1G15240 biochemical AT5G66640 AT1G15240 biochemical AT1G15420 AT1G07890 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G72320 AT1G15420 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G15420 AT2G47990 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G15420 AT3G05060 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT3G06530 AT1G15420 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G60860 AT1G15420 Synthetic Lethality AT3G62870 AT1G15420 synthetic growth defect AT4G07410 AT1G15420 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G15440 AT1G04750 synthetic growth defect AT1G15440 AT1G05180 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G15440 AT1G07340 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G15440 AT1G14910 two hybrid AT1G15440 AT1G15440 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT1G15440 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT1G25155 AT1G15440 synthetic growth defect AT1G30220 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G15440 AT1G31660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G43670 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G48605 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G48860 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G54270 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G54560 AT1G15440 Reconstituted Complex|biochemical AT1G15440 AT1G63810 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G70490 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G72320 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G74710 AT1G15440 synthetic growth defect AT1G78770 AT1G15440 synthetic growth defect AT1G80190 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G01830 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G13620 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G14120 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G14560 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G15440 AT2G17250 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT2G35390 AT1G15440 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Protein-peptide|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G15440 AT2G36160 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT2G37925 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G38600 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G41380 AT1G15440 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality AT2G45170 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G47090 AT1G15440 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality AT2G47510 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G15440 AT3G05060 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT3G06530 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G07140 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G08710 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G15440 AT3G10530 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT3G13060 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G18370 AT1G15440 Synthetic Lethality AT3G18660 AT1G15440 synthetic growth defect AT3G24010 AT1G15440 Synthetic Lethality AT3G27440 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G51880 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G53030 AT1G15440 Synthetic Lethality AT3G53870 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G55400 AT1G15440 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality AT3G56510 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G60180 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G63150 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G02050 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G15440 AT4G04940 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G15440 AT4G05410 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT4G13980 AT1G15440 biochemical AT4G14800 AT1G15440 Synthetic Lethality AT4G16370 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G25850 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Protein-peptide|far western blotting|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G15440 AT4G28200 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT4G30991 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G31985 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G33650 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G33730 AT1G15440 biochemical AT4G34880 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09390 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G11920 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G15440 AT5G14050 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT5G15090 AT1G15440 Synthetic Lethality AT1G15440 AT5G16750 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT5G18380 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G26250 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G38890 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G44830 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45620 AT1G15440 Synthetic Lethality AT5G52640 AT1G15440 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G15520 AT1G15520 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G20280 AT1G15520 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT2G29540 AT1G15520 Synthetic Rescue AT2G31020 AT1G15520 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Synthetic Rescue|Dosage Growth Defect AT4G13090 AT1G15520 synthetic growth defect AT4G15370 AT1G15520 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping AT3G13970 AT1G15710 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G13480 AT1G15710 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G49540 AT1G15780 Synthetic Lethality AT1G75510 AT1G15780 Affinity Capture-Western|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G79730 AT1G15780 Affinity Capture-Western|synthetic growth defect AT3G22590 AT1G15780 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT3G45630 AT1G15780 synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality AT3G58560 AT1G15780 Synthetic Lethality AT4G21010 AT1G15780 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid AT4G35800 AT1G15780 Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification AT5G03220 AT1G15780 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G07760 AT1G15780 interologs mapping AT5G13680 AT1G15780 Synthetic Lethality AT5G19910 AT1G15780 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G50320 AT1G15780 Synthetic Lethality AT5G63610 AT1G15780 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Suppression|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G15880 AT1G13950 synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality AT1G26320 AT1G15880 Synthetic Lethality AT2G19160 AT1G15880 two hybrid AT2G20510 AT1G15880 Synthetic Lethality AT4G26510 AT1G15880 Affinity Capture-Western AT4G30540 AT1G15880 Synthetic Lethality AT5G09590 AT1G15880 Synthetic Lethality AT5G09660 AT1G15880 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G19090 AT1G15880 two hybrid AT5G26340 AT1G15880 two hybrid AT2G33340 AT1G15930 Co-purification AT5G19310 AT1G15930 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G15960 AT1G06720 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G25510 AT1G15960 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G26140 AT1G15960 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G47830 AT1G15960 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G53900 AT1G15960 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G31020 AT1G15960 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G36380 AT1G15960 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G12200 AT1G15960 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G55810 AT1G15960 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G34430 AT1G15960 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G39830 AT1G15960 synthetic growth defect AT5G47080 AT1G15960 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G52640 AT1G15960 synthetic growth defect AT5G60020 AT1G15960 synthetic growth defect AT1G16030 AT1G02920 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G16030 AT1G03475 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G16030 AT1G03530 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G18830 AT1G16030 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G26160 AT1G16030 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G31660 AT1G16030 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G34340 AT1G16030 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G49490 AT1G16030 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G53530 AT1G16030 Synthetic Lethality AT1G55810 AT1G16030 Synthetic Lethality AT1G61670 AT1G16030 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G62740 AT1G16030 two hybrid AT1G64230 AT1G16030 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G71530 AT1G16030 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G80050 AT1G16030 Synthetic Lethality AT2G01830 AT1G16030 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G15820 AT1G16030 biochemical AT2G31970 AT1G16030 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G38230 AT1G16030 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G48100 AT1G16030 Synthetic Lethality AT3G04680 AT1G16030 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G06720 AT1G16030 interologs mapping AT3G09100 AT1G16030 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G16030 AT3G09440 Affinity Capture-MS|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT1G16030 AT3G12580 Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement|Shared biological function|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT3G18030 AT1G16030 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G19930 AT1G16030 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G24350 AT1G16030 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G62870 AT1G16030 synthetic growth defect AT4G08800 AT1G16030 Synthetic Lethality AT4G16360 AT1G16030 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G24040 AT1G16030 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G25150 AT1G16030 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G28200 AT1G16030 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G30540 AT1G16030 Synthetic Lethality AT4G36630 AT1G16030 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G17990 AT1G16030 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G22060 AT1G16030 Synthetic Lethality|Co-crystal Structure AT5G38470 AT1G16030 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G47880 AT1G16030 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G52200 AT1G16030 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G52640 AT1G16030 Affinity Capture-Western|synthetic growth defect AT5G53120 AT1G16030 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G55090 AT1G16030 Affinity Capture-Western AT5G65430 AT1G16030 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G65690 AT1G16030 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G17745 AT1G16180 two hybrid AT3G62870 AT1G16230 synthetic growth defect AT5G01390 AT1G16230 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G16240 AT1G13950 Synthetic Lethality AT1G16240 AT1G16240 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G25155 AT1G16240 synthetic growth defect AT1G29960 AT1G16240 Colocalization AT1G34580 AT1G16240 Protein-peptide|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-crystal Structure|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G70290 AT1G16240 biochemical AT1G72680 AT1G16240 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G74710 AT1G16240 synthetic growth defect AT1G78960 AT1G16240 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT2G03250 AT1G16240 two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G27340 AT1G16240 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G29540 AT1G16240 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G32670 AT1G16240 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G34890 AT1G16240 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G38880 AT1G16240 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G40400 AT1G16240 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G20050 AT1G16240 two hybrid|two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality AT3G22320 AT1G16240 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G28610 AT1G16240 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G45590 AT1G16240 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G46320 AT1G16240 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G47120 AT1G16240 Affinity Capture-Western AT3G50780 AT1G16240 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G50860 AT1G16240 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G57140 AT1G16240 biochemical AT3G62870 AT1G16240 synthetic growth defect AT4G01100 AT1G16240 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G13980 AT1G16240 biochemical AT4G33730 AT1G16240 biochemical AT5G27670 AT1G16240 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-crystal Structure AT5G38890 AT1G16240 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G53940 AT1G16240 Synthetic Rescue AT1G15440 AT1G16280 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G16280 AT1G31660 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-expression AT3G13445 AT1G16280 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G52640 AT1G16280 two hybrid AT3G62870 AT1G16330 synthetic growth defect AT1G16350 AT1G03530 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G16350 AT1G04480 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G17760 AT1G16350 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G75230 AT1G16350 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT2G17360 AT1G16350 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G21580 AT1G16350 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G33240 AT1G16350 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G33340 AT1G16350 Co-purification AT3G04820 AT1G16350 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G13580 AT1G16350 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G15460 AT1G16350 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G24080 AT1G16350 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G46960 AT1G16350 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G62310 AT1G16350 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G08350 AT1G16350 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G18040 AT1G16350 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G23430 AT1G16350 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G30800 AT1G16350 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G15200 AT1G16350 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G22440 AT1G16350 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G26110 AT1G16350 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G37720 AT1G16350 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G53770 AT1G16350 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G59240 AT1G16350 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G61460 AT1G16350 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G66100 AT1G16350 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G16360 AT1G10210 biochemical AT1G16360 AT1G12110 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G16360 AT1G16360 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G27040 AT1G16360 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G52300 AT1G16360 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G54270 AT1G16360 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G20000 AT1G16360 Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Rescue AT4G21980 AT1G16360 Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G53480 AT1G16360 Phenotypic Enhancement|interologs mapping AT4G18800 AT1G16470 interologs mapping AT1G16560 AT1G08750 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT1G16560 AT1G08780 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT1G22200 AT1G16560 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G26450 AT1G16560 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G53710 AT1G16560 Synthetic Rescue|interaction prediction AT1G57600 AT1G16560 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Suppression AT1G67490 AT1G16560 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction AT2G17520 AT1G16560 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G22530 AT1G16560 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G30710 AT1G16560 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G39630 AT1G16560 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G44660 AT1G16560 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT3G12180 AT1G16560 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G22480 AT1G16560 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT3G22845 AT1G16560 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G45740 AT1G16560 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G62870 AT1G16560 synthetic growth defect AT3G62930 AT1G16560 interologs mapping AT5G10260 AT1G16560 Synthetic Lethality AT5G27970 AT1G16560 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G38460 AT1G16560 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G49510 AT1G16560 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT5G52640 AT1G16560 Synthetic Lethality AT5G61790 AT1G16560 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G16570 AT1G07420 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT1G16570 AT1G08750 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT1G16570 AT1G16570 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G32090 AT1G16570 two hybrid AT2G34980 AT1G16570 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT3G54700 AT1G16570 two hybrid AT3G55360 AT1G16570 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT4G32530 AT1G16570 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT4G39830 AT1G16570 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT5G66680 AT1G16570 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT5G16820 AT1G16690 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G20580 AT1G16800 interaction prediction|two hybrid|interologs mapping AT1G65660 AT1G16800 two hybrid AT2G39840 AT1G16800 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT3G04610 AT1G16800 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G48750 AT1G16800 biochemical|interaction prediction AT4G08350 AT1G16800 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G25120 AT1G16800 two hybrid AT5G41150 AT1G16800 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G18870 AT1G16880 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G27040 AT1G16880 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G01830 AT1G16880 Affinity Capture-Western|synthetic growth defect AT2G18230 AT1G16880 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G01280 AT1G16880 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G04770 AT1G16880 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G05760 AT1G16880 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G05960 AT1G16880 Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect AT3G08980 AT1G16880 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G53880 AT1G16880 Co-purification AT3G62870 AT1G16880 synthetic growth defect AT4G18880 AT1G16880 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G28470 AT1G16880 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G16960 AT1G16880 two hybrid|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT5G23290 AT1G16880 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G45380 AT1G16880 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59890 AT1G16880 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G20575 AT1G16900 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G17520 AT1G16900 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G16900 AT5G66680 Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-expression AT1G02130 AT1G16920 Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping|Gene neighbors method|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT1G16920 AT1G11680 Synthetic Lethality AT1G16920 AT1G16920 two hybrid AT1G55190 AT1G16920 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT1G59820 AT1G16920 Synthetic Lethality AT2G36300 AT1G16920 interaction prediction|two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Lethality|two hybrid|interologs mapping AT2G37550 AT1G16920 interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality AT2G39840 AT1G16920 two hybrid AT3G05000 AT1G16920 interologs mapping AT3G05710 AT1G16920 Co-purification AT3G12740 AT1G16920 interologs mapping AT3G24350 AT1G16920 Co-purification AT3G59500 AT1G16920 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|interaction prediction AT3G60860 AT1G16920 interologs mapping AT1G16920 AT4G18430 interologs mapping|synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT4G34580 AT1G16920 Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect AT5G09350 AT1G16920 Synthetic Lethality AT1G16920 AT5G09550 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|interaction prediction|Enriched domain pair|Co-expression AT5G16040 AT1G16920 two hybrid AT5G52640 AT1G16920 two hybrid|synthetic growth defect AT5G54750 AT1G16920 Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping AT1G16970 AT1G10520 Synthetic Rescue AT1G54390 AT1G16970 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G67500 AT1G16970 Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G37470 AT1G16970 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G06910 AT1G16970 Synthetic Lethality AT5G10400 AT1G16970 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G16970 AT5G27740 Phenotypic Enhancement|Co-expression AT5G40820 AT1G16970 Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue|Phenotypic Suppression AT5G41150 AT1G16970 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G48640 AT1G16970 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G52640 AT1G16970 synthetic growth defect AT5G59690 AT1G16970 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G64630 AT1G16970 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G17070 AT1G17070 two hybrid AT1G17130 AT1G17070 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G20960 AT1G17070 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G60170 AT1G17070 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G80070 AT1G17070 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping AT2G20000 AT1G17070 two hybrid AT2G23930 AT1G17070 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G33340 AT1G17070 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G54670 AT1G17070 two hybrid AT3G62310 AT1G17070 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|two hybrid|biochemical|Reconstituted Complex|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect AT4G03430 AT1G17070 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G04885 AT1G17070 two hybrid AT4G30220 AT1G17070 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G06140 AT1G17070 two hybrid AT5G06160 AT1G17070 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G28740 AT1G17070 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G41770 AT1G17070 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G52300 AT1G17130 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|synthetic growth defect AT1G66590 AT1G17130 two hybrid AT1G77990 AT1G17130 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G20290 AT1G17130 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT2G31900 AT1G17130 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G33340 AT1G17130 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|interaction prediction AT2G46710 AT1G17130 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex AT3G62760 AT1G17130 Reconstituted Complex AT3G62870 AT1G17130 synthetic growth defect AT4G04700 AT1G17130 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping AT4G14800 AT1G17130 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G15900 AT1G17130 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT4G39200 AT1G17130 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G13860 AT1G17130 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Protein-peptide AT1G17140 AT1G03150 Synthetic Rescue AT1G73570 AT1G17140 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality AT3G12110 AT1G17140 Co-purification|interologs mapping|Synthetic Rescue AT3G43810 AT1G17140 Reconstituted Complex AT5G07760 AT1G17140 interologs mapping AT5G09230 AT1G17140 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09740 AT1G17140 Synthetic Lethality AT5G10390 AT1G17140 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G52640 AT1G17140 two hybrid AT5G66100 AT1G17140 Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping AT1G23260 AT1G17145 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G78870 AT1G17145 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G17520 AT1G17145 biochemical AT2G37840 AT1G17145 biochemical AT2G39840 AT1G17145 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT3G01090 AT1G17145 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid AT3G06483 AT1G17145 biochemical AT5G12480 AT1G17145 biochemical AT5G52640 AT1G17160 synthetic growth defect AT3G11910 AT1G17290 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G20140 AT1G17470 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G46900 AT1G17470 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G17530 AT1G17530 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G20350 AT1G17530 interaction prediction|Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|Co-purification|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT1G55900 AT1G17530 two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification AT2G20510 AT1G17530 interaction prediction|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT3G59280 AT1G17530 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification AT5G09590 AT1G17530 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|synthetic growth defect|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|interaction prediction AT1G61010 AT1G17680 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G06634 AT1G17680 two hybrid|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT4G35800 AT1G17680 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G41010 AT1G17680 two hybrid|far western blotting|interologs mapping AT5G51660 AT1G17680 Reconstituted Complex AT2G37840 AT1G17690 biochemical AT2G45490 AT1G17690 biochemical AT4G20400 AT1G17690 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G22840 AT1G17690 biochemical AT1G17720 AT1G07270 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G78770 AT1G17720 Synthetic Rescue AT2G37550 AT1G17720 interologs mapping AT2G37840 AT1G17720 biochemical AT2G42500 AT1G17720 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Rescue|interaction prediction AT3G11910 AT1G17720 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G25800 AT1G17720 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|interaction prediction AT3G56440 AT1G17720 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G15475 AT1G17720 Synthetic Lethality AT5G45550 AT1G17720 interologs mapping AT5G54840 AT1G17720 Phenotypic Suppression|interologs mapping AT5G59690 AT1G17720 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G17745 AT1G17745 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT1G17745 AT4G34200 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Enhancement|Enriched domain pair|Phylogenetic profile method|Co-expression AT5G52640 AT1G17745 synthetic growth defect AT1G17760 AT1G17680 Reconstituted Complex AT1G17760 AT1G17760 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT1G17980 AT1G17760 Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G61010 AT1G17760 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G74060 AT1G17760 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G04680 AT1G17760 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT3G12110 AT1G17760 Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT4G04885 AT1G17760 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Lethality AT4G08350 AT1G17760 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G14300 AT1G17760 interaction prediction|two hybrid|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping AT4G15770 AT1G17760 Synthetic Lethality AT4G23920 AT1G17760 interologs mapping AT1G17760 AT4G35800 two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-expression AT5G13480 AT1G17760 interaction prediction|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping AT5G14530 AT1G17760 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G47430 AT1G17760 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G51660 AT1G17760 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G54910 AT1G17760 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G17790 AT1G04730 synthetic growth defect AT1G52740 AT1G17790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G54140 AT1G17790 Synthetic Lethality AT1G55300 AT1G17790 Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT1G66740 AT1G17790 Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G44580 AT1G17790 synthetic growth defect AT2G47210 AT1G17790 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G12810 AT1G17790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G13445 AT1G17790 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G44530 AT1G17790 Synthetic Lethality AT3G46320 AT1G17790 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G31720 AT1G17790 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G09740 AT1G17790 Synthetic Lethality AT5G10400 AT1G17790 Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G22330 AT1G17790 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G42190 AT1G17790 interaction prediction|two hybrid|interologs mapping AT5G45600 AT1G17790 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping AT5G59690 AT1G17790 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G63610 AT1G17790 biochemical AT5G67270 AT1G17790 Synthetic Lethality ATCG00790 AT1G17790 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G21700 AT1G17810 synthetic growth defect AT1G28460 AT1G17810 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G29970 AT1G17810 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G55300 AT1G17810 Synthetic Lethality AT2G37790 AT1G17810 Synthetic Lethality AT3G09700 AT1G17810 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G13445 AT1G17810 Synthetic Lethality AT3G60180 AT1G17810 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G10130 AT1G17810 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G33650 AT1G17810 Synthetic Lethality AT5G09590 AT1G17810 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G16980 AT1G17810 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G19830 AT1G17810 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G58180 AT1G17810 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G66950 AT1G17880 two hybrid AT4G39100 AT1G17880 interologs mapping AT1G21570 AT1G17980 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G49760 AT1G17980 biochemical AT1G61010 AT1G17980 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT1G73820 AT1G17980 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G73960 AT1G17980 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G39840 AT1G17980 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT2G47610 AT1G17980 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G06720 AT1G17980 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT4G04885 AT1G17980 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G08350 AT1G17980 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G13480 AT1G17980 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT5G14530 AT1G17980 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G35910 AT1G17980 Synthetic Rescue|Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Rescue AT5G47430 AT1G17980 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G51660 AT1G17980 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT5G54910 AT1G17980 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G55750 AT1G18040 Co-purification AT1G61040 AT1G18040 Synthetic Lethality AT1G18040 AT1G73820 Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-expression AT2G18040 AT1G18040 Synthetic Rescue AT4G35800 AT1G18040 biochemical|biochemical|biochemical|biochemical|biochemical|biochemical|far western blotting|interologs mapping|interaction prediction AT5G48545 AT1G18040 interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G18070 AT1G03530 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G18070 AT1G18070 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|Co-crystal Structure|interaction prediction AT1G32340 AT1G18070 Reconstituted Complex|interologs mapping AT1G74310 AT1G18070 interaction prediction|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Colocalization AT2G39260 AT1G18070 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping AT3G12580 AT1G18070 Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G13445 AT1G18070 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G47010 AT1G18070 interaction prediction|Reconstituted Complex|Phenotypic Suppression|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping AT1G18090 AT1G08260 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G18090 AT1G08840 interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping AT1G18090 AT1G16970 Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue AT1G67500 AT1G18090 Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Rescue|synthetic growth defect AT2G31970 AT1G18090 interologs mapping|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G45700 AT1G18090 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G21300 AT1G18090 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G02460 AT1G18090 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G16850 AT1G18090 Synthetic Rescue AT5G26680 AT1G18090 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|interologs mapping|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G40820 AT1G18090 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G41150 AT1G18090 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G43500 AT1G18090 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G52640 AT1G18090 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G54260 AT1G18090 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G55310 AT1G18090 Synthetic Lethality AT5G63960 AT1G18090 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G18100 AT1G18100 two hybrid|two hybrid AT1G19730 AT1G18100 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Rescue|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Synthetic Rescue|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G26320 AT1G18100 Synthetic Lethality AT1G29960 AT1G18100 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G53750 AT1G18100 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Rescue|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Rescue|interologs mapping|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression AT2G03040 AT1G18100 two hybrid AT2G04940 AT1G18100 two hybrid AT2G36380 AT1G18100 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Lethality AT3G22880 AT1G18100 two hybrid AT3G47370 AT1G18100 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G54820 AT1G18100 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality AT3G59280 AT1G18100 interologs mapping|interologs mapping|interologs mapping|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G62870 AT1G18100 synthetic growth defect AT4G00520 AT1G18100 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Suppression AT4G01370 AT1G18100 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G15450 AT1G18100 two hybrid AT5G55630 AT1G18100 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Synthetic Lethality AT1G18270 AT1G13440 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G21170 AT1G18270 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G12780 AT1G18270 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G54610 AT1G18270 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G26840 AT1G18270 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G03220 AT1G18270 Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G60040 AT1G18270 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT1G18320 AT1G17530 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G23820 AT1G18320 two hybrid AT2G29530 AT1G18320 co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G18340 AT1G18040 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G55750 AT1G18340 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT2G20000 AT1G18340 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G11710 AT1G18340 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G12030 AT1G18340 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G27620 AT1G18340 Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G52640 AT1G18360 synthetic growth defect AT1G18540 AT1G11250 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G20760 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G21640 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G54290 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G63290 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G18540 AT1G74060 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Gene fusion method|Gene neighbors method|Phylogenetic profile method AT2G03040 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G14580 AT1G18540 Synthetic Lethality AT2G16090 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G16740 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G18450 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G31170 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G36160 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G12530 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G12580 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G13080 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G20390 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G23570 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G49010 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G49910 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G61430 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G11330 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G24400 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G26600 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36800 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G06420 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G16750 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G20010 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G24410 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid AT5G37850 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G41190 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G46150 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G67380 AT1G18540 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G38960 AT1G18550 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G08650 AT1G18550 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G09820 AT1G18550 two hybrid AT3G62870 AT1G18550 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G24400 AT1G18550 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G11630 AT1G18600 synthetic growth defect AT5G18930 AT1G18600 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G18610 AT1G18610 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G39840 AT1G18610 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G25800 AT1G18610 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G48750 AT1G18610 biochemical AT4G39050 AT1G18610 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G48180 AT1G18610 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G18640 AT1G02680 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G18640 AT1G11890 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G55300 AT1G18640 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G60620 AT1G18640 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G80410 AT1G18640 synthetic growth defect AT2G24490 AT1G18640 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G01340 AT1G18640 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT3G18860 AT1G18640 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G13710 AT1G18640 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G13780 AT1G18640 synthetic growth defect AT5G19180 AT1G18640 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G27970 AT1G18640 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G63110 AT1G18640 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G37760 AT1G18720 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G66680 AT1G18720 interologs mapping|Phenotypic Suppression AT1G23190 AT1G18830 synthetic growth defect AT1G29330 AT1G18830 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G34340 AT1G18830 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G49520 AT1G18830 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G53165 AT1G18830 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G57620 AT1G18830 Reconstituted Complex AT1G61670 AT1G18830 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G73430 AT1G18830 Synthetic Lethality AT2G01830 AT1G18830 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G27340 AT1G18830 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G29190 AT1G18830 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G32765 AT1G18830 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G34450 AT1G18830 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G36300 AT1G18830 Synthetic Lethality AT2G43460 AT1G18830 Synthetic Rescue AT3G01340 AT1G18830 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|Co-crystal Structure AT3G04680 AT1G18830 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G07100 AT1G18830 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT3G54670 AT1G18830 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G62870 AT1G18830 synthetic growth defect AT4G14160 AT1G18830 Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interologs mapping|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G15900 AT1G18830 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G24040 AT1G18830 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G27090 AT1G18830 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G33730 AT1G18830 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G33950 AT1G18830 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G39100 AT1G18830 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G09590 AT1G18830 Synthetic Lethality AT5G10080 AT1G18830 synthetic growth defect AT5G19300 AT1G18830 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G26340 AT1G18830 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G52200 AT1G18830 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G52210 AT1G18830 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G53120 AT1G18830 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G61220 AT1G18830 two hybrid AT5G65690 AT1G18830 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G30810 AT1G18870 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G31190 AT1G18870 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G80030 AT1G18870 Synthetic Lethality AT2G38960 AT1G18870 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G01280 AT1G18870 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality AT3G05760 AT1G18870 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G46900 AT1G18870 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G53880 AT1G18870 Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification AT4G00810 AT1G18870 two hybrid AT4G13980 AT1G18870 biochemical AT4G17190 AT1G18870 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G16960 AT1G18870 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interologs mapping AT5G45380 AT1G18870 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G59890 AT1G18870 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex AT1G19120 AT1G04730 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G19120 AT1G07270 Synthetic Lethality AT1G19120 AT1G10930 synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect AT1G19120 AT1G19120 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT1G20960 AT1G19120 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G28060 AT1G19120 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G29990 AT1G19120 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G32130 AT1G19120 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G49760 AT1G19120 Synthetic Rescue|interaction prediction AT1G54140 AT1G19120 Synthetic Lethality AT1G60170 AT1G19120 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G60620 AT1G19120 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G66740 AT1G19120 Synthetic Lethality AT1G19120 AT1G76860 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|interologs mapping|in vitro|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT1G80070 AT1G19120 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G80410 AT1G19120 synthetic growth defect AT1G19120 AT2G03870 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Colocalization|Co-purification|interologs mapping|in vitro|interaction prediction|Co-expression AT2G13680 AT1G19120 Synthetic Lethality AT2G24490 AT1G19120 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G31970 AT1G19120 synthetic growth defect AT2G33340 AT1G19120 Co-purification AT2G37560 AT1G19120 Synthetic Lethality AT2G43810 AT1G19120 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Suppression|Co-purification|interologs mapping AT2G44580 AT1G19120 synthetic growth defect AT2G44950 AT1G19120 synthetic growth defect AT3G12780 AT1G19120 Protein-RNA AT3G18524 AT1G19120 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G18860 AT1G19120 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G19210 AT1G19120 synthetic growth defect AT3G22590 AT1G19120 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction AT3G25100 AT1G19120 Synthetic Lethality AT3G42660 AT1G19120 synthetic growth defect AT3G44530 AT1G19120 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G46960 AT1G19120 Synthetic Rescue|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G58560 AT1G19120 Synthetic Lethality AT4G00660 AT1G19120 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT4G03430 AT1G19120 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G26110 AT1G19120 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G09740 AT1G19120 synthetic growth defect AT5G10260 AT1G19120 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G10960 AT1G19120 Synthetic Lethality AT5G12480 AT1G19120 biochemical AT5G13570 AT1G19120 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|interaction prediction AT5G13780 AT1G19120 synthetic growth defect AT5G19740 AT1G19120 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G20850 AT1G19120 synthetic growth defect AT5G26680 AT1G19120 synthetic growth defect AT5G27720 AT1G19120 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|interologs mapping|in vitro AT5G35910 AT1G19120 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G42000 AT1G19120 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G45600 AT1G19120 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G46030 AT1G19120 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G19120 AT5G48870 interaction prediction|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|interologs mapping|in vitro|Co-expression AT5G52640 AT1G19120 synthetic growth defect AT5G54260 AT1G19120 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G55310 AT1G19120 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G57450 AT1G19120 synthetic growth defect AT5G67270 AT1G19120 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement|interaction prediction AT3G22860 AT1G19140 Reconstituted Complex AT4G01850 AT1G19140 biochemical|Affinity Capture-Western AT5G16170 AT1G19140 synthetic growth defect AT5G19150 AT1G19140 biochemical AT5G49060 AT1G19140 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G19660 AT1G05000 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G19660 AT1G08120 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G19660 AT1G14910 two hybrid AT1G19660 AT1G19660 Reconstituted Complex|Reconstituted Complex|Co-purification|Co-crystal Structure AT1G53530 AT1G19660 synthetic growth defect AT1G66590 AT1G19660 two hybrid AT2G05170 AT1G19660 Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality|synthetic growth defect AT2G14610 AT1G19660 Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Synthetic Lethality AT2G31020 AT1G19660 Affinity Capture-MS|biochemical|Affinity Capture-Western|Colocalization AT2G32220 AT1G19660 interologs mapping|synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect|interologs mapping AT2G45130 AT1G19660 Affinity Capture-MS AT2G45710 AT1G19660 Synthetic Lethality|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT2G47090 AT1G19660 Synthetic Lethality AT2G47510 AT1G19660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|two hybrid|two hybrid|Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping AT3G13080 AT1G19660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G21700 AT1G19660 interologs mapping|Synthetic Lethality AT3G62770 AT1G19660 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality AT3G62870 AT1G19660 synthetic growth defect|two hybrid AT4G15410 AT1G19660 interologs mapping AT4G19560 AT1G19660 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G19880 AT1G19660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|Synthetic Lethality|Affinity Capture-MS AT4G36490 AT1G19660 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G01410 AT1G19660 Synthetic Lethality AT5G12010 AT1G19660 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G16150 AT1G19660 two hybrid AT5G46410 AT1G19660 two hybrid AT5G60550 AT1G19660 Synthetic Rescue AT5G60980 AT1G19660 Affinity Capture-MS|Synthetic Lethality AT5G63980 AT1G19660 Synthetic Rescue AT1G19730 AT1G01930 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G19730 AT1G05180 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G19730 AT1G19730 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G27450 AT1G19730 two hybrid AT1G29960 AT1G19730 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G53750 AT1G19730 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G66590 AT1G19730 Phenotypic Enhancement|two hybrid AT1G71860 AT1G19730 Colocalization AT1G75170 AT1G19730 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G75380 AT1G19730 interologs mapping AT1G77750 AT1G19730 Affinity Capture-Western|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G77990 AT1G19730 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G80500 AT1G19730 interologs mapping AT2G36380 AT1G19730 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western AT2G46710 AT1G19730 Reconstituted Complex AT3G11240 AT1G19730 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G12200 AT1G19730 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G26590 AT1G19730 biochemical AT3G54820 AT1G19730 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Reconstituted Complex|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation|interologs mapping AT3G56160 AT1G19730 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G59280 AT1G19730 two hybrid AT3G62770 AT1G19730 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G62870 AT1G19730 two hybrid AT4G00520 AT1G19730 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|interologs mapping AT4G10130 AT1G19730 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G14000 AT1G19730 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G14350 AT1G19730 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G16360 AT1G19730 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G16370 AT1G19730 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G21490 AT1G19730 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G22330 AT1G19730 Affinity Capture-MS AT4G29580 AT1G19730 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G36750 AT1G19730 Affinity Capture-MS AT5G01770 AT1G19730 two hybrid|Phenotypic Enhancement|two hybrid AT5G09590 AT1G19730 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G24840 AT1G19730 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G55630 AT1G19730 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|co-fractionation|Co-fractionation AT1G19750 AT1G04750 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G19750 AT1G16240 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G27040 AT1G19750 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Suppression AT1G28460 AT1G19750 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G48860 AT1G19750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G55300 AT1G19750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G56050 AT1G19750 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT1G74560 AT1G19750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G75290 AT1G19750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G80050 AT1G19750 Synthetic Lethality AT2G03130 AT1G19750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G48100 AT1G19750 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G07140 AT1G19750 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Phenotypic Suppression AT3G11240 AT1G19750 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G13445 AT1G19750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G59540 AT1G19750 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G12650 AT1G19750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G16420 AT1G19750 synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G18800 AT1G19750 Phenotypic Enhancement|Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G21680 AT1G19750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G27130 AT1G19750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G39200 AT1G19750 Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality AT5G09590 AT1G19750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G14060 AT1G19750 Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality AT5G51820 AT1G19750 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G60540 AT1G19750 Phenotypic Enhancement|Synthetic Lethality AT1G54140 AT1G19910 Synthetic Lethality AT1G78900 AT1G19910 Affinity Capture-Western AT2G31300 AT1G19910 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT3G18430 AT1G19910 Synthetic Lethality|interaction prediction AT3G45630 AT1G19910 synthetic growth defect|Synthetic Lethality AT4G39830 AT1G19910 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT5G10260 AT1G19910 Synthetic Lethality AT5G66680 AT1G19910 two hybrid|interaction prediction AT1G20080 AT1G05500 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G70600 AT1G20080 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS AT5G11100 AT1G20080 two hybrid AT5G17770 AT1G20080 Affinity Capture-MS AT1G20090 AT1G04750 synthetic growth defect AT1G20090 AT1G10090 Synthetic Lethality AT1G25155 AT1G20090 synthetic growth defect AT1G26690 AT1G20090 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G34580 AT1G20090 Affinity Capture-Western|Synthetic Rescue AT1G35350 AT1G20090 synthetic growth defect AT1G60970 AT1G20090 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western AT1G74710 AT1G20090 synthetic growth defect AT2G29190 AT1G20090 interologs mapping AT2G44680 AT1G20090 Co-crystal Structure|Co-crystal Structure|two hybrid|two hybrid|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G18660 AT1G20090 synthetic growth defect AT3G22290 AT1G20090 synthetic growth defect AT3G23940 AT1G20090 Affinity Capture-MS AT3G24010 AT1G20090 Synthetic Lethality AT3G53030 AT1G20090 Synthetic Lethality AT3G62870 AT1G20090 synthetic growth defect AT4G12620 AT1G20090 two hybrid|Affinity Capture-Western AT4G27130 AT1G20090 synthetic growth defect AT3G62870 AT1G20140 synthetic growth defect AT4G13980 AT1G20140 biochemical AT4G16420 AT1G20140 Synthetic Lethality AT4G27180 AT1G20140 interologs mapping AT1G20260 AT1G04750 Synthetic Lethality|Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G20260 AT1G20260 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Reconstituted Complex AT1G21700 AT1G20260 synthetic growth defect|synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G23460 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G35350 AT1G20260 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G44180 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G45145 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G47830 AT1G20260 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G52500 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G55300 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G55920 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G60680 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G66590 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G74560 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G80050 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Suppression AT1G80500 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G80510 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G03130 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G19980 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement|Affinity Capture-MS AT2G21250 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G30160 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G31260 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G32160 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT2G38490 AT1G20260 fluorescence acceptor donor pair|fluorescence acceptor donor pair AT2G42120 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Suppression AT2G43460 AT1G20260 Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-MS|Co-purification|Affinity Capture-MS|Affinity Capture-Western|Co-purification|Reconstituted Complex AT2G48100 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G13445 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G18660 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G22110 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G22290 AT1G20260 synthetic growth defect|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G22890 AT1G20260 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G25800 AT1G20260 two hybrid AT3G25900 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G47290 AT1G20260 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G49370 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Suppression AT3G54840 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G58180 AT1G20260 Reconstituted Complex|Affinity Capture-MS AT3G58610 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT3G59540 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G00980 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G04340 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G16265 AT1G20260 two hybrid AT4G16420 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G17190 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G19880 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G21680 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G27130 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT4G33090 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Suppression AT4G39200 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G01430 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G09660 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G14060 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G15450 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G16980 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G17860 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G20340 AT1G20260 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G40650 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G42720 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G45620 AT1G20260 Synthetic Lethality|Phenotypic Enhancement AT5G49060 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Suppression AT5G64760 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement ATCG00905 AT1G20260 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G20330 AT1G05180 Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue AT1G77180 AT1G20330 Synthetic Rescue|Synthetic Rescue AT3G50000 AT1G20330 Phenotypic Enhancement|synthetic growth defect AT5G01330 AT1G20330 Phenotypic Enhancement AT1G20350 AT1G20350 Affinity Capture-Western AT1G55900 AT1G20350 Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western|Affinity Capture-Western AT2